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Minutes 1924-04-07
~ranclsco -'ess :in the The Board of Trustees of the City of £outh San '~ ' met in re~zu!ar , ion City Plall on Nonday, April 7th,1924. .~0 o clock p.m. by O.b.Ko]ston,?resident of the Board The Board was called to order at 7'~ ' of 2~rustees. 2'here were ~resent the following Trustees: P.A.Cunningham,A.g.Eschelbach,J.W.Pitt,H.gcampin~ and ...... The minutes of the nrevious meeting were read, and u~on motion by trustee Cunningham seconded by trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried, were a~,roved es read. A petition.was received from residents of Peninsula lark askin~ for additional lights in that section of the city. Referred to the street conmittee. 2~he street commit1=n~ instructed the City Clerk to write the Pacific ~as a Alectric Company and order the light placed, at the direction of the street committee. A communication %~as received from F.Li.WSrthin~ton, Superintendent of the Pacific System, Southern ~acific Company, stating it was agreeable to his company for this city to install crossings between Peninsular Park and the foot of 0ran?e avenue, provided plank crossings and nooses ~avement are used, with no ex~nse to the Railroad Company, and the installation of the crossings is first approved by the California Railroad Commission, who may re~uire Protective devices for safe at the cross~ng~. The City Attorney was instructed to ~et in touch with tho !ailroad Commission and ask for its approve! of the project. A communication was received from the City of San Bruno stating that ntu~erous complaints were made to them that rats from the South San Francisco ]~ur?in%r Grounds were infesting the premises of the oeo~]e ]ivinz in the Third Addition of their city, and asking this cit~z to take step: to eliminate the breedin~ of rats at the dumps. The clerk was instructed to reply statin~r that the City Health Officer would take charade of the situation immediately. The members of the South San Francisco Fire Department, through their secretary, Thomas Schmidt, asked permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall on Saturday evening Liay ]?th ne~ct, the same to continne until ~ A ~ Permit ~ranted Tippecanoe Tribe 1]].,].O.R.I[ made a~p]ication for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal_ Hall Saturday evenin~ A~ri] ~6th next, the same to contimm until 2 A.2. Permission Krantad. I '~'}~ordos ~enera]" ~ ' ., ~,.aha~er of the Lieta] ,~: Thermit Corp'n · ~. addressed the Board ~n a written communication sskJn~ if the city considered the Swift Avenue sidewalk corpleted~, stating that the wor~ does not appear to corse up to specificatieps and is iN an nniinished condition. The clerk was instruc~ to write the a~ty. engineer and ~...~..~,~'~1~. *~.~t he attend to the m~oter. This being the d~t~ set ror the oponin~ of bids for the pavement of Alleys, eta under Resolut of Intentfon tfSS, Trustee Esche!bach r-.eyed that the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Sc~:~pin~ and re~u!arly carried. The f~liowing.., bids were then opened and read. Chas. J. Lindgren: It~m-"A" Grading, in all cresses of work and in all classes of material, inc!udi~g preparation of the subgrade, 6500 c,~bic yds, more or less. D ?0,/ per c~. yd' ...... ._ ~4,550.00 Item-"B" 5"concrete paveme$~.complete, 2S8,o20~' sq~are feet, mcr.', e or less g' ~0/ fer square foot .......... Item-"C" 4" concrete base pavement with ~-~" asphal$ic concrete top complete, 32,550 square feet, more or les[', ~' 26,~ F q foot ,~, er s ugre ... ...... . 8,463.00 Ite:n-"D" 3TM Cement concrete o~dewa!k, complete, 2630 souare ft. more or !ess, f? !8,/ per souare foot .... 475.40 Item-"E" Combined cement concrete curb and gutter 560 lineal ft, more or !ess., ~ per !Jmea! foot ..... 4riO.SS 'By A.G. Raisch: Item-"F" Bric]: Catch-basins, with cast iron frame and cover instal]ed complete, inc_]uding excavation, 2.~ ~75~.00 each ..... Item-"G" 6" vitrified Sa]!g!ezed Ironstsone sewer pipe, instal.led complete, including e:cca, vation, 68 lineal ft. 2 90~ per !inee! ft ........... Total Item-"A" Grading, in all classes of work and in alt classes of .material, including preparation of the subgrade, 6500 cubic, yds., more or !ess, ~ ~2.00 per cu. yd ..... ~ 3 . ft. more or Item-"B" 5" concrete pavement, comp!ere,2,,8,,20 s~ ~' ~0,237 per sq ft lOSS, ~ . . Item "C" 4" ,- concrete base pavement v,:ith l~-"aspha!tic concrete top, complete, 32,~i50 sq. ft., r~ore or ]ess, ,~ Twenty two and one half cents ($0,225) per sq. ft.. Item-"D" ~" "~ o¥ cement concrete sidewalk, complete, 26~0 sq. ft. more or less, ~'~ ~0.19,~r,, so.-ft. ..... Item-"E" Combined cement concrete curb and stutter 560 !iheal ft., more or less, 12 ~l.1/) per !i~]ea! ft .... Item-"F" Brick Catch-basins, with cast iron frame s~d cover insta]]ed nmm~+.~ ~,,~,,~' 150.00 61.20 $13,000.00 ~56,451.84 616.00 ~ ._.~=, .ere annroved as read. a /~ul~lOn,was received from residents of ~eninsula i~ark askin~ for additional lights that section of the city. R~ferred to the street committee. 5'he street commit1~ instructed the City Clerk to write the Pacific ~as a ].lectric Company and order the light ~laced, at the direc ' of the street committee. A communication u~as re~,eived from F .... ' ~. .~,,.,,,o~thin~ton, Superintendent of the Pacific ~otem Southern ~acific Company, stating it was agreeable to his company for this city to install t~ crossings between Peninsular ~ark and the foot of 0range avenue, provided ?lank crossings and n, pavement are used, with no expense to the Railroad Comrany, and the installation of the crossin~ ~r.t approved by the California na~lro~d Commission, who may re~:uire Protective devices for ~t the cross' ff,~ ~n~.. The City Attorney was instructed to ~et in touch with the !iailroad Co~issio~ ask for its a?prova! of the project. A communication wa~s received from the ~' C~t., of San Bruno stating that nur~erous complaints were made to them that rats from the ~outh San Francisco ]~umping Grounds were infestin~ the premises of the people ]ivin~ in the Third Addition of their city, ~nd asking this cit~z to take to eliminate the breeding of rats at the dumps. The clerk was instructed to reply statin~ that the City Health Officer would take charT, of the situation imme¢iate].y. The members of the gouth San Francisco Fire Department, through their secretary, Thomas 2chmidt, asked permission to ho]d a dance in Fraternal Hal! on ~aturday evenin~ Llay ]7th ne:~t, t same to contin~e until 2 A.L[. fermit ~ranted. Tippecanoe Tribe 1Il ].0 ~ '~ . , ..~.~,~ mad~ a~p]ication for a permJ, t to hold a dance in Fraternal ~aturdsy evenin~ A~ri] 26th next, the same to continue until 2 A.J2. Permission ~rant~d. L.~.~.o~dos, ~eneral i,iana~er of the Lieta] ~,~ Thermit Corp'n addressed the Board in a writ communication saki. nc if the city considered the Swift Avenue sidewalk completed, statin~ that the does not appear to cor:e up to specifications and is in an ~nfinished condition. ~ne clerk was ins' to write the city engineer and reque,~t that he attend to the matter. This being the dat~ set for the opening of bids for thc pavement of Alleys, otc under of Intention ~5;~, Trustee Eschelbach ~:ovod that the bids be opened. The n:otion was seconded Sc~pinJ and :"s~u!ar!y carried. The f~!!owing., bids were then opened and read. Chas. J. Lindgren: Item-"A" Grading, in all c~asses of work and in all classes of material, nc~~ ~ of , i lming pre£~aration the subgrade, 6500 c~bic yds more or less. ] ?0~ per c~. yd'- ....... ~4,55C Item-"B" 5"concrete-pavemS$;.complete, 258,520 sq:~are feet, more or less ~ 20/ l~er square foot .......... $47,664 Item-"C" 4" concrete base pavement with~m" asphal~ic concrete top, complete, ~2,550 sq:mre feet, more or less, ~ 26~ ~er square foot 8,46.5, Item-"D" _i Cement concrete sidewalk, complete, 2650 square ft. more or, less, ~? !~%/ per souare foot .... 473. Item-"E" Combined cement concrete curb and gutter 560 lineal ft, more ~' 75~ per lineal f~ot. . or ].ess , ~ .... 420. Item-"F" Br~ck Catch-bssins, with cast iron frame and. cover instal]ed complete, incR. uding excavation, 22 $~75~.00 each. .... 150.( By A.G. Raisch: Item-"G" 6" vitrified Sa].tg!azed Ironstsone sewer pipe, installed c~mmlete, including e:~cavation, 68 lineal ft. ~ ~0~ per lineal £t ........... Total Item-"A" Gradi~g, irt all classes of work ~d in all (;lasses of n;ateria!, including Dre.~aration of the subgrade, 6500 cubic, yds., more or !ess, ~ $2.00 per cu. yd ..... Item-"B" 5" concrete pavement, comp!ete,258,520 sq. ft. more or !ess, ~ ~0.237 per sq. ft. Item-"C" 4" concrete base Davoment v,~ith ~m- ~.~.~c concrete top, comt~lete, ~2,[i50 sq. ft., nor. or ]ess, ,~ Twenty two and one half cents ($0.225) per sq. ft.. Item-"D" z~-,, cement concrete sidewalk, coml_~!ete, 2650 sq. ft. more or less, ~-~ ~0.]9 per sq.-ft...7. Item-"E" Combined cement concrete curb and gutter 560 !ihoal ¢~., more or ]ess, ~ ~!.l,;')per !if;ecl ft .... Item-"F" Brick Catch-baa:ins, with cast iron frame sz~d cover instal]ed co~jq, ete, including e×cavat~on, 22 ~90.00 each ............. 61.2 $1S,O00.O ~56,481 8, 616.00 180.00 Item G: vitrified saltg]azed Ironstone sewer ]~ipe, instal]ed corm, lete, incl~ding, excavation, 58 l'[neal ft. w~.50 per lineal ft. 102. O0 By G., W Cushing. Item A: Item B: Item C: Item D: Item E: Item F: Item G: By Eaton & Smith: Item A: Item B: Item C: Item D: I~em E: Item F: Item G: By Pacific State U~nstru~tion!Co.;: Item A: Item B: Item C: Item D: Item E: Item F: Item G: Grading in al! classes of work and ~u all cla,~:ses of , t~,e ~-uograde, material, ~z:c!uding pre~at~or, of v ,. ' 6500 c~bic yds., more or ]ess, ~ 1.25 ?er Cu. Yd. 5" ~oncrete Pavement, co~::p]eta, ~::~g,3,£0 sq. ft., More or lees, ~ ~0 2q 4?0 , ~ ~ per sq. ft. 4" concrete base ~avement with _~- asphaltic Z2 ~50 s q ft., ntore or concrete to?, complete, , _, . .... , ~ Der sq. ft. 3TM Cement concrete sidewalk, complete 26g0 sa. ft. more or less, ':'~ 20~ ~, per sq. ft. Combined cement concrete curb and ,,flutter ft more or ]ess, ,? ~' · $,!.25 per lineal ft. 560 lineal Brick Catch-Basins, with ca,?t iron frame and cover installed complete, including excavation, ~ $40.00 Each... 6" vitr~[fied sa!tg!azed Ironstone sewer pipe, in- stalled complete, including excavation, 68 lineal ft. O $1.00 per lineal ft... Grading in all classes of work and .in all classes of material, including preparation of the sub.~rade 6500 cubic yds., .more or less, ~:!~ 7,5~ per 6u.-~d. 5" concrete ~avement, co ~.ete, 252,320 sq. ft more or leos 3 '~_ ¥ ~er sq. ft 4" concrete base pavement with !~-'' asphaltic concrete top, co~,ptete, 52.~)50 sq. ft. more or less, ~; Der sq. ft... ~'"1 t! ~- Cement concrete sidewalk, complete, ~,u30 sa. ft. more or ]e~* ' !c~g ~or sq. ft... Combined cement concrete curb and gutter 560 '~~":] ]~ per linea~ ft . [inegl.ft., more or ]ess, Brick Catch-basins, with cast iron frame and cover ~n,.. .... ].led coru~!ete, including excavation, 2 ~ ~90.00 each ....... ... 6" vitrified £a!tg]azed Ironstone sewer pipe, installed comp].ete, inclndi~e,.,~ excavation, 68 !iaeal ft..D© ~1.50 per lineal ft ..... Total Grading, in all classes of work and in all classes of material, Jnc_]uding preparation of the subgra,~e 6500 cubic y~s., ~ore or ]ess, ~ .00 per cu. Y~.. 5" concrete pavement, complete, £38,320 sq.ft., more or less, ~ 2417 per sq. ft .... 4" concrete base pavement with 1-~-" aspha]ti<; concrete to~, c om~].et~ 32,550 sq. ft., more or less 0 26~ per sq. ft ...... ~z Cement concrete sidewalk, comn].ete, R630 sq. ft. more or !ess, ~!;; !8~, per sq. ft, Combined c.ement concrete cur~ and om~tter 560 lineal ft., more or ]ess, ~ ~1.25 ~er lineal ft... Brick catch-basins, with cast iron frame and cover installed complete, including ey. cavation, 2 Y ~!20.00 each ..... 6" vitrified sa]tglazed Ironstone sewer pipe, installed con.vlete, inc!udin~ excavation,68 lineal ft. ,¥' ~1.00 per lineal ft ...... Total Total 4875.00 ~50047.20 8137.50 499 644.00 180.00 $ 102.00 $ 6 oo.oo $57196.80 8465.60 473.40 ~ 700.00 240.00 68. oo By Jasper-'Stacy:~I'tem A: Item B: Item C: Grading, in all classes of work and in all classes of material, including pre ~ration of the subgrade, 6500 cubic yds., more or less, :~T ~1.00 per cu. yd... 5" concrete pavement, complete, 238:,320 s'q. ft. more or tess, 47 22~ per sq. ft ..... 4" concrete base pavement with ';7 asphaltic concrete tom, complet, 32,550 sq. ft. more or ess, 2, 29~'per sq. f~ .... 6500. O0 ~52430.40 9439.50 more or less, ~ 20~ per sq. ft. Combined ceme_~t concrete curb and ~,ffutter ft. more or ]e~'s ,(~ ,~1..5 per ~i-aeal ft 560 lineal Item F: Brick Catch-Basins, with cart ~ron frame and cover installed complete, including excavation, ~ $40.00 Each... Item G: 6" vitrified sa!t~!azed Ironstone sewer pipe, in- stalled complete, including excavation, 68 lineal ft. ~:~ $1.00 per lineal ft... By Eaton & Smith: Item A: Item B: Item C: Item D: I~em E: Item F: Item G: By Pacific State ~pnStruCtion!Co.~: Item A: Item B: Item C: Item D: Item E: Item F: Item G: Grading in all classes of work and .ln all classes of material, including preparation of the sub,rede 6500 cubic yds., more or less, ~'~ 75~ per Bu. Yd. 5" concrete pavement, complete, 2Z~,320 sq. ft. more or leos·., ~ ,~ ~ per sq. ft. 4" concrete base pavement with i~" asphaltic concrete top, co:,p!ete, 52.~)50 sq. ft. more or '~' 25~ less, ~ per sq. ft.,. Cement concrete sidewalk, complete, ft. more or ]e~s, ~:.~ 19~ per sq. ft.,. Combined cement concrete curb and gutter 560 := ~! 15 ?er linear ft. ~!inegl.ft., more or ]ess, ~.. . . Brick Catch-basins, with cast iron frame and cover installed complete, including excavation, 2 ~ $90.00 each .......... 6" v~trified Saltglazed Ironstone sewer pipe, installed comE!ere, including excavation, 68 lineal ft. ,D ~1.50 per lineal ft ..... Total Grading, in all classes of work and in all classes of material, including preparation of the subgrade 6500 cubic y~s., more or ]ess, ~ ~!.00 per cu. Y~.. 5" concrete pavement, com~lete, 2~8,Z20 sq.ft., more or less, @ 24,? per sq. ft .... 4" concrete base paver~ent with !-~." asphalt.it concrete tom, c omv].et~ 32,550 sq. ft., more or less ~ 26~ per sq. ft ...... u Cement concrete sidewalk, complete, P650 sq. ft more or ~eoo ~ 18~ per sq ft Combined cement concrete cur~ and ~tter 560 lineal ft., more or ]ess, ~ ~1.25 per lineal ft... Brick catch-basins, with cast iron frame and cover installed complete, inc~ud~. ~n:o~ e:~cavation, 2 ~ ~!20.00 each ..... 6" vitrified sa].t~lazed Ironstone sewer pipe, installed com.~lete, includin~ e×cavation,68 lineal ft..~' 1.00 per t~ne~.l ft Total Total 4875.00 ~50047.20 8137.50 499 70 644.00 180.00 $ 102.00 6500.00 $57196.80 8465.60 473.40 700.00 240. O0 ~' 68 O0 · By Jasper- 'Stacy:~ Item A: Item B: Item C: Grading, in all classes of work and in all classes of material, including preparation of the subgrade, 6500 c~]bic yds., more or less, ? ~1~00 per cu. yd... 5" concrete pavement, complete, 258:,Z20 s'q. ft. more or less, ~? 22~ per sq. ft ..... 4" concrete base pavement with 1~'' -~ aaphmltic concrete top,. complet, ~2,550 sq. ft. more or less, 2 29~ per sq. ft .... 6500.00 ~52430.40 9439.50 Item D: B~" Cer,~ent c)ncrete sidewalk, complete, 2630 sq ft more or ]er's, ~ £0¢ Der sq. ft. 526.0O Item E: b.~ned cement concrete c~.~rb and ~.tter 560 ]inea~ ft, ...o.e or ]ess, S ;] !0 per lineal fZ . 616.00 Item F: Item G: By W.A.Donta~ville: .... Item A: Brick Catch-basins, with cast iron i'~rame and cover ~statled complete, .including excavation, ~ ~ $75.00 each ...... 6" vitrified Saltg]azed ironstone sewer pipe, installed com~!ete, including excavation, 68 lineal ft..~ ~1.00 Der lineal ft ....... Total Grading, in all classes of work and in all classes of material, including preparation of the .,~borade 6500 ~ubic yds, more or less ~ 70~ per cu. yd ..... ~ 150.00 68.OO Item B: Item C: 5" concrete pavement, complete, 238,320 sq.ft. more or less ~ 20~-~/ per sq. ft .... 4" concrete base pavement with 1:? asphaltic cnncrete top, comD!ete, 52,5~0 sq. ft. more or less, .~ .23 9/10 per sq. ft .... Item D: 5? 5ement concrete sidewalk, complete, 2630 sq ft. more or less, ~ !q~g per sq. ft Item E: Combined cement concrete curb and gutter 560 lineal ft. more or less,© $1.~5 per lineal ft.. Item_E: Brick Catch-basins, w~th cast iron frame and cover installed complete, including excavation, , .00 each ..... Item G: 6" vitrified saltg]azed Ironstone sewer pipe, installed complete, including excavation,68 lineal ft. ~ ~1.00 ~)er lineal ft ...... Total By A. J. Grief: Item A: I tern B: Grading, in all classes of work and in all classes of material, includin~ preparation of the s~grade, 6500 cubic yds., nors or less, ~ $1~50.per cu. yd ....... 5" concrete pavement, complete, 2.58, 320 sq.ft. more or !ess, ~ 22~ per sq. ft. ~ 9750.00 ~524~0.$0 Item C: 4" concrete base pavement with ~z".%- ~._,,~o~.'~'~.tic concrete top, complete, 32,550 sq. ft., more or ].ess, ~ 24~ per sq. ft 7812.00 Item D: Z-~" cement concrete sidewalk, com?]ete, 2650 sq. ft. more or less, @ 20¢ Der sq. ft. $ 526.00 Item E: Combined cement concrete curb and gutter 560 lineal ft., more or ].ess, "~ ~! 25 ])er lineal ft 700.00 Item F: Brick Catch-basins, with cast iron frame and ~ including excavation, cover installed co, L.lete, 2~ $100.00 each.. 4~ 200.00 Item O: Standard Indust. En~r CorD: I{em A: 6" vitrified Saltglazed Ironstone sower pipe, instal]ed oomm!ete,_ inc!udin~ excavation, 68 lineal feet ,S $2.00 ..... Total Grading, in all c~_asses of work ~nd in all classes of material, including preparaiion of the subgrade, 6500 cubic yds., more o~ less,~ $2.00 Der cu. yd... 4;~ 1S6.00 ~lS,O00.O0 Item B: 5" concrete pav, nent, complete, 238,320 sq.ft. more or less, ,~ 25~ per sq. ft... ~.,.,580.00 Item C: Item D: 4" concrete base pavement with !-~-" asphaltic concrete top, complete, 52,550 sq. ft, more or less, ~'~ ZO~ per sq. ft.. 3TM Cement concrete sidewalk, complete, 2630 sq.ft, more or less, J~ 20~ per sq. ft.. 765.00 526.00 Item E: Ite~ P: Item G: Conbzncd cement concrete curb and gutter 560 lineal feet, mo~e or ].ess, ~ $2.00 per lin. ft. Brick catch-basins, with cast iron frame and cover installed complete, including excavation, 2 ~ ~100.00 each 6" vitrified Saltglazed ~ronstone. sower pip~, ' instal, led complete, including excavation, 68 lineal ft . .1.50 ~er lin. ft. ~ 200.00 ,~ ~n2.nn · iT : i"i.~J~;~r:~¥"~'i~Item~ A: Grading, in all classes of work and in all classes of material, including preparation of the subgrade, 6500 ~ubic yds, more or less ~ 70~ per cu. yd ..... Item B: 5" concrete pavement, complete, 258,~0 sq.ft. more or le~s ~ ,_.~ per sq. ft .... Item C: 4" concrete base Da?eme~t with !-?' asphaltic cnncrete top, coF. p!ete, ~,5~0 sq. ft. more or less, .~ .23 9/10 per sq. ft .... Item D: Z~"::- 5ement concrete sidewalk, comole~e, , 26.~0 sq. ft. more or less, ~ !9~-~ per sq. ft... Item E: Combined cement concrete curb snd gutter 560 ~ineal ft. more or !ess,~ ~1.~5 ~er lineal ft.. Item_E: Brick Catch-basins, w~th cast iron frame and cover installed conp!ete, including excavation, 2~ ,~ao.00 each .... Item G: 6" vitrified saltglazed Ironstone sewer pipe, installed complete, including excavation,68 lineal ft. ~ ~1.00 per lineal ft ...... Total By A. J. Grief: Item A: Item B: Grading, in al! classes of work and in all classes of material, including preparation of the s~b~rade, 6500 cubic yds., more or !ess, ~ $1~50 ~per cu. yd ...... 5" concrete pavement, complete, 258, 320 sq.£t. more or !ess, ~ 22~ per sq. ft. '~ q750.00 ~52430 .~0 Item C: 4" concrete base pavement with ~-" as~ha~tio concrete top, complete, S2,550 sq. ft., here or less, 2 24~ Der sq. ft. 7812.00 Item D: Z{-" cement concrete sidewalk, complete, 2650 sq. ft. more ,or less, @ 20~ per sq. ft. 526. O0 Item E: Combined cement concrete curb and gutter 560 lineal ft , more or ~ess '* ~! 25 per lineal ft. 7OO.O0 Item F: Brick Catch-basins, with cast iron frane and cover installed complete, including excavation, 23? $100.00 each.. 200. O0 Item G: Standard Indust. Eng Corp: Item A: 6" vitrified Saltg!azed Ironstone sewer pipe, installed oomm!ete,_ includin~ excavation, 68 lineal feet ,~ $2.00 ..... Total Grading, in all cJ. as~"es of work and in all classes of material, ~nc!'ading pre,~ara~_ion of the subgrade, ~500 cubic ~ ~o. ya~ , more o~ less,O $2.00 per cu. yd... ~13,000.00 Item B: 5" concrete pav,~ment, complete, 258,320 sq.ft. nore or .!ess, © 25~..~ per sq. ft... ~5~,580.00 Item C: Item D: 4" concrete base.oavement with l~"?.f asphaOtic concrete top, complete, 32,550 sq. ft, more or less, S Z0~ per sq. ft .... 3~''Y CemeNt concrete sidewalk, complete, 2630 sq.£t, more or less, J~ 20~ per sq. ft.. 765.00 526.00 Item E: Combir, ed cement concrete curb and gutter 560 lineal feet, mo~e or ].ess, ~ ~2.00 per lin. ft. 120. O0 Ite~ P: Item G: Brick catch-basins, with cast iron frame snd cover installed complete, including excavation, 2 ~ $100.00 each ~ 6" vitrified Sa/tglazed I'ronstone sower pi~, instaTled complete, including excavation, 68 lineal ft S o . ~,1.50 per lin. ft. ~ 200.00 94 By W.W. Thompson: I~em'A: Item B: Grading, in all classes of work smd in all classes of material, including preparation of the subgrade, 6500 cubic yds'., more or /ecs,~, ~ $1.68 per cu. yd.... 5" concrete p~vement, comp!ete,2SS,520 sq. ft., more or ]_ess, ~ 25 7,/i0 ~ per sq. ft ..... Item C: . 1TM 4" concrete base oavenent with ~? asphaltic concrete top, complete, 52,550 sq. ft., more or less, G~ 5l~ per sq.ft. Item D: 3~" Cement concrete sidewalk, complete, 2630 sq. ft. more or less, (t' 25~ per sq. ft... ~ Item E: Combined cement concrete curb and gutter 560 lineal ft. ~ore or less, © ~l.Z7 per lineal ft .... ~ Item F: Brick catch-basins, with cast iron frame and cover installed complete, including e:~cavation, 2 .~ $71.00 each ..... Item G: 6" vitrified sa!tglazed Ironstone sewer pipe ~t~.]~ed complete, including e~cavation, 68 lineal ft. © 76~. ~er lineal ft ..... Total Contractor Charles J. Lindgren appearing the lowest bidder, Trustee Scampini accord- ingly introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION 0F.~ AWAi(D Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, in open session, on the 7th day of April, 1924, publicly open, e:,[amine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing all the improvement work described in Resolution of Intention No.5Z, which resolution of intention was passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco on the llth day of February, 1924, to which resolution of intention reference is hereby made for a description of said work and the assessment district iu said resolution described. Notice is heraby g~.ven that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of se~en (7) per cent ocr annum will be issued hereuud, er in the manner specified in the "improvement Bond Act cZ' 1915", and the amendments theretO, the last instal!meets of which bonds shall mature 'nine (9) years from the 2nd day of July, ne:~t succeedi-~g ten (10) months from their date. Except as hereinbefore provided, all of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an set of the LegislaSure of the State of California, designated as the "Improvement Act of ]9!.1", approved April 7, 19Il, smd the amendments thereto. Resol-¢ed that said Board of Trustees hereby rejects all said proposals or bids except that ne::t herein mentioned, and hereby awards the contract for doing said work and ir~prove- meet to the lowest repsonsible bidder, to-wit: CHASLES J. Li~]D.JREE, at the prices named in his bid, to-wit: Grading, seventy (70~) cents per cubic yard; five ~nch concrete pavement, twenty (20) ce~ts per square foot; four inch concrete base w~th one and one/half inch asphaltic concrete too, twenty-s~x (26)cents per sq~are foot: cement concrete sidewalk, eighteen (15)cents per square foot; comt. ined cement curb ~nd gutter seventy-five (75)cents per lineal fo~-~t: brick catch basins, seventy-five(q~75.00)Dollars each; sin inch sanitary sewer, ninety'(90)cents per lineal foot. The City Clerk is hereby directed, to ~ost notice o£ this award conspicuously for five (5) days on or near the Council Chamber door of this board and also to publish this noti. ce by Two (~) insertions in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper printed and oub]ished in said City and hereby desi~.nated for that ~ur~ose by raid Board of Trustees. -~-0-0-O-0-O-O-O- I hereby, certify that the fore~oin~,~ resolution u~as re~ar!y.~.~_ · introduced ar, d adonted.. by the Board of Trustees of the City of ~outn San Francisco this 7th day of ~pri~, 1924 by the fo]lowing vote: Ayes, Trustees, F.A. Cunn~ngham, A.J Eschilbach, J,W. Pitt, H. Scsmmini G.W Holston Noes, Trustees, None. Absent ,Trustees, i~one. Attest: Daniel ~cSwe eney. City C] erk. This date being the date set for the sale of ~)5~,000.00 Liunicipa! Improvement 5~'/~ Bonds, Series 1925, authorized st a special election held in the City of South San Francisco, County o~ San i,,ateo, State of California. December Zrd ]~925, Trustee Cunn_~ngham ~:oved that bids be evened The motion was second- ed by Trustee Esche].bach and reg~]ar!y ca~ried. The following bids w'~re then opened: Bank of South San Francisco Par. Plus ~5.00 and. accrued interest. Citizens National Bank of South San Francisco Par. Plus ~3!1.00 and. accrued interest. The Citizens h'ational Bank of South San Francisco, appearing the highest bidder, Trustee Esche!bach introduced the fot!ov,~ing:reso!ution: Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, in o~en session, on the 7th day of April, 1924, publicly open and e~a~ine ail bids or 'proposals sub~:itted for the purchase of the $58,000.00 of m~.u~icipal bonds authorized at a s~ecial election held on the Zrd day of December, 19~, which bonds are fully described in Ordinance I~o. 122 of s,~id City of South San Francisco, pa~:~sed and adopted on Zhe'2!st day of Jan~iary, !92~; Resolved b~ the Board of Trustees of s~.d Oity of South San Franchisee, that said bo~rd hereby rejects all 'said bids or proposals e>~cept that next hereinafter mentioned, and hereby accepts the proposal pf The 'Cit.izens National Bank of f:outh San Francisco to purchase said bonds. The City Treasurer is hereby d~rected to de?iver ~aid bonds to sa_~d, The Citizens Item F: Brick catch-basins, with cast iron frame and cover ~nsta.]led complete, including e:~cavation, 2~ ~ ~71.00 each..... Item G: 6" vitrified sa!tglazed Ironstone sewer pipe, instal]ed complete, ~;ncluding excavation, 68 lineal ft. d~ 76~ per lineal ft ..... Total $ Contractor Charles J. Lind~ren appearing the lowest bidder, Trustee Scampini accord- ingly introduced the following resolution: NO. ~3 ~E~0LUTION OF. AWAi(D Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, in open session, on the ?th day of April, 1924, ~ub!icly open, e:.mnine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing all the improvement work described in Resolution of Intention No.53, which resolution of intention was passed and adopted by the Board. of Trustees of t~e City of South San Francisco on the llth day of February, 1924, to which resolution of intention reference is hereby made for ~ description of said work and tho assessment district in said resolution described. Notice is hereby_ g~ven~, that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of se~en (?) per cent 'ocr annum will be issued hereunder in the manner specified in the "improvement Bond Act of 1915", and the amendments theretO, the last installments of which bonds shall, mature :nine (9) years from the 2nd day of July, ne;:t succeedi¥~g ten (10) months from their date. Except as hereinbefore provided, all of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislafcure of the State of California, designated as the "Improvement Act of ]911", approved April ?, tgU. 1, and the amendments thereto. Resol?ed that said Board of Trustees hereby rejects all said proposals or bids except that ne::t herein mentioned, and hereby awards the contract for doing said work and improve- ment to the lowest repsonsible bidder, to-wit: CHAllLES J. LIi(D.JREI~, at the prices named in his bid, to-wit: Grading, seventy (70~) cents per cubic yard; five inch concrete pavement, twenty (20) ce~ts per square foot; four inch concrete base with one and one/half inch as>ha!tic concrete top, twenty-six (26)ca.~ts per square foot; cement concrete sidewalk, eighteen (15)cents per square foot; c_,mbined cement curb and gutter seventy-five (?5)cents per lineal foot; brick catch basins seventy-£ive(~?'~ , v?5.00)Dol]ars each; six inch sanitary sewer, ninety[/90)cents per lineal foot. The City Clerk is hereby directed to Dost notice of this award conspicuously for five (5) days on or near the Council Chamber door of this board and also to publish this notice by Two (2) insertions in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper printed and oub]ished in said City ~d hereby designated for that ~ur~ose by ?aid Board of Trustees. -~-0-O-0-O-O-O-O- . ~ .... , re~u!ar!y introduced arid adopted I hereby certify that the fore~oin~ resolution '~' ° by the Board of ~ru~tees° of the City of South San Francisco this 7th day of ~pri~, 1924, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees~., F.A. Cunningham, A.J. Eschilbach, J.W. Pitt, H. 2cs,¥.~ini, Noes, Trustees, None. Absent,Trustees, i~one. Attest: Daniel ~£cSweeney. City Clerk. This date being the date set i'or the sale of ~5~,000.00 Idunicipa! Improvement 5~ Bonds, Series 19215, authorized at a special election held in the City of South San Francisco, County o~ San l,,ateo, State of California. December 3rd 192~, ~ru tee Cunn~.ngham moved that bids be opened The motion was second- ed by Trustee Eschelbach and regu]ar!y caf'ried. The following bids were then opened: Bank of South San Francisco Par. Plus ~5.00 and. accrued interest. Citizens National Bank of South San Francisco Par. ?lus ~3!1.00 and. accrued interest. The Citizens National Bank of South San Francisco, apyearing the highe~lt bidder, Trustee Esche!bach introduced the following :resolution: Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, in o~en session, on the Vth day of April, 1924, publicly open and e:~a~:ine ail bids or proposals submitted for the purchase of the $58,000.00 of m~n~icipal bonds authorized at a smecial election held on the 3rd day of December, 192~, which bonds are fully described in Ordinance I[o. 122 of s~ id City of South San Francisco, pa~sed and adopted on the'2!st ~ay of Jamiary, Resolved by the Board of Trustees of s~d Oity of 2outh San ~ran~:isco, that said bo~.rd hereby rejects all 'said bids or proposals e:.:cept that next hereinafter mentioned, and hereby accepts the proposal ~f The ~Cit~zens National Bank of ~:outh San Francisco to purchase sa~d bonds. The City Treasurer is hereby d~rected to de?iver ~'a. id bonds to sa~d, The Citizens National Bank of South San Frsmcisco upon the pa.-.~mnt of the sum of Fifty-eight Three ttundred and E]eve~ Dollars (~58,o!1.00) and interest accrued to the date of -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- I here~y certif-..:,, that the foreeoin~,r~ ._ r es o] 7~ ti on was re~ular]v~ . ., introduced and ado~ted, by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Pra.ncisco this 7th day of April, 19Z4, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees: F.A. Cunnin~[ham, A.J. Esche?.bach, J.W. Pitt, H. Scam~ini, G. ~[. Ho]arch. Noes, Trustees. None Absent Trustees. None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk The following .:resolution ~as i. ntroduced by Trustee. Ounningham: Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of So~th 5an francisco that the plmns and specifications for the constr~.ction of sewer,', in t~a portion of said city west of Chestnut Avenue, which pla,ns a'n~ speciflc~tions -,ere submitted by the C~ty Engineer of %he ~!a~8 [~n8 8~eo~fioatJOl;[: for 8tin? s~,~.d v/oFk., -o-o-o-b-o-b-o- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 7th day of April, by the fo!]owin~ vote: ' - ~ ' ' ;lo]eton Noes, Trustees Absent Trustees None. attest: Daniel ..... ~c~.weeney. City C]erk. The ~o]lmwin~ resolution was introduced b-r Tr~:stee Pitt: Ne~,o!?ed. ~ b~.~ the Board of Tr~stees of the C~ty of South ~2~:n Francisco that public interest and convenience reRnire the work herein described, and said Board of Trustees of the City of South. Can Francisco h~reby ~a-~, th~ followins work to be done in ~' city, to-wit: The constr~ct~on of a svs'ter,~ of sewers ~.n that portion of the City of South Francisco lying west of Che[:~tnut All work herein ~rovided for sha.!] be done in accordance with the ~ans s~ecifications for said work, which ~]ans a~'~d s~ecifications were ~d.o .te~ on the 7th day of A~ri]., -%24, a.nd are now on file in the office of the City C~erk, 1o ;vi:ich v~ans and specification,~_.,~ reference is. hereby .sde~ ~ for a descri¥~ti'on, of sa~d The City Cl'ork ~s ~-'e' ~' directed to ~:ublish for two (~) weeks'in "~'-~ LnterTrise" , ., .~._ circulation printed and p~fl~!ished in said City of South San Erancisco, the fo!]ov, in~j notice i;~vitJn~ sea]ed proposals or bids for the constrncti of said.:~--otem..,,.., of sev,~ers. .T:. .;.., ,,.., : ,., - OR OOi,:SL'RdCTIOI; OF SL',¥Ei.S iii ThE CITY 0F ~ . .ru.,~ees of the City of South Sealed ~,romosals will be received by the Board of m San ~'ranci~'cc ui.:,tii 7:.~0 o clock .R on ~,_on~.a~,,, the 25th day of April ~(~24, f~r doing the foq!owi~g_ ~.. work in said City of South San ~rar:cisco, CountTM,,' of San L,ateo, State of California: The construction of a s--~+~ of seu"~rs in that ~ortion of the City of South San Francisco lying west of Chestn~t All material and s~l work m~st be in strict compT iance with the r.]sns and s~ecif~oations adopted by thc Board of Trustees on the 7th day of April, ]_~24, and now on file in the office of the C~ty Clerk. The successful b~dder shall., within five (5) days after the award, enter into a contract with the City of South sa:. Frm~cisco for the faithful nerformence of the ~:'ork to be done under said a~vard. Ali proposals nust be accel-hauled with a certified check ~pon a solvent b~nk of the State of California, pa~yab]e to~the City of South San Francisco, in, an srount not ].e~'s than ten (!0) ~er cent of the ack're,fate of the bid, u~on the condition that if the proposal be acce?ted and the contract awarded, and if the bidder shall, fsi] and ne~!ect to execute the contract give the b ends req~ired, the sum mentioned in said check sha!] be ~iquidated dama~res for such failure and ne~r]ect ~md shall be foref~ited and maid into the Trea,-ury of the 0ity of San Framcisco. The bidder to whom the contract is awarded, will be required to execute a bond for the faithful performance of his work in an amount eqT~at to twenty-five (25) per cent of the amoumt ofThis ~mdertakin~ with at ]~1~ two (2) responsible s~reties in the fuji amount of the bid each; and will also be recruited, before enterinf upon the work, to furnish a good and sufficien bond as req~ired by an act cf the Le~zisiatm~e of the State of Ca!Jfornia approved ~day 10, 1919, entitled "An act to secure the r,a~e~t of the claims of ~ _ ~.er~.ons employed by contractors upon public works, and the clai~.s of ~ersons who furnish m~teria!s, su~-r~]~es, teans, ~mvte~:eNts or machinery used or consumed by such contractors in the performance of such works, and ~rescrihin the duties of certain public officers with refer~-mce thereto'" and will also be reeuired to exhibit to said Board of Trustees a po!~cy of ins~rance showing that said bidder is insured against loss thromgh accident or ne?li~ehce in such a way as to satisfa~ctori!y ~rotect said City of South San Francisco ~mder the ~rov~ions of the "Workmen's Comy~ensation, insura~,ce and Safety Act of the State of California." The contract must be entered into in cor~p!iance with and subject io~ the conditions imposed by Section 653c of the Penal Code of the State of California. Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk The fo!lowit~f< .~resolution was introd.~ced by Trustee. Oulnmingham: Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the C.~ty of So~.th 5an ~rancJsco that the plm~s and s~eci£1cations~ for t~e~. constr~ctJon of .~...~o~,~:~,,~._, in ~ port-ion of said tit0,-- west of ~b~tnut Avenue, which .r~!a~s~ and s~eo.ific~.~tions~ were sub~-~itted by the City En~iraer,= .~ .... r~ said City thzs 7th ds~¢ '"~:' A~ri]_, , , . ....... ~,a ~,~e ~s~-;e hereby are adc, T~too as ~.~,d for the ?!aris and .spec~-~' ' _~.~cs.t~ca~[: for dcin~ s~id work.. -o-o-o-b-o-b-c- I hereby certify thet the fore~.0ing resolution ws~-' re~u!ar]y introduced an~ edom, re5 b-y the Board o~ Trustees off the City of South San Francisco this ~th day off April, ]924, by the ffo]]owin~ vote: C ann am, ,~ ~.o,, , . , . ~io]. ~' t~ ~,~,e~i Trustees F.A. i,~oos, T~ustees I~one. Absent Trustees ~ttest: Daniel ~,c~.w .ene;f. CJ ty C~ A RESOI. ..... IOI( 0RD?~RIi['S a The fo]low~n~ resolution was introduced b-~ Trustee l'itt: '~ r~.t.~tees of the C~ty of South San .~ranc~sco that public ~,esolved by the Board of T ~ interest and convenience re~ire the work herein described, and sa~d Board of Trustees of the City of Soatn ~an Francisco h~-reby orders the f01~owin~ work to be done in .... ~.d city, to-wit: The constr~ct~.on of a syPter~ of sewers, in that port~ on o!' tho City of Sou. th San ?rancisco lying west of CLe~.tnut ~venue. Ail v~ork herein provided for she. l] be done in accordance with the plans sr~ecifications for Said work,' which ~]ans and s]~ecifications were ~dc~ r, ted on. the Vth day of A~rl], '~4, and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk, to which p~ans a.m specifications reference is hereb:7 ~ade for ~, desc..~ . ~,n of sa~d wor~. '' ~ ~ e' ~n~. Enterrrise" The City C]_'ork ~: n:.r. ,~ directed to rmb]i, sh for two {S} weeks-in a neap'span:er of cev eral. c~xcu.~atior~ printed and ?rd~!ished in said City of South flan Francisco, the fo!lov,'in~y notice i.;,vitin~f sealed proposals or b~ds flor the constr~cti<.n of said system of sewers. Sealed proposals wi!! be receive5 by the Board of Trieste. es o±' the City of South San ~ranciscc until 7:Z0 o'clock p.m. on IZonday, the 28t~ day off Ay~ri~,~ ~924, doing the following work in said City of South San ~'rancisco, County of San State o~ California: *~ of sew-rs in that ~ortinrr o2' the City off South San The construction off. a s~,,-~,~,~.,~ . . Francisco ~ying west off Chestn~t ~' ~ e. Al! materis! and s~l work m~,t be in strict co~p?iance with the [dans and s~ecif~c, ations adopted by the Board of Trustees on the 7th day off A~ri~, ~°24, and ~ow on file in the orifice off the City Clerk. The ~uccessfful bidder sha].l, within five (5) days sifter the award, enter into a contract with the 0ity of South ~a~ Francisco for the faithful ~erformsnce off the work to be done under said award. All proposals ~ust ~e accompanied with a certified check ~pon a solvent b~:,nk of the of Ca]iTornis, pa~yab]e to~the City of So~th San Francisco, in~ an a~ cunt not ].ers than ten (!0] ~er cent off the a~?re~ate of the biS, u~on the condit'~on t~at if the propel'al, be fcce?ted and the contract awarded, and if the bidder shall, fsi] and ne?loot to e::ecute the contract and ~ive the bonds reqr~ireS, the sum mentioned in said check sha!] be ~iquida. ted dama. Fes for such ffailure and ne~]ect, ~md shall be foreff~ited and ~aid into the Treasury of the 0ity off Sam Franc~ soo. The bidder to whom the contract is awarded, wi!]. be required to e:~ecute a bond ~for the ffaithfful performance off his wcrk in an a:ao~mt eq~al to twenty-ffive (25) per cent oY the amount off-his undertakin~ with at ]east two (2) responsible s~reties in the full amen.ut off the bid ' a-' beffore entering umon the wor~, to furnish.a good ~d suffficie~ eacht and will a!~o be requires, bond as rea~:ired by an act of the Le~zisla. ture off the State of Calif~rnia cE, proved ~,iay 10, entit].ed "An act to secure the raw,~ent~ . off the claims off ~.er~.~ o~n ~ er:~,~:-:,~ea..~..~, by contractors u~on public works, and the clair:s off versons who ~urn~sh msteria!s, sur,-:-]Jet':, tear,c, i. mvler:ents or ~achinery used or consuned by such contract.::rs in the per~'orr~ance off s~ch w.~,rks, and prescribiz the duties o~' certain public oi'~icers with reference therefo'" and will also be reouired to e::hibit to said Board of Trustees a policy of i:ns~ ra:~ce showing that said bidder is insured against ~oss throt~gh accident or ne?Ii,enos in such a way as 'to sati~:Esctori!y ~rotect said City o~ So~:th o.,..an Francisco ~mder the provf::ions off the "Workmen'~,.. C~t.mensatic. n, insurance and ffa~ety Act of the State o~ California." The centre, ct must be entered into in cor?].iance with and subject to. the conditions imposed b~f Section 65~c of the Penal Code of the State of Sealed proposs]~ or bids wi]! be deliver,ed to ~he C.,_~. C]e'rk on or before V:~0 o ~!ock on Mendel,, the ~th day o=' ~'-.ri:, 1924'. All se~.!ed propose_Is or bids ~..J.]] be o?~r:ed b,'r staid Board of Trustees in public sea?ion on I.ionday, the 28th day of A~ril, 1924, att 7:,%0 o'clock p.r-.. Jn the Co,_mci! Chamber o£ staid Board. The Board of Tr~stees hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order o£ the Board of Tr~:.stees el' the City of South San :francisco. Dated April 7, ]?,24. Daniel McSweeney City Clerk -O-O-O-O-O-O-O- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and ~do ~ted by t~e Board of Trustees of the City of So:~th~ San Francisco th~s 7th d~,~ o~ ~pril, 19~4, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees, ~.A. Cunnln~na,/., A J. ~ct..~oach J.W 3itt, H. ,~car~:.,lni, ~ .... L~olston Noes, 5r~stees, None ~.b..ent Trustees, None Attest: Daniel McSweeney. City C!:~rk This being the date set for the hearing of protests ~mder the assessment covering the inprovemer~t work described in Reso]_u~.~;on of Intention No: 52. The ~resident ~f the Board asked if there were any ?arsons present wishing to ~rotest against the assessment or any v:ritten protests against the ss~.:e. .-None a~Deari~' the fo!]owin~, resolution was introd~ced by Trustee Pitt: NO. 52 Whereas George A. Kneese, the Superintendent of ~treets of the City of South San Francisco did, on the 20th day of March, 1924, duly file with the City Clerk of said city an assessment covering the improvement work described in ?.eso!ution of Intention I~o. 52, passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco on the 8th day of October, 292Z; and Jnereas the City C2erk thereupon duly fi:.:ed Moncia.~ the 7th a~y of Apri~ 1.24 and the cotmci] chamber of the Bcard of Trustees of ssJd city ir. the city Hall as the time and place when and whe~'e ail persolns int~rested in the work doue under st id assessr~ent, or in said a~sessment, would be heard by st id board; and Whereas sa~d notice has been duly r;osted and D~b]ished as required by !aw, and sa. id City Clerk has also given notice oi' the Filing of said as~-essr'~ent and of the tine and place fixed for the hearing thereof by mailing post cards to the owner s of the property affected by said assessment, as required by ]sw, as a~?ears fro~~. the affidavits of Dani~! McSweeney, Fa.id City Clerk, and Dean J. Coovert; and Whereas no pers~,n has at any time a?y, ea]ed to ~he Board of Trustees of t~e C~ty. of South San Francisco or r':ade object;on to s~:id assess¥:ent; Resolved 'by the Board o±' Trustees of the City of South San D~rancisco that said assess- r0ent, be, s.~d the s~rue hereby is confirmed. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- I hereby certify that the fore~oir:g reso-~ uti on was ::egularly introduced and adopted by the Board. of Trustees of the City of So~]th 9, an Fr~.~r.c~sco this 7th day of Ampi!, 1924, by the fo!.]~ow~D~ vote: Ayes, Tr~:stees F.A. C'annin?har:, A.J. Eschelbach, J.W. £itt, H. Scamping, O,J. ~o!ston. Noes, Trustees None Absent Trustees None Attest: Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk The fo~!.~win~:r reso'!~tion was introduced by Trustee Cunningham: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San FranciSco that ,:an ~'rancisco and m,may other associations · ,-, ~ o ~2~ the City of South °~ ~w,E:~EA~ on June I, .... , . and organizations did petition Co]one! Herbert Deakyne District ~.neer of the First San Francisco District, to mkke a study and physics! s~rvey of South San Francisco harbor and of the Shoal off South San Francisco, together wit~: estimate of cost of harbor im- vrovement and maintenance and o~ the r.~ ..... ,~= .... the Shoal and the estab!ish~:'~ent of a cLannel depth of thirty feet (30') in said Harbor ~d over said Shoal and WHEh~SS said survey has been made by Colonel Deak~me, and it is the understanding of this City and its ~epresentatives that a reconmendation is to be nude by him concernin,~y the matters Drayed in and by said petition hereinbefore referred to: NOW', ~,~,,r~,,;u:,.~,~.~..~.~ ~-,~, 5E IT iU'iSOLVED by this Board of Trustees as Follows'. (1) That it is 't~:e sense of this Board that the industrJa! economic Progress and future development of the City of South San Francisco in San Mateo County, California, and of the entire San Francisco peninsula area, is dependent upon the realization of water development as initiated and prayed in and by the !,etJtion ~ereinbefore referred to: and (2) That if it shall hereafter be determined by the Federal Government to undertake such Harbor Develop~:ent it is the sense of this Board that when specifications r~nd estimates are available, this Board. wi!! earnestly consider the financial participation of this City in such ~evelopment. AND BE IT '~"'~HE;° R~0LVED that acomy of this resolution, eart~f~ad ~ ~.ba (:~o~l~ a* ~ Absent Trustees, None Attest: Daniel McSweeney. City C1,':rk This being the date set for the hearing of protests nnder the assessment covering the improvement work described in Resolu~.Jon of Intention No', 52. The President ~f the Board asked if there were any persons present wishing to ~rotest against the assessment or an.y written protests against the ~-.None aDDearin~ the fo!]owinm resolution was introduced by Trustee !~itt: NO. 52 Whereas George A. Kneese, the Superintendent of Streets of the City of South San Francisco did, on the 20th dcy of March, ~924, duly file with the City Clerk of said city an assessment covering the improvement work described in P. eso!ution of Intention ilo. 52, passed ~nd adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco on the 8th day of October, ]_92Z; and Whereas the City Clerk thereupon duly fi:.:ed Momiay, the 7th davy of April, 1924, and the council chamber of the B~rd of Trustees of said city in the city Hall as the time and place when and where al! persons interested in the work done under s~id assessment, or in said a.~sessment, would be heard by s~id board; and Whereas sa~d notice has been duly E.~osted and Dub?~ished as required by !aw, and said City Clerk has also given notice of the Filing of said ass'essnent and of the time and place f.ixed for the hearing thereof by .mailing post cards to the owner s of the property affected by said assessment, as required by law, as appears from the affidavits of Dani~! McSweeney, sa~d City Clerk, and Dean J. Coovert; and t]..e appealed to :the Board of Trustees o£ the C~ty. of South Whereas no person has at any San Francisco or made object;on to s~id assessment; Resolved by the Board el' Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco that said assess- merit, be, a~d the same hereby is confirmed. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- I hereby certify that the fore~oing reso-~ uti on was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 7th day of A~ri!, !924, by the fo!]ow~m~ vote: Ayes, Tr~]stees F.A. C~mnin~?ham, A.J. Eschelbach, J.W. 2itt, H. Scamp-in~, G.W. ~'-o!ston. Noes, Trustees None Absent Trustees None Attest: Daniel McSweene.y. City Clerk The fo]!owin.:j: reso'!~tion was introduced by Truste~ Cunningham: :,~,.,0LVED by the Board of Trustees of the City of South Sar, FranciSco that WHEREAS on June I, !923, the City of South San ~'rancisco and many other associations and organizations did petition Colonel Herbert Deakyne, District Engineer of the First San Francisco District, to mkke a study and physical survey o£ South San Francisco harbor and o£ the Shoal off South San Francisco, together with estimate o£ cost of harbor im- ~.rovement and maintenance and o£ the removal of the Shoal and the estab!ish::'~ent of a channel depth of thirty £eet (~0') in said Harbor and over said Shoal and WHEE~tS said survey has been made by Colonel Deakyne, and it is the understanding of this City and its ~epresentatives that a recommendation is to be made by him concerning the matters prayed in and by said petition hereinbe£ore referred to: ~...,., ....... .,., ..... IT iU-iSOLVED by this Board of Trustees as Follows. (1) That it is 'the sense of this Board that the industr~a! economic progress and future development o£ the City of South San Francisco in San Mateo County, California, and o£ the entire San Francisco peninsula area, is dependent upon the realization of water development as initiated and prayed in and by the petition ~ereinbe£ore referred to: and (2) That if it shall hereafter be determined by the Federal Government to undertake such Harbor Develop~::ent it is the sense of this Board that when ~pecifications :~nd estimates are available this Board will earnestly consider the financial martici~ation of this City in such 8evelopment. AND BE IT FU~qTHE!i R~0LVED that a copy of th~s reso!ntior., certified by the Clerk of the Board be forwarded to Colonel Herbert Deakyne. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolntion was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South £an Francisco this 7th day off April, !~24, by ti following vote: Ayes, ~rustees F.L. Cunninghar.:, A.J. Esche]bach, J.~,~. Pitt, H. Scampini, and G.~'~. Holst~ Nots Trustees Absent Trustees None Attest: ~'aniel ~icSweeney City Clerk The fo]lowing reso]nt~on was introduced by Trustee ~campini: Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that a cor.~ittee consisting of Trustees f. A. Cunnin~ham, A.J. Eschelbach and H. Scamp!r.i be, and the same hereby is appointed to recom:r, en8 a suitable site l'or the purpose of a pub2ic park within the City of Sonth San Francisco and to ascertain and report to this board the price for which said ]and may be prnchased and the terms upon which pa3~ent may be made. -O-0-0-0-0-0-O- I he~eby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduce5 and adopted by the Board o£ Trustees of the City of South Fan Francisco this Vth day o~ April, 1924, by the £ollowin~ vote: Ayes, Trustees ~.A. Cunningham, A.J. Eschalbach, J.W. l~itt, H. ,~campini, G.W. Ho!ston Noes Trustees I~one Absent ~rustees None Attest: Daniel ~,~cSweeney City Clerk. Trustee Cunn~ngna_. introd~ced the fo!low-;ng reso]'~:ion: Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~'rancisco that the owners of the land fronting, upon the alley hereinafter described be, and they hereby are permitted to ?ave s:~f~ a!]ey to the official ~rades to be hereafter est~blished and in accordance v:ith the p!~ns and s~ecif.ications to be hereafter adopted. ~aid a~leys sl'e described as follows: Bo~ded on the north by block one (!), as shown u~on the map of High School Park Additio~ to.' Smith Sa~ Francisco, bounded on the ea:~t by ~Iaple Avenue, on the so,ath by a line Fara]l~l to the north boundary line of mi!]er Avenue, at s distance of one Hundre5 forty (140) feet northerly therefrom, and on the west by Liap]e Avenue. Also the a!]ey bounded on the north by b!oc~ seven (7), ss shown uvon the ma~ of Hi~h School t:ark, Addition to South San ~,'rancis~ o, bonnded on the east by Walnut Avenue, o~ the South by a line ~?ara~lel to the north boundary line of Miller Avenue at a ~istsnce of one hundred forty (140) feet northerly therefrom, and on the west by 14sp!e Avenne. -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-i'- I hereby certi£y that the foregoi:~g r~,solution was reg'41ar!y introduced and adopted by the Board of Tr~stees of the City of South ~an Francisco thor, 7th day off ~ril, ]924, by the fo]lowing vote: ' Ayes, Trustees F. A. C,~=mingham, A,J.Esche!bach, J.W.~itt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees None Absent Trustees None. Attest: ~)aniel 14c Sweeney City C2erk The reports of the Electrical Inspector, Fire Chief, building Inspector, City Marshal, and City Clerk for the month e~ding M~rch ~!st. were ne~t read. The report of the City Clerk showed the following balances in the various f~nds;-General ~blnd, ~IS,66~.l~,,Libr.F.~2, Binking ~und for Sewers,~!,855.6%,, Factory d~.st, newer fund, ~469.~2, 19].9 Bonds, ~,864.24, ~ ~ ~ Im~ Fund,~33.00, Revolving Fund ~100.00 Street Fn. nds ~] 6~4 ~6 Anti-T. ~md ~7.:,,.0!, , . . , - , , The fell w' ~ ~ o ~n~: claims against' the city were ne:~t presented f~r Da~,w~ent;- ~ ocott, Sidewalks Curbs etc.. (~. C. Conrad, Transporiation & feedi:?.. F. J. Lautze, Gas. Grease etc.. St ~ ~'~; is sco~at Church ,au_ i:,!e th.o d t Epi ~ .. Jenning's ~harmacy, Fumi~atina~ Za. teria!.. Louis Bel!oni, Gas a~d 0il.. Tony Phil] ips, Lebor.. John Castro, ~emovin~ do~s.. Reli~ne Garage Gas and 0il Pac. Gas &Elect. Co..Gas for ~ire S.S.F. Water Co. Water.. Fac. Tel. &Tel Co.. City Phones.. So. Pac. Co. Lease Audits.. Times Print Shop, Printing.. Nick Re, Hemove Garbage, etc.. ~ _6.00 D. MoSweeney, Trip to, Redwood, ~xamine i~om. Pa?.~ ~.00' E. Eserini, Repairing Swift~Ave.. w ~5.00 H. C. Reed Co., 2 M, arbe!ite Poles.. ~ 1275.00, B. H. Truax, Materials, Bedding, fire House,. ~ !0.02 committee consisting of Trustees f. A. Cunnin~ham, A.J. Eschelbach and H. $car:lpLni be, and the same hereby is aDroit, ted to recor':~::en8 a suitable s~te for the p~rpose of a p~:b]ic r, ark wit. P:~.n the City of So~th San Francisco and tc ascertain and report to this bo~rd t~.e price for which sa~5 ].a~d may be pruchased and the terms u~oon which pa~::ent may be made. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- I he~eby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South ~an Francisco this 7th day o~ April, 19£4, by the following vote: ~ye.~, Trustees F.A Cunningham, A J. Eschalbach, J.J. Pitt, Noes Trustees I~one Absent .~rustees None Attest: Daniel ~.~cSweeney C [t~y Clerk. Trustee Cunningham introd:~ced the Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancis~co that the owners of the land front~n~ uI~on the alley hereinafter de~cribed be, and they hereby are permitted to ps, ye s~.f~ alley to t~e off, cia] grades to be hereafter established and in aceordsr, ce v;ith the pl2ns and s~ecif.~catious to be hereafter adopted. Said alleys are described as follows. :~o:r.~ed on the north by block one Il), as shown u~on the map of High School Park Addition to~ Snuth Sa~ Francisco, bounded on the eart by ~Iaple Avenue, on the south by a line parallel to the north boundary line of · miller Avenue, at s distance of one Hundred forty (140) feet northerly therefrom, and on the west by Maple Avenue. Also the alley bounded on the north by b!oc~ seven (7), se shown rayon the ma~ of Hi~h School Park. Addition to South San ~'rancis~ o, bcmnded on the east by Walnut Avenue, on the South by a line parallel to the north boundary line of ~[i]ler Avenue at a ~istance of one hundred forty 1!40) feet northerly therefrom, and on the west by ~,isp!e Avenue. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0 '~- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introducsd and adopted by the Board of Tr~stees of the City of South San Francisco this' Vth day ef ~yril, 2924, by the Following vote: Ayes, Trustees F. A. C,~mingham, A;J.Esche!bach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees None Absent Trustees None. Attest: Daniel I'~Ic Sweeney City Clerk The reports of the Electrical Inspector, Fire Chief, b~:i!ding Inspector, City Marshal, smd City Clerk for the ~::onth e~:ding M~rch 3!~'t. were ne:-:t read. The report of the City Clerk showed the Following balances in the various F::nds: General Fund, ~18,664.1~,,Libr.F.~2,5 Ninking Fund for Sewers,~!,555.69, Factory di,~t, sewer fund, ~469.S?~, 1919 Anti-T. Fund ~TZ.01, Imp. Fund,~33.00, Revo]v~ ug Fu~d ~1 ~' 00.00, ~:treet' F~nds , ~] , 614.~6. The fo!!owin~ claims against' the city were ne:~t presented For ioas~ent;- A. P. Scott, Sidewalks Curbs etc.. 0~. C. Conrad, TransporZation & Feedin,g.. F. J. Lautze Gas Grease etc. St ~au!'s ldethodist Epi?copa] Church.. Jennin~'s Pharmacy, Pumi~atin:[ Lia. teria!.. Louis Belloni, Gas and 0il.. Tony Phil] ips Labor John Castro, ?.emovin~ dogs.. Reliance GRra~e Gas and 0il Pac. Gas &Elect. ~Jo..Gas for ~ire House S.S.F. Water Co. Water.. Pac Tel. &Tel Co.. City Phones.. So. Pac. Co. Lease Audits.. Times Print Shop, Printing.. Nick Re, Hemove Garbage, etc.. D. McSweeney, Trip to Redwood, Examine I~om. Pa?.~ E. Eserini, Repairing Swift Ave.. H. C. Reed Co., 2 ~darbe!ite ?o!es.. B. H. Truax, Materials, Bedding, Fire House.. A. Carlisle & Co., El. 2uppT~es.. J. Carmody J~state, House Numbers, etc.. Reliance Gara,~e Re~ carburetor. ~Z02!.84 ]5.20 ~ooo.oo 2.50 8 O0 40. O0 16 O0 7 50 Z.85 Z0.40 2.00 8.50 5,00 ~5.00 lo. o2 o.oo 10.55 ~est Disenfecting 4o. T~pe nibbon.. Sweeviag ~trs.. Sweeping Strs.. Attending ~ires.. Attend~g Fire... Wee Lox Co.. A. ~,[edi~hini, A medighini, W. Ely, W. Emerick, T. t~hil_~ ips, Attendi:-,g Fir.'~,.. Tom Ga!].i, " " " L. Verna, " " " I~. Howard, " " " C. Emerson, " " " C. Sands, " " " N. Byrne, " " " Pac. Gas & FI.Co. St& ~!1 Lights~ The Enterprise ~ew~-.m~per ~rint Reso~ En.~erprise Press, Quarter Cards B. H,""~ 6.50 Enterprise Press, A~ffidavits, ~tc. ~ 15.50 Total · ru. tee Cunningham moved they The bills having been audited by the finance committee , ~'~ ~ . ~be ~aid. The motion was seco-aded by Trustee Pitt and rmuularly carried. A petition signed by a n~Lmber of Property Owners was ,recei'ved, a~S~i.n~ permission t° pave the' ...... ~ .,n ...... The permzsszon was granted alley in Block 84, ~e~,~een ~.cacia and h~icalFptus -~-,,~a by the roi-owing resol:~tion introduced by Trustee Pitt: Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the owmers of the land frontin![ upon the a]!ey ~.n block n~rfl~ered eighty-foyer (84), and included between Acacia Avenue and Euca~.ypt~s Avenue, ss said a.lley is shown ~:on that cer~o.~n t~mp entitled "South San Francisco San ~.lateo Co. Cal. Plat No. !", which map ~-as.. filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County o£ San Mateo, California, March 1st, 1'f~92, and recorded in ~¥:a Book i;o. 2 at ~age 52 be, and they hereby are permitted to pave said alley to the official f~rad~ to be hereafter established and in accordance with the plans and specifications to be hereafter ado'~:ted. -0-0--0-0-0-0-0- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly i~trod~med and ado}~ted by th, e Board of Yr,astee. of the uit:f of South San ~'rancisco this 7th d~.:y of April, 1924, by th,~ i'o]lowing vote: Ayes, [rustees F.A. Cun.r_.ingha?.:, A.J. Esche]bach, J,'~.V. Pitt, H. Scampini, G.W. Ho!ston. Noes, ~ru.~tee'~ None Absent Trustees None Attest: ])anie! McSweeney. City Clerk There being nc f~]rther business before the boerd ~-tee Pitt moved to adjourn until the ne:~.t re~,,~,~._~ meet~_na,~ ~onday, April 21st,1924, at V'3~ o'clock_ ~.~-~-. The motion v~'as seconded by ~'rustoe Scampini and re~!arly carried. Time of adjournment, ~;40 o'clock Approved President of the Board of Trustees. iies?ectfu]!y submitted