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negu]ar meeting of the Bo~.~rd oX '''~ .~ ,
.ru~tees of the City of [~outh ~sn Francisco held i,[onday, Liarch 6th
The meetin~ was celled lo order st eight o'clock P.M. by Trustee G.~;.Holston, President of
the Board. Roll Cs~il. Roll call found all Trustee~~ Drez-ent, to-wit, F.A.Ounningham,~..J.hschelbach,
~.G.Hsrdy Jr.,H.Scsmpi. ni and G.W.Ho!ston.
The minutes of the preMious meeting were-read and~ upon' ~otio;~ of k'~ustee .~ningh~m secohded
by Trustee ~schelb~ch and re~lsr]~y carried Were a~proved ss.~eaa. ' ' ' '
~ ~ommuni~ion was received from i~igh~ Po]icemen ~icG~aw and ~eiloni- asking tn~.t t~e ~ity
furni~~n a mmchine for the use of the department. The matter ws~ laid over to be taken up at s future
Tbs Gamewell Fire-alarm ~elegrsph Company sen$ a communication to the Ooard stating that
the repair of the Diaphone Horn would be undertaken just as soon as materis! for the work c6uld be
s~sembled, oommunication ordered filed.
~ugene. N.Edws, rds of the E.~.Ldws~Eire Companyaddressed a communication to the
ton.l~on po;.or ,ower occupies the center of the
roaa~,&~ in~fron* 9f their plant
aha inquiring if a ~ermsnent right-of-way naa eeen grantea th~ power company ;o main~ein
the same at its present loc~tion. The m~tte~ ws.s referrea ~o the City 8ttorney 2or an opinion.
A petition w~s receivea 2ron a numeer of resiaents Lnd property ozners on the S~n Sruno
;qoaa ~etween Grana Avenue 8ua Lux ~venue ~sking th.&~ ~]ectrollier lighta be place~ in that s,feet.
aeferrea to the ,.,omraittee on lighting, ~ructees ~unningham ana 2schelbach.
~. petition was receivea fron resiaents o2 ~os ~eri*os tract 8ua vicinity asking that
s roaaw&y ~e ~aae eetween tn~* su~aivision ana South L&n ~'rancisco, ana suggesting that ~nestnut
Avenue or ~ak Avenue be u~ea for that ~urwose..~eferrea ~o t~e street cormaittee.
~marew Hynding L~pe~red before ti~e ~o~ra ~na reae inquiry concerning ,he development of
Givic Center.kfter much discussion it w~s aec~aea ,o ~lace the propo~ition of rai~'ing 2~as for the
wrorosea i~proveraent on the b~llot ,o be ~otea on &t ~he ne::t ;~unicips1 election,A~ri]. ~oth next.
The reports of the nealth.)fficer.~'i=e ~hief,Poundmaster,~ity ;~ecorder,City fi;rsh~l
;ity Glerk for the month enaing ~e~ruary 88th were next reaa. The report of ~he ~ity necoraer
showea ooZZections o2 qg. 220 for the month aha the re~ort o2 the ~ity ~lerk showea ~he foSlowing
balences in the ~rious 2arias ~en ~'una- ~le,oe~ ~5,Li~rary 2una, ~;Y2601 52, .~nk~ng fdhd for Sewers
~:, matt Dist Sewer fund,~3]2 65,'~919 BondsTM, ~7944 lZl Anti-t:~bercular fund,~lTZ'50,
Street ~0n~ ~er "A" ~ A7 Se~"B" ~0.1~ o
, . , ~er , ~;216.09, Ser "D", ~4Zt.55. ,~er "E", ~Z0.96. ,
· · '~" ~35 ~27 66 Trustee Cunningham
Ser "F", ~ZO~' 68, Ser "G", ~;671.10. Total ~slance in all funds, , . .
moved the reports be accepted. ~mhe motion was seconded by Tr:~stee ~schelbech and re~lsrly carried.
Trustee ~unningham then introduced th~ following r~solution;-
Wheress the Sen L[steo County ~eace Officer~' AssociatSon has proposed that
Bureau of ~rimins! identification be formed in ~'an ~:~steo ~ounty and that the cost of i~isintainlng
the same be ~aid by the ~ounty of San ~¥~steo:
nesolved by the ~osrd of True'tees of the oity o~' h'outh San ~'rsncisco that said
~osrd recommends the above pro~osition.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolutinn was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the oity of South 5an ~'rsncisco this 6th d~y of f~iarch, 1922, by the following
vote:- ~ye~', trustees, ~.Y~.~u~ningham,A.J.Hschelbsch,L.~.nsrdy ~r., ii. Scampini, G.W.dolston.
'City ~!g~k. '
Trustee hardy next introduced the following resolution; ' '. ~~ ~
A resolution of the ~oard of ~rustees of the ~ity of ~outh ban ~'r~ncisco providing
for holding a general municipal election in end for ssid ~ity of ~uuth 5an ~'rs. ncisco,on the 10th dsy
of April,
ileso]ved by the Board of Trustees oF the ~ity of ~outh 2sn ~r~ncisco that,Z'or the
purpose of holSing a genersl municipal election in and for said oity ~f ~outh ~an ~'rsncisco on the 10th.
dsy of April,19~2 the territory included within the ~orporate limits of said ~ity of ~outh ~sn ~'rsncisco
shsll be divided into 'z~o ~2) consolidsted election precincts to be known as ~outh ~an ~'rsncisco
i?~unicips! ~lection Precincts ~o.i and 5outh San ~'rsncisco iiunici~a] ~]ection ?recinct ~o. 2,respect-
ively,which ssid ~recincts sre hereby described ss
~outh ~sn Frsncisco ~uunicipal ~lection Precinct l~c.i shal~ .include s]l the territory
described in ~outh ~sn .~'ra~ciseo Precinct I~o.l, South San ~rsncisco Precinct z~o.2 and South ~:an
~'rancisco ?recinct ~o.4 as established by the Ordinance of the ~oard of ~u~ervisors~ of the oo~nty~ of
~sn ~,~ateo, State of ~slifornis,hereinafter referref to. 'Z'he polling place for ~outh ~an ~'rancisco
~'.~iunicira! ~]ection ~recinct 11o.1 shall be in the bssement of the ~t.,
~outh uan ~rsncisco ~mnici~al ~]ection ffrecinct ~o.2 shall include ali the territory
described in ~outh 5an ~'rsncisco Precinct ~o.~, ~outh ~an ~'rancisco frecinct ~o.[~, oout]~ ~an ~rsncisco
Precinct 1~o.6 and 5outh ~an ~'rancisco ~recinct ~0.7, as estsblished by the ordinance of the ~osrd
~upervisors of the touniy off 3an mateo, ~tste of ~a].iforni~-,hereinsffter referred to. k'he pol].in~ place
in said ~:outh ~n ~'rancisco ~aunicipal ~.lection ~recinct ~:o.2 shall be in the court room of the
eustice of the :~eace in t~e ~uetropo]itan ~otel ~ui]ding, v,~ich said ~otel ~uildin~ is situated at the
corner of ~rsnd Avenue and Linden ~venue i~; ~'aid.~ity.
'~'he orSinance of the ~oard of~ ~perviz-ors off the ~ounty o2 oan ~;mteo hereinbefore re-
ferred to is entitled as
ordinance ~o.516 '2 tae ~o~rd of ~upervisors of the ~ounty of ~an i~iateo, otste
~aliffornia,dividing said ~ounty into election ~recincts snd estab!ishin~ tlc bo~ndaries thereof, "'
~s~sed ~'nd ~;dopted by said ~oard ~ 5uFer~isors on the fi]st day of 1,~ovember, 192].
~ ~_ection Board ~or South San
The foi~ov:in~ persons ara hereby a~:.~ointed ~embers o~ the
Francisco L~unicipal ~lection Precinct ~Qo.[; Delia W.Scott, Inspector, Anna Woodman, Judge,Emma Daneri
Judge, i,~ary Di Vita, C!er, k Lucotts ~ ~- ~-
, ~s.d~, Clerk. The following persons are hereby ~ppointed members
of the Election Boar8 for South ~an Francisdo ~,unicipa] Election ?recinct i~o.2' ~haries i,iercks,
Inspector, ~,~il!ism Rehberg, Judge,bLFoley, Judge,.[~.~-larder, Clerk, ~i.F.:,icl~el!is, ~lerk.
At said Genersl ~ ....
~.~l~czpal Election the po]l~- ~n each o~ ~aid J.~icipal m!ection ?recinct~
shsll be Opened at ~ix (6) o'clock s.m. of the day of election ~nd shall be ke~t o?en until ~even
(7) o'clock p.m. of the same day, when the poll~' shall be closed. The Oity ~lerk is hereby directed to
publish by Three iZ) insertions in "The ~nterprise", a weekly newsp~er published snd circulated in
said ~ity of South San Francisco, s notice o~ election together ~'ith s statement of the nsmes of the
persons hereinbefore sppointed as election officers ~;nd the polling places dez~ignated in e~:ch o~ said
19micipal Election Precincts,in the m~:nner and florin required by law.
i hereby certify test the foregoing resolution w~s regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the oity of South Ssn Francisco this ~i'xt.h (6) day 0f i.iarch, ]92;~, by the follow-
ing w~te: Ayes, Trustees, ~'.A.Cunninghsm A.J.Eschelbach, L;G.Hsrdy Jr.,H..~campini, G.W.Ho!ston.
~oes, Urustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, l~one. ~ttest;
........... reszdents of Los ~erito~ tract and vicinity a~king theft
s roadway be made between th[t subdivision and South San ~'rtnci.~co, and su?~esting that bhestnut
Zven,~e or ~dak Avenue be u~ed for theft ~ur~ose. Heferred to the street conmittee.
~ndrew Hyndin~ ~pe~red before tlc Bo~rd ~nd ~de inquiry concerning lhe development of
~ivic Center.After m~ch discussion it w~s decided to rlace the ~ropo~ition of rai~ing funds for ti
~roposed i~provement on the b~llot to be voted on z~t ~he ne:~t ~unicip~l election,A~ri] loth next.
The repo~ts of the ~iealth )fficer.~'i~e ~hief,Poundmaster,Oity ~ecorder,Oity ~arsh~l ~nd
,ity ~lerk for the month ending Pebru~ry 28th were next read. The report of ~he ~ity necorder
showed collections of ~226 for the month ~nd the report of the ~ity ~lerk showed the following
balances in the v~rious funds:- Gen ~und: ~la,389.Z~,Library fund, C2601.~, Sinking fund for sew~
~/1966.~, ~'act Dist Sewer fund,~'~ "] ]9 ' .
. ~,.~2.65, 9 _Sond~ , ~7944 14, Anti-tubercular fund,~'17~.50,
Street ~onds Set "A" ~'~ ~ Ser"B" "C
,~.~7. , ~50.1Z ,~er° ,,, ~216.09, Set "D", 'L~4ZI~ .55,~er "E", ~Z0.96. ,
Ser "F" ~:.~nz ~,'t671.10 Total B~lance in all funds, ,
~(~ 68 Ser. "g" ~5 1~7 66. Trustee 6unningham
moved the reports be ~:ccemted. ?he r.9otion, was seconded by Tr',stee ~schelb~ch and re~lsrly carrie
Trustee 6unning~am then introduced th~ following r6solution:-
Wherees the Sen ilsteo counter ?eace gfficer~' Association h&s proposed that
Bureau of ~rimin[1 identification be formed in t:an L,isteo uounty and that the cosl of ~i~intaining
the same be ~aid by the uounty of San
aesolved by the 5card of Trustees of the uity o-' ~ou~h San ~'rsncisoo thet said
Board recommends the above propo~ition.
t hereby certify that the foregoing resolutinn was regularly introduced &nd adopted by th
Board of Trustees of the uity of South San ~'rsncisco this 6th d&y of March, 192~, 'by ~he following
vote:-Aye~~, trustees, ~'.f..uu~ningham,A.J.Eschelbsch,L.g.dsrdy ~r., H. Scam]~ini, ~.W.Molston.
i~oes, Trustees, i~one.
'City c!~k. ,
Trustee ~iardy next introduced the following resolution; ' '. ~
A reso].ution of the ~oard of ~rustees of the uity 0f bouth ban ~T~,ncisco ~rovidin
for holding a genera.,! municipal election in end for said uity of ~uuth San ~'rancisco,on the 10th d~y
of April, 192~.
neso]ved by the Board of '~'rustees of the uity of ~outh San ~rsncisco ~hat,for the
purpose of holding a gener[1 municipal election in and for said uity oi ~ou%h 5an ~'r~ncisco on the l(
day of April,19~}~2 the territory included within the ~orporate limits of s~id uity of ~outh ~n ~'rsnc'
shall be divided into Two (2) consolid[ted election precincts to be known as :~outh ban ~'rsncisco
~hmici~! ~lection Precinct~ z~o.l and South San ~'rzncisco ~/mnicipa] ~].ection :3recinct l~o. 2,respect-
ively,which said nrecincts ~re hereby described ~ follows;
5outh ~n Francisco ~uunicipal ~lection Frecinct l~.i shall .include ail the territory
described in k~outh ~n .~'r~nciseo Frecinct ~o.i, ~outh San ~'r~ncisco Precinct ~o.2 and South ~:an
~'rancisco ~:recinct ~o.4 ss established by the Ordinance of the ~otrd of Oupervisors of the uounty of
~n t,~steo, ~t~.te of usliforni~,hereinsfter referref to. 'i'he po/ling place for ~outh ~an ~'rsnci~co
i~,tunicirsl r.]ection :~recinct ~1o.1 sh~ll be in the bssenent of the uity
South ~an ~'rsncisco ~,tunici~al ~.]ection frecinct i~o.2 sha:l include ali the territory
described in ~outh ~an ~'r~ncisco Frecinct z~o.3, ~outh ~an ~'ranci~co ~recinct ~o.5, ~out}~ ~on ~rsncisc,
Precinct ~1o.6 and ~,o~.th ~sn ~,'rsncisco yrecinct ~0.7, ss established by the urdinsnce of the ~o~rd of
~upervisor~ of the t. ounty of ~an ~mteo, ~tste of ~aliforn~r,herein~f%er referred to. ~'he po].].in~ plac~
in said ~:outh ~n ~'rsncisco ~iunicipal ~.,/ection ~recinct ~.~0.2 shall be in the court room of the
eustice of the :~ezce in tle ~4etro~,o?lt~.n ~otel nui]ding, ~',hich said hotel m~ildin~ is situated ~t the
corner of ~rsnd Avenue and Linden ~venue ~r~ ~'aid. uity.
'~'he urdinance of the ~osrd of :~.pcr?i~ors of the uounty el' ~n ~,iateo hereinbefore re-
ferred to is entitled az ~o~]ows:
,Jrdinance ~o.~6 'f t~e :Jo~rd of ~upervisors of the uounty of ~n ~,~teo, ~tste of
ualifornia,dividing ~r_,id uounty into election ~recincts ~nd e~tab!ishin~ %l.e bo~nd~:-r/e~- thereof,
ys~sed ~-nd ~:doT:ted by said ~o~rd of ~uyer~ors on the ,,].,t day of l~ovembe~, 192~
~ne foi~ov:in~ ?ersons arc hereby ~?ointed r~embers of the ~!ection Board for South
Francisco ~ ' ' ,
;~unmc~pal ~lection Precinct I~o.I: Deli~ w. Scott, Inspector Anna Woodrn~Bn, Judge,Emma Daneri
Judge l,iary Di Vita Clerk, Lucott~ ~..~v
, ,. , .... ~,~, U~erk. ~he following per~on~. ~re hereby ~D~olnted ~.~e~,]bers
of the Election Board for ~outh ~n Francis~do L~unici?s] Llection ?recinct i~o.2; ~haries ~,~erckz
I~s~ector, ~filli~ ]~ehberg, J~dge,L~.~oley, Jud~Te,.~.Harder, Clerk, ~.F.~Jcl~el!i~, blerk.
At s~id General Hunici~zl Election the po~i~ ~n each o~ ~&id L~i~iDal ~!ection ?recinct~
~h~ll be O~ened at ~ix (6) o'clock 8.m. of the dai~ of e~ection and shall be ke~)t o?en until ~even
iV) o'clock ~.m. of the stme day, when the Do]].~ ~h~ll be c]osed. Tf~e Uily Glerk is hereby directed to
publish by Three ~) in~ertionr in "~he ~nterprise", g weekly ~ewsp~er public, bed ~nd circulated
Pa!~ git~ of ~o~th ~ ~r~c~soO, g MOtiOe of election ~o~ether with ~ statement of the n~mes of the
persons hereinbefore appointed as election officers ~nd the ~olling places dec, ignited in e~oh o~ sai~
L~uniciDal ~S!ection Precincts,in the m~nner and form required by law.
i hereby certify that the foregoing resolulion w~s regularly introduced and ~do~)te8 by the
Board of Trustees of the uity of ~o~th ~&M ~'r~nci~co thi~ ~i'xth (6) da:~ O~ L~arch, ]9~;~, by the follow-
ing vote: Ayes, Tru~tee~, ~'.A.gunningL~m A.J .... ~helb~ch, L.g. Hsrdy Jr.,H.Sc~m~ini, ~...Holston.
1Qoes, ~'rustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, l~one. Attest;
(Jity ulerk.
The following claims sgainst the oity were next ~resented for rs.~,~ent;-
Otto Bissett '~ ~
· ~ day~ services ~x ~.ireman,
" " Attending fire.~
T · Phi I1 ids " "
Sam Eiesslin~ " "
A.Birchfield " "
E. G~lli " "
Louis 2in~e " " ~
W .Emerick " " ~
i~iclo~ ne n,m. ~arbage and ~ead Dogs ~ov to ~'eb~
The Seagrave Co., Fitr truvk pa~ts ~
Insecticide Oo Est Poison
N.Medeghine, ~wee~.ing ~treets february
Peter Hustici ~leanin~ Fountain Jan & Feb
Louie Hingue Renov 6 dead dogs
Manuel Souzs Labor on streets
A.E.Ksu~fman ~suling
u.~.Ericsson ~are of Trees ~'eb.
Pacific. Gas & Electric ~o Street & Hall Lights
and Power month February
Pacific '~'el a Tel uo.,4 city phones
C.G.Bra~ar ~ o 24 Bad~es
0akland-~al Towel co towel service ~'eb.
A.~arlisle uo supplies
So,~.F.Water ~oHa]l & Fountain V;ster Feb
h'red. J.Lsut~e G~s i~mtor cycle
0. F. ~cnurk Ltmps
~.C.Conrsd,2 trips to S.F. & Prisoners'meals
£. 50
2. O0
Z. 50
12 O0
8 O0
~'~' 7 ?"/.22
The bill.having been approved by the finance cOmmittee Trustee ~unningham moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee hschelbsch and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the ~oard Trustee ~unnung~.am moved to adjourn until
Monday,March 13th,1922, at 7.30 p.m. The motion was seconded by ~rustee mschelbach and regularly
carried, Time of adjournment 10 o'clock p.m.
President of the ~osrd of 'zrustees
Hespectfully submi~~
~ity ulerk. ~/