HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1917-10-01 Regular meeting ef the Beard ef ~rustees ef the City ef 2euth San Franeisee held
Menday 0eteber 1, 1917. This meetimg was called te erder bp Trustee J. Kelle2 Presidemt ef the
Rell call feund the fellewing ~rustees p~esent te wit: ~. A. Cunnin~ham , M. ~. Healy, G.W. Helst,
amd J. H. Eelley. Trustee Wallaee appeared after Rell Call.
The minutes el.the previeus minutes were read and upen metien ef Trustee Helsten saeended
by Trustee Healy and regularly earried were apy.~reved as read.
~ petiti,n ws:s received frem the Pae. Gas &Elee. Ce askimg permissiem te set a pele en
Cenmereial Avenue ss per blue print ].62 R ettaehed te petiticn. Upen metien ef Trustee Cunninghan
tied by Trustee Helsten and re~uls~rly earried the matter was referred te the Public Utilities Cemmil
A eemmunieation was received fre~. the Seuth San Franeisce Ch~mber cz' Cemmeree enclesing c~
ef eemplaint filed by them befere the Railread(~emmissie~ ef the State ef Califerniz amd askimg the
the Cit,~ Trustees else i'ile interventien suit im the same matter. The matter was referred te the
Atterney £er ~tiem.
A cemmu~iea&iem was reeeived frem W. Burns asking that he be released frem the eemtraet
ef eleanin~ the City Streets . The fellewing rese_~utien pertaining te this m~.~tter w~s intreduced b
stee Cu~ni~.h~m .
Whereas W. Burns te where the Be~.,rd ef Trustees ef the City ef Seuth S~n Franeisce awarded
trcct fer street eleaning in said City, h~s surrendered his centract with said City ,N Seuth $~n Fr
eisce fer eancellztien and requested that said centr~ct be termin~ted ~nd
Whereas it is agreeable te said Beard ef Trustees that said centract be termin~ted~
Reserved by the Beard ef Trustees ef the City ef £euth S~n Fr~n¢isee that the surrender ef
said eentract by said W. Bur~s fer caneella~ien be, and the s~me hereby is ~ceepted ~nd said centra~
is hereby tm--insted.
The reperts ef the City 0ffi~ers fer the ~enth eI~ September were then re~d .
The repert ef the City Clerk shewed the follewin~ balances.
General ~und
Librar,~? Fund
Sinkin~ Fund
Weed ~kTnd
City H~ ll
Sewer fumd
B~ lan~ e
B~. l&~,~
B~ l~.~ce
~treet Bends Series A.
Street Bends Series B.
$ 108.80
Therepert ef the City Treasurer checked with that ef the City Clerk'
The rer. grtef the City Reeerder shew&d that the sum ~f Nmne~ ($90) Pellets h~d been ¢$]le~
threu~h his effice ~he month ef Se?tembe~~.
The repert ef the Cit~ Health Officer stated that he~ sttended 25 childrem ~md perfermed J]
dental eper~tiens durin~ the menth ef September.
~leved b- Trustee Cunnin~ham secended by Trustee Hea]y that the reperts ef all city effiers
received at this meetin~ be accepted and pieced en ~'ile.
An erdin~nee ef the Beard wf Citl~~' Trustees previdin~ fer z heuse numbering system w&~s then
intredueed by Trustee Curn~in~ham, had its first reading ~nd was l£id ever to ceme up under reticular
erder ef business ~t the next meeting ef the Bo~rd. $~oved by Trust~.~e Cunnin~h~m ascended b~ Trusts
Healy theft th e City Li~'rshall inpewered te h~re an extra deput~,~ en Saturda,~,' and Sund~~ nights.
~!eved b y Trustee ~qesly ascended by Lrustee Helsten that Jehn Ce~'ta b~ em?~o:,,'ed te cleon th
streets fer .me ~:enth ~t a salary ef One Hundred ($]75.00) Seventy-fiwe Dell~rs, with ~he understand
that if his werk w~:s s~tisfaeter;, he weu]d be retails, ed perm,.henri,,.
The fel]ew~n~- dem~.nds ~g~inst the eit,~.~vere presented fer ~yment th~ ~me h~,.vir~ be~n appre
by ' he fin,,-nce ce~n~,~.~ ttee
ded by Trustee Helsten snd re~ul~.rl~? carried the matter was referred te the Public Uti3ities Cemmil
A eemmunieation was received £re~ the South San Fr~n¢isce Ch~nber cz' Commerce enclosing ct
ef complaint filed by them before the Railread(~emmissien ef the State ef Cali£erliz aid askimg tha
the City Trustees alse fi2e intervention suit im the same matter. The matter was referred te the
Attorney £er ~tiem.
A cemmumiea&ie~ wzs reeeived frem W. Bur~s askimg that he be re2eased frem the centraet
ef eleanin~ the City Streets . The fellewing resolution pertaining te this m~tter w~s introduced b~
stee Cumni~mh~:m ,
Whereas W. Burns te whom the Beard ef Trustees ef the City ef Seuth S~n Fra~eisce awarded
trcct for street eleaning i~ said City, h~s surremdered his contract wit~ said City ~ Seuth S~n Fr~
eis~e fer ¢~ncel2ztien and requested that szid contract be terminated and
Whereas it is sgreeable te said Beard ef Trustees that said centract be termin~ted~
Reserved by the Beard ef Trustees ef the City ef Scuth S~n Fr~n¢isee that the surrender eft,
said eentrsct by said W. Bur~s for cancellation be, and the s~me hereby is ~¢eepted ~nd szid centra¢
is herebl? torinsted.
The reports ef the City Officers for the month ef September were then re~d .
The repert ef the City Clerk shewed the fellewin~ balances.
General Fund
Library Fund
Sinki~ Fund
Weed ~nd
City H~ll
Sewer fumd
Street Bends Series A.
Street Bends 2eries B.
$ 108.80
Therepert ef the City Treasurer checked with ~hat ef the City Clerk'
The re~rt ef the City Recorder shew&d that the sum ~f Ninet.~ 1590) Dellars h~d been ¢~]lect
threu~h his effice ~he month ef Se?tembe~~.
The repert ef the City Health Officer stated that he~ attended 25 childrem zmd performed 31
dental eperctiens durin~ the month ~f September.
Meved b~ Trustee Cunni~ham seconded by Trustee Hea]y that the reperts ef all city effiers
received at this meeting b~ accepted snd p~ced en file.
An erdin~nee ef the Beard wf Cit.~,' Trustees providing for ~ house numbering~tem,~ w&s then
intreduced by Trustee Curn~in?ham, had its first reading ~nd was l~id ever to come uy~ under reticular
order ef business ~t the next meeting ef the Bo~rd. SM. eyed b~~ Trustee Cunnin~h~m ~e~ended b~, Trustee
Healy that th e City L~'rshall i~pewered te h~re an extra deput~ en Saturda:~~ and Sundz7 nights.
~ieved b y Trustee hesly se~ended by ~ rustee Helsten that Jehn Ce~,ta b~ em?~oyed te cle~n the
streets for .ne ¥~enth ~t s salary ef One Hundred ($]75.00) Seventy-fiw! Dollars, with ihs u~derst~ndi~
that if his work w~s s~tisfacterl~ he we~]d be reta!~ed perm~.nentl~~.
The fel]ew~n.~? dem~nds ~g~inst the eit,~.~ere presented for j~yment th~ ~me h~-vin~ been approve,
by ~he fin;vnce
2 :88
J. Bianchi
Meise Klinkner
J. Bianchi
B. H. Truax
H. Hyland
W. Veit
Se~gr~ve Ce.
F. Fischer
Jehn Feley
Wm. Hyland
A. C. Jehnsen
Dr. F. ~. Delley
Se. City G~rage
C. C. Cenr~d
W~rching heuse ef s~mall ?ex
Me~t inspeetien stan~p
Respend.ing te eall ef fire
Chargin~ fire extinguishers
Resrendin? te eall ef fire
! I
Fer services rendered.
Care of 3~ire tru~k
~ees as CityMarshall
Enterprise Pub]ishin~ ?ub]ishin~ ,rdinznees
L. Varni
J. In~rsm
W. J. L~rtin-
W. P. Aehesen
C. C. Cenr~d
Se. ~. F. Wate~ Ce.
Se. CityPrlntin~ Ce
P~¢. Tel. & Tel C~.
P~c. Tel & Tel Ce.
W. Burns
Gee. A '~
J. C. L~eGevern
Flexed Menzie
S. S. White
Remevin~ g~rbage City Hzll
Remevin~ wheel te ~. F.
Rent ef CityH~ll Aug. ~nd Sept.
Fees as Deputy L[~rsh~ll
Pees~zs CityM~rshsll
Water used byCit2
Printim~ receipts
Calls fer City H&ll
Phene fer C.H. Weedmzn
Street Cleaning ~Je fept
" " " AUg.
Expenses Trip Sant~ ~a.
~erviees rendered Fire Dept.
Supplies fer hez]th dept
JO. O0
9.oo /
5.00 /
2 2~"
2 505
2. ~o1,,'
1.65 /
$7~S. 15 ~
Meved by Trustee Hea/y secended by Trustee Cu~nin~ham that the above demands be Daid and
wsrramts draw~ fer the varieus ~meumts. Carried.
~ived by Trustee Healy secended by Trustee W~ll~ee t~at the Beard adjeur~ um~il ~enday
15. 1917 te meet at Z10 Linded~ Avemue at 8:00 p.m. Time ef ~djeurnment 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
W. J. Smith