HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1924-03-03S4 REGULAR L~EETING 0F THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TP~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, ~RC iI 3rd,1924. The Board of Trustees of the City of South San 'rancisco met in regular session in the City Hall on Monday, i~rch 3rd,1924. ~ The meeting was cal]/~d to ordaer at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by Trustee G.W.Holston, President of the Board. Roll ca!! found ali trustees ?resent,to-wit;F.A.Cunningham,L.J.Eschelbach,J.W.~itt,H.Scam. G.W.Holston. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and u~on motion by Trustee Pitt seconde~ by Trustee ~campini and regularly carried were approved as read. A communication was received from W.H.Denninff ~rotesting against paying for the clearing of weeds in front of his property, and requesting a refund of the amount. Referred to city engineer. A communication w~s received from ~enry Veit, secretary of the local Loyal Order off Moose, requesting ~olice ~rotectisn for the school children at the Grammar and Martin Primary schools between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 9 a.m., between 12 noon and ] p.m.a.n~ at school closing time. The request was also made that the City Marshal be imstructed to wear his uniform while on duty. Referred to ths police committee. A petition was received ffrom 252 residents, property owners an~ citizens demanding the 2chool,and City Trustees to furnish conveyances for school ohil~ren living in outlying districts, the checking of careless and reckless drivers of automobiles ~nd the building of suitable grammar school buildings. After discussion it was moved by Trustee Cunningham that the City Trustees hold a conference with the Board of School ~ru. tees eno the Superintendent of schools of the county and for~.:ulate plans to carry out the desires of the petitioners. The z:.otion was seconded by Trustee Pitt and regularly carried. Health officer McGovern appeared before the board and stated that one ~eath occurred in tho city from S.I~eningitis and requested permission to quarantine ce~'tain dwellings to prevent the spread of the disease. He was instructed to fully enforce the State quarantine laws affecting such cases. The reports of the Health officer, building Inspector,City Recorder, Fire Chief, City idarshal, and City Clerk for the month ending February 29th were next read. The report of the City Recorder showed collections of ~, ..... for tho month, while the report of the City Clerk showed the following balances in the various £unds; 0enera] fund, ~j~1,291.60, Library fund,~2556.05, oinking fund flor sewers,$actory dist. ~'ewer fund, ~i,:&69.82, 1919 Bonds, ~7,567.!5, Anti- T. Fund $73.01, Str. Imp. Fund, $33.00, Revolving Fund $100.00, Street Funds $2,572.32. This being the date set .~'or the h~aring of protests against the pavement of alleys'~and streets as proposed in Resolution of Intention No. 5~, President Holston asked if there were any persons present w~shing to ~rotest,~ affainst the work er sun~,: written protests against the same, None appearing the fsi]owing Resolution was introd,[ced by Trustee~' Scampini: RESOLUTIOI! 0i~DERING THE WORK NO. 53 Resolved that, whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, on the llth day of February, 1924, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 53 to order the hereinafter described work to be done and improvement to be made in said city, which Resolution of Intention was duly and regularly published as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of Dean J. Coovert, now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city; and Whereas notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 53 headed "Notices of Improvement" web's duly and legally posted along the line of said contem~]ated work or imorovement and in front o£ all the property liable to be assessed therefor, and along all the open :streets within the district hereinafter described, in form and manner as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of R. A. Klassen and the af~idavit of George A. Kneese, Superintendent of Streets of said 0ity, who after the completion of the posting of said notices filed his affidavit in the office of the City Clerk, making oath that the posting of said notices was completed on the 21st day of February, 1924; and Whereas at no time has any ~erson delivered to the oity Clerk of said city or to said Board of Trustees a written protest a~ainst said Work, or any part thereof, or against the extent of the district hereinafter described, or against both said work and said district; Therefore be it resolved that public interest and convenience require the work hereinafter described, and the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco hereby orders the follow- ing work to be done in said city, to-wit: SECTION A: That the official grades of the ~ollov,-ing a_~leys, viz: That ~:~ortion of the alley between Grand Avenue end Baden Avenue and included b~tween the westerly line of Maple Avenue and the easterly line of Spruce Avenue: that portion of the alley between Commercial Avenue and ldailroad Avenue incldded between the westerly line of May,lc Avenue and the easterly line of ~[a~nolia Avenue, ~ut e:~c!~.~d~ng the intersection thereof with Spruce Avenue; be modified and change[l to new grades at which the work hereinafter described is i~roposed to be done, as such new ~rades are shown, desi~nst~:d and described, upon the mlans, profiles and specifications therefor hereinafter referreJ to, and it is hereby e:-:pres,(-'ly determined that all the proposed work or ~r.?rovements to be done upon the alleys in this section described sh~!], be done to the new ~rades ss shown upon the plans, profiles and specifications to which reference is' hereby mede, and not to the grades hitherto adopted and established, as shown on said plans, profiles an5 svecifications. SECTION B: That the £o!].owing alleys in s~id City of South San Francisco be improved by grading the same, for the full width thereof and for the portions thereof hereinafter and in this section designated, and also by constructing therein e cement concrete pave~,ent, five inches in thickness, for the width as shown upon the plans and specifications hereinafter referrer: to, the portions of said alleys to be im-~-,roved being designat~,d as follows, to-wit: That portion of the alley between Grand ~venue and Miller Avenue and included between the westerly line of Spruce Avenue and. a line drawn at right angles to the center line of said alley at a point distant 600 feet westerly fror:: t'he westerly tine of Idagnolia Avenue, but excluding therefrom the intersection thereof with. Ms, gn~l$a Zvenue; That portion of the alley between Grand ~'.venue and Baden Avenue and included between the westerly line of Maple Avenue and the easterly line of Magnolia Avenue, but excluding therefrom the intersection thereof with Spruce Avenue; That portion of the alley between Grand Avenue and Baden Avenue and included between the easterly line of Or$.nge Avenue and a line drawn at right angles to the center line of said alley at a point distant 500 feet easterly from the easterly line of Orange Avenue; · h~t ~t~ ~' tb~ ~.~l~v between Baden Avenue and Com~::ercial Avenue and included b~tween ............... x~ a~ ~eTerred to the A petition was :eoeived fro~ ~52 ro~idont~, property o~ner~ ~n~ citizen~ de:~ndin~ the 2chool,~nd City Tru~t~o~ to ~u:ni~h oonvey~nce~ for ~ohoo2 ~hi!~re~ ~ivin~ i~ outlyin~ di~rict~, the checking of careless and reckless drivers of automobiles and the building of suitable grammar school buildings. After discus~ion it was ~]oved by Trustee Cunningham that the City Trustees hold a conference with the Board of School 'frustees and the Superintendent of schools of the county and forr.ulate plans to carry out the desires of the petitioners. The ~.otion was seconded by Trust~e Pitt and regularly carried. Health officer ~,~cGovern appeared before the board and stated that one ~eath occurred in the city from S.L[eningitis and requested permission to quarantine ce~ta, in dwellings to ?revent the spread of the disease. He was instru~ted to fully enforce the State ~uarantine laws affecting such The reports of tho Health cfi'leer, building Inspector,City Recorder, Fire ~arsn~l, and City Clerk for the month ending February 29th were next re~d. The ~er~ort of the City Recorder showed collections of ~Z00 for tho month, while the report o!' thc City Clerk ~-howed the following balances in the various fund~; ~enera~ fund, ~;~1,S9~.60, Library fund,~j~56.05, 3inking fund for sewers,~actory dist. ~ewer fund, q~69.8~, 1919 Bonds, ~,567.!5, Anti- T. Fund $7~.01, Str. Imp. Fund, $3Z.00, Revolving Fund $100.00, Street Funds This being the date set ~or the h~aring of protests against the pavement of alleys' ~and streets as proposed in Resolution of Intention No. 53, President Holston asked if there were any persons present w~shing to ~rotest, a~ainst the work er ~u~ written protests against the same, None appearing the fol]ow~ng Resolution was introddced by Trustee? Scampini: RESOLUTIOI: 0~D~RIi~G T~ WORK NO. 5~ Resolved that, whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, on the llth day of February, 1924, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 53 to order the hereinafter described work to be done and improvement to be made in said city, which Resolution of Intention was duly and regularly published as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of Dean J. Coovert, now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city: and Whereas notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 5~ headed "Notices of Improvement" we~'e duly and legally posted along the line of said contem~ated work or improvement and in front of all the property liable to be assessed therefor, and along a~l the open :street~ within the district hereinafter described, in form and manner as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of R. A. Klassen and the affidavit of George A. Kneese, Superintendent of Streets of said City, who after the completion of the posting of said notices filed his affidavit in the office of the City Clerk, making oath that the posting of said notices was completed on the 2lst day of February, 19S4; and Whereas at no time has any nerson delivered to the ~ity Clerk of said city or to said Board of Trustees a written protest a~ainst said work, or any part thereof, or against the extent of the ~istrict hereinafter desa~ribed, or against both said work and said district; Therefore be it resolved that public interest and convenience require the work hereinafter described, and the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco hereby orders the follow- ing work to be done in said city, to-wit: SECTION A: That the official grades of the ~ollowing a?leys, viz: That rortion of the alley between Grand Avenue and Baden Avenue and include~ between the westerly line of ~aple Avenue and the easterly line of Spruce Avenue: that portion of the a]!ey between Commercial Avenue and Hailroad Avenue incldded between the westerly line of Ma?lo Avenue and the easterly line of !da~nolia Avenue, Sut e:,~c~d~ng the intersection thereof with Spruce Avenue; be modified and chs~nged to new grades at which the work hereinafter described is ]~roposed to be done, as such new ~ra~]es are shown, desi~nst,'d and described upon tho ~lans, profiles and specifications therefor hereinafter referred to, and it is hereby e:~?res~y determined that ali the proposed work or ~m?rovements to be done upon the a~]eys in this section described shrill, be done to the new ~rades ss shown upon the plans, profiles an~~. specifications to which reference is' hereby made, and not to the grades hitherto adopted and established, as shown on said plans, profiles and svecifications. SECTION B: That the following alleys in s~,id City of South San Francisco be improved by grading the same, for the full width thereof and for the portions thereof hereinafter and in this section designated., and also by constructing therein a ce~aent concrete pavement, five inches in thickness, for the width as shown upon the plans and specifications hereinafter referreg to, the portions of said alleys to be imr~roved being designat~,d as follows, to-wit: That portion of the alley between Grand ~venue and I~{iller Avenue and included between the westerly line of Spruce Avenue and a line drawn at right angles to the center line of said alley at a point distant 600 feet westerly from the westerly line of Idagnolia Avenue, but e×cluding therefrom the intersection thereof with ~¥iagn~l~ Avenue; That portion of the alley between Grand ~venue and Baden Avenue and included between the westerly line of ~1~ple Avenue and the easterly line of ~agnolia Avenue, but excluding therefrom the intersection thereof with Spruce Avenue; That portion of the alley between Grand Avenue and Baden Avenue and included between the easterly line of ~rsnge Avenue and a line drawn at right angles to the center ].ine of said alley at a point distant §00 feet easterly from the easterly line of Orange Avenue; That portion of the a:[ley between Baden Avenue and Co~ercial Avenue and included b'etween the easterly line of Orange Avenue and the westerly line ~f Linden Avenue, but e~cluding therefrom the intersectiOns thereof ~ith I~agnolia Avenue, Spruce Avenue and ~ylaple Avenue; That portion of the alley between Commercial Avenue and !~ailroad Avenue and included between the easterly line of Orange Avenue and a line drawn at right angles to the center line of said alley at a point distant 100 feet westerly from. the westerly line of Linden Avenue, but excluding therefrom the intersections thereof with i~agnolia Avenue, Spruce Avenue and Maple Avenue; That portion of the a31ey between California Avenue and Lux Avenue and included 'between the easterly line of Linden Avenue and the westerly line of Cypress Avenue; That portion of the alley between Lux Avenue and Ell]er Avenue and included between the easterly line of i~'~aple Avenue and the westerly line of Linden Avenue; EE~TION ~: Also that that portion of the alley between Commerc~ial Avenue and Raitr~ad Avenue and includ- ed between the we£terly line of Linden Avenue and a li~e ar~wn at right angles to the ce~'~ter line of said alley distant 100 feet westerly £rom t~e westerly 7~ine of Linden Avenue, be improved by gradin~r the same for a width e:~.tending from the southerly line of said portion of said alley to a line drawn parallel and distant 15 feet northerly from said southerly line of said portion of said. alley and also by constructing therein a cement concrete pavement, five inches in thickness, for the width as shown upon the r.!ans and specifications hereinafter refe~ed to; SECTION D: Also that that portion of Magn.oRia Avenue lying between the southerly line of Comnercial Ave- nue and the northerly line of Rai!raad Avenue, includi~g all intersections, be improved by grad- ing, for the full width thereof, and by constructing on both sidOs thereof cement concrete side- walks and combination cement co~mrete curbs and gutters of the dimensions and at the particular locations shown upon the Dlans and specifications hereinafter referred to, and by constructing therein from gutter line to g~tter line an s.s~Lhaltic co~crete pvement consisti~,g of a cement concrete :'ase four (4) inches in thickness and an asvha!tic concrete wearing surface one a~,d one- half (1 1/2) inches in thickness; SECTION L~ Also that that portion of Railroad Avenue from the westerly line of Spruce Avenue, produced southerly, to the easterly line of ~l,!agnolia Avenue, produced southerly, for a width extending twenty two (22) feet southerly from %he southerly edge of the gutter e~istin~ on the northerly side of Railroad Avenue, be improved by grading the same .~nd by c onstructi~-:g therein an asphaltic concrete pavement consisting of a cement concrete base four (4) inches in thickmess and an asphaltic concrete wearing surface one and one-half (] 1/2) inch~:s in thickness; SECTION F: Also that that portion of the termination at ~agnolia avenue and Railroad ~-venue between the westerly line of Liagn~lia Avenue produced Southerly, and the easterly line of ~,iagnolia ~--venue produced southerly, and included between the northerly line of Railroad Avenue and a line parallel with and distant at right angles southerly 36 feet from the northerly line of l~iailraad Avenue, be ~'improved by grading the full area and by constructing in the northwest and northeast corners of ~aid termination cement conc~fete sidewalks and combination cement conc~'ete curbs and gutters of the dimensions and at the locations as all are more partic~larly shown upon the plans and specifi- cations hereinafter referred to and by constructing in the roadway area of said termination an ashpaltic concrete pavement consisting of a cement concrete base four (z~) i. nches in thickness and an asphaltic concrete wearir~g surface one and one-half (] I/2) inches in thick~ess: SECTIOII G: Al~o that two red burnt brick catch-basins, sapped with cast iron frames and covers, of the sizes, dimensions and in the partic:~]ar locations, as all are more fully shown on the plans and specifications h~reinafter mentioned, be constructed in the fei]owing alleys, as follows: One (1) such catch-basin in the a].]_ey between Baden Avenue and Commercial Avenue at a point 375 feet easterly from the easterly line of Spruce Avenue; said catch-basin shall be connected to sn existing sewer manhole in said ~lley with 32 feet of six (6) inch vitrified salt glazed iron- stone sewer pipe: One (1) such catch-basin in the alley between Corm'~ercial Avenue and Railroad Avenue at a point 475 feet easterly from the easterly line of Orange Avenue; said catch-t,asin last mentioned shall be connected to ~..n e::isting sewer manhole in srid a~]ey with 35 feet of six (6) inch vitri- fied salt glazed ironstone sewer pipe. That port~ons of said alley between Commercial Avenue and kal!road Avenue are shown upon that certain map entitled "Subdivisions of Blocks 98,99, llg, & 122 South San Francisco, Ca]if., Plat No 2" which map was filed in the office of the Cotmty r.~..corder of the Co~unty of San Mateo California, November 10, 1900, and recorded in i,iap Book No~ 3 at page 4. All o~her alleys here- inbefore mentioned are shown upon that certain map entitled "South ?an Francisco, San Mateo Co. Calif., Plat No. l", which map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of ~an ~ateo, California, ~arch 1st, 1892, and recorded in Map Book No. 2 at page 52. A_]l work herein provided for shall be done in accordance with the special ~l~§, profiles and specifications for said work and to the official grade shown upon said plans and profiles, which ~lans, opel±les and specifications are entitled "Plans, profiles and specifications for the construe of improvement'work u~'on a portion of the alley between Grand_'Av~enue and Miller Avenue, a portion of the alley between Grand Avenue and Baden Avenue, a portion of the alley between Baden Avenue and Commercial Avenue, a portion of the alley betwcen Commercial Avenue and Railroad Aw.:nue, a portion of the alley between Cali±'ornia Avenue and Lu~,~ Avenue and a portion of the alley between Lux Avenue and Miller Avenue, in the City of South San FranciSco, County of San --ateo, State of Cai±fern&A, which alleys are fully shown upon the plans hereto attached, which plans are made a part hereof", which plans, profiles and specifications were heretofore adopted by said Board of T~ustees on the llth day of February, 1924, and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk, to which plans, profiles and specifications reference is hereby made for a full dcscri~tion of said work and for the location and extent of the work to be done hereunder and for a particular description of the boundaries of the district herein mentioned. There ia~ excepted, however, from the above mentioned work any and all such work as has been already done to official, grade. And said Board of Trustees did, in said Resolution of Intention No. 53, determine and declare that said proposed work aud improvement is of more than local or ordinary public :-.encfit, and wit] affect and benefit ~the lands and distr~ct hereinafter described which said district is declared in said Resolution of Intention to be the district benefited by said work and ir~proveme:~,~, and that therefore the entire costs and e::pensos of said work and improvement shall be made charge- able against and shall be assessed u~on said ]ands and district, e:~.cept as herein e::press!y provid- e~, which district is within said City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Com]:,any (Baden Branch) with the westerly line of Linden Avenue; Running thence northwesterly along the said so~stherly right of way line to a point where the same is intersected by the southerly extension of the easterly line of Orange Avenue; thence northeasterly along said southerly extension and continuing along said easterly line of Orange SEO TI 0N D: Also that that portion of l,iagn.o] ia Avenue lying between the southerly line of Comnercial Ave- nue and the northerly line of Rai!raad Avenue, including all intersections, be improved by grad- ing, for the full width thereof, and by constructing on both sidds therefor cement concrete side- walks and combination cement co~'~crete curbs and gutters of the dimensions and at Zhe particular locations shown upon the olans and specifications hereinafter referred to, and by constructing therein from gutter line to gutter line an as~haltic co~crete pvemeut cons~_sti~,g of a cement concrete :~ase four (4) inches in thickr, ess and an asvha!tic concrete wearing surface one a~d one- half (1 1/2) inches in thickness; SECTION Also that that porlion of Railroad Aver, ne from the westerly line of Spruce Avenue, produced southerly, to the easterly line of ~,,~agnolia Avenue, produced southerly, for a width extendi~g twenty- two (£E) feet southerly from the southerly edge oi' the gutter existing on the northerly side of Railroad Avenue, be improved by grading the same and by constructir~g therein an asphaltic concrete pavement consisting of a cement concrete base four (~) lnches in thickmess and an asphaltic concrete wearing surface one and one-half (] 1/~) inchings in thickness; Si~OTi0N F: Also that that portion of the termination at ~,,agnolia avenue and Railroad ~venue between the westerly line of Liagn~lia Avenue produced Southerly, and the easterly line of ~,,iagnolia ~-venue produced southerly, and included between the northerly line of Railroad Avenue and a line para]le! with and distant at right angles southerly 36 feet from the northerly line of Railraad Avenue, be ~improved by grading the full area and by constructing in the northwest and northeast corners said termination cement concrete sidewalks sr~d combination cement concrete curbs and gutters of the dimensions and at the locations as all are more particularly shown upon the plans and specifi- cations hereinafter ref~'rred to and by constructing in the roadway area of said termination an ashpaltic concrete pavement consisting of a cement concrete base four (z~) i. nches in thickness and an asphaltic concrete wearing surface o~e and one-half (1 1/2) inches in thick~ess: SECTION G: Al~o that two red b~rnt brick catch-basins, capped with cast iron frames and covers, of the sizes, dimensions and in the partic"~]ar locations, as all are more fully shown on the plans and specifications h~reina£ter mentioned, be constructed in the fol3owing alleys, as follows~ One (1) such catch-basin in the alley between Baden Avenue and Co]~mercial Avenue at a point ~?~ feet easterly from the easterly Rine of Spruce Avenue; said catch-basin shall be connected to sn existing sewer manhole in said ~lley with ZE feet of six (~) inch vitrified salt glazed iron- stone sewer pipe2 One (1) such catch-basin in the alley between Commercial Avenue and Rai3road Avenue at a point ~?~ feet easterly from the easterly line of Orange Avenue; said catch-f~asin last mentioned shall be Connected to ~.n enisting sewer manhole in s~:id aC~ey with ~5 feet of si~ (6) inch vitri- fied salt glazed ironstone sewer pipe. That port~ons of said alley between Commercial Avenue and kailroad Avenue are shown upon that certain map entitled "Subdivisions of B5ocks 98,99, llP,& l~E South San Francisco, Ca, if., Plat No ~" which map was filed in the office of the County -~corder of the C%unty of San 2~ateo California, November lC, 1900, and recorded in i~iap Book No~ Z at page ~. All o~her alleys here- inbefore mentioned are shown upon that certain ~ap entitled "South San Francisco, San I,,tateo ~o. Calif., Plat No. l", which map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of ~mn z~ateo, California, z.~arch 1st, 189B, and recorded in ~,lap Book No. ~ at page 5S. Ail work herein provided for sha]l be done in accordance with the special i~,~§, profi,tes and specifications for said work and to the official grade shown upon said plans and profiles, which rlans, profiles and specifications are entitled "Plans, profiles and specifications for the con~truc of improvement work u~'.on a portion of the alley between Grand. Avenue and Miller Avenue, a portion of the alley between Grand ~venue aud Baden Avenue, a portion of the aRley between Baden Avenue and Commercial Avenue, a portion of the alley between Commercial Avenue and Railroad Aw.~nue, a portion of the alley between Cali±'ornia Avenue and Lux Avenue and a portion of the a~ley between Lux Avenue and }~iller Avenue, in the City of South San FranciSco, County of San ~ateo, State of Californ{d~, which alleys are fully shown upon the plans hereto attached, which plans are made a part hereof", which plans, profiles and specifications were heretofore adopted by said Board of T~ustees on the llth day of February, 19£4, and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk, to which plans, profiles and specii'ications reference is hereby made for a full dcscri~tion of said work and for the location and extent of the work to be done h~reunder and for a particular description of the boundaries of the district herein mentioned. There i~ e:zcepted, however, from the above mentioned work any arid all such work ~s has been already done to official grade. And said Board of Trustees did, in said Resolution of Intention . ~zne and declare that said proposed work and improvement is of more than local or ordinary public :-ene£it, and will a~fect and benefit .the lands and district hereinafter described which said district is declared in said Resolution of Intention to be the district benefited by said work and improvemen,~, and that therefore the entire costs and expenses of said work and improvement shall be m~.de charge- able against and shall be assessed upon s~id l~nds and d~strict, e::cept as herein e::~,ressty provid- e~, which district is within said City of South San Francisco, County of San Marco, grate of California, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of the right el' way of the Southern Pacific Company (Baden Branch) with the westerly line of Linden Avenue; Running thence northwesterly along the said so~ther]y rJg~t of way line to a point where the same is intersected by the southerly extension of the easterly line of Orange Avenue; thence northeasterly along said southerly extension and continuing alon~ said easterly line of Orange Avenue to the northerly line of Grand Avenue; thence southeasterly along the northerly line of Grand Avenue to the easterly line of Locust Avenue;. thence northeasterly along said~easterly line of Locust Avenue to the southerly line of ~il]er Avenue; thence southeasterly along..~aid (thence southeasterly along the said southerly line of California Avenue) southerly line o±' Miller Avenue to the westerly line of Spruce Avenue; thence southwesterly along said westerly line of Spruce Avenue to the southerly line of Grand Avenue; thence south- easterly along said so~therly line of Grand Avenue to the westerly line of ~;[aple Avenue; thence northeasterly along the said westerly line of Maple Avenue to the southerly line of Lux Avenue; thence southeasterly along said southerly line of Lux Avenue to the westerly line of Linden Avenue; thence north~aasterly along said westerly liz~e of Linden A~enue to the southerly line of Californ~2 AvenUe~%o the westerly line of Cypress Avenue: thence southwesterly along said westerly line of Cypress Avenue to the northerly li:~e of Lux Avenue: thence northwesterly along said northe",~ly line of Lux Avenue to the easterly line of Linden Avenue; thence southwesterly along said easterly line of Linden Avenue to the northerly line of ~liller Avenue; th~,nce north- westerly along said northerly line of Miller Avenue to the easterly line of Maple Avenue: thence southwesterly along said es. sterly line of '"aple Avenue to the southerly line of Baden Aveuue; thence southeasterly along said southerly line of Badnn Avenue to the westerly line of Linden Avenue; thence southwesterly along said westerly line of Linden AVenue to the point of beginning. Saving, e:,:cepting and e:~.cluding from said district all public streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, courts and places included and contained. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum will be issued hereunder in the manner specified in the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915" and the amendments thereto, the last installment o£ which bonds shall mature nine (9) years from the 2nd day of July next succeeding ten (10) montt:s from their date. Except as he~'einbei'ore provided, all of the herein proposed wo~-k shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated as the "Improvement Act of ltl1", approved April 7, ltl1, and the amendments thereto. The City Clerk is hereby directed to post a notice of said work together with the plans and specifications therefor, cons.~icuously for five (5) days on or near the Council Chamber Door inviting sealed proposals for doing the work ordered. He is also directed to publish a notice inviting such proposals, and referring to the specifications posted or on file by two (2) insert- ions in "The Enterprise", a w~ekly newspaper published and circulated in said City of South San Francisco, and hereby designated for the purpose. -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 3rd day of l~larch, ~924, by the follow- ing vote: Ayes, Trustees F.W. Cunningham, A.J. Eschelbac~h, J.W. Pitt, H. Scampini, G.W. Holston. Noes, TrUstees None Absent, Trustees l~one Attest: The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham: A R]';SOLUTI01,~ OF THE BOARD 0F TRUSTEES 0F THE CITY 0F .~0UTH E~N FPJ. NCiSCO i~'EOVIDiI[G FOR HOLDIi~G A Gi~:N~AL LIUi~!CIPAL E~CT1ON IN AND F0R SAID CITY 0F SOUTH SAN F~D~CtSC0 0i~ T~ 14th DAY 0F A~-RIL, 1924. Daniel ~,Ic Sweeney City Clerk Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that, for the purpose of holding a general municipal election in and for said City of South San Francisco on the 14th day of April, 1924, the territory included within the corporate li~its of said City of South San Francisco shall be divided into tv:o (2) consolidated election precincts to be known as Consolidated Voting Precinct "A" and Consolidated Voting Precinct "B", respectively, whith said precincts are hereby described as l'ollows: Consolidated Voting ~recinct "A" shall include al! the territory described in South San Francisco Precimc,t.~No. l,. South'San Fran~is$o Precinct No. 2 and South ~an .~rancisco Precinct No. ~an ~lateo State 4, as established by the ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the ~ounty of ~ , of California, hereinafter referred to. The polling place ±'or Consolidated Voting Precinct "L" shall be in the. basement of the City ~all. Consolidated Voting Precinct "B" shall include all the territory described in South San Francisco Preci~ct No,Z, South San Francisco Precinct No. 5, South San Francisco Precinct No. 5 and South San Francisco Precinct No~ ?, as established by the ordinance of tho BT~d of' Super- vi'~':ors of tho County of San i~iateo, State of Calif'ornia, hereinafter referred to. The polling place for Consolidated Voting ~recizlct "B" shall be in '~ala's '~a!l at the northeast corner of San Bruno Road and Lu:: Avenue in said City. The ordinance o£' the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo hereinbefore referred to is entitled as fo.]lows: Ordinance NO. 316 o£ the Board of Supervisors of the County o£ San Mateo, State of California, dividing said county'~into election precincts and establishing the boundaries thereof, passed and adopted by said Board of Supervisors on the 21st day of November, 1921.. The following persons are hereby appointed me~bers of the Elect.,,on Board. for Consolidated Voting Precinct "A": Anna W. Woodman-- Inspector. Cruzita Lopez .... Judge . ~iZZ Grand Ave. August Hein Clerk. Enna Daneri Clerk. The fo]lowing persons are hereby appointed members of the Election Board for Consolidated Voting Precinct "B": Richard Harder--- Inspector. Frank Convery .... Judge Kate Foley ....... Clerk k Mary Mercks Clerk , At said General Municipal Election the polls in each of Said Consolidated Election Precincts shall be opened at si:,: (6) o' clock a.m. of the day of election and shall be kept open until seven (7) o'clock p.m. of the same day, when the polls shall be closed. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish by three (3) insertions in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper published and circulated Jn said City of South San Franciso~, a notice of election together with a statement of the names of the persons hereinbefore appointed as e]ect~on officers and the polling places designated in each of said Municipal Election Precincts, in the manner~and form required by law. -o-o-o-o-o-o- I hereby certify that the foregoin~ resolution was re~,,~larly introduced and ado~:ted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South oan ~rancisco, ~his Zrd day of i~'~arch 1924, by the follow- ~h~I1 'm~ nmne (9)years from ~He 2n~ ~y of Jdly nex~ sd~6ee-~i~g %~e-~-~Io)~m~nths from ~heir date. Except as he~'einbei'ore provided, all of the herein proposed wo'~k sh~ll be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated as the "Improvement Act of 1911", approved April 7, 1911, and the amendments thereto, The City Clerk is hereby directed to post a notice of said work together with the plans and specifications therei'or, consoicuously for five 15) days on or near the Council Chamber Door inviting sealed proposals for doing the work ordered. He is also directed to publish a notice inviting such proposals, and referring to tho speciffications posted or on file by two (2) insert- ions in "The Enterprise", a w~ak!y newspaper published and circulated in said City of South San Francisco, and hereby designated for the purpose. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- I hereby certi£y that th~ foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ,~rancisco this 3rd day of i~,larch, 1924, by the follow- ing vote: Ayes, Trustees F.W. CunninEham, A.J. Eschelbac~h, J.W. Pitt, H. Scampini, G.W. Holston. Noes, TrUstees None Absent, Trustees None Attest: The followin~ resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham: A R]'~SOLUTI01i 0F THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY 0F ~O'JTH ~AN FPJ. iJCi~CO I~[.OVIDilIG FOR HOLDII~G A GENERAL MUiitCIPAL E~CTiON IN A~D FOR SAID CITY 0F ~o~H SAN F~:~CISC0 01I T~ 14th DAY 0F L~-RIL, 1924. Daniel I~ic Sweeney City Clerk Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that, for the purpose of holding a general municipal election in and for said City of South San Francisco on the 14th day of April, 1924, the territory included within the corporate limits of said City of South San Francisco shall be divided into tv~o (2) consolidated election precincts to be known as Consolidated Voting Precinct "A" and Consolidated Voting Precinct "B", respectively, which said precincts are hereby described as follows: Consolidated Voting Precinct "A" shall include al! the territory described in South San Francisco Precinc~.No. 1,. South~San FrancisCo Precinct No. 2 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 4, as established by the ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, State of California, hereinafter referred to. The ~ol]ing place ±'or Consolidated Voting Precinct "L" shall be in the basement of the City ~all. ' Consolidated.Voting Precinct "B" shall include all the territory described in South San Francisco Preciflct No,Z, South San Francisco Precinct No. 5, South San Francisco Precinct No. 6 and South San Francisco Precinct No~ 7, as established by the ordinance of the Bge~d of Super- via-ors of the County of San Mateo, State of California, hereinafter referred to. The polling place for Consolidated Votin~ ~recinct "B" shall be in ~ala's ~all at the northeast corner of San Bruno Zioad and Lu:: Avenue in said City. The ordinance of' the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo hereinbefore referred to is entitled as follows: Ordinance NO. 316 of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San I,iateo, State of California, dividing said county'into election precincts and establishing the boundaries thereof, passed and adopted by said Board of Supervisors on the 21st day of November, 1921.~ The following persons are hereby appointed members of the Elect.ion Board for Consolidated Voting Precinct "A": Anna W. Woodman-- Inspector. Cruzita Lopez .... Judge . 4ZZ Grand Ave. August Hein Clerk. Enna Daneri Clerk. The fo]lowing persons are hereby appointed members of the Election Board for Consolidated Voting Precinct "B": Richard Harder--- Inspector. Frank Convery .... Judge Kate Foley ....... Clerk k Mary Mercks Clerk , At said General Municipal Election the polls in each of said Consolidated Election Precincts shall be opened at six (6) o' clock a.m. of the day of election and shall be kept open until seven (?) o'clock p.m. of the same day, when the polls shall be closed. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish by three (~) insertions in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said City of South San Franciso~, a notice of election together with a statement of the n~es of the persons hereinbefore appointed as e]ect~on-officers and the polling places designated in each of said Municipal Election Precincts, in the manner~and form required by law. -O-O-O-O-O-O- I hereby certify that the foregoin~ resolution was re~:~larly introduced and ado~:ted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South ~an ~rancisco, this~rd day of March 19E~, by the follow- ing vote: ~ Ayes, Trsstees F.W. Cunningham. A.J. Eschelbac~, J.W. Pitt. H.ScamDini. G.W. Holston. Noes., Trustees, None ' ~ttest: ~ial ~c~Weoney A~sent Trustees, none .......... .~.~.~._.~ ~~/~. . ..... paid.. The following claims against the City were next presented Frank Nolan, Labor on sidewalk. ......... .. w. .......... John Castro..Att..£ires ................ 2.50 Tony Phillips Att. fires ............... 2.50 C. ~erson, Att. fires. ...... . ......... 2.50 E. Galli, Ett. fires. .................. 2.50 S. Eiessling, Att. fires ............... 2.50 P. Miarani, ~tt. fires .. .............. 2.50 N. Pava, Att. fires...... .............. 2.50 Thomas Galli, Att.fires ............... . 2.50 Ajax Roofing Co. repairing roof ....... $15.00 Dudley Perkins. repairing etc.. ........ 6.74 Joe Dancak, Labor and team. .~45.00 Louis Belloni, Gas and Oil...... ..... .. 8.00 P. Rustici, Cleaning Fountain .......... 2.00 N. Nedighini, Extra '~ork,Sweep St~...$100.00 N. Medighini, Work, Sweeping Stre~.~s.$2©0.00- Service Garage, Gasoline,Fire Dept ..... 2.60 T. J. Lautze, Gas and 0ii ................ 7.50 C.C. Conrad~ Transport~maa[S of~priS ':~23.00 So City Lbr. & Supply Co. mater~l..ll 37.79 Joseph Horgan, Labor ...... . ........... 3.50 Pat Kavannau~h, Labor ................. .16.00 Reliance Garage, Gleaning Sedan ....... 2.00 the next regular meeting, Monday, regularly carried. Time of adjourmuent, 9.05 for payment: H. Carlisle & Co. Material,~££ice% ..... 10.92 TotalS548.80 The bills having been approved by the finance committee Trustee ~un ningham moved they be The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Trustee Eschelbach moved to adjourn until 2[arch 17th,1924. The motion was seconded by Trustee S::ampini and o'clock p.m. Approved ~~/~j/-' president of the Board Trustees.