HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1921-12-05 Re~lar meeting of the Bozrd of ~rustees of the uity of South Kan ~'rancisco held
Monday, December 5th.1921, at the ~ity
The meeting was czlled to order at 8'0'clock p.m.by Trustee G.~.nolston, Fresident
of the ~oard.
no]l ~all.
Holl c~11 found ~11 Trustees rresent,to-wit:-
F.~.~unningham.A.J.~schelbach,L.G.Hardy ~r.,n. Scampini end G.~.Holston.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of Trustee ~schelbach
seconded by Trustee Sc~mpini ~nd regularly carried were approved.
A petition was received from ~'red H.~yles asking for the return of ~8.64 tax money
on ~ccount of the Soldier's ~xemption law. On motion of Trustee ~unningham Seconded By Trustee
~schelb~ch and regularly carried the request was granted.
Angelo ~enovesio for the ~outh ~ity Pool nell ~10 ,r~nd Avenue Asked the ~oard's
permission to re-construct the fron~ of their store by the addition of more glass, ~t an estimated
co~t of approximately ,500. On recommendation of Trustee ~unningh~m ~ity attorney ~oleberd was
requested to look up the fire ordinance in the matter ~nd report at the next meeting.
The ~ailroad Athletic ~lub made application for permission to hold an amateur
boxing exhibition on the evening of Tuesday ~ecember 1Zth,1921. ~oved by Trustee ~unningh~m
seconded by Trustee ~schelbsch that the permission be granted. ~arried.
Lazzsro ~arsuglia ~ade application for a soft drink license for f222 ~ux Avenue.
Trustee ~unningham moved the application be rejected. The motion was seconded by Trustee hardy and
cerried by the following vote;-
~Yes,Trustees,~'.A.Uunninghsm,A.~.~schelb~ch.L.~.nardy Jr.,H.~campini,~.~.~olston.
~oes, Trustees, ~one.
Absent, Trustees, ~one.
The laid over application of ~sm ~urusis for a soft drink license to succeed his
brother Feter ourusis, zt llZ ~rand Avenue was l~id over for further investigation.
A comnunication was received from the ~o. S~n ~'rancisco ~and and Amprovement ~o.
cal2ing attention of the ooard to the fact that numerous l~m~s have been stolen from the fences
around the breaks on owift Avenue, and doubting t~eir responsibility in the matter of maintaining this
highway. The communication was ordered filed.
A protest w~s received from the western ~eat ~ompsny against payment of their 1921
taxes on the alleged ground that the assessment of their ~roperty is"excessive,lnequitable and
~rbitrary". The m~tter was laid over for further consideration.
The reports of the ~ire marshal,Health Officer, ~ity A,~rshal, ~ity necorder,
~lectricsl inspector and ~ity ~lerk were next read.
The ro~ort of the oity olerk showed the following ba!snces in the various funds;-
~eneral fund,~lZ880.70,Library fund,~1779.*4,~inking fund for sewers.,,2022.41,
~'actory ~istrict ~ewer ~,und,,Z2Z£.04,"lgl9 ~onds".~58A3.2~,Street ~onds oer."A",,61.9Z
~0.1S, ~er."b", ~24Z.82, Bet. "~",~42.Z§,ser."~",~,21.97,~er. "~'",~216.~8,her."~" ,1161.11.
T~t~l balance in all funds,,290~.TZ. ~rustee ~unningham moved the reports be
accepted as read. The motion was seconded by ~rustee ~schelbach and regularly carried.
The following claims against the ~itywere then presented for p~yment;-
o.n. Truax, on account of one arrest, , 1.2~
The ~eagrave uo ~upplies fire ~ep~t
~ec. ';el & Tel ~o. ~ity phones
~nterprise zub.~o 1000 notices health dep't
~'red J.~autze, ~soline fire deo't ~ov.
u.~.ochurk ~l ectrical suDplies
uakland-ualif.u~owel ~o.,~ity nsl] ~sh ~ov.
~o.~.~'.~ster ~o.n~ll ~ ~'ountain ~ater &water Trees~ 2~.70
~o. ~ity ~br. ~ ~upp!y uo.,~upplies ~ 18.62
~'ide~ity ~ uasualty ~o ~,orgery oobG ~ ~heck ~riter~ 68.~0
Mc.City Gar[~e, ~lo Cycle gas ~ov-,
D.Ec8weeney ~tamps, ~]erk's & Z~arshal's office
8ep't 0et , & Nov., ~ 8.~0
~: 6 O0
C.A.Ericsson dare of ~reos £~ov., ¥ ·
N.Liedeghini Sweeping streets & H~uling,~ov., ~20~.00
o.C.Conrad, Transportation & Feed of Frisoners, 28.40
~'red H.Myles aebste of taxes A ~ Sold's Exez~ption ~ 8.64
Total ~509.94
The bills having been. approved by the finance committee Trustee ~schelbach moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by ~rustee ~unningha~ and regularly carried.
The clerk was instructed to order s light placed on Grand Avenue opposite the
Grammar school, i~ the vicinity of the residence of ~ohn Yaccari.
There being no further business before the ~oard Trustee Hardy moved adjournment
until Monday evening December 12th, ]921 ~t 7 O'clock p.m. The motion wa~ seconded by Trustee
~ca~oini and regularly carried.
Time of ~dJourn~ent, 9.Z5, ~.m:.
Fresident of the ~o~rd of ~rustees,
nesvectfully subnitted,