HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1916-09-18 Regular adjourn meeting of the Board of City Trustees of the City of South San Francisco H~ld Monday September 18, 1916.. This meeting was called to order by Trustee J. H. Kelley president of the Board. Roll call found the following Trustees present to-wit: F. A. cunningham, ~. ~. Healy, G. W. Hole~on, and J. H. Kelley. Absent Trustees, G. H. Wallace. The minutea of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of G. W. Holston, seconded by F. A. C~mningham were carried an~ approved as read. An application was received for a Class A Liquor License from Hynding Estat~ Company to conduct a saloon at northwest cornor of Cypress and Miller Avenue, and accomp~ning the app- licationwas a bond in the peaal sum og One thousand ($Z,O00} Dollars as provided in 0rdinsnce No. 59 , the the applicant, a~d the applicant having complied in all respects in the provisions of said Ordinance they were granted a permit for a Class A Liquor License for the M,~&e~- balance ~f the term ending December 31, 1916. A petition was received from Jas. Pacheco asking permission to sell his saloon business on the northwastern cornor of San Bruno Road and Grand Avenue to 0. Bianchini and P. Lera. Upon motion of Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee Holston ~bd regularly carried the petition was granted. A petition was received from the Pacific Gas &~Electric Company to set poles as per b~ue print No. 29 on R~ilroad Avenue Avenue. The matter was referred to the City Engineer. A petition was also r-ceived from the Pac Gas & Electric Company to tear up Maple Avenue in order ~o give service to the buildings being constructed at the northwestern cornor of Baden Ang Maple Avenues'.' Moved by Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee Healy that the petition be referred to public utilities committee. C~rried. A boxing permit w~s granted to Billyard and Monize for month of Septsmber. A Communication was received from the League of California ~nicipalities calling attentic to the municip~.l convention to be h61d at Visilia C~lifornSa from the 10th to l~th of Oct. Moved ~ Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee Holston that the City Clerk, City Attorney and City. Health Officer be delegated to atten~ Convention that they be allowed the sum of Twenty-five ($2~.00). Dollars for expenses. A Communicati'on was received from the Newly 0rga~ized Colma Fire Department extending to the South San Er~ncisco Fir~ Department a vote of thanks for the good work done st the fire in Colma on the llth day of September, 1916, The communication was ordere~ placed ~n file. A Resolution fixing tax rate for the fiscal year 1916-191~ was introduced by Trustee Healy. Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco that the number of cents to bo paid to said City of South ~an Francisco upon each One Hundred ($155.00) Dollars of the property taxable by said municipality within said City of South San Frcncisco, ~nd hereby levied'~upon for the purposes of the several funds hereinafter n~med, for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1916, aud ending June ~0, 1917, be, ~nd the same hereby are designated as follows: Genreal Fund. ~ifty (~0) cents Si~king ~and for the payment of municipal Improvement sewer bonds T~irty (30) cents Ci'ty Hall fund Te~. ( 10 ) cents ~'~lbrary fund Eight{8) cents to conduct a saloon at northwest corner of Cypress and ~ller Avenue, and accomp~ning the app- licationwas a bond in the pemml sum og One thousand ($Z,000) Dollars as provided in Ordinance No. 59 , the the applicant, mad the applicant having complied in all respects in the provisions of said Ordinance they were granted a permit for a Class A Liquor License for the M~e~- balanc ~f the term ending December 31, 1916. A petition was received from Jas. Pacheco asking permission to sell his szloon business on the northwastern corner of San BrUno Road and Grand Avenue to 0. Bianchini and P. Lera. Upon motion of Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee Holston ~hd regularly carried the petition was granted. A petition w~s received from the Pacific G~s &~Electric Company to set poles as per b~ue print No. 29 on RAilroad Avenue Avenue. The matter was referred to the City Engineer. A petiti was also r'~ceived from the Pac Gas & Electric Company to tear up ~aple Avenue in order ~o give service to the buildings being constructed at the northwestern corner of Baden Ang ~aple Zvenues', ~oved by Trustee Cunnin~ham seconded by Trustee Healy that the petition be referred to public utilities committee. Carried. A boxing permit was granted to Billyard snd ~onize for month of gept~mber. A Communication was received from the ~eague of California ~unicipalities calling attent to the municip~l convention to be h~ld at Visilia C~liforn~a from the 10th to l~th of Oct. ~oved ~ Trustee Healy seconded by TrUstee Holston that the City Clerk, City Attorney ~nd City. Health Officer be delegated to atten~ Convention that they be allowed the sum of Twenty-five 152~.00)~ Dollars for expenses. A Communicati~on was received from the Newly 0rga~ized Colma Fire Department extending to the South San Fr~ncisco Fir"e Department a vote of th~nks for the good work done st the fire in Colma on the llth day of September, 1916, The comnunication wa~s ordere-d placed ~n file. A Resolution fixing tax rate for the fiscal year 1916-1917 w~s introduced by Trustee Healy. Resolved by the Bo~rd of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the number of cents to b~~ paid to said City of South ~an Francisco upon each One Hundred ($1~.00) Dollars of the property taxable by said municipality within said City of South San Francisco, and hereby levied~upon for the purposes of the several funds hereinafter n~med, for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1916, and ending June 30, 191?, be, and the same hereby are designated as follows: Genreal Fund. Fifty ~50) cents Sinking~tud for the payment of municipal Improvement sewer bonds T~irty ~30) cents C~ty Hall fund Ten ~10) cents ~ibrary fUnd Eight~8~ cents Wee~ fund Two '~2) cents And saig Board of ~rustees hereby fixes the rate of taxes of said City at the sum of One Dollar ~1.00) upon each One Hundred ~$100.00~ Dollars of the property taxable by said municipalit~ within said City of South San Francisco, the same being the aggregate of the amounts set opposite the foregoing funds, and hereby levies the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) upon each One Hundred dollars of ~ll ~ne p~'o?erty ~axsblo by said municipality within said City of South San FranciscO. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly ~ntroduced ~hd adopted by the Board of Trustees of the ci~t~ of South San Francisco this 18th day of September 1916, by ~he following vote. Ayes Trustees, Noes Trusteew, None Absent Trustees, $. H. Wallace. F.A. Cunningham M.F. Hesly, G.~'V. Holston and J.H. Kelley ATTEST: William J. S~ith City Clerk. The following Resolution was then introduced by Trustee by Trustee Cunningham. Resolution 0~dering the Work. No. 29. Resolved that, whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of ~outh San Francisco did, y ' on the 28th d~ of August, 1916, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 29 to order the hereinafter described work to be done and i~provement to be m~de in said City, which ResolutiOn of Intention was duly and regularly published ~s required by law as appears from the affidavit of C. H. Woodman now on file in the office of the Cit~? Clerk; and Whereas notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 29 he~ded "Notice of Improvement", were duly and legally posted ~long the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front of all property liable to be assessed therefor in m~nner and form required by law as appears from the affidavit of Geo. A. Kneese, Superintnedent of Streets of said City, who, after the completion of the posting of said notices, filed his affidavit in the office o£ the City Clerk, m~king oath th~,t he, the s~id Geo. ~. Eneese completed the posting of s~id notices on the 7th day of September, 1916;.and Where~s st notime hasany person delivered to the City Clerk of said City or to said Board of Trustees a written protest against ss~id work, or any part thereof; Now, therefors be it resolved lhat public interest and convenience require the work herein described and tho Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco hereby orders the following work to be done in said City to-wit: That that portion of the alley between grand Avenue and ~iiller Avenue, and included between the easterly line of Maple Avenue and the westerly line of Linden Avenue, ~ud that portionof the ~lley between grand Avenue and Miller Avenue and included between the easterly line of Linden Ave- nue and the westerly line of Cypress Avenue , and that portion of the alley between Grand Avenue and Baden ~venue and included between the easterly line of MapleAvenue and the westerly line of Linden Avenue, and that portion of the alley between ~rand Avenue ~nd Baden Avenue and included between the east~rlyline of Linden Avenue ~nd the westerly line of Cypress Avenue be improved by grading to official grade ~nd by constructing therein a concrete pavementhaving the width ~nd thickness shown upon the plans and specificistions hereinafter referred to. All work herein provided for shall be done to o£ficisl grad* and in ~ccord~nce with the special plains and specifications for said work, which plans and specifications are entitled "Plans and Specific~tionsfor the improvemen tof a portionof the ~lley between Grand Avenur ~nd Miller Avenue and a portion of the ~lley between ~rand Avenue and Baden Avenue, in the City of South San ~rancisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, which alleys are fully shown upon the plans and specifications hereto attached, which plansare made ~ part hereof", which plans ama specifications were hereto~$~ by said Board of Trustoes on the' l~th day of May, 191§, and arc. now on file in the $~ficw of the City Clerk, and to which plans and specificatioms reference J. s~ith City Clerk. The following Resolution was then introduced by Trustee by Trustee Cunningham. Resolution O~dering the Work. No. 29. Resolved that, whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, on the 28th d~y of Au~ust, 1918, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 29 to order the hereinafter described work to be done ~nd improvement to be m~de in said City, which ResolutiOn of Intention was duly and regularly published ss required by law as appears from the affidavit of C. H. Woodman now on file in the office of the City C~erk; and Whereae notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 29 he~ded "Notice of Improvement", were duly and legally posted along the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front of all prOperty liable to be assessed therefor in m~nner and form required by law as appears from the affidavit of Geo. A. Kneese, Superintnedent of Streets of said City, who, after the completion of the posting of said notices, filed his affidavit in the office of the City Clerk, m~king oath that he, the said Geo. A. Kneese completed the posting of s~id notices on the ?th day of September, 1916;.and Whereas at notime hasany person delivered to the City Clerk of said City or to said Board of Trustees a written protest against said work, or any part thereof; Now, therefor~ be it resolved lhat public interest and convenience require the work herein described and the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Prancisco hereby orders the following work to be done in said City to-wit: That that portion of the alley between grand Avenue and ~iiller Avenue, and included between the easterly line of Maple Av&nue and the westerly line of Linden. Avenue, and that portionof the ~lley between grand Avenue aud Miller Avenue and included between the easterly line of Linden Ave- nue and the westerly line of Cypress Avenue , and that portion of the alley between Grand Avenue and Baden ~venue end included between the easterly line of MapleAvenue and the westerly line of Linden Avenue, and that portion of the alley between ~rand Avenue ~nd Baden Avenue and included between the eastSrlyline of Linden Avenue ~nd the westerly line of Cypress Avenue be improved by grading to official grade and by constructing therein a concrete pavementhaving the width and thickness shown upon the plans and specificiations hereinafter referred to. All work herein, provided for shall be ~done to official grad~ and in ~ccordance with the special plans and apecifications for said work, which pi~ns end specifications ~re entitled "Plans and Specificstionsfor the improvemen tof a portionof the alley between Grand Avenur and Miller AvenUe and a portion of the ~lley between ~rand Avenue and Baden Avenue, in the City of South San ~rancisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, which alleys ~re fully shown upon the plans and specificatikns hereto attached, which plansare made s part hereof", which plans an~ specifications were heretoi ~h~ by said Board of Trust~es on the l~th day of May, 1915, and ~re now on file in the ~ficw of the City C2erk, and to which plans and specificatioms reference is hereby made for a further descriptiom of said work and for the location and extent of the work to be done hereunder. otioe ~ Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of seven per cent &% per annum will be issued hereunder in the manner sT~ecified by the Improvement Bond Act of ~915, the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine (9) years from the second day of July next succeeding nine(90 months from their date. The City Clerk is hereby directed to post a notice of sai~work, together with the plans and ~specificatioms therefore, conspicuously for five (5) days on or near the Council Chamber Door inviting sealed proposels for doing the work ordered, He is also directed tp publish a notice inviting such proposals and referring to the specif- ications posted or on file by two(2$ insertions in "The Enterprise," a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the City of South San Prsncisco and hereby designated for that purpose. - 0-O-O-O-O-0-O-O- 0-O-O©0-O-0-0-O- 0-0-O-O-O- ~-O-O-O I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution w~s regularly introduced ~nd ~dopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 18th day of September, 1916, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees Noes, Trustees QAbsent Trustees, G. H. Wallace. ATTEST: F,A. Cunningham, M.F. Healy, G.W, Holston, and J.H. Kelley. None William J. Smith City Clerk. The following demands against the City were presented for paymen~ ~he same havin? been approved by the fSnance committee C. Bnrmeister D. J. Spellman ~. J. Martin A. G. Bissell H. E. Coyle M. Pietrowsky ~. 0. Wilson Labor om street A. G. Bissett Labor with team South City Pharmacy supplies Labor on Street Labor on street Rent for Aug. and Sept Labor on street ~or lamps Labor on street James H. Taylor Labor on firehouse Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co tel. calls July and Aug. So City Water Co. White Dental Co. Total~ ....... 4.50 ~.~0 39 9.00 9.00 50.00 26.25 52.92 9.00 3.00 2.~1 3.00 Moved by Trustee Holston seconded by Trdstee Healy drawn for the various amounts. Carried thst the above demands be paid end warrants },,~0ved by Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee Cunnin~ham that the adjourn until L~ondsy October 2nd. 1916 to meet at $~10 Linden Avenue s~ 8' (,~ock p.m. Carried Time of adjournment 9 P.LI. William J. Smith Respect~lly submitted Cily Clerk Board