HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1916-07-171 IITVJ Regular l,leeting of the BOard o~ Trustees of tRe R~y of South San Francisco,held ilonday JUT~Y,17, This ~ueeting ~:~as c~]led to order ~t 8' 0 ~lock' P.I~l.,by Trustee P.A. Cunning?ham, who gated gs Chairman Protein. during th~ absence of J.l-l. Xe]~ley "PresiSent of tho Bo~rd" Roi ~ -eall Rollcg]l found the fei]owing Trustees, present,to wit; F.A.Cunningham,~g.E~ Healy,G.W. Halston, Trustee ~¥~l~ce ~p~egred ~fter rol].-ca]l ~bsent Trustee J.H. Xelley. The min~tes of the previous n~eeting were read grid UT~on r~otion of Trustee llolston seconded ~y Trustee He[J-~ ~d re~]~rly c~rried ~ere [~proved as ~e~d. A ymetition wss received f~'o:~ the Pac. Gsa g~a~ EJectrie companh to set poles on Randall Avenue as per blue print No. 1~ R. attached to the appJ. ication. .Upon motion of Trustee Hals:ton secendec~ by Trustee Healy g.n~ re~l~.rly carried ~h~ospp$ic~tion wg~s referred to the City Engineer . The following Resolution w~s then Introduced by Trustee Halston. RE?0LUTION ORDERING THE WORE. No. 27. Re~-olved that, whereas the Board. of Trustees of the City of South £~n Pr ancisco did on the 19th of June, 2916, pass its Resolution of Intention i~o. 27 to order the hereinafter described work to ~ done ~nd improvement to be made in said City whict~ Resolution of Intention w~s duly ~nd regularly- published ss required by l~w, ~s appears fro~ the affidavit of E. I. Woodman now on file in the office of the City C1 rk of said City, end ~hereas, notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention i~o. 27 headed "Noti~es of Improve we're dul? and legally posted along the line of s~aid contemplated work or Improvement ~nd in fro~t c al] th~]~roperty liable to be ~sses~ed therefor [nd alone all the open streets within said district in form ~nd manner ss required, by law, as sv?ears fro~N~ the affidavit of Geo. Xneese, Superintendent of Streets of said City~ of ~outh San Francisco, ~nd the affidavit of Rex C. Farmer, who, after the completion of the posting of said notices, filed his affidavit in the office of the City Clerk, msk an oath that he, the said Ren C. Psrmer, pursuant to the direction of said Geo. A. Xneese, complete the posting of said notices on the let day of july, !91~; and Whereas ~t notime has any person delivered to the City Clerk of said City or to said Board of Tru ~ writtenprotest against saidwork, or any part thereof, or against the e]~tent of the district hereinafter described, or s~sinst both said work end said district; therefore be it resolved that public interest and convenience require the work herein described ~nd the Board of Trustees of the City of ?outh San Francisco hereby orders the fo]2owin~ work to be done in said City, to wit: Section ~. ?hat the following streets and avenues in s~id City ~f South San Prancisco be improved by grading to official line and ~r~de and upon the portions thereof hereinafter and in thi section.designated: That portion of Commercial Avenue fron the westarly boundary line of Linden Avenue to the easte~'l boundary line of Maple ~venue, from curb to curb; that portion of Comn~erci~l Avenue from the easterly boundary line of k~ple ~venue to the westerly boU,ndary line of 0r~n~e Avenue, for the full width thereof: That portion of Railroad Xvenue from s line twenty $~0) feet easterly from the ~esterly boundary l~ne of ~inden ~venue, and parallel thereto, to the westerly boundary line of Spruce Ivenue and for a width e~ending twenty-two (22) feet southerly from the sout~ly ~e~e of the gutter e}~isting on th~ ~no~the~rly side of said Railroad ~venue; r /b~en~ T~ue~e J.H. X~lley. The mind, tea of the previous masting were re~d end u~,on r~otion of Trustee l~olston seconded by Trustee He~]-~ ~nd re?~rly carried were ~provod a~ ~e~d. A r. etition was received fro~:, the Pac. Gsa sad E]e~trie companh to set poles on Randall Avenue per blue print No. 14 R. sttaphed to the application..U~:on ~notion of Trustee Hol~:ton secondeg t Trustee Healy sn~ re~larly carried ~h~v~spp~icst[on was referred to the City Engineer . The followinff Resolution w~s then Introduced by Trustee Halston. Re~olved that, whereas the .n.o~rd of Trustees of tho Cit.v of £outh £sn Pr ancisco did on the 19 of June, 1916, pf~ss its Resolution of Intention 11~o $ 2 7 to order the hereinafter described work t done and improvement to be made in said City which Resolution of Intention was duly and re~.~ul~rl published as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of E. I. Woodman now on file in the office of the City C1 rk of said City, and Whereas, notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention i~o. 27 headed "i~oti~es of .Impr, were dul~? and le~slly posted along the line of said contemplated work or Improvement and in from' all th~]~oroperty liable to be assessed therefor and slon~ all the open streets within said distr: in form and manner ss required by law, ss srpears from the affidavit of Geo. Kneese, Superintend~ of Streets of said City~. of ~outh San Francisco, and the affidavit of Rex C. Farmer, who, after ti completion of the posting of said notices, filed his affidavit in the office of the City Clerk, an oath that he, the said Re:: C. Farmer, pursuant to the direction of said Ceo. A. Xneese, cor~ple the posting of said notices on the 1st day of jul~y, !glut; Whereas st notime has any person delivered to the City Clerk of said City or to said Board of T s writtenprotest against said 'work, or any part thereof, or against the e::tent of the district hereinafter described, or a~sinst both said work and said district; therefore be it resolved that public intarest and convenience require the work herein described ~.nd the Board of Trustees of th~ City of ?curb San Francisco hereby orders the fo].lowin? work to be done in said City, to wit: Section ~. ?nat the following streets and avenues in sa~id City :_.f South S~n Francisco be improved by ~rading to official line and grande and upon the l~:ortions thereof hereinafter and in ti section designated: That portion of Commercial ~.venue /torn the west~:rly boundary line of Linden Avenue to the easte~ boundary line of Maple /.venue, from curb to curb; that portion of Commerci~'l Avenue from the easterly boundary line of ~,Isple ~venue to the westerly boundary line of 0rsnce Avenue, for the full width thereof: That portion of Railroad /,venue from s line twenty $$0) feet, easterly from the ~esterly boundary Ii.ne of Linden .,~venue, and parallel thereto, to the westerly boundary line of Spruce ~.venue and fo a width entending twenty-two (22) feet southerly from the southerly edge of tho gutter e}:isting on th,e northerly side of said Railroad ~.venue; That portion of ~[sple /venue fret: the southerly boundary line of B~den Avenue to the line of the of the southerly edge of the .gutter existing on the northerly side of Railroad Avenue, produced for the full v, idth thereof; 6O That portion of ~pruce Avenue from the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the line of the southerlye~e of the gutter existing on the northerly side of Railroad Avenue, prod- uced, cfr the full width thereof; That portion of ~lagnolia ~venue from the ·out~erly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the no- rtherly boundary line of Commercisl Avenue, for the full width thc. reef; That ~ortion of ~r~nse Avenue from the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the nort- herly boundary TM ine of Co~erci~l Avenue, for the full width thereof: Section ~. That combinetion concrete curbs ~nd concrete ~tters and concrete sidewalks be cor~structed of the dimensions end at t~e locations shown u~on the ~lans end s]~ecifications her~ in~fter refereed to upon the following nsmed avenues and stre~'~ts: That portion of Commercial Avenue from the e~sterly boundary lineof ~aple f~v~'nue to the we sterly ~oundary line of ~r~nge Avenue, on both sides t~reof: Thet portion of i,I~ple Avenue from the south fly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the north erly bound8ry line of Rail~oa~ Avenue, on both sides thereof; Thst portion of Spruce ~venue fron~ the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the northerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue on both sides thereof; T~t portion of ~asnolis ~venue from the southerly b~dary line of Beden Avenue to the southerly bo~dary line of Co~ercial Avenue, on both s~des thereof; T~t portion of 0renge Avenue from the southe~'ly bo~dcry line of B~den Avenue to the sou thorly boundary line of Commercial fvenue, on both side~ thereof; SECTION C. That ~onc~ete ~tters be constructed of the dimensions ~nd st the loc~tions shown upon the plsns end soecific~tions hereinafter referred to, on Commercial ~.venue from the westerly bounda ry line of Linden f. venue to the easterly b undery line of ~aple ~venue, on both s~ides threof- That an asphaltic concrete pavement consisting off a concrete base fou~ ~) inches in thick ness an5 an asphaltic conczete weszin~ su~ffs, ce one snd-halff (1-1/2) inches in thic;~ness constzucted on the followin~ stzeets~ ~hat portion off Comm~zcisl ~venue ffyo~ the westezl[ boundary line off Linden ~venue to westerly boundary lin~ of Ozsn~e /.venue, ff~om ~utte~ to ~tte~ line; ~hst portion of Railroad AFenue from s line 20 fee~ wsster~y from the westerly boundary line of ~inden Aw. hue, and ~ara].lo] thereto, to the westerly bo~dary line of Spruce Avenue for a width extendin~ twenty-two (22) feet southerly from the southerly ed~eof the m~tter exist ing on the northerly side of Railroad A~enue; Thai portion of l~[aple Avenue bet~een the southerly bo~dsryLine of ~4den /wmue grid tho line of the southerly edge of the ~tter e~-:istin~ on tl~e northerly si~ of said. Railroad Avenue, t',ro duced, from ~tter line to ~utter line; That portion of Opruce 'venue between the southerly boundary line of 'aden Avenue and the line of the southerly edge of the :~tter existin~ on the northerly side of Railroad Avenue, produced from ~tter line to ~tter tine; ~,i~nolis ~..venue between the southerly boundary line of Baden ;venue That portion of '~ and the northerly boundary line of Commercial Avenue, from zutter line to gutt~r line- That portion of OrsnFe Avenue betv~een the sou herly bo~dsry line of Baden Avenue and the northerly boundsr-~ line of Commercial Avenue, from ~tter line to ~tter line; SECTION E. That storm water sev,'ers, to~ether with all laters, ls catbhs~:Basins and .manholes and appurt- enances of the dimensions shown upon the pl~.n~ hereinafter referred to, be constructed of vat 'rifled, salt-glazed sewer pipe, in the locations Particularly shown upon' said y. lans, in the insfter refereed to upon the following named avenues and strew?ts; That portion of Commercial Avenue from the e~:sterly boundary lineal ~aple ~v~-nue to the ~e sterly boundary line of Urange /~venue, on both sides thereof; That portion of I,Isple Avenue from the south fly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the north erly boundery line of Raili~oed Avenue, on both sides thereof; That portion of Spruce ~.venue from the southerl.y boundary line of Baden Avenue to the northerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue on both sides thereof; That portion of ~agnolis ~venue from the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the southerly boundary line of Commercial Avenue, on both s~des thereof; That portion of 0r~nge Avenue from the southa:ly boz[ndary line o£ Baden Avenue to the sou thorly boundary line of Commercial !venue, on both side~ thereof; SECTION C. That ~on~lete gutters be constructed of the dimensions and st the locltions shown upon the plans and specific~:tions hereinafter referred to, on Commercial ~.venue from the westerly bounda ry line of Linden ~.venue to the easterly b undsry line of ~aple ~venue, on both ss. ides three/: SECTIOI~ D. That an asphaltic concrete pavement consisting of a concrete base four ~) inches in thick ness and sn asphaltic concrete wearing surface one end-half il-l/2) inches in thic;~ness be constructed' on the 'following streets: ~hat portion of Commercial ,~venue from the ~esterly boundary line of ]~inden Avenue to the westerly boundary lin~ of 0range /.venue, from gutter ~o gutter line; ~hst portion of Railroad AFenue from s line 20 fee~ wssteriy from the west~r'ly boundary line of ~inden Av,~,nue, and psrs]lo~ thereto, to the westerly boundary line of Spruce Avenue for e width extending ~we~ty-two /22) feet southerly from the southerly ed~eof the m~tter exist in~ on the northerly side of Railroad A~enue; Th~ portion of l~[aple Avenue between the southerly boundaryLine of ~den ~vo, nue ~nd tho ]i.~.e of th~ southerly ed~:e of the ~?utter e:.:istin~ on t~e northerly side of said Railroad Avenue, duced, fro~ ~utter line to ~utter line; That portion of ~pruce venue bet~t:een the southerly boundary line of '~sden ~venue and the line of the southerly edge of the ~tter existin~ on the northerly side of Railroad Avenue, produced from ~tter line to m~tter line; That portion of ~[s.~nolia ~venue between the southerly boundary line of Baden /venue and the northerly boundary line of Commercial A'~enue, from ~utter line to m~tt~r line- That portion of 0rsnffe Avenue betv~een the sou herly boundary line of Baden Avenue and the northerly boundar-~ line of Commercial Avenue, from ~utter line to gutter line; SECTION E. That storm water seuers, to~ether with all laterals catbh?Bmeins and .manholes and appurt- enances, of the dimensions shown upon the plzn~ hereinafter ref~rre8 to, be constructed of vit rifie~, salt-glazed sewer pipe, in the locations ~,srticulsrly sho~n upon said ~.lans, in the fo~owin~ streets; That 'portion of ~pruce Avenue from the southerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue to s point twenty (20) feet south of the northerly boundary line of Commercia~ Avenue: That portion of Commercial Avenue from the center line of Esgnolia Avenue to a point five hundred 1§00) feet west of the westerly boundary line of Magnolia Avenue; ~ection F. That four (4) inch, vitrified, sslt-~laze, d, iron stone pipe lateral sewers with wyes be constl ucte~ in Commercicl Avenue, from the westerly boundary line of Linden ~ven~e to the easterly boundary line of ~aple ~venue, connectin~ with and running from t~e main sewer existing in s~id Co~ ~venue to the curb line on e~ch side thereof, to th~ number of one such lateral ssw~r f~ e~ch separate lot or parcel of ~and fronting on ~sid ~venue, and that wy~s be placed st the several points of connection with said main sewer. All work herei~ provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with the special plans and specifications fro said work, ~hich ~lzns and specifications are entitled "Plans Specifications fo~ the construction of street~improvement work o~ Commercial Avenue, ~ailro~d ~venue, ~pruc~ Avenue, ~aple ~venue, ~ag~olis Avenue, and 0range Avenue, in the City of ~outh~ San Fr~ncsico, County of. San ~ateo, State of California, which streets and avenues are fully shown ~pon the plans hereto attached, which plans a.re.~ma,~ a part hereof," ~hi~.h pis. ns nad specific ons were heretofore adopted b~ said.Board of Trustees on the 19th day of June, 1916, and are now o~ file in the office of the ¢it~ Olerk and to which plans and'specifications reference is hereby msd~ a further descriptiom ofsaid work and forths location ~nd extent of the work to bo done hereunder for a p~rticular descriptibn of the boundaries of the district hereinaft~ mentioned. All ~uch wo~ is to include ~ny and s~l street intersections and street terminations and opposite terminations of, in and to s~l the above mentioned streets ~nd ~venues within the resoective lines shove ~entioz ss is more particularly shown upon said pl~ns~ there i~ e~cepted, however, from the a~ove mentione~ work, any and ~ll of such work as has been already done to officizl grade. And said Bos~d of Trustees did in Resolution Of Intention No. 27 determine and ~ecls~re that ~, proposed work and im~:.rovement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will affect an~ efit the lands and district hereins~fter described, which said district is in said Resolution o£ Intention declared to be the district benefitted by said work and improvement; and that there fore the entire costs and expenses of said work and improvement shall be made chargeable a~s. inst and shall be &s~eseed umon said Lands and district~ which district is within said City of South San Franc-~sco, County of San ateo, State of ~alifornis, and is~.~_.rticulorl~ ~ bounded ~nd described as follows, to wit: Beginning st the southwest corner of Lot numbez, ed Ten Il0) in ~lock numb~red.Eighty-two 182) ss shown upon that certain map entitled "South San Francisco, ~sn i,lsteo County, Cal. Plat No. l" which map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Marco, California, March l, 1592, and recorded in Map ~ook No. 2, at pa~ 52' thenc~ ~orth.~ d~greee, l~-m~imml~e~s Es 300 feet to the southerly line of Baden ~venue; thence along said southerly line of ~aden Avenue south 74 degrees 27 minutes east 4065 feet-, thencm south 15 degrees ~ minutes west 160 fe~t,' thenc south 74 degrees 27 minutes east 325 feet, to the westerly line of Linden ~venue; thence along said westerly line of Linden ~venue south 15 ~e~rees ZZ minutes v;est, 470 f~et to the n'ortherly line of Railroad ~.venue; thence south V4 5egre,-~s 27 minutes east 20 feet; thence south 15 degrees Z3 minute west 100 feet, thence north 74 degrees 27 n~inutes west 1790 feet to the intersectiom of the westerl line of ~:pruce Avenue oroduced southerly, and the southerly line of the right of way of the BadenB~ of the Southern ~'scific Railroad Company; thence north 15 degrees 53 minutes East 100 feet to the northerly line of Railroad Avenue; thence ale ,~ n~_~ said northerll line of ±iai!road Avenue north 74 deg 2V minutes west 500 feet; thence north 15 de~rees ZZ minutes East 140 feet; th'.nce north 74 degre~ m~inutes west 2~20 feet; thence ~orth 15 degrees 3Z minutes east 190 fe~et to the point of'beFinning. Favin~, exce?ting and e:,:cludingfrm', said district all public streets, avenues, lanes$ alleys, Xll work herein orovided for sh~ll be done to off~ci~l grade ~nd in ~ccord~nce with the special plans and specifications fro said work, ~hich ~-~lans end specifications ere entitled Specificatioms fop the construction of street improvement work on Commercial Avenue, ~silro~d ;venue, Spruc~ Avenue, ~aple ~venue, ~agnolie Avenue, and Orenge Avenue, in the City of South. San Fr~;ncsico, County of. San --ateo, State of California, which streets and evenues are fully shown ~pon th~ plans hereto ettached, which plens ar~ ma~e a part hereof," v/hi~.h plans nad speciJ ons were heretofore adopted b~ said Board of Trustees on the 19th day of June, 1916, and ere now file in the office of th~ ¢it~ ~lerk and to which plans and specifications reference is hereby m~ a further descriptiom ofsaid work and forth~ loc~tion and extent of the work to be done hereunde for a p~rticular descriptibn of the bounds, riss of the district hereinafte~ mentioned. All ~uch is to include ~ny and all street intersections and street terminations and opposite terminztions of, in ~nd to a~l the above mentioned streets and evenues within the resoective lines ~bove msnti ss is mor~ particularly shown upon said plans; there is excepted, however, from the a6ove mention work, any end all of such work e.s h~s bcen clresdy done to officizl grade. And seid Bo~d of ~ru~tees did in Resolution Of Intention No 27 determine and ~ecle~re that proposed work and im~rovement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will ~ffect efit the lends ~nd ~istrict hereinafter described, which said district is in said Res'olution of Intention declared to be the district benefitted by said work ~d improvement; end that ther, for, the entire costs and expenses of.said work and i~rovement shall b~ mad~ chargeable ag[,inst and shell be ~s~ss~d upon said Lands s.nd district~ which district-is within said Ci'~y of South San Pr~nc~sco, County of San ~teo, State of ~aliforni~, and is r,~rticularly bo~d~d and describe~ as follows, to wit: B~ginning ~t the southwest corner of Lot numbered Ten '(10) in ~lock nu~bered.Eighty-two (82) es shown u~on that certain map entitled "South S~n Francisco, ~sn ~,tsteo Catty, Cal. Plet No. l" '~' Ca~fornia, which map was filed in the office ~f the Catty Recorder of the Catty of S~n L~teo, i~arch 1, 1892, and recorded in ~ap Book No. 2, at pa~e_. 52', thence.. ~rt~ ~ooO, l~mm~0~s/. .., , E 300 feet to the southerly line of Baden ~venue: thence along said southerly line of ~aden Avenu~ south 74 degrees 27 minutes east 4065 feet; thenc~ south 15 degrees 5Z minutes west 160 fe~t; then south 74 degrees 2V minutes east 325 feet, to the westerly line of Linden ~.venue; thence along sat w~sterly line of Linden ~v-enue south ~5 ~e~rees ZZ minutes v;est, 470 feet to the northerly line of Railroad ~venue; thence south V4 Oegre ~s 27 ~:inutes e~st 20 feet; thence south 15 degrees Z3 minut west 100 feet, thence north 74 degrees 27 ~.:inutes west 1790 feet to the intorsectiom of the wester line of ~pruce ~.venue ~roduced southerly, and the southerly line of the right of way of the Bsd~nB~ of the Southern Zscific Rs. ilrosd Co ~ · mp~ny, thence north 15 degrees 5Z minutes East lO0 feet to the northerly line ~:f Railroad Avenue; thence slon~7 said northerll line of i~i].road Avenue north V4 del 2V minutes west 500 feet; thence north ~5 de~'ees ZZ min~:~tes East 140 feet; th"nce north V4 degrea~ minutes west 2~20 feet; thence ~erth 15 degrees 3Z minutes east 190 feet to the point of beginning, ~avin~, ~ -~ exc~,ing and e~cludin~fro~ said district all public streets, ~vonues, lanes$ alleys, ts, and pisces, included and cont~ines. Notice is here~y ~iven that ~erisl bonds to represent unp~id assessments, ~nd be~r interest a th~ rate of seven ~7~ per cent per a~, will be issued here~der in the ma~nner provided by the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, the least installment of which bonds shal'l mature nine (9) yearS? from the second day of July, next succeeding nine (9) months from their date. The City Clerk i:s hereby directed to post notic~ of said work together with the pla. ns and specificationstherefore, conspicuously for five (51 days on or near the Council Cha.mb. er Door invitin~ sealed pro~osals for ~oing the work orderad. He-is sls. o directed ,to publish a notice inviti~ such mro~osals, and referring to the specifics, tions posted or o.n file by two (2) Insertions in "The Enterprise", s weekly newspaper published and circ.ulated in said City of So- uth San Francisco, and hereby desi~ated for the purpose. --0-0-0-0-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution.was regularly introduced ~nd a~opted by. the ~osrd of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this t?th day of July, 1916 by the following, vote: "~. G W ~olston, and G H. ~',altace. Ayes, Trustees F. ;. CunninFham, i,l. F. e.ly, . . · Noes, Trustees None. Absent Trustees J. H. Eelley. Attest: Will~am J. Smith ~ity Clerk. The followin~ demanc~s e~gsinst the City were presented for p~yment ~l~e same having been approved by the finance committee. I~. Petroski Labor on street So. City Lum~er & ~upply Co. ~upDlies. Geo. A. Eneese Expenses. Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Telephone cs]is ~JonthJune Total 6.00 10.08 37.50 1.49 55.07 Moved by Trustee Holston seconded by Trustee Hesly that the'above dem~.nds be paid and warrants drawn for the various amounts ~ov~d by Trustee Ho]ston seconded by Trustee Healy th't the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the South ~an Francisco Land & improvement Co., concerning sn option on block 129 ~s.p of the City of South San Francisco, said block to bo used ss a public ps. rk s.nd b~s$-ball ~rounds '- ' Moved by '-rustee Healy seconded by Trustee Holston that the Bo~rd ~djourn u~til Thursday July 20, 1916, to meet st ZlO Linden Avenue at 8:00 p.m. Time of adjournment 9:20 p.~n. Respectfully submitted, William J. Smith City Clerk.