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Regular meeting ef the Beard of ~rustees of the City of South San Franeiscc held
Monday, May 2ad, 1921, at the 0ity Hall.
The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock p.m. by Trustee G.W.Holston,Presidont
of the Beard.
Rell Call.
Rell sell found all members.present,.to-wit;-
F.A.C~maingham, A.J.Eschelbaeh, L.G.~ardy Jr., H.Scampini, G.W.~elstem.
The minutes of the previous were read and upem motion ef Trustee ~ardy seconded by Trustee
Eschelbach and regularly carried were appreved.
A petition was received from the Volunteer fire department asking permission to held a dame,
st Fraternal hall, ~aturdsy evening May the 7th from 8 ~.m.umtil 2 a.m May the 8th, Granted.
The Avslon Club petitioned the Bosrd for permission, to give a dance at ~raternsl
Saturday evening, May lath from 8 o'clock p.m. until one a.m, the following morning. Granted.
An application for the position ef Electrical Inspector was received from Warren R. Emerick
of this city. The ordinance cowering electrical inspection not being in effect the matter of an
appointment was laid over till s future meeting of the Beard.
A communication was received W.J.Martin asking for a refund 'cf taxes collected for alleged
improvementsen lots 18 in block 126~ sna 22 and 24 in block 117, stating no impr~veme~s,.~eXi~t
thereon and never have. A motion was regularly carried that the amount of the excess taxeS,~8,40
be refunded.
Application for ~ soft drink license was made by Gullo Lombardi for s restaurant on
Cypress avenue near Miller Avenue, in the ~orman Hotel. Granted.
Application for a refund of city ts=es was made m~de by Jas L. McDonald, on account of
Soldier's Exemption. amounting to $9.10. Granted.
A petition was received from citizens of Peck's Sub-division asking that a light be
placed at the intersection Chapman and Randolph Avenues. The matter was referred to the street
committee, together with the matter of other lighting.
City Marshal Conrad made request upon the Beard to cancel the appointmentsof all deputy
Marshals and Special policemen sw&rn in by the City for the Shaw-Batcher shipyard' except officers
Marshall,Mervin,Stearns and Seidel,who are now the only ones left.The clerk was instructed to
procure the memos of those appointed. The Marshal ssked for' confirmation of the appointments of
George Sidel' and W,A,Stearns, who were sworn in at his request as Deputy Marshals on April 26th
1921. The appointments werec confirmed.by resolution.
Complaint having been made by citizens.to members of the Board of Trustees of the unsani~
tary condition of the Gellepes Bakery and the dsiry on the San Bruno Road, near Armour Avenue,
the Clerk was instructed to write the Mealth Officer acquainting him of the facts amd ordering
the nuisances abated, In this connetion it was stated that animsls were running at large through-
out the city ~d the poundman paying little attention to the subject,Trustee F.A.Cunningham moved
that the services of the ~oundman be dispensed with. Motion seconded by Trustee Hardy and regularly
carried. It was decided to amend the impounding ordinance by doubling the present fees, which
now are $3.00 for all large amimals, ineluding hogs and pigs, andS1.50 for goats, sheep and lambs;
The telephone of the present pou_udman was ordered discontinued'
The subject of the cutting of thistles was brought tc the attention of the Board. The
matter was referred to the street committee.
Complaint having been made about the poor condition the So San Francisco Water Co was
leaving many of the city streets the Clerk was instructed to communicate with them and notify
them to put in first clas~ repair the extension of Swift Avenue. Linden and Juniper Avenues and
approximately twelve bad places in the last three blocks on Commercial avenue, according to the
city law. The company is also required to furnish a $500 bond for the faithful performance of this
repair work.
~ire Chief Truax asked the Board to purchase a bed for the convenience of extra firemen.
granted,amd the purchasing committee.ordered tc procure one.
Attention was called to the Board of the imperfect working condition of the diaphcne
horn in the fire alarm system ~nd also the shorts, ge of four Jars in the battery equipment. The
Gamewell Fire Alarm ~elegraph co~ final payment.was ordered withheld until these defects were
made good and the Clerk instructed to notify the company te this effect.
The reports of &he'city Recorder, City Marshal,City Clerk, Fire Chief and Health Officer
were ~ext read. The City Clerk's report showed the following Balances;-General fund,$~3011 88
Sinking fund for sewers,$3266,09, "lOl~"B0nds,$9526.SA, Factory District Sewer l~und~,~5790139;
Library Fund,S1890.04, Fire ~larm Telegraph ~und,$]0054.35, Street Bonds Ser "A"$23A.68, Ser"B" .
$80.3~, Ser "C" $121.30. Ser. "D" $15~.85, Ser"E" ' ~45.53, Ser."F" $433,01, Ser"G", $543,52.
Total balances in all funds$45151.37.~ioved by Eschelbach seconded by Trustee Cunningham that the
reports be accepted. Carried.
Trustee Eardy: i~troduced the fo!lowing resolution;-
Resolved by the Beard of Trustees ef the City of Seuth San Francisco that W.A,Stearas'
amd George ~idel be, and they hereby are appointed deputy Marshals of said City, to serve without
I hereby certify thet the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by
the Beard of Trustees ef the Coty of South San Francisco this second day of May, 1921, by the
following vote:-
Ayes, Trustees, F,A.Cunningham, A.J Eschelbach, L.G.Hardy Jr., H.Scampini, G.W.Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, None. Attest; Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk.
$40. .~
The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham;-
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the right of way
or easement for the construction, maintenance and use efa public highway upon and across the la~d.
in the $ity of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, deseribed as fellows.
to-wit;- A strip of land ~ixty (60) feet in width, the Westerly boumdr$ line of which is coincident
with the easterly boundry line ef the right of wa~ of the Bay Shore line of Southern Pacific
Railroad Compzny, which strip wf land extends from the northerly boundry line. of ~wift Avenue to
the southerly boundry lime of Butler Rand, the Same having been conveyed to said C~ty of South San
Francisco by deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, a corporation,dated August
28, 1920, be and the same hereby is designated as "Industrial Way".
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was~regul&rly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this second day of]Amy, 1921,by the following
vote;- Ayes,Trustees F.A.Cunninghsm, A.J.Eschelbach, L.G.~ardy Jr., E.Scampini.,G,W.Nolstoa.
Ness, Trustees, None,
Absent, Trustees, None.
Attest; Daniel M¢Sweeney, City Clerk.
Trustee Eardy introduced the following resolution;'-
A resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco establishing
official elevations on Industrial Way from the Northerly line of Swift AVenue to the Southerly
line of Butler Road.
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South san Francisco that all official
thereon and never have.'A ~onWa~ ~egU~rly carried that the amount of the exBes8 taxe,,~O
be refunded.
Application for ~ soft drink license was made by Gulio Lombardi for
Cypress avenue near Miller Avenue, in the Herman Hotel. Granted.
Application for a refund of city taxes was made m~de by Jas L. McDonald, on account of
Soldier's Exemption, amounting to $~.10. Granted.
A petition was received from citizens of Peck'$ Sub-division asking that a light be
placed at the intersection Chapman ~nd Randolph Avenues. ~he matter was referred to the street~
committee, together with the matter of other lighting.
CltyMarshal Conrad made request upon the Board ~o cancel the appointmentsof all deputy
M~r~hals ~nd special policemen sw6rn in by the City for the Shaw-Botcher shipyard, except officers
Marshall,Marvin,Stearns and Seidel,who are now the only ones left.The clerk was instructed to
procure the names of those appointed. The Marshal ~sked for confi~mation of the appointments of
George Sidel~ ~nd W.A.Stearns. who were sworn in at his request as Deputy Marshals on April 26th
1921. The appointments werec confirmed by resolution.
Complaint h~ving been made by citizens to members of the Beard of Trustees of the unsani~
tary condition of the Gellepes Bakery and the d~iry on the ~an Bruno Road, near Armour Avenue,
the Clerk was instructed to write the Mealth Officer acquainting him of the facts and ordering
the nuisances abated. In this connetion it was stated that animals were running at large through-
out the city and the poundman paying little attention te the subject.Trustee F.A.Cunningham moved
that the services of the Poundman be dispensed with. Motion seconded by Trustee Hardy and regularly
carried. It was decided to amend the impounding ordinance by doubling the present fees, which
now are $~.00 for all large animals, lneluding hogs and pigs, andS1.50 for goats, sheep and
The telephone of the present poundman w~s ordered discontinued.
The subject of the cutting of thistles was brought to the attention of the Board. The
matter was referred to the street committee.
Complaint having been made about the poor condition the So San Francisco Water Co was
leaving many of the city streets the Clerk was instructed to communicate with them and notify
them to put in first clas~ repair the extension of Swift Avenue, Linden ~nd Juniper Avant, es and
approximately.twelve bed places in the last three blocks on Commercial ~venue, according to the
city law. The company is also required to furnish a $500 bond for the faithful performance of this
repair work.
~ire Chief Truax asked the Board to purchase a bed for the convenience of extr~ firemen.~
granted,and the Purchasing committee,ordered to procure one.
Attention was called tothe Board of the imperfect working condition of the diaphone
horn in the fire alarm system end also the shortage of four Jars in the battery equipment. The
Gamewell ~ire Alarm ~elegraph co~ final payment.was ordered withheld until these defects were
made good and the Clerk instructed to notify the company to this effect.
The reports of ~he city Recorder, City Marshal. City Clerk, Fire Chief and Health Officer
were next read. The City Clerk's report showed the following Balances;-General fund,S13011.88,
Sinking fund for sewers,S3286.09, "lglg"BOnds,$~526.S4, Factory District Sewer ~und~:,$5?~0.3~,
Library Fund,S1890.04, Fire Alarm Telegraph Fund,$]0054.35, 8treat Bonds Ser "A"$234.68, ~er"B"
$80.3~, Sar "C" $121.30, Sar. "D" $153.85, Ser"E" : ~45.53, Ser."F" $433.01, Ser"G", $543,52.
Total balances in all fundsSAS!51.3?.Moved by Eschelbach ~econded by Trustee Cunningham that the
reports be accepted. Carried.
Trustee Hardy: introduced the following resolution;-
Resolved by the Beard of Trustees of the City or'South San Francisco that W.A,Stearns'
and George Sidel be, and they hereby are appointed deputy Marshals of s~id City, to serve without
I hereby certify that the foregoin~ resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by
th~ Board of Trustees ef the Coty of South San Francisco this second day of May, 1921, by the
following vote :-
Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Ounningham, A.J Eschelbach, L.G.Hardy Jr., H.Scampini, G,W.Holston.
Noes, Trustwes, None.
Absent, Trustees, None. Attest; Daniel Me,weensy, City Clerk.
The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham;-
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the right of way
or easement fer the construction, maintenance and use of a public highway upon and across the land.
in the ~ity of South San Franeisoo, County of San Mates, State of California, deseribed as fellows,
to-wit;- A strip of land Sixty (60) feet in width, the Westerly boundr~ line of which is coincident
with the easterly boundry line of the right of wa~ of the Bay Shere line of Southern Pacific
Railroad Company. which strip ~f land extends from the northerly boundry line. of ~wift Avenue to
the southerly boundry line of Butler Road, the Same having been conveyed to said C~ty of South San
Francisco by deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, a corporation.dated August
28, 1920, be and the same hereby is designated as "Industrial Way".
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this second day of May, 1921,by the following
vote;- Ayes,Trustees F,A.Cunningh~m, A.J.Eschelbach, L.G.~ardy Jr., H.Scempini..G.W.~olston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, ~one.
Attest; Daniel MCSweeney, Cit~ Clerk.
Trustee ~Iardy introduced the following resolution;-
A resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of South ~an Francisco establishing
official elevations on Industrial Way from the Northerly line of Swift Avenue to the Southerly
line of Butler Road.
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that all official
elevations or grades on Industrial Way in said C~ty~~and the same hereby are determined,
established and described with reference to Mean Lower ~ow Water.end ascertained by the United
States Coast and Oeedetic Survey at Fort Point, San Francisco, California,and hereinafter described
as the City Base;
That the official elevations or grades of said Industrial Way ~re hereby determined s.nd
declared to be above said City Base and that said official elevations or grades and their several
points of location be, and the same hereby are established as follows;
Section 1. On the center line of Industrial Way as follows;
At the intersection $~ the northerly line of Swift Avenue 17.65 feet
At a point 200 feet northerly from. said intersection 16.16 feet
At a point 982.28 feet northerly from said intersection 14.6 feet
At a point 650 feet northerly from said intersection 16.4 feet
At a point 2150 feet northerly from said intersection 19.5 feet
At a point 2880 feet northerly from said intersection 17.2 feet
At a point 3050 feet northerly from said intersection 17.71 feet
At the intersection of the southerly line of Butler Road 16.80 feet
Section ~. The shape of the cross-section of said Industrial Way and the elevations thereof
shall be fixed at the time said street is paved, and shell depend upon the material used for pavin~
Section 3. The longitudinal slope or grade of said Industrial Way shall be on straight linel
connecting the ~oints on said street where the elevations are fixed as hereinbefore provided.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopteA by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 2nd day of May, 1921, by the following v,
F.A,Cunningham. A.J.Eschelbaoh. L.G.bterdy Jr., N.Soampini, G.W.~elston.
Noes, Trustees,None.
Absent. Trustees None.
Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk.
The.follew~ng resolution was introduced by Trustee Scampini;-
Resolved by the~Board of Trustees ef the City of South~an Francisco'that the plans and
specifications for the improvement of Industrial Way from the northerly line of Swift Avenue to th,
Southerly line of Butler Road, in said City of South San Francisco,as prepared by the.City Engine,
of said City of South San Francisco and submitted this second day of.May, 1921,be, and the same
hereby sro ad~pted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees o~ the C~ty of South.San Francisco this second day of May, 1921, by the fellowint
Ayes;~rsF.A.Cunninghzm, A.J.Eschelbach, L.G.Nmrdy Jr., E.Scampini. G.W.Nolston.
Noes,Trustees, None
Absent, Trustees, None. Attest; Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk.
The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Eschelbach.
Whereas public interest and convenience require that the wo?k and improvement hereinafter
described should be done; and
Whereas in the opinion of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco.said conte~
work and improvement is, and is hereby declered to be of more than local or ordinary publ£e*benef:
Now,therefor , resolved by the Board of Trustees of.the City of South San Francisco that it
the intention of said Board to order the following work and improvement to be done in said City,t~
That Industrial Way be graded to official line and grade from the northerly line of Swift Aw
to the southerly line of Butler Road, an~ for the. width particulsrly shown on the plans hereinafte:
mentioned and referred to,but excepting such portions of said Industrial Way
be kept in repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon;
That a Thirty-six (36) inch corrugated, galvanized iron culvert be constructed across Industr:
Way at s point 175 feet southwesterly from the intersection of the center line of Industrial Way w:
the center line of Cedar ~venue,.-~,at the particular location shown upon the plans hereinafter mentt:
ed and referred to; that a Thirty-six (36) inch corrugated iron culvert be constructed across
Industrial Way st a point 400 feet northeasterly from the intersection of the center line of
Industrial Way with the center-line of Cedar Avenue, at the p~rticular locetion shown upon the pla:
hereinafter mentioned and referred to.
All work herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with the spec
plans snd specifications for said work, which plans and specifications are entitled "Plans and
specifications for improvement work on Industrial Way, in the City of South San Francisco, County
San Mateo, State of California, which street is fully shown upon the plans hereto attached, which ~
made z part hereof", which plans and specifications were heretofore adopted by said Beerd of Tru~
on the'second day of May, 1921;and are now an file in the office of the City Clerk, ~nd to which
and specifications reference is hereby made for a further description of said work and for the loc~
and extent of the work to be done hereunder and for a particular description of the boundaries of
district herein mentioned. All such ~ork is to include any and all street intersections and street
terminations, opposite terminations of, in and to said streetand those to the respective line~ iab.
mentioned, as is shown upon said plans. Any duplication in any of the work hereinbefore described
shall be ignored. There is excepted, however, from the above mentioned work, any and all such work
as has been &one to official grade.
And said Board of Trustees does hereby determine and declare that said proposed work and
improvement is of more than locsl or ordinary publfCzbenefit s~d will effect and benefit the la~ds
and district hereinafter described, which said district is hereby declared to be the district bens:
by said work and improvement and that therefore the entire costs and expenses of said w~rk and
improvement shall be and is hereby made chargeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands
district,except as hereinafter expressly provided, which district is within said City of South Sa:
Francisco, County of San Mateo,Stete of California, and particularly described as follows,to-wit;
Beginning on the northerly line of Swift Avenue at a point where said line is intersected by a lin.
which is parallel with and distant westerly 50 feet at right angles from the center line of the So~
Pacific Railroad Company's BaY Shore Branch: running thence northeasterly,parallel with and keepin~
a distance of 50 feet westerly at right angles from the said center line to the northerly line of
Cedar ~enue; thene westerly along the ~sai~n0rtherly Iine of Cedar Avenue 25.92 feet to the west.
line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's Bay Shore Branch; thence northerly following along
the courses of the sa~d westerly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's Bay Shore Branch
to a point where the northeasterly line of the Shaw-Batcher Company's 4.052 ecre tract,if extends
northwesterly,Would intersect said westerly right of way line;thence southeasterly along the said
northwesterly prolongation and continuing along the northeasterly line of said Shaw-Bazcher Tract
the meet easterly corner thereof; thence North 58 degrees 52 minutes 26 seconds East 1627.19 feet;
thence South 6 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds Eas~ 146.8 feet; thenceSouth 13 degrees 19 minutes 40
seconds East 160.1 feet; thence South 53 degrees 01 minute 20 seconds West 110.30 feet; thence Sou
00 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds West 156.00feet: thence South 15 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds Ea
179.6 feet;thence South 51 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds West 43?.0 feet; thence South 35 degrees
47 minutes 40 seconds East555.95 feet: thence Westerly on a curve to the right with a radius of 58
feet a distance of 233.62; thence South 86 degrees 13 minutes 20 sec?rids West 162.75 feet; thence i
~drgrees 48 minutes 30 seconds West 16.5 feet: thence SOuth 86 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds West
83 feet'to the southeast corner of the Erickson and Peterson~l.?2 Acre Tract; thence southwester
I hereb2 certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and aAopte& by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 2nd day of May, 1921. by the following vet~
F.A.Cunningham. A.J.Eschelbaeh, L.G.hlardy Jr.. ~.Scampini,
Noes, Trustees,None.
Absent, Trustees None.
Attest, Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk.
The.follew~mg resolution was introduced b~ Trustee Scam~ini;-
Resolved by the~Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the plans amd
specifications for the improvement of Industrial Way from the northerly line of Swift Avenue to the
Southerly line of Butler Road, in said City of South San Francisco,as prepared by the.City Engineer
of said City of South San Francisco and submitted this second day of,May, 1921,be, and the same
hereby are adap_ted as and for the plans and specificatioms for doing said work.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the C~ty of South.Sam ~rancisco this second day of May, 1921, by the following w
Ayes;~rsF.2.Cunningh~m, A.J.Eschelbach, L.G.Eardy Jr., H. Scsmpini. G.W.~olston.
Noes,Trustees, None
Absent. Trustees, None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk.
The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Eschelbach.
Whereas public interest and convenience require that the wo~k and improvement hereinafter
described should be done: and
Whereas in the opimion of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancis~o.said contemp]
work and improvement is. and is hereby declared to be of more than local or ordinary publ£~beneftt;
Now,therefor , resolved by the Board of Trustees of.the City of South San Francisco that it is
the imtention of said Board te order the following work and improvement to be done in said City.to-m
That Industrial Way be graded to official lime and grade from the northerly line of Swift Aven~
to the southerly Iine of Butler Road. sng for the width particularly shown on the plans hereinafter
mentioned amd referred to,but excepting such portions of said Industrial Way ss are required by law ~
be kept in repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon;
That a Thirty-six (56) inch corrugated, galvanized iron culvert be constructed across Industrial
Way at s point l~§ feet southwesterly from the intersection of the center lime of Imdustrial Way with
the center line of Cedar Avenue~.~,at the particular location shown upon the plans hereinafter menttien
ed ~nd referred to: that s Thirty-six (S6)'inch corrugated iron culvert be constructed scross
Industrial Way st a point 400 feet northeasterly from the intersection of the center line of
Industrial Way with the center-line of Cedar Avenue, st the particular location shown upon the plans
hereinafter mentioned and referred to.
All work herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with the special
plans znd specifications for said work, which plans and specifications are entitled "Plans and
specifications for improvement work on Industrial Way, in the City of South San Francisco, County of
San Mateo, Stets of California. which street is fully shown upon the plans hereto attached, which are
made ~ part hereof", which plans and specifications were heretofore adopted by said Bo~rd of Trusts
on the~second day of May, 1921~and are now an file in the office of the City Clerk, ~nd to which plan
and specifications reference is hereby made for a further description of said work and for the locatl
and extent of the work to be done hereunder and for a particular description of the boundaries cf the
district herein mentioned.All such ~ork is to include any and all street intersections and street
terminations, opposite terminations of, in and to said street~nd those to the respective line~ iabo~e
mentioned, ss is shown upon said plans. Any duplication in any of the work hereinbefore Aescribed
shall be ignored. There is excepted, however, from the above mentioned work. any and all such work
as has been &one to official grade.
And said Board of Trustees does hereby determine and declare that said proposed work and
improvement is of more than local or ordinary publfC':benefit and will effect and benefit the la~ds
and district hereinafter described, which said district is hereby declared to be the district benefit
by said w~rk and improvement and that therefore the entire costs and expenses of said w~rk amd
improvement shall be and is hereby made chargeable agsinst and shall be assessed upon said lands and
district.except as hereinafter expressly provided, which district is within said City of South San
Francisco, County of San Mateo,Stste of California, and particularly described as follows,to-wit;
Beginning on the northerly line of Swift Avenue at a point where said line is intersected by a line
which is parallel with and distant westerly 50 feet at right angles from the center line of the South
.Pacific Railroad Company's Bay Shore Branch; running thence northeasterly,parallel with and keeping
a distance of 50 feet westerly at right angles from the said center line to the northerly line of
Cedar &menue; thene westerly along the ~said~n~rtherly Iine of Cedar Avenue 2~.92 feet to the westerl
line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Compamy's Bay Shore Branch; thence northerly following along
the courses of the sa~d westerly ~.ine of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's Bay Shore Branch
to a point where the northeasterly line of the Shaw-Batcher Company's 4.052 sore tract,if extended
northwesterly,Would intersect said westerly right of way line;thence southeasterly along the said
northwesterly prolongation and continuimg along the northeasterly line of said Shaw-Bazcher Tract to
the meet easterly corner thereof; thence North ~8 degrees 52 minutes 26 seconds East 1627.19 feet;
thence South 6 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds Eas~ 146.8 feet; thenceSouth 13 degrees 19 minutes 40
seconds East 160.1 feet; thence South 53 degrees 01 minute 20 seconds West 110.30 feet; thence South
00 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds West 156.00feet: thence South 15 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds East
179.6 feet;thence South 51 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds West 437.0 feet; thence South 35 degrees
47 minutes 40 seconds East553.95 feet: thence Westerly on a curve~to the right with a radius of 586.5,
feet a distance of 233.62; thence South 86 degrees ~3 minutes 20 seconds West 162.75 feet; thence Nor'
~drgrees 48 minutes 30 seconds West 16.5 feet; thence South 86 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds West 76:
83 feet'to the southeast corner of the Erickson and Peterson 1.72 Acre Tract; thence southwesterly
in a straight line to the northeasterly corner of the Pacific Coas~ Steel Company's 14.75 acre tract:
thence 8outh 60 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds West 242.2 feet; thence South. 37 degrees'.32minutes:40~.~seoo~
West 1491.47 feet; Thence ~outh 14 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds West 65 feet; thence South 00 degrees
14 minutes 20 seconds East'1038.11 feet to the northerly line of ~wift Avenue; thence westerly along the
said northerly line of ~wift Avenue to the point of beginning.
Saving, , excepting and excluding from said district all public streets, avenues, alleys , lanel
courts and places included end comtained.
The "E~terprise, a weekly newspaper printed amd circulated in the ~ity of South San Francisco,.
is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this resolution of intention shall be published,and the
Clerk iS hereby directed to cause this resolution of intention to be published by two (2( insertions
in the manner and form required by law.
The Superintendent of streets shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said
contemplated work or improvement,at not more thanthree hundred (300) feet in distance apart,and alomg
/'all the open streeSs within said district and in front of all the property liable to be assessed at not
more than three hundred (300) feet in distance apart, but not less than three (3) in mil in each street
~ in said district, notices o~ the passage of this resolution of intention, in the manm~' ang Torm required
by the"Improvement Act of 1911", and the amendments thereto.
Notice is hereby given that on Monday the 23 rd day of May, 1921. at the hour of 8 o'clockp.m.
~in the chamber of said.Beard of Trustees of the.City of South San ~ranciseo,any and all persons having
any objections to the proposed work and improvement may appear'before said Beard of Trustees and show
cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with this resolution.
Ail of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the
State of California, designated as the "Improvement Act of 1911" approved April 7, 1911, and amendments
I hereby certify t. hat the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted
by the Board cf Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 2 day of May, 19~1 by the following vote;
Ayes. Trustees, F.A.Cnnu~ngham, A.J.Eschelbach. L.G.ttardy Jr., H.Scampini, G.W.Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, Nome.
Attest, Daniel Me,weensY City Clerk.
The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;-
0aklend-Cal. Towel co Towel servicemar. 1 to April 1, $~ 1.32
W.J.Martin refund of taxes $ 8.40
Jas Carmody Supplies ~ 44.00
So. C~tytLbr Co Lumber high school fence -$400.49
A.T.Arndt 1 Blanket $ 7.00
E.P.Kauffman Premium on City Treasurer's Bond. ~ 50.00
P.G.&E. Ce Street lights March 31 to APril 39 8345.40
" """ Light & power City Hall ~ 23.97
" " " Police light(signal) S 1.15
N.Medeghini ~weeping Streets ~pril And remov dirt ~205.O0
Joost Bros Supplies fire dep't $ $0.15
Pac. Fire Extinguisher Co ~upplies Fire Dep't $206'75
Haaker & Ratto Insure ncc Fire Truck $ 50.00
R.Rustica Cleaning F&untain Mar-April $ 2.00
C.A.Eriekson Hall Gerdener,labor $113 50
Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel Co Keyguard glasses $ 9170
Pac Fire Extinguisher Co Nozzles $ 8.16
Enterprise Press Primting 0rdina~ces etc
J.L.McDonald Refund of Taxes AC s~ldier's exemption' ~ $.10
News-Leader Printing notice of reward ~0 3.70
Berticcelli & Mariani Noxxles and hose ~ 1.42
E.H.Lewis ~$sclime fire truck April ~ ?.83
C.C.Conrad Expenses with prisoners $ 20.40
B.~.Truax 1-18" wrench $ ~.00
Tony Phillips Cleaning ho~e attending fire ~ 5.00
Louie Belloni Cleaning hose fiximg truck $ 5.00
~.Johns on Att fire ~ 2.50
J,L.McDonald" " ~ 2.50
Otto Bissett" "$ 2.50
Chas ~edlund" " $ 2,50
W.R.Emerick " "$ 2.50
The finance committee having approved the claims Trustee C unningham moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee Hardy and regularly carried,
There being no further business before the Board Trustee Eschelbach moVed to adjourn
till Monday May the 9th , 1~21 at ?.30 p.m. Motion seconded by Trustee Scampini and RegularlN carried.
Tlme0~ adjournment 10 o'clock p.m.
President of the ~oard of Trustees.
City Clerk