FRANC ISC0 , HELD MONDAY , OCT . 8th , 1923 .
was held Monday evening, October 8th,192Z, at the City Hall.
The meeting w~s called to order by Trustee G.W.Holston, President of the Board,at ~;Z0
o'clock p.m.
Roll call found all trustees present, to-wit;
Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston.
Absent, Trustees, None.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion by Trustee Eschelbach,
seconded by Trustee Cunningham and regularly carried were approved as read.
A communication was received from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company asking
permission to lay 126 feet of iron pipe underground in a parking strip in Butler Road. Referred to the
street committee with full power to act.
A communication was received fro~ the secretary of ~he Chamber of Conuuerce of South
San Francisco stating that Mr. Lloyd W.Thayer,~General Manager of the South San F~ancisco Land & Improve
mentCom~any is in receipt of a letter from the war department authorizing the survey to ascertain
the cost of dredging the bar opposite South San Francisco Harbor. A copy of the letter from the war
department signed by Colonel Herbert Deakyne accompanied the letter. Communication ordered filed.
A communication from the South San Francisco Chamber of Cormnerce regarding the cost
of erection, maimtemance, etc of three electric signs at the approaches to the City of South
San Francisco was received. The cost of construction was stated as $10~0 and cost of illumination
and maintenance at between ~2~ and SE0 per month, the city's share of the cost of construction was
placed at ~!~2~. The Board thought favorably of the proposition to advertise the city in this manner
and instructed the city attorney to draw up a resolution to thia effet to be introduced at the next
Stephan Garbarino of Peck's Lots submitted a proposition to clean the city's streets
according to specification on file for the sum of ~Z00 per month.. Laid over until next meeting.
Joe Penna m~de application for a per~it to construct a garage of wooden frame ~nd corru-
gated iron sides and roof on his lot in the rear, ~Z79 Grand Avenue. He was granted permission provided
angle iron be substituted for the wooden frame.
Postmaster Hardy appe£red before the Board and made request that the city be renumberod
to falicitate the delivery of mail ~nd the e~tension of ~a~l service. Engineer Kneese stated he would
proceed with this work within J0 days.
Compl~.~t w~ ~de that the Presto-Lite is allowing waste and impure waters to overflow
into the l~nds of thc Land.&~Imp~ Ce.and also the culvert of the Southern Pacific Co, under their track
The clerk was instructed to advise the Land & Improvement co. to take steps to abate the nuisance, by
co-operating with the various companies interested.
Trustee Scampini reported to the Board that the pavement over the Spring Valley pipe line
on the San Bruno Road between Miller Avenue and Armour Avenue is o~ving in, and also that the sidewalk
on San Bruno Road for four hundred feet south from Chapman avenue, which was broken by the Spring Valley
when lowering pipe~line, h~s never been red-laced and is inbad condition. The clerk was instructed
to communicate the facts to the Spring Valley company and request that repairs be made as soon as
NO. ~2.
The following resolution was introdued by Trustee Cunningham:-
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that ~he plans and
specifications for the improvement of Grand Avenue from the easterly line of Chestnut Avenue to the
northerly line of ~ission Road, as pre~arec by the City Engineer of said ~ity of South San Francisco
and submitted this 8th day of October, 192~, be, and the same hereby are adopted ~s and for the plans
and specifications for doing said work.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introdued ~nd adopted by
the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco-this 8th day of October, 192Z, by the
following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunninghzm, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, None.
A~test Daniel ~cSweeney
City Clerk.
NO. 52.
The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham.
Whereas public interest and convenience require that the work and improvement hereinafter
described should be done; and
Whereas in the opinion of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, said
contemplated work and improvement is, and is hereby declared to be of more than local or ordinary public
permission to lay 126 feet of iron pipe underground in a parking strip in Butler Road. Referred to the
street committee with full power to act.
A communication was received from the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of South
San Francisco stating that Mr. Lloyd W.Thayer,~General Nanager of the South San F~ancisco Land & Impro~
~entComDany is in receipt of a letter from the war department authorizing the survey to ascertain
the cost of dredging the bar opposite South San Francisco Harbor. A copy of the letter from the war
department signed by Colonel Herbert Deakyne accompanied the letter. Communication ordered filed.
A communication from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce regarding the cost
of erection, maimtemance, etc of three electric signs at the approaches to the City of South
San Francisco was received. The cost of construction was stated as $1050 and cost of illumination
and maintenance at between ~25 and SZ0 Der month, the city's share of the cost of construction was
placed at ~525. The Board thought favorably of the proposition to advertise the city in this manner
and instructed the city attorney to draw up a resolution to this effet to be introduced at the next
Stephan Garbarino of Peck's Lots submitted a proposition to clean the city's streets
according to specification on file for the sum of ~Z00 per month.. Laid over until next meeting.
Joe Penna m~de applic~tion for a per~it to construct a garage of wooden frame ~nd corru-
gated iron sides and roof on his lot in the rear, ~Z79 Grand Avenue. He was granted permission provided
angle iron be substituted for the wooden frame.
?ostm~ster Hardy appeared before the Board and made request that the city be renumbered
to falicitate the del£very of mail ~nd the extension of mail service. Engineer Kneese stated he would
proceed with this work within Z0 days.
Complainer w~ m~e that the Presto-Lite is allowing waste and impure waters to overflo
into the l~nds of thc Land.&.Imp~: Ce.and also the culvert of the Southern Pacific Co, under their trac
The clerk was instructed to advise the Land & Improvement co. to take steps to abate the nuisance, by
co-operating with the various companies interested.
Trustee Scampini reported to the Board that the pavement over the Spring Valley pipe line
on the San Bruno Road between ~iller Avenue and Armour Avenue is eeving in, and also that the sidewalk
on San Bruno Road for four hundred feet south from Chapman avenue, which was broken by the Spring Valle
when lowering pipe?line, h~s never been red-laced and is in, bad condition. The clerk w~s instructed
to communicate the facts to the Spring Valley company and request that repairs be made as soon as
NO. 52.
The following resolution was introdued by Trustee Cunningham:-
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the plans and
specifications for the improvement of Grand Avenue from the easterly line of Chestnut Avenue to the
northerly line of Mission Road, as prepare6 by the City Engineer of said 8ity of South San Francisco
and submitted this 8th day of October, 1923, be, and the same hereby are adopted as and for the plans
and specifications for doing said work.
t hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introdued and adopted by
the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco-this 8th day of October, 192~, by the
following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, None.
Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
NO. 52.
The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham.
Whereas public interest and convenience require that the work and improvement hereinafter
described should be done; and
Whereas in the opinion of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San FrancisCo, said
contemplated work and improvement is, and is hereby declared to be ~f more thau local or ordinary publi~
Now, therefore, resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that it i~
the intention of said board to order the following work and improvement to be done in said city, to-wi1
That Grand Avenue from the easterly line of Chestnut Avenue to the northerly line of Mission
Road in said city be improved by constructing therein a cement concrete combined curb and gutter, incl~
ing the excavetion for t~ same, and by constructing therein cement concrete sidewalks, including the
gradimg for the same; and by constructing therein a brick catch basin with c~st iron frame and cover.
All work herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with the specia~
plans and specifications for said work, which plans end specifications are entitled "Plans and
specifications for the construction of improvement work on Grand Avenue from the easterly line of
Chestnut Avenue to the northerly line of Mission Road in the City of South San Francisco~ County of Sa~
Nateo, State of California, which streets amd avenues are fully shown upon the plans hSreto attached,
which are made a part hereof", which plans and specificetions were heretofore adopted by said Board of
Trustees on the Sth day of October, 192~, and are now on file in the office of t~ City Clerk, to whic~
plens ~nd specificatious reference is hereby made for a fu~l description of said work and for the
~ocation and extent of~the work to be done hereunder and for a particular description of the boundarie~
of the district herein neut~oned. A~ such work is to iuclude any end all street intersections and
street terminations end opposite ter$inations of, in end to all the above mentioned streets and those
to respective lines above ~enttoned, as is more particularly shown upon said plans. Any duplic~tlon
in any of tbs work hereinbefore described sh~ll be ignored. There is excepted however, fro~ the ~ove
~entioned work any and ell such work as h~s been already done to of£ici~l grade.
And seid Board of Trustees does hereby determine end dect~re that seid proposed work and
improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will affect and benefit the lands
and district hereinafter~described, which said district is hereby declared to be the district benefite~
by said work and improvement ~nd that therefore the entire costs and ez~enses of ~.id work aua improve,
~ont sh~!l be and are hereby made chargeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands and distric'
except as hereinafter expressly provided, which distr~ct is within said City of South San Francisco,
Co~n~ty of S~n Mateo, State of Cal~fornia, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Grand Avenue with the easterly line of i
'nut Avenue in the City of South San Francisco; run~ing thence along the e~sterly line of Chestnut Aven~
south l~ degrees ~Z minutes west 277.~ feet; thence at right angles north 7~ degrees 27 minutes west
~0.00 feet; thence south l~ degrees ZZ minutes west 1~.2~ feet; thence north ?~ degrees 27 minutes we~
28~.82 feet to the southeasterly line of Oak Avenue~ thence northwesterly in a streig~t line to a poin'
on the northwesterly line of Oak Avenue, s~id point being the i~tersection of s~d northwesterly line ~
~ line drawn p~.ra!~el with and distant l~O feet south~rly at right angles from the southerly line of
Gr~nd Avwnue~ thence westerly, parallel with ~nd keeping a distance of l~O feet southerly at right angl
, from the southerly line of Grand Avenue to the north~r!y l!~e of Niss!on Road; thence along s~id
northerly line of Nisslon Ro~d to a point where said northerly line is intersected by a line drawn
parallel with and di~tant l~O feet at right angles ncrtherly from the northerly line of Grand Avenue;
thence northeasterly and e~sterly parallel with and distant 120 feet at right angles from the northerl
line of Gr~nd Avenue to the easterly line of Ashton Avenue; thence south 7~ degrees E8 ~inutes east
Z18.11 feet, thence south 88 degrees ~ minutes e~st 8~.Z8 feet; thence north 70 degrees Z~ minutes
east !67.2~ feet; thence on a curve to the right having s radius of 287 feet a distance of 17~.~2 feet
thence south 7~ degrees 27 minutes east 19.~6 feet; thence north l~ degrees ~ minutes east 81.71 feet
thence south 7~ degrees ~7 minutes east ~88.71 feet to the easterly line of Chestnut Avenue; thence
south l~ degrees ~ minutes west 288.71 feet to the point of beginning.
~aving, exceptimg and e×cluding from said~ district al~ public streets, avenues and alleys,
lanes, courts and places included and contained.
Said Board of Trustees hereby orders that the entire costs and expenses of the construction of
Said improvement work on the portion of Gr~nd Avenue included between a line drawn at right angles to
the center line of Grand Avenue 87~ feet westerly from the e~ster~y line of Chestnut Avenue, measured
along the center line of Grand Avenue, and a line drawn at right angles to the center line of Grand
Avenue lO~ feet westerly from the e~sterly ~ine of Chestnut Avenue, measured along the center line of
Grand Avenue, and on that portion of Gr~nd Avenue included between a line drawn at right angles to the
center line of Gr~nd Avenue at a point 1782 feet westerly from the easterly line of Chestnut Avenue,
measured along the center line of Grand Avenue, and the northerly line of Mission Road, shall be paid
out of the general fund of the treasury of the City of South Ss.n Francisco.
Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments ~nd be~r interest at
the rate of seven 17) per cent per annum will be issued hereunder in ~he manner specified in the
"Improvement Bond Act of 19lB" and the amendments thereto, the last~installment of which bonds shall
mature nine (9~ years from the End day of July ne×t succeeding ten Ii0)i months from their date.
"The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper printed and circulatea in said City of South San Francisc
is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this resolution of intention shall be published, and th
City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this resolution of intention to be published by two ~2)
insertions in the manner and form required by law.
The Superintendent of Streets shall c~use to be conspicuously posted ~long the line of said
contemplated work or improvement, at not more than Three Hundred (~00) feet in distance apart, and alo
the open streets within said district and in front of all the property liable to be assessed and not
more than Three Hundred (~00) feet im distance apart, but not less than three ~) in a~l in each stree
in said district, notices of the passage of this resolution of intention, in the m~nner and form requi
by the "Improvement Act of !gll" and the amendments thereto.
Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the §th day of Nove~mber, 192~, at the hour of 7:~0
o'clock p.m., in the Chamber of said Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, any and all
persons having any objections to the proposed work and improvement mey appear before said Board of
Trustees and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with thi
Except as hereinbefore provided, all of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of
act of the Zegislature of the State of California, designated as the "Improvement Act of 1911", approv
April 7, 1911, and the amendments thereto.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco this 8th day of October, 192Z, by the following
Ayes, Trustees, ~.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelb~ch, J.W.Pitt, H. Scampini, G.W.Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None°
Absent, Trustees, None.
Daniel Mc Sweeney
City Clerk.
The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Pitt~
Whereas George A. Kneese, City Engineer of the City of South San Francisco, has presented to
the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco full and complete plans, specifications
and estimates showing the location, size and method of construction and cost of a proposed sewer
system in San Bruno Road from Chapman Avenue to the north boundary line of said city and in Butler
Road, designed for the reception, collection and disposal of dewage and storm waters of said portion
of said City of South San Francisco, and of a proposed sewer system in that portion of said city lying
of Chestnut Avenue, designed for the reception, collection and disposal of sewage in said portion
of said city lying west of Chestnut Avenue, and
Whereas said plans, specifications and estimates for said sewer systems are accompanied by
all the necessary information,, estimates and drawings necessary to completely explain such plans,
specifications and estimates, and the same appearing to this board to be complete and correct in
each detail and suitable for the purposes for which the same are intended;
Resolved that the plans, specifications and estimates for said proposed sewer systems for
the p~rtions of said City of South Son Francisco hereinbefore designated, which have been prepared
heretofore and submitted by said City Engineer be, and the same hereby are accepted and filed as
and for the official plans and specifications for said work.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 8th day of October, 1923, by the following
Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.WoHolston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent Trustees, None.
Attest: Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Scampini:
Whereas the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation within the County of San
Mateo, State of California, has no system of sewers adequate for the disposal of sewage and storm
water in San Bruno Road from Chapman Avenue to the north boundary line of s~id city and in Butler
Road; and
Whereas said City of South San Francisco has.no system of sewers adeqUate for the disposal
of sewage in that portion of said City of South San Francisco lying west of Chestnut Avenue;
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco,
as follows:
First: It is hereby determined that public interest and necessity demand the acquisition,
construction and completion by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, of a system
of sewers for said city in San Bruno Road from Chapman Avenue to the north boundary line of said
city and in Butler Road, including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the necessary rights of
way for said outfall sewer, and also a system of swwers in that portions of said City of South San
Francisco lying west of Chestnut Avenue.
Second: It is hereby determined that the cost of the acquisition, construction and
completion by said City o£ South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, of such systems of sewers,
including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfall
sewer, will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City of
South San Francisco, and will, in addition to the other expenditures of said City of South San
Francisco, exceed the revenue for any one year.
I hereby certify that the foregoing .resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 8th day of October, 1923, by the
following vote, the same being not less than two-thirds of all the members of said board:
Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.ScaSPini, G.W.Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, None.
Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
The foregoing resolution is hereby approved by ~e as President of the Board of Trustees
the City of South San Francisco, State of California, this 8th day of October, 1923,
President'of the Board of
Trustees of the City of
South San Franci[~co.
The following claims against the city were next presented for payment:-
Clyde Emerson, City Poundman
So. City Lumber & Supply Co.
0akland-Cal Towel Co.
Pacific Tel & Tel Co.
So. San Fran. Water Co.
D. Mc~weeney, City Clerk
Aug. $ Sept. phones
Service Sept.
City Phones Sept.
Water Sect.
Stamps Clerk & Marshals' office
P.0.Box Rent
$ 4.00
Total $~4.38
The claims having been audited by the finance committee, Trustee Eschelbach moved they
be paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee Cunningham and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Scampini moved to adjourn until
the next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee ~ and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9:20 o'clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
President of the Boa~d of Trustees.