The Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco met in regular session in the
City Hall on ~onday, ~ebruary ].8th,1924.
The meeting was called to order at ?;50 o'clock p.m. by TruE'tee F.A.Cunningham, acting
as President pro tem.
Roll call found the following trustees oresent, to-wit:-
Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt and H.Scsm~ini.
Absent, Trustee, G.W.Holston.
Trustee Holston appeared after roll call and occuvied his seat as President of the Board
for the remainder of the meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion by Trustee Cunnin~ham,
seconded by Trustee Eschelbach ~nd regularly carried were approved as read.
A communication was received from Davenport R.Phelps, manager of the Chamber of Co~nerce
of South San Francisco, requesting the city to allow north and south direction signs tO be placed
upon electrolier lamps at Grand and Linden Avenues, the cost of the same to be borne by the
Ca!i~orni~ gt~te Auto Association. Permission granted. Bakery,
Boido & Demele, proprietors of the South San Francisco, vetitioned the board for
permission to place a 1000 gallon gasoline tank four to five feet under the concrete in the alley
opposite lot 7, block 1£5, in the rear o£ their bakery, guaranteeing to replace the concrete in
first clas~ condition. ~ermission granted.
An application for a pool room license ~as received from A.Bildhauer and F.~allace for
the location ...... . ~ ·
-~4 Grand Avenue License granted by the following vote,-
Ayes. Trustees, ~'.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach,J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, None.
Th pavement of the roe. dray in Grand Lvenuo e~tension from the gutter to the present
maved line was next taken under consideration. As the property on the north side is outside the
city boundary l~ne City Attorney Coleberd was instructed to ascertain through the Board of Super'-
visors if such property is assessable for street improvement m~rposes.
The City ~arsha! and City Recorder were ordered provided with sets of small codes. City
attorney Coleberd was instructed to ~rocure them.
Tbs ~o]ice de-artment having requested the board to furnish short barrel shot guns the
purchasing .committee was:instructed investigate prices.
The following resolution was next introduced by Trustee Eschelbach;-
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the grant of
a right of way to said City of ~outh San Francisco by South San Francisco Land and Improvement
Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, for the
construction and maintanance of a public highway over, across and upon the land hereinafter describ-
ed, subject to the terms, covenants and conditions in the deed conveying said right of way, be and
the same hereby is accepted.
8aid land consists of all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City
of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, and particularly described as
follows, to-wit:
The portion of the following described land which lies within the corporate boundaries of
said City of South San ~rancisco:
Beginning at a poiht on the Westerly line of Linden Avenue in the City of South San Francisco,
County of San Mateo, State of California, from which point the Northeasterly corner of Block 129
as laid down and designated on that Certain map entitled "South San Francisco Plat No. l", record-
ed March l, 1892, in Map Book "B", at page 6, and a copy of which is recorded in Map Book 2, at
page 52, Records of San Mateo County, bears South 33 degrees 24 minutes West 189.98 feet distant:
thence North 32 degrees 16 minutes West 361.26 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a
radius of 2135 feet - the chord of which bears North 29 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds West 209.21
feet - a distance of 209.29 feet: thence North 26 degrees 39 minutes West 248.81 feet: thence on
a curve to the !eft, having a radius of $65 feet - the chord of which bears North 48 degrees 52
minutes West 276.02 feet - a distauce of 283.06 feet; thence North 71 degrees 05 minutes West 44.08
feet; thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of 1035 feet - the chord of which bears
North 57 degrees 0Ominutes 44 seconds West 503.27 feet - a distan5e of 508.37 feet; thence North
42 degrees 56 minutes 28 seconds West 1210.24 feet: thence on a curve to the left, having a radius
of 965 feet - the chord of v h ich bears North 56 degrees 26 minutes 36 seconds West 450.62 feet -
a distance of 454.84 feet: thence North 69 degrees 56 minutes 44 seconds West llll.29 feet; thence
on a curve to the left, having a radius of ~65 feet - the chord of which bears South 89 degrees
40 minutes 24 seconds West 254.23 feet - a distance of 259.67 feet; thence South 69 degrees 17
minutes 32 seconds West 1296.~9 feet: thence on a curve to the left, having a radius of 365 feet -
the chord of which bears South 55 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 178.85 feet - a distance of
180.72 feet: thence South 40 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds West 520.65 feet: thence on a curve to
the right, having a radius of 425 feet - the chord of which bears South 52 degrees ~? minutes 56
seconds West 172.48 feet - a distance of 17~.69 feet to the Northerly boundary line of the Buri
Burl Rancho, North 40 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds East 40.99 feat from a stone monument designat-
ed as "~on. L-4" on that certain map entitled "Map of a survey made for P. E. Iler of Lands pur-
chased in the Buri Buri Rancho and Sections 21-22-23-26-27 & 28 - Township ~ South, Range 5 West,
San ~ateo County" Recorded March lC, 1891, in Map Book E at page 79, Records of San Mateo County:
thence alang said northerly boundary line of the Brui Burl Rancho as follows: North 40 degrees
55 minutes 28 seconds East 590.64 feet to a stone monument designated as "men. L-3" on the above
entitled m~p: North 69 de,roes 17 minutes 32 seconds East 1546.10 feet to a stone monument design-
ated as "Non. L-2" on said above entitled map: South 69 degrees 56 minutes 44 seconds East 1526.78
feet; thence leaving said Northerly boundary line of the B~i Burl Rancho, on a curve to the right,
having a radius of 1035 feet - the chord of which bears South 48 degrees 58 minutes 19
East 217.48 feet - a distance of 217.88 feet; thence South 42 degrees 56 minutes 28 seconds East
1210.24 feet: thence on a curve to the left, having a radius of 965 feet - the chord of which bears
South 57 degrees 00 minutes 44 seconds East 469.2~ feet - a distance of 4?3.98 feet: thence South
............. ~__,~_~.~-.~.. ~..~ ~.,$~l~revI~6%~e~{~h-~ we're re~d and upon motion by Trustee Cunnin~ha~,
seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried were approved as read.
A communication w~s received from Davenport ~.Phelps, manager of ~he Ch~Dber of
of South San Francisco, re~uesting the city %o a~low north and south direction signs %0 be ~lace~
upon electrolier lamos at Grand and Linden Avenues, %he cost of the same %o be borne by the
Californi~ St~te Auto As[~ociation. Permission grated. ~akery,
Boido & D~mele, proprietors of the South San Francisco, oetitionQd the board for
permission %o place a 1000 gallon gasoline tank four to five feet under %he concrete in the alle~3
oT~posi~e lot ~/, Dlock 1SS, in %he rear of their bakery~ guaranteeing ~o replace %he concrete in
first clas~ condition. ~ermission granted.
An application for a pool room license v,~as received from A.Bildhauer and F.~'al!ace f
the location ,~SS4 Grand Avenue. License granted by the following vote;-
Ayes, lrngtees, ~.A.Cu~ingham, L.J.Eschelbach,J.W.Pitt, H.Soampini, G.%,'~,Holston.
Noes, Trustees, I~one.
Absent, Trustees, None.
Th pavement of the tecdum'ay in Grand Avenue e~:tension from the gu~er to %he presen~
~aved line was next taken under consideration. As the proper~y on ~he north slde is outside %he
city boundary l~ne City Attorney Coleber~'~ w&s instructed to ascertain throu~-h ~he Board of Super'-
visors if such property is assessable for street improvement ourposes.
The Cit~: ~arshal and City Recorder were ordered provided with sets of small codes.
attorney Coleberd was instructed to ~rocure them.
The ~o~ice de,~¢~rtment having requested the bo&rd to furnish short barrel sh0% g~s the
purchasing , committee,was~instrueted investigate prices.
The following resolution was next introduced by Trustee Eschelbach;-
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the grant of
a right of way to said City of ~outh San Francisco by South San Francisco Land and Improvement
Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, for the
construction and maintanance of a public highway over, across and upon the land hereinafter descril
ed, subject to the terms, covenants and conditions in the deed conveying said right of way, be and
the same hereby is accepted.
~aid land consists of all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City
of South San Francisco, County of San l~ateo, Sta.te of California, and particularly described as
follows, to-wit:
The portion of the following described land which lies within the corporate boundaries of
said City of South San Prancisco:
Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of Linden Avenue in the City of South San Francisco,
County of San Nateo, State of California, from which point the Northeasterly corner of Block lZ9
as laid down and designated on that Certain ~nap entitled "South San ~rancisco Plat No. l", record-
ed }~arch l, 189~, in Map Book "B", at page 6, and a copy of which is recorded in Nap Book ~, at
page 5£, Records of San ~ateo County, bears South ~ degrees E4 minutes West 189.98 feet distant:
thence North ~ degrees 16 minutes West ~61.E6 feet: thence on a curve to the right having a
radius of ~1~5 feet - the chord of which bears North E9 degrees ~? minutes Z0 seconds West S09.S1
feet - a distance of ~09.~9 feet: thence North E6 degrees Z9 mir~utes West ~48.81 feet: thence on
a curve to the left, having a radius of ~65 feet - the chord of which bears North 48 degrees 5~
minutes West E~6.0E feet - a distance of E8~.06 feet: thence North ~l degrees 05 minutes West 44.08
feet: thence on a c~rve to the right, having a radius of 10SS feet - the chord of which bears
North ~? degrees 0Ominutes 44 seconds West 50S.~7 feet - a distance of 508.Z? feet: thence North
4~ degrees §6 minutes ~8 seconds West l£10.E4 feet: thence on a curve to the le~t, having a radius
of 965 feet - the chord of ~hich bears North 56 degrees Z6 minutes S6 seconds West 450.6~ feet -
a distance of 4~4.84 feet: thence North 69 degrees ~6 minutes 44 seconds West llll.~9 feet: thence
on a curve to the left, having a radius of ~6~ feet - the chord of 'which bears South 89 degrees
40 minutes £4 seconds West Z54.£~ feet - a distance of E~9.67 feet: thence South 69 degrees l?
minutes SE seconds West 1£96.~9 feet: thence on a curve to the left, having a radius of Z6~ feet -
the chord of whi~h bears South 55 degrees 06 minutes Z0 seconds West 178.8~ feet - a distance of ~,
180.7~ feet: thence South 40 degrees 55 minutes £8 seconds %¥est Z~0.65 feet: thence on a curve to
the right, having a radius of 4£5 feet - the chord of which bears South 5E degrees Z7 minutes 56
seconds West 17~.48 feet - a distance of 17.~.69 feet to the Northerly boundary line of the Burl
Buri Rancho, North ~0 degrees 55 minutes ~8 seconds East ~0.99 feet from a stone monument designat-
ed as "]~on. L-4" on that certain map e~titled "l~iap of a survey made for P. E. Iler of Lands pur-
chased in the Buri Buri Rancho and Sections 21-22-2~-26-27 & 28 - Township 3 South, Range 5 West,
San ~ateo County" Recorded I~arch 10, 1891, in ~ap Book E at page 79, Records of San }~iateo County:
thence alang said northerly boundary line of the Brui Burl Rancho as follows: North 40 degrees
55 minutes 28 seconds East 590.64 feet to a stone ~onument designated as "men. L-Z" on the above
entitled mmp: North 69 de~rees 17 minutes 52 seconds East 1546.10 feet to a stone monument design-
ated as "Non. L-~" on said above entitled map; South 69 degrees 56 minutes 44 seconds East 1526.78
feet: thence leaving said Northerly boundary line of the Buri Buri Rancho, on a curve to the right,
having a radius of 10Z5 feet - the chord of which bears South 48 degrees 58 minutes 19 ~$oo~Ids
East 217.48 feet - a distance of 217.88 feet: thence South 42 degrees 56 minutes 28 seconds East
1210.24 feet: thence on a curve to the left, having a radius of 96~ feet - the chord of which bears
South 57 degrees 00 minutes 44 seconds East 469.2C feet - a distance of 47~.98 feet: thence South
71 degrees 05 minutes East 44.08 feet: thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of 4~5 feet
- the chord of which bears South 48 degrees 52 minutes East Z28.96 feet -~'~a~'distance of ~7.~5
feet; thence South 26 degrees 39 minutes East 248.81 feet; thence on a curve to the left, having
a radius of 2065 feet - the chord of which bears South 29 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds East 202.35
feet - a distance of 202.43 feet; thence South 32 degrees 16 minutes East 361.26 feet to the above
mentioned westerly line of Linden Avenue in said City of South San Francisc; thence along said West
erly boundary line on a curve to the left, having a radius of 309.90 feet - the chord of which bear
South 57 de~rees 44 minutes West 70.00 feet - a distance of 70. 15 feet to the point of beginning.
Containing ?.961 Acres and being a portion of the BAri Burl Rancho.
Beginning at a point on the Northerly bomndary line of the Bu~i Burl Eancho North ~4 degrees 2,
minutes 40 seconds West 44.62 feet distan~ from a stone monument designated as "Non.]~-4 on that
certain map entitled "Map of a survey made for P. E. Iler of Lands p:zrchased in the BAri Buri Ranch
etc., "recorded March 10, 1891 in Map Book "E" at page 79, Records of San Mateo County: thence on
a curve to the right, having a radius of 425 feet - the chord of which bears South 86 degrees OZ:
minutes 30 seconds West 168.65 feet - a dist&nce of 169.77 feet; thence North 82 degrees 30 minutes
0g seconds West 112.5~ feet; thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of 335 feet - the chor,
of which bears North 73 degrees 55 minutes 17 seconds West 99.95 feet - a distance of 100.Z2 feet:
thence North 65 degrees 20 minutes 32 seconds. West 16.92 feet to the said northerly boundary line
of the Burl Burl Rancho; thence along s~id boundary line, South 84 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds
East 393.07 feet to the point of beginning. Contaiuing 0.lB1 acres and being a portion of the Buri
Buri Rancho.
Be it further resolved by said Board of Trustees that the President of said Board of Trustees
and the City Clerk be, and they hereby are authorized and directed, in behalf of said City of South
San Francisco and under its corporate seal, to execute the agreenent with said South San Francisco
Land and Improvement Company containing the grant o",.~ s~id right of way.
- o- o- o- o -o-o -o -o-o-
I hereby certify that the forogoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 18th day of February, 1924, by the
following vote:
Ayes, Trustees, F.A. Cu_nningham, A. J. Eschelbach, J. W. Pitt, H. Scampini, G. W. Holston.
Noes, Trustees, None
Absent, Trustees, None _
Daniel ~cSweeney
City Clerk
The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;-
C.H.Langton Cleaning hall windo~s
Joe. D~nc sk
Tony Phillips
Pat. i{avaEaugh
Guiseope Galli
Beatrice Farrell
Standard 0il Co
Tree planting
labor on sidev, alk
liquid gloss fire dep't
So.S~nnFrancisco ~urniture Co Mattress
Santini & Roccucci shoes for sick person
So.City Plumbing shop Cleaning sewers
F.A.Cunningham Freight bill ~ioneer-gibson Co
~.J.Borck uniform L.Belloni
West Coast Nursery Co ~rees
W.L.Hickey ~epairing sewer
The Enterprise Press Printing
C.Emerson att. fire
R.Chinnetti "
Jos. J.Lemmons ~tret ~abor
Pac.~e~ & Tel Co city phones
'~$ 2 O0
20 O0
3~ ~ O0
10. O0
~ 2 O0
3o .15
The bills having been audited by the finance committee Trustee Pitt moved~they be p~
The motion was seconde~ by Thustee Cunningham and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the Board Trustee Ecshelbach moved to adjour~
until the next regular meeting, Monday, -arch 3rd, 1924, at 7;~0 o'clock p.m.
The motion w~s seconded by Trustee ScamDini and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 8;45 o'clock p.m.
Respectfully y~urs, Z
Trustees. Cit%Cle~k ~
Approved'resident of the Bo~:rd~f