HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1922-02-06 · ,eau]ar meeting of the .Joard of ~rustees of the ~ity of couth can ,,rancisco held
~.[onday, ..,.ebr~ary 6th, 1922 at the ~ity nail.
In the ~.bsence of the ~re~ident of the ~oard,~rustee ~.,~.nolston, Trustee L.~.nardy acted
as !~resident pro-rem, and called the meeting to order ,~:t eight o'clock, p.m.
nell ~sll.
.~oll call found the fo]lowing Trustees present, to-wit;-
'~rusteesA.o.,,schelbach, ti.,'-~campini, and L.~.nardy Or.
absent, 'z'rustees, ~'.A.~unningham, u.b'.nolston.
_,,e !bach
'~he minutes of the previous mee~ing were read and upon motion of ~rustee ~sa~ -
seconded by Trustee ~:csmDini and regularly carried were approved.
A petition was received fro~ ~i.i~c~affrey asking for a permit to construct a garage on the
rear of lot P-Z, ~lock 125, the same to be corragated iron'and concrete base.Aation on the petition
was defers:ed until s future meeting.
'~'he ~rsternal ~al] ASSociation made a~plication for a permit to hold a dance in ~'ratern~l
nsll on .'~'-~esdsy evening, ~'ebrusry 21st,1922, until I A.~. ~ranted.
A communication was received from
ti:e ~outh oan ~'rsncisco volunteer ~'ire ~epartrJ~ent asking
~ermi.~'sion to hold a dance at ~'r~ternal nall,~aturday evening, ~'ebruary llth next, the same to la~t u
2 ~t.l~. ~rsnted.
oernsrd ~lc~sffrey ±:est ~85, American ~egion, petitioned ti:e ~oard for assistance
purchasing ~ set of colors, consisting of one ~nited otete.~ silk f]a2 and one post banner, on motion
of ,~rustee ~schelbach seconded by '~mruFtee z, cam/:ini and reg~larly carried the ooard voted to contribu
. the sum of. 25. toward the purchase of the colors.
z petition of pror, erty ownerz against the paving of the alleys under re~olution -z;.41 was not
st this meeting, the ~ity Attorney sdvizing that the Draper time for the petition to be ~eesented is
at the meeting at which bids are to be opened.
foundmaster .uin&ae notified the ~osrd that ~eputy ~oundmaster ~'rank hedgers had resizned an
that he had appointed ~lyde ~merson to the r, osition. ',,'he ~o~rd,by motion of '~rustee ~schelbach
seconded by '~rustee ~csmpini and regularly carried confirmed 'the appointment.
~itizen ~ose~h ~astro appeared before the ~oard at this time and made cosplsint against the
conti:~uance of the pound in its present location, ~n account of alleged'un.~snitary conditions.
roundmaster ~ingue had sent word to the oosrd that he was wi lling to move the pound as soon ss the
~ity .rustees hsd found a new and better location, and offered to rent a lot to the city for the
rurpose at a rental to be agreed upon. :i'he matter was laid over to be taken ur at a future meeting.
'~'he ~ity ~]erk reported that milli~m Lawrence, ~uperintendent for t~e opting ~alley ,,ater
~ompany in can ~,~ateo ~ounty had sent word by his ~ecretary that the water conp~ny would lower their p
on the ~s.n oruno :,cad near reck's ~,ots the coming ~srch.
o~ de~sgation of citizens from ~,eck'.~' ~ots and vicinity a~Deared be~'ore the ooard and made
appeal for s sewer system in the district ~ast of the oan orur~o ~oad in that region. ~fter discussion
the ~]erk was instructed to ask the ~itT? ~ngineer to preDare an estimate of the cost of constructing
a district sewer in that locality, it was ststed that possibly s bond issue would be considered whe
a full oosrd of '~rustees r~eet. -
January re~orts of the City Marshal, city mlectricsl irish:actor, City i,~urse,oity -~ecorder,~'ire
onief,>)oundmaster ~nd ~ity ~lerk were next read. The Oity ~ecorder's re?crt showed collections of
~>229 for the month ~-~ ty lark's s -
an~, the ~i t re?crt hewed the following balances in the various funds;
Genera]. fund,~O,OOO,£.%,tibrsry fund, ~P~577.Z1,Sinking fund for sewers,~:ZO86.23.Factory District ,~iewe
fund,~2Z]2.6~,"1919 Bonds" ~:7882.£5. Anti-tubercUlar fund,i~lg3,, Str. 3ends, "~r. "f~",~:3~.~7 , "B",%50.
"(J",,~£16.og,'D", ~j~t.55, ,,~.,,~ , ~Z0.96, "F",~304.68, "G",~671.10. '~'otal bal,'nee in al! funds,~ZT,789.6
~ru~'tee Ecampini and regularly carried the
On motion of '~rustee ~schelbsch seconded by
re~orts were accepted as read.
A number of bills were :re~ented but were not a,~d~ted on account of the absentmemembers
of the finance committee.
There being no further business before tke ~o~rd '~'rustee ~campini moved to adjourn unt
Tuesday evening, ~'ebruary 14th, 1922, at eight o'clock Y.~i. ,~:he motion was seconded by Trustee
~schelbsch and regularly carried, ~'i~e of adjournment, 9.1~ 'O.m.
President of the 3oard of 'Trustees.
City ~lerk
~'ebruar,v 14th, lg.'..~E no meeting was held, no bids having been received for the pa'ffement
of the a].leys in blocks 99 lOR 117 119 and ~art of 95.