HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1921-08-29 Regularly adjourned n~eeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco held Monday August Bgth, 1921, st the city Hall. The meeting was called to order at 8:o'clock p.m., by Trustee G.W.Holston, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all Trustees present,to-wit:- F.A.Cunningh~m, A.J.Eschelbach,L.G.H~rdy Jr H.~campini and G.W.Holston. The minutes of the four previous meetings were read and upon motion of Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and re~tlarly carried were approved. Electrical Inspector Byrne sent a request to be furnished with a badge or some evidence of authority to be used in connection with his inspection work, as he had been refused admission to some p~aces for lack of these credentials. On motion of Trustee Eschelbach seconded by Trustee Hardy and regularly carried the inspector was allowed the use of a badge and the Clerk was instructed to draw up a document showing the official appointment of Mr. Byrne as the city Electrical Inspector. In the matter of the application of Enrico Colombo end Joseph Nsinini for a p0ol r6om license for the C~lifornia Pool Hall, 22~ Grand Avenue,Trustee Cunningham moved the license be grant. The ~otion was sec ended by Trustee Scsmpini an carried by the following vote; Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbach,L.G.Hardy Jr.,H.~campini and G.N.Eolston. Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. An application was received from John Brusa asking for a soft drink license for the Poodle , having acquired the business from A.B~radat. It was moved by Trustee Cunningham that the license be granted. Tha motion was seconded by Trustee Scampini and carried by the following ~ote;-Ayes Trustee~ F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbsch,L.G.Hardy Jr.,H.Sc~mpini and G.~.~olston. A communication was received from the League of California Municipalities notifying the Board of Trustees and other city officials that the 2Ath annual convention of California Municipali will be held in Santa Monico, September 2?th, to Z0th, 1921, and advising as many city officers to attend as can conveniently spare the time. Matters of vital importance are coming up for considerati~ Action on the communicstion will be taken at the first meeting in September. Judge E.E.Cunningh~m appeared before the Board on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, the ManufActurers Association, other civic bodies and the townspeople in general, asking the Boards en- dorsement of the petition to restore the South San Francisco post office to its original status, that of an independen~ postoffice. The Board was unanimous inthe opinion that South San Francisco, a growing ~ndustrial city is Justly entitled to the return of its independent postoffice, the sam, having been abolished by the last Federal Administration for pOlitical reasons,but without c~use and without the consent of the people of the community. Accordingly Trustee Scsmpini introduced the following resolution;- Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of South San Francisco that the ~petition to the Postmaster-General for the restoration of the ~outh San Francisco Post office to its former independent status,be, ~nd the same hereby is approved, and the President of ssid Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and d~rected to sign the corporate name of said City to said petition. I hereby certify that theforegoing resolution was reguler~y introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 29th d~y of August, ~921, by the following vote:- ~yes, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, L.G.Hardy Jr.,H.Sc~mpini and G.W.~olston. Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, Nome. Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. Trustee Cunninghan then introduced the following resolution. NO. 41. Resolutiou rejectin~ bids. Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of ~outh Fan Francisc° did, in open session,on the l~th day of August, 1921,publicly open, examine znd declare al~ sealed proposals or bids for doing the following work in said City, to-wit: That the alley in block numbered one Hundred and Two (102),£rom the westerly line of Spruce Avenue to the easterly line of ~agno~_ia Avenue,that portion of the alley in block numbered Ninety-five(tS) from the westerly line of Magnolia Avenue to a line drswn at right angles across sai~ alley andat a distance of Six Hundred ~600) feet westerly from the westerly line of ~agnolia Avenue,the alley in block numbered One Hundred Seventeen (ll7),£rom the westerly line of Maple Avenu. to the westerly line of Spruce Avenue,the ~lley in block numbered One ~undred Nineteenillg) from the westerly line of ~aple Avenue to the easterly line of Spruce Avenue and th~ alley in block numbered Ninety-nine (99) from the westerly line of Spruce £venue to the easterly line of ~agnolia Avenue,as said alleys ~re shown upon the maps hereinafter ~eferred to,be improved by grading the sam~ to official line and grade for the full width thereof and by constructing therein a steel wire mesh reinforced concrete pavement Four (4) inches in thickness: the s~me being the work described in Resolution of Intention No.41,p~ssed and adopted by the BOard of Trustees of the City of Soul~h Sen Francisco on the 20th day of June, 1921; and . Whereas said Bosrd of Trustees considers the prices contained in each of said bid~ too high; Resolved by the Bo~rd of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco,that said Bosrd hereby rejects all bids submitted for doing said work. ************************** I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopt, by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 29th day of August, 1921,by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, F.£.Cunninghsm, A.J.Eschelb~ch, L.G.Hardy Jr., H.Scampini, Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. Clsims sgsinst the city were next presented for payment, as follows;- Mac Rorie & McLaren Plsns for civic center ~50.00 A.Scampini Carpenter work and labor Thomas Schmidt Express charges So.~ity lbr. & Supoly Co Materials Pac. Tel & Tel Co. 2 City phones Antonio Gsddini I~bor on streets ~11.00 .65 8.80 ¢ll.O0 ~ZO0.~ An ap ~icatien was received from john Brusa asking ~or a sozm arxn~ xxov=o_ ~v. having acquired the business from A.B~radat. It was moved by Trustee Cunningham that the granted. Th~ motion was seconded by Trustee ~campini and carried by the following ~ote;-Ayes Trustee~ F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbsch,L.G.Hardy Jr..H.~c~mpini and G.~.~ol~ton. A communication was received from the League of California Municipalities notifying the ~oard of Trustees ~nd other city officials that the 2Ath annual convention of California ~unicipali~ will be held in 3anta Monico, September 27th, to ~Oth, 1~2!, end advisin~ ~s many city officers to attend as can convenientYy sp~re the time. Matters of vital importance are comin~ up for considerati~ Action on the communication will be taken at the first meeting in September. Judge E.E.Ounnin~h~ appeared before the ~oard on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce. the Manufacturers Association. other civic bodies and the townspeople in ~eneral, asking the Boards en- dorsement of the petition to restore the South San Francisco post office to its ori~inal status, that of an independent postoffice. The Board was unanimous inthe opinion that South San Francisco, a growing &ndustrial city is Justly entitled to the return of its independent postoffice, the same havin~ been abolished by the last Federal Administration for ~Olttical reasons,but without c~use and without the consent of the people of the community. Accordingly Trustee Sc~mpini introduced the followin~ resolutions- Resolved by the Board of Trustee~ of the ~ity of ~outh San Francisco that the ~petition to the Postmaster-General for the restoration of the ~outn San Francisco Post office to its former independent status,be, ~nd the same hereby is approved, and the President of s~id Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and d~rected to ~ign the corporate name of said City to said petition. I hereby certify that theforegoing resoYution was reg-uler~y introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 29th day of August, ~921, by the following vote:- ~yes, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, L.G.Hardy Jr.,H.Sc~mpini and G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees, None. ~bsent, Trustee~, Nome. Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. Trustee Cunningham then introduced the following resolution. NO. 41. Resolution reJectin~ bids. Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of ~outh Ban Francisco did, in open session,on the l~th day of August, 1921,publicly open, examine znd declare al~ sealed proposals or bids for doing the following work in said City, to-wit: That the alley in block numbered one Hundred and T~o (102),£rom the westerly line of Spruce Ave~e to the easterly line of ~agno~ia Avenue,that portion of the alley in block numbered Ninety-fivel~,~) from the westerly line of Magnolia Avenue to a line drswn ~t right angles across sai alley andat a distance of Eix Hundred ~600) feet westerly from the westerly line of Zagnolia Avenue,the alley in block numbered One Hundred Seventeen (ll?),£rom the westerly line of ~aple Avenu to the westerly line of Spruce Avenue,the &lley in block numbered One Hundred Nineteenillg) from the westerly line of Maple Avenue to the easterly line of Spruce Avenue and th~ alley in block munbered Ninety-nine (99) from the westerly line of Spruce £venue to the easterly line of ~agnolia ~venue,as said alleys ~re shown upon the maps herein~fter aeferred to,be improved by grading the san to official line and grade for the full width thereof and by constructing therein a steel wire mesh reinforced concrete pavement Four I~) inches in thickness: the sa~e being the work described in Resolution of Intention No.Al,p~ssed and adooted by the BOard of Trustees of the City of Souizh Sen Francisco on the 20th day of June, 1921; ~nd Whereas said Bo~rd of Trustees considers the prices contained in each of said bi~ too high: Resolved by the Bo~rd of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco,that said Bo~rd hereby rejects all bids submitted for doing said work. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adop' by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 29th day of August, 1921,by the following vote:- Ayes, Trustees, F.£.Cunningh~m, A.J.Eschelbsch, L.G.~ardy Jr., ~.Scampini, G.W.H~ Noes, Trustees, None. Absent. Trustees, None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. Claims sgsinst the city were next presented for payment, as follows;- Mac Rorie & ~cLaren Plsns for civic center *~50.00 A.Scampini Carpenter work and labor Thomas Schmidt Express charges So.~ity lbr. & Supoly Co Materials Pac. Tel & Tel Co. 2 City phones [11.00 · 65 ~[~19.10 ~880 ~.ntonio Geddini Labor on streets $11 00 · e s' s v'n b~e udi ed b~ he an~ regu~ar±y csrr~ea. The motz~ w~ ~co~e~ ~y ~r~s~ee ~unn~g~em finance Co~itt~ ~r~stee Eschelbac~ moved they be There being no further business before the Board ~rustee Hardy moved adjournment the next re~lar meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Scs~p~ni and re~lsrl2 carried. Time sdjournme~t 9.30 ~.m. Approved _ ~Pe~ully sub~tted,/~ / ~ P~esid.en~ o~ the ~~. ~~~~~