HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1915-10-1844
Reg~lar Adjourne~ ~,.etlnC of the Board o~ !r}~ste.s o~ the City o,f South oa~ .'rancisco
held ~ na~.y 0ctober,18, 1915.
This meeting was called to order a~ 8'. 0 ~ock_ P.~,~ ~'~. by Trustee J.U. Holaton
"~esident o~ .~e Board"
Roil call
Ro~! call fo~a~~ the fo!!'w~ing Trustees present ,to v:it;
~ .~. Cunai-'~gham, Ceo Wallace and .,.~'. Ho!sion. ·
Trustee s Ke~~ey- smd !dc Govern ai~peare~ after roiled!!
The ' ~ ~ ' ~'~ ~
mmnu~es of the prev~ us meeting were r ~,a and az~,oved.
An aPi~lica~ion to ~et poles o;~ L'nden .~.e.~t~e ne _=n~or~,~ Avenue v-as re-e~vea from
~ ~ ~ ~ [e ,2ompa;~y ~.s per ~'!-~e ,~rr~'It ;,.
The ~,crmis,,ion ,~,,,~ ~rantea and tlc blue c. rin~
- o~ erec~ filed
A eommu{ieat~ ...... vms ~ecezv,. a _:~ ora th~ z~a~l road '~om:nission of the ~'*a~--~ o California
concernin~ the fixin~ of lelefho~e ~ates reg-~: ....
.. ~ - ~-~b service and Etc. and
~o'~'~laints %e filed v-lib ~he.
.. aa,.,~er co-~!a ~e sifte~ o t
~,,zo~ orderec~ .~qacpd c,n ft!e~ .... ~[! ~' r ~ ' -
.... ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~i~
~he ~oard.
~' ' ~'r~ e Cunu{.n.~ham that the City Clerk be
~a~ed by Trn~ee .Xelley se on,led by ~ ~e
in~tructe~ to comm~mieate with llr. Adams of the 2ac. 2elephone 3o.nnanv in reoard to the
.... nden Avenues.
fire alarm Eong to be placed at ~ and an~ L~
2he followin~ resolution v'as int~oduc, ed by ?~-ustee, l,[c
Resolved ~y the Board of Trustees of the CiSy of South San Francisco that the~resident
of said Board of Trustees and the City g!erk ~e, and they hereby are authorized and direo
ted and tne$ hereby are authorized and directed,in behalf'of said City of So%~th San Francisc~
to execute an agreement with the United ?ailroads of San Francisco,for the grant of the
righ~ of way to said City of South San ~z.-aneiseo for the construction of a sewer through
~he property of said United Rail roads of San Francisco situated in said City of South
San Pr~cisoo, ~ounty of San !,..Iateo, S~a,~e California, and Fart[o~lar!y described as fol-
lows,to wit;
(15 Be~ginning ~ta point on the Westerly line of ~he U~ited Railreads right of way,which
poin~ is distant north 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 ,~econds wes~ 55.51 feet from the most no
nor~her!y corner o'~ Block 4,~hlp Torn of ~ ~ ~
_ ~ :~a,. em,section west of :.ailroad,in the Cit~ of South
San ~ranciseo, Ca!ifornia,thence north 34 de~rees 00 minutes, 50 seconds east 5 feet thence
south 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 sev. onds east 272.1~ feel; thence south 34 degrees 00minutes
t~,e fore re%hitched United Railroads right
50 seconds wesi 5 feet to the westerly Nine of
of way,running thence a!on~ said right of way line north 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds
west ~72.!3 fee~ to the point of %eginning;
~2) Begginning at a Foint on the westerly Untied Railroads right of way line ,which point
is distant north ~
co ~e~:'ees 59 minutes 10 seconds west Z5.51 feet from the ;most norlherly
corner o~ Block 8 , L~ap Town of Baden sect[on west of Railroad,City of South ~;, ~ Francisco,
CaIifornia ,running thence north ~4 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds east 5 feet; thence
~ouih 55 degrees 59 minutes !0 seconds east 179.~1 feet; thence a!on~ a curve to the right
wiih a radius of ~694.8~ feet :~8.37 feet;2hence south 35 degrees ~2 minutes 50 seconds
-rss~ 5 feefi ~o ~he ~,esterly line of the above men~ioned ri6h~ of way rtmnlng ~henoe alon~
sai~ ~t~h~ of waV l~ne on a ourve ~o %he lef% wi~h a radius of Z689.SZ fee~, 88.S6 fee%,
,~on~inuetn6 ~henoe alon6 said ri6hfl of wa~ ltnr nor%h 55 deurees 5~ min~es 10 seoonds
wes~ 1~9.51 fee% ~o ~he poin% of %euinnin6.
Trustee s Kelley and I~[o govern appearef after ro!lca!!
The minute~ of the prev~ us me=~'n~~ ~"-~-
~.~z ,.~.~e r ad and auproved.
An ai:i:!ication to set ~oles o~ ~ naen ~'e,l~le near Tan.rotan Avenue res re-e ~ves from
The -'crmission ,~a~ granted and tke blue z. rint offerers filed
A communication vms received ~
.... : ora th~.,,,~'I road ~ommzssion of tke~,,~+~-~ o~. Ca]~ ..fornia
concernin~ the fixin~ of Telei, hone i-ares reg-]atinC~_,_ service and Etc. a:~d a,,~z~ng t~,a,, ~,~ ~ ....
ma,.,~er co-~!d be sifted o t by
uhe uoard.
]laved by Trustee [[elley se ou~ed ~:y Trustee Cunn~_nffham that the City Clerk be
in,~tructef to communicate with [,ir. ~;rlams of the 2ac. fe!ephone ,Jo.mfany in regard to the
fire alarm Eong to be placed at Grand an,~ L~nden Avenues.
The followin~ resolution v'as i:~t~odu,ccd by ........... ~
Re8olve.d by 2he Board off Tru22ees off the Ci~y off 5ou2h San F~ancisco ~ha2
off saf~ Board off Trustees and 2he Oi2y C[ezk ~:e, and ~heE hereby a~e au~Eo~[ze~ and d[zec
~ed and they hereby are authorized and directed,in behalf'of said City of ~
~o~n Dan Francisc
to execute an agreement ~ith the United ?ailroads of San l'raneisco,for the grant of tke
ri&hr of way to sa~id City of South San Vraneiseo for the construction of a sewer through
the property of said United Rail roads of Sa~ ~raneisco situated in said City of South
San 3~rancisco, County of San !.[ateo, State of California, and part~_eularly described as fol-
lows,to wit;
[15 Begginning ate point on the ,,~oter].y line of the U~ite5 Railreeds right of way,which
point is distant north 55 de~rees 59 minutes 10 seconds west 55.51 feet from the most no
northerly corner of mlock_~ 4,~hli~ Tov:n o~ BaJen,section west of Eailroad,in the git~ of South
San Francisco, Ca!~..~n~a,thence north .-~ de.roes 00 minu~es 50 seconds eas~ ~ feet thence
sou~h 55 degrees 59 minu~es ~0 set, ones east ~.13 fee~; thence sou~h 3~ degreed 00minutes
50 seconds west 5 fee~ to ~he weaterly line of the ~ore menfioned United Railroads right
af way,running thence alon~ said righ~ at wa~ ~i~a north 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds
wes~ ~2.~3 feet to the point of beginning;
[~) Beg~inning at a f~oin~ on the westerly United Z{ailroaas righ~ of way line ,which poin~
is distant nortk "- . ~ fr
co ~eg:-'ees 59 minutes l0 seconds west ~5.51 feet om tho ;~ost nortLerl
corner o~ Block 8 , Hap Town of Baden sectLon west of Railroad,City o~ South ~'~ Francisco,
~alifornia ,running thence north 34 degrees :'~0 ,minutes 50 seconds east 5 feet; thence
south 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds east 1T9.31 feet; thence along a curve to the right
with a radius of Z694.83 feet ~8.37 feet;thence south Z5 de~rees ~2 minutes 50 seconds
~est 5 feet to the westerly line of the above mentioned ~ight of way ,r~mning thence along
said right of way line on a curve to the left with a radius of Z689.SZ feet, 88.36 feet,
eontinueing thence along said right of way linr north 5~ degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds
west ~9.51 feet to the point of beginning.
I hereby eeetify that the :foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and
ado:'ted by the Board of Trustees of the C~ty of South S~ Fr~eisco,this 18th day of Oct ober
hglS,by the following vot; ~es Trustees F.A.C
~.A. Cunningham, J.H. Kelley, J.C. itc Govern and G.W. Holston.
Noes Trustees None
Absent Trustees None.
~illiam J. Smith City Clerk
The following demands against the City were presented for payment', the same having been approved~_
approved by the finance committee.
To Chas Deane for cleaning Jail
Pacific ~s & Electrici~0~;. street lights month of September
" " " Current for electric sign
~'rank Xelley labor on street
James Smith labo~- cleaning Division str~,et sewer
W.J. ~Iartin Hall rent month of October
Jolies & Brunea removing -j round in l,~brary
A.G. Bissett labor with teams
Pau~ Hansen !~bor on st~eet
Pac. C~s .~ E~ectric Co current for City Hall & Fire Dept.
James Smith cleaning fire hose
C. Johnson labor on liLrary ?ite
~lurray .% Co~pany heating plant for library
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Company Telephone calls
ll~ · 00
89 .£5
402 · 92
l!0ved by Trustee :lc ~ovcrn se,~onde¢ by Truste~e U~allace that ti~e above demands be paid an~
Warrauts drawn for tlc var~.ous amounts.
~ved by Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee I,ic Govern that the Board adjourn untL1
~riday October 22, 191~,to meet at ~iZ10 Linden Avenue at 8 ' 0 clock
Time o? adjournment 9'30 p.m.
Respectfully sub~it te~
~illiam J. Smith City Clerk