HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1922-05-15454 ' Regular meeting of the 3os. rd of '~rustees of the bity of 2outh San Francisco held ~ondsy, . May 2~th, !9~2. .cO o c~cck p. m by Trustee G.W.Hoz.~ton, President The meeting w~s called to order at 7 ~ ' '3 . ' of the Board. HOLL CALL. Roll ca2] found a!] '~rustees ~resent, to-wit: P.A ~ ' '' .. .Ounn~ngnam f J.Esche!bach, L.C.Hardy Jr., H.Scampini,G.W.Ho!ston. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of Trustee ~csmpini seconded by Trustee ~ardy and regularly csrrled were approved ss read, A communication was received from ~u~ge Cunninghsm, Oity necorder, asking for a leave of absence of three weeks on account of illness. On motion of Trustee ~:sche]bach seconded by Trustee aardy and regularly carried a leave of thirty days was granted if more th~n three weeks were required. In another communication JuSge Cu~ingham asked the advice of the ~ity attorney re!utile to action taken by the ~ounty Bosr5 of Supervisors May ~st, requiring City ~ecorders and ~ustices of the Peace to remit all fines collected for traffic violation, under the orate law. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for opinion. The applications for soft drink licenses smd pool room licenses for the ~alifornia pool hall v:ere taken up at this time. 1'he proprietors of the establishment having made no definite arrangements to sell to some one acceptable to the ~oard of Trustees the place wa~- ordered ~]osed no license granted to any spplic~:ht. It was understood that if an applicant apFears who is acceptable to the City Trustees and a bonifide sale made s license may be granted. Wrs. Winterhslter sent word to the Board that s dangerous nuisance was created by the stagnant waters between the United ~ai]road tracks and ~.P.tracks and the Mission road near Liepsig station. The clerk was instructed to write to the Counter flea]th officer, Dr..~'.H.tmith at San Bruno and request that he take action to have the nuisance abated, as the location is in the township out- side of the Oity limits. The clerk was instructed to co~:~unicate with L.W.Thayer, Assistant Manager of the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Oompany, end request that his company deed certain pieces of !smd to the CitN of South San ~'rancisco to be used as streets and sidewalks leading to the' the f,iartin school. The tsnd required is in the vicinity of Armour Avenue, maple Avenue and the s!!ey in block 130. The clerk was instructed to notify the ~i~y ~ngineer to preN.re plans and specifications for the grading of the Civi~ uenter Site, the same to be done by assessment gistrict. It was learned by the Board that the ~iethodist church Property at the ~orth ~¥est corner of Grand and ~,.ia',-.ie Avon~aes wa~~ for sale. Acco~dingiy the president of the ~oard ap~ointe~~ Trustees Cunninghsm and iisrdy a committee to wait on the ~ev. l~r Peck smd ascertain the amount asked for the lot. '~ru~'tee ~sche].bsch made app!ic[tionfor r. ermission to construct a ~e-inforced concrete building, 45x60 feet in dimensions on the lot south and next to the ~ioyal theatre, Permission granted. The clerk was instructed to address a com~unication to Mr. ~.C.Peck, owner of a lot on Grand Avenue and i~ap!e Avenue, and request him to remove loose brick and tile from the premises on account of the unsightly appearance of the vlace. No. 45. RESOnUT!ON ADOPTING PLAi~S Al~ SPEUI~'iC~TIOI4S. The following resolution was introduced by 'z'rustee ?;campini;- lieso!ved by the Boerd of ?rustees of the city of South ,~an francisco that the plans and specifications for the improvement of .~andolrh Avenue from tko ~oint of the intersection of the northerly line of lot numbered One (1) with the northeasterly line of arid lot in block loitered "T", across a~ndo~ph Avenue at right angles with the center line thereof, to the line so,crating lots numbered ~'ive {5) and Six (6) in block lettered "Z", produced southerly across ~cndo!ph Avenue, as shown upon that certain map entitled "Map of Peck's ~ubdivision i~o.!, ~outh ~n ~'r~ncisco, ~sn tastee Co. ~al.", which map was filed in the office of the County t~ecorder of the County of ~an l,iateo, ualifornis, Suns 24, 1907, in Book 5 of Original i~aps at p~ge 11; ~]:apman Avenue from the southerly line of asndolph Avenue to the northwesterly line of San Sruno ~osd; ~reen Avenue from the northerly tine of ohapmsn Avenue to the southerly line of ~ando!p~ ;,venue; and ~ardiner Avenue from the ~OBtheaster line of Draden Avenne to the northwesterly line of ~sn ~runo aoad, as prep~red b~ the ~ity mngineer cz s~id ~ity of ~outh ~an ~'ranc~sco and submitted this ]Sth day of lviay, ~, be, and the same hereby are adopted ss ~nd for the ~ians smd specifications for doing said work. i hereby certify that the foregoin!ff re~iation way re&n%larly introduced smd adopted- by the ~oard of Trustees of the u~j of ~.o~th S~n francisco, this 15th d~:y of i~[ay, 1922, by the fell owing vote: ~yes, l'rustees, ~'.Y.Cunninghgm, A.~.mschelbgch, L.a.nardy ~r., ~.~campini, G.W.Molston. i~oes, 'lrustoes, ~o~e. ~bsent, ~rustees, l~one. ~aniet ~.~lc,%we eno y, ~it~- ~lerk. The following resolution was introduced by xrustee mardy:- '~'~hereas public in.terest gnd convenience require that the work hereinafter described should be done; smd whereas, in the oz. inion of the Board off Yrustees off the blty of so,uth ~sn francisco said contemp]ated work smd :improvement is, and is hereby declared to be .)~ more tkan !oc~] or ordinary public ~enefit: Non, lherefore,resoived by the '3card of Trustees of the Uity of South San ~renc'isco that i% i~' the intention of sa. id Bo~rd to order the following work ~nd improvements to be done in sai'd city, to-wlt; ~ection A. That the following streets and ~ven'aes mentioned in this se,:~ion be improved by grading between the existing curbs of erich 8f sa~d streets and by constructinE o~ both sides of each of said Streets cement concrete gutters of the dimensions ~nd at %ne locgtions show~ upon the plens and zpeci- fications hereinafter referred to and by paving each of said streets beVy'eon the edges of such gutters with an ssphg~tic ~oncrete Tmvement One ~-nd One-half ~ _ =/~) inches in thickness !gid on a Cement concrete ba~e ~'o~r (4) inches in thickness: no license granted to any ~pplicr:~.t. It was understood that if an applicant appears w~o is acceptable to the City Trustees and a bonifide sale made r license may be granted. Wry-. W~nterhsiter sent word to the Board that ~-~ dangerous nuisance was created by the stagnant waters between ibc United l~ai~rosd tracks ~nd ~.P.tracks and the Mission road near Liepsig st8tion. The clerk was instructed to write to tho County ~ea3th officer, Dr. F.H.Smith at San Bruno and request that he t~ke action to h~;ve the nuisance abated, as the location is in the township out- side of the ~ity limits. The clerk w~s instructed to comF. unicate with L.W.Thayer, Assistant ~i~nager of the ~outh San ~'r~ncisco Land & Improvement Oompany, end request that his company deed certain pieces of !~:nd to the City of Eouth San Francisoo to be used as streets and' sidewalks leading to the' the [1/lartin school. The land required is in the vicinity of Armour Aven~e, i~ia?le Average ~-~nd the ~!ley in block 1~0, The c]_erk was instructed to notify the ci~y ~ngineer to prepare plans and specifications for the grading cz' the Civi~ center Site, the same to be done by s-~sessment gistrict. It was learned by the Bosrd thai, the ~ie'thodist church Property at the ~orth ~¥est corner of Grand and ~¥1a',-.le Avon:zes was for sale. Acco~dingiy the president of the ~oard appointee. Trustees Cunninghsm and l~ardy a committee to wait on tt~e ~ev. :~ir Peck and ascertain the amount asked for the lot. True'tee ~sche]bsch ms:de applic~tionfor rermission to construct a se-inforced concrete building, 453:60 feet in dimensions on the ~ot south and ne::t to the itoyal theatre, Permission granted. The clerk was instructed to address a com:~unication to Mr. ~;.C.Peck, owner off a lot on Grand ~.venue m~d i'~aple Avenue, and request hi~ to remove loose brick ~nd tile from the premises on account oF the unsightly appearance of the ~lace. No. 45. RESO~UTION ADOPTING PLA~S Ad~ SPE~IFiOZ~'iORS. The following resolution was introduced by Trustee ~Jcampini;- iieso!ved by the Boerd of Trustees of the ~ity of South San ~'r~nci.':co that the plans and specifications for the improvement of .~ando~rh Avenue ~ ~,om the oint of the intersection of the northerly line off lot numbered One {1) with the northeasterly line of arid lot in block !e~tered "~" across E~ndo~ph Avenue at right angles with the center line thereof, to the line sep~.rating lots numbered ~'ive (5) and Six (6) in block lettered "~", y.,roduced southerly across ~ndo!ph Avenue, as shown ~pon that certain map ontit].ed "~sp of Peck's ~ubdivision l~o.1, ~outh S~n Frzncisco, ~sn lv[ateo oc Co. ~al.", which map was filed in the of Yice of tho ~ounty l~ecorder of the County of ,_.~an :~ateo, ~alifornis, tune 24, ~907, in Sock 5 of Original ~aps st p~e~. ll: ~]:apman Avenue from the southerly line of nsndolph Avenue to the northwesterly linc of ~:an Bruno iio~d; ~reen Avenue from the northe~-~v line of uhapmsn Avenue to the southerly line of ~-~andolp~ /:venue; and Gsrdiner Avenue from the line of ~raden Aven~e to the nort~wester]y line of ~n ~runo aoad, as prepared b~ the ~ity ~nginecr srid ~ity of ~outh ~n ~.r~:c~sco and submitted this ~,~t~., d~y of May, I~2~, be, ~nd the s~me hereby are adopted ss ~nd for the ~l~ns rnd st:,ecii'ications '~ .... doing said work. i hereby certify that the foregoin~ re~iution wa~ regularly introduced and adopted- by the ¢oard of Trustees of the uity of ~.'outh 5~.n ~u*sncisoo, this 15th d~:y off i~[ay, 1922, by the fei]owing vote: ~.yes, '~'r-ustees, ~'.Z.Cunningham, A.~.~schelb~:ch, L.~.nardy er., m.~campini, ~oes, '~rustoes, ~o:.~e. ~;bsent, ~rt~rtee~, l~one. ~ttest ~ ~ani e] :~lc,':woeney, oity ~] erk. The following .e.o=at~.. wa~ introduced by ~.rustee hardy:- '¢~hereas ~bllc interest ~;od convenience require that ihs v:ork hereinafter described shou].d be done; and ~hereas, in the ovinion of the board of Trustees of the ~ity of ~osth ~,n ~'r~ncisco said contemp]ate~ work and i~provement is, and is hereby declared to be ~f more than !ocli or ordinary public benefit: No~, ~herefforo,reso~ve~ by~ 3card o¢ '['rustoes of the ~ity of ~'~o~tn" San ~rsncisco that it i~~ the intent-ion of sai~] Board to order tbs fell. owing work and im?roveme~ts to be done i~ ~ity, to-~vlt; ~ection A. That the fol].owing street~ and ~ven:ies ~,~io~:ied in this se,~ion be improved by grading betv;een the exi~' ' ~-o~ng curbs of ea:,~:h ~f sa~d streets and by constructin~ oi~ both sides of each of said Streets cement concrete gutters of the dimensions ~:':d at '~:e loc~:tions shown upon the plans and fications hereinafter rafer:-ed to and by raving e~ch of said streets'bedroom: the edges of such .gutters with an ssDhr~ti~:~. ~r",',~te~..~_~ ~vTe~,ent~ ~ .... One rnd O:~e-ha!f. ~! ~/~) zn~es in thickness _~id on cement ccncrete b~.:~e :~ ~4) in~:hes in thicknes~; ~andoiph Avenue from a line drav:n fro~,~ the feint off the intersection of the northerly line of lot numbered One (1) with the northeasterly ]~ine of s~id lot i~ block !etter~:d "T", as shown upon the map hereinafter mentioned, au~'oss -~ndoipn Avenue a~ ~'ight envies with the center line thereof, to the line separating ]ets ~!u~Dered ~ive i5) and Six ~6/ in block lettered ':~", ]reduced ~'out~erly acros£ R~ndc, l?h Avenue, ~s shown the m~p hereinafter mentioned; chapman Avenue from the southerly ].in~ of Randolr. h Lvanue to tls northwesterly line of San Bruno ±load: Green Avenu. e from the northerly line of oha~r,]~n Avenueto the souther].y line of ~andolT. h Avenue: Gardiner Zvenue from Ihs southeasterly lin~ of Brsden Zvenue to the no~thv;ester]y ].ine of San Section B. AI~"o that ~.ortion'of a&ndoi~h Avenue from the line se?crating s~oid lots nu,,J~ered ~'ive (5) aZ ~ix (6) in block lettered "A", !~roduced southnr]~y across slid Mandolrh Avenue, as sho~vn upon the ma}~ hereinafter ~entioned, to the northweste 1,, line of ~an Bruno ~o~:d, be improved b~; grading for the r ~ full width~ thereof,end by constructin~ therein on each side of the portion of a5ndo!?h Avenue in thi~ .section d6~cribed a cemen~ concrete sidew'~lk and combLnation cement oonc~et~ curb and ~tter of the di~ensions &nd at the locations shown u~on the plans and specifications hereinafter referred to: ~nd ~y paving said portion of ~andolph Avenue in thia~ section described between tls edges of such gutters with ~n a~pn6]t~c concrete pavement One and 0ne-half (I'~3) inche~ in lhlckness laid croon 6 cement conc~ b~se ~'our (4) inches in thickness: ~ection u. Also that Four (4) inch vitrified, salt-glazed ironstone p~e .later~_ or de sewers be constructed to .connect with and run from the existing main sewers to the boundary lines o~ both sides the portions of ~andolmh ;,venue described in sections A and B of this resolution and t}le portions of uhs~ms.n Avenue and ~reen Avenue described in section A of this resolution to t)~e number of one such -]~t~ral~ e' sewer for e~.ch lot or ~arcel of ]rnd .fronting u~on each of said streets or avenues, as said lc or ~rce/s of land ~re shown on said. plans; wherever lateral sewers are to be constructed to corner such .~tera] sewers ..... _. .n~]a be constructed.from the main sewer opposite to the shorter side of each of such corner lo'ts. The ma? hereinbefore referred to is that certain map entitled "Ma~ of Peck's Subdivision ~o ~outh San Francisco, San tastee ~o. cal", which ~,sv was fi!ed in the office of the county ~ecorder of t ,county of S~n ~.iateo, Os!ifornia, ~une ~4, 1907, in ~3o~k 5 of Original t/m],s at page 11. ~.11 work herein provided for shall be done to the official grede snd in accordance w~th the special r~lans and s?ecifications for said work, which plans ~nd s~:ec~fications are entitled "?!an~' and s?ecifications for the construction of improvement work on chapman Avenue, i{ando]r~h Zvenue, Green Aven ~-nd (;ardiner Avenue in the ~it:. of South San Francisco, Oounty of ~sn ~?[ateo, Etste of california, whic ~streets an~ avenues a?e fully shown upon the ~lans hereto stt[ched, which plans ~re made a part hereof which plans snd s~ecifications were heretofore adopted by said Board of Trustees on the !Sth day of 1922, and are now on file in the office of the city Clerk, snd to which plans and specifications reference is hereby made for a further descriptfon of said work ~nd for the location end e:<tent of the work to be done hereunder and for a part~c ~l,~r cription of the boundaries of tke district herein mentioned. Ail such work is to include any and ~]1 street intersections and street terminations opposite terminations of, in and to all the shove mentioned streets and ~' ~ ~h~,:e to respective lines abov mentioned, as is more p~:rticu!srly shown u?on said p!ahs. Any d~p]ication iff any of the work hereinbef described shall be i~nored. There is e:~cepted, however, from ihs shove mentioned work any and all such work ss has been already dSn5 to~offld~a! grade. And said Boerd of Trustees does hereby determine and declare tLat said pro]:~osed work and ' ,,z2.~ affect t nd benefit the lands and improvement is of more than locs.~ or ordinary !,ublic benefit and ~'~' district hereinafter described, which acid district is hereby declared to be tke district benefited by. said work and improvements and that therefore the entire costs and expenses of sai~ work and improv ment ch611 be and are hereby made chsrA~eable against and shall be assessed u~on s6id lands ~nd dis%rio e~cept as hereinafter expressly provided, which d'~strict ~s within said ~ity of ~outh San Francisco, ~.,~te of ~a]ifornia, and r~srticu!nrly bounded a~nd de,,ore, bed as follows to-wit- Uoun~.v of ~ t~ateo, ~eginnin~ at s point on the northerly bou~d~-ry line off the City of South ~an Frsncisco,whic~ point is the northwest corner off lot numbered Sizty {60) in block lettered "A" es said lot and block shown upon tha~ certain map entitled "L~ap of Peck's ,nbdivlsion Ho. 1, Oouth Fen ~'ranci~co, ~:sn ~,~ateo uo. ual" , which ms~ was fi]ed in the office off the uo~n!7 ~k~corder off the ~cun~y off ~an f~Lateo, ua!ifc ~' ,_ _ ~nencero~thez]y along the westerly line Jun~ ~4th,1.907, ~n '~o~}. 5 of Ore.ins] mar, s st p~:~? I1' running *' said lot n~:.mbered S~xtv (60; in ?aid block i ** ~ "~" · e~e. ed to lhe northerSy line of aandol~h ~venue then. southeasterUy on a straight ~ine across said _ ~,.,~h Avenue to the ~ost northwesterly corner of blo lettered "T", as shown upon s~id ma~, which poiul is also on the northeasterly line of Lewis thence in s genera7 southeasterly dlre~.tion ~lon~ tl,e said northeasterly line of Lewis Avenue to the ~.=.=~ line of Brsden 2venue: thence southeast~rly nn a stra~ line across said [{laden fvenue to the line dividin~ ~ote numbered ~'orty-two (4.;) and~.or%g~-~0ur '(44; in block lettered "Q", as said I and block are shown u~on s~id map: thence southeasterly along th~ line separatin~ said lots numbered Forty-two {42; and ~'orty-four {44; in ss. id block lettered "Q" and continuing .outnea~eriy along the line dividing lots numbered ~'orty-0ne (4i; and ~'orty-three ~43; in said block "Q" to the northwesterly line of ~an ~runo ~oad:thence northeasterly alon~ s~id northwe~ter]y line of ~an prune need t~ the northerly boundary of the city of ~outh ~sn ~rancisco: thence westerly along the said northerly bounds: line of the ~ity of oouth k'~fl ~'rs ncisco to the point of beginning. ca:ring, e::~evtin~ and excl~din~ frora .~a~d district all pub~iu~ stree+~'~., ~venues, alleys, 1 courts end~I:laces ~ncluded ~nd contained. l~oticn ~s ~e~eb~ ~iven that ?ariel bonds to rer~resent unsaid a[~:es,.mo~,t~, end be,~r inteze at the rate of ~even ~7] ~er cent ~.sr ~.nnum, will be issued hareu~-~der in the manner T'rovided in the "Improvement ~ond ~,ct of la!5'' and the amendments %'-,= ~ a~r~.,to, the last installment of v:hich bonds shall ~ econd da'- of ~ulL~, ne:Tt succoedin~ ~;~fne (9;r:-;onths from their date · mature ~ine {9; years from t~e s ~ "'i'he ~nterprise", a weekly ne~rspaEe? printed an,~ cir~f~!at~d in the_ uit>- ._,-~'= ~outh ~afl ~ranc 7. s hereby designated ss the ne'"sE, aTer in v;hich this resolution Jf intention ~-ha~l be published, s. nd th u%ty. clerk is hereby directed_ to c~use *:~,~_,~ reso]ulion of intention to be ~ubii':]~eO. hy .~wo ~fi;. inserti ~ the manner ~-~d term requ]~:"e~ b~z l~w. The ,~a/.erintendent of streets sh['~ ca~s'~d to ce consl;~cuously posted along the line of sa o~) feet in distance apart,and aion co~0temp]ated work or imyrovement, ~,t not more than Three Hundred all tLe o~en streets within said district amd in frun~ ~.~. ~..1 t:~e pro?erty !i~ble to be a~sessed at more than Three H~ndre'd (~00) feet in dz. ta ..... ap~;rt, but not less than Three (5) is~ ~ii in street in said distr~ct, notices of t~e pas,~aga cf th~s red, cl.'ut[on of intention, in the manner and ici' reouire? by the '"Improvement Act of ~-,]1" and the amend~:ents thereto '~ . .... .,.~., ~t t}~e hour f 7 o uloc ,.,tn day 'of June, ~ Notice is ~ereby given that ~ond~'y', ~;',e ~ ' .Z0 ' y~.?.,in tho Chamber of said $oard ~f Tru., tees of tls (Jit7 of oa,.h ~a ' having [ny objections to the pro?cacti work and improvement racy apy-ear before said ~oard of Trustees an show c~use why said pro?osed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with this resolution. Exce?t as hereinbefore rrovzaed, a,! of ,.~e n~rein proI:osed work sn~!], be done in pursuant an Act of the Legislature of the ~tste off ua!if~rnia, designated ss the "IL~provement Act of ].9!1", arproved A]:,ro~ 7, 1911, and the amendments ~' -' * . I hereby eertify ths;t the foreseeing resolution was re~l'ar]y introduced and adopted b o~se ~,our' ~'¢ inCh&S in thicEness; ~ Section u, Also that .Four (4) inch vitrified, salt-glazed ironstone pine.. ]~-~ter~! or side s,..w.rs~ e be constructed to .connect with and run from the existing m~,in sewers to the boundary lines o~ both aid, the portions of ~andolmh ;.venue described in sections A and B of this resolution and the portions o: uhs~Dan Avenue and Green Avenue described in section A of this resolution to t}~e number of one such -lateral sewer for e~.ch lot or Parcel of ]~nd fronting u~on each of said streets or evenues, as said or ~srcets of ]and ,re shown on said plans; wherever lateral rewers are to be constructed to corner sucL .lateral sewers she]! be constructe~,from the main sewer opposite to the shorter side of each o: such corner ?he ma? hereinbefore referred to is that certain map entitled "Maz of Peck's Subdivision ~outh San Francisco, ~an l~ieteo uo. Cai", which ms~ wes filed in the office of the uounty ~ecorder oJ ,county of San !,!ateo, Cs!ifornia, June 24, 1907, in [~o~.~k 5 of 0ri~inal L~ia]~s at page 11. ~11 work herein provided for shall be 5one to the official grede end in accordance with special r~lans end ~?ecifications for said work, which plan~ smd ~'yec~fications ~re entitled "Plans sy~ocifications for tke construction of improvement work on Ohspma~n Avenue, i{ando]r~h Zvenue, Green A~ smd Gardiner Avenue in the uit~. of South ~:an Francisco, Oounty of ~sn ~?iateo, State of california, wk .~treets an~ avenues ale fully shown upon the plans hereto sttsched, which plans s, re made a part here which ?ions smd srecifications were heretofore ado~ted, by said Bo~rd of '2rustees on the !Sth day of 1922, smd are now on file in the office of the city Clerk, smd to which plans and specific~tions reference is hereby made for a further descriptfon of s~id work ~nd for the location and e:(tent of t work to be done hereunder and for a particular description of the boundaries of the district herein · mentioned. All such work is to include 6ny and s]l ~'treet intersections ~nd street terminations opposite terminations of, in and to all the shove mentioned streets ~nd those to respective lines sb raentioned as is n~ore ~-~ ' , p~.~tkculariy shown upon said plahs. Any duplication in shy of the work hereinb described i-hall be i~nored. T~here is excepted, however, from lhe above mentioned work any smd all work ~s has been already dO'n5 io~offlala! grade. And said Board of Trustees does hereby determine and declare tLat said pro]:osed work smd improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and wi5~ affect ~nd benefit the lands district hereinafter described which said d_~trict is hereby decl&red to be tke district ber. efited by. said work and improvements and that therefore the entire costs and expenses of said work and impr merit shall be and are hereby made chargeable against smd shall be assessed u~on said lands and distr: e:<cept as hereinafter expressly provided, which district is within said ~ity of ~outh San ~'rancisco, county of ~sn tgateo, State of ua!ifornia, and m~rticulsrly bounded smd de~'cribed as follows, to-wit Beginnin~ at s point on the northerly bound~ry line of the City of South San ~'r~ncisco,wh: point is the northwest corner of tot numbered Sixty (60) in block lettered "A" ss said lot and block shown upon tha~ certain map ~ntit]ed "L~ap of ?eck's fh~bdivision i~o. 1, South Sen ~'rancisco, ~sn i'?late~ co. os~."., which ms,~ ;vas fi]ed in the office of the uo~mty .~ecorder of the uounty, of ~an ]~Sateo, ua!ii Jun~ f4th,]907, ~n 'qook 5 of Ol~igins2 l~,.lams st page !l: ' running thenc'esouther]y along the we~teriy iiz s~id lot n~:mbered Si:~ty (60; in ?s~id block lettered "A" lo ihs northerSy line of ~andol~h ~_venue: southe~:stor]y on a straight line across said ~sndo]~h Avenue to the most nor~nwe, terly corner of b: lettered "T" ss shown umon s~id m~, whic%~ poi~i is also on the northeasterly line of Lewis' thence in s genera, southeasterly dire~tion ~/ong tls said northess'ter]y line of Lewis Avenue to tho .... ~.~ line of ~rsden :venue: thence soutceasterlv on a strai~h~ line across said i~zaden fven~ to the line dividin~ lots numbered ~'ortv-two ~42) ~nd' ~'or%y:fOur-~44; in block lettered "Q" as said and block are shown upon sa:id map: thence southeasterly along the line separating said lots numbered Forty-two ~42; and ~'orty-four (44~ in ss~id block lettered "Q" and continuing southeasterly along the line dividing lots numbered ~'orty-One (4i; smd ~'orty-three ~43; in said block "Q" to the northwester] line of ~sn ~runo ~oad:thence northeasterly along said northwe~terly line of ~an ~runo ~oad t,:, the northerly boundary of the ~ity of ~o~th ~sn ~.rancisco: thence westerly alon~ the said northerly bound line of the ~ity of oouth g~fl ~'rs ncisco to ~ ~ne point of beginning. oav~n~, e::aevtin~ and exc]uhin~ from sa~d district al! pub]iu streets, ~venues, alleys, courts snd-~:laees ~ncluded ~n~ contains d- ~otica ~s ~ere.)$~ given that [~arial bonds to re~re['ent unraJd a[a'es~ments, end bear znter 'at the rate of Beven ~7; ~'~er cent ~.sr annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner rrovided in the "Improvement ~Bomd ~',ct of I~15'' and the amendments ~ ~ ~m. reto, the last installment of v~hich bonds sh~ll -mature z~ine ~9; .'fears fro,'.' the second ds? of ~uly nert ~,~,o~Sin~ ~ine tg;months from their date. "'i'he ~nterorise", s w~.eK~y ne;rape?e? pr'luted .'~ ci ~ hereby dos.~gnsted ~s the new-'sparer Jn which this reso]utlon ]f ~ntent',on ~ ~"I e ~b!ished, s. ndt uity ~]erk is hereby directed to c~.use this resolution of intention to be ~ubii~},ed by .~wo ~,~; insert i~ the manne~ .... ~d Torm -.'~ .... ~:~'ed by l~.w The Suy. erinSenden2 o~ streets s~ ~! c~.~F'~d to }~e consl:~icuously posted along tls line of s co}~temp]ated work or im]~rovement, ~,t not more than Three Hundred (500) feet in distance apart,and all t]'.e o,/e~ streets within said dist,'itt and in front ~,~..~.,I tke p~operty li~b!e to be a~sessed at more than Three H~ndre'd (Z00) feet in di?tancc a~,art, but not zes. than Three (5~ in ~i! in street in said district, notices of t~e pas~'~~,~,, cf this reso~t~on~_~ _ of intention, i~ the manner and requirer by the "Improvement Act of Ii;il", smd the amend~ents thereto. Notic~ is ~reby given that Hond~,:,, tv-,e .... .?tn day of ~une, ~a~..,~, at t~:e hour 7.2.0 o ~1o, p.?..,in the Chamber of said '~o~rd ~f Tru.~tees of tke (3it[.~ of (~outb ~an ~'ran~isco, any ~-~nd a=l persons . having ~ny objections to the proy~osed work and improvement may apy. ear before said $oard of Trustees show c~:use why said DroI:osed improvement should not be carried out in accordance ;vith this resolution._ . ~ - '~' ~ a2 .~erein proy:os'ed work sh~t], be done in ?~rsusn~ Exce?t as ~:erez~oefore rrovided, I of tls ~ ~ an Act of the r~.~?]ature of t}~e ~t~te ~f ualif~rnia, deal?mated as the "IL~provemenl Aut of arproved A]:.ro! 7, !~jl!, and the amendr~cnl-s ti?reto. I hereby eertlfy that tho fore~oin~: resolution was regularly introduced and adopted the Board of ~' ~ by ti:e following ~ru. tees of the City '~f South Pan Fr~:?ncisco this lhth day of vote: 456 Ayes, rustees, ~'.A.Cunningham,~.L.o.~sche!baca,,,.~.hard,v. ~r.,~.~campini, ~.~.'~.Ho!ston ~Oe ~, s, Trustees, None. Absent, ~'-~ ,' . ~r~.~$ees, None Daniel Ec,~weeney No. 45. RESOLUTION ORDERING WOFJf AND CL0~II!G 3? A PORTIOi[ OF CW~ES~ AVEI.~UZ, A PHRTI0!~~ OF LINDEN AVLNUE, DIXOi~ ZVE!~IUE,L~RTIN AVENUE, BROADW;.Y,S~L~Y ;_v~NU~, T The ffo]iovring resolution was introduced by True;tee hscnelbach:- Whereas the Board of Trustees of tke Uity of · ~outh ,:an ~,~ranci.,~co. m:d, on the ~7~n day of February, 19~:~, p~s s resolution ae~aric, g its intention to order he foilov, ing street work to be do~e in said city, to-v,~t;- That that portion off Cypres~ Avenue from the northerly termination thereoff to the northerly ].ine o~ ~rmour Avenue, that protion of linden Avenue from the northerly terra, mitten thereof to tl.e nor~her_,~y line of Armour Avenue,Di::on ~venue for t}.e full !eng~h thereof,i,[artin Avenue '' ~ ~ ~u!~ lengt, for the full ?_ength thereof, Broaawa~, for t]~e full length thereof, Selby Auenue for tlc ~ ' ~ t~.e full 1 -'~ tkereof, ~od~.~ ~.venue ~or ~ ~ ~ eng~a thereof,~.~,~]-.'~ I Zvenue for the full !eng~}. thereof,~ielm /.venue for the fuji length thereof and tLat portion of liando].T:h Avenue from the v:esterly ter~in~tion thereof to the line separating lots tm. inhered Fifteen (15) and Slxteen {16), produced ~.cross ~andoiph Avenue,in ~cK ieliered "V", ~ as~ ~'ho%:n uv~o~ that certain ma~ entitled "~,~r of Pack's Subdivision ~o i,~outh ~sn Francisco, San ~!~teo Cc Ca!" which '~ ~ ~,,:,~ was filed in the office of t],e county ~,e~order of the County of ~an .~.teo ~alifornla, June 24th 1907, in Book 5 of original ..[a].s at $-~age il,be vacated ~:nd closed 'u~ in ;~hole, and did in s[~id reso]_ution declare that no land is necessary to be taken therefor, ~+nd did in s~id resolution s~ecify tlc exterior boundarie~ of tke district of to .be affoa~d~<: and beaefited ky said work and to be ..... ~: ~°esFed to ra~, the damapes,cos%[-.. ~nd exre~qses thereof, to w~hich said re?o]ut]on of intention now on fi~e in said m~.tter reference is herebj mode for further r~.~'culars~ ~nd t]~e same is m~:de a ~:art hereof', ~nd Whereas the 5treet ~uperintendent ~f s~:id City of South Sah Francisco did thereupon ca~se notice of tLe passage of said resolution to be posited and ]'.ubl~.s]~ed Ln the m~nner an~ form required by !aw tnd by said resolution of intent'~on,reference being hereby m~.5. o for further i~.srticulars to t~Le affidavit of ~eo. J.Kneese, said Street ~urerintendent, and to t}.e affid~:vit of Robert f:peed, which s~davits ~:re now on file in said ma~ter in t]:e office of the uity Clerk of said Board of i .~stees and are made a p~:rt hereof: and Whereas no ~rittsn objections or protests vg~:inst said pro~.o?ed v:ork ]:eve at ~.n5 lime been filed wit~ or retrieved b[~r thc u]erk of aid Bo~rd of Trustees or tLis Bo~rd of Trust~ ,~ at an~ time subrequent to tlc ~ub/~cationo of the said notice hereinbefore mentioned,s~nd more t)~a~ ten day~' have e]aTsed after the expiration of the ti~ e of rub!icat[~n of sa~d notice of tlc ].t:f~'~.~ze of said resolution: and Whereas the ,~rorosed work i~ for the c~o~iu~ ~r. of a ~ ~. ~ ~: ~n~'i~;on of ~y!',ress A~nue, ~ ~ortion of Linden /~venue,Di::on Aven~e,MertfnAvenue,Broadv.-ay, ~e!by Avenue,Lodge , .,enu~:: .... ~ TM and ~~orti- .on of !{ando]ph Avenue, as ]~ere~.nbeforo descrlbed,'snd Whereas ~aid r~osrd of Trustees of the ~ity of So~,th ~an ~'ranc:~sco ~a[ deter~:~ined and does here0y deterraine that no assessment is ne~e~sa .~ ~,~ ~,c doing of said 1. rorofed work, and tLat no d~n~:ge v:i!l re~'ult by the o]osing ~r. of said ].ortion of ~yl, ress Avenue. ~aJd r~o~tion of Linden . _,=... el ~.veni~e ,Helm f Avenue,Di>:on ~v~nun,:~art;~.n Avenue, ~roadvty, Selby Zu ~ ~ Lodge Z~'enue,F' .... a, nd said rortion of nando]r,h /.venue,Is hereinbefore de~:~crib~d: l~ow, therefore,said Bo[rd of Trustees hereby order~ that t~.e following street wor~ be done in said city, to-wit: That that portion of uypress Avenue from the northerly termination thereof to tko northerly line of Armour Avenue, t~.st portion of Lindea Avenue from the northerly termination thereof to the norther~y line of Armour Avenue, ui::on Avenue for vhe full length thereof, iSartin Avenue for - .._ =,.- ~ ,,.:~ezb~ A:enue for the ~'ui]. ]engtl~ thereof the full ~enFtL thereof,Broa~.aj for tlc full ]ensth thereof" ~ Lod~e Avenue for the fu~_! length t~er~of,~ssel -.~,'e for tLe ful~ laud-il: thereof, ._e].m~ Zvenue for the fu]!len~th thereof ~nd that portion of a~ndo]rh &venue fro~ the westerly termination thereof to the line se?arsting lots numbered ~'ifteen (15 } and ~.i::teei: (16), 3roduued ~:eross nsndolp~ Avenue, in block lett~re5 "V", all ~s shown ~pon that certain r:,s~ end,ti_ed .... .... ',~:r~/ of Feck's Suodivision No.1, ~outh ~an ~'rancisco, San Ltateo ~o. o~!.", which m~:r. w~::s fi]ed in the office of the uounty necorder , ~:~7, in So,-k 5 of ~ri~Tinal ]?[~rs at ?age 1], be of the county of k~n ~l~-teo, ua]iforni~, ~une fi4 ~ vacated ~nd closed u? in whole. ~nd be it resolved that the :~treets and &ven~es hereinbefore descriocd be, and the hereby ~re vacated, discontin~ed, ab~.ndoned and ulosed i hereby certify theft the foregoing resolution was r~]ar!y introduced ~:nd ado/.ted ~Y the ~oard of '~'rustees of t~:e City of South ~s~n ~'rancl. scc,, :t a regular ,~eetin~ held this 15th day of L'!ay, 152£, by tlc fo!lowing vote;- ;.yes, Trustees, .r',j!.,~unning.har:', A.J. G.W. Ho]stem. i~oef, Trustees, l~one. Absent, Trustees, ~ G.!{ardy Jr.,~.~.uamrin~, Dsn~ Y~eane,v~%'Yf~y Clerk. ~ "~ ~ im~ ..~ins!, ty v:ere ,- ':he fo!~ow~,.n~.~ c.~a ~ the ci next ,presented for ?a~-~ent- ~. ,Lemmons, Labor c~'re of trees etc, L.[~Borck uniform, Hs,~erfc Roi. to, Bo~qd~: uity u}erk T o t~ ] ~64 ~ ~ ','.4O ~:65.00 ,.~ 50 · '-- ' ~ e z~.._, tee t;unninght, m mo-zed they be The clair:~ hsvlnf been ~ud~ted by t~ finance cor~mittee ' .... v'~;id, The motion ~as eecoz~ded b? .~,~tee cnelbach etld regt~]t~r~y c~rri, ed 'fhere being no furi~er b'uciness' before' the ~oard Trustee until T~esd. ay, J,/if, y '~ .... ;-~ t-~,tion w~,s ~econded by 'rrt~stee hardy and re~] ar]~y carried. ~ir'~e of sdjo~rnment, 9 o'clock. ],.m. The £o]_,o~,_ng reso]qt.lon was introduces by Tru~':~tee hscflelb~ch- Whereas the Board of Trustees of tls oity of ~:outh ,'}an ~'ranci~,~c,~~, did, on ti~o · o 1 ~.ov. in~- strec ~,th day of February, !gfi~, pcss a resolution d~~ ~ ~ar~g its intention to order the ~ ' work to be do~ e in said city, to-w~t'- That that portion off Cypres~ Avenue from the northerly termination thereof to the northerly line o~ ~rmour Avenue, that protion of Linden Avenue ffrom the northerly termination thereof to t~e norther_~y line of Armour Avenue,Di::on Avenue for t~.e full length the~eof,~.[~r~in Avenue _ , =u].~ length for the full ~ength thereof Broadway for t;,e full len~ ~h thereof, Selby Auenue for the ~ thereof, Lod~e Avenue for the full length thereof, Ds~:~el Zvenue for the full lengt], thereof,~ielm Zvenue for the full length thereof and that portion of l~andolTh Avenue from the v;esteriy ter~i~:~tion thereof to the line separating lots numbered Fifteen (15) and Sixteen [16), produced ~.~roz's nandolph Zvenue,in $1ock iellered "V", ~=m ~.s ~'ho~n uracil that certain ma~ entitled "L[ap of Pec~'s . _ o~.~e o~ t]~e ~ounty s~order of the County of ban :kteo, uaiifornia, June 24th, 1907, in Book 5 of urigina! ~ia],s at pcge il,be vacated ~nd c]o~ed ur~ in whole, and did in ~'gid resolution declare that no land is necessary t~'~ be taken therefor, ~nd did in said re~olution s~ecify tls exterior bound6rie~ of tLe district of lands to be affectsd and benefited t.y said work and tc be g~sesFed to roy the dsma~?es,cost[- ~nd~.~--]..~ thereof, to which said re~'o]ut]on of intention now on fi~e in said mctter reference is hereby for further ~articu5ars ~nd tLe same is made a ~art hereof: and Whereas the 5tweet ~uperintendent of said SitF of South Sah Francisco did thereupon cause notice of the passage of said resolution to be posted and ]-.ublJs}~ed in tls m~.nner an5 forr~ required by law and by said resolution of intention,reference bein~ hereby ~:de for further psrticulars to thee affidavit off '&so. ~.Kneese, said ~treet ~urerintendent, ~nd to t}.e affid~vit of Robert f;peed, wn~c~ affidavits gre now on file in said maj;ter in t]:e office of ~ Clerk of said Board ~f Trustees and are made a pert hereof; end Wherea~- no ~:ritt~n objections or protests ~ge~nst said proposed v;ork ]:~ve at any been filed wit~: or received b~z the u]erk of said Boerd of Trustees or tLis Board of Trustees at an~ time subsequent to tls ~ubl~cationo of the said notice hereinbefore mentioned and mo~e t}~a~ ~n days have e]aTsed after the expiration of the ti~.~e of ~ub!ication of said notice of the T.g~'~..~-e of said resolution; ~:nd Wherea~' the prorosed work i~ for the closin~ ~r, of a per!ion of Uypress A~nue, ~ ~ortion of Linden Xvenue,Di::on Aven~e,~srtfnAvenue,Broadv;gy, Selby Avenue,Lodge '~ A ,-onus, D~is~e! /.ven~e,'~elm and [:]:ortJon of !{~+ndo]ph Avenue, as ?~ere[nbeforo described;and V,q~ereas ~aid $osrd of Trustees of the uity of So~,th ~an Francisco La~ deter~:~ned and does aer~oy determine that no assessment is necessary for the doing of said t. roFo~ed worE, and tLat no den~e v;i!l result by the closing ~p of said ].ortion of uypress Avenue, ~:~id portion of Linden Avenue,Die, on Avenue,Liartin Avenue, ~r o ay, Selby Avenue, Lodge At~enue,Da~Fel Lvenue,s~elm Zvenue and said rortion of nando]r,h Avenue,ss hereinbefore described: l~ow, therefore,said ~o[rd of Wru~tees hereby orders that tl.e following street work be done in said ~ity, to-wit: That that poriion of uypress Avenue from the northerl[~ termination thereof to tho northerzy line of Armour Avenue, ~,:ot portion of Linden Avenue from the northerlT termination tnez'eof to the northerly line of Armour Avenue, ~i::on Avenue for vhe full length thereof, i,[artin Avenue for the full length ta~eof $rogdway for the full .~ength thereof $]e' -' Lod~e Avenue for the full length t}'er~of,~s, ssel ~.venue for the ~ul] leu?th thereof, ~e]m Zvenue for the Jul!length thereof and thst nortion of n~ndolrh Avenue fro~ the westerly termination thereof to the ].ine-separstin~ lots numbered ~'ifteen ~15 ~ and Si::teen ~16~, produced ~:eross i~andolph Avenue, in block letiored "V", ~]1 gs shown ~pon that certain m~'~ entit]_ed 'fja? of Feck's Subdivision No.1, ~.outh ~:an ~'rsncisco, San L~ateo 0o. ~i.", which ma:v~ w~ filed., in the office of the ~ounty necorder of the county of t~:n ~a~-teo, ~a]iforni~', June 24 vacated ~.:nd closed up in ~nd be it resolved ths:t "~ne streets and Zvem~es hereinbefore descriocd be, and the s~me hersby ~re vgcated, discontin~ed, ab~.ndoned and el. os~ i hereby certify th~:t the foregoin~ resolution was re~u]ar!y introduced ~:nd adoT. ted bM the ~oard of wrustees of the city of South ~en ~'ranclsco, :t a regular meatin~ held this ~=~' ' ~ G.Hardy Jr ~.Scam~ini l~oof , Trustees, l~one, Absent, G.W.Ho]ston. 'the fo!lowinfI claims ~galns!. the city r;ere n,~..o presented for /,aNnent;- 7.40 92,50 O]erk. The c']ai.~'.s having been sudited by tl~o finance co.~r, ittee W~'rustee uun;lJ, ll~h~.r~ moved they be r~;id. The motJ. on wa~' seco~'~ded t)~; Trustee ~'~sche!bcch aud There being no further business before the ~oard L'rustee ~unnJ:~C)~gm :~ved to reg~]ar]y carried. A?proved oit - :' ~resident of tt~e ~o~rd oi' Wr!~t_.e -