HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1919-04-21 Regular Meeting ef the Board ef Trustees ef the City ef South San Fran~sce
held M~nday. April.21.1919.
This meeting was called to order at 8' o clock P. M., by Trustee G.W. Helstem
"President ef the Boaed".
Holl-eall found the following Trustees present.re wit;
M.F. Healy, J.H. Kelley. and G.W. Holston.
Trustees Cn~ningham.and Esohelbaoh snpeared after roll-call.
The minutes ef the two previeus meetilgs were read and, upon motion of Trustee Kelley seconded
by Trustee Healy&h&~larly carried were appreved as read,
An application was received from the Loyal Order Moose to hold a dance en May 24,1919, from
8'~0 P.M, until 3A.M. el the following mernimg. :
Meved by .Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee Cunningham that the permission be granted.
Motien Carried
An applicatiom to move the building fermelly occupied as a sales room by the A~erican Red Cross
Society on Grand Avenue ~ld which building he had purchased and wished te move en lot 22 block
10~ was received from the owner E Cortesi.
As there wa~ some opposition te the moving ef the building te block 102.$t was meved by Trustee
~unningham seconded by Trustee Eschelbsch and regularly carried that the permit to heve the
building te let 22 block 10~ be ~efused.
A communieationwas received from W.E.~ .Walker, ~ermerly empl~ye~ by thq City ef South San Fran-
cisco in the capacity of fire truck arxver,a~xng a reoemenaatxon as ~ruck driver to be used
by:-him to secure empleyment,
Meved by Trustee Cunningham seconded by Tr~mtee Esoh'elbaoh that the City Clerk be instructed
te send Mr Walker a reoemendatiom as ~ruck driver showing his services te be satisfaetery
while employed by the Csty ef South San Francisco.
Motion carried
Upon cempl&int of the City Marshal. the City Clerk was imstructed to Cite Mr. C. Ferrarie~:of
L4nden Hotel to appear before 'the Board ef Trustees at the next meeting te show cause why his
license should not be revoked.
A Resolution accep~ a deed of the date of March $1,1919.~and executed by the South ~an ~ran-
cisco Land & Xmprovment Company.deeding to the City of South San Francisoo,a strip of land to
used for a ~blic ~ighwayin the City of South Sam Francisco,was introduced by Trustee Kelley ms
read and upon roll-call was adopte~ as anresolution of the City of South San Francisco, by the
following vote;
Ayes Trustees ~,A. Cunninghsm,A.J. Eschelbach, M,F. Healy, J.H. Kelley and G.W. Holston.
Noes, Trustees No~e
Absent Trustees ~one
The above resolution was filed and ie now on file in the office of the City Clerk
a copy ef .the said resolution is also filed in book of resolutions of the City of South
Francisco.at page 42.
~ill~am J, Smith City Clerk and ex-officie Clerk of the Board o~ Trustees
of the City of S~uth ~an ~rancxsco.
The following resolution wa~ then intreduoed by Trustee Eschelbach.
Re~olved by the Board of Trustees of the City ef Snuth ~uFrancisco'that that certain deed.
dated April 5, 1919,and executed by the South San Francisco Land & Improvment Company a corporat~
organized and existing under the laws of the 2tate ef California ,to said City of South San Fran-
cisco.wherein said Sauth San Francisco I~nd & Improvment Company conveys te ~id City ef South San
Francisco a right of way for the construction of a sewer in all those certain lots,pieces or parc~
of land situate,lying and being inthe City of S~uth S~nFrancisc~.County of San Mateo.State ef
California.and particularly described as fe~tlgws.to wit;
Being a strip ef laud'lO feet wide. fi feet on each sideof the following described line; beggining
at apoint ~h~h.~~'-k~lstant South 2 degrees ~6 minutes Eas~ 30.31 feet from the southeasterly
corner of The Schaw Batcher Co Pipe works 1.27~ acre Tract rx~ing thence North 37 degrees 32 minu~
40 seconds East 660.59 feet: thence North 58 degrees 52 minutes 26 seconds East 1339.28 feet tca
peint in the Westerly line of the Thomas Butler 22.16fi acre tract;
Being a strip ef land 10 feet wide,~ feet on each side of the following described line ; beginning
at a peimt en the Seut~erl. y line ef Swift Avemue, siad point being ~istant No~th 89 degrees 52
minutes ~oemde East 109.00 feet from the intersectien e~ the said 8eutherly lime ef Swift Avenu~
and the EaSterly line of the right-of way of the Seutherm Pacific. Railroad Company; runnimg themes
South 16 degrees 13 minutes 25 ~ecends E~et 1025 f~et;
be, and the same hereby is accepted and the President ef said Board and the City Clerkbe and they
hereby are autherized and directed.in behalf of the said City of S~uth San ~rancisco,to execute sai~
I hereby certif~ that the foregoing ~ese~~nwas regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of ~hmstees ef the C&~y ef South Ban Franeisco.this 21st. day of April,1919,by the following
Ayes Trustees F.A. Cunninghsm,A,J. Eschelbach. M.F; Healy. J.H. Kelley and G,W Holston.
Noes Trustees None
Absent TrueteesNone
William J. Smith City Clerk
The following resolution was ~hen introduced by TrusteeCunningahm
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South 8~n Francisce,that that certain deed,dated
April 5, 1919. and executed by South 5an Francisco ~Ja~d & Improvment Cempany a cor~oratien organ-
ize~ and exis.~g underthelaws ef,,the State of California,to said City of South San Francisoe,,
wherein said'~~~"'~'-~ a~'~l~provment Companyconveys te said City ef South San Franecs¢
a right-el ~wa2 for the eonstruetion of a sewer in allthose certain lots,pieces or parcel s of land
situate.lying and being inthe City ef S~uth San Franc~oo CoUnty ef San Matee.State ef Califernia
Moved bY :Tr~s%~e~ 'E~lx~y- sec~e~'d ~'~m~e~~ o~nlngh~'~Ra~' thee p~rmx,sien be ~rante~. Motien Carried
An application to move the building formelly occupied as a sales roo~ by the American Red Cross
Society on Grand Avenue ~nd which building he had purchased and wished te move on let 22 block
102 was received from the owner E Cortesi.
~s there wa~ some opposition te the moving of the building te block 102.$t was meved by Trustee
~unningham ascended by Trustee Eschelb~ch and regularly carried that the permit t~ ~eve the
building te let 22 block 10~ be ~efused.
A com~anleation wa~,rec~iy~d fFem ~.~..~alker~ ~ermerly empl~y~ by th~ City ef South San ~ran-
oisce in the capacity o~ ~lre ~ruc~ ~rlver,a~xlng a reoemenaa~ion as ~ruck driver to be used
by~,:him to secure empleyment.
Moved by Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee Esohelbach that the City Clerk be instruote~
te send Mr Walker a r~oemendaticn as ~ruok driver showing his ~ervices te be satisfaetery
while employed by the City ef South S~n ~ranoisce.
Met±on carried
Upon cempl&int of the City Marshal. the City Clerk was instructed to Cite Mr. C. Ferrarie~,of
L~nden Hotel to appear before'the Board ef Trustees at the next meeting te show cause why his
license sheuld not be reveked.
A Resolution accep~ a deed of the date of March ~l.1919..and executed by the South San Fran-
cisco Land & Xmprovment Company.deeding to theCity of South San ~rancisoo.a strip of land to
used for a ~ublic ~ighwayin the City of South San Francisco,was introduced by Trustee Kelley mas
read and upon roll-call was adopte~ as a~resolution of the City of South San ~rancisco, by the
following vote;
Ayes Trustees ~.A. Cunningham,A.J. Eschelbach. M.~. Healy. J.H. Xelley and G.W. Holston.
Noes, Trustee~ No~e
Absent Trustees ~one
The above resolution w~s filed and i~ now on file in the office of the City Clerk
a .coPy ef .the said resolution is also filed in book of resolutions of the City of South San
Francisco.at page 42,
~ill~am J- Smith City Clerk and ex-officie Clerk of the Board of Trustees
of the City of S~uth ~an Francisco.
The following resolution was then intreduced by Trustee Esohelbach.
Re~olved~by the. Board of Trustees of the City ef Sauth ~am Francisco~that that certain deed,
dated April 5, 1919,and executed by the South San ~ranoisco Land & Improvment Company a corporat~
organized and existing under the laws of the ~tate ef California ,to said City of South S~n Fran-
cisco,whwreiz said S,uth San ~rancisco Land & Improvment Company conveys to ~id City ef South Sas
~rancisco s right-of-way for the construction of a sewer in all those certain lots,pieces er paros
of land situate,lying and being inthe City of S~uth San Franciscg.County of S~n Mateo.State ef
Californis.and particularly described as fo~ttows.to wit~
~eing s strip ef land'lo feet wide. ~ feet on each sideof the following described line; beggining
at apoint whA&h pe~(,~i~istant South 2 degrees 56 minutes Eas~ 50.51 feet from the southeasterl~
corner of The Schaw Batcher Co Pipe works 1.275 acre Tract running thence North ~7 degrees
A0 seconds East 660.59 feet: thence, North 58 degrees 52 minutes 26 seconds East 1~9.28 feet t~ a
peint in the Westerly line of the Thomas Butler 22.165 acre tract~
Being a strip of land 10 feet Wide,~ fe~t en each side of the following described line ; beginnin~
at a point en the Southerly line ef Swift Avenue, siad point being distant NO~th 89 degrees
minutes ~eoende East 109.00 feet from the intersectien e~ the said Southerly line ef Swift Aves
and the EaSterly line of the right-of, way of the Southern Pacific. Railroad Company: running thence
South 16 degrees 1~ minutes 25 Secends East 1025 feet;
be, and the same hereby is accepted and the President of said Board and the City Clerkbe an~ they
hereby are autherized amd directed,in behalf of the said City of Smuth San ~rancisco,to execute ss
I hereby certif~ that the foregoing ~ese~J~.!~$~nwas regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of ~k~stees ef the C&~y ef South San Franeisco.this 21st. day of April.1919.by the followin~
Ayes Trustees ~.A. Cunninghsm,A.J. Eschelbach. M.F~ Healy, J.H. Kelley and G.W HoUston.
Noes Trustees None
Absent Trustees N~ne
William J. Smith City Clerk
The follOwing resolution was ~hen introduced by TrusteeCunningahm
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City el' South'San ~ran¢isce.that that certain dee,,dated
April 5, 1919, and executed by South San Francisco Laud & Improvment Company a oor~oratien organ-
ize~ and existing _un_~er_~t. he ,l?~s ef the State of Califor~ia,to said City of South San ~rancisoe.
~ -' ~ - ~d ~ ~ '~ .... ~ ~$~~lm~rovment Compan conveys te said City ef South San France
a ri~ht-.ef-way for the construction efa sewer in allthose certain lo~s.pxeces or parcel s o= lan
situate.lying an~ being inthe City ef S~uth San Francisco County ef San Matee.State ef Califernia
and pariteularly deseribed as follews.t~ wit;
Being a strip of land 10 fee'--'-~'wide. ~ feet on eaoh side of the follewing desoribed-line ;beginning
at apeint in the northerly line of Swift. Avenue.which point is distant North 89,degrees 52 minutes
30seconds E
Eas~ 43.63 feet from the intersection ef the easterly line of the right of way of the Southern
Pacifi'c Railroad Company and thenortherly line of Swift Avenue ;r~ning thence North 37degrees
32 minutes 40 seconds East 2200 feet,keeping p&ralell andat auniform distance ef ~5 feet easterly
from the easterly line~of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company'e right ef way; also be~uning
at a point in the Easterly lineof the right ef way ef the Seuthera Pacific Railroad Company, which
point is diatsmt South 37 degrees ~2 minutes 40 seconds West 14.89 feet and South 52 degrees 27
minutes 20 seconds East 150.00 feet from the Southeasterly sorrier, of the Enterprise Foundry CompanySS
10,44 acre tract; running thence on acurve to the right with a radius of 70 feet,?3.30 feet to a
point in the above mentioned line.
Being a strip of land 10 feet ~ide, "~ ~e'et on each side of the following described line : beginning
ate point on the easterly line ef Division .street.'s&id point being distant South 22 degrees 14 min-
utes 50 seconds west 50.41 feet from the intersection of said easterly line of Division Street
with the Northerly line of California Avenue produced Easterly ;rurming thence South 75 degrees
14 minute' 48 seconds East 400.~2 feet to a point o~ the Westerly line of 'the right of way of the
Southern Pacific Rai]rosd Compsny,said point being distant South 37 degrees 32 minutes.~0,seconds
West ~.~. feet from the South easterly corner of the Enterprise Foundry Company's '~~cre tract
Bqin. g a ~t,rSp ~f land_10 feet wide and 660.65 feet long more or Ieee bordering on the Wes~rly line
ox ~ne rxgn~ ex way e~ the Southern Pacific Company,an~ lying to the west thereof,and be.l~he
Northerly lineof the Enterprise Foundry Company's 10.44 acre tract and the Southerly line of the
Pacific Car & Equipment C~>mpanys tract, be and the 8ams hereby is accepted.
I hereby certify that the feregoing reeolutien was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees ef the C6ty ef South San Francisco,this P. 1 st. day of April, 191~. by the following
Ayes Trustees F.A, Cunningham,A.J. Eschelbach, M.F. Healy, J.H. Kelley, and G,W Holston.
Noes, Trustees NoDe
Absent Trustees N ne
William J.' Smith · City Clerk and ex-off,cie Clerk of the Board ef True
tees of the City of ~outh San Franciscc,Csliforwia
The following reselutien was thenimtroduced by Trustee Esohelbach.
.Resolved by the Board ef Trustees of the City of S uth Sam Franeisee that that certaim deed dated
March 3, 1919, and executed by Enterprise Foundry ~empamy, a Cerperatien organized and existing
under the laws ef the State eg Aliforniato said City og South S~n Francisco,wherein said Enterprise..
Foundry 0empany conveys to said City ef S:outh San Francisce.a. rightef way for the construetien
maintenance of a sewer through all that certain lot,piece or parcel ef land situate in said City
of South S~n Francisco,County of San Mates, State ef California, and particularly described ae
fellews to wit; Being a strip of land 10 feet wideand ?56.09'long more or less bordering on the
Westerly line of the right of way cf the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and lying to the West
thereof,being the easterly 10 feet of the EnterpriSe Foundry CompanY's 10.44 Acre tract be, and the
same hereby is accepted.
I h~reby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Be~r~ of Trustees of the City of South San ~ranci~o,this 21st, day of April.l~l~,by the following
Ayes,Trustees F.A. Cunningham,A,J Eschelbach ,M.F. Healy, J.~. Kelley and G,W. ~olston.
Noes TrUstees NOne
Absent Trustees None
William J. Smith City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of
the City of South San Francisco.
The following resolutien was then introduced by Trustee Kelley. "I~0LUTION "A"
eeolved bF the Beard of Trustees ef the City ef South San ~raneisce that the plans and specificati~ns
~ea a eye,bm of sewers in that portion of said City lying on the 'Easterly line of the right o[~W$~i]ii:!F'~
ef the Bay Shere line of the.~o~thern Pacifl~ R~.,,~e~ml Company,heretofore submitted with estimates~
of the cost of construction by the City Engineer'of said City be,amd the same hereby are adopted
as and for the plans a~d specifications for doing said work.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resoluton was regularrly introduced and adopted by the Board
ef Trustees of the C~ty ef South San Francisco,this 21st day of April, 1919.by the following veto
Ayes Trustees F.A. Cunningham, A.J, Eschelbach,~,F, Healy, J,H. Kelley, and G.~. Holeton.
NOes TrUstees None
Absent Trustees Ness.
William J. Smith Cit[ Clerk and ex-of[lois Clerk of the Board of Trustees
of the city of ~outh San Francis~t~0LUTi0N "B" ,
The following .resolution was then introduced by Trustee Eschelbach.
Resolved by theBoard of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the pland and specifications
for the construction of a ~ity Hall im the City ef South San Franciece,heretefore submitted
with estimateS.of the cost of construction by Werner & Ceffe~. architects,be, and the same hereby
are adopted as preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of a City Hall.
the Board of.Trustees o~ the City of South ~an ~ranci~eo.th~s~YI s~ day o= Apr 1, ,
following vete;
Ayes, Trustees F.A. Cunningham, A.J. Eschelbach, J.H. Kelley, and G,W. Holston.
Nees Trustee M,F, Nealy.
Absent Trustees Nome.
William J. Smith City Clerk and ex-officie Clerk ef the Board of Trustees
of the City of South San ~rancisco.
The follewing ~esolution was then introduced by Trustee Cunningham.
Re o v~ by h~ a d ~ T~u~teee of ~he City of Ssuth,San,Eranc~co that the following
re~o~u~en o~ ea~ ~oar~ o~ True~ees ~e vacates aha ee~ aexae:
"Reeolve~ by,~he:Board of Trustees of the City of South S~n Francisco that
the plans and specifications xor ~e construction of a syste~ of sewers i~ that portion cf said
City lying on the eaeterlyeide of the right of wayof the Bay Shore lineof the Southern Pscific
R~lread Company,heretofore submitted by the City Engineer of said City be, and the sa~e hereby
~ra a~t~ a~ and f~r th~ nla~s and snecifications .for dein~ said work.
Bei.n~ a ~t~$p qf land 10 fe~t Wide and 660.65 feet long more or less bordering oK th~ WesSrl~ line
of tee rxgn~ ez way ef the ~outhern Pacific Company,ann lying to the west thereox,ana be~e~he
Northerly lineof the Enterprise Foundry Company's 10.44 acre tract and the Southerly line of the
Pacific Car & Equipment Oompanys tract, be and the sane hereby is accepted.
I hereby certify that the feregoing resolutien was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees e£ the City of ~outh San Francisco.this 21 st. day of April, 19-19, by the following
Ayes Trustees F.A. Cunningham,A.J. Esohelbach, M.P. Healy, J.~. Kelley and G.W Holston.
Noes, Trustees NoDe
Absent Trustees N ne
William J.'Smith-City Clerk and ex-offbole Clerk of the Board ef Trus
tees of the City of 5outh San Francisco,California
The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Eschelbach.
.Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of S_uth San Franeisee that that certain deed dated
March 3, 1~;19, and executed by Enterprise ~oundry ~empany, a Corperatien organized and existing
u~der the laws ef the State eg Aliforniato said City og ScuthS~n Francisco,wherein said Enterprise..
Foundry 0empamy conveys to said City ef South San Francisce.a~right ef way for the construotien
maintenance of a sewer through all that certain lot,piece or parcel of lend situate in said City
of South S~n ~rancisco,Comuty of San Marco, State ef California, and particularly described as
fellows to wit~ Being a strip of land 10 feet wideand 756.09'1ong more or less bordering on the
Westerly line of the right ef way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and lying to the West
thereof,beimg the easterly 10 feet of the EnterpriSe Foundry Company's 10.44 Acre treot be. and the
same hereby ie accepted.
I h~reby certify that the foregoing re~olution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Be~r~ of Trustees of the City of South San Franci~o,this 21st. day of April,1919,by the following
Ayes,Trustees ~.A. Cunningham,A.J Eschelbach ,M.F. Healy, J.~. Kelley and G.W. Holston.
Noes TrUstees None
Absent Trustees None
~illiam J. Smith City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of
the City of South S~n Francisco.
The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Kelley. "I~0LUTION "A"
Eesolved ~y th~ Beard of Trustees ef the City ef South San Francisco that the plans and specifications
xes a system o~ sewers in that portion of said City lying on the Easterly line of the right
of the Bay 2here line of the ~o~thern Pacific _R~i~nl Company,heretofore submitted with estimat~
of the cost of construction by the City Enginee~::'°f said City be,amd the same hereby are adopted
as and for the plans a~d specifications for doing said work.
I hereby certify thet the foregoing resoluton was regularrly introduced ~nd adopted by the Board
ef Trustees of the C~ty ef South San Francisce,this 21st dey of April, 1919.by the following vets
Ayes Trustees F.A. Cunningham, A.J. Eschelbach,H.F. Healy, J.H. Kelley, and G.~. Holston.
NOes TrUstees None
Absent Trustees lene.
William J. Smith City Clerk and ex-of[icio Clerk of the Board of Trustees
of the city of ~outh San Francis~0L~TiON "B"
The fellewing .resolution was then introduced by Trustee Eschelbach.
Resolved by theBoard of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the pland and specifications
for the construction of a ~ity Hall in the City of South S~n Francisce,heretefore submitted
with estimateS'of the cost of coastruetien by Werner & Ceffe~, architects,be, and the same hereby
are adopted as preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of a City Hall.
herebys~ertifX that the fer~ge~ng_res~lution wa~ ~ ~ ~ intr d ce d~
the Boar~ of.Tru ~ees cz the City ef ~ou~ ~an Franci~e$,th~s~ s~ day o~ ~pr~l,~l~, '~t~ebY
follewing vete;
Ayes, Trustees F.A. Cunningham, A.J. Eschelbach, J.H. Kelley, and G.W. Holston.
Ness TrUstee M.P. Healy.
Absent Trustees None.
~illiam J. Smith City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees
of the City of South San Francisco.
The following ~esolution was then introduced by Trustee Cunningham.
Re o v' by h a d ~
"Resolve! by.}he,Board of. Trustees of the City of ~outh S~n Francisco that
the plans snd specifications xor ~ne construction oza syste~ of sewers in that portion of said
City lying on the easterlyside of the right of wayof the Bay Shore line of the Southern P$cific
R~lread Company,heretofore submitted by the City Engineer of said City be, and the same hereby
are adopted as and for the plams and specifications .for de!rig said werk.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board o£ Trustees of the City ef South San Francisco,this 21st. day of April,1919,by the
follewing vete~
Ayes Trustees F.A.Cunningham,A~..J. Esohelb~ch.M.F. Healy'dJ.H' Kelley smd G.W.Holsto~
Noel. Trustees N -. -' ~'~''
Trustees N-ne.
Absent. e
William J. Smith
of South,San Francisco.
City Clerk and ex-0fficie Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the City
TSe following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Cunningham.
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City cf South San Francisco that the specifications for
the construction of a system 0£ fire alarm signalimgapparatu8 in the City of South San Francisco
and submitted thid 21st. day of April,1919.be, and the same hereby are adopted as and for the
specification8 for the construotien of a system of fire alarm, signaling apparatus in said City.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco,this 21st. day of April,1919,by the following
Ayes ~Trustees,P.A. Cunningham, ~.J. Eschelbach, M.P. Healy,~-~.Eelley, and G.W. Holsten.
Noes, Trustees None.
Absent Trustees None. 0
William J. Smith $ity Clerk and.ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees
of the City of.20uta San Prancisc0
The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee 'Eschelbach.
Whereas the City of Soutn San Francisco.a muniei~ ~orperation in the COuaty of San~
Mates,State of $alifornia, has no system of sewers adaquatefor the disposal of the sewage of said
municipality in that portion of said ~$eXp&~$ty lying on the easterly side 0£ the we~terly bound-
ary line of San Bruno Road in said City; and
~,~hereas said City of South San Francisco has, no City ~a~l : and
Whereas said City of South San Francisco has no system of fire alarm signaling apparatus;
Now, therefore, be it resolved by t~e Board o.f Trustees of the City of South San ~ran-
eisco,'as follows:
First: It isFhereby determined that publis interest &n~dnecessity demand the acquisition,construction
and completion by the City of South San. Prancisco.a municipal corporation,of a system of sewers for
that portion of said City lying on the easterly side of the westerly boundary line of San Bruno Road
in said City.
Second: It is hereby determined that public interest and necessity demand the aequisition,ccnstructio
completion by said City of South S~n ~rancisco of a system of fire alarm sigmaling apparatus.
Third It is hereby determined that public interest and necessity demand the acquisition,construction
and completion by sai~ City of South San Francisco of a system ef fire alarm signaling apparatus.
Third: Ir'tis hereby, determim~d that public interest andnecessity demand the acquisition, construction
and completion by the City of South San ~rancisco of a Ci~ Hall .
Fourth It is hereby determined that the sect o:f acquisition,construction and completion by said
City cf South San .F~ancisce,a municipal corporation,gl such system of sewers for that portion cf
8aid City lying ,on the easterly side of the westerly boundary line of San Bruho Road in said City
-a~d a sFstem of ~fire alarm signalingapparatu8 and a city hall will be too great to be paid ou$ eT
the ordlnary~:!i~al revenue ~f said City ef South San Francisco,and will, in addition to the o~her
e~l~enditures of said City of South San Francisco.exceed the revenue for any on year.
the BoarA hereb2 certif2 that the fQr~goSDgoresRlutign wa~eg~$ar~y ~ntroduced and adooted by of TrUstees of the City o~ ~ou~n ~an ffranc~sco,mnxs El sm. asy of April,1919,by the
following vets;.
Ayes Trustee8 FJA. Cunningham,A.J. Eschelbach,J.H. Eelley,and G.W. Hclaton.
Noes, Trus~oe MjF. Healy
Absent Trustees'None.
William J. Smith Clerk of the City of South San ~rancisce,aud ex-eff6eio Clerk
of the Board of Trustees of said City.
.The Cite Clerk was instructed to address a communication to the So. S.F. Water Company
requesting them t~ fix the water hydrant on the corner of L~_nden and Commercial Ave.
the waterT~l~it~ Clerk was instructed communicate with the $c.~.~. WaSer=C$~pany concerning f~r the City Jail month ~ March,the bill being ~n mne amoun~ o$ 2~.60 was asmery
large amount in excess of former months and probably due to some leak in the pipes.
The.. follow~n~ resolution, was. %hep intr~du.., d b~' ~rustee Cimningham. RII~O~U~IOH~O~"~ENTION NO, ~
'NU~BERD 150. .... ~'-:. . '
.~.j~:~[~$e~'bo e~ '::'e~'/ '':'~ ~ ..~.e~ and,upon rc~tl;call_ w~s ~dopted_,$s a resolu~i~
Ay~,~'"~'''T~u~O':"~ ?'~"'~F.~'~~,~~~.t'' ,,,~': , . ley and .G.W. HOlston
procesS!SOS ~3~-~f~i~-011~f South San Francisco and a copy of t~e said resolution is filed
in boek/e~.r, esctutions, o~ ihe,Ci~y.-o.f~-~ut~.,~an Francisco at page $50
Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the said oity,
Moved by Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee Cunningham that the Board adJourn.~- until Monday
~$$h. 1919,to meet at $310 Linden Avenue at 8' 0 clock P.M.
Motion carried
Time of adjournment
William J. Smith ~ity Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees
of the City of ~out~ San Francisco
The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Eschelbach. RESOLUTION "D"
Whereas the City of Sou~tn San Franc'~Sco,a muniei~ oorperatiem in the COumty of S~n~
Mateo,State of 6alifornia, has wo system of sewers adaQ~ate' for the disposal of the sewage of said
municipality in that portion of said ~eX~&~y lyimg on the easterly side of the we~terly bound-
ary line of San Bruno Read in said City; and
7,~hereas said City of South San Francisco has no City ~a~l ; and
Whereas said City of South San Francisco has no system of fire alarm signaling apparatus;
Now, therefore, be it resolved by t~e Board of Trustees of the City of South Sam Fran-
eisce,as follows:
First: It is~hereby determined that publis interest am~dnecessity demand the acquisition,construction
and completion by the City of South San~Franeisco,a municipal corporation,of a system og sewers for
that portion of said City lying on the easterly side ,f the westerly boundary lime of San Bruno Read
in said City.
Second: It is hereby determined that public interest and necessity demand the aequisitien,constructi~
completion by said City of South S~n Francisco of a system of fire alarm signaling apparatus.
Third It is hereby determined that public interest and necessity demand the acquisition,construction
and completion by sai~ City of South San Francisco of a system ef fire alarm signaling apparatus.
Third: It~ls hereby determimed that public interest andneoessity demand the acquisition, construction
and ccmpletiom by the City ef South Sen Frameisce efa Ci~2 Hall
Fourth It is hereby determined that the cost o~:f acquisition,construction a~d completion by said
City of South San F~ancisce,a municipal corperation,$f such system ef sewers for that portion of
said City lying .on the easterly side of the westerly boundary line of San Bruho Road in said City
'amd s system~af fire alarm signaling apparatus and a city hall will be toe great to be paid ou$ e~
the ord~nary~i~&N, amal revenue eT said City ef South San Francisco,and will, in addition to the o~her
e~enditures of said City of South San Francisco,exceed the revenue for any on year.
the Boar~ he. re_bYo~ 'A'r~s~eesSertif~o~ thatthe the
,fsr~olng resolution was regular~ly i~ntroduced and adopted by
i~uth San Francisco,this 21 sm. a~y of April,1919,~y the
foll~wi~g veto;
Ayes Trustees FJA. Cunningham,A.J. Eschelbach,J.H. Eelley,and G.W. Holstcm.
Noes, Trustee M.~F. Healy
Absent Trustees 'None.
~Xlliam J. Smith Clerk of the City of South San Francisce,and ex-off~olo Clerk
of the Board of Trustees of said City.
.The City. Clerk was instructed to address a communication to the So. S.F. Water Company
requesting them te fix the water hydrant on the corner of L~nden and Commercial Ave.
The Citer Clerk was instructed
the water bill f~r the City Jail month to~Ma~-h, ~he°°mmunicatebillwithbeingthe ~ne' t~F~mountWater-C°mpanYo~l 2~. 60 wasC°ncerningasmery
large amount in excess of former months and probably due to some leak in the pipes.
The.. loll n · esolution_ was. ~heD introduc-~ed. ?rustee C~mningham.
~~~~~ - ~~V~E ~ ~NIP~ AV~E ,OLIVE AVE~E, CYP~SS
AV~E, ~0~ AVE~E ,~~~~~~~~LOOE ~~D 129 AND THE ALL~ IN
~N~D 1~0. I I ~~ I ~ m
2~bo~~ ~ ~ e~~~~ ~ ~Pg~ r~l-Tcall~ E~z adopted~s a r~olu~
Noes ..... . ..
Trustee M.F. · ,,~:~, ........ ~
Absent Trustees ~. ~, . .,..~ ~. ,.~- ................ ~. -' ~ ~,
prooe~~ ~3~-of. the Ot~y of South S~ Francisco and ~ oopy of the eama resolution is filed
in boek%~ .~s~utions. o~ ,~he C~,~.~ut~-.~n Francisco at page
, Willi~-J.-~mit~ ~i~ bf the"6i~ of So~t~-'S~Fr~'f~oO'-~n~'
Clerk of the Board of Tr~tees of the said city.
Moved by Trustee Healy seconded by T~stee Cu~ingham t~t the Board adJo~n~ until M~nday
~$h. 1919,to meet at $310 Linden Avenue at S' 0 clock P.M.
Motion carried
Time of adJo~ent 1G' 0 clock/~M~
Clerk of the City of South San Francisco ~x-officio Clerk of the
this .~'~ day of May,1919.
Board of Trustees of the said
president of the Boars