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Minutes 1915-12-27
-© Regular adjourn meeting of the Board of City TrUstees of t'he City"of South San ~rancisco ~,eld Monday December 27, 1915. This meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by ~. A, 0~mningham wh~ acted as chafx~n~ protem in ~ke absence of ~. W. Holston ~resident of ~ke B~ard of 0ity Trustees. Roll call fo~ the following T~stees present to wit: · . A. O~ningh~, J. H. Eelley ~d ~. H. Wallace. Absent Trustees Mo ~overn ~ Holston. Move~ by Tr~tee Eelley seconded by Tr~tee Wallace that the reading of the minutes of tee ~revious meeting be dispensed with. Carried. The f~llowing applications for class A liquor licenses we~ receivei at this meeting. Dcndolo Mahdi, Peter Regli, ~eo. Walthers, 'Ghilar~i ~ ~giolini, J. Bianchi, H. So~p~ni, ~. Bartoli, R. E. Setter, Joe Vieira? Geo Uallace, ~ accompanying each of the above appli- cations was a bond executed tn ~he favor of the 0ity of South ~ ~ancisco in the penal s~ cf $1000.00 each aa provided by 0r~in~ce No. 59, of the City of South 3~ Fr~cisco for the ~faith~l compli~ce with the provision of said Ordinance by the applio~t. ~ the above applicant having c~mplied in all respects with the pr~visions of said or,in.ce t~ey were grated pe~its for class A liquor licenses for tRe tern of 6mOnth~ ending J~e 30, Mcve~ by T~stee Wallace seccnde~,by T~stee Eelley that 0.:~Rourke ~ Brady be paid the ~ ef $800.00 for construction work on the ~Blio ~ibrary. 0arr~ed. The f~llcw[ng Resolution was then introduced by Trustee Wallace. ~OLUTION ~CTING ~ BIDS ~D DI~CTING T~ P~ICATION O~ NOTICE INVITING .SE~ED 2ROPO$~S. No. 2Z. ~ere~ t~e Beard of T~stees ef t~e City of ~out~ San ~cisco di~. in open session on ~e 2Ot~ day ef ~ecember. 19lB. publicly open. ex,ins an~ declare all sealed proposals or bi~s for ~ing t~e following work in said City te wit: T~at i~t Street. End SSreet. ~d ~rd Street from t~e westerly beggary line ef the rig~ of way ef t~e United Railroads of ~an ~rancisco to t~e easterly line ef Mission Read. or StYe Highway; A ~reet. B Street. ~ ~treet ~d D Street. fr~TM ~h~ westerly bo~dary line ~e right ef way ef the Unite~ Railroads ~f San ~rancisce t~ the resPee$ive Southerly ter- mina~iens t~ereof; and t~at per,ion of ~is~fen ~ea~.or ~a~e M~i~hway. ~rem a lf~e aero~- ~eenter line t~ereef at a point three H~dred and Twenty-five ~) feet southerly from t~e · emt~erly line ef Zrd ~treet. produced westerly whic~ line is parallel to aai~ southerly 'ine ef ~r~ $~ree$. t~ a line ~ra~ across said center line at a point T~ree H~dred ~00~ feet northerly from t~ n~rly line ef 1st Street. produce~ westerly. ~d w~ic~ said portion of Mission Rea~ is i~luded between the easterly line ~f t~e Pavement new emtsting en sai~ Missien Rea~ an~ t~ easterly be~dary l~ine ef said Mission Rea~. be gra~ed to official gra~e; ~at concrete curbs and concrete sidewalks be eens~te~ en beth eA~ea ef t~ese per, ions ef 1st ~e~, ~n~ ~treet. Zr~ Street. A ~reet. B Street. an~ O S$~eet~ ~ereinbefere design- a~e~; ~d upon t~e~ wesSerly siAe ef t~at portion of D ~reet ~ereinbefere desi~a~e~; ~at eenere~e eur~s, concrete ~tters ~d concrete sidewalks be comst~oted ~m ~he easte- rly siAe ef t~a~ portion ef Mission Read~ 47 ; er State Highway hereinbefore designated; That oiled macadam pavement be constructed from curb to curb in those portions of 1st Street, 2nd Street, 3rd Street, A Street, B Street, and C Street hereinbefore &esignated, and .in that portion ef Mission Rea&, er State Highway. hereinbefore designated, from the e~.i- sting pavement en said Mission R. eadte the easterly gutter thereof; That sewers with all appurtenances, manholes, lampeles~ wyes, and lateral sewers be ccn-~ / strutted in the fellewing streets at the places indicated u~pen the map ~ereinbefore referred re, which map constitutes a part of the glans for del ~ng said w~rk; 1st Street between said Mission Road and a point three~3) ~fe.e~t...easterly from ! westerly boundary line ef the right ef way ef the United Railroads e~f $~au. ?rancis~e ; / £nd Street Between sai~ Mission Read and a point threeJ~3) feet easterly f~om the/ westerly line ef the right ef way ef the ~nited Railroads ef 3an l~ranoisoe ; 3rd Street between said Mission Read and a peint [100) feet easterly frem the easterly line.ef C Street; A Street between the seutherlyterminatien thereof ~nd the southwesterly boundary line ef the right ef way ef the Unlte~ Railroads ef San Francisco; B Street between the southerly termination thereof a'.~d a point three feet easterly from the westerly boundary line of the right cf way ~f the United Railroads ef San Francisco; ~ Street between the southerly termination thereef and a point three feet easterly from the westerly boundary line ef the right off way ef the United Railroads of San Francisco; Mission Road between the line produced southwesterly which separates Lets numbered Twenty-four ~24) and TwentY-six ¢28) in Block numbere~ One [1), as shewn upon that certain map entitled, "Section, West of Railroad ef the Town of Badefl part of Rancho B~xri Burl, San Mates Ce. Oal.," wkich map was file~ in the office of the Oounty Recorder of the County ef San Mates. California, ~lovember 30th, 1891, in Eef Maps .at page 62. and the southerly.boundary line, pro~uce~ southwesterly, of lot number- ed One[l), in bleck numbered ten ~10) as shewn upon said map; also beginning at a point in the center line ef 1st ~treet . produced northeasterly which peint is ~istant three ~) feet nertheasterlyfrem the southwesterly boundary line ef the right ef ~'ay ef the United Railroads ef San Francisco, and running thence in a southeasterly direction parallel to sal~ southwest- erly boundary line ef the right of way of the United Railroads of ~an I~ranclsco, and at a idstance of three ~) feet northeasterly therefrom. Two Eundred and Seventy ~270) feet; also beginning at a point at the center line of 2nd Street, preAuce~ northeasterly, which p~- int is three ~3) feet distant northeasterly from the southwesterly boundary line of the right ef way of Sam-?rame&see the United Railroads of San Francisco. and running thence ina southeasterly d~rection parallel te the southwesterly boundary line of said right ef way and at a distance of three ~3) feet nertheasterly therefrom, One Hundred- and Seventy seven Feet ~177~, That a connecting sewer be construeteA aleng the fellewing co~xrse, which is particularly shown upen said map constituting part ef the plans fro said work. which plans are hereinbefore .~referred to; Beginning at the existing man~ele at the intersection ef Acacia Avenue with Rail,'cad Avenue, in sai~ City ef South San Francisce, and running thenc~e seutlt 1~ degrees. A2 minutes west 276.~ feet te the proposed manhole en ssi& 3rd Street; Ail w~rk herein provided for shall be done to e~_~fielal ..grade and in .accordant? epecial plans and specifications fro said work, which plans an~ specifications ~e~ ~ke construction and completion ef Str~.et Improvements Work. up~en 1Mission Rea~l,~ or State Highway, 1st Street, 2n~ Street, 3rd Street, A Street, B Street, C Street, and D Street in the City ef Seuth San Francisco, County ef San Mates, State of California," whic~ plans and specifica- tions were heretofore adopted by said Beard of Trustees en the 1st ~ay of November, 1915, westerly boundary line of the right ef way of the United Railroads of S.an .~ranciste ; / / 2nd Street Between said Mission Read and a point three;~[3) feet easterly f~om the westerly line ef the right ef Way of the ~nited Railroads ef San laranoisce ; 3rd Street between said Missien Read and a peint (100) feet easterly frem the easterly line.of C Street; A Street between the seutherlyterminaticn thereof and the southwesterly boundary line ef the right ef way ef the Unite~ Railroads ef San Francisco; B Street between the southerly termination thereof a:~ a point three feet easterly from the westerly boundary line of the right cf way ~f the United Railroads ef San Francisco; a Street between the so~xtherly termination thereof and a point three feet easterly from the westerly bounAary line of the right of way ef the United Railroads of San Francisco; Mission Road between the line produced southwesterly '~ which separates Lets numbered Twenty-four ~-4) and TwentY-six ~26) in Block numbere~ One [1), as shewn upon that certain map entitled, "Section, West of Railroad of the Town of "which map was file~ in the office of Badeh part of Rancho ~ri Burl. San Mates Ce. Cal., _ the aounty Recorder of the County ef ~an Matee, 0alifornia, November 30th. 18~1, in book Eef Maps at page 82, and the southerly.beunAary line, produce~ southwesterly, of let number- eA One,l), in bleck numbereA ten ~10) as shewn upon said map; also beginning at a point in the center line of 1st ~treet , produced northeasterly which peint is ~istant three [3) feet nertheasterlyfrom the southwesterly boundary line ef the right of v~ay ef the United Railrea~$ ef San l~rancieco, and running thence in a southeasterly direction parallel te sai~ southwest- erly boundary line ef the right of way of the United Railroads of San I~rancieco, and at a idstance of three [3) feet northeasterly therefrom, Two Eundre~ and Seventy ~701 feet; also beginning at a point at the center llne of ~nd Street, pre~uce~ northeasterly, which p~- ~ int is three (3~ feet distant northeasterly from the southwesterly bounAary line of the right ef way of Sa~-P~ame~see the UniteA Railroads of San Francisco, and running thence ina southeasterly d~rection parallel te the southwesterly boundary line of said right ef way and at a distance of three ~ feet northeasterly therefrom, One Hundred' and Seventy seven Feet ~177~, That a connecting sewer be construeteA along the following course, which is particularly shown upon sai~ map constituting part ef the plans frs said work, which plans are hereinbei~re ,~referred te; Beginning at the existing manhole at the intersection ef Acacia Avenue with Rail~'ea~ Avenue, in sai~ City ef South San Francisco, an~ running thenc..e s. eut~ lb degrees, 42 minutes west 2?6.5 feet te the proposed manhole ensaiA ~rA Street; Ail work herein proviAed for shall be done to e:~ficial gra~e and. in ~acoordanc~.~w.i~a~_~~ ~t~e d ~~/~ special plans and specifications frs said work, which plans an~ specifications f~ tAe construction and completien ef Str~'et Improvements Work. up, on Mission Rea~l,. or State Highway, 1st Street, 2nd Street, 3rd Street, A Street, B Street, ~ Street, aha D Street in the City '" which plans and specifica- ef South San Francisco, 0aunty of San Mateo, State of ~alifornia, ttons were heretofore adopted by sai~ Board ef Trustees en the 1st day of November, 1915, anA are now en file in the office of the ~ity Clerk and to which plans and specifications reference is hereby made fera further descriptien of said week and for the looatien and extent of the work to be done hereun&er~ and for a particular description of the beunA- arYes of the district hereinafter mentioned. Ail such work is to include any and all street intersections and street terminations and opposite terminations ~eef, in and to all the ~beve mentione~ streets and avenues within the respective lines above mentioneA, as is more ~articularly shown upon said plans; there is excepted, ~ewever, from the above mentioned wor~ any and all such work as' has already been done to official grade. And said Board of Trustees gid, 'in Resolution of Intention No.~3, determine and declare 2hat said proposed work and improvemn~t is of more than local or orAinary publio benefit and will affect and benefit the lands and district hereinafter described, which sai& district is in said Resolution declared te be the district benefitted by said work and improvement; and that therefore ~tke entire costs and expenses of eisa work and improvement shall be made chargeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands and district, which district is within said City of South San Pranoisoo, County of San Mateo, State ef 0alifornia, and is particularly be ~ded and described as'follows, to wit: Beginning at a peint on the easterly line ef the pavement.new existing on MissiOn Roa~ ,~r State Highway, which peint, is distant south ~3 degrees ~8 ~inutes 48seconds west,,19.$3 fleet frem a ~ranite monument set at the most southwesterly co.rnor of Block numbered ten ~10) ~ s shewn upon that certain map entitled "Section West of Railroad of.the Town fo Baden, part of Rancho Burl Burl, San Marco 0ounty, 0alifornia. November 30, 1891, in Beck E of maps &t page 82; running thence alon~ the easterly line of the pavement new existing on said Miss~- on Road, or State Highway, north 2~ degrees 39 minutes 12 seconds west, 14~4 feet; continuinj thence along salt easterly line ef Said pavement on a curve to the left with a radius of 2841.28 feet 383.2 feet; thence leaving said line of pavement and rn_~ning thence north63 de~r- ees 38 minutes 48 seconds east 57.36 feet to the easterly line of said Mission Road; thence along the easterly line of said Mission Road 'north 22 degrees ~'~ minutes 42 seconds west, 20Z.41 feet to the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railroa~s.~fSan l~rancisoo; thence along the westerly line o.f said right ef way south 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds east ~2~.S5 feet; thence north 34.degrees 00minutes 50 seconds eest ~.feet ; thence south ~Aegrees 59 minutes 10 seconds east ~72,13 feet; thence south 34 degrades 00 minutes 50aeoon[s wes~ 5feet to the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railroads of San Francisco t'Aeries along the westerly line of said right of way south 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds e~- st 258.22 feet; thence north 34 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds east 5 feet; thence south 5~degrees 5~ minutes 10 seconds east 17~.31 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a r~dius of Z~4. 83 feet , 88.3?feet; thence south 35 de~rees 2~ minutes 50 seconds west 5 feet t= the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railroads of ~an Prancisco; thence tae westerly line of said right of way on a curve in a southeasterly direct, ion with a radins $$89,$3 feet, 422. 79 feet; thence north 35 degrees 42 minutes east 191.34 feet; thence north 1§ degrees 3~ minutes east 1371.7~ feet; thence south 74 degrees 27 minutes east 5 feet; t~enoe south 15 degrees 33minutes west 1373.11 feet; thence south 36 degrees 42 minutes west 192.$$ feet te the westerly line of the right ef way of the United Railrea~s ef San Francisco; thence along the westerlyline ef said right ef way ena curve in a general southeasterly direction with a radius of 388~.83 feet, 411. 24 feet to the southerly boundary line of the ct ef said town ef Baden, as shown on the map thereof'.,hereinbegore referred to; thence along the southerly line ef said tract ef said Town of Baden, south 83 degress38 minutes 48 seconds w,st 1142.5~ feet te the point ef beginning; Saving, excepting and excluding from said district all public streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, and places included and contained; and Whereas said Beard ef TrUstees deems the prives contained in all proposals offered proposed werk and imprevemn.et is' of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will affect and benefit the lands and district hereinafter described, which said £s in said Resolution declared to be the district benefitted by said work and improvement~ and that therefore the entire costs and expenses of siad work and improvement shall be ms chargeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands and district, which district is with.~n said Gity of Soutk San l~ranoisco, Oounty of San Mateo, State of Oalifornia, and is particularly be reded and described as~ follows, te wit: Beginning at a peint en the easterly line ef the pavement new existing on Misslbn R4 or State Highway, which peint, is distant south 63 degrees 38 minutes 48seconGs west, ,19.83 fleet from a ~ranite monument set at the most southwesterly corner of Block numbered ten 4. s shown upon that certain map entitled "Section West of Railroad of the Town fo Baden, part of Rancho Buri Buri, San Mateo County, Oalifornia, November 30, 1891, in Beck E of map &t page 62; running thence along the easterly line of the pavement now existing on said Mis~ on Road, or State Highway, north 26 degrees 39 minutes 12 seconds west, 14~4 feet; continui~ thence along said easterly line of said pavement on a curve to the left with a radius of 2841.28 feet 383.£ feet; thence leaving said line of pavement a,ud rnn~_ing thence north63 ecs 38 minutes 48 seconds east 57.36 feet to the easterly line of said Mission Road; thence along the easterly line of said Mission Road north 22 degrees ~!2 minutes 42 seconds west, 203.41 feet to the westerly line of the right of way o.f the United Railroads ~f San l~ranciso thence along the westerly line o.f said right ef way 'south 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds east .726,8~ feet; thence north 34.degrees OOminutes 50 seconds mast ~ feet ; thence south ~Sdegrees 59 minutes 10 seconds eas~ G?~'13 feet~ thence south 34 degrees 00. minutes 50~econ~ west 5feet to the westerly line of. the right of way of the United Railroads of .~an Francisco thence along the westerly line of said right of way south 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds es et 258,22 feet; thence north 34 degrees O0 minutes 50 seconds east 5 feet; thence south ~degree8 59 minutes 10 seconds east 179.31 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a r~dius ef 3G94. 83 feet , 88.3?feet; thence south 35 degrees ~-2 minutes 50 seconds west 5 fe~ t~ the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railroads of San Francisco; thence aloz the westerly line ef said right of way on a curve in a southeasterly direction with a radius 35~.$3 feet, 422. 7~ feet; thence north 36 degrees 42 minutes east 191,34 feet; thence north 1§ degrees 3B minutes east 1371.?~ feet; thence south 74 degrees 27 minutes east 5 feet; thence south 1~ degrees 33minutes west 1373.11 feet; thence south 36 degrees 42 minutes west 19~.~6 feet to the westerly line of the right of way of the U~teA Railrea~ ef San thence ale~ the westerlyline ef said right ef w~ ena curve in a general southeasterly direction with a radius of 388~.83 feet, 411. 24 feet to t~e southerly bo~dary line of the et ef said te~ ef Baden, as she~ on the map thereof hereinbe~ore referred to~ thence along tde southerly line ef said tract ef said To~ of Baden, ~outh 63 degrees38 minutes 48 seconds w et 1142.5~ feet te ~he point ef begi~g; SariS, exoepti~ ~d excluding from said district all public streets, avenues, l~es,. alle~, courts, ~d places include~ ~d contained; an~ ~ereas said Beard ef T~ztees deems the prives contained in all proposals offered ~r doi~ said work to Be toe Resolved that said Beard of T~stees hereby reject all said proposals; 480 Be it further resolved that the .City Clerk be, an~ he hereby is directed to post a a notice ef said work together 'with the plains ama specifications therefore, conspicuously for five [5) days on er near'the 'Council Chamber Door inviting sealed proposals for doing the work hereinbefore mentioned. Be is also directed to publish a notice ~n~l~ such proposals and referring to the specifications posted or on file by two (~) insertions in" "~e Enterprise, weekly ~paper published and ciroulate~ In sai~ Oity ef South 3~ · r~eleee ~A ~ereby desi~nate~ for tha~ purpose . ~ Notice is hereby given that seriaI bon~s te represent ~pai~ asSesSments, ~ bear i'n forest' at the rate ~f six [6) per cent per ~, will be i~ue~ here~er ~ the m~er pr- evi~eA by the Improvement Bona ~t of 1915. the last instalment ef which b~nAa shall matUr, nine [g) years from the se~A ef July, next suceeeAing nine [g) months from their ~ate. Reference is hereby ma~e te saiA Eeselutien e~sl~t~~yN~t~Auced a:~d a. dop~ed -~-9-~- 9- ~- O-~-9-~-~-~- 9- O-~-~-~ I hereby oerti~ that the foregei~ resolution was re~larly introAuceA ~A adopted by the Beard ef T~stees ef the City ef South S~ ~cisco this 27th day of December, 1915, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees ~. A. Ounningham. Gee~ B, Wallace and J. B. Kelle~ Noes, Trustees None. Absent Trustees G. W. Belston~ and J. C. Mo ~evern. Attest: William J, Smith. City Clerk. The fellewing demands against the 0itywere presented for payment. bean appreved by the ~inanoe Committee: Pacific Gas ~Eleotrio Ce. Street lights for mo. of ~ov. cnA Dee, Pacific Gas & Electric Ce. 0urrent for Ball cna Pire Department. Pacific ~as & Electric Ce-. 0urrent for Electric Sign. So.S. ~. Land & Improvement C~. Taxes for year 1915 on cities option of the Civic Center Site Dan ~alany ~ne Day labor on street Total. The same having $~7.~0 2.10 ! s. o .60 .50 Morea by Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee WallaCe that the above demands be paiA and that warrants be drawn for the various amounts 0arried. ~ Moved by Trustee Wallace seconded by Trustee Kelley that the Board adjourn until Mon- day Jan. 3, 1916, temeet at 310 Linden Avenue arS' o'clock p.m. Carried. Respectfully submitted William J. Smirk City Clark.