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Minutes 1923-08-20
REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD ~0NDAY, AUGUST 2oth,1923 Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of· South © wan rancisco held ~onday, Au8 £Oth,192Z at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Trustee G.W.Holston, President of the Board, at o'clock p.m. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all trustees present, to-wit;- Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J,Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H. Scampini, G.W.Holston. Absent, Trustees, None. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion by Trustee Cunningham, seconde by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried were approved as read. A petition was received from C.E.Stahl asking for a permit to make repairs ~in the Armour hotel, the cost to be approximately ~200. Permit granted. A communication was received from the California State Board of Health, urging the city to send its Health Officer to the convention of the League of California Municipalities at Coronado in Sept, Referred to the Health Officer. A communication was received from Louis Bartoli asking for ~ refund of $300 which he paid th, ~City Recorder some time previous. The clerk was instructed to answer the request, stating the Board had no Jurisdiction as the matter was in the hands of the City Recorder. ~ The Reverend Dr. A.P.Beall a~peared before the Board and spoke in behalf of his Church in th~ matter of the sale of the Church lot i~ the ~vic Center Site to the city. His offer to sell the lo' to the city for tho sum of $7~00 was considered by the Board, ~fter which the Board instructed City Attorney Colebe~d to draw up suitable papers and the city would take an option on the property pend~ further investigation. The subject of a new road to Tanforan and Los Ceritos was next brought up by Dr. Dolly, repr, senting the Chamber of Commerce. City engineer Eneese was present and stated that the L~nd ~ompany and the Jockey Club would furnish material assistance in the construction of' the Tanforan Road. The Baard decided to commence proceedings for abond issue to cover the additional cost of constructing · Tanforan Road, constructing the Los Ceritos Road and sewer~ for the western section of the city and in Butler Road. The report of the city poundman £or the months of June and July was read and accepted. An application for a pool room license was received from ~.B.Koop £or the location 228 Grand avenue and granted by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, F. A.Cunningh~m, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Eolston. Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. The following applications for soft drinE licenses were received;- Stanley & Nickerson,A.Bar~ Felice Broncchini,and H.Yglesios. The licenses were granted by the following vote:- ~ '~ Ayes, .Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelb~ch, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.~.Holston. Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. The application of Stanley & Nickerson for a pool'room license was granted by the following vote;- lyes, Trustees,F.A.Cunningham, f~.J.Eschelbach, J.~.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees, ~one. ~bsent, Trustees, ~one. SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CDEANING OF CITY STREETS SUBMITTED. THE FOLLOWING RE~0LUTION WAS INTRODUCED BY TRUSTEE ESCHELBACH; RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS FOR STREET CLEANING WORK. Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that public inter~ and convenience require that the following work shall be done in said city, to-wit: The cleaning of all oaved streets, paved alleys, culverts and catch basins within said All of said street cleaning work shall be done in accordance with the specifications therefor filed in the office of the City Clerk of said city on the 20th day of August, 192Z,and whi~ specifications are hereby adopted for doing said work . The City Clerk is directed to, publish a notice for two (2) weeks in "The Enterprise", a ',~-' newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said ~ity of South San Fran¢isc~ the following notice inviting sealed proposals or bids for street'cleaning work in the City of Scut] San Francisco. NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSA~S FOR STREET CLEANING WORE IN THE CITY OF S0~TH SAN FRANCISCO. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Trustees of the City of ~South San Fra~ until 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Monday the l?th day of September, 19~3, for doing the following work in ~ City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California; Cleaning of paved streets, paved alleys, culverts and catch basins within the City of South San Francisco for the oeriod of One (1) year. All street cleaning work must be done in strict compliance with the specifications adop~ saidBoard of Trustees on the 20th day of August, 1923, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The successful bidder shall within £ive i~) days after the award~enter into a contract with the City of South of South San Francisco for the faithful performance of the work to be done under said award. The bidder to whom is swarded the contract will be required to e×ecute a bond for the faithful performance of his work in an amount equal to Twenty-five (25%) per cent of the amount of his undertaking~ with ~t least two responsible sureties in the full amount of the bid each; and will also be required before entering upon the work to furnish a good and sufficient bond as required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved May lOth,'~glg,entitled "AN act to sec the payment of the claims of persons emoloyed by cofltrsctors upon public works, and the claims of persons who furnish materials, supplies, teams,implements or machinery used or consumed by such cont in the performance of such works, and prescribing the duties of certain public officers with reference thereto",and will also be required to exhibit to said Board of Trustees a poli=y of insure showing that said bidder is insured against loss through accident or negligence in such a way ~s to A ~e~O~'~'~ ~xv~'~0~J~'~s~ng'~°r"a~'perm~'~o make repairs '~ in the Armour hotel, the cost to be approximately ~E00. Permit grated. A communication was received from the California State Bo~rd of Health. urging the city to send its Health 0£ficer to the convention of the League of California Municipalities at Coronado in Se~ Referred to the Health Officer. A communication was received from Louis Bartoli askin~ for ~ refund of $~00 which he paid 'City Recorder some time previous. The clerk was instructed to answer the request, stating the Board no Jurisdiction as the matter was in the hands of the City Recorder. ~ The Reverend Dr. A.P.Beall a~peared before the Board ~nd spoke in behalf of his Church in matter of the sale of the Church lot i~ the ~vic Center Site to the city. His offer to sell the to the city for the sum of ~?~00 was considered by the Board, after which the Board instructed Ci~ Attorney Colebe~d to draw up suitable papers and the city would take an option on the property pen further investigation. The subject of a new road to Tanforan and Los Ceritos was next brought up by Dr. Dolly, rep senting the Chamber of Commerce. City engineer Eneese was present and stated that the L~nd ~ompany and the Jockey Club would furnish material assistance in the construction of the Tanforan Road. Th Baard decided to commence proceedings for abond issue to cover the additional cost of constructing Tanforan Road, constructing the Los Oeritos Ro~d and sewer~ for the western section of the city an in Butler Road. The report of the city poundman £or the months of June and July was read and accepted. An application for a pool room license was received from M.B.Eoop for the location 228 Gran avenue and granted by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, F. A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. The following applications for soft drin~ licenses were received;- Stanley & Nickerson,A.Ba~ Felice Broncchini,and H.Ygle~ios. The licenses were ~ranted by the following vote:- ~ ~ Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. ° The application of Stanley & Nickerson for a pool room license was granted by the following vote~- Lyes, Trustees,F.A.Cunningham, ~.J.Eschelbach, J.~.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees, ~one. Lbsent, Trustees, ~one. SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CLEANING OF CIT~ STREETS SUBMITTED. THE FOLLOWING EEZ0LUTION WAS INTRODUCED BY TRUSTEE ESCHELBACH; RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE PUBLI6ATION OF A NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS FOR STREET ~LHANING WORK. Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that public inter and convenience require that the following work shall be done in said city, to-wit: The cleaning of all oared streets, paved alleys, culverts and c~tch basins within said All of said street cleaning work shall be done in accordance with the specifications therefor filed in the office of the City Clerk of said city on the 20th day of August, 192Z,and whi~ specifications are hereby adopted for doing said work . The City Clerk is directed to publish a notice for two ~2) weeks in "The Enterprise" a '~ newspaper of general circulation printed snd published in said ~ity of South San Francisc~ the following notice inviting sealed proposals or bids for street~cleaning work in the City of Sout~ San Francisco. NOTICE INVYTING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR STP~ET CLE~NING WORK IN THE CITY OF SOJTH SAN F~ANCISC0. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Trustees of the City of ~South San Fra~ until ?:Z0 o'clock p.m. on Monday the l?th day of September, 192Z, for doing the following work in 1 City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California; Cleaning of paved streets, paved alleys, culverts ~nd catch basins within the City of South San Francisco for the oeriod of One Il) year. All street cleaning work must be done in strict compliance with the specifications adop~ saidBoard of Trustees on the 20th day of August, 192Z, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The successful bidder shall within £ive i~) days after the award~enter into a contract with the City of South of South San Francisco for the faithful ~erformance of the work to be done under said award. The bidder to whom is ~warded the contract will be required to e×ecute a bond for the falt~ful performance of his work in ~an amount equal to Twenty-five 12~%) per cent of the amount of his undertaking, with ~t least two responsible sureties in the full amount of the bid each; and will also be required before entering upon the work to furnish a good znd sufficient bond as required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved M~y 10th,~919,entitled "AN act to sec~ the payment of the claims of persons emoloyed by cohtr~ctors upon public works, and the claims of persons who furnish materials, supplies, teams,implements or machinery used or consumed by such cont~ in the performance of such works, and prescribing the duties of certain public officers with reference thereto",and will also be required to exhibit to said Bo~rd of Trustees a poli~y of insuraz showing that said bidder is insured against loss through accident or negligence in such a way ~s to satisfactorily protect said City of South San Francisco, under the provisions of the "Workman's Compensation Insurance and Safety Act of the State o£ California". The contract must be entered into in compliance with and subject to the conditions imoosed by Section 653c of the Penal Code of the State of California. Sealed proposals or bids will be delivered to the City Clerk on or before 7:Z0 O'clock p.m. on Monday, 17th of September,1923. All sealed proposals or bids will be opened by said Board of Trustee~' in public session on Monday, the 17th day of September,1923, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber of said Soar&. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to reject any and all.bids. By order of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco// · Dated Au gust 20 1923, ~~/~~/~~~~~//~ City .C~erk /~ ~ The following claims against the city were next oresented for payment;- E~terprise publishing 60. Printing 4 O~kland-Oal ToWel Co service July Pac. Gas & Electric CO *as fire dep't July J.J.Len~ons Labor gardening etc., Superior French Laundry Nas~ fi=e Dep't July So City Lbr. & Supply Co Cement " " " " " " Material F.J.Lautze Gas Aug.llth A.Bertolucc~Assigned Claim~f G.L.Lewis " " ~ " " " J.C.McMahon A.Johnson Assigned claim of C.Emerson Burroughs Adding Machice Co 6 Mo Maintenance Bashful Smith Blue Prints J.Spain Labor on se~ers F.Kelly " " " Joe Dancak " " Tony Phillips " " C.Hock " " " R.Broc~amonte . ,, W.W.Brawn, Overseer on sewers Pat Eavanaugh Labor on sewers F.Lucchesi " ~ " " 0.Bi~ncchini Team Work on streets E.Eserine ~epairing streets Total $ 1.20 S46.75 $ 1.6o i1 80 ;76130 ;2.55 ;18.00 ;12.75 4.00 5.56 ~ 1.93 49.50 ,4t.50 ~25.75 S49.50 S49.50 549.50 S25.00 S49.50 1800 18100 $29.50 $631.04 The bills having been audited by the finance committee Trustee Cunnin~ham moved they be paid The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach aad regularly carried. There being no further business before the Board Trustee Pitt moved to adjourn until Monday August 27th, 192Z, at 7:Z0 o'clock p.m. The motion was second ed by Trustee Scampini and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9;10 o'clock p.m. Approved President of the Board of Trustees tiespectfully submitted, ~/~ ~~ City Cler~ ~ ~