HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1916-06-19I1 IITV.! Re~m~J~r adjourn meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco held Mond~:y June ]c~ 1916. m .~, ._ ~ ~re~at;nu of ~he _ ~, ~h~. meeting:' was called to order st 8:00 pZm. by the ~ ~"''~ ~ Board. Roll call founfl all of the Trustees presentto wit: F. A. Cunn~n~:,h~m, ~. F iiealy, v ~. Wallace J. H. Kelley, snd G. ~,;'. Ho]sion. The ~:inutes o£ the irevious meeting were then re~d .no uTon motion of Trustee Cunninf'h~;m seconder: by Trust,ze ~eal~ and regularl~ carried were roved ~-.s re~i:d. ~ communics, tion was received from J. F. Vierr~ wherein he surrendered the Class A Liquor · ..;~nd Avenue he'havin? sold his ~':usiness to 7. Ba~-ad~.:t. License hel~] by him at 224 ~'~ , Th.~' follov;in~ applications for Class A Liquor Licenses were then read, E. Oalli, 318 Grand Avenue, i Baradat .southwest corner of Grand and Cypress Avenues, Geo. 7;allace Veranda Hot~l .... _. ., ~ Locstelli 505 San Bruno Road, v E ~etter 230 :Tre:nd /venue, !/anger & Wolgsven Linden Hotel, .. S. Giane]]i 220 Grand /venue, F. Pails Central Hotel., Chas. Steurmgnn, ./_rmour Hotel, G. Be~tucelli ~4~ Grand 7vonue, and accompening each of the above applications 200 Grand Avenue, ~ :~,~t~i & Minetti o a w~s a bond in the ]:ena! sum o£ One thousand dolls, rs (~1000.00), flor the faithful compliance wi!_h the provision of orRinsnce #59 of the City of ~outh ~sn Francisco, and each o£ the applications havi. n~ complied in all respects with the provision o£ said ordinance. The above were gr~nted per- mits for Class A liquor Licenses for ~ term of six months ending December An application of A. G.~.l].i for a class /. liquor license for 206 gra~nd ~venue was rejected. The application of Wm. D. Lynch for the Merriam Block was laid over. ~ comrrmnication w~:s ?'eceivec'~ fror~ ~. ~.,iros o±' the ~uparior French Laundry herein he a~ked that /~he same protection be ~iven to his busine~:s as ~he Board was about to give to tho merchan[~' of the town, and th~;t the license on oI t.-zue launderie~! be placed at the same ~mou as the pedlers, iJoved by Trustee iiealy seconded by Trustee Wall.ace that the license on outsi.~e l~underies be ms, de the ss. me as ~,~dlers. carried. A report from the City Recorder for the month of ~ay w~.s then reg:,d. The report, e, howed t~,~u the sum of (~17.50) had been ~o]]ected throu~>his office for ~eid month for which he enc_,o, ea cnecx. The report was acce:-te~ anf ..... -~ ,,l~.c~, on file . ':his !,ein,~ the date e:et for the reception of bids for improvements of LOs Cerritos Tract. It wes moved by Trurtee Cunninghgm seconded by Trustee Holston that all bids be open at this time. Cs, rried. The :followin~ bids were then opened and read. Thcs. A. C]~rk a tot~:l bid of ~$2,009.55, ~etersen & Grier J1,294 70, D 0 Church ~ ..... ,,. · - ' '= ~ n o · , . ~or.-,T>sny, o<,715.04, F. o R~t~n~ & Com~ny 53,~0~.90. It was moved by Trustee CunninghamSeconded by T-,"ustee Holston that the bids be referred to the City Enf~ineer for ad. vitae as to the lowest bidder, he to give f; report on ~?ednesd~y mornimz Carried. The fol!owin(~ Res'olution was then introduced by Trustee Cunnin?ham. Resolved by the Bosr~ of Trustees of the uzty of 2outh San Francisco that £rom and s£ter the date of the p~s~-ege of this resolution no liter:re ~'h::]] be issued to the murchaser of any retail ]i,:uor business within the City of ?outh Fan Frcncisco until notice of Intention to sell has, been given in writin~~ to s[id Board of Trustees by the seller off shy such liquor business· Such notice shall be ~iven at" 7 ~_ e _ ~n~ regular meetin~ of aid Bo~:rd of Trustees end she:ll state the n~me or names off the intending~ purchaser or purchasers Said Board of Trustees sh:;ll inve~ti/~.te the character of such intendin~ purchaser or :!,urchasers before ;.r~nt~n~ ~ny such license. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- I hereby certify that the f'ore~Foin~c resolution w s re :'u]arly introduced and a~?~o~ted by the BO" d s 19 , , ~.,r of Trustees of the City of ~outh Sen Francisco thi th day of June 1916 by the fO!!Twin~~ vote: Grand Avenue, L Fargds:t .southv~est corner of_ Grand and Cypress Avenues, ~eo. Wallace Veranda Hot~l ,o E. Carter 230 '~- ,.rven~e, ~ Locgtelli 305 San Bruno Road . ~r~nd .~enger & Wo!o'sven Linden Hotel, .. , ~ Oianel]i 220 Or~nd v~nue, Pall~~ Centr~l Hotel,, Chas Steurm~nn /~rmour Hotel, G. Be~tucelli Rstti & Minetti o ~ 200 Grand Avenue, . ~4. Grand /vsnue, and accomp~ninfr each of the above applications w~s a bond in the ~ensl stm of One thousand dollars (~1000.00), for the faithful compliance wi!_h the provision of ordinance ~59 of the City of South San Francisco, and each of the ~ m ' ~p?licstions hsvin~ complied in all res~ects with the provision of said ordinance. The above were ,~/rsnted per- mits for Class A licuor Licenses for a term of s~x months endins December 51, An gm~lication._ of A. ~.~lli'~ ' for a c!sss ~ liquor license for 206 ffrcnd.. /venue was rejected. The application of Wm. D. Zynch for the Merriam Block was laid over. A communication was receives from H. Sy, iros off the ~Ul:arior French La.dry-_herein he c~ked that the same protection be ~iven to his business ss he Board was about to give to tho mercha, nts of the town, and that the license on o' tside launderie~ be pieced at the same gmou ~' ss the pedlars iJoved by Trustee iteglv seconded by 'tn. tee Wallace that the license on outsJ.,Je l~underie~' carried. A report from the City Recorder for the month of May was then read. The report, ~'howed the sum of (~ ~V.50) had been ~o]]ected throuf'his office for said month for which he enclosed The report was acce:ted snf ]~lsce'~ ,., on file . ~his ~?einff the date ~ct for the reception of bids for improvements of Los Cerritos Tr~:ct. It was moved by Trustee Cunnin~vh~m seconded by Trustee Hol,?ton that all bids be open et this time. Carried. Th~ :followin~ bids were then opened ~nd read. Thcs. ~.. C]~rk a tot~l bid of ,~:o2,009.55, ~:~ 715.04' F. o Rit~hie & Comp~ny 53,902 90 ~etersen & Grier 51,294.70, D. O. Church Company, ~, It was ~oved by Trustee CunninghamSeconde~ by ~frustee Holston that the bids be faf.erred to the City Engineer for a~vise as to the lowest bidSer, he to give_, t report on ',~edne~'~-c~y mornin~v. Carried. Th~ followin(~ Resolution was then introduced by Trustee Cunning:[ham. Resolved by the Bosr~ of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that from an5 after the date of the pas~'~;~e off this resolution no li~c~'~ e ?h~:]] be issued to the m~rchsser of guy retail ]i~uor business ;~/ithin th~ City of .Couth Fan Francisco until notice of Intention to sell has been given in writinf~ to ssi~ Board of Trustees by th~ seller of any ~:uch li~uor business. Such notice shall be given at shy regular meeting[ of said Board of Trustees and sh~ll state the or names off the intending purchaser or purchasers. Said Board of ,ru.:tees ~h~_ll invest'~ the character of such intending purch~ser or ~urchas~rs b~fore ~r~ntin~r ~ny ~uch license. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- I hereby certify that the ~ ~ ' ~ ~ore~oin~ resolution v~ s re ~u]arly introduced and a~fo~ted by the , o~,rd of Trustees of the City of Fouth Sen Francisco this !.~oh da~ of June, 1916, by the fol!gwin,.~ vote: Ayes Trustees F. A Cunnin~hem, G~o H. .......... e~l..v, G. ?~. Holston, and J. 'ii. Dielle?,~. ~[oe~. ~ru. tec.~ None. Ab ~:~ ant Trustees grades. Attest: William J. Smith City Clerk. The following resolution ws, s then introduced by T~ustee Holston establishing street A RESOI. UTION 0F THE B~ARD 0E TRUSTEES OF THE CITY 0F ~0UTH SAN ~ANCI,~C0 ESTABII?HIIIG CURB I. INE/ Al~,~ 0Ff~ICIAL ELEV~TIONS 0i.[ I~ORTIONS OF C0~,~d~)iRCIAL AVENUE,I,I/PZE AVENUE, ?TRUCE AVENUE, 1,~GNOLI~ AVENUE AN~ 0RAi,'GE AVENUE II~ THE CITY 0F ?OUTH ?/~.i? f~R~NCIS:~:0 . Resolved by the bo~,rd of trustees off the City of Fouth ~mn ~ranciscothat the north curb line of Commercial avenue, between the west line of Linden Avenue and the e~st line of Maple /venue, in the City of South S~n Fr~_ncisco be, ~nd the same hereby is ests, blished a.s that certain line t:ar- allel with the northerly boundary line of said commercial avenue Smd at a dist~nce of Twelve feet (12) south, r!y therefrom; thg:t t)~e southerly curb line of said Commercial Avenue be~wee~ the westerly line of Linden Avenue smd the easterly line of ~,[gple Avenue in said City b~, s. nd the same hereby is ests'b]ished as that certain line parallel with the southerly bounds:ry line of said Commerci~-I Avenue and at a dist,.rice of Twelve (12) feet northerly therefrom; that the northerly curb line of Sai~ Commercial Avenue between the westerl? bounSary line of ~iaple Avenueand the easterly boundary line of Orange Zw)nu~, .in said Citlf Be, and the same hereby is established s~s that certain line parallel with the northerly ~)oundary line of said Commercial Avenue and at a distance ~£ fiffteen (15) feet southerly therefrom; that the so'~therl.y curb line o£ said Commercial f. venue, between the westerly Boundary l~ne of ~laple Avenue ~:nd the easterly boundary line of Orange Avenue , in sgJ. d City be, and the s'ame hereby is established as that certain line parallel with the southerly boundary line of said Commercial Avenue smd at a distance of 'ifteen (15) feet northerly therefrom; That the easterly curb line of Lls. ple Avenue between the southerll~ boundary line of Baden ~'ven, ~ u~ and the northerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue in ~id City be, and the ss'me hereby is established s~s that certain line parallel vith the easterly bc~zndary line of Msltle Avenue and. ct a distance of twelve (12) feet westerly therefrom; that the westerly curb line of Maple Avenue, bet- ween tbs southerly boundary line of Baden f~v'nue an~ the ~ortherly boundary line of Railroad Avenue in said City be, and the same h~reby is established s~: that certain line ~gr~-llel with '.he westerly bou ndary line of said l~la/_~le Avenue and at a distance o£ Twelve (12) feet e~:ster!y therefrom; That the easterly curb line of Spruce Avenue, between the southerly boundary line o£ Baden Avenue smd the northerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue, in said City, be, and the same hereby is estanlished as that certain line parallel with the easterly boundary line of Spruce Avenue and ct distance of Twelee (12) feet westerly ther. e£rom;-that the westerly curb line of Fpruce Avenue, between the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue and the northerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue, in s~:,id City be, smd the same hereby is established as that certain line parallel with the westerly undary line of ~pruce Avenue cud st a distance of Twelve (12) feet easterly therefrom; That the easterly curb line of ISagnolia Avenue, berween the sOutherly boundary line of Baden ~venue and the northerly boundary line of Railroad Av~.nue in said City be, ~nd the same hereby is established as that ertain line parallel with the easterly boundary line of Ma~rnolia Ave and st a distance of twelve (]2) feet westerly therefrom; that the westerly curb line of ~.venue, between the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenu8 smd the northerly bounds, ry line of Railroad Avenue , in said City be, and the same hereby is established as that certain line p~rallel with the westerly boundary line of ~agnolia Avenue and ~ t a distance of twelve (12) feet easterly therefro,;. '1 IlTVJ That the easterly curb line of Urange Avenue, between the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue ~nd the northerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue in sei¢l City be, and tha s~me hereby is established ~s theft certain line p~rallel with the easterly boundary line o~ 0r~nge /venue ~nd ~t s dist~nc~ of twel~ (1~) feet w~sterly therefrom; that the westerly curb line of Orange Zvenue, between the southerly bound~ry line of Baden Avenu~ and !he northerl~ boundary line of Railroad ~venue, in s~id CitF be, ~nd the ssm~ here by is established as that certain line par- ella! with the westerly bound~ry line of Orange A~enue and ~t a d~s~ano~ of Twelve (1~) ~eet easterly therefrom; All s~id Bo~dary line ~re those lines indiceted es bou~d~ry lines upon that certain ma~ "Entitled South S~n Fre~ncisco, ~n Mateo Co. Cal., Plat No. 1,""which mat~ was fi]ed in the off- ice of the Count~ ~ecorder of the C 'unty of San ~,~ateo, California, Liarch l, 1892, ~nd recorded in m~p book No. That ell official elevations or ffrades on etch of s~:id streets be, sad the same hereby are determined, established and described with reference to Mean Lower low Water, as ascertained by the United States Coast end Geodetic Survey st Port Point, san Francisco, C~lifornia~, and hereinafter described es the City Base; That the of iciel elevations or grades on said streets ere hereby determined and declared to be shove seid City Base and that the said Official elev~tions or grades ~nd their several points of location be, and the same hereby ere established as follows: Section 1. 0n the northerly curb line of Commerci[l Avenue, between linden Avenue end Me~le ~venue as fol]o~s: At 'the intersection of the westerly line of Linden Avenue ~2.00 300 feet westerly from said intersections 60.30 feet 462 feet westerly from said intersection 66.~0 feet At the intersection of the easterly line of Maple Avenue 69.~0 feet $ection 2. On the southerly curb line of Commerci[1 Avenue between Linden Avenue and Maple Avenue~as follows: At the intersection of the westerly line of Linden Avenue ~00 feet westerly from said int~,rsection 461 feetwesterly from said intersection ~t the intersection of the easterly line of Meple Avenue Section 5. bt.f5 feet 60.20 feet 66.80 feet 68.60 feet the northerly curb line of Commerci~:.l A"enue between ~aple Avenue ~nd ?pruce Avenue, ~s follows: At the inte section of the westerly line of Maple Avenue 450 feet westerly from said intersection 475 feet westerly from said intersection 500 feet westerly from said intersection 525 feet westerly fro~said intersection 550 feet westerly from said int rsection 600 feet westerly from said intersection 625 feet wes, terly from s~id intersection 650 feet westerly from said inter~:ection 675 feet westerly from s~id intersection 700 feet westerly from said 'ntersection at the ~ntersoction of the easterly line of Spruce Avenue 69.90 feet B£.42 feet 51.26 feet 49.70 feet 47.72 feet 45.~4 feet 40.16 feet 57.86 feet 59.17 feet 35.08 feet 34.57 feet 5£.00.feet Section 4. On the southerly curb line of Commorcial Avenue between.Liaple Avenue and Spruce 'venue, as follows: ice of the Countxr ~ecorder of n~ ¢; 'untTf of '~. ~,~ateo Californit, Larch 1, 1892, ~nd recorded in map book I~o. £ at pa~? 52; That all official elevetions or ~rades on each of s~:id streets be, and the same hereby ore determined, established ~nd described with reference to Idean Lower Iow Water, as ~scertained by the United States Coast and Geodetic ~urvey ~t Fort Point, san Francisco, California., and hereinafter described ~s the City Base~ That the o£ ici~l elevations or grades on said streets are hereby determined and declared to be ~nove said City Base and that the said Official elew~tions or grades ~nd their several points of location be, an~ the same hereby are est~b].~shed ~,s £ollows: Section 1. i)n the northerly cur~ line of Commercial Avenue, betv~een Linden Avenue ~nd Ms,lc ~venue ~s follows: At 'the intersection of-the westerly line of Linden Avenue 32.00 300 feet westerly from said intersections 60.S0 feet 462 feet westerly from said intersection 66.90 feet At the intersection of the easterly line of ~a~le Avenue 69.90 feet Section ~. On the southerly curb line of Commercial Avenue between Linden Avenue and ~aple Avenue,as follows: At the intersection of the westerly line of Linden Avenue ~00 feet westerly from said intc, rsection 462 feetwesterly from said intersection At the intersection of the easterly lin,~ of ~[sple Avenue Section ~. Zl.;'5 feet 60.20 feet 66.80 feet 68.60 feet ~fn the northerly curb line of Commercia. 1 A'enuo between ~daple Avenue ~:nd Spruce Avenue, as follows: At the inte section of the westerly line of ~ple Avenue RSO feet westerly from sgid intersection R?~ fe~t westerly from said intersection 500 feet westerly from said intersection ~ feet westerly fro~ssid intersection ~0 feet westerly from ss~id int rsoction 600 feet westerly from s£id intersection 6~5 feet wes~terly from s~id intersection 650 feet westerly from said inter~ection 67~ feet westerly from s~id intersection 700 feet westerly from s~id ~ntersection at the ~ntersection of the easterly ]ine of Spruce Avenue 69.00 feet 52.42 feet 51.26 feet 49.70 feet 47.72 feet 45.~4 feet 40.16 feet 37.86 feet ~9.27 feet ~5.08 feet Z4.57 feet $£.00,feet Section 4. On the southerl?¢ curb line of Comm<~rcisl Avenue between },;aple Avenue and Spruce ~venue, ~,~' follows: At the inters ~,~-~ e 0 u _ on of the westerly line of Li~,ple Avenue 68.60 44- 450 feet westerly from said ~rsection\. 475 feet v~esterly from said inte. rsection 500 feet westerly from s~'id intersection 525 feet v/esterly from sa. id intersection 550 feet westerly from said intersection 600 feet westerly from said intersection 625 feet westerly from s~-.id intersection 650 feet westerly from said intersectmon 675 feet westerly? from acid intersection 700 feet westerly from said inters ction At the intersection of the easterl,v line of ~pruce Avenue. Section 5. 51.42 feet 50.26 feet 48.70 feet 46.72 feet 44.34 feet 39.16 feet 5~. 86 feet 55.!7 feet 34.0f~ feet 33.57 feet 51.00 feet On the northerly curb line of Commercial Zvenue between Spruce Avenue and Magnolia Avenue as follows: At the intersection of the westerly line of Syruce Ave.53.00 Feet 150 Westerly from said intersection 175'feet westerly from said intersection 200 feet westerly from said intersection 225 feet westerly from said intersection 250 feet westerly from said intcr~ectio:~ 700 feet westerly fro~ said inters'~ctio 725 feet r-esterly from ssi~ inta~s~ection 750 feet westerly :~rom said intersection 775 feet westerly from said intersection 800 feet wester!}zfrom said intersection 38.63 feet .~ £eet 40.08 feet 40.49 feet 40.65 feet · ~.,~ feet 42.S8 fleet 41.98 feet 41.4.2 feet 40. 60 f et At the intersection of the easterly line of Magnolia Ayah.00 feet Section 6. On the southerly curb line of ~ommercial ~venue between ~pruce Avenue and Magnolia Avenue is as follows: At the intersection of the westerly line of Spruce Avenue 32.00 feet 150 fe~t Westerly from said intersection 175 feet westerly from s~id inters:action 200 feet westerly from said intersection 225 feet vesterly from said inte-rsectmon 250 feet westerly from said intersection 700 feet westerl~' from said intersection 725 feet ~,esterly from said intersect on 750 feet ~ester].y from s~id intor~ection 775 feet westerly from said intersection 800 feet westerly from said intersection 37.63 feet 38.46 feet 39.08 f~:~et 39.49 feet 39.68 fegt 4!.32 feet 41.28 fee% 40.98 feet 40. 42 feet 59.60 feet At the intersection of t!'e easterly ~fne of [~[agnolia Avenu~ 52.00 feet Section 7. On t e northerly curb line is ss fo!lows: At the intersection of the v;esterly line of ,~i~:gnolia Avenue 100 feet westerly from said intersection of Commercial Avenue between ?mgnolia Avenue and 0remco Aveneu 53.0~ feet 39.~3 feet 40,64 feet 33.57 feet 700 feet wes'terl,v flrom said inters ction At the intersection of the e~:sterly line of · Fpruce Avenue. Section 5. 51.00 feet On the northerly curb line ofl Commercial /.venue between Spruce Avenue ~nd Idagnolia Avenue as flol].ows: At the intersection of the westerly line of S]:ruc.~ Ave.33.00 Feet 150 Westerly from st, id intersection 175'feet westerly from said intersection 200 feet westerly flrom said intersection 225 feet westerly from said intersection 250 feet wes:terly from said intor~ectmo:~ 700 feet westerly from said interr'~ct~o ~ 725 fleet r-esterly from ssi~ into~section 750 fleet westerly i'rom~ said inters~ction 775 feet westerly from said intersectmon 800 feet westerlyflrom said intersection 38.63 fleet 59.46 feet 40.08 fleet 40.49 fleet 40.68 fleet 42.32 fleet 42.28 fleet 41.98 fleet 41.42 fleet 40. 60 f et At the intersection of the easterly line of Magmolia AvZZ.O0 feet ?ection 6. On the southerly curb line ofl $ommercial ~venue between Spruce Avenue and ~iagnolis Avenue is as follows: At the intersection of the westerly line ofl ~pruce Avenue Z2.00 feet 150 feet Westerly from said intersection 175 feet westerly from s~id intersection 200 feet westerly from said intersection 225 fleet vesterly from said intersectmon 250 feet westerly from said intersection 700 feet westerl~~ from said intersection 725 feet aest~rly from ssi8 intersect on 750 feet wester].y flrom $~id inter~ection 775 feet westerly from said intersection 800 feet ~esterly from s~id. intersection 37.63 fleet 38.46 fleet 39.08 39.49 feet 59.68 feet 41.32 fleet 41.28 fleet 40.98 fleet 40. 42 fleet 59.60 feet At the intersection of t!'e easterly ~fne of ;.[agn~-~lia Avenue 52.00 feet Fection 7. On !. e northerly curb line is ss fo]lows: At the intersection of the v;esterly ].ine of ~i~gnolis Avenue 100 feet westerly from said intersection 125 feet westerly from said intersection 150 feet westerly from said intersection 175 feet vesterly from said intersection of Commercial Avenue between !!agnolia Avenue and 0rsn~:e Aveneu ZZ.0~l fleet 59.,~5 feet 40.64 feet 41.41 feet 41'.64 feet 200 fe~t vester]y f:-'om s,~id intersection 450 feet westerly from said intersection 475 feet westerly from said intersection 500 feet westerly from said intersection 525 feet westerly from ssi~ intersection 550 feet westerly from said intersection 800 feet westerly from said intersection 825 feet westerly from said intersection 850 feet westerly from said intersection ~875 feet western? from s~a~id intersection 900 feet westerly from seid int~-.rsection 41.oo feet Z5.64 fe~t $5.22 feet Z5.10 feet 55.29 feet ~5.78 feet 42.22 feet 42.56 feet 42.~'0 feet 41,45 feet 40.00 feet Section 8. is as follows: At the intersection of tbs westerly line of 1,7~gnolia Avenue 100 feet v:esterly from said inter~ection 1~5 feet westerly from said intersection 160 feet westerly from said intersection 17~ feet westerly from said intersection ~00 feet westerly from ssid intersection 4~0 westerly from s~id intersection 475 feet westerly from s~.id intersection 500 feet westerly fret, ~aid interrelation 525 feet westerly from S~id i~tersection 550 feet westerly from said intersection 800 feet v:ester]y from s~id intersection 825 feet westo~rly from ssid intersection 850 feet westerly from ssid intersection 875 feet westerly fro::~, said intersection 900 feet westerly from ssid intersection At t~e intersection of tko east line of ~'-- S~ction 9. 0n the north:r]v curb line of cor,mercist /.venue is ssfo!lows 't the intersection of the westerly line of 0r~nge Zvenue is ?ection 0n tho southerly, curb line of ceremonial Avenue At the intersection of the westerly line of 0rana'e Avenue ~ection 11. 0n tko ~-aS~erly 6urb line ~f ~2s]~le /venue At the intersection of tko so,thor]y line of ~a. den ~venue 75 feet soutber]~ from s:::id !00 feet sout]~erly from said inter~e~tion 125 feet souther].y from sa:if intersection 150 feet southerly from said intersection 175 feet southe 7 f:~'or:, s~id ~nt~ .... orion At tho int~rsaction of the northerly line of corer:crc!a] avenue ~ection 12. 0n the ~vestorl:f curb ]ina of Z~?Re Avenue is as follows: At t?:e intersection of ~he soutker]v line of Bsde~:~ ~venue 75 feet southerly from ssid intersection At the interswction of the e~ster!y ]ihe of Orange Avenue Z5.00 feet On t~e ?outher!y curb line of commercial Avenue between V, agnoiia Avenue and Orange Avem~ 52.00 feet ~.~ feet ~,.64 feet 40.41 feet 40.64 feet 40.36 fee~ 34.64 feet ~4.22 feet ~4.~0 feet ~'.29 et 54~78 feet 41.22 feet 41.56 feet 41.50 feet 40.45 reef Sg.00 feet ~.00 feet 52.00 feet is, as follows. Sl.00 5c:.,~l feet 65.00 feet 66.77 feet 65. )7 feet 68.90 feet 69.25 feet 42.~9 feet G5,78 feet ' 900 feet we~ter2y from sg~dq tn~r~e'~zzon : ~v;~v'-~l~ At the interswction of the e~sto, r!N ]ihe of i3ranf~:e Avenue ~ _ o~.00 feet cection 8. On t~c? °outher!y cur]) line ofl commercis~i Avenue between ~ '' ~ . .... o, ollC,.Li~L 2~venue and Or&n~e Avenzm is as follows: At the intersection of thee westerl.v tine of Lisgnolia Avenue 100 fleet westerly flrom ~id intersection 125 fleet westerly flr~p said intersection 150 feet westerly ffrom s~id intersection 175 fleet westerly from s~:id intersection 200 fleet westerly from said intersection 450 westerly flrom s~id intersection 475 ~et westerly from stid intersection 500 feet westerly ~ ~" ~ z'~: xzot,~ inte oction 525 fleet westerly from 8~id intersection o~ fleet westerly from ease intersection 800 feet ~v~'ter]:f,~ ffrom s~:id intersection 8'~ fleet west~rlY from said intersectmon 850 feet westerly from said intersects, on a75 fleet wester].y ffror, sai~ intersectmon ~00, feet wester!;/-- from said inter~,_cc, t~on At the i~tersection off t;-'.e east line of Orange Avenue ~oction 9. 0n the north:r]y curh line of cor.mercist /.venue 't the intersection off the w ...... ,? _ e~tar~ line of 3tense f;venue is ~ection i0. On t]~e southerly, curb line of cor;~me~is1 Avenue At the intersection of the westerly line of Oranc:e Avenue °~ ~ction 11. ........ ~.le .'venue Zt tl~e inter?cotton of 'tl:e ,?o,%her]y Ii. ne of t~a. den 7~ o feet sou%]:-:er]v from ~'::id ........ t00 feet southerly from said inter[~oction 1~5 feet southerly from sci{} intersection nx,'~,, feet sou~her]v~ froh said intersection 175 feet southerly f~'om s~:id intersection At the ~z.~u~r, oction of tr~e norunerly line of COT;: .... ~cia] avenue Cection 12. 0n the we,:te,-2,~.~ ~ ..~ curb line of ,.~,~'~i'!e Avenue is a~ fo~_ ].owe: At t: ~ intersection of She son,keriN l. ino o= ?aden venue 75 feet southerlF fro~:: said intersection 1'00 feet sou%herl.y fret:-, s'id intersection 125 feet soUtherly'from s~id intersection 150 feet sc.n.~it, erly fT'o]~ s~.i( ir:terscction ~,. O0 feet ~'~ ~ fleet ~,. 64 fleet 40.41 fleet 40.64 fleet 40.36 fie e.t ~i-.64 feet 54.22 feet [54.!0 fleet ..... ~o fleet 54~78 feet 41.22 feet 41.56 ffee~ 41.30 feet 40.45 reet ag. 00 feet e~.00 fleet o~.00 fleet is: ~s fo!lows. S!.O0 Sc:. ul feet 65.00 fleet 66.77 feet 68. )7 fleet 68.90 fleet 69.25 fleet 42.,59 fleet 65,78 feet 66,92 feet 68 i5 68. % O feet 17~ feet ....... sou~;'.ur.~/ from :~:id intersection 69.~o~ feet Rt the intersection of t.no nor~_er!y line of conmercia~ f.ven~ 6%, [,0 feet ~t ~:-:'~n' ~-'~,~zsection of ~-",~h- ............ so,,~u.~_~ly ].ine et' comnorci~:! Avenue 67.50 foot 't tl-o, in~orseceion of {ks nort~-er~y ]iue of c ..... ~ e~ ~k~e ~ T~otion 1S. " .... , .... ~'+ ~. s. follows: ............ 5?. 71 feet t t"e i~tarsection of tbs souunu~l,y zinc of Baden Avenue 75 feet southor]7 fro:' said iutorsectio}~ 65.28 feet 100 fe:,t so.~t~.terly from s~:ma ir:tcrsection 66.c;2 feet 125 feet southerly from ~m~,, intersection o8.1;:. 15J,' scurf:or]ir fro~'~ sit, id inters'so,ion 68.90 feet 175 feet ['outhorly i'ro~, sc. id i:'torsection 6~.,~uon feet ~t.'theointereec~ion.of'-the.~no~Aerly,.]inn of coMmrcial /.venue C~;.~jo feet 'ttke intersection of the ~outherly line off co::: c, ucial _'.venue 67.50 fleet X% t~}.e iT.%o~-eo%~ .... of %~e ~r~..,.: _~ line o :~aJl~ o ivern~e 61.S8 foot ",~ction IS. '% t'~e~.nu'-' "ors~cti,-,N of .~,.,_,-~"-~ $oulhorlv q:~no of -aden f'Tonue 60~' ~.~!~- feet 1"0~,. ~-ei,, so:~'herlN fro}.~ said' intersoct)_on_ 5516 iSr~ z. eet $o~}u,.erlT.. fro:- ~stid ir.~--rseci~un u.,s ....f' 150 feet souther!7/ fro::".~ sc:~r z~t, ur,:ocu~.n 50.52 feet 175 fleet ~outherly. from ~:':~.ifi ~u~,~a, ctz n /7.88 fr, et Si)O fleet oo~',%korl¥ fro:.~ o'i~' intersoct-~cn /:,5 'q'O foot ~,.~ u.:.~ inters ooLi,'il of 't e ncr-~ncruy !zne c.i' Oo~c~elvenuo oo..00 feet ~..... interso.:ti;',n of t:-:-, nor'thorly line of r'¢i]road ,,~. renu e. 22.L4 flee% °ecti ,N 0n the west erly curb line cfi Spruce ATen~_to is' as fei. lows: At tko m~tc .... ,.,orion of tho southerly curl:, ]i,';~e oS ?ade~: Zvenue 65.51 feet 100 feet soutk, orly froh tke st id int~:~ rsection ~516 feet ~25 feel: souti'.erlN fret' s'{i,; i tuts,oct on 52.~5 feet 150 feet southerly from ssi."d ~nyersec$ion 50.52 foe 175 duet sutherty from said intersection ~7.88 feet 200 feet southerly from ssid intersection ~5.00 feet Co.:m~ercia! Avenue ~S 0© ~eet At %he intersection of the northerly line of "~ . At the intersection of the northerly line o:" Oo~emo28.1-~P.~ue 50.00 feet A% thomn' ~a-.-~'~.~,,ou.,on of the northerly, line cfi Raiirosd ,~venue 2217 feet Se~%ion 15. 0n the essterly curb line of Orange Avenue, is as follows; At ~he int-ersec.tion of the southerly line of Bsden Avenue ~5.~7 foo~ At the intersection of ~he northerly line of Co~eroisl Avenue 5~.00 feet At the in%ereection of the southerly line of Co~nercisl Avenue ~!.00 feet Sect'~on 16. 0n the westerly line o~ Orange. Avenue, is as follows : At the intersection of the southerly line of Baden Avenue ~. 85 feet At the intersection cfi the northerly line of Commercial Avenue 52.00 feet At the intersectionrr, of the Southerly line Of Co~ercis! Avenue ~0.00 feet Section 17. ,, . ~,~o...nolz~. Avenue is as fo]~ows: 0n the easterly curb line of ~'~"C '~ - fleet ~'?outherl2~ fro: ~:~:i::i i: ter~'~ecti on At 'theointo~_~Seetio-n. of!-the.ino~tl~erl~:]ine of' co~.:~:,erci~.l /venue ft the i~t~ .... ection of ~ ~b t,~-].e if' teseCtion of the nor+~:.u,~ ]_,rC ].iiI0 Of~ :.fa, ]road. /~venue Pection IS. f~n ti'_e esster]y curb li~'~ o~ s~race /.von~ ,is cs' follows: ~'t +",-a i~at,~r~,ection o~.~.e-~-" southerly ~-~no__ 02' ~aden 'venue !~:~ fleet sou,ne~!.,, fitch said intersection :50 feet southerly ~:ro~':, said ~n~,~sec 175 feet ~outher].~. ffrom s~,id inter~e.,cti:'n' At tko inte:--secti,:-.n of t e ~.or-~ner]'~ y, ?ine o'-~'.: Do~c~alvem.m ~ ~ intorso~:tion o~ t'h-, northerly fine of R~i]road :'renu e ~ecti 'N- ]d 0n the west erly curb ]ine of Spruce Avenue is as follows: the intersection off the ~ ~' ~ou~erly curb line el' ?adex ~venue I00 feet souti?erly fron the s~id int:~ rsection ]25 feet soutierly fro~: slid i tersoct on 150 feet southerly from ss.i..'d l n?ersec~ion 175 duet sutherty from said intersection 200 fleet southerly from said intersection 69.25 fleet 69.90 feet 67.50 feet 41.58 foot .5! feet 52.~,5 f-et 5~.o,o feet 7.88 feet 35.00 feet 22.44 feet 63.51 feet 5516 feet 52.95 feet 50.52 fee 47.88 feet 45.'00 feet At the intersection of the northerly line of Cor~mtercia! Avenue SS.00 feet At the intersection el' the northerly line cfi ~o~iner, cial 'AP. anue 50.00 fleet At the intersection el' the northerly line of Railroad Avenue 2217 feet Section 15. On the easterly curb line of Orange Avenue, is as follows; At the intersec.tion of the southerly line of Baden Avenue 45.47 foot At the intersec,tion of the northerly line of Cor~nercis~l Avenue 3~.00 fleet At the intersection of the southerly line of Commercial Avenue 5!.00 feet Sect~on 16. On the westerly line of Orange. Avenue, is as follows : At the intersection of the southerly Tine of Baden Avenue 44. 35 feet At the intersection of the northerly line of Commercial Avr~,~ue 32.00 fleet At the intersectiom~of the Southerly line Of Commercial Avenue 30.00 feet Section 17. On the easterly curb line of L[agnolia Avenue is as follows: At the intersection of the southerly line of Baden lye ue~ 45.49 feet At the inters,-ction (:f the northerl.v line of Commercial Ay. Z~.00 fe~:t At theinters:ection off the southerly line o£ Commercic, 1 Zw~nue At theinterse~ tio:t of the northerly line of Railroad " Section On the we~ter!y curb line o£ Magnolia Avenue is as Pollows : A~ the intersection of tl~e ~ortherly line o±' Bsdan ,f.~i Avenue At the intersection o£ the northerly line o£ Co~Fnerci~l Avenue At the inte.~oection of the southerly line of Commerci~'l Avenue At the intersection ~e northerly line of Eailroad Avenue Section t~. 51.00 feet 21.50 fee ~5. 4~ feet 35.00 feet St.00 feet 21.50 feet The ~.l .... e of' the cross section of each of said streets and '~he elevations .... ~ .... fixed at the time of each of s~id streets is i~- roved and sha'!l depend upon the materi~! used for paving. Sect'; on 20. Thc lonF~itudinal slope or ~de of each of ~id streets ho'~einbefore named ~h.~]l be on straisl$ lines connection the points on each of said streets where the elevations are ficed as her- einbefore pro ided. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o I hereby certi£y that the foregoing resolution was reg~l~rly in ,~roduc ed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South 2'an Pr, ncisco this 19 th day of June 1~I~, by the following vote: Ayes Trustees_~.~'~. Cunnzn~'n~m,,~,.'~. ~. Pio~r~.,, O. .,. iiols~on, Geo. H. W~llace, and J. H. Kelley IToes Trustees, i;one. Ab?ent Trustees None. Attest: William J. Fmith City Clerk. The fo!!owin~ Resolution was then introduced by Trustee Wallace. No. 2'/ RESOLUTION ADOZT[ITG ?]iAITD /.ND ,?ZECIFICATIuz,~-~. ~,e,,~lved by the Borad of Trustees of tho City of ~o:~th Sen Francisco that the plans ~ q olI~oe Avenue, and s',-ecificstions for the imrrovement of Commercial . venue, Na~nolia Avenue, 0r~ge Avenue, ~,nd Railroad Avenue, in the City of South '-an francso ~ as proSpered/by Zh City Engineer of Said City off South S~ Francisco this. 19th day of June 1916, be, ~d the ssme ~reby are adopted es s~nd for the plans and specifications for doing said work. -0-0-O-0-0-0-0-O-O-O-O- I hereby certiffy that the ~ollowin~j resolution was re~lsrly introduced and adopted by the 3osrd off Trustees of the City off ~outh S~ Prancisco this 192h day off June 1916, by the following vote: Ayes Tree. tees P. .~ . ~m~niz?ham,~. ~. ~ W. llolston, M. _~. Healy, Geo. H. -,,a!lace and J. H. Kelley Noes Trustees None, Absem-~ Trsutees i;one At~est: WiN is:! J. °~'*;~ City Clerk. The fo!!owin,?: ~eso!ution' as then" ..... . ,, ~.n~zod. uced by trustee ~,~ P. Healy. The sh~pe of' the cros's section o£ each of said streets and he clcv~,tions thore~?f ~hall fixed at the time of each of said streets is i:-roved and sht'!l depend upon the materi~! used for paving. ~ec~'~on 20. The longitudinal slope or grade o£ each of sa:id s~reets herein'before named shall be on strai~Tlt lines connection the points on each o£ said streets where Lhe elevations: are £iced as einbefore pro-ideal. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- 0-0-0-0- O-O-O-O I hereby certi£y that the foregoing reso]ution w~'.s re~u~srly in~roduced and adopted by the Board o£ Trustees of the City of South San Pr. ncisco this 19 th day of June t916, by the following Ayes Trustees F. A. C!~nnin?:hsm, I,I. F. Heal.v, O..',. lie!sion, Ceo. H. W~llace, and J. H. Kelley l~oes Trustees, lions. Absent Trustees Iione. Attest: William J. Fmith City Clerk. The followin~ Resolution was then introduced by Trustee '"~ . I~o. 27 RESOZU~./ION. ADO?TiI[G PIAIID ZI{D ?PECIFICATIOI~2. ResOlved by tbs Borad of Trustees' of the City of ~o~th ,:..nc~sco that the plans and s'-ecific~-tions for tho imyrovement of Commercial venue, ],ia~i~le /~.vonue, S~.ruco Avenue, I~.[a~nolia Avenue, Orange Avenue, and Railroad. Avenue, in ~h~., City of South an :'rancso . as prospered, by .th- City En~'zneer of ~aid ~ity of South San £rancmsco this 19th a~ of June 1916, be, and the same ~ereby are adopted ~s s~nd for the plans and specifications for doing said work. -,-,-,-,-.-,-,-,-,-,-,- I hereby certi£y that the £ollowin~: resolution was reguisrly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of ~outh San Prancisco this lgth day of June 1915, by the followin~' vote: Ayes Tr~,~tees F. 2. Noes Trustees l~one. ~ r Absent ~. ~uteos ~;one Attest: ~.mtniz~,fj:ham, G. W. Holston, id. F. Healy, Geo. H. Lallace and. J. H. Kelley Wii]is' J. Smith City Clerk. The £o~!owin~: ?,c o!ution-a.s' tl~en introduced by Lrustee RESOLUTION 0P Ii[TENTION i[0. 27 ~' ~"~ ~'~ ~.~U~ ......... ~ CITY OF ~.>UTii z~i~-2~CIgC0 DECL~'RING 0n~L=E AVEI~E ZND ~/ILROA~ Whereas public interest and couve:~i~-.:n, ce re~uire that the work end improvement herei~before described should be done; and ~ru~tees of the City f South Sn /ranoisco Whereas in the opinion oi' the Bo~rd of ~' ~ , said contemplated work and im?rovement is, and is hereby declared to be of more th~n local or ordina ry public benefit; Now, ..... ~e~e~ore r.~so]ved by th~ Borad of Trustes of the City, of ~..~outh S~n.Prancisco that it is the intention of,said borad to order the fie!lowing work and improvement to be done in sai City to wit: Section A. That the following streets and avenues in said City off Fouth gan Franc~'~sco br improved by grqding to offfficial line ~d grade and u~on the portions thereoff hereinafter and in t this section desif~nsted: That ~ortion of Co~orcisl Avenue .from the westerly boundary lin: of Linden Avenue to the ea~,oerlF~ - boundaty line of IJ~r~e Avenue, from curb to curb; that 'oortion of Co~]er<.~ial ~venue~ the easterly boundary line of i~,iaple Avenue to the westerly bouna~ry line of 0range Avenue for the full ~dth thereof: That portion of Rsi!road 7~.venue from a line twenty (20) feet easterly from the westerly boundary line of Linden 7. ve.nue and parallel thereto, to the Westerly boundary line of Si~ruce Avenue ~d for a. width extendin~ twenty'two (22( feet southerly from the southerly edge of the gutter existing on the nortl~er!y side of said Railroad fvenue; That portion of Maple Avenue from the southorl~f boundary line of Baden Avenue to the liae of the southerly edge of the gutter e isting on the northerly side of R~i. tro~d Avenue, produced, for the full. wi~t]~ tl~ereof. She z..:~t v:or ]o~ o~[ ~7'.~ce Aven~e from t c s~utherlv bou'ad~ry line of ~.[d en .Ave~o~e to tl-~e ]i line of t?~e ~hmther!y e~ge .z~' the gutter e:[isting on tLe northerly ~ide oi' R~ilroad A venue, pro- ducked :~ar the f~]]. width thereof;~ ~; at 7ortion of,~'~rno ]i~. Avenue from the southerly bnundary line of ?aden Avenue to thc northerly bound~-ry /ina f Commercia~l Avenue for the full width thereof: .h~t ~ortiin of 0ran,~e A~enue frc, m the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the northerly boundary line of Commercial Avenue for the full width thereof. ?action B. That combination concrete curbs and concrete ?utters ~nd concrele siSe;v~!ks be construced for th6 dimensions ~:nd ~.* ~.~ tl:e ]ocatio~qs shown %o.~on t':,e v.]ans snd srecific~tion s to u~on the fei]wing ;qamed avenues and streets: Thai ~ortio]n of com~:ercial avenue from t~o east~]~ b:>undary ~';ne of l.J[sl.]e avenue bo~ndsry !irma of 0range avenue on }~oth sides thereof; That ~'ortion of :.I~]e s~'enue fz~om the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue t~ t~, noroaer/y er~z ].ine of [Rsit'ro~d Avenue, on both side~ thereof; That ~:ortion of s~'~ruce avenue from the south~rly ~>o~nd~ry line of B~n~ Avenue to t[}~e northerly; boundarT~ line of Railroad Avenue on both sides thereof; That ~ortion of ~,i~?nolia Avenne from the so~;tLor ]. y boundar[f line of Bsden Avenue to the southerly bound~ry line of Commercial Avenue cfi both sides'there6f; Thsl mortion of ~)ran~e J~venue from tho go~ztherly 5~nndary line of Baden Avenue to the ~ouih.er]y bound~-ry line of Co~:~mercia] At, anne, on both sides thin, reef; °action C. Th[t concrete s'utters be constructed of tie dimensions ~.~nd st the ]ocat'o~s the ?]sns ~:r:d sl'ecificstions hereinafter r~ferred to , on Commercial Avenue from the westerly boundary line of Linden Avenue to the easterly boundary line of ~2aple Avenue, on both sides thereof; Section D. That an asyhsl, tic concrete pavement consisting of s concrete base four (4) inches in thick- ness and sn asphaltic concrete wearin,~ surface one and one-half (].~?) inches in thickness be constr- ucted on the following s%reets: ha~wimafter referre to the westerly Section A. That the following streets and avenues in said Cmt,y of outh ~an Pranc:~sco br improved by grqding to official line and grade and u: on the portions thereof hereina~fter and in t this section dosi~nsted: That portion of Co~orcisl Avenue from the westerly boundary lin- of Linden Avenue to the easterly boundety line off ~2aple Avenue, from curb to curb; that [portion of Co~er~_,ia. 1 fvenue the easterly boundary line off ~,,aple Avenue to the westerly boundary line of ~r~-nge Avenue, flor the full ~dth thereof: That portion of Esi!road f. venue from a line twenty (20) feet easterly from the westerly boundary line of ~inden /.ve-n~e and parallel thereto, to the westerly boundsry line of 2i~ruce Avenue and for a width extendin~ twenty-two (22~ feet southerly from the southerly edge of the gutter existing on the nor%~erly side of said Railroad ~venue; Thet portion of I~al~le Avenue from the southor!y boundary line o~ Bs. don Avenue to t.he ].iae of the southerly edge of the gutter e isting on the northerly side of R~itro~d Avenue, prod~ced, for the full. wi~t?, t~ereof. the That ~or ~o~ o~ 7v.~-~ce Aven~e from t c southerner bou':~d~ry ~ine of U,~d er~ 2ven~e line of tbs ~hmther!y ed~'e c.d' the ~tter e~[isting on tlc northerly ~ide of Railroad A venue, pro- duc~'~d for the f~]] width thereof; ~ at ¥ortion of ~amao ]ia Avenue from the southerly buundary line of ?~den Avenue to thc nor-her]y boundary ]in~ f Commercisl Avenue for the full width thereof: ~h~t portiin of 0rankle Avenue from the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue to ~he northerly beund,~.r,~ ]ins of Commercial Avenue for the fuR1 width thereof. °ection B. That combin~.tion concrete curbs and concrete ?-utters ~nd controls sidev'alks be construced for the ~imens~ons ~nd ~t the locations shown ~oa t'~'~e ~,]ans ~nd sYecific~tion s to ~on the fo].]win~ named avenues and streets: ...... -' -~ v ry !J~e of i..[~Z,]e c venue '~si ~'-ortion of com~.erci~,l avenue from t;~e e~,:t.~.].~,, bf~unda- bo~ndsry ~ine of 0range avenue on both sides thereof; That rortion of ::~]e avenue fzom the southerly bounds, fy line ~f ~den Avenue tb the northerl,v ar~f line of .Rsi!'ro~d Avenue, on both side~_~ That ~-ortion of sYruce avenue from the south~r].y ~,ound~.ry ]ins of B~n~ Avenue to northerl}f boundar:z line of Railro~.d Avenue on both sides thereof; That ~ortion of ~,.-~,nolia Avenue from the so-;tLor ]. y bound~r:f ]~ine of Baden Avenue to the southerly bound~.ry ]ins of COmmercial Avenue off both sides theredf; Thai portion of 2ran?e ~venue from tho southerly b~nndary line off Baden Avenue to the ~o~..~.:erci~] Avenue, on bot~ sidc:s thereof' ~:oulher]y boundary line of ~ ~'-' ', °ection C. ~st concrete ~'utters be constructed of tie dimensions ~nd ~t the ]oc~t'ous the ?]sns ~.rd s]ecific~'tions hereinafter r~ferred to , on Commercial Avenue from the westerly boundary line of ~inden Avenue to the easterly boundary line of ~daple Avenue, on both sides thereof; ~ection ~. That an asphaltic concrete pavement consisting of ~: concrete base four ~4) inches in thick- ness and s:n asphaltic concrete wearin? surface one and one-half [~.-~) inches in thickness oe constr- ucted on the followin~ streets: That -~ortion of Commercial Avenue from the westerly bound[ry line of linden Avenue to the westerly ~oounds:'y line of 0ranffe Avenue, from ~:mtter ~ine to ~w.ztter line; hanwAnafter re forte to the westerly That -,.'ortion of "ailro~d Avenue from ~ line 20 feet easterly from the we[~terly bound~_~r~z line of Iinden Avenue, ~'nd p~ra]lel thereto, to the westerly boundary line of St:rues Avenue for a width e:{tendin? twent~-two (22( feet ~outherly from the south~r]l~ edge of the ,~utter e::isiin~ on the nort]~erl!? side of R~ilrosd Avenue; Th~:t portion of Maple Avenue between th~ souther]}~ boundary line of B~den Avenue ~nd the 1 line of the souiherly edge of the m~tter e:.:istinT on the norther]? .olde of said :-~gi]rosd Avenue produced, from gutter line to m~tter line; ~ .~ , .~ound~y line of den Avenue ~nd the Th~.~t ~ortion of Spruce Avenue bet~veen the outherl~f ~ '-~ line of the souther]~ edge of the ~utter e::isti g on the northerly side of ?.si]road Avenue, reducer from, ~rutter line to gutter line; That portion of Ms/jnolis Avenue between the southerl~r bou dsry line of qaden /.venue smd the northerly boundary line of ('~ommercia! ~venue, from .~utter line -to gutter ]in.e: ?hat portion of Orand'e Avenue between the ,.outnerlY oundary line of Baden Ay<roue ~..nd the n northerly boundar~z ].ine of ~ommerci~] Avenue, from ~utter line to ~tter ].ine; Section E. Th~:t stozm sewers, together wi~h all laterals, catch basins and manholes a, nd ~ppurtenances, of the dimensions shown upon the plans hereinafter referred to, be constructed, of vitrified, ~la:zed sewer pipe, in the locations particularly shown upon said plans, in the followin? streets: That portion of S~ruce Avenue fz'om the south~rly bo~dsry line of Railroad Avenue to a point twent~f(20) feet south of the northerly boundsrT[~ line of'Commercial. Avenue; ~hst portion of Commercial Avenue from the center line of ~a~noli 2venue to a point five h~ndred (500) feet we~t of the westerly bound~r,~ line of ~'~aFnolia Avenue: ?ection F. That four (4) inch vitrified, salt-,~:lazed, iron stone plpe lateral sewers with wyes be cons tructed in Commerci~-] Yvenue, from the wes:terly bound~ry line of Linden Avenue to the easterly t~oundary line of Ms~}le Avenue, connecting with and runnin~F f:.~om the main ~?ewer e}:isting in said Corn mercia] Avenue to the curb line on each side thereof, to the number of one such lateral sezmr fnr semsrate lot or imrce] of land frontin~ on said avenue, [:nd that wyes be p/aced st the several point[ of connection with said msim s-ewer. All wor]~ herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with he special ~]s:ns and specifications for said work, which 7':lams smd specific~.tions are entitled smd specifications for the construction of street i~:provement ~ork on Oonmercial Avenue, Railros~ ~venue, Spruce Avenue, ~la:7~le Avenue, M's~:~olis Avenue, nad Orange Avenue, in the City of South San Francisco, County of ?~:n i.lsteo, State of Csliformia, ~;hich streetssnd avenues ~,re fully shown upon hte 7~lsns hereto attached, ~:'hich ylan~ are made a part hereof," which l:.lsns ~nd specifications ,~cre heretofore ~dopted by,.~sid ~osrd of ~frustees on the 19th ~,~. of June 1915, and are nmv on file in the office of the City Clerk smd to v-hich ~lan~ and specifications %e~,.,rence ~s hereby made for descrimtion of said work ~nd for the tocat on smd extent of the toz~]~ to be done hereunder, and for particular description of the bounderies of the district he~-einafter mentioned. All such work i~ to include an~ and all street intersections and street termin~:tions and opposite terminations of, in and ~o all the above mentioned streets ~nd avenues ~ ithin the z'espective lines above mentioned, as is more p~rticularly shown upon said pl,:ns; there is e::pected, however, from the above mentioned ;york and all of such work ss has been s:lready don:~ to official grade. And s~.id ~O~:rd of ~r~stees does hereby determine smd declare that said proposed work ~n~ improvement is of more ths~n ]_ocsl .or :~rdin~:ry public benefit [nd v~i!l affect and benefit the lands district hereinafter described, v;hich said district is hereby declared to be the district ]}enefitted said work and improvement smd that therefore the entire costs and expenses of said work and im/:roveme: s'h~:]l be and is hereby made char~eable [~sinst~c:~ and shall be ~:ssessed. u~o'n~: said lands and district, which district is within said Citer of South San Yrsnci~'co, Co~'ty of San i,[ateo, State of C~.lifornis, Thst portion of 5~Tnoli~ Avenue between the southerly bou dgry line of Baden ,!,venue g:nd the northerly bo~nd~ry line of ~i]ommerci~! ~v~nuc, from ?ut%er line -to gutter l~hat ~ortion of 0r~,n~_e Avenue etween the southerly,, ounda~ry line of Bsden Av~:~nue ~nd the northerly boundsr~ line of 5ommerci~'q Avenue, from ~utter line to ~tter line; Section ~. That s~o~m sewers, together wi~h all laterals, catch basins and manholes a, nd ~?purtencnces of the dimensions shown upon the ?lens herein~fter referred to, be constructed of vitrified, s~lt-~ ~l~zed sewer pipe, in the locations psrticu]arly shown upon ssid plans in the followin~~ streets: That portion of S~ruee Avenue from the ~outh?rly bo~dsry line of Railroad Avenue to a point twenty(20) feet south of th~ northerly bo~.]nfl~rv line of'Commercis] Avenue; ~het portion of Commercial Avenue from the center line of ~a:znoli~ Avenue Lo a point five h~mdred (500) feet we~t of the westerly boundsry line of i~gnolia Avenue: ~ection F. That four (4) inch vitrified, salt-~lazed, iron stone p~pe lateral sewers with wyes be cons tructe~ in Commercial] }w~nuo, from the westerly bound~ry line of Linden Avenue to the essterly boundary line of l~ple Avenue, connecting u~ith and running from the m~in sewer existing in s~id mercia] Avenue to the curb ~ine on each side thereof, to the number of one such l~teral sewer f~r ea sevsr~te lot or parcel of land fronting on said avenue, end that wyes be placed ~t the several point of connection with ssid m~in sewer. Al~ work herein provided for she. l] be done to official grade and in ~ccordanc~ ~ith special ~G~,ns s-nd specifications for said work, which finns ~nd s~ecific~tions are enti't~ed "Plans ~:nd specifications for the constructidn of street improvement work on Con~ercia! Avenue, Railros~ venue, Sr. ruce~ Avenue, ~le Avenue, }d-s~olia~~ Avenue, nad 0r~nge Avenue, in the City of South ~.n Francisco, County of ?~.n ~..~teo~', State of Csliformia, ~-hich streets~nd avenues ~,re fully shown upon. hte ~l~ns herebo att~che~i, ~'~hich p].an~ ~re m~de a~ ?~rt hereof," which plsns and specifications heretofore adopted by sa. id =o~rd of Trustees on the lgth dsy of June 1918, and are now on file in tk office of the City Clerk and to vhich olan~ ~:nd ~?~cificstions re~..rence is hereby mede for ~'furtk descriotion of ~aid work ~nd for the locat on end extent of the ~o~q{ to be done hereunder, end for p~rticu]ar description of the bound~ries of the district hereinafter mentioned. AIl such work i~ ti include eni and all street inter~ections end street termin~tions and o~'~.~osite termin~tions of, in ~.o eli the above mentioned streets ~nd ~venues ~ ithin the respective lines ~bove mentioned, as is ~: ~ mentioned u'ork more p~rticul~rly shown u~on said plans; there is e~:pected, however, fron the above and all of such work ss~ h~s been slready don~'~ to official grade. And sa~id Bo~.rd of ~'r~stees does hereby determine ~'nd declare that said proposed work improvement is of more th~-n ]~oc~l or ~rdinery public benefit ~nd will ~.ffect and ',~enefit the lands 8istrict herein~fter described, which said district is hereby declared to be the 8istrict benefitte~ s~id work and improvement end thst therefore the entire costs and e~penses of said work end i~row~ ?h~]l be ~nd is hereby m,~de ch~rge~.b]o ~g~inst and shell be a~ssessed upon said lends and district, which district is ~,ithin said C~y of South S~n ~r~nc~.~co, County of San i~k. teo, ~tate of Ca.~lii'ornis particularl}~ bounded ~.n8 described s:s follows, to w~it: B~innin,~ at th~ ~outhwe~t corn~ of Lot numbered Ten (!0) in Block numbered Ei:~hty~two(8~) ! 5O ss shown u~.~on that certain mai: entitled "South Sa:n J~rsncisco San a~ateo Co.,Cai. Plat No.l" which map,w~s fi]ed in the offive of the Catty Recorder of the County of San ~'steom California, March !, ~o. 2, at ps~ge 5~, thence north Z3degrees, 15 minutes East 300 feet to 1892, ~nd ~ecorded in Map ~ook ~ '~' the southerly line of Baden Avenue; thence ~:]on~ said southerly lineal Baden Avenue south 7~ deg:rees 2 27 r~inntes east 4065 feet; thence routh 1~ d~grees 5Z minutes west 160 feet; thence ~'outn 74 de~rees 2V minutes east 325 feet, to the v. esterly line of ~inden Avenue, thence along ~,ma westerly line off ~inden .~venue ~outh 15 de,tees 5Z min~tes west, ~0 fleet to the north.':rly ].ine off Railroad Avenue; thence south 74 degrees 27 minutes east 20 feet; thence south !5 degrees 3Z ~.:inutes west 100 fleet; thence north74 de:~ rees 27 minutes west 1790 feet to the intersection of the westerly line of ?pruce ~venue pro(need southerly and the southerly line of the right off ~.ay of the Baden Branch off the Southarz~ zaciffic R~i!ro~ Comps:ny; thence north !5 dear'ecs ZZ ~::inu es East i00 feet to the northerly line off Railroad Avenue; thence along said northerly line of Railroad avenue north 74 ~]effrees 27 minutes ~;~est 500 feet; thence north lg de~rees o~ r~l. inutes East 140 feet;, thence nOrth 7~ de.~rees..~ 27 minutes west 2120 fleet-, thence north d~.~rees aa r~:inutes east 190 feet to the point o~ be~zinninff ~avin~, excepting and excluding from s~id district ~ll pub!~c streets, avenues, lanes, eou~ts ~ ~d ~..n places included and cont~:ined. Notice i? hereby ~*iven ths~t serial hands to represent unpaid assessments, amd be~:r interest at the r~/,te of seven (7) per cent per annum will be issued n~r un~r in the manner specified by the Improv ement Bond Act of 1915, the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine (9) months from their date "The Enterprise", s weekly newspaper printed ~nd circulated in the City of ~outh San Frsncisco i~' hereby desi~noted ss the nev, sps~er in which this Resolution of IntenZion shall bo p~ blmshed and the Clerk is hereby directed to cause this Resolution off Inteni~ion to be l?ublished by two (2 insertions in the manner and form read,rem by lav~. The °uporintendent of ~tre~t. ~'~ , lon~' the ~ine off said .~.~11 c~use to be conspicuously ~osted ~. _ conter~:plsted v, ork or i~ provement and ~long ell the open. street,? within said district and in front of the property liable to ~e assessed at not more than three hundred (S~0) fleet in distance apart, but · ~;e~. o!ution not less thgn three(5) in ali in each street in sa. md district, notices off the t:asss?e off this ~ ~ off Intention, in the m~nner and form req~ired by the "Improvement Act off l~]l'', and the ~mendments thers- to. Notice is hereby ?iven that on f.londa:y, the 1?th day off July, 1916, ~-t the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber off said Bo~rd of Trustees of the ~.~ity _~ff Oou'th fan ~rancisco, any and all peri'one hsving shy objections to the pro] osed work and im?rovement m~y gppe~:r before ss id Board of Trustees and showo~=,:e~ why s~id proposed i~...?~ ovement sh-~uld not ~'~e~ carried out in accord~nce wi--h tb~s~ resolution. E:~ceyt as hereinbefore provided, ali. off the herein ?royosed work sh~ll be,done in pursuance off an ~ct off the Le~m~.l~ture of the ~t~te of Ca'lifforni~;, desi?n~ted ss l~he "Improvement Act off ]911 approved Ai~ril 7th 19!1, and the amendments thereto. -O-O-O -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- I here~y certify theft the fore~o].r~ resolution wa~-~ re:w~]grly introduced and ado~ted by the Boar5 of Trustees off the ~ i:y o%" , ~o'~.on Sgn Fr~:ncisco this 19th dey of June 1916, by the fo]lowing vote . Cunnmn~:~h~m, G. H ~ ~ /yes Truslees, F. 7~ ~ ' ~ ~ . Wa~llace, I~g. F. He~.!y, G. W. ~uo!ston, gnd ~. H, =~ell~y. Noes, Trustees i~one. Absent Tz'u~tecs l~one. A-treat: William J. Smith. City Clerk. The fo]~owinr demands ~:~smnsi the it? were _]resented for pc~nen~: ~ne same hsvinT 2een a!~proved by the fin~:;nce co ...... mtiee ~. J. ~pel]~man Labor on street 10.50 Company; thence north !5 deffr'ees o,2 .,.Tinu es East i00 feet to the northerl,v linc of .uamlrotd Avenue, thence ~1ong said northerly line of Raiiro~d avenue north 74 oef~'rees ~7 ~':inutes west 500 feet; thence north 1~ de.~rees o~ minutes East 140 feet; thence nOrth 7~ de:Frees~ ~7 minutes west 2120 feet; thence north dc~erees 55 minutes erst 190 feet to the point of beginning Savin~, excepting and excluding fret:: s~id disZrict ~11 pub!ic streets, ~venues, la. nas, all~lys eou~ts and pl~:ces included ~nd cont~:ined. Notice i hereby ~iven t~,st serial ~ond.~ to represent unpaid assessments, ~nd be~r interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum wi]] be issued hero~noer in the manner ,'pecmzmed by the Improv em~n$ Bond Act of 2925, the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine (9) months from their date "The Enterprise", s weekly uno, spa?er printed ~nd circu].ated in the City of ~outh ~an Francisco is hereby desisnated ss the ne;,sp~.-er in which this Resolution of Intenzion shall be p',bli~hed . and the Clerk is hereby directed to cause this Resolution of Intention to ko t~ubli~hed by two (2) insertions in the manner smd form required b;V lav~. The ~uperintendent off ~treets _ ~n~21 c~.use to be conspicuously ?opted ~.lon~' the line of s~id .~ ~ g 11 the open streets within said district ~-~nd in front of ~11 conten:'.pl~ted work or i~ ~rovement and ~lon~ s , ' the property liable to ~e ssse~sed at not more than three hundred (5~0) feet in distance apart, but not less than three(5) in ~.1] in ~ach street in said district, notices off the Tassaf~e of this Resolution of Intention, in the m~nner and form req~ired by the "Improvement Act of 19]1", and the ~.mendments ther~- to. I~otice~ is hershey ~iven that on 21onda:y, the 17th day of Jut~,~ 1916, ~t the ~our of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber off said Bo~rd of Trustees of the C~ity of ?on'th fan ~rancisco, any and ell per~on~ hsvins any objections to the pro~ osed work smd im?rovement m~y appear before said Board of Trustees end show cause why ss~id proposed imm: ovement sh-~uld not ~e carried out in accordance wi~-h this resolution· E:cce~t ss hereinbefore provided, ali of the herein ~ro~.~sed~ ~.~ work ~q~, ..... ~ll 'oe,done in ]~ursuance of an ~ct of the Zesis!~ture of the Stets of California:, ' ~ ed " ~ a.e.~i~rn&t ss !he Improvement Act of approved April 7th 19!1, smd the ~:mendments thereto. -O-O-O -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- I hereby certify theft the foro~o.~ resolution w~ re:?~darly introduced and adoT~ted by the Boer5 of 'lrustees of th ~ i:y of ~ .... ~ e ,,, ~o,~ S~n Fr~:nciaco this 19th day cf June 1916, by the foll. owin~ vote /yes Trustees, F. ~ Cunnin.~zh~m, G Nee~ Trustees ..Uone ~b~ent Trustees !~one A-treat: The fo]]_owin~ demands ~.?rinst the · W~-llace, I,~. F. He~:!y, G. W. Ho!stem, a:nd J. H. i[elley. William J. Smith. City Clerk. ity were ]resented for The same hsvin~ teen a.r.~rove~] b? the fi'~,~nce committee. D. J. ~pellman Labor on street Jno. Quinn " " " Id. Fo/ay " " " " Carl Burmeis tar " " " Jno.~uinn Lebonr on B~ll fie] ds I, c. Gas & Electric C 10.uO 58.50 12.O0, 5.00 4! .~0 Pac. C~s & Electric Co. Pac. "ss & ~]ectric Co. L. Varni Cle~:ni.n~ rubbish from City ik:ll James Smith ] ds. Zabor on s'treet A. J. Bissett Zsbor on s~raot with taams Total ~.55 246.('0 1.00 5.00 277.50 657.45 I,ioved by Trustee Wall,'ce s.~:c~o~-~-~'~a by Trus~ee"~ Healy. that the above htst w .... -~+s be dr~wn for the .... ' o Moved by Trustee he~l.· v s, econded by Tr~stee ~',-allace that tho Bo~:rd adjourn until Wedne~' June 22 1°,-6 ~o meet st 310 Linden Avenue at t0:00 ~:.m. Time of adjournment 10:15 ~.m. Respectfully submitted, William J. '~?mith (ilia,~ Clerk -¸1 ~e,?ul~-r~. ~d-~ourn meetin~ of the ?o~rd of City. Trusteeu~ of th~:~ City ~'~ ?out'~ San Francisco held WeSnesdsy June ill, !916. This meetin~ ws:s called to order by J. H. K~lley PresiSent of the ~oard Roll call found all of-~'~ , : . ~n..., Trustees ~resent to wit P. A. Cunninshsm, O. W. ~o!ston, M. P. mealy, ~. H. Kelley, and G. H. Wallace. The followin~ ~pplioations for Class A liquor Licenses were received, 0olombo &-Curti, Z16 Zinden Avenue, Angolini & Ohilsrdi 319 Grand Avenue, and Ceo. Philip ?falthers i00 Jr~nd Avenue. Accomp~nin~ each of the above ~:pplications was s h~ond in the ~ons! s~m of (1000.O0) for the f~ithfu~_ c~',m-di~:nce. ....... of ordim.~nce N-o ~ by the ~?plic~:nt and the "pp~ic~nt~ havinz:, complied in all respects with the ~rovisions of s~id or~in~.nce they were ~rs. nted peri,its for a term of six months ending December ~l, 19i6. The a plic~t~on of Wm. D. Zynch flor a Class A Liquor Licensee for the iians, borou~% Bui]dimt w~.s s~:in ]ai~ over. An application for a bo~in'~ permit w'as received from Ross Biliyard and Jess Eonize to hold four reound boxin? contests in this city. Upon ~otion of Tr~tee W~:ll~ce seconded by Trustee He~:]y the ~:,ermit w~:s sr~nted for thc ~onth of June 1916. ~h~ followin~' resolution of ~ ward of oontract r. ss then intro~c.ed by Trustee Halston: Resolution of .Aws:rd. No. 25 ooutn Fan Prtncisco ~!id, in o?en session on th Wherees the ~os~rd of Trustees- of the City of ~ 19th day of june, 1916, publicly open, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doins ~he following work in said City, to wit: That 1st street, 2nd street ~nd Srd street from the westerly boundary line of the. ri,~ht of of the United Rail. res dsmof San 2r~_,nc~ ~-co to the easterly line of Mission Road, or St~.t~..' ~ Hishway A street ~ street C street ~::nd D street, }~rom t~ westerly bo~nd~'ry line of the right of way of t] United Railroads of S~:n Francisco to the respectice aoutherly termins~tions thereof, bo Fraded to ici~] ~rade: Th~:t concrete curbs ~nd concrete sidewalks be constructed on both sides of those martians o- street, 2n5 street, 3rO .tree, A street, B street, C street hereinbefore desi~n~ted, and u]on the westerly side of tkat portion of D street hereinbefore designated; Th~:t oiled ma. cadam pavement be constructed from curb to curb in those portions of street, 2nd street,. ~rd srteet, A sireet, B street, and ~ street hereinbefore, designated; ~ha:t sewers with all appurtenances, m~nholes, ~.smpoles, wyes, ~nd la:ter~:.l sewers be constr- ucted in the following streets at the places indicated upon the map hereinafter referred to, whic~ map constitutes s part of the i. ls:ns for d. oin~' ~aid work; 1st ~'treet between the easterly line of said Llission ~ ,,o~:~d ~nd a point three (~x) feet easterly from the wa?terly boundary line of the right of ws.y of !'h~ Unite5 !~ilroads of San Prsnc~ Re~ul~'r sd-~ourn meetins of the ?card of CitN Trustoo~;~ of th~:~ City ~'f Sout~ San Francisco held Wednesday June ill, !916. This mcetinf~ ws~s ca.lied to order by J. H. K~lloy President of the ~oard. Roll call found ~.l_l of the Trustees )resent to P. A. Cunnin~hsm, G. W. ho!ston, M. P. neal~f, ~. H. ~elley, ~nd O. H. Wallace. The follo~'inp ~pplications for Class A liquor Licenses were received, Colombo ~:' Curti, Z16 Zinden Avenue, Ango]ini & Ohilardi 319 Grand Avenue, and Ceo. Philip Walthers 100 Avenue. Accomp'ninf each of the above ~:pplicstions v~ss a ~:ond in the ~ons! stem of (1000.00) for the f~ithful c.%mpl, i~nce of or6im..nce N.o. S9 by the ~pplic~nt and the applicant havin? complie in all respects with the ~rovisions of s~id orr}in,.nee they were srcnted permits for e term of six months endinf~ December gl, 19!6. The s plicstion of Wm. D. I},'nch for a Class A Liquor Licensem for the Hansborou~.'h Buildin~ was a;-Tain l~:id over. An ~pplicstion for s boxin'~ permit w'as received from Ross Billyard and Jess Eonize to hold four fecund boxin.7 contests in this city. Upon r~otion of Tr~tee Well, ce seconded by Trustee Hes]y the permit was sranted for tho }~onth of funs 1_916. The followins resolution of a ward of contract us:s then introduced b~ Trustee Holston: Resolution of .Award. No. 25 Wheres. s the aoard of 'Trustees, of the CitN of South Tan Pr::ncisco ~iid, in o?en session on t 19th day off june, 1916, publicly open, excmine and dec]sro all sealed proposals or bids for doin ~he following work in said City, to wit: That 1st street, 2n5 street ~nd Zrd street From the westerl$~ boundary line of of the United Rai]ros dsmoff ~ Franc ~ o t can ~'c o the easterly line of Mission Road, or ~tate Hm~nw'~' ~,~:y A street ~ street C street ~::nd D street, from t~ westerly boundary line of the right of way of United Railroads of San Francisco to the respectice southerly termins:tions thereof', bo ffraded to ici~l Frs, de: Th~t concrete curbs ~nd concrete sidewalks be constructed on both sides of those vortions street, 2nd street, 3rd ~tree, A street, B ~treet, C street hereinbefore designated, a~nd u]~on th~ westerly side of tLat portion of D street hereinbefore designsted; Theft oiled macadam pavement be constructed from curb to curb in those portions of 1st street, 2nd street, 3rd srte~t, A sireet, B street, and ~ street hereinbefore designated; ........ ~ 1.~mpoles, wyes, ~nd l~:ter~i ~'ewers be constr. That sewers with all ~ppurten~nces, ucted in the following streets at the pisces indicated upon the map hereinafter referred to, whi{ map constitutes ~. part off the i lans for doing-:s, id work; 1st street between the e~:ster].y ].ine of said l,iission Ro~d and a point three (3) feet easterly from the v~a?t~rly boundary line of the ri?hr of w~y of !:h~ United. !silro~:ds of San Frsn{ 2nd street between the easterly line of said ~'~os, ion~,,~.: zto~.d ~.nd a pointthree (3) feet osst-~r!y fr0n the westerl? ~ine of the .... ~m~r~t off ~v~:~ of t]'.e United Rt~sads off $~:n Francisco; 5rd Ftreet betwe~ the easter]3r ]ins off said ~issi:~n Road. ~nd a point ]00 feet e~ster!N ffror: the e~'ster]_y line off C Si, re:~%' street ]:,etween .... ~x:~ Southe','ly termiNc, tion. thereof ~nd th~ southwesterly boundary/ line of .... .~ _ ~oudmrly termination tiere_ r-;~:+t of v;~7 of the United Railroads of ~n Francis. co; B Ctreet ~-ein?: the .... of ~nd ~ !oint three feet e~ster]y fro}:'~ westerly boxmdary line of the ri~ht of way of t e Jnited Railroads of S~n Pr~:ncisco, C Street between ~ne Southerly termJn&tion thereof and a point of t~r~e feet c~:torly fro};: tho westerly boundary line of the riFht of way of the United R{ilroads of gan Francisco; also begin- nins; st ~:; 7oini in the canter line of ist Street, l, ro~r~aad northe&~terty w~;lch r, oint is distant three feet northeasterly from the southwesterly boundary line of the ri:~ht of w~y of . ~ United R~i]ro~ds of ~n Francisco, ~-~::d rnnnin.:~- thence in ~ southeasterly direction ~,~ral]el to said southwesterly boundary line of t'~~ ri:zht of w~y of the United Railroads off S;n Francisco, ~nd ~, distance of three {3)2oet nortb~.~sterlN thornfror., Two Hundred ~'~n~ .-~v .... oy {270) feet' ~']so ben, inning ~t ~ T. oint in tho centa~ uine of 2nd ftr~at, eroduc:~,,~ northeasterly, whic]} point is ~hr .... {'~ ' sc. uthwest~rly bonndrry l~no o' i.h-: rio~:i of w:y of the United 8iiireads of ~cn Pr~:nui~'co, ~Nd running in ~ so~thessterly direct, ion msrrllel to the s'o~thwestorly boundcry line of s~.i{: ri?~t of wc2 rnd at s distr':qce of thre~ (S) f~ot., northern.to a~]~,~ thcrafroh, One Hundred ~n~ ?eve~ty-seven (177) fleet: 'lhrt { connectin,;~' ~erer be constructed ~' ~ ~.~.m~,. the followins course, w]~ich is ps~rticul~rly :hewn u!'on s.~id v:~:p constitntin?~ pcrtoff the-l,]ans .for said uork, which plans ~r herein&fter referred to: Ben, inning.' ~:t !he o--~s'tin~ r:~:~ho]e, which is nor~a 74 degrees 27 minutes West 550 feet ahd north doan'roes. ~.~.~ -~inute~_ ~st .va ~ee~. from ~.,~ Rtersect'~on of the u~s~'rly line of Orange ,venue v:ith the ,~n~tl,er]~ line of Railroad :venue, in s~.i5 city Of ~ ', ' ...... ~ ~:.o.~t~: __ Francisco, ~nd runninS thence south t5 d~o,ree~. .... ~ ~g m~nutas w~,.st 12.72.5 thence so~th 56 deg~ ecs. 4':'~ :-~:inut:~s west 276.5 feet tot~x~ ,.roposed~ mcn- ao]q on s~i0 3rd street, All ~ ark herein ~'rovided for s.h~'~l ?o done to official grade and in ~ccord~nce ~ith ~he special and o-~ecificst~ons for s~id work, ...... .........,,nlch T~c~~ fna] s?ecificstions ~re entitled "Zl~ns and ~m:~:ecificutions ~e construction ~:no .,~ com-letion of Street I,~:~c~,~,,~enu Work u~;,on let Street, 2nd Street, ere ftreet ' Street, B Street, C $treet anal ~ ~treet in the .'-~'~m~},~ of ~,,,....t~_~-, San %'~ o~ to ~'-' ....... ~ncia'co, 0aunty of .... n Lfx o, ot~.te of ~&~ifornis,. ~ "whi~:h ~']ans_ ~n~. ,~m,-aifia~tions~..~ wore h-r=tofore~. ~ adopted by ss:id Board of Trustees'. on thc ~}z Of }~y, ]9!6, ~-~d ~re now on fi'e in the office oi' ~,h. itv Clerk, and to ~' '~. - arians reference hereby., m~5e for ~ ~friher. das'cription of $~id v-ark and for {~,,a ]oc~:tion a:nd ~t.nte~ of t~ .. ~ f~n ~: ticulrr description of th~ ~qmd~::ri-~o o-n ..... - or].~ %0 bo ~one boroRndor, ~:no ~ r ..... ~,;~,~ c:~.u~ict heroins.~ u,~ove mentioned, ~:s ~s more p~r~icu]~rly ,~,{,~-~n u'~on said ,.]~ns~ thqre is e::co-pt.od ho',:ever, fro]:: the meet :ned v:r~rk ........~_ny ~nd : ]1 s~ich work ~s ...... ~ :~,en ~r,:~',c]F done too~'~''~z~.i.~:.] 'nd s'tid Bo~rC~ of Trustees did in ~oso]uiion of Intention No. 25, det.lrmine ~n.5 decisre thai s~J h~: ]an~s ~-:nc: ~i~trict. hereincfter dos:eriC}cd, which s iddistrSOt is in ~"m''. Res.:,luom}n~'c of Intention, .. ,~or~ tho entire oost~ e'-w-y~sas of ........ s?id work and im-~rove:~:ent oh~']] bo ~'ad:' ch~rp~'e~.ble ~.:~-sinst ~nd ~'nall be a~ssessed u] on s&id ]' .... ~ '-a~ .... ' ~, ~ s~id City of °or, th ~n :rancisco, Co~mq/ of Snn h~teo ,~]iforni~, d is: p~rticn]srlF ]),~lmded sn~ describ~ed ~s follows, to-wi~: BesiNninF ~t g. grErite monument set at -tl'_,e est son. thw":stqr]}, corn,-r of ~look n~hl)ered ten (]0)' ~ m~p e:atii]~d "Section, Wes{ of ~lro~3d of the town of B~den, p~rt of R~ncho Buri enri, ~n Nsteo Co. C~'i., "which m~' w~s, filed in tho office of the County Recorder of thc C nntTf ~, -:mb :~ ~0, ]Sql in Sock E of ~r~{ps ~':% p~:rco 62' r~Nuin:- thc}ncc 2]on~ ti'._ Tines of block? T,~n (]0), f'i/.r (6~, Pive {5), cnd-0no (1), rp s]lowN utah ~;{id rosy, to tho v,:ost fly line of tho z'i~kt of .~y of to,~ United ~>~]ro~as' of o. - ' · t)ton~ .. ~ ~ PrLllOi~O0 ~' on? lie woFt-F]~ line d ri;rh.t seconds weft 5 feet to the Westerly ]ina of the ri-ti of v:sy of t~,e United Ra~lro~;d~: of ~...n Prrncisco: thence ~:]on~ the wester]y line of s~id right of w'y s3utn da?roes Bm ..,~hut~ ].0 c · o~ P~n~ Ttrent, ~o~uc,~t~._ nor'tbe~tor].v,· ~hm~:~ ~:~oint, is ~'~,~ (~)~. ~o<~t ~i~'t~nce~. northe~:s~':rly, fro~ the s"-r~ ~ ~:,,,.~ t~:r]y bonndfr~;'.~ _~Jne C',P 'i.!~'~ ri~; ~_ of nvy of the United ~.::~"iiroads of ~cn~ Er~:noisco, ~:R~ runnin,o~ in ~ sonthesster]y direction psr~]]el to the ?outhwester]y bo~:~nd~ry ]ine of said ri:"ht of w~:i ~'nd at ~: s w~ich is psrticut~rly ~t_.t & connectino' er:er be oons:t.r~cted a]onF the fo]]owin~t conrse, :how~n u~'.on~ ss:id ~,-~:~p,. ~ constitutin? r.~rtof~, the ~-~dans -for said uork, hq:icl,_ pl~.ns ar herein&fter referred to: .... ~"~', 74 degrees '~7 minutes West 550 feet ~hd north Beginning,' ct the e-is'tin,~ N~f~hole, which is n,~ ~ dosrees SS r~inute~ Esst ~,5 feet from ~'~,~,~ :ntersect'~on of the ;.~:r]y- a~ ]i~e of Orange ~venue with ~ ~c /~venue, in s~.id city 0f South: ~ .... ~ Pr&ncisco, and runnin~ thence south t5 southerly-line of 2s, i!ro~ ~ ~ ..... c e~'rees. ~.~. minutns, wr~st lo7~.5 thence so~.~t~:.. 3o ~a..ees~4~ Rinut:~s we~t 276.5 feet tot~'~e ~roposed, ho].e on ssio 3r~'street; All ~: ork herein r. rovided flor s~ n~:~l be done to orificial ~rsde ~nd in sccord&nce v~:ith ~he special ~'~ work, ........ ~]rns ~;<~ s~'ecific~stions ~re cntit]ed "~]sns and °m ' snd s~:eciffics:tions for s~ ~ ~nmcn ~ . ,.:~ec~fica. tions ffoz .... ~,,e construction &nd ...... ~,~: com-let~on off Street I,~zo~.e,,:entp ....... ' :~'orlc u~>on. 1st Street, 2nd ~treet, 5rd ftreet, ~ ftreet, B o ~ C Street~ ~nc~ ~.~ Street: in the r~it~ of ~outh ~an Frsncia'co, County off ?rn '~.~teo, ~'~ S't~:te r ' 's "which r. qans sn5 speciffia~s ~' of C ]zfforn~., _ ~zc, no were heretoffore ~opted by ~sid Board off Trustees on tho ~ay of Msy, ]9]6, ~:'ncl rre now on fiqe in the offffice of the City Clerk, an5 to which plans ~n,:~ ations reference hereby m~de for ~ nffrther d~s~cription off s~id fork sn~ flor t~:e ]oc~.:tion ~.:nd e::te~t -.'orl.T 2o be ~one l, oreunder, ~:nd ffr,~ ~- }~rticul~r description of l.'~,~ boundcri~s of ~" = ~' mont;oned.. All. ~uch work i,? to iNc]~do anTf ,~:I~, ~11 street intcrcooti'.or;s ~:nC Eiri'-~.~,~ tc~rmln~ ti::.n~ o~rosite terrin~ti~-ns of, in ~'md 1o all the oove mentione~ ~'-treets ~.'-nd ~venu~s within t[':-'~ r,~,Tec'tk~, :.nos above mentioned, ~:s is more r.~r~c,l~.rly EhC, zn U~On said ~.]~ns: thcre is e::eel?to~ ho,;,:ever, fro~: the rmnt :~ned wnrk ~iny ~d :{1~ s~ch work ,:~ ~-"- ~ b~,en f~reao .~ do~e tooi'ficia] n;rade nd s~i~ Bo~rd of .~u~t~es did in R~so]u{ion of Intention No 25, det,;rmine ~n.~l ?eciare th~:% s~i~ ~rn, oae~ ~'ork end i~?rove~,,,ant i~' of more ~sn ~oc~] cr ord~ncry ,,uo~ic bez;efit and ~,il] affe,ct c~d benefit ~o lld ...... ' ~i: la~n .... ~ ~strict herezncfter d,,scr~ocd, which s: iddi. str:~t is in ':~iC Resolution of Intention, decl,~red io be th~~ ~istrict~ ",~ene~"ttedz ]~,~ ~ckd work ~:nd ir.~?.ro~ene~.~t· and t~,~.t therefore tho entire cost~ ]~r:~ ::n? dis%rioS, '-' .... district is wil}iin ~id City of for&th °~.n ?r~ncisco, Co~n~/ of S~n L&teo , S~ct, e of Cclifornig, r'~-:~d is p~r'tic~].srly l)}uN.}ed cn~° described ~s fol]o~v{~, to-wit: Be?i~nin? st ~ ~r~rite monum:mt set at -tLc o.-~ ,.o~t,~.~-:~ t,-~z']~ corn,-r off ~tock ...... ed ~-~-~* ' - ~ Wes~ off R~ilro~:d off the town of a~5. en, N:rt off Buri euri, S~ N Nsteo Co. CE'i., "v.~hich m~' e'~s, fi]ed in the office of the County. Recorder of t]~.s C u~ty, ~ines of blocks Ton (10), ~i>: (6~, Five (5), ~nd.0ne (]), s sho~vn uton ~'i~ m~p to tho ~t.:r]y thc ri:?~t off ,"'-, ~.y of tbsp._. Unite5 ~_,~,]rosds'' of °-n, Pr~Ncisc6-~ t~:e~- ~ ~-.~ ~-'~on?. _: the wo~t~r~_., ~ina~ 5f e~id ri:~.t- of ;~'~,: so}~th 55 dc~re~ ~ ~inutes !0 seconds e{}st 27© lo f~o't · t},.ence south 34 d.s::rrec~ 00 minute~~ 50 ' ~- of seco~(]s we?% ~ feet to t~.e Westerly line of th~.. ri~lot of v,'g,~.~ of t~e Uni{ed .,~ilro~:d~} Francisco: thence ~]on~ the westerly line off s~id rizht of w y south,. 55 dcgTree~ 59 minutes ].0 seconds cs~'t ,s56. ~ e,~..ee~ 5q minutes 10 feet: thence north o4 de~ree 00 · inutes 50 seconds e~st 5 f~ct' thence ~outh 55 d ~ ~ second*, e~:.st ~o.Z~_,~. _ lent' thence ~.]on~ ~ cnrvo, to tn.' e riz']~t u, ith ~ '~'~-~~,. ~.,~ Z69~.?,~ f:-ot; 88.Z7 feet the United ,:~-i]ro~ds of ~an Er~.nei~co~ t ~a~ce ~]on~ the wostoriy li:ao o~ s~.i~ ri.d~t of wa.y on ~ ~urve i~ ~ so~the~s~erl~ directiox with ~ r~dius of ~o~9.8~ feet, -,~.79 feet: t}'~once north ..'~"u u'~a~-r~es_.~.r 4~_ ~,'inutes e~t ]~,34 fast: ~.:,nc~ nort-~ 15 degrees ~Z ~ ~ ; .... , ' ~e ~ minutes a~st 1'771,7q feet tLence so~th 7d 27 mim.~tes e~st 5 fnet: thence ~' ~ ~' ,~'r~ est ]o~c~.!l ffe~t,~hce south 36 de?rees 42 ~inut~s west ~q2 ~ ftc: ' ,e-- .... ua et to tnr~ r,'or'tcr]y line of th ~i~ht of v,~; of tke United Eai]ro~ds of San :,~,'~' thence ~.]on? the we~terl, y line of ~'~ '? '" ~,m,, ri?hr om w~y c:n ~ curve in a general wou'tnoasterly ..... n isco, ~ ~ ~o,md~:ry line off the Tract off cirection v:ith s r~.~ius off 5689.8~ feet, 41i.24 feet to the s ~uth:'rly ~ ' s~ i5 Town off B~d,:m, ss shown on the nap thereoff referred to: thence s].on~u tko southerly line off s: id tr,:ct off ra~id Town off B~en, south 6~ degrees S8 minutes 48 second~, west ]122.59 feet to the point b e ~innin~:r. 2svin~z ..... ,~--ce~tin:~, 2 ~.n~ e:~c]udin~ from s~:'id ~strict ~:]] ~:ub]ic streets, avenues, !~nos, ~].]eys courts, a~nd ?]',;ce~.~ includes_ ~nd contained. Not~ce' is hereby, ~iven that ~eri~:]~. bonds to re?resent un~-~,sid s~,e~-~Rmt~o ~o ~, s~, :.nd bear interes~t t}'~ r: t~ of seven (7) pqr cent ~nnur,, wi]] be issued hereunder in th~ the m~:nner ';~rovidec~ by ~.~ Inrr ment Bond Act of ]9]~ *v _ }' ~ hand? s}~a~] math_re nine (q) ye~:rs from tho satan ds:-~ of July, next succeedi, n~ nine (9) months from their c~te Eosotved that s~-i5 Bo~rd of Trustees hereby rejects a].l said ]ro~cosa~]s or bids ,"::copt that ,,. n.,r_,~ neT:tic:Nee, r~m h[:,roby ~v.'rrds thc contr,.ct 2or dcin? e~id v~'ork and i~lrovammnt tr~ tho lows ~ om_ibile bidder, ..... .~ , z'eo~ '~ Peter and Grier , r.t t~,,, ~,rice~ neg.,ed i~q their ~'id,to .,. Gradin~ thirty(~X~$CELX. S~ r, er~ cubic ~r:r~.,~.__ , 0~lod macadam 'x~vement seven a, nd one-ha!f(7m)s cents square foot: concrete curbing thirty ~30) cents T'er line,:[ foot; cur~ guard thirty (30) cents' lineal_ foot,sic ,v~ ]ks ten (I0) cents ]:er~ scud:re, foot, Say;er Ea. 1. One Do_!~.~ ~: thirty cents(~'~t 30) p~r ~ino~':~ ~oot'~ou'~r ::o. 2 0~ !~o~r ~:.nd thirty oont~ (1.J~) par ~in~ ~oot~ ..~ No ~. ro]~s.r ~nd ~.:_ty c~;.~us(i. ) par liue~l foo~,°ev, er ITo 4 One ])oiler (]. 00) ~er ~ ines] foot; Tcver No. 5. ~i::ty (60) cents ~nr ]_inet]. foot; ~ ~ ,:ev,-er No. 6. ~i:,:ty (60) cents 'mr lin~,i foot; e'ur ~ixty (60)cents far lineal foot°ay;or i~o.8. One }oiler (1.00) per lineal foot; Fewer t{o. 9.EisLty · ; · _ ~ · ~" !]. Fifty (50) (80) cents rat ]_i;n~a] foot ~ev;or ![o. 10 ~eventy (70) cents Y~er ]ine~'~ foot,Fac'or ce.,t, ~-'er !ine,:.~ foot, m-or l[o.ll.A. Fifty (50)cents ~,e~"r ,~ ]ine~;:] foot; ~ev,'~:;r l?o.~].A_ . , f~ (~")ou ~er ]inca! foot, -rorer Fa. J2 ~:,..0 ...... . .. . · . .,:i~u,,,/ car:ts -:ar _,l;~o,r] fo;,t, °ev,,'or lo. i3. ?r~vcntF (70) texts ---',r foot' ~ewer ~,,o ].4 ~i~,b~r (o,~ ,~ o_) C~rl~.~' '~,~',' ]_iRo-~ . 'c'~ o , .... ~_.~ foot;"ov.c,r ~:u 15 cve::ty (70) c :~,t~ -~-:c;r ] 1. f: ~ev;or ~o 16 ~:tt-, 60) ceut° ~er li:-:o:,~ foot' ~ er:or Eo ]7 Pift~ (50) cents '~e:, ~ine~:] "~'ot ~ev:or No, 19. ,~iff.'tv,. 50) cents ~,er loewi foot,' ~ov, or :.o". 1[ ~:~. Piffty (50) ca~t~:~¥ o ] er linor:] foot; ~ov:or No. ~0. fry S0) cents :c:r lzne~l float,esr, ct Lo. 21. F:fty (50) cents ~:er lir_'o~ foot; ~et~:or No. S2 Fifty 50) cents x?er lines] ffoot'Oe~v~}r ,:,,~ x._:.~ ~ · , ':~'. ' ~"~t'~ (50) cents ?er iine~.l foot; ~ev:-nr._ 25.Fi~t~r~, (50) cents, r, er ]ine~_ f?ot;Se'~cr 2o.26. ~-t,x,,,~ (60) cents Tar ]iaea] foot; ~ev, er ~:0. 27. Fifty (S0) cents ~er ]ine~] foot;Rev'er lie. 28. Oeve:nty (70) cents !:er'line,:]. ,~,.l manholes Forty ~4O"c01 ~o~ars each, lamp holes Ten }ollars $10e~) each. Foe r inch sev;:'r ]ater~ Forty. (4~) cents 'ocr, ~ine~]_ foot', six inch by 4inch "Y" br~:uches thirty,- ~))c cents e~,ch .,_~;i~,~t.l' in~.h by ffon. r inch"Y" brs:nches tLm~ u~, (~) centr etch. A~] the fora?oin? ~'-'~r ','-,,~*.b~-.~ "~'~s'~ v;i~ the ..................... , C oild ~: !N',Oi% the for ssid work. , _~ae CitT~ C~erk ~ .... cted to ~ost uctice oz t i~' award cons~':io-q~sl~ for five ~) on m-. . u~s ~osrd ~nd ~lso to puolmsh this notice by two ~S) inset~ '- in,'Sm~ ?nt,~r~ri~e''.., ~. ,,,, , a weekly ..... nev;sT}a~',er printed and peb].ished in said City ''n(~. ~ barclay desi,Tnated for that m~rl.~ose by s~mo. Board. of Trustees. ....-~ hereby certify that the fnros~ing res lution wry' regu],:z]}/ introduc-~,u :~n:? 'dp)-,tod. b?- t', ,?~ i,~: Town of B[¢?.:m, ss shown on the nap thereo£ referred to: thence ~::]on~ the [:otlthor].~~ line of st-id ~ ~" 'r , ~ ~ ~ ~ point tr,:et of ~.id ~c~vn of Baden ~o~th cZ degrees ~8 minutes 48 second~ west 13_22.69 feet to beginnings. ~.n,. c::eludin~ from ~ id ~strict ~:11 ~ub~ic streets, svermes, !~.~, ~]leya courts, a:~ pisces includes end contsined. Notice is hereby ~iver: t~t serit'] bonds to re-?resent mn~%rid ~ssessnents, ~nfi be~.r intereg~t t}c r: te of ?even (7) ~r cent ~nn~.n, wi]] be issued hore~nfier in thc l:~ m~.Nner ".~rovifled ]~r ~-~ ds77 of July, next succeediN~ nine (9) months from their .e~o].ved thgt s't-id Bo~rd of Trust~.~ hereby rejects a].] ss~d ].roposs]s or bids ."::copt Nelli. herei~ }~er~tic. nod, ~n~ ~{~,.¥ ~..v:{rd tho control}ct for doing s~id work end it~}rovam~nt t? the ]o~ res-ronsihile bidder, Peter and Grief , at t~.e prices r~smed iN their ~'id,to wit; Grsdius thirty(g~CE''~ ?er cltbic yard , Oiled macadam -r'avement seven and oNe-ha!f(7A} cents sg~lsre foot; concreLe curbing thirty ~S0) cents l',er liNe~:~ foot; cur}: girard thirty (S0) cents' lines] foot,sider, elks ten (10) cents per sous:re foot, $ev;er ~' ' ' - _ ~o. 1. One Dollar sec thmrty cents( per line{:! foot;°ev.'er lie. ~.One ]}oll. gr and thirty cents {1.~0) per line~-i foot: ~ewer No. ~. One ro]ls.r ged fifty.._ ~ cc.~uc(1.50) per ~negi, ffoot;~ev,'er ~.:~.4-. One No]~g~.-_ _ (1.00) ~er, ~ .... inesl ~,',ot; Sever No. 5. ~i::ty {60) cents T,er !ine~:l fleet Sewer ~[o. 6 ~ixtpf {60) cents Nor lin~i foot; ~:~,~ ~i-~t,~ {60)cents T~e~ lineal ~oo%~evzer NO 8 One }o!lar ([ 00) per lines.] ~oo~' Pewter No 9.Eishtv {80) certs roy lineal foot-¢~ ~ ..... . _ , e~ ,~ ~[o. 10 ~event}- (70) cents per lines~ foot;Fey:or ilo.!]. Fifty (50) cents' ~r'er lineal foo~;~ev,"r i[o.ll.A. Fifty (50)CeRtS l'er ]ine~] foot; ~ewor No.!lA. Pif~} {50) ~er lineal foot: ,u':.~r :o.1~ a,-- · foot' °ewer ' '~ NO 1.4 ~id't~r (82) COR~S -~:.er liRe-'~.,~ foot; 'o',,~:r :;c . 15 c've:':ty (70) c~'~nts '~-~or ~ev:or Y.o. 16. ~'z:.tr-- (60) cents :,er lin,- ....] foot., o,: ewer F.o.].7. PifftE (50) cents-~ei.' line,:].' f,~ot; ~ev:or ¢~o 19 ..... i 50 · . If ~. Piffty {50) cents let li}~e~:l foot; , ~iJ_~.,~ ( ) cents ~.er lne~E] froot, ~v~-z' 2'o ~ev:or No 20 Fifty (50) cents ~,r lineE] foot,~,- ¢~ ~ · .... '~ · ~,;~."r .... ~!. Fifty (50) cents ?;or lilies! foot, ~ewoy i{o. S2.,Pifty (50) cent~ ?-.~. lines] foot,Oew~,~~ © .... .... · ,~ ,:,;,. =._~fty (50) cents ~'of lii~e~l foot; Ocr. or 25 Fifty (50) cents, per ]ine&_~ ~.ot;?e'~'~er i~0.26. ~ (60) cents 'ret ]ineE.] foot ~ev, ey i~c., 27 :~iftv (50) cents ~ez' ]ineE] ffoot:Oev'er ~,o. 28 Oevontv (70) cents ):er line::~ Afl msnho!es Forty ..... ~0,cO~ ~o2~ars esch.. , ]~_~pa'~ holes Ten ~ollars $10e~) e~:ch. Foe r inch sew r ]ater~ Perry, {4~) cents 'ocr. ~ine~]_ foot', six inch by 4inch "Y" ~'rc--ches, ., thirt~. (~c.') cei~ts e~:ch ,::~:::.~o~ .... ~'* by ffon_r inch"Y" brs:nches thirt-- (~"-') cent~ o ~ e f ch AIl ~_~, fore?x~~ .... ~'-'~r ~..,.b~,rs c oral wzt]: the nlzm]}o for said work. , ,,...e C!%~r C jet?o' ~s her i'Nr d::rec%ed to 'est ;':.:'.ti. ce el t i{' av,'c:rd consv~icously f0f five {5) dE,rs on or re: r ~,~'_' o~ ocr door of *~''s Vosr~ ~nd also tO p~zblish this notice by two ~) ' .... 1N, OI' in,'The FN~erprise"~ a weekly ~ev;spai:er printed and published in said City C~nd. here5N desi.rnated for that nurpose bp s(:id }card of - "~ ~y'~' ~ . tho '~ ~_el'eb~/ ceftin77 that ~he f,::,l'o~i~} res I'~%ioN W~:E' re~4tt]~rl~f introdtzced a~.( &a.~.j,~O0 by ..... ,:,: ~"'~s fist d~:v of Jtzne ] 16, bT; t]:o fei!or;in? no~rd of Tm?toes of t~o Ci{.N oi o'~:~]". ~ ~ Francisco, .... ,~ _ · .nos -~ ~. 2(~lston ..~.-ec. }i. ].lace an~ J.H. kelley 54 - r The fo!lou~in8· demands ~'~};ains~ }~e City were ~}resen%'~ for ,'}~z %kc ffinsnce co~_m~ttee. C~ .... v,,-r/~-,e!,.~' o u0F 8i'~0'niR~~' ,.o~.~0~.~-o~, 6.00 '.~ .J ~' " .... 25 i:arriod ~- ~" ....... ..' lis. ce that the Board ;:;:ved ,y Tz'u~'tee Cu:':~i.~.u"h~.: seuo:~:~ded by ~ .... tee c; -' ~u]E Std. 1516, to }eet at ,~f.!O E'nde~ Avez~ne at 8' 0 Clock CE~rzied Ti~e.off adjournnent !1'50 p.m. Res ]-.ectf~.lly submitted Willis~ J. City Cle:k