HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1916-08-09 ~ meeting of the Bosrd of Trustees of the City of South Ssn Frencisco held Wednesdsy August 9, ]916, at 12:00~for the purT, ose of awardin? the c0ntr~ct to thc loaf'est bidder for the' improvement of Commercial Av.nue, Railroad Avenue, Spruce Avenue, Msple ~venue, Magnolia, Avenue and Orange Avenue. The contract ws~s swsrded to the City Street Improvement COmpany. Roll csll found the following trustees present to wit: F-. A. Ounnin~ham, M.' ~. Hca]y, G. E. Wallace, and J. H. Kelley. G. W. Holston appeared after roltc'.all Moved by Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee ~¥all~ce that F. A. Cunningham be appointed cl~rk .'! in the absence of W. J. Smith City Clerk, ~nd Dr. J. C. McGovern Deputy Clerk. The Followin~ Resolution of Award was then introduced by Trustee Cunnin~ham. RESOLUTION 0F AWARD. Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco did, in open session, on th ?l~h day of August 1916, publicly open. examine end declare all sealed propossls or bids for doing following work in ssid City, to wit: Section ~. That the following streets ~nd avenues in ssid City of South ~an ~rnacisco be improved by gr to official line and grsde and upon the portiins thereof hereinafter and in this section desi_~nat Thst portion of Commercial Avenue from the westerly boundary 2ine of 'Linden Avenue to the e~ bounds, ry line of M~ple Avenue, from curb to curb; that portion of Commercial Avenue from the ecst boundary line of Maple Avenue to the westerly boundary line of Orsnge Avenue, for the full width thereof; That portion of R~il~-~o~d Avenue~ from ~ line twenty ~20) feet e~sterly from the westerly bou line of linden ~venue and parrallel thereto, to the westerl~y boundary line of Spruce Avenue and ~ width extendin~ twenty-two (~22) feet southerly fro~ .the southerly edge of the gutter existing on' northerly Side of s~id Railroad Avenue; That portion of ~ple Avenue from the s~'uther]y boundary line of Baden Avenue to the line the sol~th,~rly edge of th~ mutter exit%lng on the northerl~,~ side of Reilrosd Avenue, produced, ~or i~ull width ther,of: Thet portion of ~pruce .~venue fro~ ~he southerly bound~'~y line of B~den Avenue to the line c the southerly edge of ~h,~ ~tcr e×i~tin~ on ~he northerly side of Rsilrosd Avenue, produced for full v~idth ~hereof; That portion of I~s~no~ia Avenue from ~h,~ south~rly boundary line of B~den AVenueto the northerly bounds, fy line of 0o~meLmci~l Avenue, for the full v~idth thereof; That porti n of,0r~nge Avenue from the ~outherly boundary line o~ Baden Avenue to the northerly boundzry line of Commercial Avenue, for The full wfdth thereof; ~aetio~B. Thst combination concrete curbs ~nd concrete gutters and concrete sidew~lks be construe~edof,tHe dimensions ~nd~t the loc$~ions shown upon the plans ~nd specifications herein~ referred to upon the following n~med streets snd ~venues; That portion of Commmrcial Awenue from the eesterly boundary line of M~ple Avenu~e to the west. erly boundary line of 0r~nge Avenue, on both sides thereof; That per.tion of M~ple Avenue from the south~"rl~ ~ndary line of B~den Avenue to the northarly ~oundary line of Rsilrosd Avenue, on both sides thereof; ~h~% portion of Spruce Avenue frou the soulherly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the northerly boundary line of Rsilroad Avenue, on both sides thereof; That portion oi~gnoli~ fro~ th~ southerly boundsry line of Baden Avenue to the ~? outh fly ?oundary line of Commer~iz~ Avenue, on both sides thereof; ~,t ~ortion of 0range Avenue from the southerly boundary line of Badon AvenUe to the '.'! in the absence of W. J. Smith City Cl~erk, ~nd Dr. J. C. McGovern Deputy Clerk. The Followin~ Resolution of Award was then introduced by Trustee Cunnin~hsm. RESOLUTION OF AWARD. Whereas th~ Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco did, in open session, on 7th day of August 1918, publicly open. examine end declare all sealed proposals or bids for doi following work in seid City, to wit: Section A. That the following streets and avenues in~ ss-id City of South San Frnacisco be improved by to official line and grade and upon the portiins thereof hereinafter and in this section desi~nl That portion of Commercial Avenue from the westerly bounds, fy Sine of 'Linden Avenue to the , bound~ry line of M~ple Avenue, from curb to curb; thct portion of Commercial Avenue from the boundary line of Maple Avenue to the westerly boundary line of Orange Avenue, for the full widt~ thereof; Thet portion of R~ilroed Avenue~ from z line twenty ~20) feet easterly from the westerly be line of Zin~en ~venue and parrallel thereto, to the westerly boundary line of Spruce Avenue and width extendin~ twenty-two ~22} feet southerly frow ~he southerly edge of the gutter exisZing on northerly ~ide of said Railroad Avenue; That portion of ~,~Dle Avenue from ~.he s~uther~y boundary line of Baden Avenue to the line the s~nth.rly edge of the ~utter e~¢isting on the northerl?~' side of Railroad Avenue, produced, ~Jo i~ll width thereof; That portion of Spruce ~venue fro~'~ ~he southerly bound~!y line of Baden Avenue 1. o the line the southerly edge of !h~ ~!ter existin~ on ~he northerly side of Railroad Avenue, produced for full width thereof; Theft portion of I~[sgnolia Avenue. from ~h~,.. sou~h~rly b0undsry line of Baden Avenueto the northerly boundary line of Comme~cial Avenue, for the full width thereof; That porti n of,Orange Avenue from the southerly boundary line oF Baden Avenue to the northerly boundary line of Commercial Avenue, for The full width thereof; Saetio~B. That combination concrete curbs and concrete gutters and concrete sidewalks be c°nstruc~edof the dimensions ~nd~ zt the locstions shown upon the plans ~nd specifications hereins referred to upon the following n~med streets ~nd ~venues; That portion of Commsrcial Awenue from the e~sterly boundery line of Eaple Aven~e. to the westerly bound&ry line of Orange Avenue, on both sides thereof; Thet portion of M~ple Avenue from the south.'rl~ ~undary line of B~den Avenue to the northerly boundzry' line of Railroad Avenue, on both sides thereof; T~ t .portion of Spruce Avenue fro~u the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue to the northerly boundary line of Railroad Avenue, on both sides thereof; That portion of Magnolia fro~ tho southerly boundary linde of Baden Avenue to the ~? outh fly boundary line of Commerciz~ Avenue, on both sides thereof; That p.ortion of Orange Avenue from the southerly boundary line of B~.d~ Avenue to the i~ '.~ southerly boun~.dery line of Commercial Avenue, on both side~ thereof; Section C. That concrete ~utters bo constructed of the dimensions and ~t the locations shown upon the plcns ~.nd sye¢ifivat~ OhS hereinafter referred to, on Commercial ?venue from the ~'esterly boundary line of Linden Avenue to the es. sterly, boundary line of i~ple Avenue, on both sides thereof; SECTION D. Tho~t ~n ~sph~ltic conQrete pavement consisting of a conQrete bsse (4) inches in thickness and ~n asphaltic concrete wearing surfsee one and one h~lf SG-1/2$)inches in thi- ckness be constructed on tho £ollowmn~ ?treats: ~ ~lmorti~n of Commercial Avenue from the westerly boundary line of Zinden Avenue to the west e~12 boundary line Of 0r~nge Avenue from gutter ~ine to gutter line: That portion of R~ilroad Avenue from a line S0 feet easterly from the westerly boundary line of Linden Avenue, ~nd p~rallel thereto, to the westerly boundary line of Spruce Avenue for ~ width extending twenty-~wo 122) feet southerly from the southerly edge of the gutter e~isting e on the nQrtherly side of Railroad Avenue; That port~on of M~ple Avenue between the southerly boundary line of B~den Avenue ~nd the line of the soulherl~ edge of th~ gutter existing on the northerly side of s~id Railroad Avenue, produced, fro~ ~utter ~ine to ~tter line; That ~ortion of Spruce Avenue between the southerly boundsry line of B~.den Avenue ~nd the [ ;li'ne of the southerly edge of the ~utter existing on the northerly side of R~ilro~d Avenue, t~roduced ~ · from gutter line to ~.~utte~ line: That portion of Magnoli~ Avenue between the zoutherly boundary line of B~den Avenue ~ nd the northerly boundary line of Commercial Avenue, from gutter line Zo ~utter line~ That portion of 0r~nge Avenue between tSe southerly bounds?fy line of Boden Avenue ~nd the northerly Section E/ ~ That storm water?~sewers, to gether with ~ll laterals, cstch b~sins, ~nd manholes ~nd oppurt- en~nce~o~l of'th~ ~imen~ions°°~,kown~ u~onv the ~l~n~ herein~fter r. eferred to, be constructed of vitrified s~lt-gl~zed sewer p~pe, in the locations particularly shown uy~on s~id plans, in the follo~mn~ street~ That portion of Spruce Avenue from the southerly b .... y _ . o~.na~r~ line of R~'iiro~d Avenue to a ~oint twenty (20) feet south of the r'~orther]y boundary line of Commerci~l ~-venue' ThSt portion of Co~nercial Avenue from the center line of L[agnolia Avenue to ~: ?oint five ~5~0) hundred feet west of thin'westerly boundary line of ~agnoli~. Avenue: Section F. ~Thst four I~) inch, vitrified, salt-glazed, iron stone, ~il~e l~ter~l sewers with ~yes be con- structed in Commercial Avenue, from the westerly boundsry line of Linden zvenue to the es. ster]y boundary line of Msple Avenue,qconnecting with and running from the msin sswer existing in ssid Commercial AVenue to the curb llne on esch side thereof, to the number of one such l~teral sewer for esch separate lot or parcel of l~nd fronting on said avenue, ~nd that wyes be plsced at the ~everal points of connection with said main sewer. All work herein provided for shall 9e done to official grade and in accordance with the special plans and specifications for ssid work, 'shich plans and specificotions are entitled "Plans and specifications for the construction of street imp~rovement work on Commercial £venue , Railrozd Avenue, gpruce Avenue, ~aple Aven~'~e, ~agllolia Avon':re, and ",.Orange /x~Venue, in the City of 'South S~n ~rancisco, County of San ~,teo~, ~tate of California, Which streets ~nd avenues are fully shown upon ~he plans hereto attached, whi~h plans are msde a pert he~eof", which p~s and specifications heretofore adopted by the Bo~d of Trustees on the 19th dsy of June, 1916, and are now on file l~r~ ~ in the office of the City Clerk and to which plans and specifications referen~ce is h~reby m~de for a further description of said work and for the loc~tion znd extent of the work ~o be done hereunder, Theft ~ortion of Railroad Avenue from a line 20 feet east~?rly from the westerly boundary line of Linden Avenue, ~nd p~rallel thereto, to the westerly boundary line of Spruce Avenue for s width ex~ending tw~nty-two {SE} feet so. utherly from the southerly edge of the gutter existing on the northerly side of Railroad Avenue' That portion of Maple Avenue between the southerly boundary line of Baden Avenue ~nd the line of the soul. herl~ edge of th~ gutter existing on the norther, ly side of said Railroad Avenue, produced, from ~utter line to ._m.~tter line; That portion of Spruce Avenue between the southerly boundary line of Bz~den Avenue ~nd the :line of the southerly edge of the ~utter existing on the northerly side of Railro~.d Avenue, ]~'roduced from gutter line to ~tte~ line; That portion of ~gnoli~: Avenue between the southerly boundary line 0f Baden Avenue .~ nd the northerly boundar? line of Co~ercial Avenue, from ~tter' line to ,~utter line; That portion of 0rsnge Avenue between t~e southerly bound~:~ry line of Baden Avenue and the northerly Section E/ ~ Th/t storm water~sewers, together with all laterals, catch basins, and manholes and appurt- ensnces~;:of the ~imen~ions° s~own upon the talens hereinafter referred to, be constructed of vitrified salt-glo, zed sewer p~pe, in the locations particularly shown upon said plans, in the follov~in~v street~ That portion of Spruce Avenue from the southerly bound~ry line of Rsilrotd Avenue to a ~oint twenty (20) feet south o£ the ~orther]y boundary line of Commercial Avenue' That portion of Commercial ~venue from the center line of ~agnolia Avenue to a point five (500) hundred feet west of t~'~westerl? boundary line of ~agnoli~ Avenue; Section F. Theft four (4) inch, vitrified, salt-glazed, iron stone, ]'i[~e l~teral sewers with wyes be con- strutted in Commercial Avenue, from the westerly boundsr.v line of Linden ;',venue to the esster]y boundary line of ~sple Avenue,qconnecting with and running from the main sewer existing in said Commercial Avenue to the curb llne on each side thereof, to the number of one such lateral sewer for each separate lot or parcel of Iand fronting on said avenue, end that wyes be placed at the ~evera! points of connection with said main sewer. All work herein provided for shall b'e done to official grade and in accordance with the special pIans and specifications for said work, 'shich plans and s~ecifications are entitled "Pleas and specifications for the construction of street imp~rovement work on Commercial £venue , Railroad Avenue, Spruce .~venue, Maple Aven~':e, Magnolia Avenue, and 0range ~,venue, in. the City of South san Francisco, County of San Msteo', State of California, Which streets and avenues are fully shown upon .~he plans hereto attached, which plans are made a part he:"eof", which p'~us ~.nd specifications were heretofore adopted by the Board of Trustees on the 19th day of June, 1916, and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk and to which plans and specifications regerence is hereby made for a further description of s~id work and for the location and extent of the work to be done hereunder, an~ for s particular description of the boundaries of the district hereinafter mentioned. All Such work is to include any and all s~reet intersections and~street terminations and opposite terminatiOns [thereo~~, in and t~ all the above mentioned streets and avenues within the respective lines above mentioned , as to more p~rtivularly shown upon said plans; there is e×~g~ted, however, from the above mentioned work, ~n~ and ~ll of such work as hzs been already done t.~ official grade. An~ said Bo~rd of Trustees Cid in Eesolution of Intention No. 27 determine and decl~re that said ~proposed work and improvement is of more th~n local of ordinary public benefir and w~ll ~ffect and ben- efit th~ l~nds and district hereinafter described, which s~id district is in s~id ~esolution of Intention declared to be the district benefitted by said work ~nd improvement; Ed that therefore t~e entire costs and e~enses of s~id work and improvement shall be m~de chcrgeable ~g~inst and shall be assessed upon said lands and district, which district is within said City of South S~n Francisco ~ounty of San ~teo, Etate of c~iifornia, ~nd is particularly ~ounded ~nd described as follows to-wit: Beginning at the southwest cornor of Lo~ numbered Ten (10) in Block n~mbered Eighty-two (82) as shown upon ~hat certain map entitled "Southe San Francisco, San E~teG county. Cal. Plat No. l?" which map was filed in the office of the County Recorder o~.~County of San ~teo, CalL£o~nia,~ March l, 1892, ~nd ~ecorded in l~ap Book No. 2 at page ~2; thence north Z3 degrees, l~ ~inutes, East ~00 feet to the southerly line o! B~de~ Avenue~; thence along said southerly line of Baden Avenue south 74 degrees 27 minute~ east~ 406~ feet; thence soutth 18 degrees ~ minutes west 160 feet thence south ?~ degrees 27 minutes east Z2~ feet, to the westerly line of Linden Avenue; thence ~.long said westerly line of Linden ~venue south l~ degsees Z3 minutes vJest, 470 feet to the nort'herly line of Railroad Avenue; thonce south 74 degrees 27 ~inutes east 20 feet; thence south l~ degrees SS minutes v~ west ~00 feet; thence north 74 degrees 27 minutes west 1790 feet to the intersection of the westerly line of Spruce Avenue produced southerly, and the southerly line of the right of ws~y of the B~den Branc of the Southern Xacific Railroad Compsny~ thence north 1~ degreesJZ minutes East 100 feet to the norths line of Railroad Avenue; thence along ssid northerly line of Railroad Avenue north 74 degrees 27 minute ~west ~OO&i feet; thence north l~ degrees ~3 minutes East 140 geet; thence north 74 degree~ 27 minutes west 2120 feet; thence north l~ dogrees ZZ minutes east 190 feet to the point of beginning. Saving, excepting and excluding from said district all ~,ub2ic streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, cou~ts,.ahA places, included and contained. NOtice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bes.r interest st the rate of seven (7) per cent ~er ann~nn., will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improvemen Bond Act of 191~, the l~stinstall~ent of which bonds shall m~ture nine (9} years from the second day of July, next succeeding nine (9) months from their date. Resolved that s~id Board of Trustees hereby rejects all said proposals or bids except that next herein m~ntioned, and hereby awards the contract for d~ing s~id work and i~provement to the lowest resp- onsible b~dder, to wit, City Street Improvement Company, s.t the prices n~med in its bid, to-wit: Grading, thirty (ZO) cents per cubic yard, ~sph~.ltic concrete pavement, ten ~nd eight-tenths (10.8) cents per square foot, concrete curb, thirty-seVen (ST) cents per lineal foot , curb gun, rd, twenty (20) cents per lineal~ foot, concrete ~tters fifteen (l~) cents per square foot, concreta~idewalks, nine and eight-tenths (9.8) cents per square foot, lateral sewers, forty and five tenths (40.~) cents por lineal foots six inch by four inch "Y" branches, One Dollar each ($1.00), fifteen inch storm sewer One and Z~/100 Dollars ($1.J5) per lineal foot, twelve inch storm sewer e~ghty-six (86) cents per lineal foot, ten inch storm sewer,'sixty-seven (67) cents per lineal foot, eight in ch storm sewer, fifty- fiv, (~§) cents per lineal foot, storm sewer manholes, Fifty-t~-~ree Dollars ($83.00) e~ch, ~t~ndard storm ~ewer catch basins , Fifty-three Dollars ($~3.00) each , Special stzrm sewer catch bssins, Forty Dollsrl ($40. O0 } each. ~ The City Clerk is hereby dgrected to post notice of this award conspicuously for five days (5) On or near the Council Chamber Door of this Board and also to publish,!this notice by two (2} insertions in the Enterprise a weekly newspaper printed and published in s~id City and hereby designated for that purpose by said Board of TrUStees. .~ and is particularly bounded and described as follows to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lo~ numbered Ten (10) in Block n~mbered Eighty-two (82) as shown upon %hat certain map entitled "Southe San Francisco, San ~ateo County. Cal. Plat No. l?" which map wzs filed in the office of the County Recorder o~ County of San ~Iateo, Cal£farnia,' March l, 1892, ~nd mecorded in ilap Book No. 2 at page 52; thence north Z5 degrees, 15 minutes, East ~00 feet to the southerly line of B~dem Avenue.s; thence along said southerly line of Baden Avenue south 74 degrees 27 minute~ east 4065 feet; thence soutth 15 degrees Z5 minutes west 160 feet thence 'south 74 degrees 27 minutes east Z25 feet, to the westerly line of Linden Avenue; thence ~Iong said westerly line of Linden Avenue south 15 degrees ZS minutes ~.esi, 470 feet to the nort~herly line of R~ilroad Avenue; thence south 74 degrees 27 minutes east ~0 feet; thence south 15 degrees Z5 minutes west 100 feet; thence north 74 degrees 27 minutes west 1790 feet to the intersection of the westerly line of Spruce Avenue produced southerly, ~.nd the southerly line of the ri'~ht of way of the Baden Brsn~ of the Southern Zacific Railroad Company: thence north 15 degreesZS minutes East 100 feet to the north~ line of Railroad Avenue; thence along said northerly line of R~ilrosd Avenue north 74 degrees 27 minut~ · west ~OO. feet; thence north 15 degrees SS minutes East 140 Xeet; thence north 74 degree~ 27 minutes west 2120 feet; thence north 15 degrees ZZ minutes east 190 feet to the point of beginning. Saving, excepting and excluding from said district all l~ublic streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, cou~ts,.ah& places, included and contained.~ Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of seven (?) per cent per ann~un, will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improvemez Bond Act of 1915, the lastinstallr~ent of which bonds shall m~ture nine (9) years from the second day July, next succeeding nine (9) months from their date. Resolved that s~id Board of Trustees hereby rejects all s~id ~ropossls or bids except that next herein m&ntioned,~nd hereby awards the contract for d~ing s~id work end improvement to the lowest resp- onsible b~dder, to wit, City Street Improvement Company, st the prices n~med in its bid, to-wit: Grading, thirty (S0) cents per cubic yard, asphaltic concrete pavement, ten and eight-tenths (10.8) cents per square foot, concrete curb, thirty-seVen (~?) cents per lineal foot , curb gua~rd, twenty (20) cents per lineal foot, concrete gutters fifteen (15) cenSs per squore foot, concrete~idewalks, nine and eight-tenths (9.8) cents per square foot, lateral sewers, forty and five tenths (40.5) cents per lineal foots six inch by four inch "Y" branches, One Dollar each ($1.00), fifteen inch storm sewer One and ZS/100 Dollars ($1.Z5) Per lineal foot, twelve inch storm sewer e~ghty-six (86) cents per linea foot, ten inch storm sewer,~sixty-seven (67) cents per lineal foot, eight in ch storm sewer, fifty- fiw (5~) cents per lineal foot, storm sewer manholes, Fifty-t~ree Dollars ($~Z.O0) each, ,~tandard storm sewer catch basins , Fifty-three Dollers ($5Z.00) esc'h ,Specisl storm sewer catch basins, Forty Dollarl ($~0.00) each. The City Clerk is hereby ~rected to post notice of this award conspicuously for five days On or near the Council Chamber Door of this Board and also to publish this notice by two (Z) insertions in the Enterprise a weekly newspaper printed and published in s~id City and hereby designated for that purpose by said Board of Trustees. I hereby certify thst the foregoing Resolution wes regularly introduced ~nd ~dc, pted by s~id Board of Trustees ~f the Cit~ of South San Francisco this 9th d~y ofAugust 1910, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees Noes, Trustees, None Absent, Trustees None. ATTEST: William. J. Smith. City Clerk. by ~. ~. Cunningham Clerk prStem. ~ime of adjournment 12:15. Eext ~egular meeting to be held on Mond~.y August 14, 1916~ at 8~00 p.m. to meet st 310 Linden Avenue. Bespectfully submitted, Dr. J. C. McGovern. Dep. City Clerk.