HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1921-02-07Fe~r~ ..... 71'~ ' ~ it~
~ ~ ~.~ ~ , ~.~=, et the C ~ Hal's.
~,~.. meetin~ zas c~;]!a~. ~.~..~ n~,~r~'-..~,~ at ~ c.'clock ~.m: . b~ Ttustee O.~.t.,lolst,",n~ , ~si~ent,.~ of the
-~.?..~' ..... ~' J.t~ .~'~ ..... ~ ~ ~' !~.rdy Jr., ii.~ '~p~n~- ~ ' , "~,
.,~ .................. , .~ ......... ~, ~.:~ c~. ~.[ol~t o~.
~he minules of the two mz'e~ious meetings were re~fl ~f u:,?n ~.o~-~.__, "~ ...... ~ ,~-"tee Eschelbac}"
seconded by ~.,tee Cnnn~n~vham at.roved.
A communication '."ar ~c~vefl from Berntrd ~c~'~ffre,: 2cst ,~55, '..mez'~. ~. e ,re
the ~en~t~$Bg~ ~ ~ ~'~l ~srk In thi~ ~i.Z~,the same to be located on t~e grounds in re~r of t
South Ss~n ~'r~ncisco [~igh r'~,choel. The comm~nication gave ~n estimate of the cost off constructic~,etc
and asked t~e Board's e~:rnest consideration in furthering the movement, lioved by Trustee ,~-'~,r that
the matter be taken um~der advisement and the Bo~rd meet and go over the situation and inspect the
grounds ~it.n the school Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trnstee Lschelbach and re~lar!y carrie
Mrs. ~e!ia Wallace made applicaticn for permission to put a concrete ffioor in her building
"~' ~ra~.tce Esche!bach that the reques
at 7,'~18 Grand Avenue. !~;[ow~d by Trustee Cunni~gham ~.nd seconded by ~' ~
be granted. Carried.
;,.~rs James !.iozris off Peninsula~ Park complair~ writing of the unsanitary condition of
some off the ~,~'~
pre..~es in her vicinity. ~oved by Trust~e~t the m~tter be referred to the health
off~icer and a co~,ittee of the Trustees flor investigation. ~econded by Trustee Cunningham and re,is
carried. The ~
=re~ident ~ccordingl~[ ap~ointed Trustees Hardy and Cunningham to accompany the ~ealth
offfficer, on inspection off the ?remzses~ '
The re~orts off ~ity offficers J[auffman,McGovern, Conrad, Truax end i.ic Sweeney were then read
and accepted. The Cit~ C~erk's report showed the fie!lowing balances in the various
General ffund,~10;~66.73,Sinking f~nd for sewers,~2975.46, "1919 Bonds" ~10350.57, Fsct. Dist
Sewer Fund, ~5V90 39, City ~a-ll Bui!dii~g Fund, No balance. ~iscontinuefl. Z~ibraru ffund,.~ ,
Weed fund , No balance, giscontinued, Fire alarm telegrar.:~ ffund,~10054,24, .ttreet Bonds get "~" ~190
2er "B" ~;44 07, ~er ...... "C" ~'112 54, ~er "D" ~98 76,2er "E" ~' ' "F" "G"
· ~ , · ,~ . . · . ~1. u.58, ~er. ~'~85.31, tier. ~543.52
Total balance in all ffunds~ '~:~.~07.29.
The opening off bids for tree planting and the construction off a drivewa~ to the city
now being i~ orSer Trustee Cunningham ~,'oved that bids for the planting off trees be opened. Seconded
by Trustee Hardy and re~!arly carried.
There was but one bid, that off McRorie a~d McLaren, who agreed to do the work according to
the speciffications for the sum off ~1054.00. The bid was accompanied by a certiffied check off ~105.40
to cover ten per cent of lhe a~;o~nt off the bid. Trustee ~csm~ini moved tae acceptance of the bid b
the frei]owing resoi~tion;
Where~'s t)~e Board off Trustees off the City of South S~:n Fra:ncisco did, in open session, on
the 7th day off February, !921, p~blicly open, e::amine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for
doing the frei]owing work in said City, to,wit;-
The planting off trees on that portion off ~,iiller ~venue between Magnolia ['_venue ~nd Chestnut
Avenue: on that portion off Grand ~venue 'between L'[agmoti~ ~.ven~e and Chestnut Avenue;on that port,on
Baden Aven~.e between Chestnut ~[venne end Magnolia f_vehue; on that ~or~ion off Commercial ~(~enue betwe
[~ia, gnolia ~venue ~.nd 0rankle Y'.venue;on that ~ortion off Laurel ~.venue between Miller Avenue and Baden
on that portion off Eucalyptus Avenue between Baden ~'venue and Miller Zvenue; on that portion off Acas
between ~,~iller Avenue and Grand Avenue; on that portion of ~range Aven~e between Commercial ~'.venue
~,_~:ler 2venue: on that portion off Magnolia Avenue bteween Commercial Ay enue and [,[iller ~-venue,.
All material and ali work must be in strict tone, fiance with The requirements off the speciffi
cations adopted by the Board of ~z~u tees on the 17th day off ~annary, 192i,and now on ffile in the
of the City 0lark. The succ:essfu] bidder shall, within ffi~e (5~ days sifter the a~;'ard, enter into a
contract with the City off South San Francisco flor the ffaithfu] perfformance off the work to be ~one
under said
Resolved that said Bosrd off ~' '~-
,rustees hereby reject~ all said proposals or bids except that
next hereinaffter mentioned, and hereby awards the contract flor doinaT said work and improvement to
the lowest responsible bidder, to-wit' ~ a '
, ~c.~or~e-~McLsren company, a corporation, at the ~rice named
in said bid: One Thousand and Fiffty-four dollars ($ 1054.00).
The ~resident off the Bo~.~rd off Trustees and tho City Clerk ~:re ~ereby authoriz~ ~.nd directe,
in' the name off the City of South San Francisco and under its corporate seal to enter into an agreeme:
with said ~IcRorie --~,~cLsren Company for doing said work.
I hereby certify that the fforegoin~ resolution was reg~!sr!y introd~ced and adopted by th~
Board of Trustees of the City cfi ~ou~h San ~'rsncisco this 7th, day off ..earaary, TM ~ ' 1921, by the ffol!owi~
vote: -
Ayes, Trustees, F.Z.Cunningham, ~.J.Eschelbach, I~.O.Hsrdy Jr., it. Scampini, G.W.~o!ston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
/.bsent, Trustees, None.
Attest;~~(City Clerk)
It was moved by Trustee Hardy seconded by Trusteee f:campimi and regularly carried that bids
for the construction off a driveway from Grand ~venue to the City ~al! be opened, next. Louis Verna
a proposal to do the work according to plans and s?eciffications ffer thirtF-one cents per square ffoot~
Larson-~ampson Co proposed to constrnct concrete walks, ~tte~sand retaining walls on t~e City
~rounds flor the sum of ~]2170.00. [s these were not called flor in the notice to bidders the offffer was
not considered. Contractor Verna having comI~lied with the requirements by enclosing check flor tan
per cent off the amount off his bid Trustee Eschelbach moved the adoption ~ff the the fo!lowing? resol~t'
of award; -
~hereas the Board of T~ustees of the City of South Sen Francisco did, in open session,on th~
~th day of Februt~ry,1921,pub!icly open, e:~amine and declare all seale~ ]:.roposals or bids for doing
following work in said City, to-wit;-
The construction of a concrete drive~'ay fro~ the City ~ia!! to Grand Avenue.
All work herein provided for shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications
for said' wor]~:,fi~e~_ i.n the o:~zz~ of the City~ Clerk in said City of South oan ~ .~,~.~.~isco,on ~, the ~O0th
day of January, 1921,to which plans and spe~ifications reference is hereby mede for a description of
said work.
The successful bidder shall, within ~en (10) days after the ~ward, ente~~ into an agreement
with the C~t~ of South San Ez'ancisco for the faithful performance of the work to be done under said
aw ard.
Resolved that said Board 0f Trustees hereby rejects al! said proposals or bids ezcept that
next hereinafter mentioned and hereby award s the contract flor doing said work and improvement tothe
~ .... ~. ~v~ p~,~Q~ vo pure a concrete ~loor in her building
st ~Z18 Grand-Avenue. ~oved by Trustee Cunningham ~.nd seconded by Trust~e Esche!b~ch that the reques
be granted. Carried.
~!rs James ~.!oi~ris of Peninsular Park complair~ writing of the unsanitary conditicn of
some of the ~'~
pre..m~es in her vicinity. Hoved by Trustg~t the m[tter be referred to the health
officer and a committee of the Trustees for investigation. Seconded by Trustee Cunningham and re~ls:
carried. The President ~ccordingl~[ appointed Trustees Hardy end Cunningham to accompany the health
officer, on inspection of the ?remzses
The re~orts of ~ity officers ~[auffman,McGovern, Conrad, Truax ~:nd i:~[c Sweeney were then read
and accepted. The Cit~ Clerk's report showed the following balances in the various funds:-
General fund ,~!OZ66. 75 , Sinking f~nd for sewers,~2975.46, "1919 Bonds" ~:10350.57, F~ct. Dist.
Sewer. fund ~5790.Z9 City ;~11 Bui!di~'~g Fund No balance. Discontinued i~ibrar~f fund,~,ioTa.!5
Weed fund , No.balance. Discontinued, Fire alarm te!e~rap:-~, fund,~10054,Z4, Street Bonds ~er ~ "A'
Sar. "B" [~44.. .07, Ser. "C" ,:~'!12.84, Set. "D" v~?8-' .76,Set. "E" ~ ~lo ~.58, ~er. "F" ~85.Zi, Ser."G" ~543.52,
Total balance in all funds ~:2507.29.
The opening of bids for tree planting and the construction of a driveway to the ~ity
now being i~ order Trustee Cunningham ~'oved that bids for the planting off trees be opened. Seconded
by Trustee Hardy and regularly carried.
There was but one bid, that off Mcitorie and L~cLaren, who agreed to do the work according to
the specifications For the sum of ~1054.00. The bid was accomps'nied by a certified check off ~105.40
to cove~ ten per cent of ihs a~:oont of the bid. Trustee gcam~ini moved t~e acceptance of the bid b~.~
the following resol~tion:
Where~s t~e Board of Trustees of the 0ity of South San Fr~:~'misco did, in open session, on
the 7th day of February, !921, publicly open, e::ami~e and declare al! sealed proposals or bids for
doing the following work in said City, to,wit;-
The planting of trees on that portion of ~Ji!ler ~venue between ~mgno!ia [venue ~nd ~hestnut
Avenue: on that portion of Grand ~venue between i,'[ag~elia Y~ven~e and ~hestnut Avenue;on that port,on o
Baden Avenue between Chestnut Avenue and Magnolia Avehue; on that portion of Conmercial ~(venue betwee
~,i~gnolia Avenue End 0rankle Avenue;on that ~ortion of Lsurei ~.venue between Mi]~ler Avenue and ~aden Av
on that p~rtion of Eucalyptus Avenue between Baden ~'venue and Miller Zvenue; on that portion of Acasi
between ~diller Avenue and Grand Avenue; on that portion of ~ran~e Aven~e between Commercial Avenue an
~,~iller 2venue; on that portion of Esgnotia Avenue bteween Commercial Ay enue and [,[iiler ~-venue;.
All material ~nd ali wot2 ~ust be in strict compliance with the requirements of the speciffi-
cations adopter by the Board of Trustees on the 17th day off ~anuary, 19Si,and now on file in the offi,
of the City Clerk. The successfful bidder shall, within fi~e [5) days affter the award, enter into a
contract with the City off South San Francisco for the faithffu] perfformance off the work to be ~one
under said a~v~:-rd.
Resolved that said Board of Trustees hereby rejects all said proposals or bids except that
next hereinafter mentioned, and hereby awards the contract for doing said work and improvement to
the lowest responsible bidder, to-wit; McRorie-~McLsren company, a corporation, at the ~rice named
in said bid; One Thousand and Fiffty-four dollars ~$ 1054.00).
The President of the Board off Trustees and tho City Clerk ~:re aereby authoriz~ ~.nd directed
in~ the name off the City of South San mra. nc~sco and under its corporate seal to enter into an agreemenl
with said '~ Rorie ~'' ~
~c --~,~cL~ren Company for doing said work.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was reg~lsrly introd~ced and adopted by the
Board. of Trustees of the Cit,~ cf ~ou~h° * ~an° ~'rsncisco this 7th, day of February, 192!, by the following
vote; -
Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, ~.J.Eschelb~,ch, L.G.Hsrdy Jr., if. Scampini, G.W. Eolston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Zbsent, Trustees, None. ~~~
Attest: Y//~(City Clerk)
It was moved by Trustee Hardy seconded by Trustees f:campimi and regularly carried that bids
for the construction of a driveway from Grand ;~venue to the City ~al! be opened next. Louis Verna subm
a proposal to do the work according to plans and specifications for thirty-one cents per square foot.
Larson-Sampson Co proposed to construct concrete walks, ~tte~sand retaining walls on the City ~s.ll
~ro~]nds for the sum of ~)2tV0.00. ~.s these were not called for in the notice to bidders the offer was
not considered. Contractor Verna having coml~lied w~th the requirements by enclosing check for tan
per cent of the amount of his bid Trustee Eschelbach moved the adoption of the the fo!lowin~ resolutio:
of award; -
~,hereas the Board of ~ustee~ of the City of South San Fran,~isco did, in open session,on the
7th day of Febru~ry,].921,~.~ub!icly~ o~en,~ examine arid declare all seale~ proposals or bids for doing, the
following work in said City, to-wit;-
The construction of a concrete drive~'ay from the City 'ia!! to Grand Aven~e.
Ail work herein provided for shall be done in ~ccordance with the plans and specifications
'~ ...... t~ of South San ~rancisco,on the O0th
for said' wo~'~:,f~_ed in the ~.~c~ of the C~ty Clerk in said ti .... ~
day of January, 192!,to which plans and specifications reference is hereby made for a description of
said work.
The successful bidder shall, within ~en (10) days after the ~ward, ente~~ into on agreement
with the City of South San Francisco for the faithful perfor~nance ~f the work to be done under s~id
Resolved that said Board Of Trustees hereby rejects all said pro?Gauls or bids e~cept that
next hereinafter mentioned and hereby award s the contract ~or doing said wcrk and improvement tothe
lowest responsible bidder, to-wit;- I,.Verna, at the ~rices named ia his bid, to-wit; thirty-one cents
(SI)per square foot.
The ~resident of the ?o?rd of Trustees and the City Clerk are .hereby authorized and directed
in the name of the ~'~+-~., of Touth San Franciscoand under its corporate seal to enter into an agreement
with said L.Verna for doing daid work.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the lt~. of South "an ~'rancisco th~s ?th day of ~.~ebraary,, 19£1 by the
following vote:-
Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Lscheibach,'L.G.l~ardy Jr., H.Scampini, G.V~,~olston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, None.
The following applications for soft drink licenses were ne:~t read ~nd upon motion of Trustee
Cunningham seconded by Trustee '.~ .?
~ ~.~_d,, and re~a!ar!y carried were ~?anted;~rthur ~.Cox, Western Meat
Company, H.Scampini,Julius Eikerinkotter, Edward W.F2oyd, Ship Hotel,James Xonwyiner,. JuniT. er Ave.
grocery store,Curuses and Co., Viette and Thatcher, Manuel Monize,Guffante and V~mni, Aureiio
Lucchesi ~nd Richard ~arder.
The Clerk was instructed to writeto the Associated 0il Co., the Standard oil co. and the
Union oil co. and ask for proposals to furnish fuel oil for the City ~ial! for one year.
City attoi'ney Coleberd was instructed to draw up ~n ordinance against the abuse of the
fire alarm signal boxes by children and others.
The City Clerk was instructed to write to the So. S.F.Water company, ~gain asking them to
repair the damage done to Pine Ave. in the 'vicinity of Division st and San Bruno ~{oad.,by their
Claims against the city in the following ~mounts were presented for pa~ent;-
?ac. Tel & Tel Cc 5 cit~.~' phones ~ 15.80
. 20.40
Ed. H.LEwis.g~soline storing truck etc.,
L.Verna Repairing road San BrunoAve~ :etc.
Enterprise pub.ce. Printing Notices.&Billheads
Seagrave Co Fire Dept Supp!ie~
Nas McDonald Attend Fire
Otto Bissett " "
John ~cDonsld " "
South ~ity Jarage Gas Oil 2lotor Cycle
W.L.Hickey Fireing Furnace lO&ll Nov
W.L.Hickey Sewer Repairing
"" " Drinking fountain. Installing same
C.F.~churk S~iler Roomsccessories &Lamps
"" " Rep Police Light Rem Str. Dign
So.City Lbr.Co Materials
N I',~edeghini Sweeoing ~ts & pruning trees
~o. ~.$.~,at.r uo ~at~r £or City Fall
2Tico~a Removing dead. dogs ~ec and Jan
Manuel Gasper Labor Digging sewers
F.W.Uentworth, Supplies for offices
Dr.F.£.Do!ty Core of John Maynorn .
21 00
92 '70
~0 70
5 50
C.O.Conrad Ex?.to Watsonville ~-:edwood,?risoners 29.00
'~' '~ O0
Chicage Dental £peci~lty Co Baby forcept ~ ...
The finance committee having approved the claims Trustee Cunningham i.2ove5 they be paid·
The motion was seconded by Trustee .~ardy and reiu~tsrly carried.
Resoluti on.
Trustee Cunningham introduced the following resolution;-
Resolved by the Boar~ of Trustees of the ~ity of hecta. ~an ~rancisco that the President
of said Board of "rustees be, and he hereby is authorized and dioected to execute a license
agreement with the Pacific Telephone and -e!egraph bom~?azzy,'r: i,ehalf of said City of Louta San
Francisco and under its corporate seal, granti:r..~f 'permission to said 0it~- to place signal wires
and fixtures on the polos of said Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company in said City of South
San Francisco.
1 herebF certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted
by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 7th day of February, 192!,by the
following vote:-
Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelb~ch, L.G.Hardy ~r., H.Scampini, C..~.~iolston.
Noes, Trustees, Nome.
· rustees, ,
Absent, ~ , None
Attest; - , ~
~~/~~ C i ty Cl~rk..
The following resolution was introduced by Trustee .dardy;-
Whereas a bill providing for the establishment and government of municipal port districts
~n~ for the acquirement, construction,maintenance, operation,deve!opement and re~lation of a system
of harbor improvements and rai! and wate~~ transfer and ter~inaI facilities with~a such dis~r~cts,
and aisc providing the method ef Doyment therefer, ~nd for the levy and collection of taxes and
public assessments therefor ~nd for the issuance of bonds t~erefor ~nd for the payment thereof, has
been introduce~ into the Senate and Assembly of the Legislature; and
Whereas, if this bill is enacted into law, it will be advantageous to San Mateo County
and a public benefit;
Resolve~ by the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of ~outh San Francisco that said Boar8
approves the purpose of said bill end requests that Sen~:tor LI.B.Johnson ~.nd 2. ssemblyman F.L.Es~;;ard'
support the passaFe of the acme.
I hereby certify that the ~ore~oing ru~.olution wa, reduiar_~ introdaced arm
adopted bo t..e ~3oard o~ Trustees of the City o~ South~aG Franc~sco~is 7th day o~ Februe~y,1921.
?here bein~ no further b~ine~s before tlc ~oaza ~ru.d~v~_~m L~vea to aa~o~rn til~
the ne~t ze~lar meetinf-~don~y S~ebraary ~ ~t, lg2l. L[otion seconaed by~ru~tee ~c~:~pini aha re~!~rZz
Cunningham seconded by Trustee Hardy and rezu!ar!y carried were granted;Arthur ~).Cox, Western ~eet
Company, H.Soampini,Julius Eikerinkotter, Edward ?/.~'!oyd,. Ship z~otel,James Xo~yiner, Juniper A~e.
grocery store,Curuses and Co., Viette and Thatcher, ~'Sanuei L~onize,Guffante c~n~ V~nni, Aureiio
Lu~chesi ~nd Richard ~arder.
The Clerk was instructed to writeto the Associated Oil Co., the Standard oil co. and the
Union ell co. and ask for proposals to furnish fuel oil for the City ~ial! for one year.
City a~tto~-ney Coleberd was instructed to draw uo ~n ordinance against the abuse of the
fire alarm signal boxes by ch_!!dren and others.
Tlqe City Clerk was instructed to write to the So. S,F.Water company, again asking them to
repair the damage done to Pine Ave. in the 'vicinity of Division st and San Bruno !~oad.,by their
Claims against the city in the following amounts were presented for payment;-
?ac, Tel & Tel Cc 5 city phones ~ 15 80
Ed. H.LEwis.gasoline storing truck etc., v 20[40
L.Verna Repairing road San BrunoAve.-etc. ~' 15.50
Enterprise pub.ce. Printing Notices.&Billheads ~ ~6.Z0 ~/
Seagrave Co Fire Dept Supp!ie.~ ]~
Jas McDonald Attend Fire
Otto 3issett " "
John !!cDonsld " "
South ~ity ~arage G~s Oil i{otor Cycle
W.L.Hickey Fireing Furnace !O&ll i,lov
V:.L.Hicke:? Sewer Repairing
"" " Drinking fountain. Installing same
C.F.Bohurk 3~iler Roomzccessories &Lamps
"" " Rep Police Light Rem £tr. Sign
So.City Lbr.Co Materials
i{ ~,iedeghini Sweeping Sts & pruning trees
~.o. ~.F.6ater co Water for City Hall
~ico?~ Removing'dead dogs Dec ~nd Jan
M~nuel G~sper Labor Digging sewers
F.W.Uentworth, Supplies for offices
Dr.F.~.Dolly Care of John
~ ~.~,~ -zcenses were next read and upon mdtion of Trustee
C.C.Conrad Exp.to Watsonville Sedwood,?risoners ZS.00
Chicago Dental ~p~c~lty Co Baby forcept ~ o OO
The finance committee having approved the claims Trustee uunnznghar, i~ioved they be paid
The motion was seconded by Trustee ~rdy and re~m~!arly carried.
Trustee Cunninghan introduced the following resolution;-
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of ~out~ ~an Francisco that the President
of said Board of ~rustees be, and he hereby is authorized and dinected to e×ecute a license
agree~aent with toe acz~c Telephone and ~e!egraph Company,!=, behalf of said City of ~out~ San
Francisco end under its cor~orate seal, g'rantin,? 'permission to said 6ity to place signal wires
and fixtures on the polos of said Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company in s~id City of South
San Francisco.
t hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted
by the Bo~rd of Trustees of the City of South S~n Francisco th%s 7th day of February, 19~!,by the
following vote:-
Ayes, Trustees, F.£.Cunningham, Y~.J.zschelb~ch, L.G.~ardy Jr., H.Scampini, C.~.~iolstom.
Noes, Trustees, i~ome.
~ m , None
~.osent, ~rustees, ,
Approved .~re~ident of tho '3or, rd ef Tru~tcco
Attest;- , ~
The fol~owing resolution was introduced by Trustee Hardy:-
Whereas a bill providing for the establishment ~nd governnent of municipal port districts
an~ for the acquirement, construction,maintenance, operation,deve!opement and re~ation of a system
of harbor improvements and rail and water transfer and terr:i~a! facilities v.~ithLa such aisSrJcts,
and aisc providing the method of ~yment therefor, nnd for the levy and collection of taxes and
pub]ic assessments therefor Fha for the issuance of bends therefor ~nd for the payment thereof, has
been introduced into the Senate and Assembly of the Legislature; ~nd
Whereas, if this bill is enacted into !aw, it will be advantageous to ~$an l~iateo County
and a public benefit;
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of south San Francisco that said Board
approves the purpose of said bill and requests that Senator L{.B.Johnson
support the passaFe cf the some.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ru~o~ation v:~ r~:ular!j int['od~uect ~n~
adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South~a~ ~ranc~co~i~, 7th day of ~ebzu~ry,~&,E1.
~nere being no further buuiness before t~ 3~ard ~ru~JS~~~am n~ed to adjourn t~
~ - ~ ~otion seconded by Trusteo Ec~m~ini and regu~Isri~
the next re~alar meetinr i~onday ~eoruary ~] st. 1921.
Respectful!y submStted,