HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-23 e-packet A
P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue)
South San Francisco, California 94083
2:00 P.M.
No ,rict,IS HEREBY GIVEN,pursuant to Section 54956 ofthc Goverrimen(Code oftbc State
of California, the Oversight Board for die Successor Agency to die City of' Soutli San Francisco
Redevelopment Agency will hold a Special Alcc6ng on'Fues(Lly,(lie 23rd(lay ol'September,2014,at 2:00
paii., in the Largrc Conference, Rooin, 'I'op Floor at City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco,
Ili compliance with the Americans widi Disabilities Act,if you need special assistance to participate In this
meeting, please contact dic South San Francisco City Clerk's Office at (650) 877-8518. Notification 48
hours in advance of the mecting will enable die City to make reasonable, arrangcnients to ensure
accessibility to this meeting.
Chairperson: Selected by:
Neil Cullen Largest Special District of the type in H&R
Code Section 34188
Vice Chair: Selected by:
Patti Emsberger San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
South San Francisco Unified 'School District
Alejandro Hogan
Superintendent, South San Francisco Unified School C istrict
Board Members: Selected h3:1
Mark Addiego Mayor of the City of South San Francisco
Councilmember, City of South San Francisco
Barbara Christensen Chancellor of California Community College
Director of Comm unity/Government Relations,
San Mateo County Community College District
Reyna Farrales San Mateo County Board of Supervisors
Deputy County Manager, San Mateo County
Paul Scannell San Mateo, County Board of Supervisors
(Public Member)
Billy Gross Mayor of the City of South San Francisco
Senior Planner, City of South San Francisco
Craig Labadie
Patrick OKeeffe—Interim ECD Director and Interim Asst. City Manager, City of South San Francisco
Jim Steele--Finance Director, City of South San Francisco
Steve Mattas—City Attorney, City of South San Francisco
Krista Martinelli—City Clerk, City of South San Francisco
Armando Sanchez—Redevelopment Consultant, City of South San Francisco
Comments from members of the public are limited to items on the Special Meeting Agenda. The Chair
may set time limit for speakers.
1, Motion to approve the Minutes of the August 19, 2014 Regular Meeting.
2. Resolution approving the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (RODS)
for the period January through June 2015. (Bertha Aguilar, Management
Analyst, Joe Martin, Finance Analyst)
3. Resolution approving an amendment to the Lease Agreement with Sitike
Counseling Center for the facility at 306 Spruce Avenue. ECD (Armando
Sanchez, Housing Consultant).
4. Resolution approving an amendment to the Lease Agreement with the County
of San Mateo for the facility at 306 Spruce Avenue. ECD (Armando Sanchez,
Housing Consultant),
5. Report on information request from the Department of Finance regarding the
Long Range Property Management Plan. ECD (Armando Sanchez, flousing
P,O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue)
South San.Francisco, California 94083
CALL TO ORDER 'Time„ 2:07 p.m.
ROLL CALL "resent: Boardrnennbers A.d.dicgo, Christensen,
F arrales, Cross, Scannell,Vice Chair Ernslnerger
and Chairperson.Cullen.
PLEDGE CAE CF ALLEGIANCE Ted by Boardnnernher Gross.
1. Mop tion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 15, 2014.
Motion- oardmember Scannell/ Second- l oardme !ber Addiego..to approve the Minutes of April
15, 2014 as amended. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. Motion to cancel the Oversight Board Regular Meeting of September 16,2014
and schedule a Special Meeting on September 23, 2014.
Motion- Boardinember Scannell/Second- Boardinember Christensen- to cancel the Oversight Board,
Regular Meeting of September 16, 2014 and schedule a Special Meeting on September 23, 2014.
Unanimously approved by voice vote. Boardmember Scannell informed. the Board that he would be
absent on the Special Meeting of September 23, 2014.
I Closed Session:
Conference with Real Property Negotiators:
(Pursuant to Government Code Section ,54956,8)
Properties: 401 & 315 Airport Boulevard, 405 Cypress and 216 Miller Avenue,
Agency Negotiators: Patrick OKeeffie
Negotiating Parties: Miller Cypress SSF, LLC (Sares-Regis)and South San
Francisco Successor Agency
Under Negotiations, Price and terms for disposition of the property.
Time entered Closed Session. 2:09 pm.
Open Session resumed. 2:11 p.m.
Report out of Closed Session: no reportable!action.
4. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Exclusive
Negotiating Rights Agreement (EN RA)between the City of South San
Francisco and Miller Cypress SSF,LLC for potential development of the
properties at 401 & 315 Airport Blvd, 405 Cypress, and 216 Miller Ave,
ECD (Armando Sanchez, Housing Consultant)
City Attorney Mattas explained that the Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement (ENRA) between
the City of South San Francisco and Miller Cypress SSF, LLC covered all foriner Ford properties.
Sares-Regis created Miller Cypress SSF, LLC for this development. They were proposing to
construct approximately 266 niulti-family rental units on the property. The accompanying contracts
would include the Purchase Agreement, which would be an agreement that the Successor Agency,
would sign upon approval of the Oversight Board and DOF, The Purchase Agreement would likely
be entered into after the Long Range Property Management Plan ('LRJ-IMP) had been approved, The
City was currently in the comment period with the DOF on the LRPMP. Once the Downtown Area
Specific Plan was adopted pursuant to this PIRA, the Purchase Agreement for this property would
be developed as well as all the land use and environmental entitlements for the development itself
'The project would then return to both the City Council and Successor Agency. The City Council
would deal with the land use entitlements and the Development Agreement. The Oversight Board
would deal with tl,,ie Purchase Agreement at the same time. As indicated previously by Boardmember
Christensen, the Compensation, Agreement would be entered into prior to that time. The ENRA
provides an exclusive period of time for Miller Cypress SSF, LLC to negotiate with the Successor
Agency to do further due diligence on the property. The ENRA further authorizes soil and site tests to
confirm that the property is suitable for development. The City's preliminary analysis suggested that
it was suitable for development even though there would be some contaminants remaining from the
property's prior use as a car lot. The EN RA required an initial deposit of $50,,000 to cover the
Successor Agency's costs for the preparation of the Purchase Agreement, Any leftover funds fri'lm
the deposit would be applied towards the purchase price. If the deal were to fall apart at some point
during the discussions and 'there were leftover deposit funds, then the ENRA provides for
reimbursement of any unexpended amount, There is also an extension period of 90 days beyond thee if
months which requires an additional, noji-refundable payment of$25,000.
City Attorney Mattas directed the Board to Exhibit I on page 17 of the staff report, which laid out the
tentative terms of the ENRA. When the property was initially being looked at, there was interest
expressed by a hotel developer and two residential developers. After initially looking at all three, the
Successor Agency directed staff to have further discussions with the two residential developers. The
residential developers then came forward with offers and the Successor Agency ultimately picked
Sares-Regis which is now operating as Miller Cypress SSA', LLC, The Agency paid $9 million for the
property upon purchase and was now offered 11,5 million by 'Saves- Regis, Both Sares-Regis and
Thompson-Dorfinan stated that prevailing wage labor would be utilized for building. Sares-Regis
happens to be a signatory Contractor with the Trades Council in the County. The development was
proposed as all market rate rentals. If it was decided to seek condominium maps for the development,
then the City's Below Market Rate Inclusionary Ordinance would apply.
In response to a query by Boardmember Christensen, City Attorney Mattas stated that the applicable
case was Palmer out of Los Angeles which prohibits cities 1],rorn imposing rent restrictions on rental
properties unless the public agency has invested in the projects. lie continued noting that the
Successor Agency has had some conversations with Sams-Regis about having a limited number of
affordable units in the development itself. Sares-Regis operates affordable housing in residential
developments on a rotational basis rather than designating particular units. The number of units being
discussed so far was 8, but Sares-Regis would want to negotiate the cost of subsidizing those vis-d-
vis the purchase price. A tentative deal on this issue had not been reached. The buildings would
include 266 units in a series of 5 or 6 stories, mostly residential over parking. There would be some
live-work spaces along Cypress-Miller but no retail. The construction period would be 24 months
and Sares-Regis understood it would not be able to secure the first Certificate of Occupancy until
building permits had been pulled for all, units. It was also in discussions on yet undefined public
improvements that would be made as part of the developtnent. This agreement does not obligate the
Oversight Board to enter into a Purchase Agreement but rather sets forth expectations with regard to
the negotiations. Ultimately the Oversight Board and DOF would have final approval authority over
the Purchase Agreement portion of it while the City would have final approval over the Development
Agreement and all of the land use entitlements.
Consultant Sanchez pointed out that very early on, the City stated it would only be interested in
negotiating with Developers planning to improve all the properties. This was a successful strategy
since both potential developers returned full proposals.
Boardmember Addiego asked if staff could provide additional details on related matters discussed by
the City Council Subcommittee.
City Manager Futrell stated that many of the salient terms, such as the appraisal cost and underlying
environmental cleanup would be dictated by the market. However, consistent with the overall goal to
maximize financial return, affordable housing and the development's impact on the surrounding
community were significant to the subcommittee, Accordingly, it discussed whether requirements
could be imposed on Sares-Regis to mitigate those impacts. Its main concerti was to have a
development that was aesthetically pleasing and fitting, for the envisioned character of the
Downtown, that would also offset any negative impacts to the area, such as an increase in traffic.
City Attorney Mattas ftirther explained that from a practical standpoint, the City cannot get its desired
terms, without having an impact on the purchase price. The reality is that the deal has to work
economically for Sares-Regis as well.
Boardmernber Christensen added that the College District feasibly built below market rate faculty
housing. Accordingly, she found it disingenuous when developers assert it is not possible in
consideration of profit margins,
In response to an inquiry by Chair Cullen, Attorney Mattas noted that the City would, not have any
control over what rents would be charged,
Boardmember Addiego, commented that there were two (2) pat-ties at the table interested in this
property. It was a very spirited meeting since there was so much at stake. Initially, Sares-Regis
proposed $9 million and Thonipson-Dorfmatm,proposed $11,5 million, Before closed session, Sarcs-
Regis took a moment to snatch the offer, When closed session ended, Thompson-Dorfinan increased
its offer to M 3 million. The City walked away from the higher oft"er.
Boardmember Christensen shared that she ran into Bill Nack of the Building Trades Council and
when she told him that she had heard that the City had taken a lower offer, he stated this was because
Sares-Regis, had an agreement with the Trade Unions supporting all union work.
In response to Boardmerriber Scannell's comment that this would not make the project less
expensive, Boardinember Christensen agreed. She further stated that she had battled through this
during the College District's negotiations, but her analysis of union pay versus prevailing wage
suggested that hundreds of thousands of dollars were going to the company and not the employees.
This analysis convinced the District to use only 85-89 percent union labor providing significant
Boardmember Addiego, stated that this question was asked by staff members of both developers but
only Thompson-Dorfman responded by saying that it would pay $11.5 million with prevailing wage
or$23 million with an open labor shop.
In response to an inquiry by Boardmember Farrales on the possibility of going back with a higher
appraisal, City Attorney Mattas clarified that if the appraisal came in higher than $11.5 million, then
staff would report that back to the Oversight Board and the Successor Agency. That alone would
change the negotiations. If it came in less, then Sares-Regis has committed to $11.5 million if there
are no additional expenses,
Consultant Sanchez pointed out that the appraisal was already underway.
Motion- Board member Addiego/Second- Boardmember Gross- to approve Resolution 3-22014,
Approved by the following voice vote: AYES: Boardmernbers Addiego, Farrales, Gross, Scannell,
Vice Chair Ernsberger and Chair Cullen; NOE�S: Boardmember Christensen; ABSTAIN: None;
5. Resolution approving the proposed ternis,of a Revenue Sharing AgTeenieDt for
Commercial Space at 636 El Camino Real and directing staff to Prepare for
Oversight,Board consideration draft Revenue Sharing Agreement with said
terms upon approval of the ternis,by the Oversight Board and the California
Departnient of Finance. ECD (Armando Sanchez, Housing Consultant)
Consultant Sanchez presented the Board's options. The first option was to consider the project as one
and relinquish all rights to it. The second option was to require title separation between the
commercial and residential uses. The Board also had the option of entering into a compensation
agreement that would compensate the taxing,agencies.
Staff was proposing that the net revenue be shared. The pro forma had the actual rents for units one
(1) and two (2) at $3,000 and $2,000 respectively. Unit three (3) would be rented for roughly $4,000
per month. At year three (3), once the third unit is developed, this would generate about$111,000 per
year in gross revenue. Since the City is not well-equipped to manage properties, most of the expenses,
would be, for third party service contracts. The City would be responsible for utilities and insurance,
with a small amount going towards staff operations.
One of the largest items listed was the replacement reserve which staff strongly recormnended since
the City spent half a million dollars to improve two (2) tenant spaces. This cost had far exceeded
what the City bad expected to expend on the tenant spaces. The next unit would also require an
expenditure of funds for tenant improvements to make the space rentable, Staff wanted to make sure
that there was enough in reserves to provide tenant improvements for potential future tenants. After
about 20 years of setting these reserve ffinds aside, there would be an accumulation of about
$400,000 to do another set of improvements. Thus, net operating income would be roughly $57,000
per year from all three spaces,
When considering how to distribute the .funds, staff considered two (2) different methods. The first
which was the simplest looked at square footage. The property has 229,000 gross feel of buildable
area with 5,000 square feet of commercial space. The City's share would go back to the bousing fund
to produce future affordable housing. The taxing agencies would receive a share based on the usual
fortnula, which would amount to roughly $1,300 per year.
The other method used was based on total costs for producing each of the uses, which did not result
in much of a difference. The total construction cost was $49, million with $1 million going into the
commercial space to date.
Staff recommended use of the more straightforward method which was based on the square footage,
Tf these terms were agreeable to the Board, then this would be sent to DOF and upon its approval, a
Compensation Agreement would be prepared and brought back to the Board.
After some discussion by the Board, it was SLIggested that this item be continued to the next
Oversight Board Meeting scheduled for September 23,2014
Chairperson Cullen adjourned the meeting at 3:08 p.m,
Submitted: Approved:
Aathryn Rcodica, Deputy Clerk Neil Cullen, Chairperson
Oversight Board,for the Successor Oversight Board for the Successor
Agency to the South San Francisco Agency to the South San Francisco
Redevelopment Agency Rexievelopment Agency
- Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board
S"'itaff Report
DATE: September 23, 2014
TO: Members of the Oversight Board
FROM: Jim Steele, Director of Finance
It is recommended that the Oversight Board approve the attached resolution and draft
Recognized {obligation Payment Schedule (BOPS 14-15B) for the period January through
June 2015.
Attached is the proposed RODS for the next six month period (14-15B). This POPS will fare the
basis for the County's distribution of Redevelopment Property Tax "trust Fund dollars (Rl'T1F, or
former RDA property taxers) to the Successor Agency to pay enforceable obligations for the period
January through. June 2015, Assembly Bill 1.484 requires the ROPE to be submitted to the State
and Country no later than October 3 2014, The Successor Agency reviewed the proposed SOPS
and approved its submittal to the Oversight Board on September, 10, 2014.
The proposed BOPS 14-15B includes the following highlights:
At the last Oversight Board meeting, the Board stated its preference to staff that any net
rental revenues generated (after paying for operating and maintenance costs) from the 630_
636 El. Camino Real retail sites be shared with all taxing entities. As the Board is aware,
there are improvements necessary, to make the third tenant space ready to be rented. Staff has
estimated the cast of the tenant improvements at $450,0K Staff has derived :`iis estimate
based on the cost per square foot of the initial two retail spaces' tenant improvelaents. Once
the space is occupied, staff estimates the net revenues (after operations and maintenance
costs) on this third space to be approximately $15,000 per year, Since taxing entities will be
sharing in rental revenue, staff included the cost of the tenant improvements on the remaining
third retail space on this RODS as line item 69. Staff further recommends that a revenue
sharing agreement be brought to the Board at the October meeting.
Staff Report
Subject: Recognized Obligation Payment: Schedule for January through June 2015
Page 2
• The biannual $3 million contribution to the Oyster Point Ventures Disposition and
Development Agreement (DDA) Escrow Account continues. These are the funds that the
Redevelopment Agency was obligated under a DDA to set aside to fund the initial
infrastructure improvements to facilitate Oyster Point Ventures' potential. future development
of a biotech campus at Oyster Point. After the ROPS 14-15B deposit, there will be $24
million set aside in the escrow account plus interest earnings. If the development does not
occur by the trigger points/timelines established in the DDA, those dollars will ultimately
flow back to all taxing entities.
• Staff is negotiating with developers for affordable housing for two sites in the downtown that
could utilize remaining housing bond proceeds. Currently there is $2.38 million in bond
proceeds available for that purpose.
• In reviewing the cash balances and transactions in the Successor Agency accounts, staff
discovered that approximately $1,195,000 in excess cash has accumulated. This accumulated
surplus cash balance will be used to partially fund ROPS 14-15B obligations, thereby
reducing the amount of RPTTF funding that would otherwise be needed and therefore
increasing the RPTTF distribution to the taxing agencies by $1,195,000. Staff has already
reported this excess cash to State Department of Finance (DOF), and they have advised us to
include these funds on the ROPS. These dollars show up on the Report of Cash Balances
Sheet, Column G, Row I ("Other"), and are included in the total of$1,397,445.
The reasons for the buildup of accumulated cash are several. First, the reporting and tracking
of ROPs iterns as required by the State DOF is not consistent with generally accepted
accounting principles. What the DOF requires the Successor Agencies to count as revenues
and expenditures, for example, are not how governmental accounting standards define
revenues and expenditures, meaning that reconciling the BOPS records to the Successor
Agency's general ledger (accOUnting records) is not straightforward for accountants trained
in governmental accounting. Second, the reporting requirements and instructions/rules set by
DOF have changed several times over the different BOPS periods, further complicating the
reporting and reconciliation process. Third, what the Successor Agency has set aside for debt
service payments exceeded what was needed because interest was earned in debt service
reserve accounts held by third party bank trustees. Those third party reserves did not fall
clearly under any of the categories/definitions that the State defines as "revenues" or "bond
reserves" in their, ROPs instructions, so those interest earnings were not accounted for on
prior ROPS. Finally, the Successor Agency's transactions and the number of obligations
reported on has been complex, and combined with staff turnover, the accumulated cash
balances did not surface earlier. Staff has now begun including third party debt service
reserves in its ROPs on a go forward basis, so this inconsistency should not occur again in
the future.
Adoption of this resolution and schedule will fulfill the requirements of Health and Safety Code
Section 34177(1) regarding adoption of a ROPS 14-15B for the period January through June 24 15,
Staff Report
Subject: Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for January through June 2015
Page 3
By: Approved: v /J
Jinn eele Mile Futrell
Finance Director " .. � �
" City NTana
Attachments. Resolution
Exhibit A - Draft RAT'S
Exhibit B - Support, for Administrative Costs Appearing on the Draft ROPE
Exhibit C - Support for Other Revenues Appearing;on the Draft RO,PS
WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(1), before each six-month
fiscal period, the Successor Agency to a dissolved Redevelopment Agency is required to prepare
a draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule ("ROPS") that lists all of the obligations that
are "enforceable obligations" within the meaning of Health and Safety Code Section 34177, and
which identifies a source of payment for each such obligation from among (i) bond proceeds, (ii)
reserve balances, (iii), the administrative cost allowance, (iv) revenues fi-oni rents, co.ncessions,
interest earnings, loan repayments, or asset sales, or (v) the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust
Fund established by the County Auditor-Controller to the extent no other source of funding is
available or payment from property tax is contractually or statutorily required; and
WHEREAS, the draft ROP'S must be concurrently submitted to the County
Administrative Officer, the County Auditor-Controller, the State Department of Finance and the
Oversight Board established to review Successor Agency actions; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 341770, the Successor Agency
also must prepare a proposed administrative budget and submit it to the Oversight Board for
approval, including the estimated amounts for Successor Agency administrative costs for the
upcoming six-month fiscal period and proposed sources of payment for those costs; and
WHEREAS, once the BOPS is approved by the Oversight Board, the ROPE must be
posted on the Successor Agency's website and transmitted to the County Auditor-Controller, the
State Department of Finance, and the State Controller.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of South San Francisco does hereby resolve as follows:
1, The Recitals set, forth above are true and correct, and are incorporated herein by
1 The Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (BOPS) and administrative budget for
the period January I through June 30, 2015 attached hereto as Exhibit A are hereby approved.
3. The Finance Director is authorized to modify the BOPS to correct errors and provide
clarifications consistent with requirements of the Department of Finance and the intent of this
4, The City Manager or designee is authorized and directed to take all actions necessary
to implement this Resolution, including without limitation., the submittal of the BOPS to the
County Auditor-Controller, the County Administrative Officer, the State Department of Finance,
and the State Controller, and the posting of this Resolution and the RODS on the Successor
Agency's website.
5. The Oversight Board Chairperson or Vice Chairperson in his absence is hereby
authorized to certify the RODS,
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by
the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of South
San Francisco at a special meeting lield on the 23rd of September, 2014 by the following vote:
City Clerk
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Successor ,Agenc.y Adrnin�strat�ve Budget
ROPS 1415B
January - JUne 201.5
Professional &Specialized Services
Staff Consultant(Armando Sanchez) $23,000
Legal Consultants(Meyers Nave &Craig Labadie) $28,000
Subtotal $5,1,000
eetsng expenses, 51TIce supplies,
postage, copies, printing services,special'
Supplies and Services noticing,various contractors, misc. $ 0 9 d
Subtotal 0
Position Title FTE Employee Costs FY14
15 (Semi-Annual)
Director of Finance 2% $6,667
Adminstrative Assistant 11 2% $3,564
Assistant City Manager 2% $6,739
City Manager 1% $3,605
Sr Accountant 2% $3,487
ECD Coordinator 1% $1,982
(Management Analyst 2% $3,168
ECD Director 3% $6,495
Accounting Assistant 11 2% $1,987
Sr Financial Analyst 2% $3,487
Miscellaneous staff 2% $3,564
Econ Dev& Housing Manager 2% $4,491
City Clerk JL....... 2% $4,004
Subtotal 21% $5 ,240
1 Staff costs include payroll, benefits, and retirement costs
2 Payment source for six month period is from the Administrative Allowance
3 Maximum administrative costs are based on 3% the total estimated net new funding needs on the BOPS
F-\Admin Positions FY14-1513-OSB updated 09.16.14.xls
Exhibit C ROPs 14-158
(Includes a True Up component for Other Revenues estimated on ROPS 13-1413)
Estimated Other Revenue
Item # Source of Revenue Six Month Total
1) 1 Rents $ 272,100.00
2) Interest on Investments $ 1,000.00
3) Interest from Business Loans $ -
4) Principal from Business Leans $
Estimated Repayment from Oyster Point Impact Fee
5) Interfund Loan $ -
Total Other Revenue, January to June 2015 $ 273,100.00
Other revenue From Prior Periods
Difference between ROPE 13-14B estimated Other
6) Revenue and Actual Revenue $ 403,453.13
7) Excess Cash Balance reported to UOE in June 2014 $ 1,1195,091.00
Total Available Other Funds $ 1,871,644.18
Rounded Total Used on ROPS $ 1,,871,700.00
Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board
Laff R ort
DATE: September 23, 2014
TO: Members of the Oversight Board
FROM Patrick. O' eeffe, Interim Assistant Executive Director
It is recommended that the Oversight board adopt a resolution authorizing an
amendment to the lease agreement with Sitike Counseling Center for the facility at 306
Spruce Avenue and authorize the Successor Agency Executive Director to execute the
Lease Amendment.
The medical facility located at 306 Spruce Avenue/472 Grand ,Avenue, is a 1.4,000 square foot parcel
containing a three story building and an adjacent parking lot. The facility also has a dedicated parking
lot at 468 Miller Avenue. The basement level of the building contains vacant office space, the
building's mechanical systems (electrical, fire alarms, HVAC and bailer) and restrooms. The San
Mateo County Health Center occupies the second floor and Sitike Counseling Center occupies the
first floor. The roof of the building; contains cell tower equipment installed by Sprint and the
building"s exhaust fans.
Sitike's tenant space is partitioned into office spaces and counseling rooms, with an entry lobby,
kitchen, child care facility, two disabled accessible restrooms, and access to an outdoor patio. Their
lease includes four (4) on-site parking spaces and seven (7) spaces at the Miller Avenue parking. lot.
Sitike provides substance abuse, mental and violence prevention services to 500 San. Mateo County
residents annually through a variety of programs. Approximately 35% of their total clients are from
South. San Francisco. The agency's executive director is Joe Wagenhofer. Sitike is funded by San.
Mateo County Behavioral health and Recovery Services and various community foundations and
The Health Center is a primary care medical facility with exam rooms, a large office area, counseling
rooms, a lobby, a computer server room, a meeting room and kitchen, and two disabled (men's and
women's) accessible restrooms. The Health Center lease includes live (5) parking spaces in the
adjacent lot and eleven (11) spaces in the lot on Miller Avenue. The Health Center serves low-income
residents from South San Francisco and the surrounding community. The Health. Center is part of Sam
Mateo County's Medical Services and is funded by the County.
Staff Report
Subject: Sitike Lease Amendment for 306 Spruce Avenue
Page 2
The San Mateo County Health Center and Sitike Counseling Center have held leases for 17 years
and 18 years respectively. The Lease Agreements for both tenants require the Lessees to pay for all
their utilities and to provide janitorial services while landscaping and all maintenance and repairs are
the responsibility of the Successor Agency (Lessor). On August 20, 2013 the Oversight Board
approved one year lease extensions for Sitike and the Health Center and the California State
Department of Finance (DOF) affirmed the lease extensions. Sitike's current lease expired on
August 31, 2014 and the County's lease will expire on October 31, 2014,
The property at 306 Spruce Avenue is still subject to the provision of AB 1484 which requires the
DOF's approval of a Long Term Property Management Plan (LTPMP). Until DOF approves the
LTP,MP, the Successor Agency may not take actions that affect the long term uses of 306 Spruce
Avenue. Therefore, staff recommends that the Oversight Board approve one-year Lease
Amendments for both Sitike and the Health Center,
Market rent conditions have not significantly changed from last year; therefore staff recommends
that the Oversight Board maintain the tenant's rent at their current rate. Sitike will continue to pay
$1.03 per square foot for a total payment of$5,858.64 per month. Staff believes that the rental rate
of$1.03 to $1.34 per square foot is reasonable for an older building in the downtown core.
Sitike will continue to have a lease provision giving them a 6-month notice to vacate. This is a
reasonable provision given the complexities of moving large operations and the difficulty involved in
securing a suitable space that meets, their size and accessibility requirements.
Staff is recommending the Oversight Board approve one year lease extension amendment for the
Sitike: Counseling Center. Sitike will continue to pay $5,858.64 per month. Combined with the
County Health Center, the tenants will generate $170,754.40 per year in revenues. Funds will be
deposited into the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) to pay for expenditures
approved in the City's Recognized Payment Obligation Schedule (ROPS).
It is recommended that the Oversight Board adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the
lease agreement with Sitike Counseling Center for the facility at 306 Spruce Avenue and authorize
the Successor Agency Executive Director to execute the Lease Amendment. The final form of the
sublease agreements, however, is subject to Successor Agency r ey approval.
Patrick o'K ike F tr
Interim As,' t Executive Director Executi2trector
Attachments: Resolution
Sitike Lease Amendment
2123836. 1
WHEREAS, on May 2, 2011, the City of South San Francisco ("City ') acquired
that certain real property located at. 306 SprUce Avenue in South Sall. Francisco,
California("Property") from the former City f South San Francisco Redevelopment
Agency ("Agency"); and
WHEREAS,the Property succeeded to and was acquired by the Successor
Agency to the City of South San Francisco RedevClOpinent Agency ("Successor
Agency") pursuant to ABx 1 26 and AB 1484; and
WI-TEREIAS, a portion of the Property is ]eased to the Sitike Counseling Center
("Lessee")pursuant to that certain Retail Lease Agreement dated December 2, 1996
amended from time to tirne ("Lease Agreement"); and
HE,ERE-AS, in 2007 Lessee exercised its option to extend the term of the Lease
Agreement for five (5) years through February 28, 2012, continuing month to month
thereafter; and.,
WHEREAS, on August 14, 2012, -the Oversight Board for the SUCceSSor Agency
approved an arnendai.ent to the Lease Agreement extending the term thereof'For° one year,
to and. including August 31, 2013. and
WHEREAS, on August 20, 2013, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency
approved an amendment t'o the Lease Agreement extending the term thereof for one year,
to and including August 31, 2014; and
WFlEREAS, the Successor Agency and Lessee desire to extend the term of the
Lease Agreement for an additional. year, to and including August 31, 2015, pending the
Successor Agency's preparation. of a Long Term Property Management Plan ("UPM]'")
and approval of the 1,T l° by the Oversight Board and the California Department of
Finance-, and
WHERE.AS, the Successor Agency reconameids amending the Lease Agreement,
including extending the terra of the Lease Agreement for one (1) year at the current rent,
and permitting the Successor Agency to terminate the Lease Agreement without caUSe
upon six months' written notice to Lessee.
NOW, THEREFOF�E, the Oversight Board, does hereby.
I Approve an Amendment to the Lease Agreernent with the Sitike
Counseling Center, conditioned on Lessee's timely execution arid
submission of all required docurnents.
I Authorize the Successor Agency's Executive Director or designee to (i)
execute the Amendi-nent to the Lease Agreement on behalf' of the
Successor Agency and Oversight Board, (ii) subJect to the approval of the
Successor Agency Attorney, make revisions to the Sublease that do not
materially or substantially increase the Successor Agency's obligations
thereunder; and (iii) take such other actions reasonably necessary to carry
out the intent of this Resolution,
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Nvas regularly introduced and
adopted by the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the City of South San
Francisco Redevelopment Agency at a nice tin g held on the 23'd day of'September, 2014
by the following vote:
AYES� ............... ...................
NOES: .............
ABSENT, ............................
City Clerk
THIS AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT ("Amendinent-) is entered into
effective as of September 1, 2014 ("Effective Date"), by and between the Successor Agency to
the City of South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, a public entity ("Lessor") and Sitike
Counseling Center, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Lessee"). Lessor and
Lessee are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties".
A, The Lessee and Janet Siniora entered into that certain Retail Lease Agreement dated
December 2, 1996 (the "Lease") pursuant to which Lessee leases the entire first floor (the
"Premises"') of that certain building located at 306 Spruce, Avenue, South San Francisco, CA
(the "Building"),
B, On March 13, 2013, the Lessor acquired fee ownership of that certain real property
located at 306 Spruce Avenue in South San Francisco, California ("Property") from the City of
South San Francisco,pursuant to Resolution No. 6-2013.
C. The original term of the Lease expired February 28, 200T
D Lessee exercised its option to extend the term of the Lease for an additional period of five
(5) years commencing March 1, 2007, tbrougli February 28, 2011
E. In 2012 the Lease was amended to extend the term thereof for one year, commencing on
September 1, 2012, through August 31, 2013.
F. In 2013 the Lease was amended to extend the terrii thereof for one year, commencing on
September, 1, 2013, through August 31, 2014.
G The Parties now desire to further amend the Lease pursuant to the terms and conditions
set forth in this Amendment,
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
1, Term of the Lease:. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Lease, as
amended from time to time, the term of the Lease shall be extended for one (1) year,
commencing on September 1, 2013 and continuing through August 31, 2014 under the same
terms and conditions as contained in the Lease and any amendment(s) thereto except as
specifically set forth herein,
2, Rent. Commencing on September 1, 2014 the monthly rental payment shall be $5,858.64,
3. 6-Month Notice to Terminate. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the
Lease, commencing on March 1, 2015, Lessor may terminate the Lease six (6) months after
delivery of a written notice to vacate the Premises. Termination of the Lease will be effective
six (6) months after Lessee's receipt of written notice.
4, Amendment. The Lease may be further amended or modified only by a written instrument
executed by the Parties,
5. Construction. The section headings and captions-used herein are solely for convenience and
shall not be used to interpret this Amendment,
6. Action or Approval. Whenever action and/or approval by Lessor is required under this Lease
as amended hereby, Lessor's Executive Director or his or her designee may act on and/or
approve such matter unless specifically provided otherwise, or unless the Executive Director
determines in his or her discretion that such action or approval requires referral to Lessor's
Governing Body for consideration,
7. Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which
shall be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one instrument,
& Severa i ity. If any term, provision, or condition of this Amendment is held by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Amendment shall
,continue in full force and effect unless an essential purpose of this Amendment is defeated by
such invalidity or unenforceability.
9. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing contained in this Amendment is intended to or shall
be deemed to confer upon any person, other than the Parties and their respective successors
and assigns, any rights or remedies hereunder,
10. Entire Agreement. This Amendment contains the entire agreement between the Parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements
between the Parties with respect thereto,
I I. Authorization. The undersigned each hereby represent and warrant that each is duly
authorized to execute this Amendment.
12. Effectiveness of Lease. Except as expressly set forth in this Amendment, the Lease remains
unmodified and in full force and effect,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have executed this Amendment as ofthe
date first written above,
Successor .Agency tothe Redevelopment Agency
of the City of South San Frallcisco,
a public entity
By ......
City Clerk
("ity Attomey
Sitike Counseling Center,
a Califomia rionprofit public berry corporation
By ................__........................
2 123849.1
Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Bow
Staff R ort
DATE�� September 23, 2014
,roC Merribers of the Oversight Board
FROM: Patric k O'Keeffe, Interim Assistant Executive Director
It is recommended that the Oversight Board adopt a resolution authorizing an
amendment to the lease agreement with the County of San Mateo for the facility at 306
Spruce Avenue and authorize the Successor Agency Executive Director to execute the
Lease Amendment.
The medical facility located at 306 Spruce Avenue/472 Grand Avenue, is a 14,000 square foot parcel
coritaliiing ,a three story building and an adJaceril parking lot. The facility also has a dedicated parking
lot at 468 Miller Avenue. The basement level of the building contains vacant office space, tile
building's mechanical systems (electrical, fire alarms, IIVAC and boiler) and restroorns, The San
Mateo County Health Center occupies the second floor and Sitike Counseling Center occupies the
first floor, The roof of the building contains, cell tomfer eqUipMerIt installed by Sprint and the
building's exhaust faris.
The Health Center is a prirnary care Medical facility with exam rooms, a large office area, courischng
rooms, a lobby, a computer server roorn., a meeting room and kitchen, and two disabled (men's and
women's) accessible restroorns, The health Center lease includes five (5) parking spaces in the
adjacent lot and eleven (l 1) spaces in the lot on Miller Avenue, The Health Center serves low-income
:residents from South San Francisco and the surrounding community, The Health Center is part of San,
Mateo Counly's Medical Services and is funded by the County.
Sitike's tetiant space is partitioned into office spaces and counseling rooms, with an entry lobby,
kitchen, child care Facility, two disabled accessible restrooms, and access to an outdoor patio, ''heir
lease includes four (4) on-site parking spaces and seven (7) spaces at the Miller AvenUe parking lot,
Sitike provides substance abuse, mental and violence PTeveDti0I,-I services to 500 San Mateo C Unty
residents arIDUally throUrgh a variety of programs, Approxii-riately 35% of their total clients are fron),
South San Francisco, The agency's executive director is Joe Wagenhofer. Sitike is funded by San
Mateo County Behavioral HeaU and Recovery Services and various community foundations and
Staff Report
Subject: County Medical Clinic Lease Amendment for 306 Spruce Avenue
Page 2
The San Mateo County Health Center and Sitike Counseling Center have held leases for 17 years
and 18 years respectively, The Lease Agreements for both tenants require the Lessees to pay for all
their utilities and to provide janitorial services while landscaping and all maintenance and repairs are
the responsibility of the Successor Agency (Lessor). On. August 20, 2,013 the Oversight Board
approved one year lease extensions for Sitike and the Health Center and the California State
Department of Finance (DOF) affirmed the lease extensions. Sitike's current lease expired on
August 31, 2014 and the County's lease will expire on October 31, 2014.
The property at 306 Spruce Avenue is still subject to the provision of A.B. 1484 which requires the
DOF's approval of a Long Term Property Management Plan (LTPMP). Until DOS` approves the
LTPMP, the Successor Agency nay not take actions that affect the long term uses, of 306 Spruce
Avenue. Therefore, staff recommends that the Oversight Board approve one-year Lease
Amendments for both Sitike and the Health Center,
Market rent conditions have not significantly changed, from last year; therefore staff recommends that
the Oversight Board maintain the tenant's rent at their current rate. The County Health Center will
continue to pay $1.34 per square foot for a total payment of$8,370.89 per month. Staff believes that
the rental rate of$1.03 to $1.34 per square foot is reasonable for an older building in the downtown
Staff is recommending the Oversight Board approve one year lease extension amendment for the
County Health Center. The County Health Center will continue to pay $8,370,89 per month.
Combined with Sitike, the tenants will generate $170,754.40 per year in revenues. Funds will be
deposited into the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF), to pay for expenditures
approved in the City's Recognized Payment Obligation Schedule (RODS),
It is recommended that Successor Agency Board adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the
Lease Agreement with the County of San Mateo for the facility at 306 Spruce Avenue and authorize
the Successor Agency Executive Director or his designee to execute the Lease Amendment. The final
form of the sublease agreement, however, is subject to Successor Agency Attorney approval,
By: at By�
J 'We Futreft
Patrick O'Kee
Interim Assigeni'Executive Director t Eecutiv ector
Attachments: Resolution
County Medical Clinic Lease Amendment
2123836. 1
WHFIREAS, on May 2, 201 1, the City of South San Francisco (",City7") acqt1ired
that certain real property located. at, 306 Spruce Avenue in South San Francisco,
California ("Property") frorn the former City of'South San Francisco Redevelopirient
Agency ("Agency"); and
WHEREAS, the Property succeeded to and was acquired by the Successor
Agency to the City of South Swi Francisco Redevelopment Agency ("Successor
Agency") pursuant to A.Bxl 26 and AB 1484; and
WHEREAS, a portion of'the Property is leased to the County of Sail Mateo
("Lessee") for a fleafth Center, pursuant to that certain Retail Lease Agreement dated
April 4, 2000, as amended from tune to time ("Lease Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, on August 14, 2012, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency
approved an amendment to the Lease Agreement extending the term thereof for one year,
to and including October 11, 2013; and
WHEREAS, on August 20, 2013, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency
approved an amendment to the Lease Agreement extending the term thereof for one year,
to and including October 31, 2014, and
WHEREAS, the Successor Agency and Lessee desire to extend the term of the
1,ease Agreement for an additional, year, to and including October 31, 2015, pending the
Successor Agency's preparation of a I,ong Term Property Management Plan ('LTPMP")
and approval of the LTPMP by the Oversight. Board and the California Department of
Finance-, and
WHEREAS, the Successor Agency recornmends amending the Lease Agreement,,
including extending the term of the Lease Agreement for one (1) year at the current rent,
NOW, THEREFORE, the Oversight Board, does herebym
1. Approve an Arnendrnent to the Lease Agreerrient with the County of'San
Mateo, conditioned on Lessee's timely execution and submJssion of all
required docurnents,
2,, Authorize the Successor Agency's Executive Director or designee to (i)
execute the Amendment to the Lease Agreement (.)n behalf of the
Successor Agency and Oversight Board, (ii) subject to the approval of the
Successor Agency Attorney, rnake revisions to the Sublease that do not
materially or substantially increase the Smeessor Agency's obligations
thereunder; and (iii) take such other actions reasonably necessary to carry
out the intent of this Resolution,
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was TCgularly introduced and
adopted by the Oversight Board For the Successor Agency to the City of'Soath San
Francisco Redevelopment Agency at a meeting held on the 23`� day ol'September, 2014
by the fbllowingvote:
City Clerk
2123 819�1
THIS AMENDMENT TO LEASE ("Amendment") is entered into effective as of
October 1, 2014 ("Effective Date"), by and between the Successor Agency to the City of South
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, a public entity ("Lessor" or"Successor Agency") and
the County of San Mateo, a political subdivision of the State of California ("Lessee"). Lessor
and Lessee are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties".
A. On March 13, 2013, the Lessor acquired that certain real property located at 306 Spruce
Avenue in South San Francisco, California ("Property") from the City of South San Francisco
pursuant to Resolution No. 6-2013.
B. The Property is subject to that certain Lease Agreement ("Lease") dated April 4, 2000 by
and between the Agency and the County of San Mateo ("County"') pursuant to which,the County
leased the second floor of that certain building, located on the Property ("Premises"') f to operate
a health services clinic.
C. On March 13, 2013, the Successor Agency assumed the Lease from the City of South San
Francisco pursuant to Resolution No. 6-2013,
D. The original tend of the Lease expired on September 30, 2011 and was extended for one
year through September, 30, 2012.
E. The term of the Lease was extended a second time for one year through October 31,
F. The term of the Lease was extended a third time for one year through October 31, 2014.
G. The Parties now desire to further amend the Lease pursuant to the terms and conditions
set forth in this Amendment,
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
I. Tenn of the Lease. The Term of the Lease shall be extended for one (1) year, commencing
on November 1, 2014 and continuing through October 31, 2015 under the same terns and
conditions as contained in the Lease and any amendment thereto except as specifically set
forth herein,
1 Rent. Commencing on the Effective Date, the Base Rent shall be $8,370.89 per month,
3. Parties. The term "Agency", as used in the Lease shall mean the 'Successor Agency as the
Redevelopment Agency's and City's successor in interest,
2123859A 1
4. Amendment. The Lease may be further amended. or modified only by a written instrument
executed by the Parties,
5. Construction. The section headings and captions used herein are solely for convenience and
shall not be used to interpret this Amendment,
6. Action or Approval., Whenever action and/or approval by Lessor is required under this Lease
as amended hereby, Lessor"s Executive Director or his or her designee may act on and/or
approve such matter unless specifically provided otherwise, or unless the Executive Director,
determines in his or her discretion that such action or approval requires referral to Lessor's
Governing Board for consideration.
7. Counterparts, This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which
shall be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one instrument,
8. Severability, If any tenri, provision, or condition of this Amendment is held by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Amendment shall
continue in full force and effect unless an essential put-pose of this Arnendment is defeated by
such invalidity or urienforceability,
9, No Third Party Beneficiaries, Nothing contained in this Amendment is intended to or shall
be deemed to confer upon any person, other than the Parties and their respective successors
and assigns, any rights or remedies hereunder,
10. Entire, Ap-reement. This Amendi-fient contains the entire agreement between the Parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements
between the Parties with respect thereto,
11. Authorization. The undersigned each hereby represent and wan-ant that each is duly
authorized to execute this Amendment,
12. Effectiveness of Lease. Except as expressly set forth in this Amendment, the Lease remains
unmodified and in full force and effect.
2123859.1 2
IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have executed this A11jendment as of the
date first written, above,
Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency
of the City of South Safi Frandsco,
a public entity
City Clerk
City Attorney
County of'San Mateo,
a political. subdivision of"thee State of California
� .......... ........
B y
County Clerk
County Counsel
212385!x.1 3
Redevelopment o Agency Oversight Board
Staff R o nt
DATE: September 23, 20114
TO: fiJlcmhers of the Oversight hoard
FROM: Patrick. C Keeffe, Interim Assistant Executive Director
It is recommended ended thart the Oversight Board adopt a resolution authorming an
amendment to the lease agreement with the County of San Mateo for the facility at 306
Spruce Avenue and authorize the Successor Agency Executive Director to execute the
Lease Amendment.
The medical facility located at 3016 Spruce A.venuel4 72 Grand Avenue, is a 14,0010 square foot parcel
containing; a three story building and an adjacent parking lot. The facility also has a c edricated larking
lot at 468 Miller Avenue.. The basement level of the building contains vacant office space, the
building's mechanical systems (electrical, fire alarms, HVAC; and boiler) and restroorr s, The San
Mateo County Health Center occupies the second floor rand Sifike Counseling Center occupies the
first floor. The roof of the building contains cell tower equipment installed by Spritit and the
building's exhaust fans.
The Health Center is a primary care medical facility with exam rooms, a large office area, counseling
rooms, a lobby, a computer server room, a meeting; room and kitchen, and two disabled (men's and
women's) accessible restroorns, The Health Center lease includes five (5) parking spaces in the
adjacent lot and eleven (11) spaces in the lot on Miller Avenge,:, The Hezdth Center serves low-income
residents fronir `youth Sari Francisco and the surrounding community, The Health. Center is part of San
Mateo County's Medical Services and is funded.by the County.
Sitilce's tenant space is partitioned into office spaces and counseling rooms, with an entry lobby,
kitchen, child care, facility, two disabled accessible restE:oonas, and access to an outdoor patio. Their
lease includes four (4) ore-site parking spaces and seven (I) spaces at the Miller Avenge parking lot,
Sitike provides substance abuse, mental and violence prevention services to 500 San Mateo County
residents araaaually through a variety of programs, Approximately 35% of their total clients are, fron7.
South San Francisco, The agency's executive director is Joe Wagenhofer. Sitike is funded by San
Mateo County Behavioral health and Recovery Services and various community foundations and
Staff Report
Subject: County Medical Clinic Lease Amendment for 306 Spruce Avenue
Page 2
The San Mateo County Health Center and Sitike Counseling Center have held leases for 17 years
and 18 years respectively, The Lease Agreements for both tenants require the Lessees to pay for all
their utilities and to provide janitorial services while landscaping and all maintenance and repairs are
the responsibility of the Successor Agency (Lessor). On August 20, 2013 the Oversight Board
approved one year lease extensions for Sitike and the Health Center and the California State
Department of Finance (DOF) affirmed the lease extensions. Sitike's current lease expired on
August 31, 2014 and the County's lease will expire on October 31, 2014.
The property at 306 Spruce Avenue is still subject to the provision of AB, 1484 which requires the
DOF's approval of a Long Term Property Management Plan (Urpmp). Until DOF approves the
LTPMP, the Successor Agency may not take actions that affect the long term uses, of 306 Spruce
Avenue. Therefore, staff recommends that the Oversight Board approve one-year Lease
Amendments for both Sitike and the Health Center.
Market rent conditions have not significantly changed from last year; therefore staff recommends that
the Oversight Board maintain the tenant's rent at their current rate. The County Health Center will
continue to pay $1.34 per square foot for a total payment of 58,370,89 per month. Staff believes that
the rental rate of$1.03 to $1.34 per square foot is reasonable for an older building in the downtown
Staff is recommending the Oversight Board approve one year lease extension amendment for the
County Health Center. The County Health Center will continue to pay $8,370,89 per month.
Combined. with Sitike, the tenants will generate $170,754.40 per year in revenues. Funds will be
deposited into the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) to pay for expenditures
approved in the City's Recognized Payment Obligation Schedule (BOPS).
It is recommended that Successor Agency Board adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the
Lease Agreement with the County of San Mateo for the facility at 306 Spruce Avenue and authorize
the Successor Agency Executive Director or his designee to execute the Lease Amendment. The final
form of the sublease agreement, however, is subject to Successor Agency Attorney approval,
By: By:
_Jk; F 1 41 ,
Patrick O'Kee e Futreh
Interim Assi;tx:ecutive Director ExecutJ lzor
Attachments: Resolution
County Medical Clinic Lease Amendment
2123836. 1
WHEREAS, on.May 2, 2011, the City of South San Francisco ("City") acquired
that certain real property located. at 306 Spruce Avenue in South. San Francisco,
California ("Property") from the former City (.,)f South Sail Francisco Redevelopirient
Agency ("Agency"),- and
WHEREAS, the Propeily succeeded to and was acquired by the Successor
Agency to the City of South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency ("Successor
Agency") pursuant to ABxI 26 and AB 1484; and
WHEREAS, a portion of the property is leased to the County of San Mateo
("Lessee") 66r a Ilealth Center, pursuant to that certain Retail Lease Agreement dated
April 4, 2000, as amended frorri, tirne to firne ("Lease Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, onAugust 14, 2012, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency
approved an amendment to the [,ease Agreement extending the terns thereof.f.or one year,
to and including October ..31, 2013; and
WHEREAS, on August 20, 2013, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency
approved an arneridnient ,to the Lease Agreement extending the term thereof for one year,
to and including October 31, 2014; and
, the Successor Agency and Lessee desire to extend the term of the
Lease Agreement for an additional year, to and including October 31,, 2015, pending the
Successor Agency's preparation of a Long Terna Property Management Plan ("LTPMP")
and approval of the LTPMP by the Oversight Board and the California Department of
Finance-, and
WHEREAS, the Successor Agency recornmends amending the Lease Agreernent,
including extending the term of the Lease Agreement for one (1) year at the current rent,
NOW, THEREFORE, the Oversight Board, does hereby°
1. Approve anAmendryient to the Lease Agreeinent with the County of' San
Mateo, conditioned on Lessee's timely execution and submission of all
required documents.
2, Authorize the Successor Agency's Executive Director or designee to (i)
execute the Amendment to the Lease Agreement OD behalf of the
Successor Agency and Oversight Board, (ii) Subject to [he approval of the
Successor Agency Attorney, make revisions to the Sublease that do nt-)t
materially or substantially increase the Successor Agency's obligations
thereunder; and (fii) take such other actions reasonably necessary to carry
out the intent of this Desolation,,
I hereby certify that the foregoirig Resolution,was -regularly introduced and
adopted by the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the City or South San
Francisco Redeveloprnent Agency at a.meet .g held on the 23'd' day of'Septernber, 2014
by the following vote:
NOFS; ............... ................................
City Clerk
THIS AMENDMENT TO LEASE ("Amendment") is entered into effective as of
October 1, 2014 ("Effective Date"), by and between the Successor Agency to the City of South
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, a public entity ("Lessor" or"Successor Agency") and
the County of San Mateo, a political subdivision of the State of California ("Lessee"). Lessor
and Lessee are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties".
A. On March 13, 2013,. the Lessor acquired that certain real property located at 306 Spruce
Avenue in South San Francisco, California ("Property") from the City of Soutil San Francisco
pursuant to Resolution No. 6-2013.
B. The Property is subject to that certain Lease Agreement ("Lease") dated April 4, 2000 by
and between the Agency and the County of San Mateo ("County"') pursuant to which,the County
]eased the second floor of that certain building located on the Property ("Premises") f to operate
a health services clinic.
C. On March 13, 2013, the Successor Agency assumed the Lease from the City of South San
Francisco pursuant to Resolution No. 6-2013,
D. The original term of the Lease expired on September 30, 2011 and was extended for one
year through September 30, 2011
E. The term of the Lease was extended a second time for one year through October 31,
F. The term of the Lease was extended a third time for one year through October 31, 2014,
C. The Parties now desire to further amend the Lease pursuant to the terins, and conditions
set forth in this Amendment.
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
1. Term of the Lease. The Tenn of the Lease shall be extended for one (1) year, commencing
on November 1, 2014 and continuing through October 31, 2015 under the same terms and
conditions as contained in the Lease and any amendment thereto except as specifically set
forth herein.
1 Rent. Commencing on the Effective Date, the Base Rent shall be $8,370.89 per month.
3, Parties. The term "Agency" as used in the Lease shall mean the Successor Agency, as the
Redevelopment Agency's and City's successor in interest.
2123859,1 1
4. Amendment. The Lease may be further amended or modified only by a written instrument
executed by the Parties,
5. Construction. The section headings and captions used herein are sc.)Iely for convenience and
shall not be used to interpret this Amendment,
6. Action or Approval.. Whenever action and/or approval by Lessor is required under this Lease
as amended hereby, Lessor's Executive Director or his or her designee may act on and/or
approve such matter unless specifically provided otherwise, or unless the Executive Director,
determines in his or her discretion that such action or approval requires referral to Lessor's
Governing Board for consideration.
7. Counterparts, This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which
shall be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one instrument,
Severability, If any term, provision, or condition of this Amendment is held by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Amendment shall
continue in full force and effect unless an essential purpose of this Arnendinent is defeated by
such invalidity or unenforecability,
9. No Third D'art v Beneficiaries, Nothing contained in this Amendment is intended to or shall
be deemed to confer upon any person, other than the Parties and their respective successors
and assigns, any rights or remedies hereunder,
10. Entire Agreement. This Amendment contains the entire agreement between the Parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements
between the Parties with respect thereto.
11. Authorization. The undersigned each hereby represent and warrant that each is duly
authorized to execute this Amendment.
12. Effectiveness of Lease. Except as expressly set forth in this Amendment, the Lease remains
unmodified and in full force and effect.
2123859J 2
IN WITN ESS WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee bave executed this Amendment as of the
date first written above,
Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency
of the City of South San Francisco,
a public entity
City Clerk
City Attorney
County of San Mateo,
a political subdivision of the State of California
By. ..............
County Cley'k
County Counsel
2123859,1 3
Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board
LIFO S Staff Report
DATE: September 23, 201.4
TO: Members of the Oversight Board
FROM: Patrick O'Keeffe, Interim Assistant Executive Director
It is recommended that the Oversight Board review the questions the California
Department of Finance ( OF) has Posed to the Successor Agency regarding the Long
Range Property Management Flan (LRPMP).
At the Oversight Board meeting on August 19, 2014 the Board stated it would like to see the
questions DOF is asking regarding the LRPMP. Attached for your information is a summary sheet of
the questions DOF initially posed and the Successor Agency's replies, Also attached are a few
emailed questions staff has received. DOF staff has also called staff with many additional questions
that have been very similar to those provide in this report.
It is recommended that the Oversight Board review the questions the California Department of
Finance (DOF) has posed to the Successor Agency regarding the Iaong Range Property
Management Plan LRPMP). This is an information item, no action is recommended.
By: y By:
Pat ick O Iee i e . utrell
Interim Assi xecutive Director ° Executive 1 ctor
Attachments: DOF" :long Range Property Management Plan Review and Successor Agency Replies
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Property#1—559 Gateway Blvd.
DOF Question*
The Plan states the childcare center was deeded to the Agency via the Second Amendment to the
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Gateway Center, which limits the use of the
property. Please provide the relevant pages of this document including the title page, signatory page,
and those pages citing the restrictions. Also, please highlight the relevant information.
Successor Agency Reply:
Please see the attached eight-page Second Amendment, including the title page,the signatory page, and
highlighted provisionis. See particularly page 3, Section 23, "Restrictions on Use of Agency Parcel."
Boston Properties
Four Ernbarcadero Center
Lobby Level, Suite One
San Francisco, CA 94111
Attention: Mr. Rcbert Pester
(Space Above For Recorder's Use)
This Second Amendment to Declaration of Covenants tions and Restrictions for
Gateway Center ("Second Amendment") is made this
42'�" - day of May 2003, by and
among GATEWAY CENTER LLC, a Delaware limited 'Cia—Sility company ("Declarant"), BP
GATEWAY CENTER LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("131'"), ARE-681
GATEWAY BOULEVARD, LLC., a Delaware limited liability company ("ARE") and the
subdivision of the State of California(the "Agency"),
X WHEREAS, Declarant has previously executed and recorded that certain
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Gateway Center, dated September 24,
2000, and recorded October 2, 2000,, as Document No. 2000-122882, in the Official Records of
the County of San Mateo, California, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Declaration
of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Gateway Center, dated June 25, 2002, and
recorded July 3, 2002, as Document No. 2002-129599, in the Official Records of the County of
San Mateo, California, (collectively the "Original Declaration").
B, WHEREAS, the Original Declaration encumbers certain real property located in
the County of San Mateo, California, more particularly set forth as on Exhibits "A" and "A-1"
attached hereto and made a part hereof, and referred to in the Original Declaration as the
C, WHAREAS, Declarant is currently the owner of that portion of the Project
described on Exhi')it "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof(the "Declarant's Parcel");
D, WHEREAS, BP is currently the owner of that portion of the Project described on
Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof(the "BP Parcel"); and
E. WH---REAS, ARE is currently the Owner of that portion of the Project described
on Exhibit "D" attached hereto and made a part hereof(the "ARE Parcel"); and
B 1 006-001/5-28-03/kIA11 (Suuth San Fromisce]
F. WEEREAS, the Agency is currently the Owner of that portion of the Project
described on Exhi* "E" attached hereto and made a part hereof(the " Agency Parcel"); and
G. WI-EREAS, Declarant, BP, ARE and the Agency are the Owners of all of the
Parcels in the Project and have the authority to and wish to amend the Declaration on the terms
and conditions hereinafter set forth; and
H. WW-EREAS, as used herein, the term "Declaration" shall mean and refer to the
Original Declaration as further amended by this Second Amendment
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, the Owners hereby amend the Declaration as follows,
1. Definitions. All capitalized terms used in this Second Amendment and not
otherwise defined-aerein, shall have the meaning given such terms in the Declaration.
2. A ency Parcel
21, Creation of Agency Parcel and Removal of the Agency Building from
Common Area. The Owners acknowledge that concurrent with the execution of this Second
Amendment,the Agency has acquired title to the Agency Parcel from Declarant. The Owners
further acknowledge that the Agency Parcel is currently designated as a Common Area under the
Original Declaration. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Declaration,the Owners
hereby agree that upon the recordation of this Second Amendment in the Official Records of the
County of San Ma::eo,California, the entire Agency Building shall be deemed to be removed
from the Common Area under the Declaration and that the Agency shall have sole and exclusive
use, subject to all the terms and conditions of the Declaration applicable to the Agency Parcel;
provided,however, until such time as the Agency Building(as hereinafter defined) is constructed
thereon the Agency shall comply with the second,third and fourth sentences of Section'9.7 of the
Declaration with respect to the Agency Parcel. The parties further acknowledge that the transfer
of the Agency Parcel to the Agency and removal of the Agency Building ftorn the Common Area
of the Project results in the Agency Parcel becoming a separate Parcel under the Declaration,
subject to all terms and conditions of the Declaration, including,but not limited to,the
assessment of Common Expenses against such Parcel and the obligation of the Agency,as the
Owner of such Parcel,to pay its Proportionate Share of such Common Expenses in accordance
with the terms of fie Declaration, as amended hereby.
2.2. AgencVs Proportionate Share. The Agency intends to construct a day care
facility(the"'Agency Building")which,when constructed, shall contain approximately eight
thousand three hundred(8,300) Square Feet of occupied space and five thousand(5,000) square
feet of fenced, outdoor play area. The Agency and all other Owners hereunder acknowledge and
agree that the Proportionate Share of the Owner of the Agency Parcel shall be calculated on such
combined Square Footage,thirteen thousand three hundred(13,300) square feet and such figure
shall be used to re-calculate the Percentage Share of all Owners of the Project and the
Proportionate 'Shares of the Owners shall be adjusted accordingly, pursuant to Section 7.3.1 of
the Declaration and provided further, that, upon completion of the Agency Building,the Agency
B 100&001 15-28-03AIA11 -2- [Soutb S9"FTanCiSCG]
Building may be rcmeasured in accordance with Section 4,9 of the Declaration and the
Proportionate Shares of the Owners shall be further adjusted accordingly, if required,as a result
of such remcasurcment.
2.3. Restriction on Use of Agency Parcel, Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary in the Declaration, the Agency Parcel may be used only for(a) the operation of a child
day care center which provides professional, supervised child care which is licensed and in
compliance with all applicable laws and regulations ("Day Care Center"); (b) a branch public
library; or(e) a public office facility which satisfies each and every one of the following
requirements(collectively, the"Agency Office Use it at all times during such
public office use: 'i) such public office facility is an amenity to the Project,(ii) such public
office facility is compatible and harmonious with a Class A, high-rise office building project,
(iii) such public of7ice facility is compatible and harmonious with all of the operations and
businesses of tenants within the Project, (iv) such public office facility will not have a material
adverse effect upon the ability to lease space in the Project as Class A, high rise office space at
then market rates, and(v) such public office use does not burden or impose,demands upon the
available parking for the Project beyond the Agency Parking Area and the Non-Exclusive
Agency Parking Rights(as those terms are defined below).
(a) For purposes ref f the foregoing Agency Office Use Requirements,
an "am enitY'shall mean a use that professional commercial real estate brokers for Class
A, high-rise office building projects would consider as likely to result in greater demand
and higher Tents for office space at the Project.
(b), In the event the Agency and any other Owner are unable to agree
at any time as to whether any public office use of the Agency Parcel satisfies the Agency
Office Use Requirements,the dispute shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with
Article XHI of the of the Declaration.
(c) Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or construed to excuse
or diminish the obligations of the Agency to comply with all of the other covenants,
conditions and restrictions of the Declaration, including,without limitation,the
regulation of Improvements in Article It of the Declaration and the regulation of uses and
operations in Article HI of the Declaration.
2.4 Agency Obligations. The Agency acknowledges that it intends to operate
a Day Care Center on the Agency Parcel, and that the Agency has acquired the Agency Parcel
without any representation or warranty from any Owner in the Project as to the suitability of the
Agency Parcel for use as a Day Care Center, the compatibility of or impact of any other business
operated in the Pro-.ect with or on the use of the Agency Parcel as a Day Care Center,or the
condition of any Parcel within the Project. The Agency acknowledges that it is aware of all
Governmental Req-jirements with respect to the operation of a Day Care Center on the Agency
Parcel, including, s,)ecifically,but not limited to, any such Governmental Regulations relating to
Hazardous Materia's in or around such a facility and child safety requirements with respect to
such a facility, and shall assume all obligations with respect to and shall comply with all such
Governmental Regulations at all times with respect to the operation of such facility on the
Agency Parcel. In addition to compliance withal] Governmental Regulations, the Agency shall
=6-00 US-28-03tkftll .3- [Sawh San Fmn6sro]
at all times mainta'n the Agency Parcel as required under the Declaration, including, specifically,
but riot limited to the requirements as set forth in Article 11 of the Original Declaration, For
purposes of the Declaration, "Claim"shall include claims, liabilities,penalties, forfeitures,
losses or expenses arising in connection with any administrative proceeding,including
reasonable attorneys' fees.
3, Exclusive Agency Parking Area,
11. Exclusive Parking Use. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained in the Declaration, the Agency shall be entitled to the exclusive use often (10)
parking spaces in teat certain area located on Declarant's Parcel, as outlined and designated as
the "Agency Parking Area" on Exhibit "F" attached hereto (the "Agency Parking Area"), for
parking of motor vehicles(excluding recreational and other oversized vehicles) and ingress and
egress and pedestrian access with respect thereto. The Agency, in its ;sale discretion, may allow
any of its visitors, ?atrons or invitees to use the Agency Parking Area for purposes of parking
motor vehicles (excluding recreational and other oversized vehicles),. The Agency shall
indemnify, defend (with Counsel selected by Agency and subject to the reasonable approval of
Owners and their Mortgagees) and hold Declarant and any other Owner of that portion of
Declarant's Parcel on which the Agency Parking Lot is located, and their Mortgagees, harmless
from any and all claims, liabilities, penalties, forfeitures, losses or expenses (including, without
limitation, attorneys fees and costs), or the death of or injury to any person or damage to any
property whatsoever, arising from or caused in whole or in part, directly or indirectly,by the use
of the Agency Parking Area by the Agency and/or any of its visitors,patrons, invitees, agents,,
employees or contractors.
3.2. Ownership and Maintenance of Agency Parking Area. Nothing herein
shall be deemed to convey any fee ownership interest in the Agency Parking Area to the Owner
of the Agency Parcel, Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Declaration, the
Agency Parking Area shall be excluded from the definition of Common Area and the definition
of Parking Areas under the Declaration, so long as the tights of the Agency to the Agency
Parking Area bereLnder remain in effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the Declarant shall be
responsible for the repair and maintenance of the Agency Parking Area, as though it were a
Common Area or Parking Area under the Declaration, in accordance with the terms of the
Declaration, and shall include in Common Expenses all costs and expenses with respect thereto
which would consuute Common Expenses,under the Declaration if the Agency Parking Area
were still a Parking Area and Common Area.
3.3. Certain Fights Regarding Exclusive Parking Area, Notwithstanding
anything to the con;racy in this Section 3, the following provisions of the Original Declaration
will remain applicable or riot be applicable to the Agency Parking Area, as set forth below:
(a) The Declarant's night to grant any future exclusive parking rights
under Section 5,5.2 of the Original Declaration shall be subject to the rights of the Owner
ofthe Agency Parcel to the Agency Parking Area granted herein.
(b) Notwithstanding the exclusion of the Agency Parking Area from
the definition of Common Area and Parking Areas, the Agency Parking Area shall
-00115 -03MR0
BIW6 -28 ISouth San Francisco�
remain sub,ect to the beneficial easements set.forth in Sections 5-1.1, 5,13 and 5.1.4 of
the Original Declaration.
3,4. Additional Parking. In addition to the exclusive use of the ten (10) spaces
in the Agency Parking Area as set forth in Section 3.1, the Agency and its Permittees shall have
the right,which right shall be appurtenant to and for the benefit of the Agency Parcel, in
common with othe-s entitled to use the same, to park no more than twelve(12) motor vehicles
(excluding recreational and other oversized vehicles)within the Parking Areas, as such areas
may be changed from time to time for use as parking in accordance with the tcnns of the
Declaration(referred to herein as the "Non-Exclusive Agency Parking Rights"), Such Non-
Exclusive Agency''larking Rights shall be subject to all of the other terms and conditions of the
Declaration,, including, without limitation, the rights of Declarant to reserve or otherwise
designate certain portions of the Parking Areas or certain parking spaces therein for the exclusive
use of certain Own.-rs or Occupants or their respective Permittees and the right of Declarant to
control the operation and regulation of the Parking Areas in accordance with Article V of the
3.5. Other Parking Areas, In consideration of the grant to the Agency of the
exclusive right to use the Agency Parking Area, the Agency shall relinquish and have no further
right to use, or permit any of its Permittees to use, the Parking Garage or any other Parking Areas
of the Project. The Agency, at its sole cost and expense, shall enforce this provision with respect
to any of its visitors, patrons, invitees, agents, employees or contractors, which enforcement shall
include,but not be limited to, posting notices in the Agency's building, delivering written notices
of the parking restrctions to any occupants, operators, patrons and other parties with respect to
the permitted uses of the Agency Parcel and including such restriction in all contracts with any
occupants, operators,patrons and other parties with respect to the permitted uses of the Agency
Parcel. In the even- the Agency fails to enforce this restriction, in Declarant's reasonable
discretion, Declarant shall have the right to take such enforcement measures as Declarant deems
reasonably necessary, (including, without limitation, the right to tow or cause to be towed all
vehicles in violatio-i of this provision), and shall have the right to charge all actual costs incurred
therefor by Declarant directly to the Agency in accordance with Section 8,9 of the Original
4. Traffic Control Plan. Without limiting Declarant's other rights under the
Declaration to regu ate the Parking Areas and other Common Areas, the Agency and other
Owners agree that Declarant may, from time to time, institute and enforce a reasonable plan or
prescribe reasonable rules and regulations relating to the man rier in which patrons of the Day
Care Center drop-o T and pick-up children from the Day Care Center in order to avoid traffic
congestion or unsafe traffic conditions within or around the Project, provided any such plan
andJor rules and regulations shall provide uppermost for the safety and well-being of the children
utilizing the Day Care Center and shall be consistent with the standards, customs and guidelines
for similar child care facilities in the Greater San Francisco Bay,Area. The Agency, at its sole
cost and expense, s'iall assist Declarant in enforcing any such drop-off and pick-up plan or rubes
and regulations, including, without limitation,posting notices in the Agency's Building,
delivering written notice to the patrons of the Day,Care Center, and including such drop-off and
pick-up plan or rules: and regulations in all Contracts with any operator and patrons of the Day
Care Center. Declarant shall have the right to take such enforcement measures, as Declarant
B1066-00115-28-031MR11 -5- JSouth San Vnnbsco I
deems reasonably necessary in order to enforce any such plan or rules and regulations
implemented for&e drop-off and pick-up of children from the Day Care Center,
5. Agency Voting Rights. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the
Declaration the Agency hereby agrees that any rights that the Agency would otherwise have as
an Owner under the Declaration to vote, or to consent to, approve of or disapprove,of any matter,
including,but not limited to, any further amendment of the Declaration are hereby irrevocably
assigned to Declarant, or its successors or assigns,to exercise in its sole and absolute discretion,
except with respect to any matters which adversely affect the rights and obligations of'the
Agency as set fortf in this Second Amendment, in which latter event, the consent of the Agency
shall be required, provided such consent shall not unreasonably withheld.
6. No .7-urther Modification. Except as expressly set forth berein, all terms and
conditions of the Original Declaration remain unmodified and full force and effect,
T Cov_nteEparts. To facilitate execution, this Second Amendment may be executed
in as many counterparts as may be convenient or required. The signature and acknowledgement
of, or on behalf of, each party, or the signature and acknowledgement of all persons required to
bind any party, need not appear on each counterpart. Signature pages and acknowledgement
pages may be detached from this Second Amendment without impairing the legal effects of the
signature(s),thereo-i and attached to a counterpart original to form a fully-executed original of
this Second Amendment. All counterparts shall collectively constitute a single instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owners of all of the Parcels in the project have executed
this Second Amendment as of the _day of May, 2003.
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Property#8-80 Chestnut Avenue
Per the LRPK8P'there isa building mn this site used for the South San Francisco Historical Society, Will
this building remain after the proposed transfer?
Successor Agency Reply:
The building will remain after the property is transferred to the City and will continue to be occupied by
the Historical Society until the City can,expand the park further or determi,nes to use the buNdimgitseUf.
TheLRPMPstatestheprmpertyvoospmrchasedtoexpamdthepark, vvhichisspecifiedimthe{}rao8e
Memorial Park Master Plan andSSF General:Plan. Please provide these plans and highlight relevant
information Kmrthiisproperty,
Successor Agency Reply,
The first three pages attached are excerpts from the City's General Plan which shows that 80 Chestnut
Street is zoned Public/Quasi Public use, Also attached are excerpts from the City's 2O017 Orange Master
Plan (please note the title is "Draft Master Plan Bpdata" but is ]m fact the adopted Plan) .Asstated in the
LRPK4P, the City's goal isto expand Orange Park into all of the pnmp�erty'uowned by Cal Water, [a|
Wate,r decommissions wells intermittently and the [ity,cann�t fully plan the expansion of the park
based omintermittent property releases. The 2087 Orange Park Master Plan envisions the entire,Cal
Water site being added to the park, however,the construction plans(page 1I) only include the portions
uf the property Cal Water had already declared surplus atthat time.
|tried to view this parcel on the San, Mateo County Assessor's w/ebcite. The search did not retrieve the
parcel using the parcel#that Agency provided. Dm you know why this happened?
Successor Agency Rep�ly:
The LRPMP incorrectly Uiats the APN as 011-324-16B.The,correct number is@11-324-I90. Please see
attached map.
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May 3 1, 2007
prepared for the
City of South San Francisco ,, =Yr
�` °w
prepared by
CIOCallander Associates
landscape architecture
master planning
urban design
Section Page
Executive Summary
* Site Context
* History of Orange Memorial Park
* 1990 Master Plan Summary
* Existing Conditions
Planning Process 5
Project Initiation
Site Reconassaince and Analysis
Opportunities and Constraints
Program Development
Public Outreach, Conceptual Design, and Design Refinement
Master Plan Summary 11
Final Master Plan
Lighting and Artificial Turf
Probable Construction Costs 15
Potential Funding Sources
Acknowledgements 17
Appendix 18
Master Plan Update
1 . Park Location Map 1
2. Aerial of Orange memorial Park 2
3. Parking Entrance at Chestnut Avenue 6
4. Parking Entrance at Commercial Avenue 6
5. Bridges and Plaza over Col ma Creek drainage channel 6
6. Open Turf/Community Event Area 8
7. Youth Baseball Fields 9
8. Library/Performing Arts Center Option 10
9. Final Concept I I
10. Orange Avenue Section 12
11 . Entry Plaza at Orange Avenue Perspective 12
12. Pool Building Perspective 12
13. Sculpture Garden Expansion 12
14. Skate Park Perspective 13
15. Open Turf Area Perspective 14
16. Central Plaza Perspective 14
17., Phasing Diagram 15
Master Plan Update
The recent development and growth within South
San Francisco combined with recent upgrades and
popularity of Oran
p p Orange Memorial Park
an increase an o
master pla . Th intention of theupda ed master
create an appropriate a ortun� tau date the
plan is to establish a vision for future improvements
and to serve as a paint of reference for securing
funding as it is made available in the future.
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Site Context Colma Creek drainage channel from Orange Avenue
Orange Memorial Park is centrally located in the The park is roughly divided into a North side
City of South San Francisco between Orange and a South side by the Colma Creek drainage
Avenue and Chestnut Avenue, just east of Fl channel.The North side of the park contains
Camino Real''. It is situated between residential the acquired Mazzanti property and Cal Water
neighborhoods to the North, Fast, and South with properties, which are currently under negotiation
a commercial area to the West.The existing park is for purchase by the city. Both the Mazzanti and
approximately 26 Th acres and with the addition of Cal Water properties are relatively undeveloped.
the purchased Mazzanti property and negotiation
Additional park features on the North side include
far,the purchase of the Cal 4�wlater, property,the size the artist studios, tennis and bocce ball courts, a
� of the.. park.would increase to almost acres.The sculpture garden, parking lots, a new recreation
1 center, a swim center and soccer field. on the
size of the park combined with its central location
make it a popular destination widely used for southern portion of the property there exists
recreational activities and publlic events alike. an empty field previously occupied by Mazzanti
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Figure 1-Park location map
Master Plan Update
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Figure 2-aerial of Orange Memorial Paris
greenhouses, parking lots, a picnic meadow with Change Memorial park made it a prime asset to the
shade structure, and a baseball and softball field. community for social and recreational ,gatherings.
The first building to be constructed on site to
History of ra e Memorilall Park accommodate these gatherings was a I'og cabin,
the Scout cabin, and was built during the 1930"s.
The City of South Francisco was incorporated The cabin was well utilized as a meeting place for
in 1912. Ten years after incorporation, in 1924, various groups and classes, but was recently torn
the community brought the need for a park and down because of structural instability. In the 1940's
playgrounds to the attention of the City.. In 1925 the a concrete barbeque was built near the cabin to
City secured land for a park when the South San strengthen the community and neighborhood,
Francisco Land and Improvement Company deeded although it too was torn down and replaced in 1965
20 acres to the City;A few years later, in 1929, the by a group picnic shelter. A couple years later, in
first plan for Orange Memorial Park was drawn up 1967, the City Corp Yard was constructed in the
and the park was later constructed in unison with park,adjacent to the old Mazzanti property, and
the Colma Creek drainage channel in 1933/1934. was the first permanent home of the City's Parks
The SSF Land and Improvement Company deeded Department.The existing tennis court complex
an additional 7:8 acres to the city in 1934, another was built the following year, followed by the pool
2 acres in 1947, and in 1969 the City obtained 0.5 building in 1970, and the relocation of the Eternal
acres from the Southern Pacific Company to form Flame sculpture to the Park from City Fall in 1984.
the 39.3 acres which is now comprised of Orange
Memorial lark, Orange Ave, and Memorial Drive.
From its conception, the central location and size of
Master plan Update
Site Reconnaissance and Analysis LjJT
Site visits were conducted in December 2006 and
1lanu�ary 2007.The purpose of these visits was
to familiarize team members with the location, � ='condition, and and context of the site. While at the
site, Callandler Associates reviewed existing
relationships between park elements and analyzed
the opportunities and constraints of the site. Team
members walked the site, talked to park goers,
and compiled a photo to of the site.The site was 1
visited during g
ring various times of the day and on both
the weekend and weekday to observe the array of Figure Parking Entrance at Chestnut Avenue
activities and park users during the different time
periods. The extent and size of the park expansion
property was examined and all this information was
cataloged for use throughout the process.
opportunities and Constraints
The identified opportunities andl constraints for the
development and expansion of grange Memorial
Park determined by the site analysis and city and
public input are as follows-
The 3.5 acre old Mazzanti property, the 43 acre
Cal Water property, and the artist studios present
the three greatest potential areas of expansion. All
3 areas are either undeveloped or under-utilized
and when combined would add an extra 9 acres
of park space.They are all linked to each other
and the Miazzanti and Cal Water properties are the
ideal locations for additional sports fields and open
space. Expanding into these areas also would mean Figure 4-Parking Entrance at Commercial Avenue
that the 0.6 acres community gardens would be
linked to the park,which creates an opportunity
to connect the park to Commercial Avenue. The
cummunityl gardens dnd artist studios could then
be relocated.
• Relocation and/or demolition of some
existing park facilities to improve
relationships between park use areas Figure srles ana�plaid over ca%a Creek cFrarnagecnaranel
• Covering a portion of Colma Creek drainage
channel to create a stronger relationship
between the two sides of the park and
improve circulation
Maser Plan Update
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Final Concept
Figure 9-Final Mara
Final Master Plan large open turf soccer facilities could be subdivided
into numerous configurations of smaller fields to
Due to the fact that feedback favored the design meet the demands of youth soccer. The comments
of Alternative B a larger number of features from received during the 2"d community meeting
that alternative were included in the final plan. To regarding the size of the youth baseball fields were
start off,the bocce ball facilities were renovated ,addressed and the fields were expanded to allow
instead of creating all new facilities. Trees were for Pee Wee, Bronco, Pinto and )Mustang leagues to
added around the bocce ball facilities to act as play (ages 2 to 12, see Appendix H). The existing
a windbreak and a new shade structure was baseball and softball field are modified to allow for
proposed over two of the courts to protect the renovation; receiving new turf,fencing, backstops,
players from the sun and rain. Furthermore, the bleachers, infield mix, and bases.
large open space/gathering area off of Orange
Avenue was retained and the soccer field) was The central plaza located over the drainage channel.
relocated. The singular use of the athletic fields was incorporated into the final design due to its
favored by the public was integrated into the design popularity and ability to strengthen the relationship
along with their location away from the street between the north and south sides of the park.
fronts. The field layout used in the final concept In order that parents can watch their children
also provides maximum flexibility in regards to the while picnicking in the central plaza, the existing
potential use for lighting and artificial turf. The playground was redesigned and expanded. In
soccer and baseball fields both could be fenced addition to the central plaza over the channel, three
in and closed after hours and lighting, could be other creek crossings were included in the plan
designed to meet the needs of a single sport. The thus creating better flow and access between the
Masker Plan update
Property#10—296 Airport Blvd.
DOF Question:
The LRPM P states the City prepared full plans for the relocation of the Caltrain station and construction
work was ready to commence, but was delayed due to planning for the bullet train (pg, 24 and pg. 59).
Please provide the plans showing the Caltrain station relocation,
Successor Agency Reply:
Please see the attached plans showing the location of the proposed entrance to the Caltrain,station. in
addition attached are excerpts from the Caltrain South Son Francisco Station Improvements construction
plans showing the western entrance to the station at 296 Airport Blvd,
DOF Question:
Property mapper the Assessor website does not show this parcel. loo you know why;
Successor Agency Reply:
We queried the property on the Assessor's web site and it produced the parceli map below showing the
property, Please try aga,in, using the APN 012-338-160 as listed on the summary table,
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Property#11—323 Miller Avenue
DOF Question!
Property was developed with City-owned property as a parking structure and operates under the City's
Parking District, Do the City and Agency have a joint agreement supporting the transfer to the City in a
case such as this (dissolution of the
Successor Agency Reply:
The Miller Avenue Parking Garage was largely developed on Parking District owned property and a,small
lot owned by the RDA,The Parking District and RDA did not enter into an agreement'to transfer the RDA
owned property to the Parking District. It was anticipated that the RDA property would transfer to the
City upon,the end of Project Area.
DOF Question,
Is there documentation showing the structure,as included in the City's Parking District? If so, please
provide,these documents,
Successor Agency Reply-
See the map on the second page of the attached SSF Parkiing District Brochure,showing the Miller
Avenue Parking Garage,
DOF Question:
In the narrative the Agency states this property generates parking revenues, and they are required to
cover maintenance and operating costs (pg. 26). Appendix A shows revenues are D. Please quantify the
revenue amount even though the net income is zero,
Successor Agency Reply,
lit is difficult if not impossible to estimate the revenue generated solely by the parking spaces existing
over the former RDA property since the garage functions as one project. For the entire Miller Avenue
Parking Garage the Parking District has generated $108,000 year-to-date for 2013-14. Of the 255 parking
stalls in the garage,approximately 40 stalls sit over the former RDA property (15.6%).A very crude
approximation would he 15.6%of revenue totaling $16,900. It should be noted that the Miller Avenue
Parking Garage,functions at a deficit and the Parking District as a whole must subsidize the Miller'
Avenue Parking Garage,
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Property#13-472Grand Awenue/306 Spruce Avenue
The LRPMP states this property is the site afe health center operated bythe County of San Mateo and
S|tike Counseling Services. Please specify funding sources for these services.
Successor Agency Reply:
The South San Francisco Medicail Clinic is part of the San Mateo Health System and is funded by the
County af San Mateo,
Sitike is a private nonprofit agency and is funded by foundations,the County,the State of California and
private individual dunarimms'
Property#14—468 Miller Avenue
DOF Question:
The LRPIVIP states this property serves as the parking lot for the health center,
Appendix A and Narrative show parcel#for this property as the same as#13 (012-302-140). However,
assessor map in Appendix B shows parcel as 12-301-020. Do you know why the there is confusion
regarding this parcel?
Successor Agency Reply:
The correct APN of the Medical Clinic's parking lot at 468 Miller Avenue is 012-301-020.The LRPMP
incorrectly listed APN 012-302-140 which is for 472 Grand Avenue,the Medical Clinic.
Property#15-18—201-227 Grand Avenue
DOE Question.
Property is currently a parking lot; however, is part of the Downtown Area Specific Plan for transit-
supported development,which was expected to be adopted in early 2014(pg. 75-76). Was this plan
adopted? If so, please provide this plan and any relevant staff reports highlighting use specifically of this
Successor Agency Reply:
The City is still working on finalizing the Downtown Area Specific Plan and adoption is now anticipated in
August or September 20,14. It is anticipated a draft will be available for public comment in the next 30
days. Nevertheless,attached are the internal preliminary draft pages of the DSAP showing the proposed
zoning for 201-227 Grand,Avenue.This zoning would allow a density of 80-100 units per acre.
The Successor Agency is currently in discussions with a developer to enter into an Exclusive Negotiating
Agreement(ENA)for the development of 317-55 residential units and 5,000 to 8,000 square feet of retail
space on these properties.This development of this site would be contingent upon the adoption of the
DSAP with the proposed zoning.
DOF Question:
In addition, please indicate how you plain to comply with statute relative,to a compensation agreement
with the taxing entities as specified in blue above (!.9`„ "As section 34180(f) of the Health and Safety
Code requires a successor agency to have a compensation agreement with the taxiing entities to transfer
property for future development, please indicate how you plan,to comply with statute,")
Successor Agency Reply:
Once the Department of Finance has completed its review of the LRPMIP,the Successor Agency intends
to incorporate all necessary corrections and modifications into the LRPMP and have the Oversight Board
review and approve an amended LRPMP. To address Section 34180(f),the Successor Agency will amend
the LRPMP as follows:
1) In the introductory Property Disposition section of the LRPMP (page 54),the second paragraph,
of the section will be amended as follows:
For the section discussing the properties that should be retained for implementing the
development goals of the approved Redevelopment Project Plan,the LRPMP will provide
background information that will put into context the information provided for each property or
group of properties. In addition,for each property transferred to the City pursuant to Section
34191,5(c)(2)(A)ands this LRPMP,the City and the Taxi nE Entities will enter into a,Compensation
Agreement pursuant to Section,34180(f). Each Compensation Agreement shall meet the
characteristics described,in the Revenue Sharing section of this LKPMP (page 91) and will be
subject to the directives of DOF in connection with its consideration and approval of this
2) For each property retained by the City for implementing the development goals of the approved
Redevelopment Project Plan, the section "Financial Benefit to the Taxing Agencies,"will be
,amended as follows:
Notwithstanding the financial benefi,ts of development discussed above,the City and the-Taxing
Entities will enter into a Compensation Agreement 12ursuant to Section 34180(f) as described in
the Revenue Sharing section of this LRPMP(page 91).
3) The final section of the LRPMP,"Revenue Shariing," (page 91)will be amended as follows:
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City of Sewth San the Gity Geuneil,and the O-e-sigg"Bear*,as applicable.
For each property to be transferred to the City pursuant to Section 34191.5(6(2)(,AJand this LRPMP the
City and the Taxing Entities will enter into a;Compensation Agreement oqrsuant to Section 34180(f).
Each Compensation Agreement entered into by the City and Taxing Entities shall:
A) Address compensation to the Taxing Entities for one or more of the Properties that is
transferred to the City in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section, 34191.5(c)(2)(A)and
this LRPMP;
8), Be approved by the C3versight Board.
Q Be reviewed and approved by DOF, by operation of law or otherwiise,following Oveca:jght Board
D) Be executed by the City and all of the Taxing Entities as identified by the County Auditor-
Controller,and by the County Auditor-Controller if reguired;
E) Provide that specified proceeds from the subseguent disposition,of the property or properties
by the City pursuant to a DDA will be distributed to alit of the Taxing Entities on a pro rata basis
in proportion to each Taxing Entity's share of base property tax revenues,as dqff.!njq!2d b
the County Auditor-Controller;
F) Provide for the retention by the City of specified proceeds from the subseguent disposition of
the property or properties by the Cily pursuant to a DDA to reimburse the City for the costs
incurred for maintenance, imorovement and disr)osition of the property or pLq2erties,for
l2rocurement9f pollution legal liability insurance related to the property or properties and for
the irellocation of any tenants s qbect Federal and State relocation laws and regulations:
G) May contain other imutuall y acceptable terms to implement the intent of Sections 34180(f) and
34191.5 and this LRPMP with r"ectto the property or properties,
NatwOstanding the foregoing or any other prov�sion of the LRPM_Pno.Compensation Agreement
shall be required,and the City may retain any Proceeds from the disposition of a property, if a court
order, legislation or DOF poficy reverses D,OF's directive regarding the need for a Compensation
Agreement. In such case, any net disposition, proceeds (as defined in Paragraph F a�o�verec�eived b�
the Oty for the disposition of a propertv vursuant to a DDA shall be used by the City to pay costs of
one or more proiects identified in the Redevelopment Plan.
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Property Management Plan
ILRPMP Pages to be Amended�(this is onIv for reference) November 19, 2,013
e) Revenues Generated byPnmpeirty/ContrmxtuaiRequirements
The property generates$2,760.15 per year in parking revenues.These funds are currently being used to
offset the cost mfoperating and maintaining the parking lot.
f) Environmental Contamination and, Remediatiau
There are mo known environmental conditions on,the property.
g) Potential for Transit Oriented Development and Advancement of Planning Objectives
This site is ideal for a smaller scale transit oriented development.The property is located within the
downtown and is less than one-half(1/2) mile away from the South San Francisco Caltrain station.
[mnceptuaU plans indicate that 12 residential units can be built on the site upon adoption ofthe
Downtown Station Area Plan (0SAP).
h} History cf Development Proposals and Activity
Upon acquisition,the Agency demolished the existing building on the property.The Agency has not
considered any other plans to develop the property. However,as stated above,the Agency has created
o development program for the property based on the rezoning mf the area by the DS,AP.
Property Disposition
This part of the LRPMP lists the Successor Agency's properties under the three applicable permissible
categories allowed by the Redevelopment Dissolution Statutes. Vt begins with a discussion ufthe
properties that are used for governmental purposes and the reason why these properties should retain
their present functions.The next section lists the properties recommended for sale.The third section
describes the properties that should be retained for the purpose of implementing the development
goals of the approved Redevelopment Project iP|am
For the section discussing the properties that should be retained for implementing the development
goals mf the approved Redevelopment Project Plan,the LRPK4P will provide background information,that
will put into context the information provided for each, property or group of properties.
During the 1990's a nd 2000's the Agency's redevelopment focus was directed at developing what is
arguably the world's premier biotech cluster. Nevertheless, |nthe few years preceding the dissolution of
redevelopment the Agency acquired and assembled a significant amount of land for future development
in the El Camino Corridor and Downtown Central project areas. Properties assembled inducle the former
PU[properties,the Ron Price property(I Chestmwt),the Ford properties inthe downtown and various
other scattered sties.The City also adopted the 1999 General Plan that included plans for intensive
development ofthe Downtown and within Transit Oriented Districts (TOD), adopted area plans for the EY
Camino Corridor to guide future development, and most recently started the process of developing a
specific plan for the downtown (QS4P).
Long Term Property Management Plan
November 19\ 2D13
For the purposes of the analysis, land values for residential and mixed use development near the study
area are estimated to range from$50to$75 per square foot.This price range is based onrecent
transactions and asking prices for properties in the surrounding area,as well as interviews with brokers
and developers active on the San Francisco Peninsula. It should be noted that laind prices vary greatly
depending on the location and specific characteristics of the property, as well as zoning, intended use
and market conditions. 2)Sample paragraph to be
amended for each property that is to
Financial Benefit tm Taxing Agencies �be retained by the City
While the benefit of the City retaining the properties for future development and the fulfillment of the
E|Camino Project Area Plan iy the most beneficial option,for the City,the property,the residents,the
region and the State,the financial benefit to the taxing agencies is virtually equal between the two
options.As summarized below, and shown in more detail imAppendix H and Table 4,the net finomdaK
benefit 10 the taxing agencies iuvirtua||y equal over a20 year p�edod.
Nominal Present Value of
Cash Flows Cash Flows
Sell Option $53,288,000 $41,9168,000
Retain for $61,944,000 $42,607,000
--PV Hold
�)ownt1t,.)wn Central Project Area
The goal of the prop ertystnategy for the Downtown Central Project Area isto maximize the Uong'{ermm
revenue tn the taxing agencies and achieve the redevelopment plan projects while also maintaining the
vision expressed in the City's General Plan as well as the Downtown Station,Area Specific Plan.The
Long Term Property Management Plan
November 19,2013
Revenue Sharing 13)Section to Fe amend�ed
The City and Successor Agency will enter into revenue sharing has been modified to reflect that revenue
sharing agreement (Revenue Sharing Agreement)whereby the taxing agencies will receive the net
revenue from the sale of each property the City retains for future development,The Revenue Sharing
Agreement will be approved by the Board of the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency of the
City of South San Francisco the City Council, and the Oversight Board,as applicable.
Appendix.A DOF,' LRPMP Pro perty Tra c1cing Worksheet
Appendix B Propei,137 Parcel Maps
Appendix C Appraisal 011-326-030 (Chestnut/El Candno Real) Excerl.'a
Appendix D - Eiiivirmarriental Report Excei-pts
Appendix E - 'r ran sfer Grant Deed Language for 559 Gateway Blvd.
Appendix F - T'ransfer Grant Deed Language for Public Use Properties
Appendix G - 'nmnsf r, Grant Deed Language for 472 Grand Ave./306 Bpi'-uce
Appendix H - Property Tax Increment Projections
Appendix V- Strategic Econornics SSF E('110 11 Study of P11C Proper
Ir es
Appendix Brookwoo rotip Memorandum w'). Downtown Properties
Property#19-21—200 Linden Avenue and 212-216 Baden Avenue
DOF Question:
RE#19: Per the LRPMP,the two parcels consist of a building occupied by the City's IT dept., and a pkg,
lot(pg.35). The Assessor's website does not accommodate a search for the 13A and 16A shown as
suffixes to the parcel#s and a search for the parcel#012-033-334 did not retrieve a, parcel. In addition,.
when I Google map the address it shows the IT dept. across the street, Please clarify why the search info
does not reconcile with the LRPMP,
RE#21:The LRPMP shows this parcel as a parking lot comprising the middle of three contiguous sections
for future development(between parcels#19 and#20). However the assessor's website shows this
parcel as 200 Linden. Please clarify why the assessor website-searched info does not reconcile with the
Successor Agency Reply:
RE#19:The correct APN of the 200 Linden Avenue (#19) is 012-334-130.The LRPMP incorrectly listed
APN 012-033-334-13A and 13B.
RE#21:The correct APN for 216 Baden Avenue(#21) is 012-334-0130 and not 012-334-130 which is the
APN for 200 Linden.
DOF Question:
In addition,the assessor's website shows there is an easement in between the two end parcels,
Successor Agency Reply:
The lots in this area of downtown are 100 feet deep.This can accommodates two uses with each use
facing a separate street. I n'the case of this property, one use would face Baden Avenue and other would
face 3rd Lane. We have found that on many lots easements were recorded to ensure that utilities could
run from the service location to both ends of the property.The Successor Agency has encountered these
types of easements in the past and they do not pose a concern.
DO,F Question:
As with parcels#15-18, 1 will need to see the Plan (DSAP)for the area and any relevant staff reports
highlighting use specifically of this property.
Successor Agency Reply:
The City has published a draft of the Downtown Area Specific Plan(DSAP)and adoption is now
anticipated in November 2014,You can access the complete DSAP at
hltp.',�www�.ssfdow�ntown�p _tp.q round For your convenience,attached are the pages of the
DSAP showing the proposed zoning for 200 Linden and 212-216 Baden Avenue.This zoning would allow
a density of 80-120 units per acre.
The City and former RDA have not advanced development plans for this site to the extent they did for
other properties in the downtown. Nevertheless the�CitV has developed conceptual plans for the
potential development that could be accommodated on the site. Please refer ta attached exhibit titled
"Sub-area 1 Baden/Airport Mixed-use Dixtrict."The subject properties are highlighted ao Site 1.1. It is
anticipated this site would accommodate 100 residential units and 6,500 square feet of retail space.
OOF Question:
In addition, please indicate how you plan to comply with statute relative to a compensation agreement
with the taxing entities asspecified in blue above.
Successor Agency Reply:
Once the Department of Finance has completed its review of the LRPMP,the Successor Agency intends
to incorporate all necessary corrections and modifications into the LRPMP and have the Oversight Board
review and approve am amended LRPK4P. Tm address Section 3418D(f),the Successor Agency will amend,
the LRPW@Pastm||owa:
1> |u the introductory Property Disposition section mf the LRPKAP (page 54),the second paragraph
mf the section will be amended asfollows:
For the section discussing the properties that should beretained for implementing the
development goals of the approved Redevelopment Project Plan,the LRPMP will provide
background information that will put into context the information providedfor each property or
group mfproperties. In addition,for each.property transferred to the City pursuant to Section
34191.5(c)(2)(A)and this LRPMP,the City and the Taxing Entities will enter into a Compensation
Agreement pursuant to Section 34180(f). Each Compensation Agreement shall meet the
characteristics described in the Revenue Shari n:g,sectio n-of this LRPIVIP (PaEe.91)and will be
subiect to the directives of DOF in connection with its consideration and approval of this
2) For each property retained by the City for impilementing the development goals of the approved
Redevelopment Project PVam, the section "Financial Benefit to the Taxing Agemdeu,''will be
amended mmfollows:
Notwithstanding the financial benefits of development discussed above,the City and the Taxing
Entities will enter into a Compensation Agreement pursulant to Section,,34180(f) as described in
the Revenue Sharing section of this LRPMP (page 91).
3) The final section of the LRPMP,"Revenue Sharing," (page 91)will be amended as follows:
For each property to be transferred to the City ursuant to Section 3419 ,5 � � � and this LRPI�IIP the
City and the Taxing Entities will enter into a Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 34180(f).
Each Compensation Agreement entered into by the City and Taxing Entities shall°
A) Address compensation to the Taxing Entities for one or more of the Properties that is
transferred to the City in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 34191.5 c 2 A and!
this LRPMP;
B) Be_approved by the Oversight Hoard;
C) Be reviewed and aperoved by DOF by operation of law or otherwise following Oversight Board
E7) Be executed by the City and all of the Taxing Entities as identified by the County Auditor-
Controller, and by the Couinty Auditor-Controller if re uire'd;
E) Provide that specified proceeds from the subsequent dis osition of thg_pLqperty or properties
by the City pursuant to a DDA will be distributed to all of the Taxing Entities on a pro rata basis
in proportion to each Taxing Entity's share of the base propertV tax revenues as determined b
the County Auditor-Controller;
F) Provide for the retention by the City of specified proceeds from the subse uent dis osition of
the Merty or properties by the City pursuant to a QGA to reimburse the City for the costs
incurred for maintenance improvement and disposition of the p,ropertv or propertiles,for
procurement of p0lution le al liability insuraince related to the ro ert or ro erties and for
the relocation of any tenants subject Federall and State relocation laws and re ulations-
G) lVN y captain other mutual) acce table terms to im Bement the intent of Sertions 34180(f) and
34191.5 and this LRPMP with respect to the propertV or properties,
Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of the LRPMP no Com ensation Agreement
shall be re aired and the City may retain any proceeds from the dis osition of a--prop.erty, if a court
order, le illation or DOF policy reverses DOF's directive regarding the need for a Compensation
Agreement. In such case any net disposition proceeds as defined in Para ra h F above received b
the City for the disposition of a property pursuant to a IC DA shall be used by the City to pay costs of
one or more projects identified in the Redevelopment Plan.
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Property#22-26-315-421 Airport Blvd. and 4O5 Cypress Avenue
(See reply for Property#27, aonmpmnion to these properties)
Property has a vacant bul|diogthat was formerly am auto dealership. The LRPYWP states the Agency has
prepared a mixed-use development program for the property via the Downtown Area Specific Plan
(0SAP, pg. 40). KwiUU need to see the Plan and any staff repwrts-
Successor Agency Reply:
Please see the attached development program,for 315 Airport Blvd. and4O1-421 Airport Blvd. 4myou
can see,the development of the sites would accommodate 155 residential units.
_plus please indicate how you will comply with statute relative to m compensation agreement with the
taxing entities asspecified in blue abmve.
Successor Agency Reply:
Once the Department mf Finance has completed its review of the LkPMP,the Successor Agency intends
to incorporate all necessary corrections and nmmdi0catiions into the LRPMP and have the Oversight Board
review and approve am amended LRPMP. Tn address Section 3410@(f)'the Successor Agency will amend
the LRPKQPmsfollows:
I) In the introductory Property Disposition section of the LRPMP (page 54),the second paragraph
cfthe section will be amended asfollows:
For the section discussing the properties that should be retained for implementing the
development goals of the approved RedevOopment Project Plan,the LRPMP will provide
background information that will put into context the information, provided for each property or
group cfproperties. In addition,for each property transferred to the City pursuant to Section
34191,5(c)(2)(A)and this LRPMP,the City and the Taxing Entities wilil enter into a Compensation
Agreement pursuant to Section 34180(f). Each Compensation Agreement shall meet the
characteristics described in the Revenue Sharing section of this LRPMP (page 91) and will be
subiect to the directives of DOF in connection with its consideration and approval of this
Z) For each property retained by the City for implementing the development goals of the approved
Redevelopment Project Plan, the section "Financial Benefit to the Taxing Agemde4"will be
amended as0mU|ows�
Notwithstanding the financial benefits of development discussed above,the City and the"Faxing
Entities,will enter into a Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 34180(f) as described in
the Revenue Sharing section,of this LRPMP (page 91).
3) The final section of the LRPMP, "Revenue Sharing," (page 91)will be amended as follows�
The City aiRd SuceesseFAgeney-w-4-4-en F IRte Fevenue shaFiRg has been modified te Flefleill that Fevenwe
For each propertyto be transferred to the City ursuant to Section 34191.5 c 2 A and this LRPMP the
OtV and the Taxing Entities will eater into a Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 34180(f),
Each Compensation Agreement entered-into,by the City and Taxing Entities shall.
A) Address complensation to the Taxin Entities for one or more of the pirqpgrties that is
transferred to the City in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 34191.5 c 2 A and
this LRPMP;
B) Be approved by the Oversight Board;
C) Be reviewed and approved by DOF by operation of lawn or otherwise,followin g Oversight(Board
D) Be executed by the City and all ofthe Taxin.. Entities as identifieA,by the County Auditor-
Controlller,and by the County Auditor-Controller if required,
E) Provide that specified proceeds from the subse uent disposition of the propeylor properties,
by the City pursuant to a DDA will be distributed to all of the Taxing Entities on a pro rata basis
in proportion to each Taxing Entity's share of the base Property tax revenues as determined by
the County Auditor-Controller.
F) Provide for the retention, by the City of specified proceeds from the subse cent dis osition of
the property or properties by the City-pursuant to a DDA to reimburse the City for the costs
incurred for maintenance im rovement and dis osition of the property or properties,for
procurement of pollution Ile al liability iinsurance related to the propeqy or properties and for
the relocation of any tenants sub'ect Federal and State relocation laws and re ulatiorl
G) May contain other mutually acceptable terms to implement the intent of Sections 34180(f).and
34191.5 and this LRPMP with respect to the property or properties,
Notwithstanding the foregoing,or any other provision of the LRPMP no Compensation Agreement
shall be required,and the Citv mav retain an roceeds from the disposition of a property, if a court
order, legislation or 11101E policy reverses DOF's directive Mgarding regarding the need for a Compensation
Agreement. In such case any net dis osition roceeds as defined in Para ra h F above received b
the City for the disposition of a property pursuant to a DDA shall be used b the Cit to a costs of
one or more projects identified in the Redevelopment Plan,
DOF Question:
The LRPMP shows the purchase cost of parcels#22-27 as one combined amount, loo you have
information to determine individual amounts by parcel?
Successor Agency Reply:
The total acquisition price for the properties was$8,743,00O slightly higher than their appraised value
of$8,114,0100.The former RDA purchased the properties in one transaction sc) specific values were
never attributed to individual,sites. Nevertheless, RDA's appraisal had estimated values for each
property, These individual value estimates were not entered into the summary spreadsheet but were
imc|uded in the text narrative for each property. For your convenience,the appraised values for each
property from the text section are listed below:
#2J-315 Airport8Xvd' $2,100,000
#23-4O1 Airport Blvd. $1,100,000
#24 411 Airport Blvd. $995,000
#25-42I Airport Blvd. $1,800,000
#26-4B5 Cypress Ave, $729,000
#37- Z16 Miller Ave. $1,400,000
Totak $8,114,000
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Property#27-216 Miller Avenue
(See,reply for Property A22-26, a companion to this property)
Property isa vacant lot amd has been identified in the LRPK4P for sale.
The LRPK4P states sale proceeds will goto advance the development of the properties per the
Redevelopment Plan (p8. 9O) Per Section 34191.S (c)(J) uf the Health and Safety Code, the proceeds
shnw|dbelderdifUedastordistrlbutiomtntaximgentitiesortofu|fiUanem&xrceab|eobiigation. Please
identify one of these two uses for the proceeds,
Successor Agency Reply:
This prop,erty was originally listed in the �RPMP as property to be sold. Successor Agency staff is having
preliminary discussions with a developer interested in acquiring this property and those listed as#22-26
(the former"Ford Properties"). The developer initially approached the Successor Agency with an
interest im only purchasing properties#I2-J5 (315, 4&1,411and 421AirpoML). The developer was not
interested in#261(4U5Cypress)and#Z7 (216 Miller) because they were smaller and difficult todevelop.
The Successor Agency indicated it would consider an exclusive negotiation for properties#22-2S if the
de*e|aper agreed to purchase and develop all of the former Ford Properties, including#26-Z?. 8V
Ueveraghng the value uf the larger sites,the Successor Agency will be able tp sell and have all mf the sites
Therefore, during the process mf amending the LHPMPtu address 0[>F questio,ms,the Successor Agency
vv0ipropooetmtheU*euxigh18uandtbatProperty#27, betransferredfrom* ~Sa|e,to ''RetaimfmrFu1are
Development" and that pursuant to Section 341@l,G(c)(2)(A) and the LRPMP. the City and the Taxing
Entities will enter into a Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 34180(f),
if the Oversight Board and DOFda not agree tohaving the City retahn the property for future
development and entering into a compensation agreement,then the Successor Agency will-,
�1) Determine o means to include Property#27ms part of the conmbkned former Ford properties sale
and assign an individual value ta the Property.
2) Per Section 34191.5 (c)(2) cfthe Health and Safety Code, upon sale of the Property,the
Successor Agency will distribute the proceeds tm the taxing entities on pro rata basis in
proportion Loeach Taxing Entity's share of the base property tax revenues, ss determined by
the CountyAuditmr-Comtrn|Ker.
Property#28-938 Linden Avenue
Vaeofsa|epnaceedu (Per6ect|mn34I91.5 (c)(2) nftheHea|thandSafety[mde,theppoceeds should be
identified as for distribution,to taxing entities or to fulfill an enforceable obligation, Please identify one
of these two uses for the prnceeds.)
Successor Agency Reply:
Per Section 341915(c)(2) of the Health and Safety Code, upon sale of the Property the Successor
Agency will distribute the proceeds tm the taxing entities unm pro rata basis in proportion 1neach
Taxing Entity's share mf the base property tax revenues, asdetermined bV the County Amclitor-[nmtroQer.
Property#29-905 Linden Avenue
DOF Question:
The property was formerly a Beacon gas station,and is now a green space,
The LRPMP designates the property for Future Development,yet it is not identified as being part of a
redevelopment plan, The LRPK8P states there were conceptual p�onsfmr a mixed-use housing
development(pg. 5�0), How formal were these plans? Please provide.
Successor Agency Reply:
Unfortunately the concept plans for this site were created well before the Redevelopment Agency
acquired the property in, 1999 and we are no longer i,n possession of those plans, As shown on the,
attached map,the plan had been,to assemble the blighted p,roperties that included the gas station at
905 Linden,the adjacent car wash and the small market next door, Unfortunately, 905 Linden, was the
only property the Redevelopment Agency was able to acquire. Nevertheless, the development potential
of assembling these sites still exists and would result in the best outcome for the property, As shown In
page 86 of the LRPMP, the market for single small properties such as 905 Linden is not very,good at thiis
Also the Agency must indicate they have a cpnmpemsathon agreement with the taxing entities ayspecified
im blue aibove.
Successor Agency Reply:
Once the Department of Finance has completed its review of the LRPMP,the Successor Agency intends
to incorporate all necessary corrections and modifications into the LRPMpand have the Oversight Board
review and approve an amended LKPMP. Ta address Section 34180(f),the Successor Agency will, amend
the LRPMPas follows:
1) In the introductory Property Disposition section,of the LRPMP (page 54),the second paragraph
of the sec1iemwiNbe amended asfollows:
For the section discussing the properties that should be retained for imp|ememt|mg the
development goals of the approved Redevelopment Project Plan,the LRPMP will provide
background information that wiII put into context the information provided for each property or
group ofproperties. In addition,for each property transferred to the City pursuant to Section
34191.5(c)(2)(A) and this LRPMP,the City and the Taxi ng,,Entities will enter into a Compensation
Agreement pursuant to Section 34180,J). Each Comipensation Agreement shall meet the
characteristics described in the Revenue Sharing section of this LRPMP fpage 91) and will be
subiect to the directives of DOF in connection with its consideration,and approval of this LRPMP.
2) For each property retained by the City for inmplememting the development goals of the approved
Redevelopment Project Plan, the section "Financial Benefit to,the Taxing Agemdes,"will bu
amended asfo|Uows�
Notwithstanding the financial benefits of develo meat dliscussed above the City and the Taxing
Entities will enter into a Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 34180 f as described in
the Revenue Sharing section of this LRPMP(page--91
3) The final,section of the LRPMP""Revenue Sharing," (page 91)will be amended as follows:
A. ,as applieab!
For each property to be transferred to the City ursuant to Section 34191.5 c 2 A and this LRPMP the
City and the Taxing Entities will enter into a Compensation A reement pursuant to Section 34180(f).
Each Compensation Agreement entered into by.the.City and Taxing Entities shall:
A) Address compensation to the Taxing Entities for one or more of the properties that is
transferred to the City in accordance with ii'ealth and Safet Code Section 34191.5 c 2 A and
this LRPMP;
B) Be approved by the Oversight Board;
C) Be reviewed and approved by DOF by operation of law or otherwise following Oversight Board
D) Be executed by the City and Hof the Taxing Entities as identified by the County Auditor-
,Controller,and by the County Auditor-Controller if required;
E) Provide that specified proceeds from the subsequent disposition of the propg!:Ly or ro erties
bV the Cit ursuant to a DDA will be distributed to all of the Taxing Entities on a pro rata basis
in proportion to each Taxing Entity's share of the base prope rt tax revenues as determined b
the County Auditor-Controller;
F) Provide for the retention by the City of specified proceeds from the subse cent disposition of
the property or properties by the City pursuant to a DDA to reimburse the City for the costs
incurred for maintenance, impirovement and disposition of the property or properties,for
racurement of olllution legal liability insurance related to the property or properties and for
the relocation of any tenants subject Federal and State relocation laws and re ulations,
C) May contain other mutually acceptable terms to implement the intent of Sections 34180(f)and
34191.5 and this LRPMP with respect to the property or properties.
Notwithstanding the foreizoina or any other rovision of the LRPMP no Com ensation Agreement
shall be reg aired and the.City may retain any proceeds from the dis casition of a.prope!ly,proper if a court
order, legislation or DOF-policy reverses DOF's directiive regarding the need for a Compensation
A reement. In such case any net disposition proc,eeds as defined in Paragraph F above),received by
the City for the dis osition of a property pursuant to a DDA shall be used by the City to pay costs of
one or more paroiects identified in the Redevelopment Plan.
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Property#30-31-616-70Q Linden Avenue
The URPMP states the best use cfthis property iotn combine it with#31 for a Mixed-use housing
development,for which the Agency prepared conceptual plans, See#Z9 above regarding this use.
(From#29:'The LRPMP states there were conceptual plans for a mixed-use housing development. How
formal were these plans? Please provide.)
Successor Agency Reply:
The properties atG16and 700 Linden Avenue have substantial environmental contamination and would
need to be substantially deveIoped to overcome the cost of the environmental remediation. However,
the lots are relatively small and can only accommodate moderate densities. For these reasons,the City
and the former RDA did not advance development pIans for these sites to the extent they did for other
properties in the duvvmtow/m. The City then and now emvis,lons these properties as being amnmQ the last
to be developed, Once other downtown development opportunity sites have been developed and
rent/sale prices have risen significantly, these properties may become economically viable. The
development potential of these sites is shown in the attached exhibit, Linden Corridor Mixed-use. As
shown for site 4.1 in the attached exhibit, each property could accommodate a building with
approximately 20units,
DOF Question:
Also the Agency Must indicate they have m compensation agreement with the taxing entities asspecified
im blue above,
Successor Agency Reply:
Once the Department of Finance has completed its review of the LRPIVIP,the Successor Agency intends
to incorporate aIll necessary corrections and: modifications into the LRPMP and have the Oversight Board
review and approve an amended LRpMP. To address Section 34180(f),the Successor Agency will amend
the LRPMPasfoi
1) In the introductory Property Disposition section of the LRPMP (page 54),the second paragraph
of the section,will be amended aofollows:
For the section discussing the properties that should be retained for implementing the
development goals of the approved Redevelopment Project Plan,the LRPIVIP will provide
background information that will put into context the information provided for each property or
group ofproperties, In additionjor each property transferred to the City pursuant to Section
34191.5,(c)(2)(A) and this LRPMP,the City and the Taxing Entities will enter into a Comoensation
Agreement pursuant to Section 34180If), Each Compensation Agreement shall meet the
characteristics described in the Revenue Sharing section of this LRPMP (page 91) and will be
subiect to the directives of DOF in connection with its consideration and approval of this LRPMP.
2) For each property retained by the City for implementing the development goals of the approved
Redevelopment Project Plan, the section`"Financial Benefit to the Taxing Agencies,"will be
amended as follows-.
NiotwithstandinR the financial benefits of development dis,cusseda,bove,the City and the Taxing
Entities will enter into a Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 34180(f) as described in
the Revenue Sharing section of this LRPMP (page 91).
3) The final section of the LRPMP,"Revenue Sharing," (page 91)will, be amended as follows:
E-QHIPPMaliol reeiments
The Gity and Sueee5ser Agency will ente"1111111111
. -''.,......... b P-P-A.- FAG-difiP-d tO FefleEt that revenue
ShaFiRgag., —eAt(Revenue ShaFingAgFeement)wheFebyiheta)(ingagenrzieswiiI Fe,ee"--he Ret
NIII-Ile sale of eaeh PFOpeFty the City Fetain5 fGF fUtHiFe deve-le-IM-.... . lie ShaFing
AgFe2meRt wall be appFeved by the BeaFd of the SueeeSSIBF Agency of the Redeyelopment Ageney of the
City Of SOUth SaH PFMOSCe the Gity Council,and the OveMight MaFd,as appliGa
For each property to be transferred to the City pursugnt to Section 34191.5(cIJ2)(A)and this LRP,MP,the
City and the Taxing Entities will enter into a Compensation,Agreement 12urs,uant to Section 34180 f).
Each Compensation Agreement entered into by the City and Taxing Entities shall:
A) Address compensation to the Taxing Entities for one or more of the properties that is
transferred to the CitV in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section.34191.5(c)(2)(A)and
this LRPMP;
B) Be approved by the Oversight Board,
C) Be reviewed and approved by DOF, by operation of law or otherwise, fofloMng Oversight Board
ai�ov a L
D) Be executed by the City and all of the.Taxing Entities as identified by the County Auditor
.,and by the County Auditor-Controller if reguired;
E) Provide that specified proceeds from the subseguent disposition of the property or properties
by the City pursuant to a DDA wilil be distributed to all of the Taxing Entities on a pro rata basis
in proportion to each Taxing Entity's share of the base property tax revenues,as determined by
the County Auditor-Controller;
F) Provide for the retention by the City of specified proceeds from the subsequent disposition of
the property or properties by the City pursuant to a DDA to reimburse the City for the costs
incurred for maintenance, improvement and disposition of the pro pert y or properties,for
procurement of polllution legal liability insurance related to the property or properties and for
the relocation of any tenants subiect Federal and State relocation haws and regulations;
G) May contain other mutual)v acceptable terms to implement the intent of Sections 34180(f)and
34191.5 and this LRPMP with respect to the property or properties.
Notwithstanding the foregoing or an other r)rovision,of the LRP,MP no CC)mt)ensation!Agreement
shall be re aired and the City may retain any proceeds from the disposition of a property, if a court
order, legislation or DOF poky reverses DOF's directive regarding the need for a Compensation
Agreement. In such case,any net disposition proceeds as defined in Paragraph F above) received by
the Cut y for the disposition of a propertV pursuant to a DDA shall be used bythe City to Pay costs of
one or more projects identified in the Redevelopment Plan.
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Property#32-432 Baden Avenue
DOF Qmestiom:
Use of sale proceeds (Per Section 34191.S {c)(2) of the Heaith and Safety Code, the proceeds should be
identified as for distribution to taxing entities or to fulf ill an enforceable obligation, Please identify one
of these two uses for the procendn.)
Successor Agency Rep�|y:
Per Section 34IBI.5 (c)(2) of the Heafthand Safety Code, upon sale nf the Property the Successor
AgemcyvviN distribute the proceeds to the taxing�emtities on a pro rata basis in proportion to each
Taxing Entity's share of the base property tax revenues, ms determined by the County AmJ}tor-[antr*Y|er.
San,chez, Armando
From: Morgan, Seymour<Seymour,Morgan @dof,ca.gov>
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2.014 0°53 AM
To: Sanchez, Armando
CC: Lamorena, Medy
Subject: South San Francisco Successor Agency
Follow up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status. Completed
Good Morning Armando,
This is a follow up to the e-mail sent to you by my colleague Ms. Lorelei Bruns on August 27, 2014 stating that I am now
the primary contact for the review of the Agency's Long Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP), i look forward to
working with you to expedite the review process.
On pages 75-76 of the LRPMP the Agency reports the development of the Dcwntown Area Specific Plan (DSAP), Please
provide a copy of the approved ASAP including all of the properties that will benefit from this plan,
Please provide this request by close of business on September 4, 2014,
Best regards,
California Department of Finance
915 "L" Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 322-2985 ext,3759
Sanchez Armando
Fromm: Morgan, ov>
Sent, Thursday, September 04, 2O142:0OP[N
To: Sanchez, Armando
Subject: RE� 1of4RE, South San Francisco Successor Agency
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Fhmq Status: Cnmp�ehed
Hello Anmamdo,
I have received the documents via four e-mails (1-4) (iteims 1-8).Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. If this
draft DSAP was approved by the Oversight Board, please provide a copy of the resolution approving the plan,
From: Sanchez, Armando
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2B144:24PM
To: Morgan, Seymour
Subject: I of RE: South San Francisco Successor Agency
it's a huge document so | will need to send it to you by chapters over seve4 four emads. Here's is the first, let me know
if you don't get them a|[
From: Morgan, Geymnmr
Sent: Tuesday, SepbomberO2, 2014 10:48 AM
To: Samdhe7, Armando
Subject: RE: South, Sam Francisco Successor Agency
Hello Armando,
y was unable to open and/or download the plan from the webs|te. Please e-mail aconup|ete copy for myreview.
From: Sanchez, Armando [
Sent: Friday, August 29, 20144:26PM
To: Morgan, Seymour
Subject: RE: South San Francisco Successor Agency
Thanks Seymour | was just going to look up the Hnk to resend it to you. In about 4 weeks we'll be releasing the EIR for
public comment and believe *veT have final adoption im early January,
Sanchez, Armando
From: Sanchez, Armando
Sent: Friday, Septemmber 05, 2014 9'.88 AM
To„ 'Morgan, Seymour'
Subject, RE; SSF Board Resolution 22-2913 approving the Long Range Management Plan pursuant to
Health and Safety Code Section 31191.5 and authorizing related actions,
Oops, sorry about my confusion. The Oversight Board has no jurisdiction over the Downtown Area Specific Plan,this is a
band zoning issue that is under the purview of the City.The Oversight Board was aware we were increasing the density
and heights in the downtown through the DSAP and that this would increase the value of the former RDA properties but
that was the extent of their involvement with the DSAP, l think I mentioned before the City has released the draft DSAP
for public comment and we will be releasing the EIR and zoning ordinance later this month with final adoption in late
December or early January.
From: Morgan, Seymour [rrnai Ito
.:Se rrrour.Mor an dof.c�,gr�v]
Sent: Friday, September 85, 2814 8:46 AM
To: Sanchez, Armando
Cc: Lamorena, Medy
Subject: RE: SSF Board Resolution 22-2913 approving the Long Range Management Plan pursuant to Health and Safety
Conde Section 34191,5 and authorizing related actions,
Good Morning Armando,
Thanks for your prompt response, however, I wanted a copy of the resolution approving the Downtown Station Area
Specific Plan (DSAP),
From: Sanchez, Armando [Railto.Armando.Sanche� ssf.n�1]
Seat: Thursday, September 84, 2814 2:49 PM
To: Morgan, Seymour
Cc: Aguilar, Bertha
Subject: FW: SSF Board Resolution 22-2.813 approving the Long Mange Management Plan pursuant to Health and Safety
Cade Section 34191.5 and authorizing related actions.
Here is the resolution approving the LRPMP.
From: Reodica, Kathryn
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2813 12:35 PM
To: 'redevelopmentadministration dof.ca.gov'
Cc: Mount, Kathy; 'Mattas, Steven'; Steele, Jim; All at City Clerk's Office; 'Craig Labadie'; Sanchez, Armando, Aguilar,
Subject: SSF Board Resolution 22-2813 approving the Long. Range Management Plan pursuant to Health and Safety
Code Section 34191,5 and authorizing related actions.
Fromm: KH our Morgan @dofoa.Qov>
Sent, Thursday, September O4. 20143:24PM
To: Sanchez, Armando
C Ct Lemorena, Medf
Subject, City mf South San Francisco Successor Agency
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status, Completed
Hello Armando,
To expedite the review process of the Long Range Property Management Plan,, l may request information from you to
answer questions and/or concerns au they arise, For the Gateway 0|wd. property, the Agency proposed disposing the
property for gmwermrnen1a� mse. However, the property is a private childcare care center managed by the Peninsula
Family YMCA. According to Health and Safety Code, section 34182 (a),the Oversight Board may direct the Agency to
transfer ownership ofthose assets that were constructed and used for governmeriLgI purpose such as roado, school
buildings, parks, police and fire stations, libraries, and local agencies administrative bw|]d�ngs10 the epp,opnatc public
8t does not appear that the aicquisition and construction of the Gateway Blvd. property was intended for governmental
use,The property was constructed to prmvideaffmrdab|e childcare services to city staff and other employees mf
businesses within the project area. Nonetheless, please provide response tm the fp||mvvimg-,
* What ix the funding source for the Peninsula Family YMCA?
* Does it operate aee for-profit ur non-profit entity?
Does the center provides any nthe,chl|d're|ated services?
How does the city plan to dispose of the property upon termination of the center?
Please provide your response by close of business September 8,2014.
Best regards,
California Department of Finance
915 'T" Street
Sacramento,CA 95814
(916) 322-29�85ext.3759
Sanchez Armando
From. Sanchez, Armando
Sent: Monday, September O8, 2Q14 1:,45 PM
To�: 'Morgan, Seymour'
Cc, Lamoreno. Medy Aguilar, Bertha
Subject: RE: City ofSouth San Francisco Successor Agency
Hi Seymour,
Sure getting questionsas you review is fine, I think it will help us all move this along.
With respect to the Gateway Blvd. property |think it is clear the property was acquired for governmental purposes, the
recorded CC&Rs we previously provided DOF state this, But, to answer each of your questions:
m What|m the funding source for the Peninsula Family YMCA?
LQPMP Page S section ''b" indicates the Redevelopment Agency was granted this property at no cost($0) as a condition
of private entity developing biotech buildings, No RDA were used to acquire the property(although the RDA did pay
for the construction of the building after we decided childcare would be the most appropriate use).The City could have
elected tn have the property deeded to the City but it deeded to the RDA because it was within a redevelopment project
area and it made sense mtthe time.
0 Does |t operate aso for-profit or non-profit entity?
The YMCA ls a non-profit enbty
0 Does the center provides any other child-related services?
The facility only provides childcare.
"I How does the city plan|o dispose°F16e property upon termination of the center?
As I mentioned above,we don't ever plan to dispose of the property since it cannot be, used for nongoveirn mental
purposes, LRPMP page 4 section °a'' explains how the property is deed restricted for governmental use asachddcare
facility, puUic library or public office (see section 2.3of the C[&Rn attached here a0ein). Per the CC&0sit has%obeused
for these purposes in perpetuity. It is doubtful the Child Care Center will ever close but if it did we'd have to find another
governmental use tm stay incompliance.
From,: Morgan, Seymour [
Sent:Thursday, September 84, 2D143:24uM
To: Sanchez, Armando
Cc: Lamarena, Medy
Subject: City ofSouth San FrandsCp Successor Agency
Hello Armando,
To expedite the review process of the Lmng Range Property K&anagement Plan, I may request information from you tu
answer questions and/or concerns as they arise, For the Gateway Blvd. property,the Agency proposed disposing the
Sanchez, Armando
From: Morgan, Seymour <Seymcur.Morgan@dof,ca.gov>
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 3:03 PM
To, Sanchez, Armando
Cc: Lamorena, Medy
Suibject: City of South San Francisco Successor Agency Properties 4 and 5
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag! Status: Flagged
Good Afternoon Armando:
For properties 4 and 5 formerly owned by the Public Utilities Comm6ssion and now serves as a linear park corridor, I am
unable to verify Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 093-331-050 and 093-331-060 with the San Mateo County Tax Assessor
Office, Please advise if those APNs are correct.
California Department of Finance
915 "L" Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 322-2985 ext.3759
Seymour.Morgan @c1of-_ca.Lov
Sanchez, Armando
From: Sanchez, Armando
Sent: Friday, September 12. 2Q1412�O2PKd
To: Worgan, Seymour'
Cc: Aguilar, oe/m/a
S RE: City ofSouth San Francisco Successor Agency Properties 4 and 5
Attachments: 01403jpg� PUC Properties 4 and 5.pdf
Hey Seymour,
The APN niumbers on these parcels is clefiniWy correct. The problem is th,at these properties were owned by the San
FreneiscoPubDcUb>lties Commission. |f you look at the attached jpg map you see the properties are [aUeyecll "City and
County nf San 9runc|sco." What is happening is that County of Sari Mateo has not bothered to assign a local APNInumber
to the properties and it is still tracking them by the APN number the County of San Francisco assigned to them. I've
attached a second map tracing the properties to h0p you identify them, Not much we can do to help further on this but
let me know {f you need any further 6arifica1�on.
From: Morgan, Seymour
Sent, Monday, September 08, 2014103 PM
To: Sanchez, Armando
Cc: Lamnorena/ Medy
Subject; QLyof South San Francisco Successor Agency Properties 4 and 5
Good Afternoon Armonda:
For properties 4 and S formerly owned by the Public Utilities Commission and now serves as a linear park corridor, I am
omab4etmve6fy Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN)U93-331-Q5&and U93�-331-05D with,the San Mateo County Tax Assessor
Office. Please advise ifthoseAPNs are correct
California Department ofFinance
925 °T^ Street
(916) 322-2985ext.3759
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Sanchez, Armando
From, Morgan, Seymour <Seymour.Morgan @dof.ca.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 3:13 PM
To, Sanchez, Armando
Subject: City of South San Francisco Successor Agency--P rope rty 11
Follow Up Flag. Follow up
Flag Status., Completed
Good Afternoon Armando,
According-to the LRPMP, the Miller Avenue Parking Lot now included in the City's Parking D strict, provides parking to
both governmental and non-governmental staff. Because parking lots are typically not constructed solely for
governmental use, please provide a summary that shows the greater use of the parking lot is bygovernmental staff,
California Department of Finance
915%" Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 322-2985 ext,3759
Seymour,MorRan dof caoy
Sanchez, Armando
From: Sanchez, Armando
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 11:23 AI"
To: 'Morgan, Seymour"
Cc: Medy,Lamorena cIof.ca.gov„ Aguilar, Bertha; Steele, Jim; O'Keeffe, Patrick; Donoghue,
Robin <rdonoghue�na`meyersnave,com> (rdono,ghuec meyersnave,com)
Subject: FEE: City of South San Francisco Successor Agency-Property 11
Hi Seymour,.
I think you might have misunderstood what is stated in the LRPMP, Governmental staff does not park in the Miller
Avenue Parking Garage, it is exclusively used by the public.What the LRPMP stated is that the public visiting
governmental offices parks there and walks up to City hall.
The fact that no government staff parks in Mliler Ave Parking Garage does not mean the garage was not constructed for
government purposes„ providing public parking for the public is a governmental purpose, Businesses in a built out
downtown cannot possible provide all of their own parking, if the City did not provide some parking there would be a
severe shortage of parking that woutid lead to econornic stagnation,
Fromm Morgan, Seymour [mai' o:Seymour,Moroan(cbd'of,ca,gov]
Seat: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 3:13 PM
To Sanchez, Armando
bject: City of South San Francisco Successor Agency-Property 11
Good Afternoon Armando,
According to the LRPMP,the Mi ler Avenue Parking Lot now included in the City's Parke ng District, prov'id'es parking to
both governmental and non-,governmental staff. Because parking lots are typically not constructed solely for
governmental use, please provide a summary that shows the greater use of the parking lot is by governmental staff,
California Department of Finance
9 '1"Street.
Sacramento,CA 958124
(916) 322-2985 ext.3759
Selmour.Mor ag_n dof.ca gov
Sanchez Armando
From: Roth, Patricia <Pahc Roth ,gov>
Sent, Wednesday, June 25, 20145.22PM
To: Sanchez, Armando
Co: (}'Keeffe, Patrick; Steele, Jim; Aguilar, Bertha; Donoghue, Robin
*d h (rdonoghum@meyersmave.com); Lammrena, Medy; Smfth^
Jared; Griffe, Wendy
S�ubje#t, RE. Long Range Property Management Plan -South San Francisco
I have reviewed the Conceptual Presentation you provided yesterday for the Grand Cypress Mixed Use development
relative to the disposit|onnfPa[oet#u1S-18of the LRPMP. Per the cover page photo, and also the photo in!Appendix J,
of the LRPIVIP (Brookwood Group Memoranclum, page 3 of 14), 'it appears Parcel 18 (the non-adjacent parcel ofthe
grouping) is not imc|udedio the development, You mentioned the City has been discussing purchase of the gap property
to connect Parcel#18 with Parcel#s15 17, which would increase the number of residential unfts in the development
by 15. Do you have any other fmrwn ofsupp,nrt/p|an that includes Parcel#18? in addftipn, since these are not approved
plans, I will need to see a backup arrangement in the LRPMP (alternative scenario) if the plans are not approved and the
properties are not developed aostated. feashbUityof the plans may oknbccontingent on,approval of the DSAPand the
re-zoning that would provide tm increase the number of residential units,
Assuming you can provide the necessary support as stated, I wfll also need to see indication that the Agency plans to
comply with NSC 34188(f)'which requ�reue successor agency to have a compensation agreement m/fththe taxing
From; Sanchez, Armando
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10�47AM
To: Roth, Patricia
Cc: O'Keefe, Patrick; Steele, Jim; Aymflkmr, Bertha; Donoghue, Robin �
Subject: RE: Long Range Property Management Plan South San Francisco
Hi Patty,
Per our phone conversation here are the conceptual plans for the,proposed project at 201-219 Grand Avenue,As I
mentioned,me are also in discussions«v|th the owner of the missing gap property,Acquiring that property would enable
the devOoperto add 1S residential units to the project,
Sanchez, Armando
From* Sanchez,Armando
Sent: Thursday, July 24' 2D14322PK8
To: 'Roth, Patricia'
S RE Long Range Property Management Plan -South San Francisco
Attachments: phovojpg; photm]pg
It has always been our goal to aCqUire the missing gap property(223-225 Grand Ave,) prior to designing the mixed-use
project so that we could utflize all of the Successor Agency properties incluftg site #18(227 Grand Ave.), I am in contact
Wth the family that owns the,site and they have expressed an interest in selling 223-225 Grand but because it is owned
by family, they are still working mn getbng all family members to agree on a saie. The reason they are now interested
in selling is because they've had a connmercW vacancy for over 6 months and cannot find a tenant due to the building
being obsolete.The conceptual plans I sent you do not include the 223-225 and 227 Grand because they are from
before the dissolution of RDA when the family had no interest in selling and we had decided to proceed without them,
We still beheve we will be able to acquire 223-225 Grand, but if we don't this time around then the best alternative
would be to hold onto 227 Grand so that when 223-225 is sold the two parce[s can be combined into a larger one
that has more viability(i.e. teahng down the obsolete building and, buhding something new that occupies both
properties),,The combined worth of the two propertieswill! be greater together than if sold individually because neither
one is large enough to accommodate real development. if the Successor Agency sells the property as'is, it wouM really
be undervalued due tn is size, Ne attached a picture here from the rear view so you can see its present condition and
how narrow it actually is (25 feet),
|n summary, � propose v*e amend the LRPMPtoadd an alternate strategy ofho�din8 the property for future assemblage
|n the event theCityisnotab\e1oacquireitfortMeproposedprojeot. VVevvi|iuisoimc|ude |amguageonHSC3418U(f)'
From: Roth, Patricia
Sent: Wednesday, June 25/ 2014 5�22 PM
To: Sanchez, Armando
Cc-, O`Keeffe/ Patrick; Steele, Jim; Aguilar, Bertha; Donoghue, Robin < >
)| Lamopena, Medy; Smilth, ]mned; Bhffe, VVomdy
Subject: RE Long Range Property Management Plan - South San Francisco
� have rew�omed the Conceptual Presentation you provided yesterday for the Grand Cypress Mixed Use deve|opmnemt
relative tm the disposition ofParcO#s15-18of the LRPMP. Per the cover page photo, arid also the photo in Appendix J
of the LRPMP(Brookwood Group Memorandum, page 3 of 14), it appears Parcel 18 (the non-adjacent parcel of the
grouping) isnot included im the development. You mentioned the Oty has been d|scusslmg purchase mf the,gap property
to connect Parcel#1B with Parcel #s1.5 17, which would increase the number of residential un,its in the development
by 15, Do you have any other form mf support/plan that'includes ParrO#18? |naddiVon' since these are not approved
plans, I will need to see a backup arrangement in the LRPMP (afternative scenaria) if the plans are not approved and the
properfies are not developed asstated, Feasibifity of the plans may also be contingent on approval of the 0SAP and the
re-zoming that would provide to increase The number of residential units.
Ass um�ngyou can provide the necessary support as stated, I wi I I also need to see in dicati om that the Agency plans tm
comply with HSC 34180(f), which requires a successor agency to have a compensation agreement with the taxing
From: Sanchez, Armando
Sent: Tuesday, June Z4, 20141Q:47AM
To: Roth' Patricia
Cc: O`Keeffe, Patrick; Bteeie, Jim; Aguilar, Bertha; Donoghue, Robin < >
Subject: RE: Long RangepmopertyManogernentP|an - SouthSenFramciyom
Hi Patty,
Per our phone conversation here are the conceptual plans for the proposed project at 201-219 Grand Avenue. Ask
mentioned,wve are also im discussions with the owner of the missing gap property, Acquiring that property would enable
the developer to add I5 residential units tothe project
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