HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1915-09-20 Regular ~,{eeting of the Board of TrUstees of theCity of South San Francisco held Monday September, 20th. 1915. ~ This meeting was called to or~er at 3'2..,. TM b;~ Trustee ¢.U. Holston "P~ esident of the BoardV Roll-call Roll cs~!~ foun¢ the %~owi.ug Trustees present,to wit; F.2. 3-mnnCh~,J.H. Kelley, and ~.W. ~[m!ston. Trustees ~ '" ] . ~,c ~overn and ,a_lace ~i~Teared after roll-ca~l Absent Trustees None. The uinutes of t~e previous neetiug were read and approved . Aa appli=ation 'for a permit to change certain [,oles on CYIU'ess and L~nden Avenues betreen !~[iller and Baden was received from the Pac. Gas & Electric Co. and upon motion of Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee Mc Govern and regularly carrie~ was refered to the City Engineer. An a?p~i~ation for a Class A Liquor L~cens~ was received from L~nden Hotel,which was laid over until next meeting of t~.~e Board. A communication was rece[w~d from the Revere~d James ?. Horan aaL~iag that a street was to be ~raded between ..~prt~.o.etand l~aple and asking that established there so that he ' ' ~ $ . m~gc~ start to buil~ a church. H.J. Vandenbos of the if it was certai~ a ~ fade be The City Cierk was instructed to notify Eeverend J.P. ~'~oran that Ars was the inSentior. of the BOard to establish a street and that the City Engineer would be instructed at omc to establish a grade. ~o,,~h ~ .... ?rancisco Library was taken up The bids for the furnishing of the o ~.-~ ~-~ at thls thne. ~epresentative o ~ ~.F. Weber and Company was present and agreed to furnish the L~br~y for the sum of ~76Z.00. Trustee 2.A. Cunni~ham had received a verbal bid from Wentworth and Company for the sum of $750.00 which bid was accepted by a vote of three Ayes. against two Nm~s~... Trustees Cunningham, 77c Oovern and Holston voting in the affirmative and Tr~mte~s Kelley and Wallace voting Negative. The following resolution was introduced by Trustee ~ic GOvern. V~ere~s, Charles Fenger has s'zrrende~ed the premises ir~ t~e City of South San Francisco kn~o~m as L'nden ¥ tel and has ceased to operate the retail L~quor bu~ness hitherto ten ducted ~- hi~: therein a.~d has removed and , ,%7hereas the fresen~ owner and occupant he lc] S ague 1915 · from ~aid City of South San Prancieco , of said L~nden h re, ~.~.J Vandenbos ,has ,made application for a i~ermit to conduct a retail liquor %u~'iness therein ; ~esolved by said Ba~rd of T_?~stees of tlc ~'~ty of South Sar~ Francisco ,that the permit now Ly said Churl_es ~enger ~or t~,e conduct of said retail liquor '~miness be, and the here~-~ is revoked ,sa~d revocation to become effective on the first ¢~y of October ...... ~,~ the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and ado!ted b~ by ~he Board of ~rao~ees, ~ of the ~ity o~ South San Francisco, this gOth day, of September .~o~low~ng vote; 1915,by the ~ ~ Ayes ~:~ustees '~.~ ~. Cunnincha~. ,J.n. Kelley, J.G. :lc ~overn Ceo. ~.. Ua!lace and O.,;. Hols~ ~o$s, Trustees ¥ ne ~..~e;.:~ Trustees Zone :~lliam J.~°...~t:~ City The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved , .C An application for a permit to change certain T.o!es on Cypress and L~nden Avenues bet~?een iZiller and Baden was received from the Pac. Gas & Electric Co. and upon motion of Trustee Cunni~gham seco'haled by T r~mtee Idc Govern and regularly carrl, was refered to the City Engineer. .!~ a?p~ication for a Class A Liquor L~cense was received from L~nden Hotel,which was lard over until next meeting of t~.~e Board. A communication was rece~_w~d from the Reverend James ?. Koran a~]:ing that a street was to be ~raded betwee~ .,Sprikc~e~and ~aple and asking that .established there so that he ~ '~t buil~[ a church. $ g~, start to H.J. Vandenbos of the if it was certai a O fade be The City Cierk was instructed to notify Reverend J.P. ~{oran that Ats was the inSentio~: of the Board to establish a street and that the City Engineer would be instructed at on~ to establish a grade. The bi~s for the furnishing o,. ,;~e South ~.:. ?rancisco Library was at this thne. epresentative o C.F. Weber and ComBany was i~resent and agreed t~ f,zr~sn the Libr~y for the sum of ~76Z.00. Trustee ~.a. CunniSham had received a verbal bid from Wentworth and Company for the sum of $750.00 which bid was accepted by a vote of three Ayes against two Trustees Cunnin~ham, '~c qovern and Holston voting ~n the a~firmative and Trustees Kelley and Wallace voting Negative. The following resolution wa~ introduced ]? Trustee ~c Govern. ?~ere~s, 'Jharles ~en~er has surrende~e& lh~ premises in ILe Oily of ~o:tth ~'~ ~ranoisco knoum es L~n~en T-T lel an~ h~s ee~se~ lo operAi~ !he re~ail ~ttor ~uAness hilherlo con ducted ~.7 hL'~ therein and has removed and , ?nereas the ~resent owner and occupant hel8 S amc 1915. from 'aid City of South San ?rancieco , of said L~,nden ii'tel H,J. Vandenbos ,has made application for a permit to conduct a retail liquor bu?iness therein ; F. esolve5 by said Bas. rd of T~':~.stees of t}~e J'~ty of South Sa:.~ Francisco,that the permit now '~,y said ~harles ~enger ~,~ ~;,e co~,d,~ct of said retail ?.i~uor :tsiness be, and the hereby is revoked ,sa:d revocation to become effective on the first ~y of October hereby .certify *~hao~ the _-~ore~oing resolution was regularly introduced and adolted by ~he Board of Trustees of the ~ity of South San Francisco, this £0th day of September 19!5,by the ~ ~ · ~o_,low~ng vote, Ayes ~:-ustees ~.A, Cunnincha~ ,J.H. Kelley, J.C. :lc ~overn Ceo. H. Wallace ,~oes Trustees" Absen~ TzusCees ~one · William J. ~°':ith City Clerk and C.W. Holst Upon motion ,of Trt~tee ]:[c Govern seconded by T:ustee Ctutningham that the City Clerk be instructed to noti:?y the South San ~ranc'tsco Land and Improvme:~t Co. to clean off the sidewalk on the north sid'e o ,~a.xa Avenue between 0 444 Eucalyptus Streets. Carried The City Clerk w ~s instructed to a~ain sco, concerning a road from !?ssion Road to the State H~ghway'. The fol!owin~ resolution fixing the Tax rate for the year 1915-16 was introduced by Trustee C~nningh~. Resolved by the Board of Trustees o~ t~ _ ~e City of South San F~ancisco as follows: That the nmmber of cents ~to~be~paid-~hs~taEes into each of the D~ds hereinafter des- ignated upon each one-h~dred Dollars (~100.00) of real and personal property taxable by said City of 'Z~uth San ~rancisco be, and the same horeby are fixed as follows: General 2~d $0.~0 For redemption of sewer ~onds ~0.ZZ Library Grand Avenue E~tention ~d ~0.1~ That the sun of one and 5~]00 Dollars$ (1.0~) be, and the s~e ~ hereby levied is levied upon and ordered collected from each one one hundred iollars (~100.00) o.~ real ~roperty -~thin sai~ City of South San ?rancisco subject to t~ation cy ~nd personal ~ ,.~ said 7ity of Sou:h S~n Francisco. I hereby certify that thc foregoing resolution was regularly ~ntroduced and adopted by th~ B~rd of Tru~tees of the City of South San Francisco this goth day of September, 191~, by the following vote; . -~ ~ ' ~. ~ Geo. H. Wallace ~es Trustees F.A. Cunnin~hau , J.H :~elley, ,~.~ ~c .,~vern, ston. Absent Trustees None Willi~ J. Smith C' ~.~ Clerk The following ~emands were prese~oe~ for pa~ent,were approved :~ut ordered f~led ~til the money was available. Pac. Cas ?c. Electric Co. Current or sign H. Lie ::abort labor on street Louie Varney removing garbage Enterpr~.~e Publishing Co. Zac Cas & Electric Co. Electric lamps Pac. Gas & Electric Co current for City Hall ang 2~re Dept Street lights month Au~:st L~artin Petrousky labor on street communicate with the Flood E~tate Co of ~JanF21anci and ~" ~. ~..Hol- 10 .Z5 2.5B 1.50 62.05 21.70 2. 113. IS .75 T[oved by Trustee Sunniuyham seconded by Trustee ",7-!lace that the Board adjourn until ~,I0nday October ~th 1915,to meet at ~10 L.nden Avenue ,at 8' 0 clock p.m. C err ie d Time of adjournment I0 '~ ~ Respectfully .: · ~ted William J. Smith City Clerk