HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1924-07-21 The regular ~:oeting of the 3card of Trustees of the City of South San ~'rancisco was held
in the City Hall on Monday, July 21~t,lb£4.
In the absence of the city Clerk City Attorney John F.D~vis actcd as Clerk Pro Tem.
!loll call found the following Trustees prerent,to-wit;-
,~.~ .~.~c,~e!lis,
Trustees, Carl Blank,H.i,lc~ci~rey,
TM '~ ~
Absent, Tru~teos, ~'.A.C~ningham and A.J.Lschelbach.
Leading of the minutes of 'the previous, meeting dispensed wi%h and comm~ications taken up.
Oity Engineer l~eese submitted a statement estimating smoot ~ue %]~.J.Tobin on his ~ower
contract to be ~'~201.90, withholding Lv~enty-l'ive per cent as per contract, iieferred to the or,er oi'
bills .
A co~n~ication was receivec from the ~iarket Street Railway Company in answer to the city's
request for through servico from South ~mgn Francisco ~o ~annFrcnciSco, z~tating that their downtown
terminals are alroady t~o congested and the volumne of business in South San ~mancisco does not
warr~t the additional expense. The ~ity AtDorney was ina~tructed to file application with the
i~ailroad Co~is~ion asking for a hearing in the matter. ~Tresidont Mcl~ellis suggesting that tke civi
organizations get togetnor with the board in ~ co-operative plan of action.
A c0mm~ication was receives from City stroh'ney Lavis asking for a rci[~e of a~lary to
month acco~ of in~reased duties in Lbs ofi'iceWhe request ¥~ ~ granted by the foll ov~i~g vote, on motion b~
Trusboe l,~uOafirey ~econdoc by True. tee .Blank; Lyes, True, Lees, Blank, Mc~afirey, 12ci~ellia~.
Abfent, irustees, F.L.O~ingham, A.J.hschelbaoh.
A coml~m~ication was received from the South San i.~rancisco ~hamber of ~onm~erce asking the
board to enact a billboard ordinance. ~rdered to be taken up ~;:ith tho traffic ordinance in Lxecutive
A .cor~f:unication was ~oceived i'rom ~,.rs. Alice ~,.c~rath and ,,~rm. ~'rank ,,eisa asking that ~ idew
be laid in their locality. ~t being ~hov;n that a very large perecntage off the pro).orty owners in t~
[cation are oppo~'ed to the improvement con~ont was withheld for the present time.
The iJercha.nt~ Association ;=rote c oom~i~ication stating that the alleys bein~r improved are
made impcs~'able by '~he contractor, and asked the Board to notify the contractor to keep the aliey~?
The city on;.~ineer was ct, lice upon to give his opinion in the master, after which the cler~
instructed to write a strong communication to the contractor re~iue~.ting that the alleys in question
be made clear.as Jar as poz:sible during construction work.
A request was received tho ~acific Oas =_ Llectric Company asking permission to install pole
in Aspen and Ida~le Avenues. Trustee Bla~ ~tated that the poles had been placed already on acco~t
emergency existing and requested the Board's approval, which was granted by the following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, 3lank, Mc6afffrey, iicNelli['.
I~oes, Trustees, None.
Absent, ~.ru~otees, F.A.C~ingham, A.J.Eschelbach.
A comm~ication was received from the Adjutant' General's Office, Sacramento, suggesting
a military observance in South ~
,~.an Francisco of the Battle of St. l!ichiel. As the request was one
that concerned larger cities than ~outh San Francisco, where more or less military activity is preva~
ent,it was thought inadvisable to attempt a display here and the comm~ication was odered filed.
Applications for soft drink licenses were received from T.T.Patterson, Tan Foran, and Viett~
& Thatcher, and grante~ by the following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, Bla~, Mc~affrey,' LioNel lis.
l~oes, 'irusSees, None.
Absent, ,rustees, F., .C~gham, A J.m~chelbach.
The application off Ernest Oalli flor renewal el' his pool room license was granted by t~,e
following vote;-
Ayes, Truetees, Bla~, Mctaffirey, ~,~ci~ellis.
Noes, Sene.
Ab~ent,Trustees, F.A.C~ingham, A.O.Lschelbach.
The application of .Berganichi flor a mofft drink license for the 12 i,lile house was referred
the City~larshal flor investigation.
The report off Dr.T,O.Deak was received for the month ending june 50th,192~, together wi~
a report off the State Board of ~iealbii on a.n ~naly~is of ti~e city v, ater. Health conditions in tAe cit]
were fom~d to be gooc ~',hile the gtate~ report on the city water showed the same sa~e for use. i-,eport~
accepted and plo. ced on ffile.
i~E20L ~ T i Oi~ .ADOPT ii~ ~; PLAi,~ S
A resoultion was introduces by Trustee Blank adopting plans and specifics%ions for the sewe:
improve~nen% of San Jr~o 3~ocd,Butler i%oad, and the i~orthern portion of the City of South San Francis(
known as the Factory Dis%i~ict, and was adopted by the following vote;-
Ayes, .Tru~teec, Carl Bl~k,H.i~IcOaffrey, n.F.i,icl~ellis.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.O~ningham, A.J.Lschelbach.
Aesolution recordod in Book of l{esoluti:~ns, 7ol 2 at ~age 14.
Trustee McCaf£rey introduced a resolution calling for bids for the construction of sewers
in ~an Bruno Road, Butler Koad and the Northern portion of the City of South San Francisco, known as
Factory District~ the same was'adopted by t_e following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, Carl Blank, H.iScCaffrey, H.F.Lic~ellis.
Noes, ~ru~tees, i;one.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.Cunningha~, A.J.Eschelbach.
Resolution recorde~ in Boo~ of aes.olutions, Vol. 2, at page 15.
The matter of sidewalks in Swift Aven:,~e was ne:ct brought up. it was decided to postpone ac'
until the beginning of the winter rains.
President Mci~ellis brought up the subject of' Police Depart~ent~h~nds, stating that a portio~
the fines cellectea might be set aside for for police eguipment, such a.s'automoblie, ~iform~., otc.
Olerk was instructed ~o furnish so~e dcta at the next n~oeting as to the amo~t collected i'rom!_time
e~l~J~v~w~-~'~'~e~eee pre.~ent, to-wit; -
....... '~'~'~{~'~]~0~r~~ Blank,H.4~c~ffrey, ~.P.M~i~ellis,
Lbz~ent, Trustees, F.A.C~ningham ~nd L.J.Lschelbach.
Reading of the minute~ off %he previous~ meeting dispensed wi~h and co~m~ications ta
Oity Engineer Xneese submitted a statement estimating s~nount ~ue ¥~.J.Tobin on his u~
conbract to be ~Z201.90, withholding ~enty-~'ive per cent as per tenth, act. iieferred ~o the o~
bills .
A comm~ication was rooeive~ from the ~darket Street Railway Company in answer to th~
reques$ for ~hrough service from South San Pranci~co ~o ~anhFrsnciSco, stating that their do~
terminals ~re already t~o congested and the volumne of business in South San ~mancisco does z
warrant the additional expense. The ~ity Attorney was in~truoted to file application with
Railroad Go~is~ion asking i'or ~ hearing in the m~tter, rresidont McDellis suggesting that t~
organization~ get together with the board in a co-operative plan of ac$ion.
A c0mm~ication was received from ~ity attorney ~avis asking l~or a r~.i~e oi~ ~alary t
month acco~t of in~reased duties in tho of~iceThe request w~ s granted by ~ho fol]ov~ing vote, on m0
Trustee i~cbai'~rey ~econdo~ by Trmtee Blank; Lyes, Tru~tces, Blank, L~c~afirey, ~JcNeilis.
A co~io~tion w&s received from ~ho goutk S,&~ ~,~ra~ci~co ~h~ber of ~onm~orce asking
board to o~act a billboard ordimnce. ~rdered ~o be ~ken up v;i~h ~ho ~r~..ffic or~in~noo in
A con;~nmic~tion w~s received ~ror:, 2rs. Alice L~cOrath and 2rs. Prank .eisz~ ~sking
be laid in their locality. ;t boin~ ~hown that a very l~rgo percentage el' the pro~oz'ty owner~
~ection are oppo~ed to the improvement con~ont ~'as ¥;ithheld i'or the present time.
~he Merchsnta: Association wrote a com~;~ioation stating that the alleys being improve
~;;ade impassable by uhe contractor, and asked the Board to notify the contractor to keep the a!
The city engineer was c~,llo~~ upon to give his opinion in the matter, after which the cler~
instructed to write a strong co~.~munication to the contractor re~uec, ting that the alleys in qu
be made clear.as ;ar as poasible during construction work.
A request was received tho ~acii'ic Gas ~:. Llectric Company asking permission to instal.
in Aspen and Liaple Avenues. Trustee Bla~ ~'t~ted that the poles had been placed already on acc,
emergency ezisting and requested the Board's approval, which was granted by the foTlowing vote.
Ayes, Trustees, 3lank, McUaffrey, licNe]li~'.
Noes, Trustees, None.
Abs. ent, Trustees, F.A.C~ingham, A.J.Eschelbach.
A comm~ioation was received from the Adjutant' General'~ Office, Sacramento, suggesti
a military observance in South San Francisco of the Battle of St. ~,[ichiel. As the request was
that concerned larger cities than South San Francisco, where more or less military activity is ]
ent,it was thought inadvisable to attempt a display here and the co~ication was odered filed,
Applications ~or soft drink lzc~n.e,~ were received ~rom T ~.Patterson Tan Foran and
& Thatcher, and grantem by the following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, Blank, Mc~affrey,' McNe]lis.
Noes, ~2rus~ees, None.
Absent, Trustees, F.;.bu~gham, A.J.Eschelbaoh.
The application of Ernest Galli for renewsl oi' his pool room license was granted by t~e
following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, Blank, Mctaf~'rey,
Ab~ent,Trustees, P.A.C~ingham, A.J.Eschelbach.
The application of .i. Berganichi for a sofz drink license i'or thc 12 Mile ~ouse was fei'e:
the CliFf,Marshal for investi~ation.
The report of Dr.T,O.~eak was received for the month ending June 50th,192~, togethe~
a report o~ the State Board of ~iealth on an analysis el' the city v, ater. Health conditions in
were i'om~d to bo goo~ ~;hile the State~ report on the city water showed the same safe for use.
accepted and placed on file.
A resoultion was introduce~ by Trustee Blank adopting plans and specifications for the s
improvemen~ of San Sr~o 2cad,Butler i~oad, and the l~orthern portion of the bity of South San Pr~n
known as the Factory District, and was adopted by the foliov~ing vote:-
Ayes, i~ru~tees, Carl Blank,H.l~lcOaffrey, n.P.i~cEellis.
Noes, ~rustees, i~one.
Absent, Trustees, Y.A.Cunningham, A.J.Lschelbach.
Nesolution recorded in Book of i{esolutiJuas, Vol S at ~,age l~.
Trustee ~cbafi'rey introduced a resolution calling for bids for the construction of sewers
in £an Bruno Ro~d, Butler ~:oad and the Northern portion of the ~' ~ ,
C~t,7 of South ~an Francisco kno~n
Factory District~ the same was 'adopted by t.~e feller;lng vote:-
Ayes, Trustees, Carl Blank, ~,idcCaf£rey, H.P.L~c~Jellis.
1~oes, Trustees, None.
Absent, 1'ru~tees, F.A.Cunninglm.m, ~.,.J.Eschelbach.
Resolution recorde~ in Book of ~{esolutions, 7ol. E, a% page lA.
The matter of sigew~lks in Swift Aven:~e was ne:{t brought up. It wss decided to po~'tpone ~
until the beginning of the winter rains.
President L~cNellis brought up the subject of Police Department ~i~nds, stating that a port~
the fines collectea might be set aside for ~'or police eguipment, such as~automoblie, ~i~'orma~, otc,
Clerk was instructed to furnish so~:e d~ta at the ne:ct mooting as to the amo~t collected i'rom:~time
time in the 2ecorder's department.
The matter of the Rogli sewer district was brought to the attention of the Board by 0ity
Engineer ~eose. idr imoese thought the work should be done at this time sin~e work 'is being done in
the section af£ected, and the cost would be less· lie estimeted that %he cost would not exceeu 3300.
Before work could be commenced the nece~-,sary easement should be procured.
Complaint w~s made by Citizen B.J.Rodondi that small boys v;ere defacing aha otherwise
injuring pro?erty. :Patter referred to the City Liarshel.
Joseph V, alker addressed the Bord on behalf of the 12anufacturer's As'~ociation, requesting
that the electrical ordinance be amended. Matter odere~ taken up in e::ecutive ~ession with other matt,ri;,
including the report of the aucitor.
The follov, ing claim~ against the city were next presented for pa~nent;-
B. H. Truax
N. Johnson
W. L. ilickey
Tony Phi[ lips
~. Kavanaugh
Geo Lemmer
Joe Spain
B. ~. Truax
L.Verna Sr.
insurane on fire truck ~184.00
Jniform Officer Belloin ~: 65.00
Typing assessment roll ~' 25.00
Labor & ,~aterial San Bruno Road ,i, ll0.00
38 O0
2epairs in city hall
" ~ewer, Grand Ave
~z:tend Sewer Calif Ave.,
Labor on trees ,to
labor on sewer
Ch~s. 3ollazzi Zusic ~th July ~ 50.00
work on water wagon ~ 35.00
Lab~:r on sewer ~ 4.00
Freight, fire dep't ~ .35
Distillate ~ .60
Rep bridges ~' 30 00
Erecting flag poles ~lZ1.40
Hauling ~ 2.00
So S F.Water Co Tree sprinkling ~'*7 55
oervice Garage materials v 6.65
So.City Plumbing ghop strap iron ~ 9.60
Baden bash £tore Materials ':'20 15
Dudley i~erkins .',laterials Mo. Cycle ~ 5.60
Gee A Xneese services weed clearing work ~244.40
W.J.~fobin Ist Estimate ~ewer cont:'act ~5201.90
South City Lbr.~;. Su--,ply Co flooring ~v .Z0
~' 4.85
Service Garage Gasoline etc
'~' El.25
~aaker ,L Ratto Ins. fire truck
So.~'.F.~¥ater co.,Hall & Fount~,~in WaterJune ~ 9.75
Gee H.Rice Abstract Co Saarch title lot
Block 116, civic center ~ 50.00
C.~mith ~arpenter w. ork court room ,~: 36.00
Total ~4511. 'fO
The claims having been approved by the finance committee Trustee Blank moved they be pai¢i.
The motion was seconde~ by 2'rustee McCafi'rey and regularly carried.
There being no ±'urti~e r business be±'oro the boa~'d Trustee Blan~ movea to adjourn until the
next regular meeting, ,~londay, Au:~?~','t 4th,1924, at 7;00 o'cloc~ p.m. The motion was ~econde~ b,~,
2'run'tee McGafi'rey and regularly carried. ~'
Time o£ ~djournment, 9.10 o'cloc~ p.m.
2espoctfully a:ubmitted,
Approved ~/
]~'osident of t~.e ~oard of
.,.r'G... tOOS·
Acting City
Olerk Pro Tem