HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1919-05-12REGULARITY ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TBUSTEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH FRANCISC0,held Monday,May, 12,1919. This meeting was called to order at 8' 0 of the Board ". , "Presiden~ clock P.M. by Trustee G.W. Holston~ Roll-call Roll-call found the following Trustees present,to wit; F.A. Cunningham, A.J. Eschelbach, and G.W. Holston. Absent Trustee s Healy and Kelley. The minutes o£ the previous meetingowere read and upon motion of Trustee Cunningham~econded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried~were approved as read. This meeting having been the date set for the appointment of a plumbing inspector,it was moved by Trustee Cunningham seconded by TrusteeEschelbach that Chas. Schurk be appointed to t~e pos- ition of plumbing inspector. Eotion carried The City Clerk was instructed to communicate with the Vice President of the United Railroads of San ~rancisco,concerningthe percentage of gross receipts due She City of South San Francisco on account of the l~ranchisc held by the South San Fmncisco Railway and Power C~mpany. The following entitled ordinance was then introduced by Trustee Eschelbach: An Ordinance calling a special election to be held in the City of South San ~rancisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, on the tenth day of June 1919, for the purpose, of submitting to the qualified electors of said City, three certain propositions to incurr a bon- ded indebednesS to pay the cost of certain municipal improvments and acquisition in and for sz~a$ city as follows: .- ~XSst The construction of a City Ha~ and the grading of the Civic Center Site in said City of South Sa~ Francisco. (~} The construction and completion of a Sewer System in that part of said City of So San Francisco lying on the Easterly side of the Westerly boundary line of San Bruno'Road. $S~ The acquisition construction amd completion of a system of Fire Alarm Telegraph Aparatu~ for said City of South San Erancisco.~ Reciting the seweral objects and purposes for w~ich said indebtidness is pzo~osed t~ be incurred, the estimated cost thereof and the amount of the indebtidne~s proposed to be incmmred th. refor$ establishing ElectiOn Precincts and appointing officers of election. ~ The above entitled ordinance had its first re~ding and was laid over to come up under regular order of business at the next meeting of the Board. ;~oved Moved by Trustee Cunningham~seconded by Trustee Ebehelbach~that theBBoard adjourn. until Monday, Mai 19, 1919. to meSt at 310 ~inden Avenue at 8:00 oiclock p.m. Motion Carried. Time of adjournment 9.$$ p.m. ~y T~B~t~eeCunntng~m ~eCo~e~ bY ~ru~teeEschelbach that Chas.~'Schurk be appointe~ to t~e pos- ition of plumbing inspector. ~otion carried The City Clerk was instructed to communicate with the Vice President of the United Railroads of Sun Francisco,concerning the percentage of gross receipts due She City of S~uth San ~rancisco on account of the l~ranchise held by the South San Fancisco Railway and Power C~mpan2. The following entitled ordinance was then introduced by Trustee EscheYb~ch: An Ordinance calling a special election to be held in the City of South San ~rancisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, on the tenth day of June 1919, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City. three certain proposition~ to incurr a bon- ded indebedness to pay the cost of certain municipal improvments and acquisition in and for · ~d~ City as follows: .. ~l~st The construction of a City Hal~ and the grading of the Civic Center Site in said City of South Sa~ Francisco. (~) The construction and completion of a Sewer System in that part of said City of So San Francisco lying on the Easterly side of the Westerly boundary line of San Bruno'Road. $~) ~he aequisition constructio~ amd completion of a system of Fire Alarm Telegraph Aparatu~ for said City of South San ~rancisco., Rec*ting the several objects and p~rposes for w~ich said indebtidness is pzo~osed t~ be incurred, the estimated cost thereof and the ~mount of the indebtidne~s proposed to be lncmmre~ thBrefor~ establishing ElectiOn Precincts and appointing officers of election. ~he above entitled ordinance had its first re~ding and was laid over to come up undex regular order of business at the next meeting of the Board. ;Aoved Moved by Trustee Cunningham~seconded by Trustee ~ehelbach~thmt t]aeBBoard adJourm. until Monday, Ma~ 19, 1919, to meet at 510 ~inden Avenue at 8:00 olclock p.m. Motion Carried. Time of adjournment 9.$$ p.m.