HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1922-02-27 ~rsuant to adjournment the Board. of Trustees of the oity of ~outh San francisco met in regmlar adjourned sessinn in the City Hail on Febr~:sry ~Yth, 1922. The meeting was called to order at 7.50 o'clock P.M. by G.W.Hol~ton, President of the Board of Trustees. There ~ere present the following trustees: F.A.Cu~ingham,A.J.Eschelbach, G. W.Holston, L.G.Hardy, Jr.and H.Scampini. The minutes of the nrevious meeting were read and, upon ~:'otion of Trustee Cunningh~ seconded by Trustee nschelbsch and re~larly carried, were approved as re~d. A comramication was received from ~eputy Internal !~evenue uollector, ~'.L.Foppisna, askin for space in the oity Hall to handle income t~x business, uranted. ..,~c~,~nus and Jas. ~ierli An application for a Hotel soft drink license was received from for the ca.itc! Hotel, [Z]I San Jruno i~oad. 0n motion the application was gr~nted by the following vote;- ~.yes, F.Z.Ounningham, A.J.kgchelbach, L.G.Hsrdy ~r.,H.Scsmpini , G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees, l~one. Absent, Trustees, None. Applications for ~oolroom licenses v;ere received from Eilss oar]son and finge]o ~enovesi. Referred to the city liepresentstives of howe's Wild Anh:a! ~]how a?peared before the Board an~ asked psrmisgio hold a one day show the latter part of ,,i~rch. 0n motion of Crustee Ounningham seconded by Trustee ~schelb~ch and re~.~ar!y. .... ~.~'e~ ~,~ permit w~~ ~-n~,,~nted. City Engineer_ George A.Kneese then appes, rld before the Board of m~'~a'~*.~,..~,~=~ and presented a report of tls estimated cost of a sewer system in b~n Sruno ~oad from bha]~man Avenue to the nort boundary line of said city and in Butler head, toget~:er wilh en outfa]! sewer. The report wa.~ read b tho ~ity Clerk and the same was ordered to be ~!aced on file The cost of ~ ~ ~' system is estimsted ~t Q~46,000.00, The plans and specification~ and estimate of the cost of construction cf such s sewer system, including an outfa]i s.ewer,snd the acquisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfa sewer, end the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness was considered by said _~oard of 2rustees and thereuron Trustee Scampini introduced the following resolution: Res olut i on" A". Whereas George l,Xneese, City ~mgineer of the City of South San ~'rancisco, has presented to the Board of Trustees of the 0ity of South ~an ~'rsncisco full and co~]ete ~lans, specifications and estimates showing the location, size and nethod of construction and co~:t of a ~rorosed sewer system in tan Bruno Head from aha?nan Avenue to the north boundary 'line of said City and in Butler H 5esigned for the reception, collection and disposal of sewage a, nd storr~ waters of said portion of ~s City of ~outh ~an ~rancisco; and Whereas said plans, s7. ecification~ and estimstes for said sewer' system are accompanied b ali the necessary information, estims~tes' ~nd drav, ings necessary to completely explain s'uch plans, specifications and estimates, ~nd the same appearing to this Board to be complete and correct in eac detail and suitable for the purposes for which the same are intended; hesolved that the ~lans, srecificat~.ons and estimate~ for a proposed sewer system for th mention o~ s~ld O~t~ o..~'~outL %an rrancigcg,~Dre~nbefore designated,which have been.~repared heretof and submitte~ 5y said okty >m~n~er be, an~ the same hereby a~e a~cce~oted and filed o.s and for the official r~lans and sr. ecifications for said work. i hereby certify thgt the fore~--oinz resolotion was regularly introduced and ados, ted by the Board of 'fru~tees of the ~ty of South ~an Francisco this 2?th, day of february, ]~22,by the ffollowinz vote: Ayes, Trustees, ~'.Z.Ounningham, A.~.~ischelbach, L.~.nardy ~r.,~i. Scamrini, G.W.~o!~ton Noes, Tr~stees , iljOne. Absent, Trustees, None. ~ttest: The following resolution v:as ~uen introduced by Trustee ~ardy: ::"~°nr!; ~:'~ Ohr B. Whereas t~:e City of South tan 'rsncisco,a municipal corporate, on within the county of ~an State of 0alifornia, has no.~ste:~, of .~'ewer~' adequate for tko diFpo~al of sewage and storm water in San ~runo .~oad from chapman lvenue to i. he north boundarT ].~ne of s~,id city ~:nd in Butler 'head: Now, therefore, be it resolved by the ~oard of Trustees of said uity of fJouth Esn Francis as follow~: First. ~t is hereby determined that public interest and nece, szvy dem~nd the acquisition, construction and completion by the O~ty of S',outh ~-~an francisco, a municipa,! cory~oration, of a system of ~.ewers in San Bruno ~oad fron ~h~'t~man Avenue to the north boundary line of inc!udin= ar, outfa]] sewer and the acquisition of the nece~sa, ry ~ghts of way for said outfa].] se~er sUi~0N~: it ~s hereby deterr'ined th~'~t'the cost of the acquisition; construction ~nd comple by said uity of '-~outL ~;~ frs. naivete, sn outfa.]l sewer and tho ~cqui~a~ cf the 'neeco ..... y ' ' ' ~' gre~t t'o ~e'~aid out of the.c~d..nary annu~/ incom~ ~:nd .e .... ae ~ai:~ ~i~e o:f ~outh ~&n ~rancisco, and w~.il, in addition Re tlc ~ hereby ca....~<2 t~,at tae ~ore~oin~r reso.~.~ion was regularly introduced and ado~te by the ~oard of trustees of the ~ity o~ ~outh San ~r~n~isco this 27tn day of ~ebruary, 1922, by the following vote, the same being not les~ than two-thirds of all the members of ~-~.id ~oard: Ayes, Trustees, r.A.~unninghsm, ~oes, Trustees, itone. Absent, '~rustees, l~one, Zttest; 'ihe foregoing resolution is hereby ~y?rovod by me as fro~iden~ of the ~oard of Trustees of th~ ~ity of %'outh ~n ~'rancisco, ~;t~te of california,this ~?th d~y of february, 1922. - P~e~ident of the ~oard of Trustee ~zoa~zons zor ~oolroom .Ii'tenses were received from ~il~s Usr]son and $,ngelo ~eno Referred to the City i~.!srshal. -'~e?resentttive,? of ~owe's Wild Ani~a! ~how a?peared before the Board ama ~sked Dorm hold a one day show the latter part of ~,iarch. On motion of trustee Ounningham seconded by Trust Esche!b~cn and re~a~!~ c~rr~e~ ~'~, e permit w~s ?r~nted. George A.Kne~se then appe~,r~d before th~ 3card of Trustees end City Engineer ~ ~ report of the estimated cost of a sewer system in ~an ~runo ~oad from bha]~man Zvenue to the boundary line of said city and in Butler Zend, together wi~h sm outfa]! sewer· The report w~ r~ the city Clerk and the same was ordered to be ~!aoed on file. The cost of ~'uch s se~er system estin,~ted~ ~t ~:4b,O00.O0.~' ~Zhe ?~ans ~nd speei~iea~ion~ and e~timate o~ the cost o~ eom~truetion ~ such e system, inc]udlng an out~a~] newer,and the acquisition of the necessary ri~h~s o~ way ~or s~,i8 sewer, ~nd the question el' incurring a bonded indebtodne~ was considered by said 5card of Lru~'~ and thereupon Trustee Scam?ini introduced the ~olIowing resolution: Where~s Georges_ S.,Xneese, Oity ~mgineer. o~ the ~it7 o~ Occurred- ,~an° ~'rancisoo, has ~res~ ,.:outn (~an ~'rsncisco full and eo~]ete rlans, ~eci~csti to the Board of Trustees of the Oity of o , and estinates showing the location, size and nethod of construction and co~t of a ~ro~osed sewer ~.~n ~rano ~o~d ~rom ~h~?n~n A~onue to tho north boundary li~e o~ ~id ~ity e~d in Burl dosi~nod for the roco~tion, eollootion ~nd disposal of ~e~s~o ~nd sto~ w~tors of s~id portioH o Oity o~ ~oHth T~n ~T~;noi~col ~nd Whereas said plan~, ~pecificstion~ and e~tirr~stes for said sewer' system are accor:m~ni ali the necessary information, estimates' ~nd drav,~in~s necessary to completely explain ?uch plans specific[tions and estir~ates, and the same appearing to this Soard to be complete ~nd correct detail and suitable for the rurposes for which the same are intended; !~esolved that the ~lans, s~ecifications and estimates for a proposed sewer system fo: ~ortion of sal~itv of !curb ~an ~rsnci~co,Lereinbefore designated,which have been ~repared her, and submitte~~said uity ~m~n~er oe, and the sane hereby a~e ~ccepted and filed aS and for official r, lans and sr, ecifications for said work. ± hereby certify that the £ore~oing reso]_ntion was regularly introduced and adorted 1 the Board of Tru£tees of the ~ty of South £an Francisco this 27th, day of february, l~.~22,by th~ fo]lowin~ vote: Zyes, Trustees, F.Z.cunningham, A.~.~;schelbach, L.G.dardy ~r.,2.Scamrini, G.W.do!~to~ Noes, Trustees, ~llone. Absent, Trustees, None. Uity uZerk. ~_ The following reso].ution was tLen introduced by Trustee Hardy: [~ES OLU T I 0 i~"B" Whereas t?,e City cfi South tan 'rsncisco,a municipal corporation within the county of State of Oalifornia, has no syste~ of sewer~TM adequgte for the d~:-po~al of sewage and storm water ~an ~runo .~oad from oha~man 7venue to the north boundar~ ]~ne of said tity ~:nd in Butler ~oad; Now, therefore, be it resolved by the ~osrd off Trustees of said ~ity of ffouth ~an Fran as follow~': First: it is hereby determined that public interest and necessity demsn~ the acquisiti constructio~ and completion by the o~ty of ?curb ~en ~'rancisco, s municipal corporation, off a sys of sowers in 2an Brun~ ~oad fron uh~'pman Avenue to the north boundary l~.ne of sa~d uity and ~utle inc2udin.~ an outfa]] sewer s, nd the acquisition of t~;e nece~sc, ry r~ghts of way for said outfa]] sUi~ON~: it ~s Lereby deterr-:ined th~.t'the cost of the acqui~ition; construction ~nd corn by said ~ity of ~outL ~_~ ~'rs. ncisco, s mun~cirs~ cnr~rst~on,.., of ,,~,~ch~ . a ,~e~-.,~ ,~. of sewers, includi sn outfa]l sewer an~ tho acquisition of the 'nece~. ...... : ~ ,o~:.y ~;rnt? of ~ay for said outfal! ~"-er,~ great t'o ~e'~sid -,-' ~' of , u,~ o~ the,ordinary.annual income ~nd~. .e~..~e~,-. ~ai~ ~i''-~j o'If aouth can ~ran~isc~ a~d wi!i, in addition lo tlc at:~f.~ndit~rec off said ~ity off ~outh ~an ~,ranci~,co, exceed the re-~enu~ i hereby car,1 ;f~ t~at the ffore~oin~ resolution wa~: regularly introduced and ado' by the ~5oard of krustees of the ~ity of ~outn San ~ran~iseo this 27tn day of ~ebruary, 1922, by following vote, the same bein~ not les~ than two-thirds of all the members of ~id Ayes, Wrustees, ~'.Z.Ounningham, A.~.~sche]bach, L.o.aardy, Jr., ~i.2cam~ini, ~;.~.do!?to~ l~oes, Trustees, Absent, '~rustees, ~one. 'zhe foregoing resolution is hereby apj~roved by n~e as ;ro~ident of the ~o~rd of '~Tustees of city of Eouth ~n ~rancisco, ~;t~te of ¢alifornia,this ETth day of ~'ebruary, P~esident of the 5o~.~rd of '£rus~ of ti:e uity of South ~an ~'rsnci 2ESOLUL'IOi'~ 0~' ±i~'~n~l'±Oz~ NO. 43. The following resolution wa~..~ introduced by kra.etee 438 ~SOLVnD by the doard of ' ....... .z4..tee.. of the City of ~'outh b:an ~'rancisco, a m~nJ. cii,~'l eor~,oration in the county of ~sn i,~;teo, Utate.~ of ualifornir, that ~ubi~c*' interest and convenience require; ~nd that it ~s the intention of said ~,;,srd of '~rustees lo order the following street work to be done in' said city, to-wit: Th¢t that ~ortion of ~y~ress Avenue from the northerly termin&tion thereof to the northerly line of Armour Avenue, that Fortion of hinden Avenue from the northerly termination thereof to thenor!h- erly line of ~rmour Avenue, ~i~:in Avenue for the full length thereof, ,.mrtin Avenue for the fuOt length thereof, droadwsy for the fuO~ length thereof,~elby Avenue for the full length thereof, ]~dCe Average for the full qenglh thereof ~asseq Avenue for the full length thereof helm avenue for the full length ther¢o. and that Tortion of nando]pr Avenue from the wesl. er]y termination thereof to the line se~aratln~ lots n,~.mbered fifteen I OS; and ~i::teen {16; ,produced r;cross nandol~h Avenue.,in block lettered "V", all as shown u~om that certain m~r entitled "as~ of l¢eok's ~ubdi'-ision ~o. 1, ~;outh.~;an francisco, ~;~n uo.,us]',~:'hich sm'- was fi?ed in the office of the connty ~ecorCer of the county of ~an ,-ateo, ~e~fornia ¢~]ne 2~, 190?,in ~ook ~o, 5 of ¢R¢~iiiAL :,~8ps ~t ~:~e ~, be vacated and closed u~ in whole. That it unnecessary to take any l~nd therefor. 'zhat the fol. 3 o.zng described district of land is hereby declared to be the district ~ffected and benefit~dbr s[.id work and to bo ~.'oessed to ~a.y t],~ cost and e:.:pen~es there,-¢ ' · . -'-' ~ and t]~at ss~d dis- trict is situated in the citT' of bonth a~z'i ~ranc~sco, ~ounty of aah ~vlateo, state of ~aliforni.&, and the exterior boundaries thereof are r.~rticu}ariy described as fol~_ow.- to-wit: ~eginnjn~ at tho intersection of the westerly line of :~an ~runo ~ouievard, also known ss ~.~n ~runo ~.os.d, with the nor%her!y line of Armour A~'en:~.e i:a tls ~it:,/ of ~outh ~¢t:n ='rancisco,uounty <f Msteo, ~trte of ua;]ifcrnia, as snov,.~ u~on that cert,:in r~.¥. Y~rs , ~"-ro.. ~:.' ,~'",~.:' ;~::~.~,, .,,~,~,d runnin? i ,,~.a~ - westerly aqana said norther]v line ef Armour Ave.,u.. to i+o · of the uo:mty ~,;ecoraer o% %an Countl/,Californ~a i.n 3cch i~o 5 of Original i.~a.~'-~ at r, esre ii; thence northerTy ~:lon~ said ...... ~. ~-a.d subdi ion: thence easterly along the staid norther] li'ne 0f said'subdivision to a point where the line dividing lots 15 and 16 of block V of ~:aid subdkvisio: if e::tended nortner;.~' ' '" v;o-~ld inte~.._.~t'~- !he said northerly line of said ?ubdiTision- thence" along the said northerly extension of said line dividina s~.id lots !5 and ]6 of said b]_ock V and con%in- uim~ s]on~ the said line dividin~ lots 15 Shall6 o~ said block V to the southerly line ct' said block thence a]on:~ the ~ound,~r..~, line of said block V ~a~tL ..... 76 degrees Z8 r,~nute.; Lsat i65 feet and ~,.~o~,~*'~ de~rees_ fi~:.. r~;t-,~e,~o~..~, ,';e~t,, .. ]5%.. feet~ to ihs r,~st._ ~orther~y_ corner of that certain s~bd;~vzs~on' ' ' ent'~t=ed "Supplemental :~%ap to !nd :ie-Cubdi,-ision of Blocks k & S cf Lla~, of Peck's Subdivision l[o.I SoutO~ ~Jan Francisco S~n Zateo Co. Ca, if", wh~c~, mss ws~ filed for record October 23, 291g in the County ~ecorder' o~f~c~ of the ~ounty of ~;sn ,.~gteo, california, in .Ia- B,~ok. 9 st ~e~e~_, ]0'. , thence in a ~enora3 ~outherly direction slon~z thru westerly boundsrr line of the said last ~'entioned "Supplemental ~.-a? to end Subdivision of Peck's ~ubdi~ision No. I San Hstec ~o ''~'~" . ~a.~. to the nestle--*- line of Braden Avenue: thence i~ ~: siraiCht line across 9rrdon Avenue to the northwesterly corner of lot 2:: of ~lock Q ss said B]ock is shown on t},at certain rm~ *ntitled ..,~p of "eck's qnbdivision i'Ve. t ?curb ~;~n Francisco L!steo Co. Cai.", which ms? w~s ¢:~ed for recor(~ in the eli'!os of the ~ounty ;~ecorder of San :','~at, eo county ~th ~907 in Book 5 of .' ' ~s]ifornis, ~une ~ , - , 2rzginr:7 Zaps at page II; thence .o,ttherly a~on~ tl.e westerly lines of ~ot ~ ~. ' .,~ :':d !ct :! of ,¢~ook .,, ~s shown on the said last mentioned mare,to the westerly line of the ~sn ~runo 3ou]evsrd,al~o known as ~;an Bruno n~:ad: thence ~'outher].y along tbs }~ne of ban ~r'.no ~o,~]e~-~:rd, a},-'o, known as the ~;an Bruno Scad,to the ~oint of ~,~'~~e.~,_~,_.,o, e::cepting and excluding fret': s~id district all public streets avenues and roads therein included and contained. Al! ofthe herein ,:reposed work shall be done in pursuance of tn act of tie ~e~is]ature of the ~:t~:te of ta-ifornis entitled "/m act to ~?.rovide for ]ayin? out, or. onin~, extendin¢, widenin?,straightenin or closing u~, in whole or in tart,any street, square,lane, alley, court, or ]lace within Lunicipa!itie~,, and to condemn and ~cquire ~,ny and all land and pros, arty necessary or convenient for that pur?o~'e", s~rroved [!arch 6,1f;Si, and the several acts sf.~endatory thereof or su~rlemental thereto. ','he street ~*ur, erintendent is hereby directed to cause to be conspicuously posted ~lon,.: tr, e line of said contemplated work or im~ro'ze:mnt notices of tke r,~:ssage of this resolution in tr~e manner and form required by law. Said street Superintendent is ~]keu'lse directed also to c~use ~. notice similar in sub- 2tance to be vublisbed by four (4) successz--e inrertion~ in"~he mnterprise", a v;~e¢z=y newspa~',er printed, nubli?he¢ and circulated 'n said ~itF of Fouih Lan Fra. ncisco,and }:ereby designated by said Board of ~,rust ss the news~arer in rhich said street ~uT, erintendout'r notice of ru. blicstion of this resolution ~hali he ~mblished. i Lereby certify that tt.e foregoing resolution was re~ular!y introduced and ~.do~ted by the '~osrd of ~rus. tses of the t.;~''~.v of ....... ~:r,',-+}: can ~'rancisco this :~7th d~¢ .... of rebraary, 1922, by the fo!lowing vote: /.yes,.rustees, r'.A.Cunningham. /...J.~sct~elb~:ci~, L..~.nardy. Jr., ~.:;c:ar? ini, ,..,"."~,.no]rtan. Zbsent, Trustee:~ est~ ~ ':ne following resolution was introduced by '~rustoe ~sckelbach; In tke matter of the vacation of a mort[on of Arr.o:~.r Avenno, a rortion of i,,iS~ae Avenue and a mortion of the alley in ~lock nunbered lc.¢ in t},e bity of ~;o'uth 2an francisco. ~,eso!ved by th.e ~oard of ~rk, toe..~ ~ ~ of the ~y'"-- of ['outk ~an~' ~rt. ncisco, s municip~:] corporat- ion in the ~,ounty of ~a~ ~ateo, ~tate of ~alifornia,that ~ub!~c interest and con,~-~c.~_~',~ ~'~ ~'. ~ reouire, and that it is the intention of r~,"d ~oard of' ~, ~ ..a, tee~' ~'- order the fo]lev:lng street work to be done in said ~ity to-wit: '~hat that ¥,ort~on~. o~ Armour Avenue from the easterly line u.~ i~a?!o Aven~e to tie westerly ]~ne of Olive Avenue, ss s:_m~n umon that certain r,~r entitled "~ouLh can zran~i[do, ~an :,~ateo no. Plat i,~'o.l"which ma~ was filed in the office of the uoanty ae~order of t~.e ~o~,nty of can ;,~ateo, State of u~lifornia, i.iarch I"t,. l¢:~°, ..., and recorded in ~'ls~-,. Sock i~o. 2 ~:t rage. 52; ~.~aole.. Aven'ae fror~ the northerly i~ne off /.rmour f..ven~e to a line drr~%vn st right angles acrosz said i'..is~ie ~.venue at a point in t~:e easterly line of i.~8~]e Avenue 16.&5 feet southerly i'roL~ the intersection of t~:e northerly line of lot nurbered{ll) Twelve, in Clock Lumbered Une w.ndred and '~irty (]80), v:~_ the e~.sterly line of Avenue,as shown up. on tLat certain r,s~ hereinbefore referred to: and that r. ortion of the ~.l]ey in said Sleek numbered uae hundred and thirty (!Z0) from the southerly ].ins of Armour Avenue to the northerly line of lot numbered(!9) i~ineteen, in raid Block numberd One w~ndred and thirty (!LOJ,rroduced westerly sero ss said alley,be vacated and closed ur in whole. Lhat it is nnnecessary tc take any land therefor. That the fol]ov~in~ described district of land is Lereby declared to be t~e district affected and bez:efitted by sa'd work s~d to be assessed to ~:ay the cost~~ and e::~enses z~:eroof and tLat sa. id district is sit'rated in ~ e ~ity of ~outh ban ~rancisco, county of ban tastee,, orate of valifornia, and the exterior boundaries tLereof are ~articulrrly der'cribed ss fo]lo%ts, to-wit: ~e~innin~ at a ~oint formed by tie intersection of the Ii'ne separating lots numbered ~;]even ~en ~-rancisco,~ounty of n~.r~er]y ]ins '~ Armour ~venue t> ~ ~ .. Ua.[.- waic~l ri~ w~s ~i~ed for record ,J~n~ ,.,4, ]z, OT, in ~ne ozzice Sflthe uo~in~y i~ecoraer o~ .~an County,oe~forn~a,z~ ~n Sock ~'o,. 5 of Original i.ia?-~ st pe~re ii; thence northerly i. ion~_ sa~d v.e~tai-iy bound~.rv ~ * ~" '~ oo,~na ....... ins of sa!t ,a~,~i:i, ion: thence easterly ].i'ne O~ said'~utbdivision to a point where the line di:.idin6 lots 15 and 16 of block V of ~ai5 if extended norl.er.~.~ wo-~]d inters_.~ ~he said northerly line of said. ..... ~i~ision;~ t'hence ~.~. ....... along the said n~:rther]y extension of sa~d line dividin~ s~id lots 15 and ]6 of said b~ock V and coniin- uimz s]on~ the said line di:i~in~ lots 15 sndl6 o~ said block V to the southerly line off said block V: thence a]on~, tke bound~ry line of said b.~o~;k V ~.,....u.L 76 degrees 38 r~Jnates ~t 165 feet ~nd ~ de.sees Pti z~,inutes ?lest ~50~, ........ F,~et to the most ~.orther~y oorner of that certain s:~bdix,';'~_, .,on entitled .~up _er'rental ~.iap t~ ~nd :~o-~ubd~-~-~rzon o.f Block: H & S of :.ia!. of Peck's Subdivision :o I Fout) fJan Francisco °an...[',[ateo Co. Ca]if" , which Nar. ws~ filed for reuord 0tact:er 23, 1912, in the County &ecorder' office of the tounty of :;an :ateo, 0a]ifornJa, in !ar Book 9 st nsge ]0; thence in a ~eneraJ ~outherly direction s:]on~z th~ westerly bo~mdarv ].ine of the s~':id last : enriched "~ .... .~.~division of Peck's ~ub~i~ision ~o. I San H~tec ~o calif.~ to the nor~h~.~y line Braden Avenue thence i~ e straight ]~ne across Br~-den Avenue to the norlhwesterly corner of lot Z~ of ~!ock Q ~s said Block ir shown on ti,at certain r:a~ ,~nt~tled ~:~- I,isteo Co. Cal.", which m~p w~e ~:]ed for recor~ in the cfi'ice of the County necorder of 8an :,'[ateo uounty ~]ifornJ.~, ~une ~-~ , _~.,v~,in Book 5 of · .)rigin~~ :.taps et page II; thence southerly a]o~ tl.e westerly ~ines of ~ot ~ ' .... ~ and lot ]. of ,~]:,~k.,, ~s shown on the said last mentioned mar~,to the westerly line of the ~sn ~runo ~ou]evsrd,al~o known as ?an Bruno ~cad' thence southerly along the e::cepting and exc]nding fron s~id district ~] N~b!ic streets, a,zenues, and roads therein inuluded '.~ contained. AI~ ofthe herein 'ero~:,osed - , ~,,~..~ sh~:]l be done in pursuance of ~n act of tLe ~e~i~]ature of the ~tste of talifornie entitled "Zn eot to ~?rovide for ''-"~,,/zn~.~ out, or, onimr, e::tondin?, widenin~r,gtraightenin . u~: lane, alley, court, or ]~lace within hunicit~a!itJe~ or closing up, in whole or in tart,any street, sq ..re, . , and to condemn and ~cquire f~nv and a!l land and property necessary or convenient for that m~rw.o~'e'' s~rroved [!arch 6,~8S!, I-nd tke ~'overal acts at;endatory thereof or su~mlemental thereto. k'he street h'ur, erintendent is hereby directed to cause to be conspicuously posted a/on: t~e line of said con~.emp]ated work or ]mrro'zer]ent notices of the passage of this re~olution in tls m~:nner and form required by law. ~aid street Superintendent is /~kev,'ise d~rected also lo c~.use a notice similar in sub- [tance to be ~ubli~hed by four (4) successi-e insertion~ in"~he ~nterprise", a wee~.~y newspar, er yrinted, nubli~'he~ ~nd c~r~u.l~.ted .in s~id City of i~ouih tan ~'r~:ncisco,and hereby designated by said Board of ~.rust~ ss the newsy, ares in rhich said street ~u~erintend~:t'f notice of ~ublication of this resolution ~hali i Lereby certi-f'-_,~ that tls foregoing r~soi~tlon~, was regularly introduced ~.nd ~do~ted by the '~osrd of kru~t~as..~ of tls. tl~-'~.~ of ~:outh ~sn ~'ranc~sco this ,:7th d~ of ~'ebrutry, 1~=~, by tLe fo!~owing_ /.yes, 'rustees,. ~.A.Oum~ingham /....J.mscLelb~cL, L.~3.~lardy. Jr., m. Ecan~ ini, ~..;.'J.molstan. i.~oes, Trustees, :one. Absent, k'rustee~', i~one. ~ 2 Atte une following reso2ution was ~'' · n.roduced by 'zru~too ~scheN~ach; In the matter of the vacation of a mortton of Al'~.o:~.r ~.venue, a ~ortion of ~,iaFle Avenue and a ~ortion of the alley in ~lock m~mbered 1Z() in tls ~ity of ~.o'uth ~an ~'rancisco. ~,eso!ved by tLe ,do~rd of ;~rustoes. of' the :.ity of ~outL San ~r~,ncisco, a m~.micipc] corr, orat-~.. ion in the ~ount: of ~:~ ~:ateo, Otate of uslifornia,that -'~ ~bl~c interest and convenience require and that it is tke intention of ~a~d ~oard of '~ ~* ~ ' .u. ~ee, lo order the fo]lov,'in:f street work to be done ~n said ~ity to-wit: k'hat that ~.ortion o$ Armour Avenue from the easterly line of ~aple Avez~e to tke westerly line off Olive Avenue, ss Ff_o~l.~ umon that certain r,zr entitled "~ou:h ~n ~ranci~do, ,~an ;,~a~e~ ~o. Flsa l~'o.l"which ma~ was filled in the offffice of the ~ounty ~te~order off tl.e ~o:,nty off can ;,~ateo, State off Ualiffornia, i,iarch ~t, ]~:~o,...., and recorded in ~'~s~',.. ~ook ~o. 2 ~:t rage. 52', ~.~a~ie~ ~venue ffron the northerly l~ne o.f ~rmour >.venr~e to a line drs~z'n at rigLt angles a~;ros~ said ~'..is~le Avenue at a point in t~:e easterly line off i.:s~]e Avenue ~6.45 feet ~:'outherly ffroh ~.. intersection off t~:e north~r_~y line lot nur:beredfI2) Ywelve, in :flock ;:umbered one n~ndred and '~irty i]80), wit]. t[he easterly ]ine off Avenue,s~ el:own u~.on flat cert~in r's~ hereinbeffore refferred to: and that r, ortion off the alley in said 5lock nurabered une hundred and ';hirty ~l~0) ffrora the ~o~ther]y line off Armour Avenue to the norlLerly line of lot numberedf!9) [~ineteen, in ~'aid ]~lock numberd One n:~ndred and l'hirt, y f l20~,rroduced westeffly acre ss said s]ley,be vacated and c~osed u~ in whole. '.hat it is nnnecessary tc take any land therefor. That the fol]ov:in~ described district of land is hereby declared to be the district af/ected end benefitted by said work a~,d to be assessed to ~ay the cost~- and e:n:enses z~eroof and tLat sald district is sit-~ated in t e ~ity of South ban ~ranci~co, ~ounty of ash mateo, orate oY ~alifornia, and the exterior boundaries tLereof are rsrticul~rly described ss fo]lozs, ~to-wit: ~e~inning st a r~oint i'ormed by ale intersection of the line separating lots numbered ~il) and '~welve ~]2~ in Block numbe~'~d~.~ One i!un~red and '~wenty-nine ~]2~. . witL the westerly line of the ai]ey in said ~lock numbered ~jne n~ndred and ..... ~'.~ .... ....... .~-.,.~,:~ ~]29), as shown ~mon the ~:~a~ hereinbefore referred to: thence westerly along ~'aid line separating said lots numbered mleven ~i!j and '.welve er~y line oi' ~,la~e ~venue ~roduced ~'este~ly, '~wo ~:.~nd d ~u0) feet westerly ffrom ale west ; thenco llITV,l right an~]es northerly ~i?e hundred (500) feet: thence easterly ~.nd p~.ratlel witL the nortLor].y lii:e of Armour ~_venue to the intersection with the westerly line of the alley in said ~lock numbered One .~undred and '~'wenty-nine ~129} ~roduced northerly: tLence southerly slom~ said westerly line of the alley in s~id block numbered One hundred and 'iwenty-nine~]29~, ~roduced as aforesaid, to the Foint of beginning:ssvinsr, excepting and excluding from said district all ?ublic streets,avenues, ai]eys and roads t~erein included and contained, L]I of the herein proposed work shall be done in pur~:uance of sn act of the ~egislature of the ~tste of ~a]iforni~: entitled "An act to provide for laying out, opening, e:{tending, widening, str~ighlening or c]osin~ cF, in ~hole or in r, art, any ~'t~eet, square, Isne, alley,court, or place within municir, a]ities, and to condemn and acquire shy and all land and property necessary or conven~ ient for theft r~ur?ose", s~rroved ~mrch 6, IS89, and the several sets amendatory thereof or supD!ements] thereto. '~_e street ~uDerintensent i~ Lereby dir~cted to ca~se to be conspicuously Posted al. oma the line o~ said contemplated work or improvement notices of tLe ras~ages of this resolution in the manner ~nd fo~m required by ~w. ~aid street muDerintendent, i~ likeu~ise directed also to cause a not~ce similar in ~:ubst~nce to be published by ~our ~4~ suc~essive insertions in"~'he mnterDrise", a weevily newsdealer ~rinted,~ublished and circulated ~n said ~ity of ~outh ~n ~r~ncisco,~nd hereby designate8 by said ~oard of '~r~stees ~ the newspaper in which said ~treet ~u~erintendent's notice of Publication of this resolution shall be ~ublished. ~ hereby certify t)L~t the foregoin? re~-o],~ion was regularly introduced ~nd cdopte~ by the ~oard of ~rustees of the ~ity of ~o~th ~an ~rancisco this 27th, ~sy o~ ~ebrus~y, ~92~, by the fo]lo~in~ vote:- ?yes, '~'rustees, ~,.A.~unningham ~.~.~sche]b~ch, ~.~.~iardy ~r., ~.~camr~ini, ~.~.no~ston. ~ioe°, , '~rustees, ~one. .'.bsent, ',rustees, ~ome. ..he following bill.~ s~ins~ the city were next pre[ented for '~he c.~aims [..aving been addited by the finance committee '~rustee ounning~am moved they be paid. '~he motion wa~" seconded by '~.ruatee ~schelbach and regularly carried. i~o furt}~er business a~mearing before said 3oard of Trustees,upon motion of krustee ounninghsm, second§d by '~rustee ~sche!kach and regularly carried, said ,~oard of Trustees adjourned. '.ime of adjournment, 9,55 o'clock ',resident of the ~oard"of '-ruste-es. ~itf ~ler~.