HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1922-03-13442 ' Adjourned regn~tar meeting of the ~oard of Trustees of the ~ity of 5outh San ~'rancisco held ~,srch 1Zth, 1922. Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of ~outh oan ~'rancisco met in regular adjourned session in the oity aall on i~arch 1Zth, 19£2. The meeting was called to order at 7.30 O'clock p.m. by ~.~.nolston, ~resident of the Board of Trustees. There were present the following ~rustees: ~'.A.ounningham,A.J.~schelbach, ~.~.nolston,. L.~.Hardy, Jr. ~:nd H.~campini. The minutes of the ~revious meeting were read and, upon motion of Trustee ounningham, secended by ~rustee ~schelbech and regularly carried,were approved ss read. ~he re~ort of the ~ity Treasurer for the month ending ~'ebrusry 28th was read and accepted. The attention og the ~osrd was calTed to the fact that the howe's London ~ircus intended to hold their show here on Ounda~ ~'~srch S6th. 4s ~he permission of the ~oard was not ircus people to hold a show on Sunday ~he ~ler~ ws~ mns~ruc~ec zo send a registered letter ~V~e~he ~ notifying them that the date of the show should be cancelled from ~ Sunday to some other day. Pool room licenses were granted ~olon~bo & Mannini, Silss ~arlson And Angelo Genovesio on condition that there be no card playing in back rooms and that the back rooms be kept locke~, the vote on the apvlications being as fol]ows:- Zyes, Trustees, ~'.A.Cunninghsm, ~.J.Eschelbsch, L.G.~ardy Jr.H.Scampini, G.~.Holston. Noes, Trustees, ~ome. ~bsent, Trustees, None. An Ordinance entitled:' "An 0rdinsnce providing for submitting to the qualified electors of the Oity of South San Francisco, st the general election to be held in said Oity on the 10th day of April, 1922, the question or proposition of the levy of a tax for grading the Oivic ~enter Site in said City," was formally introduced by Trustee Cunningham and laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next regu~s~r meeting of the ~osrd of Trustees. F.n Ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance ca~ling a special election in the oity of South San Francisco,~ounty of San .'~.ateo,Stste of oslifornia, ~or the purpose of submitting ~:nd sub~uitting to the qualiffied electors off the Oity of South San ~'rancisco, ~ municipal corporation, s proposition ~o incur s bonded indebtedness thereof to pay the cost. of certain public ~niciDal improvements, the cost of which said m~nicipal improvements wil~. be too gre~t to be ~sid ou~ of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said ~ity of f~outh ~:an Francisco, and will, in addition to the other expenditures of said Oity of South ~an Fr~'ncisco, emceed the incor~e ~:nd revenue provide~ for in shy one year, and fixing ~,~onday the 10th day of ~pril ~.2~, ss the date u~on which s~id election shall be held; the manner of holding said election ~:nd voting for or against incurring ~uch indebtedness: also declaring the estimated cost of : said proposed public improvements, the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor and the rate of interest to be paid thereon. The staid pro~o~itiOn to be submitted, and so submitted to the qualified electors of esid oity of South ~sn ~'rancisco, being the incur~'ing of a bonded indebtedness of ~46,000.00 for the acquisition, construction and completion by the omt~, of South San Francisco s municipal corporation, of s system off sewers in ~:an ~runo Hos. d from ohs~n~:,n ~.venue to the north boundary line of said City and in Butler kosd,includin~ ~n outfali sewer sn~ the acquisition of the necessary rights el~ way for said o~tfall sewer".u~as t'or~s~l!y introduced by ?ru~tee ~sche]b~ch ~nd laid over to con~e up under the regul~:r order of business st the ne::t re~lar meeting of the Board of ~rnstees. The election officers selected by the ~oard of Trustees for the Bond Hlection April, '10th,1922 are as follows, Precinct ~I, W.W.Brswn, inspector, John toward and ~,~s. D.Mullin, Judges, H.H.!,Ia~oney and Lizzie Stshl, Clerks, ~or Precinct ~2, iIugh McCafffrey, inspector,l~irs Grace Ely and ]~rs. ~ebecca ~ay, Judges, ~Sre. ,~ y Robbins end . Viole ~..ood, tiered. The following claims against the city were next ):resented for ps~ent; Pacific Tel & Tel co., one city phone ~--: ~.50 ~O.ownersCit~ Lbr. ~ ~P~e~h~ ' ~ 61:~ ~rsn~port~ ed.STKs etc ~ 0Id 0ak ~osp Co Z mirrors ~: 1~.00 Louis Verns Street, ~.l]ey & Sidewalk hepai~'~ng~c~2.~5 C.Kavansgh Planting trees ~ 25.00 Total ~ ~. 52 The bills having been approved by the finance committee Trustee Eschelbach moved t~ey be paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee Scam~ini and regularly carried. No further business appearing before said Board of Tr~stees, upon motion of Trustee ~unningha~,,.end ~econded by Trustee Eschell:sch and re~arUy carried,,said Board of Tr~fmtees adjourned. Time of adjournment 9.35 O'clock p.m. Approved President of the ~oard of Trustees