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Regular Meetimg ef the Beard ef Trustees ef the City e£ S~uth San ~raneisce
Held M~nday March ~, 24'17.
This meetimgw~s called te erder at 8' 0 c~eeE P.M.,by Trnstee F.A. Cunninghamvwhe ~cted as
Chairman Pretem. during the absence ef Trustee J.H. Kelley "Presidemt ef the Beard",
Rell-call feumd the fellewing Trustees,present,ts wit~
F.A. C~nningham, M.F. Healy, G.W. Helsten, snd Gee. H. W~llace.
Tr~stee Kelley appeared after relleall.
The minutes ef the previeus meeting were read and upen metien~ef Trustee
Wallace secended by Trustee Helsten and regularly carried,were appreved~a~ead.~-? ~.
~ Petitien sLgn~ ed by s number ef Residents ef BaAem cressing wss presented te the Beard ef
Trustees,requesting the imprevment ef ~ak Avenue le~ding te ~issien Re~d.
Meved by Trustee Wallace secended by Trustee ~elstem tha$ the matter be refered te the street
Metien C~rried
Tr~stee Helsten whe h~d been appeinted by the President ef the Beard en J~mu~ry,§th. 191~,te
leek into the m~tter e~ ~. b~se ball greunds,t~ada a repert at this time. He repertled hz~img
leeked the vacant preperty ever carefully and recememded that th~ greund adjacent te the new
high scheol be secured if pessible · Meved by Trustee Cunnimgham secended by Trustee Helsten
ShaSn~h~ ~t~r~k be instructed te ~emmumi~ated with the Seuth Sa~ ~ran~isce Land and Im-
prevment Cempany asking that twe acres adJeining the High Seheel be denateAdfer the purpese ef
a City ball greund.
Meved by Trustee Cunningham secended by Trustee Wzllace thst the City Cler$ be instructed te
eemmunieate with the C~unty Clerk te ascertai~ wh~t had beceme ef the centract te impreve that
perti~n ef the Missien Read leading up te and adjeining Seuth San ~rancisce, alse the lighting
ef the same.
~eved by Trustee He~ly secended by ~rustee Healy secended by Trustee Helsten that the Be~d ef
W. Burns fer the cleaning of the City streets be accepted.
The reperts ef City · fficers £~ the menth ef February were the~-remd.
The rspert ef t~e City Clerk Shewed the fellewing~bal~mces~
General ~und $2,292.4~, Libr~.ry Pand $9§8.62, Sinking ~nd ~,~92.9~, St~r~ Se~er ~1 298.J~
City Hsll ~und $1,.200.87, Leed Fund $2*0.20, £ewor Fund $1,898.?A, Library building Fund $21.00
The repert ef the City Treasurer checked with that ef the Cit~ Clerk.
The repert ef the City Recerder shewed that the su~ ef Twe 12~ dellars had been cellected threu~
his effiee durimg the memth ef February,191?, fer which he enclesed check.
The repert ef the Health effieer was ~lse received at this meeting re~,~rting ene c~e ef small
pex in the city.which h~d been hamdled ~s previdgd by l~w.
Meved by Trustee Healy secended by Trustee Helstez th~t the repe~ts ef all City effieers reeei~
at-this meeting be ameeepted as re~d.
Ne Meved by Trustee Helste~ seeended by Trustee Wallace that F. B~rrews be paid the sum ef
Se~~?~J~s f~ ems memths s~lary ~s might watehmam u~ te ~ud includimg Marsh l~th.
The City Clerk was imstrueted te cemmunic~te with the United Rsil~eadS ef S~n Francisce,and ~eques
that they put a large si~ em their Depet~t Seuth S~n Frameisee and alse place signs en their car~
........... ~ .... ~ ~e~min~t~ e~he~Drevieus meeting were read and upen metien-ef Trustee
Wallace seconded by Trustee Helsten ~.nd regul&rly c~rried,~ere appreved~ae~ea~.~
~ Petitien ~igned by ~ number e£ Hesidents e£ Badea cre~ing wss presented te the Beard ef
Trustees,requesting the imprevment e£ flak Avenue leading te ~issien Hesd.
Moved by ~rustee Wallace seconded by Trustee ~elste= that the matter be refered te the street
Metien C~rried
Trustee Helaten ~he h~d been appointed by the President ef the Beard en J~nuery,5th. 191~,te
leek into the m~tter ef ~ b~e ball greunds,t~ada a repert at this time. He repert'ed h~v~I~g
looked the vacant preperty ever carefully and recemended that th~ greund a~Jacent te the new
high scheol be secured if pessible· Meved by Trustee Cunningham secended by Trustee Helstea
~ha~n~h~ ~t~r~k be instructed te ~emmunieated with the Seuth San Francisce L~nd and Im-
prevment Cempany, asking that two acres adJeining the High Seheel be den~te~.~er the purpese ef
a City ball ground.
Moved by Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee ~ellace that the City Cler~ be instructed te
cemmunicate with the County Clerk te ascertai~ whet had beeeme ef the contract te impreve that
portion ef the Missien Read leading up te and adjoining Seuth San Francisce, ~lse the lighting
ef the same.
~eved by Trustee He~ly ~ecended by ~rustee Healy seconded by ~rustee Helsten theft the Be~d
~. Burns for the cleaning of the City streets be accepted.
The rePerts ef City · fficers £~ the month ef February were then-read.
The r~pert ef t~e City Clerk Shewed the fellewinc, bal~=ze~$
General Fund $2,292.45, Libr~.ry ~und $958.62, Sinking ~hAnd ~5,392.95, Ster~ Sec'er ~1 295.54
City H~ll ~un~ ~1,200.87, 7, ced Fund ~240.20, Se~r Fund $1,598.74, Libr~ry bui!ding Fund $21.00
The report e£ the City Treasurer checked with that ef the City Clerk.
The report ef the City Recorder shewed thet the su~ ef Twe {2) dellars had been cellected threu~
his effice during the menth ef February,1917, for which he encle~ed ~heck.
The repertef the He~lth ef£ieer was ~lse received at this meeting rer~rting eno c~e e£ ~mall
pox i~ the city ~hich h~d been handled ~ previddd by l~w.
Moved b2 Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee Heleten that the repe~ts ef all City ef£icers reeei~
at this meeting be a~eeepted as re~d.
~e Moved by Trustee Helsten seeended by Trustee Wallace that F. B~rrews be paid the sum ef
Sev~w~~7~.~J~ar~sf~ eno months s~lary ~s night watehmam u~ te ~ud includimg ~iareh 15th.
The City Clerk was instructed te communicate with the United R~il~eads ef S~n Franeisce,and ~'equest
that the~? put a large sign en their Depet~t Seu~h S~n Franeisee and also place signs en their cars
shewi=g Seuth San Framcisce te be eno ef their stat~bms.
The fellewimg demands eg~inst the City were presented fer payment,the s~me havim~ beem
appreved bY the fimanee eemmittee.
James Carmedy supplies fer Oity
W. Burms han~img msmure te library greunds
W. 3urns eentr~ct fer sweeping streets erie menth
Se. City Gsrage ears ef Fire tru~k Me, Jam.
Se. City Gerage care ef fire truck Me. Feb.
Frank Giffra ceal fer City Hall
P~e. Tel. &Tel. Ce. ~alls fer memth Feb.
M. Feley laber trimmimg trees
W.H. Mergam w~ges ae Deputy M&rshal
S.J. Wallace assigmmemt ef el&im ef T.C. ~e Geverm
~ae. Tel & Tel. Ce. pheae fer C.H. Weedman
H.W. Kmeese fees as City M~r~hal
S.J. Wallace .~aim ef Chas. ~eedmam as Deputy H~rshal
R~y ferrell ~ days ae Deputy Mershal
Jehm Bermarde laber trimming trees
W.M. try 1,bet e~ library greunds
Pac. Gas & E~eetrie Ce. street lights amd sigm light
W.J. ~Ssrtim hall rent menth Msrch
Gee. A. Emeese cempilimg bleek beek fer City
?aa. ~as & E2ectrie Ce. current fer fire dept. amd City Hsll
Se. $.F. ~zte: Ce. water fer Jail amd drimkimg feu~taim
Meved by Trustee ~r~lrce ~ecended by Tr~rtee Helstem
paid ~d warremts draw~ fer the v~rieus ameunts.
Mevedby Trustee He~ly secemded by Trustee Ws2Iaee that the Beard a~Jeurm
~ereh 19th.,191?, te mee~ ~t ~810 linden Avenue ~t 8' $ eleeE
119.50 ~
29.40 v
9.00 /
.5o /
1~ .25,
9.00 /
258.45 t
2,.60' /
2.00 /
that the abeve deman~ ~be
until Henday
Time eS zdJeurnment ~0'10 P.M.