HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1921-07-18410 Regular meeting of the Board of ~rustees of the City of South 8an Francisco held Monday, July 18th, 1921, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Trustee G.W.Holston, President of the Board , at 8 o'clock p.m. Roll Call. Roll cal~ foun~ the following Trustees present,to-wit;- TrusteesF.A.Cunningham, L.G.Hardy Jr.,H.Scampini, G.W.Holston. Absent, Trustee ~.J.Eschetbach. Trustee Eschelbach appeared after roll call. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee Hardy and regularly c~rried were approved. Applicationsfor soft drink .licenses were made by Chas. ~teurnman of the Armour ~otel and ~.Gianella of the ~acific Coast ~teel Works Restaurant. Licenses granted. The s~reet committee reported favorably on the request of the Pacific Gas & Electric Co for permission to set poles on Commercial Avenue and San ~runo ROad. The Gamewell~Fire-Alarm Telegraph Co replied to the city's letter requesting an itemized bill for work done instead of the one r~ndered, stating the same would be forthcoming. A communication was received from W.Frank Geldert, accountant, regarding the work of auditing the city's books. On motion of Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee ~schelbach, the expert was ordered engaged to audit all city book~. Attention was called to the Board that the Pacific Gas & Electric Co had not installed a light at the alley of Cypress? between Grand and Miller Avenues, as ordered, and the clerk was instructed to again bring the matter up with them. The clerk was instructed t~ notify the plumbers who sea made the sewer connections in the alley bf the property of W.C.Schneider and A.Raffelli that th~ work was improperly done and falling ~way and must be put in first c~ass repair,according to city law. A pettition was received from sixteen property owners on the alley of block ~102, objecting to the work being done at the present time. A petition signed by seven other property owners asking that the work be .done was also received. City Treasurer E.P.Kauffman spoke in favor of having the work done, stating among Other things, that many of those who signed against the pro- posed work were now in favor of it, but, having signed th~ petition protesting,ws~e reluctant to withdraw their signatures. The President asked if there ~.r~e any' Pe~s~ns~ Pr~semt who wi~he~ in prot- est to the pro~osed improvement. There were none. Accordingly Trustee Eschelbach introduced the fol~- owing resolution. 41. RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTEST. Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, on the 20th day of June, 1921, pass its resolution of intention No. A1 to order certain street work and improvements to be made upon the alley in block numbered One Hundred andTwo (102), from the Westerly line of · Spruce Avenue to the easterl~ line of Magnolia AVenue,that portion of the alley in block numbered Ninety-five (gB) from the westerly line of Magnolia Avenue to a line drawn at right angles across said alley and at a distance of Six Hundred (&00) feet westerly from the westerly line of Magnolia Avenue, the alley in block numbered One Hundred Seventeen (ll?) from the westerly line of Maple Avenue to the easterly line of Spruce ~venue, the alley in block number~;d~0ne Hundred Nineteen (llg) from the westerly line of Maple Avenue to the easterly line of Spruce Avenue and the alley in block numbered Ninety-nine (99) from ~he westerly line of Spruce Avenue to the easterly line of Magnolia A Avenue, be improved by grading the s~:me to official line end grade for the full width thereof and by cons~ructin~ therein a steel wire mesh reinforced concrete pavement Four (4) inches in thickness, under and in oursuance to the"improvement Act ,of 1911" ~nd the amendments thereto, the location and character of s~id proposed, work being fully described in said Resolution of .Intention,which is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars; and whereas J.Shaw, W.J.Smith, Thcs. £chmidt,Mrs.L.Kert,- Mrs. F.W.Brown, F.S? DOlly, J.Nonize, J.Eikerinkotter,, 15.T.Ferko,~inucciani, Silvio Schenone, E.Co E.Cortesi, John Lucio, Ceo. T.Williams,Mrs. Dora Smith, Antonio' Gaddini, J.Ge~hzrdt, Frank P. I~rray ~nd W.C.Schneider have made a Jo'k~t protest or objection in writing to a portion of the work proposed to be done in said Resolution of intention and have delivered the same to the City Clerk before the hour set for hearing such objections; and Whereas, at the time set for hearing protests Or objections,said Board of Trustees proceeded to hesr said protest or objeOtion, and said protest or objection having been duly heard and considered; Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that said protest or objection against said proposed work or improvement be, and the same hereby is overruled and denied; Resolved further that said Board of Trustees finds that ~aid protest is made by the owners of of less than one-half (1/2) of the property fronting on said work or improvement. I hereby certify that the foregoing resoSution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Bo~rd of Trustees of the City of South 2an ~rancisco,this 18th day of July, 192!.by the following vote; Trustees, ~yes, F.~.Cunningham,X.J.Eschelbach, L.G.Hsrdy Jr., H. Scampini, G.W.Holston Noes, Trustees, None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. **************************** RESOLUTION ORDERING THE WORK~ #*1. The followong reso]ution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham;- Resolved that~ whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did,on the 20th day of June, 192], pass'its Resolution of Intention No. A1 to order the hereinafter described work to be done in said city, which Resolution of Intention was duly and regularly published as re- quired by law, as appears from the affidavit of Robert Speed now on file in the of£ice of the City Cle~ Clerk of said~City; and Whereas notices~of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. A1 headed "Notices of Improvement~? were duly and legally ~osted along the line of said contemplated work or improvement, ~ ~nd in front of all the property liable to be assessed therefor, in form and manner as required by 1 law,as appears from the affidavit of Oeorge A.Kneese, Superintendent of Streets of said City,who after the completion of the posting of said notices, filed his af~iAavit in the office of the City Clerk, making ~oath that he completed the posting of said notices on the ?th day of July, 1921; and Whereas all protests or objections presented have been'disposed of in time, maa~e~ form and manner as required by law,and said Board of Trustees h~s found that said protests were made by the o the owners of less than one-half (1/2) of the area of the property to be assessed for said ~m~r0vements~ therefore b, ~ resolyed.th~t public.i~er~$$ and Romymn~encm require ~he work . ere~nam~er cescrmoea, ~na ~He ~oara ox ~rusmees cz ~ne ~m~y om ~ou~n ~an grancmsco nereoy orders the following work to be done in said Oity, to-wit; That the alle~ in block numbered One Hundred and Two ¢10£}.from the westerl~ line of Snruce At%em%i°~-W~s ca~le"~ t~t~'Boar~"~a% th~ Pacific Gas &~ Electric Co had not installed a light at the alley of Cypress? between Grand and Miller ~venues, as ordered, and the clerk was instructed to again bring the matter up with them. The clerk was instructed t~ notify the plumbers who ®sa made the sewer connections im the alley Of the property of W.C.~chneider and A.Raffelli that th~ work wa~ improperly done and falling ~way and must be put in first c~ass repair,according to city l~w. A pettition was received from sixteen property owners on the alley of block ~102, objecting to the work being done at the present time. A petition signed by seven other property owners asking that the work be .done was also received. City Treasurer E,P.Kauffma~ spoke in favor of having the work done, stating among Other things, that many of those who signed against the pro- posed work were now in favor of it, but, having signed th~ petition protesting,were reluctant to withdraw their Signatures. The President asked if there ~e an~~ pe~s~ns' present who wishe~ in prot- est to the proposed improvement, There were none. Accordingly Trustee Eschelbach introduced the foll- owing resolution. 41. RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTEST. Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, on the 20th day of June, 1921, pass its resolution of intention No. 41 to order certain street work and improvements to be made upon the. alley in block numbered One Hundred sndTwo (102), from the Westerly line of · Spruce Avenue to the easterl~ line of Magnolia Avenue,that portion of the alley in block numbered Ninety-five (95) from the westerly line of Magnolia Avenue to a line drawn at right angles across said alley and at ~ distance of Six Hundred (&00) feet westerly from the westerly line of Magnolia Avenue, the alley in block numbered One ~undred Seventeen (117) from the westerly line of Maple Avenue to the easterly line of Spruce Avenue, the alley in block number~d'0ne Hundred Nineteen (119) from the westerly line of Maple Avenue to the easterly line of Spruce Avenue and the alley in block numbered Ninety-nine (99) from %he westerly line of Spruce Avenue to the easterly line of Magnolia A Avenue, be improved by grading the s~me to official line and grade for the full width thereof and by cons~ructin~ therein a steel wire mesh reinforced concrete pavement Four (4) inches in thickness, under and in ~ursusnce to the"improvement Act,of 1911" &nd the amendments thereto, the loc~tion and character of said proposed, work being fully'described in said Resolution of .Intention,which is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars; and whereas J.Shaw, W.J.Smith, Thcs. Schmidt,l~rs.L.Kert Mrs. F,W.Brown, F,S? DOlly, J.Monize, J.Eikerinkotter,, ;~.T.Ferko,N~inucciani, Silvio Schenone, E.Co E.Cortesi, John Lucio, Geo. T.Williams,Mrs. Dora Smith,~ Antonio' Gaddini, J.Ge~h~rdt, Frank P. I~Iurray ~nd W.C.Schneider have made a Joi~ protest or objection in writing to a portion of the work proposed to be done in said Resolution of Intention and have delivered the same to the City Clerk before the hour set for hearing such objections: and Whereas, at the time set for hearing protests Or objections,said Board of Trustees proceeded to hear said protest or obje~tion, and said protest or objection having been duly heard and considered Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that said protest or objection against said proposed work or improvement be, and the same hereby is overruled and denied: Resolved further that said Board of Trustees finds that said protest is made by the owners o~ of less than one-half (1/2) of the property fronting on said work or improvement. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South 2an ~rancisco,this 18th day of July, 1921,by the followi~ vote; Trustees, Ayes, F.A.Cunningham,X.J.Eschelbach, L.G.Hsrdy Jr., H. Scsmpini, G.W.Holston Noes, Trustees, None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. RESOLUTION ORDERING THE WORK. #41. The followong resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham:- Resolved thatj whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did,on the 20th day of June. 192], pass-its Resolution of Intention No. 41 to order the hereinafter described work to be done in said city, which Resolution of Intention was duly and regularly published as re- quired by law, as appears from the affidavit of Robert Speed now on file ia the office of the City Cle~ Clerk of said~City: and Whereas notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 41 headed "Notices of Improvement'? were duly and legally posted along the line of said contemplated work or improvement, ~nd in front of all the property liable to be assessed therefor, in form and manner as required by 1 law,as appears from the affidavit of George A,Kneese, Superintendent of Streets of said City,who after the completion of the posting of said notices, filed his af~iAavit in the office of the City Clerk, making .oath that he completed the posting of said notices on the ?th day of July, 1921; and Whereas all protests or objections presented have been disposed of in time. ma~e~ form and manner as required by law,and said ~oard of Trustees h~s found that said protests were made by the the owners of less than one-half (1/2) of the area of the property to be.assessed for said ~m~r0vements~ therefore b~ ~ r~solYed.th~t public in~er~$~ and ~omy~n~enc~ require ~he ~ork ~ ore,nailer ~escr~oea, ~na ~e Board o~ Trustees of ~e ~y o~ ~ou~n ~an ~ran~isco nereoy or~ers the following work to be done in said Oity, to-wit: That the alley in block numbered One Hundred and Two (102),from the westerly line of Spruce Avenue to the easterly line of Magnolia Avenue, that portion of the alley in block numbered Ninety- fiwe (95) from the westerly line of Magnolia ~venue to s line drawn at right angles across said alley and at a distance of ~ix Hundred (600) feet westerly from the westerly line of J~agnolia Avenue, the alley in block numbered One Hundred and Seventeen {117) from the westerly line of Maple Aven~ to the easterly, line of Spruce Ivenue, the alley in block numbered One Hundred a~-Nineteen (llg) ~rom the westerly ~ine of Maple Avenue to the easterly line of Spruce Avenue and the alley in bloc~ numbered Ninety-nine(99) from the westerly line of Spruce Avenue to the easterly line of Nagnolia Avenue, ss said alleys are shown upon the maps hereinafter referred to, be improved by grading the same to official line and grade for the full width thereof and by ~onstructing therein a steel wire mesh reinforced concrete pavement Four (4) inches in thickness. ,All work herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with the special plans and specifications for said work,which plans and specifications are entitled "Plans and Specifications for improvement work in the alley in block numberd One Hundred Two (102), that portion of the alley in block numbered Ninety-five (gB),from the westerly l~ne of Magnolia Avenue to a line drawn at right ~ngles ~cross said alley at a distance of Six Hundred (&00) feet westerly from the westerly line of ~gnolia Avenue,the alley in block mumbered Sne Hundred Seventeen (llT), the alley in block numbered One Hundred N~neteen (llg) and the alley in block numbered Ninety-nine (99) in said City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, mhich alleys a~ ~ully shown ~pon the ~plans hereto attached, which are made a part hereof",which plans and specific~ were heretofore adopted by said Board of Trustees on the 20th day of June, 1921, and are now on $i~ in the office of the ~ity Clerk, and to which plans and specifications reference is hereby made for a further descri ption of said work and for the location and extent of the work to be done her~ under. Any duplication of any of the work hereinbefore described shall be ignored. There is o e~cepted, however, from the above mentioned work, any and all such work ~s has been ~one to offici~ grade. Said alleys in blocks numbered 102, 9B and ll7 are shown upon that certain map entitled "South Sen Francisco, San ~ateo Co., Colifornia,Plat No.~ l",which map was fi~ed in the office of 1 County Recorder of the County of San Mateo, California, ~arch l, 1892,and recorded in Nap Book No.~ at page 52; the alleys in blocks numbered One Hundred Nineteen(llg) and Ninety-nine (99) ~re showz upon that certain map entitled "SUbdivisions of Blocks 98,99,119 & 1£2 South S~n Francisco, Cal. Plat No. 2", which map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San ~ateo, California, November lOth,1900, and recorded in ~ap Book NO. ~ ~t p~ge ~. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear inte~ at the rate of Seven (?) per centper annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner specified in the "Improvement Bond Act of 19~B" and the amendments thereto, the last installment of which bonds ~hall mature nine (9) years from the second Sa~ (Snd) day, of July next succeeding Nine (9) months from their date. Except as herein provided, all of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an set of the ~egislature of the State of California,designated as the "Improvement Act of 1911" ~pproved April 7, 1911, and amendments thoreto. The City Clerk is hereby directed to pos~ a notice of said work together with the plans and spe'cifications therefor,conspicuously.for five(B) days on or near the ~ouncil Chamber Door invi sealed pro~osa~s for doing the work ordered. He is also directed to publish a not~ce inviting such proposals, and referring to the specifications posted or on file bY two (2) insertions in"~he Enterprise" a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said City of South San Francisco,and hereby designated for the purpose. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introducedand adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 18th day of July, 1921,by the following vote;? Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbsch, L.G.Hardy Jr., H.Scampini. G.W.Holston Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. Attest. Daniel ~cSweeney, City Clerk. City Treasures Kauffman reported that coupons in excess of the funds orovided for thai redemption in the C and F series of street bonds had been presented for payment. Trustee Hardy introduced the following resolution to make paymentz from the,general fund:- Whereas coupons on series "C" of Street Improvement Bonds of the City of South San Fra in the amount of $5B.00 in excess of the fund provided for payment of said bonds have been presente to said City by the holders ~hereof, and Whereas coupons on Series "F" of streetimprovement bonds o~ said City of South San Francisco in the amount of Two H~dred Ninety-eight($298.~2) ~nd forty- two cents in exces~ of the fund provided for the payment of said bonds have been presented to Said City of South San Francisco by the holders thereof: Resolved by the Bozrd of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the City Tre Treasurer be,end he hereby is authorized and directed to pay to the holders of said coupons the amount thereof out of the genera! fund. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduce and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City o~ South San Francisco this 18th day of July,1921, by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbach,L.G.Hsrd~ Jr., H.Scampini, G.W.Holston Noen, Trustees, None. ~ Absent, Trustees, None. Attest, Daniel NcSweeney, City Clerk. The following claims were next presented for payment:- Union oil Co of Calif Kerosene ~ .SZ N.Nedeghini sweeping streets June $200.00 Antone Phillips Watering trees $ 34.00 A.McSweeney Property transfers & typing ~ 2B.00 Service Garage Gasoline $ 8.75 The finance Committee having approved the claims Trustee Cunningham moved payment. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. There being no further business before the,Boar~ Trustee Scampini moved adjounnment unti~ Monday jAugust 1st, 1921, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion seconded by Trustee Hardy and reguls, r~ carried. Time of adjourmment 9.Z~ p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved President of the Board of Trustees CITY Any duplication of any of ths Work hereinbefore described shall be ignored. There is o e~cepted, however, from the above mentioned work, any and ~ll such work ~s h~s been ~one to officia~ grade. Said alleys in blocks numbered 102, 95 and ll7 are shown unon that certain map entitled "South SAn Francisco, San Mateo Co., California,Plat No.~ l",which map was fi~.ed in the office of th County Recorder of the County of San Mateo, California, ~arch l, 1892,and recorded in Map Book No.2 at p~ge 52; the alleys in blocks numbered One Hundred Nineteen(llg) and Ninety-nine (99) ~re shown upon that certain map entitled "Subdivisions of Blocks 98,99,119 & 122 South SAn Francisco, Cal. Pl~t No. 2", which map was filed in the of Lice of the County Recorder of the County of San Nateo, California, November lOth,1900, and recorded in Map Book NO. ~ ~t p~ge ,. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear intere at the rate of Seven (7) per centper annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner specified in the "Improvement Bond Act of 19~5" ~nd the amendments thereto, the last installment of which bonds ~hall mature nine (9) years from the second $~ (2nd) day of July next succeeding Nine (9) months from their date. Except as herein provided, all of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an sot of the Legislature of the State of California,designated as the "Improvement Act of 1911", ~pproved April 7, 1911, and amendments thoreto. The City Clerk is hereby directed to pos~ a notice of said work together with the plans and specifications therefor,conspicuously for five(5) days on or near the ~ouncil Chamber Door invit sealed pro~osaSs for doing the work ordered. He is also directed to publish a notice inviting such proposals, and referring to the specifications posted or on file bY two (2) insertions in"~he Enterprise" a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said City of South San Francisco,and hereby designated for the purpose. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introducedand adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 18th day of July, 1921,by the following vote;, ~yes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, ~.J.Eschelbach, L.G.Hardy Jr., H.Scampini. G.W.~olston Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. Attest. Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. City Treasure~ Kauffman reporIed that coupons in excess of the funds nrovided for their redemption in the C and F series of street bonds had been presented for payment. Trustee Hardy introduced the following resolution to make payment~ from the general fund;- Whereas coupons on series "C" of Street Improvement Bonds of the City of South San Fran, in the amount of $55.00 in excess of the fund provided for payment of said bonds have been presented to said City by the holders ~hereof, and Whereas coupons on Series "F" of streetimprovement bonds o~ said City of South San Francisco in the amount of Two H~dred Ninety-eight(S298.42) ~nd forty- two cents in exces~ of the fund provided for the payment of said bonds have been presented to Said City of South San Francisco by the holders thereof; Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the City Tre Treasurer be,and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay to the holders of said coupons the amount thereof out of the general fund. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City og South San Francisco this 18th day of July,1921, by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham,.A.J.Eschelbach,L.G.H~rdy Jr., H.Scampi~i, G.W.~olston Noen, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. The following claims were next presented for payment;- Union oil Co of C~lif Kerosene ~ .88 N.Medeghini sweeping streets June $200.00 Antone Phillips Watering trees $ 34.00 - A.McSweeney Property transfers & typing ~ 25.00 Service G~r~ge Gasoline $ 8.75 The finance Committee having approved the claims Trustee Cunningham moved payment. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. There being no further business before the Boar~ Trustee Scampini moved adjounnment unti~ Monday jAugust 1st, 1921, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion seconded by Trustee H~rdy and regularly carried. Time of adjourmment 9,Z5 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved President of the Board of Trustees CITY CL2