HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1922-05-10tiI'V.I Reo~ler!y adjourned, meeting of tke Board of Trustess of the city of £outh San ~'ramcj held Wednesday evening '~ay 10th 1¢~' TLc meetin? was cal~._~d to orde ~y Trustee ~;.W.Hol~ten, President of the Board, ~t 7.~0 ~ R011 C~i!. i~o!I c~.~]l founnd all ~'rustees present, to-wit:- ."'.~.Cunnin~ham, A.J.Eschel. bach, L.~ '~.~ardy Jr.,.~.Scsmpini, G.W.i~o!~ton. The minutes of the two previo~s meetings were read and u~:on ~mtion of Trustee Escheibach seconded b~ Trustee Cunnin~ham and regularly ~arried were armroved ts read ' An sr, p_icstion for a ~.~rmit to ho!d a dance on ~aturdsy~vening May 2o~h, nezt, was received from the Portuguese ~r~.ternity coheir_ ~9, the dancc to be held in Fraternal ~I1 until 0n~ ~'~lock A ~' ~ranted JUlius ~ikerenkotter pet'~ z.~ioned t~e ~oard for a reffund of ~1~.82 taxes, on account a double ~.s~e.-.r~.ento-~'~ ' on some of his ~-~ro~erty. ~rsnted. ~ ~an~lla made written complaint agsin~t the ~;srlson Pool ~i~!l stating mt was re?( , to him that the management was allowing m~nors to enter the place and play at cards. Mr.usrlson of the car]son !:ool ~all stated that Mr. Gienella rermitted youn~ Gisnella to enter the place. Mr. was warned not to allow [ny boys under the age of twenty-one years to enter his place in future, and was ~ermitted to retain his license. ~.pp]_ications for soft drink and poo! roora ]icen~es for tke Ca].ifornia ~oo]. Hall wer~ received from Samuel M.Msever,Zmando Comastri an~ ~'rank Tcsrrone & Joe ~erroni. The proprietors the estsbZishraent were ~iven until next Monday to '~-s a~ n~e for a sale of the place to some reputable citizen, ~reforably a ]ocs] man. if no srr~n?eme~'~t or :'ale i~~ made by that time the Joard v~iT?~ t~.ke John Di!lss of 552 ~Jrand ;Aven-~e mod~ e app!icstion for a ~ermii to b~ild, sn sdditioD front of his residence ~o. the Tur~ose of hs, nd]in~ ~zoceries, r:eat~~ and candies. Permit denied A communication was received ffrom the ~outh S~n ~'rsncisco l!erchants' ;~sociation ~ttention off the ~osrd to the ffact that the city should be zoned i~to bus~ness and residential di~'t~ as many small pisces off bu.~n ..... with little or no overhead e:~!,ense were working a h~rdshi~ on the mercantile estab]ishmants with heavy e::penses. The 'Board do~:ided to ~ive the mstter earnest consider The Hello Hiking club aske~ t}:e Board's perr:,ission to hold ~. deuce in Frateraa] ~sll Saturday eveninc June loth, ne:~,tae dan2e to run until ]2 o'clock ~. Granted. Pre~ident Ho]ston stated res'ideates off the vicinity of Beden Avenue near t~e Green i~o!brook residences were in need of ~treet !i;rhts. The m~tter ws~ referred to the street committee. The ~.sstern ~tar sent a request for permission to hold a dan~:e ~t .~r~;ternal Hall Saturday eveninF biay ]Zth. Grsnted. !ntke matter off cleanin~ weeds ~nd rubbish from the vacant lots in the city trustee Cunntnghrm [roposed giving the work s trial by day's labor. Tke proposition was ffavorable to the smd t~e ~'treet committee will take ch~:rge off the v:ork at once. kne ffoi~ov:in~ claims ~g~inrt the city were ne:.:t presented for ps~ent;- Dairy !~e]'v~ ~.o i~,~!k" " ~' ~. z,i kc-'ankotter ~: 1Z. 82 Lnterprise Pub. ~o Print Ord. !16 ~;~ ~nveT~omes ~f]9.00 The bills havi,,lg been approved by the finance committee Trustee ounnin~ham moved th~ be ~aid.',.~e~ motion: was ~"euonded by. Lrustee ~ardy, ~nd z-e~,~.~.,..rZy. ..... carried. There beln.~? no further busines,'- befor-, the ~o~:rd Trustee uunningham moved to adjour~ until the ne:~t re~uiar meetin~f .~ondcy ivl~y ]Sth, ~22 at 7.~0 p.~,. L'he motion was seconded by ~ruste~ Scam~zni and re~uYar~_y carrio~. Time of tdjournment, 8.45 r.m. Approved President of the ~oard of .rust~ ~e~ pectfully r ubmit~