HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1922-04-24 Adjourned regular meeting of the oocrd of Lrustees of the ~ity of ~outh oan ~rancisco
,~ ~-th, 1c ~o
held ...~onday, ~ri] '~
The meeting was c~,!/ed to order by .x'rusteo ~: w.~olston, ~resident of the ~o~:rd at 7.50
riel! call found al! '~r'~:stees preront, to-wit; ~'.A.uunniugh[m,
H. ocampini and
The ]'~inutes of the Trevious ~eeting were read and upon ~]otion of ~rustee~ ~schelbach
seconded by 'xrustee uunningh~m and re~lariy cgrried were approved as read.
The compl&int ~gsinst t}~e ~alifornia foe! ns!! was first taken up..~he city policemen
testifieX that boys under twenty-one years of age were seen frequently visiting th~ p!Bce, and a]thou
tho Vrorrietors of the hall had been warned by t!~o policemen to kee~ ~uch ~inors from entering the pl
they ksd not done
It was ~.oved by ~rustee ~schel~ach that the license be revoked· The motion v:gs seconde
by .lr~stee u~]nninghg~ and re~!ar2y carriea ~y the foilorin~ vote-
~-e~ Trustee~~, F.~.Cunningham A J.Esche!back, L.G Hardy Jr. H.~cgm~ini,G.W Ho2ston.
~oes, Trurtees, itene.
;~bsent, ~rustees,
The ~roprietors of the Hall were a~llowed two weeks in which to se!1 the place.
The ~pplicstion of C]_yde Emerson. Dep-l.~ty Poundr.~ster, for the poa~ition of Poundm[ster,
was considered ne~[t, and on notion regularly seconded and carried he was appointed to the position.
uitF Engineer Kneese a~Deared before the Bo~rd in the matter of nu~berin~~ the houses
in Peninsular Pgrk, ~nd also to constant iLe .Board concernin~ s roadway from that distr~ct to ~outh
Francisco. it w&s decided to have the street co~ ittee work in conjunction with tke engineer to for~u
some p!~n of action.
Plans for ~: sewer syste~ in the vicln~ty of Grand Avenue extension were submitted by tk
en?ineer and the ~oard will take ~ction in the mgtter if found satisfBctory.
;~ttention was called to tke Board tl.at tlc turn of the road, ~rand ZvenNe hxten~imn and
the cenetery road opl, osite ~'
~ep, ~c ~rossing was in very bad condition. Als'o the junction of the towns
and the c~ty limits on the lame ro&d. ~ne n~tter w~-s referred to the street committee.
The City L~[rsi~s] st[ted his rotor cycle was d&mg~ed when thrown from it Sunday ;~pril
&nd asked to have it repaired. Hequest granted·
The question of destroyin? weeds the coming month was now ~iven considera~tion. It was d
have the ~treet con~ittee work in conjunction with other members of the ~oard and with
~u~noxity to
in c!e~nin~r ur, the ciSy.
Trustee Hardy then intriduced the follov, in~z ordinance.
* * * ~ ~
2~ONTH AND Tile TIL.~ AND PLAt:]. OF HOLDIfG TEE ~'""~,.,~ ANIJ ..... ~.~,~
was formally in%roduced by Trustee Hcrdy and ]aid over to cole u? under ~he re.far ord
business s% the new regular meeting o~ the Board o2 Wrur~ees.
The following claims against the city were next presented for
~ouZhern Oscific Comp. n;~, Sewer construction under trackr nr ~epot ~f1592.8.%
South City Lbr. & Fu~p]y Co. Paint
~' ~ e~ Work
~uth City !?_]ur,,bin~ ~hor~sh. Barrel 2nd
D.l~cFweeney 800 stamped hnvs a. nd del Election a$$idavite to kedwood
~.~:-non ~.HCrmon ~y .Cng ~velore~, andvotin~ lists
~'¢~ifi~ Tel &Tei Co r.o]ice ~hone f_arch
The b.]ls hgving been al:proved by the fincnce cor.~mittee Trustee ounningham moved
they be !~id. The motion '~':ss seconded by Trustee hardy and re.~ulcr]y carried.
Where bein~ no further bu.~-'~_o~.', ~ before tie ~oard L'ru~tee hardy moved to adjourn. Lb
motion was seconded by Trustee Sca~,mini and regularly carolled,
iArI, roved
Time of .~djournment, 9.40 r.m.
President of the 3o~rd of Trustees.
.~c t fu!~ sub~ ted, ,~/ty Clerk.