HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1916-05-01 Regular Me~,.%i~g 6f the Board pf Trustees of the City of South S~n Franci. sco held Monday,~iay,lst. ltl6. This meeting was called to order at8 ' Oclock P.Li., Trustee J.H. 2alley "Fresident of the Board". Roll-call found /.th~'foll~nEre?~m~tee~i9resent to wit; ~.f~e] ley. AbsentTrustee Cunni The minutes of t e previous meeting were reed end upon motion of Trustee ~olB~aseconded by Truste Wallace and regularly carried were approved ss read. The first business of the evening discussed by the ~oard of Trustees zss that of the amount of saiaz due ~,~1~m~RehbergerEx City Be corder he having objected to -~- r~onths salary. It was moved by Trustee Holston that as Mr Rehberg had not resigned until the 5rd. day of April,]gl6 he be paid the sum of fifteen (15~ Dollars the motion wes seconded by Trustee Healy and regularly carried. A communication was received from CitF Health offfficer J.C. idc Govern wherein he offffered to donate his services to the extent of three hours each week to do dental work flor tho school children who could not afford to pay for such service,providing the Board pffTrustees would install certain appar- atus in the local school the cost of such a~paratus not to exceed the s~ off ~150. It was roved by TrusteeW~eseconded by Trustee Hea]y that the offer of the City Health officer be accepted] Carried Under headin~ off Street work Geo. A. Kneese Fuptt off streets arose and addressed the Board saying that ~hl~.~eer~,~,:;z.an~,~,w~tn~ businesshad i~cro~sed so ,that it was im]vossible to give his whole time to the office of Supt. of streets and that he therefore felt that he was not earning the salary and was willing that t e salary sho~ld be discontinued, but would like to retain the title so ss to be able to oversee his own street work. Healy It was moved by Trustee that the office of Supt. off stre ts be abolished An ar~.mend~:~ent to the ~otion v,:ss made by Trustee Ual]ace that the salary of the Su?t. of streets onl be abolished, the ammendment was seconded by Trustee Holston and upon roll-call which was requested by Trustee Healy the a~:mendment prevailed by the following vote: Ayes Trustees G.W. Holston, G;H. W~llace and J.H. Kelley. Noes Trustee ~J.F. Healy Asent T~nstee F.~. C~nninghsm. The original motion was declared lost it having received no second. 2 ~umber off Citizez~s a?pe~red beffore the Board and protested a~zainst the condition off ~ission Road the matte, after some ~iscussion u~s roi'e~red to t e street comr:~ittee. Lit A.P. ~cott s~?esred before the Board and ~-sde a verbal_ request flor s ps~ent on his contract of Walnut Avenue. The City Bm~n~e~ reported that ssufficient amount off work had been done to warrant a pa~m~ent It was thereu~:on moved by Trustee Wallace seconded by Trustee Hotston theft the sum of One Thousand (1000) Dollars be allowed A.I:. Scott on hiscon tract of Walnut Avenue . Carried The following re~:olution was then introduced by Trustee Holston. RESOL~TION VACATII~G RE[~0LUTION 0F INTEETI~N N~. 2ZAND PROC~DIEG SUBSEQUE~T THERETO. Resolved by the Board of True'tees of t~e Citer off Souzh San Francisco that Re;' o] ution of Intention i~o 23 entitled "A Resolution off the Board off Tr~tees of the City off ~outh San Fr~cisco declaring its Intention to improve a porSion of Mission Road, or S~ate Highway, A Street, B, Street, C Street, D Street, ist Street, 2nd Street, Srd Street,," perused and ado~ted b y said Board of Trustees on the ist day of i~ovember, 1915, and a resolution inviting s~::~.led proposals, ?assed and adopted by said Bo ........... ,,~-~v.,~ea ay the ~oard of TrUstees was that of the amount of due ~ll~m Rshberg~rEx City Be corder he having objected to -~- ~-~o:aths s~!ary. It was moved by Trustee Halston that as ~Ir Rehberg had not resigned until the 5rd. day of April,]~ he be paid the s~ of fifteen (15~ Dollars the ~otion was seconded by Trustee Hesly and regularly carried. A communication was received from, City Hes. lth officer J.C, ilc Govern wherein he ofi'ered to donat his services to the extent of three hours each week to do dental work for the school ch.:,ldren w~o could not affford to pay for such service,pr~_viding the Board pffTrustees would install certain a?pa: atus in the Iaaa] school the cost of such a?paratus not to e:~ceed the s~ of ~150, It was ~"~oved by ~'rusteeW~eseconded by Trustee Hea]y that the offer of the City Health office: be accepted' Carried Under headin~ off Street work Geo. ~. Xneese ?uptt off streets arose and addressed the Board saying that ~~eera~.~.sn~,,~w~tng businesshad incro~sed so ,that it was im]~,ossib~e to give his whole time to the office of Supt. of streets and that he therefore felt that he was not earning th~ salary and w~s willing that t e salary sho~ld be discontinued, but would like to retain the title so ~s to be able to oversee his own street work. Healy It was moved by Trustee that the office of Surt. oF stre ts be abolished An a?~mend~ent to the ~otion was m~:de by Trustee ¥[a~]ace that the salary off the Su~:t. of streets on be abolished, the ammend~ent was seconded by Trustee Halston and u!~on roll-call which w~:s requested by Trustee Healy the a~mend~ent preys, ileal by the following vote~ Ayes Trustees G.W. Halston, G;H. ~7~llace and J.H. Kelley. Noes Trustee IJ.F. Hesly Asent T~nstee F.~. The original motion was declared lost it having received no sea-and. A ru~:ber of Citizers a~pe~red before the Board and protested a,zainst the c~ndition oi' [~[issi~n Road the matte~ afl, er some ~iscussion ¥.~s roferre~ tct e street cor:n-~ittee. ~,~.r A.P. Fcott s~?esre~ before the Board and ~-sde a verbal request for s ps~:~ent o~: his contract :,~alnut Avenue. The City En~nSe~ reported that ssuffficient amount off work had been done to warrant a pa~m~ent It was t~ereu~:on ~oved by Trustee Wallace seconded by Trustee Hotston ths, t the sum One T~ousand (1000) Dollars be allowed A.?. Scott o~ hiscon tract of Walnut Avenue . Carried The following re~:olution w~.s then introduced by Trustee Halston. RESOLU~'ION VACATII~O ~E[~0LU~ION 0F INTEi~TI.~N N0. 25~ND PROC~DIi(G SUBSEQUENT Resolved by the Board of True:tees of the Citer o~ Souzh San Francisco that Re~o]ution of Intention i~o, 23 entitled "A Resolution of the Board of Tr~tees off the City of Bouth San Fr~cisco declaring its Intention to improve a portion of ~[ission Road, or S~ate Highway, A Street, B, Street, C Street, D Street, ist Street, 2nd Street, Srd Street,," passed and ado~ted b y said Board of Trustees on the ist ~ off November, 1915, and a resolution invitina: s~':~:led rro~sals, ?eased and adopted by said Boa of Tr~.stees on the 27th day off De.ember, 1915, and the resolution of award, i~o. 2~, passed and adot~te by said Board of Trustees on the tTth day of January, 1916, be, and the same hereby are vscs:ted, set ~:ide and rescinded. -,-,-,-,-,-.-.-,-.-,-,-,-,-,- I hereb.v certify that the fo]lowing resolution wis re~ula~rly introduced and ado?ted by the Bo&rd of Trustees of the City of Soulh San ~rancisco t~m~. 1st d~y of ~,lay, 1916 b y the following vote: Ayes, Trustees ~[. f. He~':ly, G. W. Halston, G. H. W~:llace, and J. H. Kelley. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trum~$~s Cunnin~ha~. Attest: Wil]is~m J. Smith City Clerk. The following Resolution was then Introduced by Trustee Wallace: Resolution a~topting plans and speci£ications. Re~olved b~? the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~n Francisco that the plans anal, s:pec- ifications for the improvement of A Street, B Street, C Street, D Street, 1st Street, 2nd Street, and Zrd Street, in the City of ?outh Ean~rancisco es prepared by the City Engineer of' Said City o£ South San ~'rancieco and submitted this 1st day of May, 1916, be, and the same hereby are adopted as and for ~he ~ and s]-~ecificstions for doing said work. -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- I he~'eby cert~2'~~ that the !~o~egoing resolution was regular~]y introduced and ado~ted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this lstmday o£ May, 1916, by the following vote: Ayes Trustees, ~i. F. ~ealy, G. W. i~olston, G. H. Wells. ce Noes, Trustees !~one. fibsent Trustees F. A. Cunningham. Attest: William J. Smith City Clerk. RESOLUTION OF INTEi~TION N0.SS. ? RESOlUTiON 0F THE BOARD 0F TRU?TEE~ 0P THY] CITY 0F ~0Uli~ £~ F!~i~bI~C0 DLCL~EiEG ITS INTENTION TO II,{P~0VE A ~TR]~ET? B ~TR?~ET? C STRip. iT? ~ STREET, I£~ Street, 2ND STREET, ~rd STREET. Whereas ~.ublic interest and convenience reeuire that the street work and improvement hereina- fter described should be done; and Whereas, in the opinion of tho Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, s~id conte~p!sted v.~ork and in]provement is, ~n<i is h~reby declared to be of more than ]oc~.~l or ordinary p'~;blic benefit; Now therefore, resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that it the intention of said Board to order the following work and im~rovement to be done in s~id City, to wit; That let .~reet, 2nd street, and ~rd street from the westerly boundary line of the ri~ht of way of the United Railroads of San Fra.ncisco to the easterly line of Mission Road, or State Highway; A Street, B Street, C Street, and D Streetm from the westerly boundary line of the ri~(~ht of way of the United Railroads of San Francisco to the respective southerly terminations thereof, be graded to official grade; That concrete curbs and concrete sidewalks be constructed on both sides o£ those portions of 1st ~treet, 2nd Street, Zrd Street, A Street, B Street, C Street, hereinbefore designste~; and upon the westerly side of that portion of D Street hereinbefore designated: That oiled macadam pavement be constructed fro:~: curb to curb in those portions of let street 2nd.Street, 3rd Street, A Street, B Ftreet, and C Street, hereinbefore designated; That sewers:-.' v.'i~h all appt~ensnces, manholes, lempoles, wyes, ~d la. teral sewers be con- structed, in the following streets at the places indicated uI~on the map hereinbefore referred, to, which map constitutes a part of the plans for doing said ~:ork; city- Clerk. The following Resolution was then Introduced b;~' Trustee Wallace: Resolution a¢topting plans and ~pecific~tions. Re~olved b~? the Board of Trustees of the City Of South San Francisco that the plans ~nd ifications for the improvement of A Street, B Street, C Street, D Street, 1st Street, 2nd Street, and 5rd Street, in the City of ~outh SanFrancisco as prepared by the City Engineer of Said City of South San Francieco and submitted this 1st day of May, 1916, be, and ~he same hereby are adopted as and for :he and specifications for doing said work. -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- I he~'eby cert~f'y that the Yo~egoing resolution was regularly introduced and ado~ted by the Boa: of Trustees of the City of South S~n Francisco this lstmday oi' May, 1916, by the following vote: Ayes Trustees, M. F. ~.eal3', G. W. Holston, G. H. W~llace Noes, Trustees i~one. Zbsent Trustees F. A. Cunningham. Attest: William J. Smith City Clerk. ~'S ~T '~ ~ ~, N0.25. RE 0L~ !.L 0F INTEi~TI~'~ ~o~.~ ~ , ~'.=~, 3rd STREET. ITS INTENTION T0 IL~iPP, 0VE A STR]~:ET~ B FTR?:ET~ C ~ ~.:~ ~, ~ STREET I~:T Street, 2ND Whereas ¥~ublic interest and convenience require that the street work and improvement herei~ f~er ~escribed shoul~ be done; and Whereas, in the opinion of the Board off T'rustees off the City off South San Francisco, said contemp!sted ~ork and improvement is, ~:nd is h~reby declared to be of more than ]oc~_~l or ordinary p:.blic benefit; ~sn Francisco that it Now therefore, resolved by the Board of Trustees off the City of South the intention off said Board to order the following work and im[:rovement to be done in said City, to wit; That 1st street, 2nd street, and 3rd street from the westerly boundary line of the ri?bt L.~mon Road, _ of v:ay of the United Railroads of San Francisco to the easterly line off '~'~' or State Hiffhway; A Street, B Street, C Street, and D Streetm from the westerly boundary line off the ri.~rht of way of the ~nited Railroads of San Francisco to the respective southerly terminations thereof, be graded to official grade; Theft concrete curbs and concrete sidewalks be constructed on both sides off those portions of 1st Street, 2nd Street, Zrd Street, A Street, B Street, C Street, hereinbeffore designated; and upon the westerly side of that portion of D ~treet hereinbefore designated; That oiled macadam pavement be constructed, fro:-, curb to curb in those portions of 1st street 2nd Street 3rd Street, A Street, B Ftrea~t and C Street, hereinbeffore designated' That sewers:', u~i~h all app~tensnces, manholes, lsmpoles, wyes, ~d lster~l sewers be con- structed, in the ffollowing streets st the places indicated upon the msp~he~'einbeffore zeferred to, ~hich map constitutes a p~t of the plans for doing said ~vork; 1st Street between the easterly line of said Mission i(oad and a point (5) feet easterly from the westerly ho~dary line off the right off way of the United Railroads of San Francisco; 2nd Street between the easterly line of said Li Mission Road. end a ooint~ ([~.) feet ec~..~terly from the westerly, line of the risht of w~y~. of the Unite Railroads of San ~rancis~_:o; Zrd street between the esster]v line of said Mission Road and a point 100 feet 'easterly from the easterly line of C Street, A Street between the southerly termination thereofand the Southwesterly bou:~,dary line of the right of way of ihs United Railroads of San Francisco B Streetbetween the southwor]y termination thereof and s point three feet e~terly from the westerly bo~dsry line of the right of way of the United Railroads of Sen ~rancisco; C Street between the southerly termination thereof and g point three feet wastezly from the waster boundary line of the right of way of the United Railroads of San Francisco ; also be&inning at point in the center line of 1st street, vroducted northeasterly which ?oint is distant three feet northeasterly fro,~ t~. e sou-thwesterly boundary line of t~e right of way of ti'~e United Railroads of -~-~sr~ Francisco, and running, thence in a southessterly,, direction parallel to said southwesterl boundary line of the right of way of the United ~:aiiroads of S~:n Francisco,and at s distance of three(5) feet northeasterly therefrom, Two HunSred ~eventy.~ = ~'~ eetl else bef:inni'~.~: ate ~oint in t~e center line of second street,?~roduced northeasterly ,which ?oint is three:~S) feet distant north- easterly from the southwesterly boundary line of the right of w~y of the United Railroads of San cisco,and running thence in a southeasterly direction parallel to the southwesterly- boT~ndary ]ine of said right of way and at s distance of three (Z~ feet northea~ter]:~ therefz'om,0ne Iiundred ?eVem Seven (177)feet; That a co nnecting sewer be constructed along' the fei!owings course,which is ~.~srticu]s.r]y shown u~on s~id r~. constitutin~' ~-~rt cf t.e !tans for~_~'id ~vork,v,~hich ]'~l~:ns ere nere~n~;:fter re.~erred tc ~:egi~ni~ r'i the e;~isting m~,nhol~,'.-hich l~ north 74 de~rees 27 ;:'.inutes west 550 feet ~;.nd north 15 de~rees ,;~ ~.;innt~s E~:.:'tZ5 feet ffro~ the inter~:ection of t?~e westerly line off Orange Avenue wit ~o~t~er!y ..... line of Railroad Avenue,in saidS git~, of South San Fra.nci~co,~;~.d ru~nii-io'~:~ thence So~th 15 degrees gS ;'.in~tes west ]372.5 feet; ti:ante ~'outh 36 degz'ees 42 n~inutes west 276.5 feet to the pro?osed mrnhole on said. Srd street; Al! worz herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accor dance with the special and sTecifications flor said work ,which plans rnd s~-.ec~fications are entitled "Plans and S[peciffics for the construction and completion off street ira?roy: ent work u~on 1st. street,2nd, street, Zrd. street, A street, B street, C street, and D street int~;e City off South San Francisco,County off ~,~a" ~eo,~tate~; of C~-]iffornia,'~- "which I.]ans and s~ecifications~ were heretofore ~..do~,ted by said Board c '~rustees on t~e 1st. deaf of ~;~.y,]~;.t6 and are now on file in the offfice of the City Clerk,and to wi; plans s:~:5 s~.~ecificetions refference is" b nere~_y made for s. ffurther descrirt.~on of said work and fez' !ocat'on and e:.:tent of t e work to be done hereunder,~';d for a ?:articular descri?~ion of the b~,und aries of t;~e district hereinaffter mentioned. All such work is to include any and sllstreet inter ions sn~ street ter~inations and ppposi te terminations of,in rnd to ~:;11 the above mentioned stree and avenues within the respective line above mentioned,and is j/mrs ?articu]a.rly s'hov~.'n u]~on arid there is excepted however,from the sbo~re ~,~e.~.oned work any and all such work ~s ~.as slre~:d[f been to' orificial ~r~.-de. And ss. id B~sro of Trustees do.=s hereby determine and declare that sazd ~:.ro?osed ork sz~d is off more t~ loc~.l or ordinary benefit end will effect and benefit the lands and district herei after dessribed, uhi~:h said ci trict is hereby dec]az~ed t~;~ ~e tho ~istzict b:~;neffitted by said and improw ez~t : and tJ':~ L therefore t~:~e entire costs ~nd e;:Fenses o~' s~d work ~nc] iIn]~rovl;;ent be and is heeby~ ..... ,'.~.L',e c~,r~.:eable~.~.t.~' ~ ~' ~ '~ and s~=o/]~' be ~ssess. ed u?on said' lands s~d district,which district is wit~.m~ sa::id Cit:? ~ff Fouth San Francisco,~o~nty off ~sn i.ateo,.:t~-te ~ff Ca]ifforaia,and ~articu]arly bounded and describe5 ~ ffo]low~s,lo-wit: Bef('imning ets zranite ~-:onument set st t e most scu~h;~,~:.terly core, er off Block numbered ten{l~) shon-n upon that certain ~.~]~ entitlem ~:ection west off Esi!road off the',~oun off BaSen, ~atr off Suri B~zri, Can i.k~teo County ,Cs].,"which ~,m?:. w~.s~ ffi]ed in the orifice off t~ e CouBSy of ~an l, ia. teo, point in the center 'line mo-f-~'S~'~'S'~'~ ~'pr~d~cte'd 'n0r~i~eastert'y Which point is distant three feet northeasterly fro~ ti'e sou-thwester~? boundary line of t: e rif~ht of way of t::.e Untted Railroads of -~-~sn Francisco, an~ running thence in a southeasterly direction parallel to said southv,'esterl boundary line of t?:e right of way of tke United Railroads of S~n Francisco,end at a distance of '~r~ ats ~-oint in t~te ~ s~so bef~inni,.~_: three(Z) feet northeasterly therefrom, Two Hundred ~eventy ~2 eet, center line of second street,?roduced northeasterly ,which ?oint is three,~Z) feet distant north- easterly ffrom the southwesterly bound~ry line of the right of wa:y of the United Railroads of Ssn F: cisco,and running thence in a southeasterly direction ~arallel to t.~'~e southwesterly b~,md~.ry line of ss, id right off way and at s distance o~ three (Z~ feet northes~ter]~ tkerefrom,0ne .~undred raven' Seven (177)feet; That s co nnecting sewer be constructed along the following course,which is ~srticu]sr]y sho~vn u'?o~a sa~id ~'T, constitutin?' :-~rt cf t'.e ]lans for said ~vork,v.~hich ]-~lsns are hereius:fter re.~e~red to ~'~eginni~g ~t t~e e:ristimg m~nhol~,':hich l~ north 74 de;trees ~ ~,imutes west 550 feet ~.~nd north ]5 de~rees ~3 ~:inutcs E~stZ5 feet fro~ t~..e in. torsection off t].e westerly line of 0ranc'e Avenue wit; Ooutber!v line of .... ,. ~ ~cilroad Avenue,in saidS Cit~~ el' South San Franci~oo,a,,d ru~.ning thence ~5 degrees ~o ~._inutes west ]372 5 feet, tkence ~_outh ~6 degrees 42 minutes we~t 276.5 feet to t~e pro?osed m,~nhole on said. Zrd street; Al! work herein provided for shall be done to of~icis.1 grade and in accor d~nce with the special ~ ' _,. ,~nc sr, ec~fic~,tions are entitled "Plans and and s~eciffications flor said work ,wnmch ~lans ~ ' _ . for the construction and completion off street in?roy: ent work u~on 1st. street,2nd, street, 3rd. street, A street, o ..... street, C street, and D street inthe C;ty of Uouth San Francisco,Cowry off "which ?]ans a~d s!:ecifications were heretofore ~do~ted by said Board o: ~,~.'~teo,State of California, Trustees on the lat. day of ~.~y,]bl6 and are now on file in the offfice of the City Clerk,and to wh~ plans s~:5 s?ecifications reference is hereby made for s. ffurther descri~:t.:on of said work and ffo~~ t~ !ocst:on an~ eztent of t e work to bo done hereunder,~d for a ~.rticu]ar descriT~ion off the aries of t~-e district hereinafter mentioned. All such work is to include s~ny and allstreet inter~ ions au~ street tervinations and ppposi te terminations of,in and to ~.~11 the above mentioned street and avenues within the respective line above mentioned,and is more ~articu]arly s'hov, m u]~on said me~:~.Loned work any and ail such work ~s ~s slre~d[f been there is excepted however,from tho s-~o~e ..... . to orificial And said 'Board oY Trustees does hereby determine and declare that said T. ro'fosed v, ork and is off more ~:~.~ local or ord'n~ · ~:r~;, benefit and will efffect and benefit the lands and district herei~ after described, -:.kith ss. id ,'i' trict is here~,y dec]are6 t,~ ~e the eistzict b--nefitted by said work and i:::prow ant · ~n~ tJ-~d~ thereffore t~.:. entire costs f.i:d ~--~a ..... .......... es of s~d work ~.nd im~rov~.ent be and is he~ ..... ~. . ~-~Y ,:~.~.~e char~eableagainst a;'~] shall be ~.ssessed Ul:~On s~id lands s~d district,which district is ~vitkin said Cit:f of Fen'th S~:n Francisco,~.ounty of Fan Lk:teo,Ttste of Ca]ifforaia,and marticu]srly bounded and describe5 as fo]!ov:s,to-wit: Bof~imning sta ~rsnite ~',onument set at t e most so~thv, asterly core, er off Block numbered ten[l~) "°ection west of Esilro~d ~' ~,at off , o~ t~e To:.n cf Ba~]en, . shouu u~on th~:t certain ma? entitled ~ r ~uri Burl, 2an Lkteo County ,C~:].,"v;hich ~,mv w~.? filled in tho office of t~e County of ?:s.n Liateo, ,' ~rn~s.,NovemberZ0th ]891, in Book z~ of ~ ....... ps at psge 52; runnin thence s!ong tke ,~ ,-tcr]~z line of Blocks Ten ~10),Si:~: (5), Five (5) and 0~e (!)as shown u?on sai~ map,to th' westerly line of ~id right of wsysouth 55 de,tees ~:t ~n~t ..... ]0 ~ sst 726.85 feet;thence northS~ de?~ees oomiYmte 50 seconds e~st five (5) feet; t~nce south 55 ~e~rees 59 minutes lO seconds east 272 1J feet thence sov~th J4 de~frees .00minutes 50 seconds west 5 feet to the westerly line of the right of ~ay of t ti_e United R~ilroa~s off,_-°~n Francisco; thence a~on~"~ . ~e westerly ~ine.. off sr:~a'~ ~uLt" .... ~ off way south c.~ oe~rees g9 minutes 10 seconds esr't 258,:(~2 feet; tLence north 54 def~rees O0 ~,m~tes 50 seco,,ds east 5 feet. t~ence south 55 de?rees 5q minutes !0 sec ~-~s: 17q. · , . o~ e~:st . Zi feet thence ~-iong a curve to t the ri;~'ht with a r~dius o~ g694,83 fleet;, 58.~7 fleet; thence ~outh 2,5 de~rees a2 minutes 50 seco~ads wes ~ fleet t~ t~_.e v,'e; ~;er]y line o~ the ri?:ht of way' o~ t;.e onzzec ~-,,ilrosds of ~:n ~,'ramczsco;thence ~ ' 1 ..... s i5 ri:::~t of way on curve in a southe~ sterlv direction with a r~di~s off ~ ,~o89.~o feet, 4~ 79 feet' ;?:..ante ~orth ~.6 ae~rees 42 ::inutes east Itl fi4 feat, thence north 15 ~= rinutas~ east 137] 7~ feet- ~ ......a ~outb Vd d .... ,,,~eo 2, ~,i s s . , , a~.~o eat 5 feet: t~ence south ]4 de~rees~ J5 ~:inutes west~1575.11 feet~ thencea.~s~h]$6~degree, s ~2 minu~'es'wes~ 192.66[feet .tei~he Westerly line 0f the right of.. th~ ri~ht'of"way:off ;he, United Railroads of San Francisco; ~th~n~e~,_along~the~]-- W~sterly,.lifle off~.said right of.way..'on ~,,~b~-~e ~in:~.~eneral southd~;,sterly dir~ftion ~'~h a~,radius.~of z689.83 feet, 4[t.-~2~ fe'e't to the 'Son:therlY~boundsryi[i~e eT the tract -, off~ said Tow~,0f:,B~ad~n, a's~-Shown t~e:map thereof heretnbe.f~re ~ r~f~mm~d~'~e: ;~ thenoe a]'0u~ the ssu~the~ly~ li~ of~ sadie;tract of s~id Towr of Baden, smzth 63 de:z sees Z8 minutes 48 seconds west 1122.69 feet to the ?oint od beginning. ~s~in~ , e::cemtinr? an~J e:~c]uding ffrom said district a~l public streets ,/zenu.es,lsnes, and p]acesinc!ude~ and cent, ined l(otice is hereloy ~?i~en th~:t aerie] bonds to remresent unpaid ~s'sessments,~-~ be~.r intereslt ~t the rate of seven(V) ~er cent:-~er s:-~au~:~,witl b~ is:sued hereunder in tho manner provided by tLe Bond Act of 1915 t!~e ]~-st inp , ~. lment off which bo:'~,ds sh~i! mature nine (9) years f~'om ZLe second day of' July,ne::t. succeedind~ nine (9) mont~:e ffz~om zheir date. "The Eh;cry, rise ", a,'eek]y ne~..,.' ~'~ ....... ~.~]_~ez printed, ....... ~- whi.~ this and circu]~ted in t,le C.:ty off ~outh ~n Frsnciscois hereby des~,~.:na~te~ ss t~e ne~,,~z,~.!ter in Reso]utlo~: of Intention sh~]l be pub]'~ ~ned, and t~,e Clerk is hereby directed to cause this 'resolution of Intention to be rub!ishe5 by (2) two insertions in t~e manner and form required by law. The f~:'.'~eri t~nuent ~ ~ oc" streets shall c~.use to ~,e cons--icous!y ~osted. along t::o line o$ said con- ~-o~,n~-.~sted~ ....... work a--D~ i~::r, rovmont, and along ~"o~,,: o~'.e~ stro~.:ts v'"'~. ~,~.kn" ,,~ a'-id district ,~1~'~ ~ in i'roz~t oi' ~.[1 ti-~o" Tro]:'.orty liable to be assessed at not more t]'~an_ Three iiundz~:~d (~:~.'~.'~) fleet ,,in dista ce al'art,but not ~_zee ~n ~!,noticos oz the p,~-ss, ge off t~is Eesolu'tion of Intention, in ~,:,~ manner ~nd fform requi~ tb~'' ,-m ~, and the ar:end~:.e~ts thereto by . ,.~ t~.,rovment Act of !911" Lie;ice is hereby given ~,at on ~,~ond~,y e 29th da-y off Lk.y,~9!6, ~:t ~::~. hour oi' ei~ht o clock ~ ' in the council chsmbez~ f s~-ic],~ Bo,.rd ...... of _~.,~tees off tho City of ~'o~l.b San .fr~.~.c~-co any~.n~_ ~.~.~ persons havin~ any objections to t o provosed work or imi',rovment may s~-'f,~o~r ~':efore sa~id Boaz-~,~ off True-re ,~m s]'~ow o~;use why sf,.i~ ?ro?'.osed i::.?row-~e::t sho:~Ic, not ]:e c~rried out in gcccrot..n~o vith this~ r res o]ution. E::cept as hereinbefore ?rovided, s]] off 't:;e pro?osed work sh[..]l be done iT, p~suance,' off an [ act off t.:e Le?'is]~.t:~re off the rte-re off ~Cs]iffornia ~te i.~]'nated a~ t.he"im?:rovmez~t 2ut of ]~11, approved fmri] 7th. 1911,and the amendments t~:ereto. I hereby certify th~_t tho fforegoin~ resolution w~.s regularly introduced s~-:d ado-~.ted by Boars off Trustees off tLe Cityy of ~outh fbn Francisco,~:,zs ]~-t. day off _.lay, ]t;16, 'by tho ffolEowing vote: Ayes Trustees ~,,,.F. Healy, ~.,~'. HoEs;on ,Geo. H. Lsqlsce a:nd J..H. Xelley. l~oes Trustees iTone ,..~ ~ent Trustee F.A. Cuz].nl Wil]_iaT.: J. Smith City Clerk The re:'ort~ of City offfficers flor the month off ~-~,,rzl wore tZen read, the report of the CitF Cork s~owod the f~~ fo]!owin~- b~Isnces. ........ ._ . __ _~v .... .~, ='.~u~zm'ne~:~erly dire-ction with a radius of ,~o8..8o feet, 4oo.~ 79 feet' ~,~ .ncc north ~'~6 de?rues 42 r,inutes east 1%1 24 feet: thence north 15 '':' ~ inut.2~ east !iTl 7c, feet; ...... ~'" ~7 .... . st fo ' , _~ de"~re 2C ' ln.~t~., v;eat~lS75`il'ffeet~ thencea, i.s~th256,~de~r~es ~2 mlnu~'es~west 198.66iffeet.ts..~he westerly line of the right cE. $h~ right off~way':off the United Railroads off S~n Francisco; th~nSe~along the~ W~sterly li~e off..ssid right Off.way on ~:.c~i-Ve ~n ~ ~eneral southSasterly dir82t~on 5689.83 feet, 4ii.-~2A: flees to the son~therly b ~eundor~ lime e~ the tract off'said Town 0ff:B~den, as}show: t~e map th~reoff hereinbeff~re ' y~femmed ~e' ; thence along the ssutherly lire off ss'i~tt~act off s~id T off Baden, soutk 63 de~' zees 58 minutes 48 seconds west 1122.69 feet to the voint od be~[inning. ~a~inF , e::cemtino' and exc]u~iicg ffrom osid district a~l FJJ)]ic ,t~eets ,_ zenues,lsnes, and p]acesi~c!uded and ~,~otice is hereby ~i~en t.a,~l seri~..] bonds to re?resent un~aid ~,~ ~,o,.,, , . r rate off seven(7~ rer centver ~:7. rmh,will o~ ~.~e~ hereun0er in the manner ~,rovided by the Im]-:rovment Bond Act off t~;15,the ]~st inst~.~lment off which bo~-.ds sl~l.! mature nine (9) years Etch zke second, da~~ of July,next succeeding nine (9) mont~e f~om their date "~he Enterprise a,. eek]y ne~-s~..].,e~ printe and circulated in t]:c O.lL~/ of ~ ~ ~n Prsnciscois hereby de~ i.:~nated as t~e ne;.s'f~por in v:hioh this Resolutlon of Intention sh~]l he eub]i, ned, and t~.e Clerk is hereby directed to csu~,e this 'resoiutio: of Intention to bo !u~b!ished by (2) t,.~-e insertions in t~.~e manner and form required by law. The °'-I .... ~ ....line o~ said con- ~' ~,oll tendent o~ streets shall cause to :,e cons?.icous!y posted along .... ~.,~ o~e~: strew:ts ,.it]~in ~oid district ~:nd in front of ~.ll tn~0-lsted wo~ a-o~ ir:provment and s].oN~r ~ ......... ~ '~ ~ ~_~e~ hundr~d (~"~) feet in dista ce al'art, ~-ro}-.erty. liable to he s~sessed at not more then ~;'~.- ~ ~ ~. but not tn,::n *' ..... ~ notices of the p~rss~e of t~is Eeso!ution of Int~:ntion, in t.~:o manner and form requi by t~'~''~ m~,~=~'~,~t Act of 1911" sn~ the ~hend~..e~t~: th. ore'to. 2fotice is hareby fFiven ~.t on ~..,ond~.y the 29th d~, of i.ky,~916, ~t ~zi.:~ hour of ez~yn~ o clock in the council '~ .... ~.. .~,~c~ ._ cn~m...er f said a'~.---~ of Urns:tees of the City of ~'onth San fz'~.-.ci~'co any ~z~d · mOck,. Ol' 2r~lst, persons having an~ objections to t o pros~.osed work cz iml'rovmo.nt racy c]U>o~z l'-efore said and show cause why sf.i~ }:rorosed i:::v, rovr-.e::~t sho:~Id not ];o c~z'ried c, ut in acccrc~ance rith thi~: r res o]ution. E::ce~qt t:s hereinbefore_t':rovided, ~q]. ..... of tJ.e pronosed, work shall toe dc, ne ir. pursuance :. of eR act of the Le?'is~'~ ~ o~re of tim State of ~' ~' ._ . Cs..zfornia de~i?;nated t~s t~e"Ir:n:.rovme:~t i:ut of 1911, approved Apri] 7th. l%lt,and the sNendments tkereto. t;~o foregoing res o] ,~.ti on w~.s ref~ulsr]y introduced end ado~-.ted by I hereby ceztify th:_t ' ' .... = . . . . ~:c foil owing Board of Trustees of tke Cityy of ~oeth fan Fr~.:ncisuo,,:~, ]st da!: of ..lay, 1~,16, by vote: Ayes Trustees~ TM. P. Hesly, ,,.',~. ~iolston ,~eo. H. .,a.]!ace and J.H. Kelley. floes Trus:tees ~:,~ sent Trustee P.A. Cnn.nln~.h~.m. Wiltm .... ~ J Smith City Clerk The re~'~ort~ of Cit7 officers for the month of Arril were ti[un re~d, the rei~ort oi' the City Cork' s}:owod the f~~ fo]!owin~r b~Isnces. ~ ' . -o,.'~or ..isct ,~1,~.5 L4 "',-' 766 74 °inkin~ Fund .24,~o5 ~1 ue:~erel Fund :~6 675 11 °t.R ~, ..... ,'.-c ~.' l, zbr=ry' ~ Fund C1,06~.14 ".~,r~:.:qo~' ' /ye. Extention ffund,.;¢2005.?S~ librcry Builfling Yund" 500.6g The report of t'.:e City Tre~.suror checked v, ith t~_~-~ of the 6ity The report of the CityRecord~r showed th~::t the sum of ;ii:11.50 had been collected through his ~_ , ' ~ n~.~oed check. office durin? the month of Ar~ril,1916, for wh~.cn he Idoved bY TrusteeWs2]ce :~eco~:ded by Trustee Ho]ston that the rey~orts of all City off'icers received at this meeting be sccey, ted as read. Carried 21oved by Trustee :::sllace secouded by Trustee i-',,.~l,.ton t~:::.~ the City Clerk be instructed to reouest ~,~r. 7~.J. ~,;srtzn to have a toilet instal]ed in the City Carried An Ordins:'-~ce entitled "An Ordinance Prohibiting TheP0sting of ~osters, Bills, P!scs. rds,Or Advertisments Upon A].I Poles Or !:osts Used To ~ut~:'ort Electric Wires Or. Telephone Wires, Or Any Other Posts Or ~oles Or Trees U}i,on the Streets Or Alleys ',~,i~hin the City Of South ~an Prancisco. was form~l~ly introduced by Trustee Holston, hs~ its first reading ,and was laid over tc come up under regular order of business'at t,~:e next meeting of the Board. The foilowin? ~mands against the City were ?resented for payment t~ same having been approved by the finance committee C~rl Burmeister l~bor on street 12.50 F.W. Brown services on o]ection Board April 10th W.P. Acheson fees as i~ight Watchman L~ary E. Donovan serving on election Board Luui Varni removing dead animals from streets Frank Kelley labor on street W.J. ?mith ?ostage stamps and P.O. Bo~ rent o~ra. Ingram services on election Board i~. Foley labor on street work C~ C. 2pe!lman labor on street B. Pssaquale uniform csps for police Dept. J Barry labor on street Underwood Typewriter C_mpsnY for Typewriter for Clerks fac. Gsa & Electric Co. current for si~n Maude W~]lace services in Clerks office H. Gaerdes supplies Pac. Gas ~ Electric Co Ci!~ Hail Fire'Dept library C. Burmeister labor on street ~[ary I,ierckes servicss on election Board P~:u] Pinckney Publishing notice of annaexation election The Electr±c shop globes for sign F.W. Brown building fence around ~arbage dump W.J. L~artin Feb. Mar. and April rent F.W. Brown building fence alon~ Grand /venue exte ntion A.G. Bissett laboronstreet with teams offoice 10. 3.75 10. Z. 27.50 7.60 10. 8.75 8.75 7.47 2'2. 50 100. 9.ZO 1~.- 1.50 3.50 15. 10. 91.55 22.50 42.53 75. 46. ~6 99, 662.36 ii,loved by Trustee H~lston seconded by Trustee W~'ll ce that tke above demands be ~aid and warrants drawn for the various amounts Carried .qoved by Trustee Ho!ston seconded by Trustee W~llace that the Board adjourn m~ti! ,Zondsy ~[ay 15th. 1916. to eetat #510 Linden Ave at 8 ' 0 clock ~.M. Carried Tir-~e of adjournmsnt 9'40 Respectfully submitte~ Willma~_ J. Smith City Clerk