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.~egu!ar meeting of the .~sed of '~ru~"tees of the ~ity of ~outh ~an ~'rsncisco hold
Monday, May Ist,1922. '
The meeting was called to order by '~'r'ustee G.¥~'.Holston, President of the Board, at
eight 0'clock p.m.
~o]] ua]l.
.qo!] ~ll found the following Trustees present:-to-wit;
J.~schelbach, L.G.i{ardy ~r.,ii. Scsmpini, And 'O.W.~olston.
~sent, Trustees, ~'.A.Cunninghsm.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and uuon motion of 'irustee ~schelbach,
sec0n~ed by Trustee Scampini and re~]arly carried were approved ss read.
Zn application for a soft drink ~' ,
~zcen~ was received from Ambrose Ta~e/la, for the
· California Fool mall. Action deferred until e future meeting.
S~muel ]i.M$3rver made application for a pool room licen~:e for the ~alifornia Pool
iqsl!. Action r~ostponed until a future meeting.
Y~ comnittee consisting' of Trustees Hardy sn~ Ecampini was appointed to investigate
the qualifications of arplicants for liuenses for the ~alifornia Pool ~all. The owners of the poe! room
were before the Board ~:nd stated they had ~ purch[eer for the p!ece in case the licenses were gr~.nted
for soft drink~~ ~nd pool tab]es.
~orino Gianell~ appeared before the ~oard and made charges that the Carlson pool hall
proprietor, Sil~s osrlson,w~s a]].owin~ his son to enter the pool roomm &nd Dl~y c~rds, in violation of
the pool room ordinance, ss young wianolla is under ~! years of age. whe clerk was instructed to notify
Mr. usrlson to ~?pear b~fore the ~o~r~ at the next fleeting,Monday ~aay 8th, 19~2, to show cause why his
license should not he reboked for vis/ation of Ordinance ~llg.
The re~orts of the Health Officer, ~ire uhief, city :J~r~-hal, Poundmsster, city
rfecorder and city Olerk for the month ending April Z0th, were then read. The re]'?ort of the uity necorder
showed collections of ~;~5 for the month smd the report of the city uterk showed the following balances
in the various funds; General fund,~:.22,9~6,zg,~Library fund, ~,509.g4, Sinking fund for gewers,~3,178.96
~' ' 54~ Anti- Tubercular fund,~:~158.70, ~treet
~'aoto~ ~strict sewer fund,~719,79 "1919 ~onds"g $7~ 1Z, "~", . . "~" ~0.96, Ser.r"
Bonds, ~er, "A" ~65.68, Ser ~'q,,~84,$5, ~er ,~-,~]_2.~4,
(~A44 65, ~er "O" ~!E88 89 Total 5~l~nce in all funds, ~9,9Z7.67
~oved by '~rustee Hardy seconded by wrustee ~c~m~ini that the ~epoFts be accepted,
OE~li~Al~o~ ~40. 116 ~NTITL~D:
had its seuond readin~ snd upon roll call was adopted as an ordinance of the city
of South San ~'rsnci.,~c 10y t~ following vote,-
Ayes, 'zrustees, A.e.~sche]bach, L.;.nardy ~r, ~.ocsmpini, ~.~,.nolstom.
~.b~'ent, Yrustees, r., .~unningh&r~.
The following resolution was ne::t ~re,~ented by 'frustee ~schelbach:-
i~O .45.
Hesolved by the ~oard of ~'rustees of the city of South ~n ~'rsnci[~o that the
official curb lines on ~andolph Avenue be, and the s~mo Lereby are fixed ss two lines, each of which
_ ~ ' n~io~,~ avenue and is fifteen feet die'rant toYard the
lines is iarslle~ to the boundar7 ]:nos of said =~- ~ ~'~
center line from tho corresrondinff bo:~nd~ line; that theo~zc~:'=' 'ai curb lino~ on ~ha~msn Avenue be,
and the ssr:e hereby are fi::ed gs two ]ine~,, each of ~hiuh lines i~' parallel to the bound~:ry lines of
said ~harman Avenue smd is fifteen feet di~:tant tow~:rd tLe center line from the corresponding
boundary.~ine: that the official c~:.rb .line? on ~roen ~vonue be, and the ~ame hereby are fixed as two
lines,each of which ]~:,-?? ~s ps~"~e2 *o '¥
~ .~.~: e boundar:: lines off said ~reen Avenue and i~ ten feet distant
toward the center line fret:' theu~,.'':~'-~ .... ,o~,,_,~-~-~a~ Lo, --~'~-"~.~z.: ~::~e,' · that the official c:~rb /inet: on ~srdiner
Avenue be, a~nd the .same hereby ~re fixed as two line~~, each of which lines is ~ars!le! to the boundary
lines of said. ~rdiner avenue-and is ten feet die'rant tow~,rd the center line f~om the corresponding
bo~indary line:
allsaid bo~mdary lines are tho~-e lines j. ndicated as bo'mdary lines u~on that
certain ma~ entitled "]'~ap of Peck's bubdivision l~o. 1. bo]it[q jan z'r~ncigco, ~an i~lateo ~o1 ual. "
which mar ~as filed in the office of the county ~(ecordor of the Oounty of ~an i~ateo, oaliforni~,
~une 24, 1907 in ~ ~- .~_ , D~o,~ 5 of Original Ma~s at !age
'7n~:t all of~i:_.ia:! elevations er ~r~d.e~ on e~uh of said ~treets be, and the same
hereby are determined, esteb]ished ~nd descriLed with reference to Mea~ Lower Low Water, as ascert-
ained by the United States oosst and Geodetic Survey at Fort Point, San Franci~co, ~aiifornia, and
hereinafter described as the uity
Th~t.th~'~ ?~ficisl elevations or ~r~des on said ~treets are hereby det[rmin~d and
declared to be ~bove saic uit7 Base and thet the ssi~ offic'~'
~ elezat~ons or grades and their ,~everal
points of locations be, ~:nd the same hereby are established
Section i. On the northeasterly curb line of un~p~an ~venue, ss follows:
At the intersection of the .~or,.,h-
westerly line of San Bruno Road
At t~e intact'section of the south-
easzer±y :~ne or ~ra~en ;.venue
At the intersection of the north-
westerly /ins of ~raden Avenue
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Butler Avenae
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of .Butler Avenue
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Green Avenue
At the intersection of t}~e north-
westerly line of ' ,
~reen Avenue
~'~; ~ feet
46.52 feet
50.7£ feet
66.~4 feet
69.61 feet
87.59 feet
f.2~ ~M
2..~ feet
== ........ ~w~'-~.~ ~o~rd and m~e charg~' that the c~rlson pool h
preprie~Or, S'f~s ~r~s~n~,~S ei]ow~ng his ~on to enter the pool roo~m and pl~y c~rd~, in violation of
the poo~ roo~ or~in~nce, ss yo~n~ ~i~ne~la is under S! years of age. ~he clerk was instm~c~ed to noti
~r. ~arlson lo ~q?ear before the ~o~r~ at the next meeting,Mond~y may 8th, 19R~, to show c~use why bis
license should not ~:~' revoked ffor~viSlation eT Ordinance ~IIZ.
The re~orts of the Mealth dfficer, ~'ire ~hief, ~i'ty :lsrshal, Poundmsster, ~ity
~lecorder gnd ~ity olerk for the month ending April 30th, were then read. k~he report of the oit7 necord~
showed collections of ~5 for the month and the report of the ~ity ~lerk showed the following baisnce~
in the various funds; General fund,~22,gE6.Z9,.Library fund, $~,509.~4, Sinking fund for ~ewers,%Z,178,
~actory ~istrict sewer fund,~719,79 "1~].9 ~ond~"~ ~7,254.1~, Anti- wubercular fund,~i58.70, ~treet
Sends, ~,er, "A" ~65.68, Set ,,~,,~;84,$5-, Set -U",~I .54, Set. "~", ~6Z.09, ~er. "r~" ~0,96, Ser.~'"
f)444 65, ~er. "G" I~!288 89 'i'ota! D~ltnce in all funds, ~9,~57.67.
Hoved by '~rustee Hardy seconded by 'zrustee ~cam~ini that the ~eports be accepted,
O~li~aI~ ~40. 116 ~.HTI'fL~D:
'i'~d~'2~ OF THA CiTY 0~' SOU'~'~ %A~ ~'~i~t,i ~uO ii~ r.A~ ~,{OW~_~ ~.N~ T~.~ L'iMr; 7~ Pl~Ur~
had its second resdin~ ~nd ur. on roll cell was adopted ss an ordinance of the oity
of south Sen ~'renci~c by %~ followin~ vote,-
Ales, 'z'rustees, A.~.~sohe]bgch, L.~.~ardy ar, ~.~c~mpini, ~.¥~.nolstom.
Absent, Yrustoos, r., .~unnin~hs~.
The fo]lowin¢ resolution was ne::t ~,res, ented by Trustee ~schelbsch:-
Eesolved by the ~osrd of ~'rustees of the ui~ of South 2~n ~'rs~cisuo that the
official curb }inca on zmndoZph Avenue be, and the sgme hereby are f1%ed cs two lines, each of which
}inca is 7srs~lel to the boundary lines of said ncndol'nL Avenue s~d is fifteen feet di~;tr, nt tov srd the
center line from tho oorresyondinF boundS: line; thst the offlois1 curb line~ on ~ha)msn .&venue be,
and the s~r:e hereby are Fi=od ss two ]iues, each of ~hiuh lines is poraZZe] to the boundary lines of
ssid ~ha~man Avenue end is fifteen feet di~:tant tows'rd ' the center line from the corres~onding
boundgry.~i~e' that the o.~cial~'~ curb line~' on ~reen ~venue be, and the same hereby are fixed as two
lines,e~ch of which Uine? is pgr~l]~e! to the boundary lines of said ~reen Avenue and i~ ten feet distgnt
o * Ii frora the corres?ondir:~ boundsry ]ina' thst the official c:~rl) line~ on ~rd. iner
toward the c.~n~er ne ,
Avenue be, ~:nd the .same hereby ire fixed as two lines, each of which lines is pars!le! to the boundary
].Sues of said ~rdiner avenue and is ten feet distant toward the center line from the corresponding
boundary line; allsaid boundary lSnes are those lines indicated ss boundary lines u~on that
certain ma~ entitled "~aaw of Pecz's ~ubdivision rqo. 1. South ~an ~r[~ncisco, ~an l~mteo ~o1 ~1.,"
which mar ~as filed in the office of the ~ounty ~ecorder of the Oounty of can ~ateo, oalSfornia,
duns 24, 1907, in ~ook 5 of Original
.... ~ and the same
,;h~,~ all oz:~a_ eievat~_~..~. ..... or grades_ on e~ch of said ~treets be,
L..reb~ are determined, es't~b~.~shed and described with reference to Mean Lower Low W~ter, as ascert-
ained by the United States ~oast and Geodetic Survey at Fort Point, San Francisco, oalifornia, and
hereinafter described as the oity
~','- +~ ,,~' ,' ' ' ~ ~ treets are hereby determined and
~ntt ~.:~ .... ~cks! elew~t~ons
declared to be above said ~ity Base and that the ssi~.officisl elevations or grades and their ?eyeful
~oints of locations be, ~:nd the same hereby, are esSab=ished as follows:
Section I. On the nor%ne&ster=y curb line of ~hspmcn ~venue, ~s follows:
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of San Bruno koad
At ~e ~nt~sect.~on of the so~th-
ea,~eriy zzne of ~raden Avenue
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of ~raden Avenue
~t the intersection of the south-
easterly line of ~utler Avenue
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of But/er Avenue
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Green Avenue
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of Green Avenue
~,.,~1 feet
46.52 feet
50.72 feet
66,~4 feet
69.61 feet
87.39 feet
$2.~ feet
(Continued n,,xt page)
At the intersection of tho south-
er].y line of hando!~oh Avenue
118.40 feet
Section 2. On the southwesterly curb line of Chapman Avenue, es follows:
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of San Bruno Road
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Br~den Avenue
At the intersection of the north-
we~'terly line of Braden Avenue
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Butler Avenue
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of Butler Avenue
At the intersection of the south-
eesterly ~ine of Green Avenue
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of Green Avenue
At the intersection of the south-
erly line of Eando.lph Avenue
gg.04 feet
46.5~ feet
50.~5 feet
66.g! feet
69.7~ feet
87.Z9 feet
9~.05 feet
lg5.15 feet
Section 5. On the northerly curb line of Randolph Avenue, as follows:
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of San Bruno Road
gg.lg feet
86.44 feet westerly from said intersection,
~75.67 feet westerly from said intersection,
~Z8.81 feet westerly from said intersection,
591.57 feet westerly from said intersection,
654.51 feet westerly from said intersection,
907.07 feet westerly from said intersection,
970.~5 feet westerly from said intersection,
1011.56 feet wes'terly from said intersection,
Z4.86 feet
45.90 feet
49.87 feet
64.78 'feet
69.g5 feet
86.7Z feet
91.g8 feet
95.?0 feet
1ZOA.Og feet westerly from sail intersection, llS.Z0 feet
1ZSg.18 feet westerly from said intersection, 1£6.4Z feet
Section 4. On the southerly curb line of Eando!ph Avenue, as follows:
it the intersection of the north-
wePter!y line of San Bruno Road, e::tended,
6Z.12 feet westerly fro~ said intersection,
At the intersection of the south-
o~sterly line of Braden Avenue, extended,
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of Br~den Avenue, extendeS,
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Butler Avenue, e::tended,
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of Butler Avenue, e::tended,
At the intersection of the south-
e~sterly line of Green Avenue, extended,
At the intersection of the north-
~esterly line of Green Avenue, e::tended,
41.Z5 feet westerly fro~ said intersection,
At the intersection of the north-
e~sterly line of Chapman Avenue, e:{tended,
At the intersection of the south-
westerly line of ~hepm~n Avenue, e::tended,
29.50 feet
ZZ.95 feet
45.90 feet
49.7~ feet
65.08 feet
6!~.50 feet
86.?1 feet
91.02 feet
9Z.60 feet
ll?.85 feet
125.40 feet
Section 5. On the northwesterly curb line of Green Avenue, as follows:
At the intersection of the south-
westerly line of ~hspman Avenue,
At the intersection of the north-
easterly line of ~h~pman Avenue,
147.89 feet northe~steriy from said
At the intersection of the south-
erly line of nandolph Avenue,
91.~0 feet
91.00 feet
89.9? feet
89.97 feet
Section 6. On the southeasterly curb line of Green Avenue, as follows:
At the intersection of the south-
we~terl~ line o~ ~hapman Avenue,
At the intersect[on of the north-
~easterly line of ~hapman ~venue,
15~.!i feet northesster!y from said
At the intersection of the south-
erly line of t~endo!!~h Avenue,
88.39 feet
88.24 feet
88.05 feet
86.90 feet
Section ?.
On the northe~sterly curb line oi Gardiner A?enue, as
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of San Bruno ~o~d,
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Br~den Avenue,
Z4.56 feet
46.90 feet
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of Green Avenue
~.t the intersection of the south-
erly line of Randolph Avenue
87.Z9 feet
92.05 feet
125.15 feet
Section 5. On the northerly curb line of Handolph Avenue, as follows:
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of Sen Bruno Road 29.12 feet
86.44 feet westerly from said intersection,
275.6? feet westerly from raid intersection,
~ZS.81 feet westerly from said intersection,
591.57 feet westerly from said intersection,
654.51 feet westerly from said intersection,
907.07 feet westerly from s~id intersection,
970.25 feet westerly fro~ said intersection,
1011.56 feet ~esterly fro~ said intersection,
Z4.86 feet
45.90 feet
4¢. 87 feet
64.78 feet
69.25 feet
86.7~ feet
91.£8 feet
95.70 feet
!Z04.02 feet westerly from sai8 intersection, llS.Z0 feet
1gSg.18 feet westerly from said intersection, 1£6.4Z feet
Section 4. On the southerly curb line of t~ando!ph Avenue, as follows:
Zt the intersection of the north-
westerly line of San Bruno Road, e::tended,
6Z.12 feet ~esterly from said intersection,
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Braden Avenue, extended,
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of Broaden Avenue, extended,
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of ~utler Avenue, e~tended,
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of Butler Avenue, e::tended,
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Green Avenue, e~tended,
At the intersection of the north-
~esterly line of Green Avenue, e~tended,
41.Z5 feet westerly from said inter~ection,
~t the intersection of the north-
easterly line of ~hapman ~venue, e:~tended,
At the intersection of the south-
westerly line of ~hcpm~n Avenue, e::tended,
29.'50 feet
ZZ.95 feet
45.90 feet
49.7~ feet
65.08 feet
6~.50 feet
86.71 feet
91.02 feet
9Z.60 feet
117.85 feet
125.40 feet
Section 5. On the northwesterly curb line of Green Avenue, as follows:
At the intersection of the south-
westerly line of ~h~pman Avenue,
At the intsrrection of the north-
easterly line of ~hspman Avenue,
147.89 feet northecsteriy from s~,id
At the intersection of the south-
erly line of nandolph Avenue,
91.30 feet
91.00 feet
89.97 feet
89.97 feet
Section 6. On the southeasterly curb line of Green Avenue, as follows:
At the intersection of the south-
we~terl-~ ~ os ~hapman Avenue,
At the ~ntersect~on of t~ie north-
~easterly line of ~hapman ~venue,
152.]_1 feet northesster!y from said
At the intersection of the south-
erly !~ne of i~ando!ph ~venue,
88.35 feet
88.~4 feet
88.05 feet
86.90 feet
Section 7.
On the northeasterly curb line et Gardiner A':enue, as
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of San Bruno
At the intersection of the south-
easterly line of Br6den Avenue,
Z4.56 feet
46.90 feet
Section 8. On the southwesterly curb line of Gardiner ;venue, ss follows:
At the intersection of the north-
westerly line of San bruno ~oad, Z4.56 feet
At the intersection of the south-
egsterly line of brsden Avenue, 46.90 feet
Section 9. The shape of the cross section of each of s~,id streets and the
elevations' thereof shall be fixed at the time each of said streets is improved
and saall depend upon the material used for paving.
Section ~0. The longitudinal slope or grade of e~ch of said streets
hereinbefore named shall be on straight lines connecting the points on each of
said streets where the elevations are fixed as hereinbefore provided·
I hereby certify thab-the foregoin~ resolution was regularly introduced and
adopted by the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of South San francisco this let
~ay of ~sy, 1922, by the fo~owing vote:
Ayes, Trustees A.J.Esche!b~ch, ~.G.H~rdy ~r.,H.Sc~mpini, G.W~iolston.
Noes, Trustees None
Absent, ~rustees ~'.A.
D~niel McSweeney.
City olerk.
~he foilowin~, c]aircs against the ci~,.~ were next .mre-e-~t..u for pa~xnent'-,
.~.tt.~° fires
Att. i fire
Gss ~ire ~ep't A.~ril
.:~c ~'ire E::tin~uisher Co ~:s xa:?k ~'~ Lantern
~'red ~ *'- f,/loto~ .... ~ ~ r: h ~, A~r; ~
C u uonrad Del Prisone~' H:, .... ~ ...... g :~a:.lot ~ro~fs
Enterm"~ ~.'e Va~b Co' !~ota. c.-~ ~ .......... .,~-. -, ,: ~,-,
Peter 2ustlui Clean Founts:in L%r :.. April
C.ll. Emerson 7. emev De~:,-~,, Deja. ~.~d' ,~' 'g.* 'u ~. to ..,~.' 'r,,,-,~h. ,')!" 9
:Tick Re ~" .... ' ~ Do~: 5 ~og~-' Asr. & April
2~c. Tel ~. ~e' Co. :'' ' ' "
~ .. ,. O ~i;a~:~gn s rhone i~[arch
. ,,,g erial
_au~u ua, s & ~lec o SAr .,
April, 1922
~'~ 3 O0
80., 0
~,~ 5.61
Total $875.i8 '
fi~f~,,nce corr~r".ittee Ti'u~'tee ts~cheibach
The bills h~viag beer, audited by the
'..moved, they be p~id. The motion ':,~:~ eeconfled bv Trustee ~campini and re~ru!ariy
There being no fu,-tker busihes.~' befor~~, the ~oard Trustee hardy moved
-', f. + '~. - ~. * ,-: ~
, *~ 7 T, The '"'et ~ ended
t.e ad~ourn ~n,..! f, ionday evening ....
by '~'rustee F:u~mpirii [~nd reg~!ari;; carried.
Time of adjournment 9.40
~e, pectfuiz~~ ~ ~d
Pre~-'idant 6f the ~,a.d ,~f iru~e:..:,, ty (.;!e~k.
Re~iarly acjournea.,'",~,~_...,....~ o'S~ ~he Board of-r~t~ ~S of the ity of 5o~1,i': Sa.. 'ranci..co
held l~ondgy, Flay 8th, !9~2, at 7.Z0 p.m. There v;ere pres'ent 'rrustee~~ ~unninghcm &
There be:luff no qu:.r~u:~ preterit Tr'~s'1',oe bumming]it4 mo'red to adjourn
until Wednesday, LIay loth, ]gfi~, st v.30 ~.If. The moth, on was ~'.econded by Trustee
and re~alsr!y csrried. Tim~ of sdjournment, 7.~0. p.m. ~~~ ~es oe st~submit
Al, proved _
President of the Bosrd off True-tees bity~erkf