JULY 7TH,1924
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees off the City of South San Francisco was held
the City Hall Lionday evening, July 7th,1924.
The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by Trustee l{.F.Lic~[ellis, President of
the board.
Roll call found the following trustees present, to-wit;-
Trustees Carl Blank, A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey,H.F.Mci~ellis.
~.~bsent, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omissions were
approved as read.
A cor~munication was received from Thcs. O.~lorton, ~.cting Secretary of 'the Citizen's Commit1
S~ Liateo County ~Iemorial Park, askin~ that the sum of ~:25 be voted by the city to help defray
e:~:~enses of the committee in ho]ding the dedication ceremonies. By motion regularly moved
carried, the request was granted and the clerk instructed to write a check for the amo~t.
A communication w[..s received from %%i.J.Hyland, protesting against the pa~ent of a weed ch~
against his property. 2qeferred to the city engineer.
A petition was received from Peter Barratteri,801 Linden ~.venue, asking the board's permisz
to move his wood & coal, hay & grain business fror~ his old location 22 Juniper Avenue to his ney
building, %~801 Linden Avenue. Permission granted.
An application for a soft drink license was received from George Capaldo,205 Grand Avenue,
rejected by the foR] owing vote,
Ayes, Trustee, ~arl Blank, A.J.Eschelbach, H.L~cCaffrey, H.F.~,~cNe]lis.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Zbsent, Trustees, F.A.O~ningham.
An application for s free ~0ft drink license on deCO,mt of discharged soldier quaiificatio~
ws.s received from Druggist Frank Robinson, and granted by the follo~Ting vote:-
Ayes, Trustees, Carl. Blank,A.J.Eschelb~ch,H.ZcCaffrey,H.~'.hicNe]lis.
Noes, Trustees, l~:~ne.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.C~ningham.
Applications for soft drink licenses were received from Thomas Co, oily,Richard Harder,Sta~
& Nickerson, John O'Oonnor,Ernesto Galli and Herman Scampini, and granted by the following vote:
Ayes, Trustees, Carl Blank, A.J.Eschelbach, H.LicCaffrey, H.Y.L~cNellis.
Noes, Trustees, None.
~.bsent, Trustee, F.A.Cunningham.
The apvlication of A.~d[ranii~or a soft drink license w~as granted by the following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, Carl. B]ank,'~H.L~cCaffrey, H.F.i~icNellis.'
Noes, Trustaes, A.J.Eschelback.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham.
Applications for pool room licenses z'ere received from Thomas Connolly and Stanley and i~ic]
and granted by the following ~ote;-
Ayes, Trustees, Carl Blank, A.J.Eschelbach, H.IdcOaffrey, H.F.~,~cl~e].lis.
Noes, Trustees, l~one.
Absent, Trustee F.A.Cunningham.
A letter was received from Judge E.E.Ounningham, resigning his position as member of the
Library Board. ?.esignation accepted.
The rey:orts of the Fire Chief, City Liarshal,City Electrical Inspector, City Recorder and
Clerk for the month ending J~e 30,1924 were next read. The report of the City Recorder showed
collections of ~270 for the month while the re!.~ort of the City Clerk showed the following balan,
in the various ~und~s, General Fund,~14,75Z.43,Library. F~d,~l125.19,"lglZ" Sewer Fund, ~3229.77
"1919" Bonds ~'
~811~.08, Factory District Sewer Fund, ~469.82,Street Improvement funds, ~3Z. Revo~
F~d, vv .... Street Assessment F~mds. ~Zll ~l. Lot[! b~l~nce in all 1'~d~ ~ZB,57~.11. On moti,
Trustee IdcCaffrey, seconded by Trustee Blank the perverts were accepted a.s read, and ordered fil,
G.Swanson appeared before the Board in relation to the breaking of al Electrolier and eta'
is ~able to continue the pa~mmnts for the same on a~count of an injury which prevents hir~ frei
earning a livlihood and asked to be given an extension of time. He wes granted sin months addit:
time in which to pay. frora
City ~ttorney Davis reported he had receiv.~d no answer,the street car company to the city'
request for better street car service.
The 6ity Clerk made request upon the board to transfer ~469.82 from the Factory District
F~d and ~50.5%~ from Series "O" Street Fund, two dead fund[, to the general fund, the same to
in the construction of the new sewer system. Granted on the advice of the city attorney.
The committee on new parks and i, laygrounds reported delay on account of the non-arrival of
South San Francisco Land Co.'s representative, Lloyd W.Thay~r, who has been in the Eastern
B.t!.Truax, Fire Chief asked, permission of the board to move a building from tho L~arb!e &
works to Lux Xv~nue bet,'eon between OyT, ress smd Linden Avenues. Or~ted.
The ~ity Clerk ~sked for a vacation of two ;;'coke, to be~in about July 16th.Granted.
President McNe]!is stated that letters of tha~-~ks for their good services should be extende.
the city to those who participated in the dedication ceremonies of the city's f]a~s on the Four
July. All membere of the Beaird e::?ressing the same sentir, ent, the clerk ~:'[:s instructed to write
a letter of thanks to each of those who a. ssisted in the ceremonies.
Fire Chief Truax notified the board that the Fire Chiefs Convention of the Western States
would be held in Pasadena this year, and stated he received an invitation to at'~end. Trustee
moved that the chief be sent as this city's representative, and that the expenses be defrayed b~
city. The motion wes seconded by Tru~'tee Blank and regularly carried.
The fo].lowin~ claims a~ains~ the city were new presented:-
Pa~. Fire Ex~. Co; ..... Fire Apporatus ~ 18.75
Schuabacher-Prey Stationary Co. Bonds -Supplies---~149.21
W.R.Waelty, E::pert Testimony .... ~ 5.00
Ames-Harris Nevelle Co, Amercian Flag--
Pac. Gas & Elect. Co; Lights and Power-
Western Sand & Rock Co. Sand & Cement
A. $~l~S~ & Co, Book of Resolutions
B. Pasquale & Co, Cap L. Belloni
Dudley Perkins, Repairs on Llotorcy~le
B. Farrell, Clerical Work--Z weeks
Hargroove Co, Lettering Atty.0ffice--
Gladding McBean, pipe-
30 59
44 9 ~ 0,5
¢ 6.¢o
..... $ 24.41
~ 72.00
~ 8 O0
...... 45[65
Trustees Carl Blank, L.J.Eschelbach,H.McCafi'rey,H.F.L~ci~el!is.
Absent, TrustEes, F.A.Cunningham.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omission
approvec as read.
A communication was received from Thcs. G.,,,orton, Acting Secretary of the Citizen's
San Ale. tee County Memorial Park, asking that the sum of ~:25 be voted by the city to help
e:crenses of the committee in ho]ding the dedication ceremonies. By motion regularly movm
carried, the request was granted and the clerk instructed to write a check for the amo~'
A communication was received frown
,, .... J.Hyland, protesting against the papment of s ~
against his property. Referred to the city engineer.
A petition was received from Peter Barratteri,801 Linden Avenue, asking the board's
to move his wood & coal, hay & grain business from his old location 22 Juniper Avenue to
building, ;~80~ Linden Avenue. Permission granted.
An application for a soft drink license was received from George Capaldo,205 Grand A
rejected by the foR]owing vote,
~ ~' ~ar] Blank, A.J.Esche!bach, H.McC ~'
a~rey, H.F.i,!cNe]lis.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trusteez:, F.A.Ounningham
An application for s free $0fft drink license on account of di¢charged soldier qualiffJ
~:~ss received from Druggist Frank Robinson, and granted by the follmving vote;-
Ayes Trustees, Carl. Blank,A J Eschelbach,H.LcCaff~.rey,H.~.L[clte]lis.
Noes, ~ru~tees, None.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.C~ningham.
Applications for soft drink licenses were received ffrom Thoma~ Co.oily,Richard Harde
~,ickerson, John O'Oonnor,mrnesto Galli and Herman Scampini, and granted by the fro]lowing
Ayes, ~rus~ees, Carl Blank, A.J.Eschelbach, H.McCafffrey,
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustee, F.A.Cunningham.
The apr~lication off A.~,,.rank,~or a refit drink license was ~ranted by the ffollowing vot~
srl. B]~nk, H.~cCafffrey, H.F.i~,~cNellis.
Ayes, Trustees, C. ~ :~:~ ~ '
Noes, Trustees, A.J.Eschelback.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.Cunninghan.
Applications for pool room licenses were received from Thomas Connolly and Stanley and
and granted by the following ~ote--,
Ayes, Trustees, Carl Blank. A.J.Eschelbach, H.McCa~rey, H.F.McNe!lis.
Noes, Trustees, l~one.
Absent, Trustee F.A.Cunningham.
A lette~' was received from Judge E.~.Cunningham, resigning his position as member off t
library Board. Resignation accepted.
The reT:errs off the Fire Chief, City D[arshal,City Electrical Inspector, City Recorder an
Clerk for the month ending J~e ~0,1924 were next res.d The report of the
. C~y Recorder she~
collections off ~270 for the month while the report of the City Clerk showed the following be.
~ s General F~d,~l~,753.~3,Library F~d,~,~l125.19,"lglZ" Sewer Fund, ~3229,
in the various ~d.,
c.469 82,Street Improvement funds
"1919" Bonds ~81t2.08, Factory District Sev;er Fund ~%
Fund, ~$100. Street Assessment F~ds. ~4~11.71. ~ots! balance in all f~ds ~53,577.~1. On m(
Trustee McCaffrey, seconded by Trustee Blank tho rer~orts were accepted as read, and ordered i
G.Swanson appeared before the Board in relaDion to the breaking of aL Electrolier and s
is ~able to continue the pa~uents for the same on a~count of an injury which prevents him f
earning a livlihood and asked to be given an extension of tine. He was granted si~: months add
ti~le in which to pay. from
City ~:~ttorney Davis reported he had receivc~d no answer,the street car company to the clt~
request for better street car service.
The ~ity Clerk made request upon the board to transfer ~469.82 from the Factory Districl
' F~d and ~750.5b from Series "O" Street Fund, two dead fund~~, to the general fund, the same t(
s.~~+=~,. Granted on the advice of the city attorney.
in the construction of the new sewer .~
The committee on new parks and i,]aygrounds reported delay on account of the non-arrival o
South San Francisco Land Co.'s representative, Lloyd W.~hayer, who has been in the Eastern Ets,
B.H.Truax, Fire Chief asked, permission of the board to move a building from tho Marble
works to Lux Av~'nue between between Cypress smd Linden Avenues. Or~ted.
The 5ity Clerk ~sked for a vacation of two ;vcek~, to be~in about July 16th. Granted.
President LIcl~e]lis stated tkat letters of tha:-~ks for their good services should be extend~
the city to those who participated in the dedication ceremonies of the city's f]a~s on the Fou~
July. All membere of the Board e~cpressing the same sentiment, the clerk %v[-s instructed to write
a letter of thanks to each of those who assisted in the ceremonies.
Fire Chief Truax notified the board that the Fire Chiefs Convention of the Western States
would be held in ~asadena this year ~nd stated he received an invitation to at-%end. Trustee
moved that the chief be sent as this city's repros'entative, and that the expenses be deffrayed
city. The motion was seconded by Trustee Blank and regularly carried.
The followinK claims a~ains~ the city were next presented:-
Pa~. ~ire Ex~. Co;.....~ire Apporatus $ 18.75
W.R.Waelty, E::pert Testimony--
Ames-Harris Nevel!e Co, Amercian Flag ....
Pac. Gas & Elect. Co; Lights and Power---
Western Sand & Rock Co. Sand & Cement-
A. $'~1~S~$ & Co, Book of Resolutions
B. Pasqua]e & Co, Cap L, Bel]oni
Dudley Perkins, Repairs on Llotorcy~le
B. Farrell, Clerical ~'~'ork--Z weeks
Hargroove Co, Letter.~ng Atty. Office
Gladding McBean, pipe
Carmozly Estate, Supplies
R. Tsrabon, Uniform, Joe Beldhauer
~ 5.00
'~ 30.59
~44 9.03
$ 6.40
.... ~ 24.41 ~~
-$ 4.00
$ 5.92
-,~ 72.00
....... $ 65.00
f lgO
Gladding McBean Co. Pipe---
E.H.Lewis, Rep. on Foley Car---
L. Be]loni, Gas, 0il etc--
So.City Lbr. Suppl~y Co. I~aterials---
F.J.Lautze, Supp2iee Fire Dept.- ...........
Dunham-Eerryan f& ~ H~yden ~ Co..~ ~ Rev~lver--
B. Pasquale ~ Cc, i officers Cap
Superior Steam Laundry, Wash, Fire Dept .....
N. IZedeghini, Hauling Grass
N. ~4edighini, Extra, Work Sweeping streets---
N. ~iedighini, Reg. Sweeping of Streets June-~
Pac. Tel & Tel Co. Phones, June
--$ 82.0Z
........ 17 .oo
l .OO
4. O0
100. O0
F. Robinson, Suppties ....... $ 11.0~
Enterprise Press, Cards e~c ............ $ 1~.50
American Writing ~achine Co. T~ewrite~'- .... $ ~?.50
john Castro, Killing Dogs .................. ~ 14.00
L. ?. Bolander & So~,~Flag Pole ............. ~225.88
A. Johnson, Att. fire~ atc .................. ~ b.00
J. Bianchi, Att fires ............... ~ 2.50
Joe Bernardo, Att fires ............. $ 5.00
T. Phillips, " " ........... ~ 5.00
Sam Keessling," " .............
John Castro, Att Fires
M. Byrnes, " "
Les Heward, " "
M. Peva, " "
High~ay Transportation Co. freight
5. O0
Thcs G. ~,!orton, Acting Sect. Citizens Comm-- 25.00 Memorial Park Ded.
Lhe claims having be~?n approved by the finance co~nittee Trustee Blan~ moved they
be paid. The motion w~s seconded by Trustee McOa£ffrey and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the board Trustee McOafffrey moved ~o adjourn
until the next regular mseting, .~onday, July 2]St,192a at 7;50 o'clock p.m. The motion ~as ~oconded
by Trustee Blank and regularly carried.
Time of s~djour~nent 9.05 o'clock p.m.
ApprOved~, ~
President of
the ?o~.rd of Trustees.
Respectfully submitted