The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the bity of South San Francisco was held
Monday, January 21st,19E4, in the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order st ?;30 o'clock p.m. by Trustee G.W.Holston, President of
the board.
Roll call found the following trustees present, to-wit;-
Trustees, A.J.Eschelbach,J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini and G.W.Holston.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham.
The minutes of the ~revious meeting were read and upon motion by Trustee Eschelbach,
seconded by Trustee Scampini and regularly carried were approved as read.
A petition was received from Pete M.Petroff asking permission to blast ground at the Nort]
west corner of Linden Avenue and San Bruno Road. Permission allowed under supervision of the Buildi~
An application to hold aL dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening ~arch lst,next, to cont~
until 2 a.m., was received from the Bell Club, a new local organization. Permit granted.
An application was received from E.Rossetti, representing E.Possebon, asking for a Dermit
to hold a dance until I A.~ in Fraternal H~ll, Saturday evening, February 9th,1924, the dance to fol
a Vocal Concert given by Professor Possebon. Permit granted.
Fire Chief Truax~submitted sn annual statement showing that 52 fires occurred during the i
1923,while there were 3 false alarms & total property loss amounted to $15,225. Report ordered fil
Applications for soft drink licenses were received from D.& H.Bertoldi, E.Galli,Stanley &
Nickerson, Richard Harder and C.T.~onnolly, and granted by the following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt,H.ScamDini, G.W.Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham,
Applications for pool room licenses were received from E.Galli, Stanley & Nickerson and
C.T.Connolly, and granted by the following vote,-
Ayes, Trustees, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scamp!ni, G.W.Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham.
Complaint was made that a cesspool nuisance existed on the premises #439 Commercial Avenu~
and that unsanitary conditions were found in the Healy cottage, ~830 Linden Avenue. The Clerk was
instructed to notify the Health Officer to visit the places mentioned and have the nuisances abated
at once.
Reports of breaks in San Bruno Road and ~iller Avenue and San Bruno Road and Grand Aven~e
in the vicinity of the Spring Valley Water line were~received. The clerk was instructed to communic~
with the water company and request that they repair the damage.
An Ordinance entitled "An ordinance directing and providing for the incurring of bonded
indebtedness of the City of South San Francisco,a municipal corporation, in the County of San Nateo
State of California,in the sum of Fifty-eight Thousand ($§8,000) Dollars,gold coin of the ~nited St~
of America, to pay the cost of certain municipal improvements in and for said City of Sou~h San Fra~
authorized at a special election held in said 8ity on the Third day of December, 192~, and providint
for the issuance of bonds evidencing such indebtedness, specifying the form of said bonds, providint
for a tax levy for the payment thereof and creating a municipal improvement fund" was given its
second reading.
Upon motion made by Trustee 2campini, seconded by Trustee Pitt, and carried by the unanim
vote of all said trustees,said ordinance was duly adopted.
The following claims against the city were next
J.J.Lemmons, Labor on streets
Tony Phillips " " Bridge
Enterprise Publishing Co. Printing
~oise-Klinkner Co License ~lates
E.Eserini, Repairing streets
Thcs. Rodgers " "
presented for payment;-
, 2~00
~ 28.05
~ 21.08'
$ 85.00
The bil~s having been anproved by the finance committee Trustee Pitt moved they be naid.
The motion was seconded by Trustee Scampini and regularly carrisd.
There being no further busines before the board Trustee Scampini moved to adjourn until
the next regular meeting, Monday, February 4th,1924. The motion was seconded by Trustee Pitt and
regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 8:50 o'clock D.m.
Approved e~f~ i
Pr ru tees
Respectfully submitted, _ /
City Clerk.