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~e2u~]ar m~eting of the ooard of .rue%ecs cf the ~ity of ~outh ~an ~rancisco held
i~ionds.7, ~nuary 16th,1922, at the ~ity ~all.' '
~he meeting was called to order at eight o'clock ~.n. by ~rustee ~.,.~xolston,~resident
of ~he ~oard.
~oll ~all.
,~oll c~ll found the following '~ru~tees: p~'e~:~nt, ~o-wi~:-A.J.~sche!bach,L.G.H~rdy Jr.,
Absent, Trustee, ~.f..Cunningham.
'i~he minutes of ~he previous meeting were read ~nd upon motion of Trustee ScamDini
~econded by 'i~rustee H~rdy end regularly carried were approved.
~ petition w~,s received from the ral's Club asking permir~ion to hold a dance at
~'ratern~i ~i~ll 0n February qth next, the dance to l~st till one A.~. Permission wa~ granted to hold
the d~nce on the date specified, but to run untill 1~ O'clock, m.
A communication was received from the merchants Association asking the ~oard to consider
the m~tter of widenin~ Drend ;~venue from ~,[aple i~venue to the S.P.de~ot, from 18 t0 56 inches, end sled
calling the attentionS'of the ~oard to the fac.t that Tanforan no~d from the race trsck to the county
highway i~ in bed condition.
After discussion it was decided to take the ma~ter of widening ~rand Avenue under
consideration. As to the condition of ~i~nforsn z, oad President Holston instructed the stroet committee
to investigate the re[tier end report their findings to the board.
i.~otic~ was.~erved~b~ ~he ~aci~ic~uoa~t ~tee~ bom~:~ny that they n6d completed the
storm w&ter ditch a=.ong ~ne wez'~si~e oi' lnau~riai ~%'av xrom the steel ~lant to Swif~
Communication was accepted and ordered f~]ed. C~ty attorney ~oleberd was ~nstructed to inspect the
the dith and [scert~in whether or not it would be necessary to construct fences for the protection of
pedestrians ~long industrial Way.
The ~tate Compensation ~nsursnce ~'und sent a final dividend statement covering the year
1918 premium, showing ~ balance or dividead due the city of ~'50.91, and enclosed check for the amount.
~ communication was received from the touth L~n Francisco Chamber of ~ormaerce stcting
that body had passed resolutions st their previous meeting endorsing the proposed improvoment of uivic
Center, The organization offered to render any assistance possible to the nonoreble Soard of Trustees
in this work. The communication w~.s accepted with thanks. President Ho]ston stated that possibly a
speci~t tax of 20 cents or thereabouts would be levied for this much needed improvement.
Thc appiicstion of i~:a!ph Ambrose of the S.~.~otel for a soft drink license was ~aid Over
till the nezt meeting,it being reported that he w~.s not a citizen.
The applications of ~.~londini, Lucchesi ~ Brocchini,n. Yglesios,viette ~ Thatcher,and
c.Perdin~ for soft drink licenses were granted by the following vote:-
I~yes,Trustees, A.J.Eschelbech,L.G.Hardy Jr.,~i. Sc~mpini,G.W.Holston
~oes,..rustees, N0ne.
;,bsent, Trustees, ~'.A.Cunningham.
The re~orts of the city Treasurer and ~it~ Poundman for the ..~onth of Decet~ber were
received rnd accepted.
~ire ~_arsha] Truax a~dressed the ~oard and stated that fire ~larm wires were down
several ~]aces and three boxes out of order due to the recent severe storm, ne asked for a competent
inspector to ]o~kover the damage and suggested that the ?acific G~s & Llectric ~omp[:ny be em]~loyed
to take c~re of the repairs, under the supervision of the inspector. 2'he Board w~s ~greed that the
Pecific ~-e ~:nd hIectric uorpany should be requested to do the reps. ir work and Pre~[dent Holston
e?pointed ohas. r'.Schurk to attend to the inspection.
it was reported to the ~oard that large ponds of water were lrying in the v~cant Iota,
the north wesZ corner of ~rand ~venue and Maple ~venue and the north west corner of Spruce ;~venue and
Railroad Avenue. The olerk war instructed to write to the respective prooerty owners and request that
the water be drained out. Also to notify the i~eihodist unurch that the sidewalk on ~aple Avenue in
front of their prorerty is gradually s~nking smd the ~'ame ~'hou]d be taken care of.
~he clerk v:~s instructed ~o write to Plumber ~;~m. nickey and call mis attention to the
fact that he has not made rep&ir~ to the alley at %he ,,[e%hodiz~% church or at Kauffman's or ballace~s
~ the same ~lley, as per ~greemen% ~.~ a previous meeting.
Attention being o~-l].ed to the ~o~:r~ that ~r~ternal ~all i¢ without fire escapes the clerk
,,.~ instructed %o write %o the ;~'socistion end requez't that a fire escape be placed in the building at
%he earlies~ possible moment.
Citizens of "eck's Lots inquired from the ~oard if the Spring ~'~!ley ~ater uompany had
mede asswer to the uity's letter requesting %hem %o lores their pice line on the
district. L'he It v¢~s stzted that ~:uperintendent William Ls,:rence called at tho Uity mall s-e':eral months'
months s~o in reference to the matter. This was eli that had been done, The ~ity ulerk wes instructed
to writ to Superintendent Lawrence and again bring the matter to his attention.
L'he following claims ~:gainst the citT7 v:ere no:;t presented for
u.A.Ericsson care of trees mo nth of December ~ 6.00
J.0.Jennings supplie'z clerk's office ~ £.55
So."..F.Water ~o ilall & ~'ountsin water December $ 2.05
~ ~: 12.88
,:o.city Garage ~as mo cycle ~ec~ ember
Pat.Tel & Tel ~o., 6 city phone~- ~' 21.20
oak].sn~-~al. Towel ~o tower service ~e~enber ~ ].Z~2
mnterprise Press ~o Printing 0rd.5]13, etc., ~ 71.75
Louis Vern~ ~<epairing streets ~152.45
!;~oiz~e-K]inkner ~o officer's ~ad~e ~ 3.07
" " "Dog & vehicle licen,~es ~ 21.17
~!.~heehan.~o. Sheriff 3~blication of notices,mileage
e{c,A-~ ,'~ent& ~]ara Yal]ey Lend
of pro~erty Town of ~aden
','ot~! ~:546.4Z
Th bills havin~ been a}:?~roved by t~e finsnce comn,ittee Yrustee ~schelbach moved the~ be
paid ~.s audited,.~,he motion w~s seconded by Yrustees ~csmpini and regularly carried.
~here bein~ no further busines[ before the :~osrd Trurtee hardy moved
~ondsy, ~anusry ;.~3rd, ]922, at 70'~!ock p. m. The ~_otion was seuonded by '~'rustee ~chelbsch and
re~lsrly carried. ~'ime of adjournment, 9.45
President of the ~oard of '-'rustees.
i~esTe~tm.ful ly submitted.~