HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1917-09-17158 REGULAR ADJOURNED ~iEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRaNCISCO,HELD MONDAY,SEPTE~3v~R,17, 1917. This meetimg was ealled to ,erder at 8' e sleek P.~. , b2 Trustee J.H, Xelley"2resident ef the Beard". Re]leall Roll ea&~ found the following Trustees,present, ~o wit; F.A, Cunningham, G.W. Helsten, Gee. W~!laee and J.H. 'Kelley.. Absemt Trustee ~.~. Healy. The ~inutes of the previous meeting were ~ead and upen metien ef ~rustee Wallzee seeended by Ttrus~ Cunningham and regularly earried were appreved as read. A eommunieatien was reeeived from the ~nufaeturers Asseeiatien ef South San Franeisee,requesti~g th~t the present Ltquer ~rdinanee be emmen~ed that the sum ef One Thousand Dollars per 2ear be charged as a 2ieense tax. Moved b~~ Trustee Cunningha~ seconded by Trustee Wallace thai the City Clerk netif~ the ~sseeiatien te submit such an erdinanee ~m~ether within petition for a special election te submit said erin- anee to a vete of the people. Eetion earried A eomplaint was received from P.Lera ag~inst A. B~radat fey alleged violation of the L~quer ~din- As there w~s no evidence of s. violation the eommunieation w~s filed a$~l the complaint dismissed. A oomminication was reeeiwed frem N.t. Beeker ~sking for an outfall ~wer for the P~,e. Coast Steel Company. Upen motion of Trustee Cunningh~m seconded b~ Trustee Helstem and reg. u~arl~? carried the eemmuni- eation w~s referred to the City E~gineer. The follewing re~elutien fixin~ the Tax-rate for tke fiscal year 1917-18., was then introduced by Trustee Cunnin~ham. esolTd.byth~ Bos~d of Trustees of the Cit~' ef South San Franeisce thc. t tls number of cents te · paxc ~o saia City ef South S~n Frane~ee upon each enw Hundred Dollars ef the ~repert~ taxable by s~id ~unieipality within sai~ City ef Seuth San Franeisee, and hereby levied upon fer the purpeses of the several funds hereinafter named for the fiscal ~ear beginning ~ly 1,1917 and end- ing Jmn~, 50, 1918,bw and the same hereby are designated &s follows: ON £LL PROPERTY CONT~INED WIT~I~ T~iE ORIGINAL CORP0~tATE BOUNDARIES 0DF SAX~ CIT%' OF SOUTH SAN FRA~CISC0. General Fund Sixty (60) CENTS ~nd for the payment munieipel imDrovment sewer bonds Library Fund Ten (10) eents City H~ll Fund Ferty (40) cents Twenty (20) CENTS And ssid Board of Trustees hereby fixes t~* rate of taxes of s~id City ~t the sum of One and 30/100 Do]lara ($ 1.Z0) u~en e~ch One Hundred Dollars of the property taxable by said nunieipality cont~ined within the ori~inal cervor[te boundaries of said Cit? of So~h S~n Frsn- $iseo. ON ALL PROPERTY CONTAINED WITHIN T~ BOU~D.~.~IE~ 02 THE L~D ANNEXED TO 2~ID CIT~ OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO B~ A SPECI3~L ELECTI~N HELD iJD. RCH,IZ~,lgl6 . G~naral Fund Sixty (60) ~ents Ltbrarl? Fund Ten (10) cents. Cmty H~ll Fund Forty (40) cents And said Board hereby fixes the r[~te of taxes of said Cit~~ ~t the sum of One ~nd 10/100 D~llars ($ 1.10) u~en e~eh 0neHundred (100) Dollars of all the propert.%, taxable b,7 s~id munieipalit~j within the boundaries of the land annexed to s~id City of South Ssn Fr&neiseo as aforesaid. I hereby certify that the'foregoing resolution w~s regul~rl.w introduced und ado~ted b$: the Bo~rd ef Trustees o f the City of South San Franeisee this 17th. da.~, of September, 191?, bj' the folloew img vote: Ayes Trustees ~ ~. ~A. COnnin~ham, Gee. ~ W~]laee , G.W. Helsten and J.H. Kelley. Noes Trustees N ne Absent Trustee ~.F. Healy. ~.Yiliiam J. Smith Citv~ Clerk. M~ved b,~~ Trustee H.lston_secended by Truste,e Wallaee that the 1917, t~ meeti at ~ZlO L~nden eLvemue at 8 ·eleek P.~. C~rried Beard adjourn until I~IOnday 0et. It ~ me ef adjournment 10 P.i~. Respeetfu~Sysubmitted William' J- Smith C it y Clerk