HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1922-01-03 !!egulsr meeting of the ;~oard of '~rustees of the Oit:~ of a'outh .~an ~rancisco held Tuesdayoanuary
rd,J9 at the ~ity Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Trustee G.W.Holston, President of the Bos..rd
Roll call ffound all Trustees present,to-wit;-
~'.A.Ounningham,A.J.Eschelbach,L.G.Hardy Jr., H.Scampini,and G.W.Holston.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of Trustee hardy seconded by Trust
~unningham ~nd re~larly carried were approved.
~ communication was received from uity ~ngineer Kneese stmting that the contract of ~armon
to construct the storm water sewer from uali£ornia Avenue to industrial Way under the Southern Pacifi
~ompany's right of way had been completed and that a balance o£ ~919.39 wos due them in final payment
The report"was accepted and filed.
S.Bruno of the Linden Hotel confectionery appeared before the Board and stated he was not sellin
soft drinks and therefore did not feel that he should pay a ro£t drink license. On this showing he w~
allowed ~:o continue the candy business withouz a license.
~sbanniss ~d, Johnson,cited to appear before the Board to ~how cause why his soft drink license
should not be revoked for havin~ violated section 6 of Ordinance Fl08, in moving his business to s ne
place without permission, stated that he was unaware that such permission ~as required, and apologize
for his mistake. On promise to conduct an orderly and respectable place he was allowed
business in the new locstion ~88 ~rsnd Avenue.
The a~plication of John Bruso for a soft drink license,laid over from the lsat meeting was acted
upon fsvorsbly, with the prosiso that A.Eacchi be not employed or connected with Zhe business.
This license with licenses for Bogdalos & ~'rankos, 210 Grand Avenue,Louis Poulos, ~t~r restaur~
O.Steuernman, Armour ~otel,~uniper Avenue Grocery store,and ~.5cam~ini was granted by the following
~yes,F.A.Cunninghsm,A.J.Eeehelbsch,E.G.Hardy Jr., H.Scampini,~.W.Holston.
Absent, Trustees,~one.
The aoplication of naloh Ambrose of the S.P.~lotel for a soft drink license ass laid over till t~
next meeting of the Board.
~ire ~hief Truax noti£ie~ ~he 3card that s power line of the Market st. ±~ai~way Company sagged w
wet and came in contact with the fire s2srm line st the corner of Grand ~:nd Magnolia Avenues and csus
trouble. The clerk was instructed to communicate with the street car company and request that'its lin
be boxed st this point.
The tlerk was instructed to communicate ~ith the Pacific ~as & ~lectric ~ompany and order a li~h
placed in the alley between Juni?~er and Armour Avenues.
Health officer Ec~overn reported that he was about to begin the inspection and clean ur of the
city,in the matter of aanitation, with the assistance of officer ~e!loni. me stated that notice would
sent to every householder in the city of the intention of the ~ity Trustees to ehforce the law relati
to sanitation, the keepin,~ down of weeds and the care of vacant lots and alleys.
~ltizen Andrew Hynding a~,peared before the ~oard and made a strong plea for the continuation of
planting trees this spring again. President Holston in£or~ned him that it was the sense of the Board of
Trustees to plant more trees immediately, and aRso to replace those of last year's planting which had
died. M~.Hyhding also introduced the subject of electrolier street lighting, showing the advantage to
be gained in the advertising of cities by such modern improved methodsof street lighting, de also
advocated the replacing of the old wooden and unsightly telephone, telegraph and electric light poles
by modern ornamental iron poles, nev.~r. ~,ioloney, ~.A.~svassa and others present strongly endorzed th
~ropositions.President dolston appointed Trustees ~'oA.Ounningham and L.J.mschelbach s comnuittee to
work in conjunction with committees from the l~erchsnts Association and the Ohamber of commerce to s
what could be done in the matter of these important improvement measures.
~'he matter of the right of the ~ity to force the cl~aning of vacant under state statute was
~rought up. After diecussion it was decided to ifistruct city attorney ~oleberd to go into the matter
carefully and report his opinion st his e~rliest convenience.
The monthly reports for ~ecember of ~ity ~ecorder,~unningham,~i'ty ~a. rshal,neslth officer,~'ire
and ~ity ~lerk were next read. The re~ort of the ~ity ~lerk showed the f~llowing ~alances in the var~
funds:- General fund,~19852.77,Librsry fund,~2569.01,~inking fund for sewers,~3075.17,~'actory ~istric
Sewer fund,~3232.04, "1919" ~onds,~;7681.O,, ~tr. bonds Ser ~'A",~61.gz, Ser."~",~50.1Z,5er. "~" ~243.8
Se~ "D", ~552.51,her. "E", ~35.82,5er ~'", ¥502.Z2,Ser."~" ~1&85.09, ~'otal b~lsnce in all funds
~395~1.65. The ~ity ~ecorder's office showed collections of ;260. Trustee ~unninghsm n~oved the report
be accepted. The motion was seconded by Trustee ~schelbach and regularly carried.
The following claim, s against the city were then presented rom payment,-
marmon & dickey, balance due on storm-water sewer contract
Pacific g~s ~ ~lectric bo. Str.znd hall Lights ~ Power Dec ~Z58.07
P.nustici ~lesnin~ ~'ountain ~ov & Dec. ~ 2.00
C.O.Conrad Transportation ~ ~'eed of prison~rs ~ec ~ 5.80
The claims having been a~proved by the finance committee Trustee ~schelbach moved they
be paid. The motion ~as seconded by ~:r~stee ~unningham and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the ooard ~rustee ~camoini moved to adjourn until
the next regular meeting ~ondsy January 16th,1922. The motion was seconded by trustee ~ardy and regul~
carried. Time of adjournment, l0 o'clock p.m.
President of the 3oard. of '~rustee~'