HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1916-01-10REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAteD OF TRUSTEES OF ~HE CITY 01~ SOUTH S~dl FRANCISCO, bela Monday evening .~muary 10, 1916. This meeting was called te order at 8:05 p. m. by Trustee F, A. Cunningham who acted as (lhairman pretem, during the absence ef Trustee G. ?,'. Helston "l~resiAent ef BearAef Trustees, Roll-call found the following Trustees present, 'to-wit: F, A. ~anntngham, J~H. Kelley, G. Wallace. T~ustee Mo GOvern appeared after roll-call. Absent Trustee G. W~ Helston. The minutes of the previous meeting ~ were read and upon motion of Trustee Xelly seconded by Trustee Wallace and reguarly oarrilA were approved as read. A communication was received from the Novelty llee$~e Sign Ce. ef San Francisco,tn regar& te an eld account for the sum of $?,00 fer the transpertation of the electrlo sig~ .~e Se.San l~r~:.nc tso e~ ~ The City OXerk,~e~tmstruateA te inform the Company that the matter would take~p .by the Beard ~ ~, a:~..ost cf shiPme?~t, of ~ign by ~elght would have been, Tha~ t~ey would be paid ~a~~~~g$he .~-~a~epe~t~.~!~,~f[~aid .electric sign, Xt was then moved bt ~ee Mo ~e~era seeonA~A by/Trustee Wallace that the City Clerk be instructed te communicate with the United Railraod ~e te inform them that if the matter of the Tickets for School Children was not promptly settled that the Bea~&: weul& have the Jitney Ordinance repealed. Carried, The fellewimg resolution was then introduced by ~rustee Xelly: I~ESO]iUTION DESIGNAT~ WALNUT AVENUE. REsolved by the Beard of Trustees ef The City of Seuth San l~rancisce, that t~at certain let, piece er parcel of land situated 'in t~e City of South San Francisco, aha particulary described as fellows, re-wit: legi~ning at a point formed by the intersection ef the nertherly line of Grand Avenue with the westerly line of ]~et numbereAEleven [11), in Block numbered One HunAreA amd Sixteen [116~, as shown upon that certain map entitleA "South San l~ranoisce',San Matee County , 0alif, Plat Ne "1' which map was filed in the office og the Oeu~ty RecerAer of the Oeunty ef San Matee, California. lgaroh 1, 189~,an~ recorded in Map ~,ek Ne, 2 at page 52: thence northerly alen~ saiA westerly line ef Let Numbered Elevem (ll) and westerly line of Let numbered Thirty (30) ia said Block Ome Hundred and ~ixteem'.(ll6) te the seutherly line ef Miller Avenur: thence at rightangeles easterly ale~g the southerl~ ~ine ef Miller Avenue Sixty feet; ~henoe at right angles southerly and par$11et ~o the · line of sa.i~ Lot numbered Thirty ~30 ) to the northeqly line of ~ran& Avenue~ Th?nee it right-angles westerly to the point of beginning, ben,the same hereby is declared to be , . . hereby desi~ a public highway and thatthe same is ~nated as Walnut Avenue. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ! hereby eeetify that the foregoing resoluti~was regularly introdue, eA and ~AopteA .by the Board of Trustees of The City of South San ~rancisco, this 10~ of ~anuary 1916, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees F~ A, Cunningham J. H. Kelly, J.C, Me ~overn ~eo. H, Wallace. Noes, Trustees None. l~sent Trustee ~. W..Holston, Attest W. J. ~mith, CITY The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee ][eGovern I~0LUTION TO T~ B0~ 0F T~S~ES 0~ ~ 0ITY 0~ ~0UTH SAN ~NCIS00 ~T~ISHING BOU~ARY LINE~, O~ LIN~ ~D 0~IOI~ ~EVATI~N~ 0N W~T A~ BET~ T~ NORTH ~IB OF G~D A~ ~ T~ SOUTH ~NE OF MILLER A~ ~NOISCO. ResolVed %y the Board of Trustees of the City of South s~n l~ranciseo, that the westerly boundary 'line of Walnut avenue be, and the same hereby is determined and declared robe t~e westerly boundary line of ]~ots numbered Eleven (Il. ( and Thirty {ZO) in Block Numbere& 0~e BauAred and Sixteen ~116~ as show~ upon that certain Map entitled "South San F~aneiseo, San Mateo Co., ~altf, Plat No, I" which map wa~ filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Mateo, California, March 1st, 1892, and recorded in Map Book ~ E, at Page 52; that the easterly Boundary line of said Walnut Avenue be, ama time sa~e hereby is determined and declared to be that line paralle~ to the easterly b~ line of ssi& Loot8 n.u~.bered ~leven (11) and Thirty [30)an& at a Aist anco of ten (10) feet easterly therei~m, that thewest curb line said Walnut Avenue be, and t~ scene hereby is established as that certain line paralle~ with the westerly boundary line thereof aha at a distance of twelve ~1~ [ feet easterly therei~om: that the east curb line of said avenue be, and the same is hereby established as that certain ~ parallel to the easterly boundary line of said .avenue and at a distance of Twelve ¢12~ feet westerly therefrom~ That all o~ficial elevations or grades on said avenue ~e.,,~anA the same hereby are determine& ,~l,~b!i~eA and declared with_referenc,e to ~e~w ~ate~ as ~cert~i~_~ b~ the U~A S~ate'a Co~t an~ ~e~etie ~rvey, a~ ~or~ ~oxn~, ~an ~ra~sco, ~aA~xo~ia and hereina~er described as the ~it2 Bas~; ~at the official elevations or gra~es on sai~ avenue are hereby dete~ineA ~A Aeolare~ to be above said City B~se ~d thats said official elevations or ~aAes and their several points o'~ooation be, ~ the same are hereby est~lishe~ as follow: ~aetA~n 1, The elevation of a point on the east curb line of Wal'nut Avers ~ The minutes of the previous meeting 1~ were read an~ upon motion of Trustee seoonAe~ by Trustee Wallace an~ reguarly oarrie~ were approveA as read. tA cemmu~_i, eation .was_ re.o.eiveA fro_m_th.e Novelty ~trie Sign Ce. ef San Prancisoo,in regar~ · an eAa account for uae sum off ~?,00 fer the transportation of the electric sign ~e Se.San Fr,:.ncisce~ _~- -,..p,,a '~a~.a~a~~ae .~.raaepe~a~ifi~aiA electric sign, _xt_wa.s ~a.en.m.oveA b~ ~ee lie ~e~era seeonA~A ~y'.Trustee Wallace that the City Clerk ~e ~ns~ruetea te cemmunxca~e with the United RailraoA ~e te inform them that if the matter of the Tickets for School Children was not promptly settled that the Bea~&: weulA have the ~itney Ordinance repealed. Carried. The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee l~elly: RESOLUTION DESI~NAT~ WALNU2 AVENUE. REselveA by the Beard ef Trustees ef The City of South San Pranctsoe, that that oertaim let, piece er parcel of land situated 'in t~e ~ity of South San Francisco, a~A particulary described as fellows, ts-wit: ~egl~ning at a point formed by the intersection ef the nertherly line of Grand Aveaue with the westerly line of Let numbereAlleven fll), in Block numbered One HunAreA ama Sixteen [116~, as shows upon that certain map entitled "South San PranoisoeW,Saa Matee County , Calif, Plat Ne '1' which map. was filed in the effice og the Geuaty _Reoe_rAe.r ef the ?eunty ef San Matee, California. liaroh 1, 189~,an~ recorded in Map ~.ek se, z at page 52. thence northerly alen~ said westerly line ef Let Numbered Eleven ~ll ~ and westerly line of Let numbered Thirty ~30) ia said Block Ome Hundred and Sixteen" ~116~ te the seutherly line ef Miller Avenur~ thence at rightangeles easterly along the southerl~ tine ef Miller Avenue Sixty feet~ qhence at right angles southerly and pare~llet ~o the · line of sa.l~ Lot numbereA Thirty ~0 ) to the northeqly line of ~ranA Avenue; Th,ence ~t right-angles westerly to the point of beginning, he'll'the same hereby is declared to be a public highway and t. hatthe same is.hereby designated as Walnut Avenue. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 I hereby eeetify that the foregoing resoluti~was ~egularly tntroAue, eA an~ ~AopteA by the Board of Trustees of The City of South San Prancisco, this 10~ of January 1~16, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees F, A, Cunningham J. H. Eelly, ~.C, Me ~overn ~eo. H, Wallace. ~oes, Trustees ~on.. I~sent Trustee ~. W..Holston. Attest V. J. Smith, CITY The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee MeGovern H~OLUTION TO THE BOA.RD OF TRUSTEES OP THE CITY OP 80UTH SAN i~RANCISO0 F~TABLISHING BOUNDARY LINES, CURB LINES ~1/ID OFFICIAL ELEVATIgNS ON WALNUT AVENUE BETWEEN THE NORTH LIN~ OF GRAND AVENUE AND THE S~;TH LINE O~ MILLER AFE~UE IN SAID CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Resolved %y the B~arA of Trus~ees of the City of South San Pranoisoo. that the westerly bou~Aary-line of Walnut avenue be, aha the same hereby is determined and Aeelare~ robe the westerly boundary line of Lots numbered Eleven (11, ( and Thirty f~O) in Block ~um~ereA O~e RunAreA and Sixteen ~116) as shown upon that certainMap entttle~ "South San F~anoisoo, San Mateo Co., Oalif, Plat No, I" which map was filed in the office of the County RecorAez of tl~e Oounty of San Mateo, California, March let, 1892, and recorded in Map Book No ~, at Page 52; that the easterly l~ounAary line of said Walnut Avenue be, ama tl~e same hereby is deteraineA and declared to be that line paralle~ to the easterly b~ line of saiA Loots numbered ~leven [11) and Thirty [30) anA at a Aist anoe of ten [10) feet easterly therefrom; that thewest curb line saiA Walnut Avenue be, and th~. ea~e hereby is established as that certain line parallel with the westerly boundary line thereof ama a~ a distance of twelve ~lP. [ feet easterly therei~rom: that the east curb line of said avenue be, and the same is hereby established as that certain ~ parallel to the easterly boundary line of said avenue and at a distance of Twelve ~12) feet westerly therefrom; ~hat all o~ficial elevations or grades on said avenue }~s~anA the same hereby are determined ,~b!iehe& and declared with reference to lieatio~w Inter as ascertained ~ by the UniCA S~atea Coast and ~oeietio Survey, at ~ort Point, San Francisco, Califomia ani hereinafter described as the City Bas~; ~at the official elevations or grades on sai~ avent~e are hereby determined and declared to be above said City B~se and thais said official elevations or grades and their several points o'flooation be, and the same are hereby esta~lishet as follows: Section 1, The elevation of a point on the east curb line of Wal'nut Avenue Two RlulAreA {200} feet. north of the north line o~ OranA Avenue is ~inety nine and Sixty-nine Runire. Aths ~99.69} feet; the elevation of a point at the intersection ~ the west curb line o~ Ualnut Avenue with the south line of Miller Avenue is One Hundred five and PAve' Hundreths [10§.05)feet; The elevation of a point at the tntersectin of the east curb line of Walnut Avenue with the south line of Miller Avenue is one hundret five and five hunireths {10§.05 ) feet; The elevation of a point at the intersection of the south curb line of Miller Aveneu with the west line of Walnut Avenue is one hundred five and fifty -five Hundredths ~105. 55) feet; The elevation of a point at the intersection of the S~h curb line of Miller Avenue with the East line of Walnut A~enue is one NundreA five and l~ive 'ltundreths (10~.0~) feet; Section 2. The Shape of the cross-section of said avenue and the elevations there°~ shall be fixed at the time said avenue is improved and shall .depend upon the naterila used for paving Section Z, The longitudinal slope or grade of said avenue shall be on straight lines connecting the points on said avenue where the elevations are fixed as herein{efore provided_ I hereby oertiTy ~hat foregoing resolution was regularly lntrod_u~ed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the 0ity of South ~an ~ranci~co this /~day of ~anuary 1916, by the following vote: Ayes, TrusteesF. A. Cunningham, J. H. Kelley, J. C. MoGovern , G, Wallace Noes, Trustees none ~Absent Trustees G. W. Attest: Willialm J. ~mith City Clerk The ~ollowing resolut/.~:~as then introduced by ~Trn_stee Wallace RESO~UTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEM~T 01~ W~N~ A~ BETWE~ TH~ NORTH ~INE O~ A~N~~ A~ T~ ~OUTH ~I~ O~ ~L~R A~, Re~lve~ by the ~o~ of Trustees of the City of South S~anciseo, that public interest andeonvenienoe require the work herein ~esoribeA ~ the Be~A of T~stees of said city of So~ S~ ~noisco, hereby orders the following work to be done in said city, to-~t: That Walnu~ Avenue between the north line of Gr~d avenue ~d the south line of Miller A~enue be ~ade~ to official grade from bo~dary, lin~ to bo~dary line; that' concrete sidewalkm be const~eed ~herein on both s'i~es thereof having a width of five [~} feet,.eo~eneing ~o [2~ feet ~om the bo~ary lines of said street ~A extend- ing five ~5) feet towards the ourb linee;'that combination e0nerete e~bs ~ concrete ~tters be const~cte~ therein on both sides thereof. ~1 work herein provided for shall be dne to official grade ~A in accordance of the speoail plus ~A specifications for..said work, which pl~ ~ specifications are entitled ~ "Plus an~ specifications for the const~ction ~ completion of street improvement work upon ~nut Avenue between the no~h line of Gr~d Avenue ~A the South l~e.of Miller Avenue.in the City of South 2~ ~mucisoo, Cowry of S~ Mateo, State of Oalifo~ia, ~ as hereinafter more ~lly sho~ in the specifications ~d plus for the work hereina~er conta~_neA ~ set forth ~d which are file~ in the office of City Clerk of sai~ City of ~outh ~'Fra':eisoo, and all of which are.ma~e of part hereof, "which plus an~ specifications are hereby adopted for doi~ said work are now on file in the City Clerk, to which reference is hereby made ~for a ~rther description of said work. The City Clerk is directed to publish for two ~2~ weeks in "~e ~te~riae", a he,paper of general oirc~atton; prin~eA and published in said City of ~outh S~ ~cisee, the following notice lnviti~ sealed proposals or bi~s for street improve~t~ in the 0ity of South S~ ~rancisco: NOTICE INVITING SE~ PROPOS~S OR BIDS P0R ST~T I~R0~T WI~ IN THE 0ITY OF SOUTH S~ ~CISOO. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Trustees of the City of South Sam l~raneisoo until 8 o'clock P. M. on Monday. the 7th day of February, 1916, 'for ~oing the following work in the 0ity of ~outh ~an ~ranciseo, County of San Mateo, State of California: Grading to the officiaX grade Walnut Avenue between the north line of Grand Avenue and the south line of Miller Avenue; The construction of concrete sidewalks therein on both sides thereof hav~ a w~Ath of five [~} feet, commencing two [~) feet from the b'ounA~ lines an~ extending' five ~55 feet towards the curb lines; the constructl~. of combination Concrete curbs and gutters therein on 'both sides ~hereof. All~~s and all work must be in strict oompliance with the requtrememts of the plans and' Specifications adopted bY said board of Tru~teea on the 10th day of ~anuary, 1916, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The successful bi&~er ~hallwithhin ten days after the award enter into a contract with..t~ City of South an Francisco, for the faithful preformance of the work to be don~tnder award. Ail proposals must be accompanied with a certified Check upon a solvent bank of the State of California, payable to the City of South San Francisco, in amount not lees than ten (10) % of the aggregate of the bid, upon the condition,~hat if the proposal be aecepte~ and the contract awarded ani if the bidder shall fail an~ neglect to execute the contract and' give the bonds' required the sum mentioned in the ~aiA cheek shall be liquidated damages for such failure and neglect and shall be forfeited to and paid into the Treasury of the City of South San ~rancisco. Bidders shall give the unite each and all the items of work ~roelle~ for in the specifications.. I hereby eertiTY 2hat foregoing resolution was regularly introdu, oed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this //~day of January 1916, by the following vote: Ayes, TrusteeeF. A. Cunningham, ~. H, Eelley, J. C. MoGovern , G, Wallace Noes, Trustee'e none Absent Trustees G. W. Attest: Willialm ~. ~mith City Clerk The l~ollowing resol~t~,~ae then introduced by ~Trustee Wallace RESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT OF WALNUT AVENUE BETWEEN TH~ NORTH LINE O~ GR~ID AVENUE' AND THE ~OUTH LINE OF MILLER AVENUE, Re~olved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San~l~ranci'sco, that public interest andeonvenienoe require the work herein described ahd the B~arA of Trustees of said city of Sotth San l~ranoisco, hereby orders the following work to be done in said city, to-wit: That Walnut Avenue between the north line of Grand avenue an~. the south line of Miller Akenue be graded to official grade from boundary lint to boundary line; that' concrete sidewalks be construeed therein on both sides ~hereof having a width of five ~5) feet, commencing Two ~.) feet from the boundary lines of said street and extend- ing five ~5) feet towards the curb lines;'that combination concrete curbs and concrete gutters be constructed therein on both sides thereof. Ail work herein provided for shall be dne to official grade and in accordance of the speoail plans and specifications for.~said work, which plans and specifications, are entitled ~ "Plans and specifications for the construction and completion of street improvement work upon Walnut Avenue between the north line of Grand Avenue and the South line .of Miller Avenue .in the City of South San I~rancisoo, County of San Mateo, State of California, and as hereinafter more fully shown in the specifications and plane for the work hereinafter contained and set forth and which are filed in the office of 0ity Clerk of said City of ~oUth 5an'Fra':eisoo, and all of which are.ma~e of part hereof, "which plans and specifications are hereby adopted for doing said work and, are now on file in the City Clerk, to which reference is hereby made 'for a farther description of said work. The City Clerk is directed to publish for two 12) weeks in "The Enterprise", a newspaper of general circulation; printed and published in said City of South San Francisco, the following notice Inviting sealed proposals or bide for street improvemant/b in the City of South San ~ranciseo: NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS OR BID~ P0R STBEET IMPROVEMENT WII~ IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN ~RAN.JISCO. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Trustees of the 0ity of South Sam l~ranoleco until 8 o'clock P. M. on Monday, the 7th day of February, 1916, 'for doing the following work in the City of ~outh tan l~raneiseo, 0o~ of ~ Marco, State. of California: GraAi~ to the official gra~e W~ut Avenue between the north line of Grand Avenue ~A the south line of Miller Aven~; The const~ion of concrete siAe~s the~in on both si~es thereof h~ a ~Ath of five [5) feet, oo~eneing ~o [~) feet from the bo~A~ linee ~ e~nAlng five [55 feet towards the curb lines; the const~etl~ of combination oone~te curbs ~d ~tters therein on both sides ~hereof. AJ.I~~m and all work must be in strict compliance with the requireme~ts of the plans and SPeeifieatlone adopte~ bY said board of Trustees on the 10th day of ~anuary, 1916, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The successful bt~er ~hallwithhin ten days after the award enter into a contract with_.t~ City of South an Francisco, for the faithful preformanoe of the work to b· donb~ander award. All propom~ls must be accompa/~ied with a certified cheek upon a solvent bank of the State of 0alifornia, payable to the City of 3outk San l~raneisco, in amount not less than ten [10) % of the aggregate of the bid, upon the condition, Zhat if the proposal be accepted and the contract awarded and if the bidder shall fail an~ neglect to execute the contract and' give the bond,~,' required the sum mentioned in the ~aiA cheek shall be liquidated damages for such failure and neglect and shall be forfeited to and pat~ into the Treasury of the City of South San ~ranotseo. Bt~lers shall give the unite each and all the items of work proeiAe~ for in the specifications. ~he bidder to whom ia awarded a contract shall be required to execute a bond for the faithful performauee~of his work in anamount equal to ~wenty five (~-5) per cent of the amount of his undertaking, with at least two(~) responsible sureties in the full of the bid each; and will also be required, before entering upoh the work, to furnish a good and suffieient bond as require& by an act of the Legislature of the State of Cal i~ornia, approved March 2?th, 1897. entitleA "Au Aat to secure the claims of material- men, mechanics, or laborers employed by contractors upon state, Municipal orother public work," and will also be required to exhibit to s~iABoard of 2rustees, a policy of insurance showing that said biddez is insured against los~ through accident or neglig enee, in such a way as to satisfactoril~ p~otect said 0ity of 8o~r~a~an ~rancisce, under the provisions of the "Uorkman's 0ompensation, Insurance and Safety Act of State of 0al- ifornia." The 0ontract must be entered into in compliance with and subject to the conditions imposed by Section 6550 of the Penal 0ode of theState of California. Sealed proposals or bids will be delivere~ to the City 01erk on or before eight o'alock p,m. of~onday, t~e 7th d~y of ~ebruary, 1916, Ail ~ealed proposals o~ bids will be opened by said Board of ~rustees of in public session on Monday the 7t~ day of ~ebruary, 1916. at eight o'clock p,m. in council of said Board. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids, By order of the Board of Trustees of The 0ity of ~South San l~rancisco, dated ~anuary 10th , 1916. W. J. S~nith, 0ity 01erk, I hereby Certify that the foregoing resolution was regualary introduced and adopte~ hy the Board of Trustees of The ity of South San ~ranoisao, This 10~h day of ~anuary, 1916~ by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees F,A.O,~ningham, J, H, Eelley, J. 0. MeGovern, ~. H. Wallace Noes, Trusteem None Absent Trustees ~. W. Holston. Attest: W. ~. Smith. Oity-~lerk. The following demands against ~he 0ity were presented for payment the same having been approve& by the ~inance 0ommittee. ~nterprise Publishing 0o. ~otioe of Proposals ~. Aikens Labor on Streets l~ao. Tele.& Teleg. 0o Tole 0alls $41, 40 2. 50 1, 04 Morea by Trustee MoGovern seconded by Trustee Kelley that the Above demands be paid anA warrants drawn for the various amounts. Carried. Moved by Trustee Mo Govern seconded by Trustee KelleY that the Monday ~an. 17, 1916, to met at 310 Linden Avenue. at 8'08 clock p.m. BoarA Adjourn 0arried. Time adjournment 9:~0 p.m. Respectfully submitted, William J. Smith, 0ity C~erk.