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Re~u~ar meeting of the Boar~] of Trustees o£ the City of South San Francisco held Monday
Jam~ary 20, 1919. This ~meeti~ was called to order at 8 08clock p.m. by Trustee G. W. Holston
President of the Board. Roil ca~! found all Trustees present to-wit: F. A. Cunn~n~ham, A. J.
Esche]bach, L~. F. Healy, J. H. Kelley, and G. W. Holston.
The minutes of the previous meetin~ were read and upon motion of Trustee Cunningham seconded by
Trustee Kelley and regularly carried were approved as read.
A com~unication was received from A. F. Edwards asking the Board to re£und 19.~0, amount
of delinquency on personal propert.ytaxes. The City Clerk was instructed to reply, advising him
that the amount of the delinquency must be ~aid and they w~u~d consider the matter o£ the refund
A com~m, nication was received the Unite8 Railroads of San Francisco in answer to one of the
~it? Clerk ~sking for a branch line to the Steel Works and Ship Yards in ~outh San Francisco. Th~
communication stated that ~ffr. Von Phui was at present in the East , and u~o his return the matte~
would be placed before him. The comr:unication was placed on file.
A communicati.;~n was received from the Bank of ~outh San Francisco thru its President Mr.
W. H. Coffinberryprotestin~ a~ainst water backing up into basement of bank from the city sewer,
and asking releif from same. Uoon motion of Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee Eschelbach
and regularly ccarried the ~treet Committee wereempowered to h~ve a men-holebu~lt in the alle~'
between ~]inden and Cypress Avenues.
An application for a Class B ~iquor License was received from Peter Baratteri, and acc-
o~pan~ing the application was a bond in the penal sum of One Tho~sand ($1000.00) Dollars for the
faithful compliance with the provisions of Ordinance No.98 of the Cit~ of South San Francisco b~~
the applicant , and the applicant havin~ complied in all respects u~ith the provis~ons of said
Ordinance was ~.rsnted ~ permit for a Class B Liquor license for a term of si~: months ending
June ~0, 1919.
The City Clerk was instructed to address a communication to Mr. T. Ahern Superintendent of
the 8east Division of the Southern Pacific Corn?ap_T in San Francisco, calling hi[~ attention ~o the
condition of the railroad crossings belon~in~ to said compan:f, in South San Francisco.
The fo~_lowin? der, ands against the Cit,¥ were presented for ~ayment the same hav~n~ been
approved b7 the finamce committee.
Quality SanD & Rock Co.
Southern Pacific Co
PacificGas & ELEC Co.
Pacific Gas & El. cc Co.
Peter Lind
H. Tcamplni
D. P~ lany
Giorgi Raffaelli & Co.
~o. Ci%y Pl~nnbing ~hop
St. Lights
Cit~ tlall
Claim of Sanders
Claim of Sanders
Labor San Bruno Rd.
Fixin~ sewer
San Francisco Chapter Red Cross 500~asks
Pac. TEL &TEL Co. Phone 225 w
281.49 '
31. O0 '
2.25 ~
Moved b~? Trustee Hea!y seconded by Trustee Cunnin~ham that the above demands be paid and
warrants drawn for the variousa amounts. Carried.
~ffoved bT Trustee Heal7 seconded by Trustee Kelley that the Board adjourn ,~ntil ~.~onday ~eb.
Z, ]919 to meet at Z10 Linden Avenue at 8:00 p.m. Time o£ adjournmentg:zo p.m, Respectfully
Submi tt ed
City Clerk.