HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1924-09-15REGULAR MEETIi~G OF THE B0~,RD 0F TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF £0U%~i SAii Fi~NCiSC0 WAS HLLD ~[0NDAY, SnP.EL~B,,,,{ 15TH,1924. The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of ~outh San Francisco was held Monday evening, September 15th,19S~, in the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at ?;Z0 O'clock p. m. by Trustee H.F.~cNellis,President of the board. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following trustees present, to-wit;- 2'rustees, CArl Blank, F.A.Cunningham, H,McCaffrey, H.F.McNe!!is. Absent, Trustee, A,J.Eschelbach. Trustee Eschelbach appeared after roil call. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A communication, addressed to the City },larshal from the California State Automobile Association advised, that the installation of sign posts would cost ~4.00 each, erected by the asa'ociation. The purchasing cor~mittee was instructed to order five sign posts installed, A letter of protest was received from J.G.Walker, protesting against the grade of the alley in block 126 as now established, before acceptance by the city. City Engineer Kneese being present, was asked his opinion in the matter. The engineer stated that in fairness to the other property owners in the block the grade was established to reduce danage to a minnim~m to all parties concerned. Complaints were received from Mfs.Bridget Hyland and Mrs.R.Kert stating that 'the contractors paving the alleys had more or less damaged the fences on their property, and asked the hoard to take some action toward compelling the contractors remedy same. Trustee McCaffrey stated the contractor would be required to repair any damage done. to ,the satisfaction of the board befor~ a~ceptance. Letters were received from Lloyd W.Thayer, General Manager of the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, stating that he h~d been in conference with Colonel Black of the ~arket street r~ilway, requesting better s~reet car service for South San Franci~co. He stated that there appears no chance thatthe Railway Oompany will make an improvement in the serwice at the present time. He stated that as regards the rumor that the negro quarter might possibly be moved into the residential district of the city his company knov, s nothing of it. The clerk was instructed to answer the communications thanking Mr. Thayer for his efforts in the city's welfare. An application was received from the Bear Club of South San Francisco requesting permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, 0ctobe 11,19£4, the same to continue until £ a.m.. Permission granted. Letters were received from the League of California ~h~nicipalities, the City of ~.~onterey, and the State Board of Health, urging this city to send as many delegates to the League's Conventiom at Idonterey as can afford the time to attend. President ~cNelli~ appointed the members of the Board of Trustees, the engineer,clerk, marshal, fire chief, attorney and health officer, some of whom agreed to attend. A communication was received from F.J.Irwin, National Commander of The Disabled Amenican Veterans of the World War asking for the appointment of a committee of promineyt citizens to sell forget-me-nots on "Forget-Me-Not Day", Saturday, November 8th,1924. Accordingly the President of the Board appointd Mrs. E.C.Peck, Chairman, A.C.Kleemeyer, Secretary, and Ira H.Potter, Treasurer. The Bank of South San Franci~co was designated as the depoaitory for the receipt of the moneys collected. A written opinion was received from City Attorney John F.Davis relative to a franchise for the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.. He advi~ed that it would be for the best interests of the city to have them take out a franchise at once, and to accept their proposition to pay without waiting the five~ear condition, thus assuring receipts this fiscal year, In connection with the Gas and Electric Company's interests, it was agreed that the company be requested,when replacing poles, to install ornamental or stone poles, and to place the same in the alleys wherever practicable. The clerk was instructed to notify the company to this effect. Complaint was made to the Board that the poundmaster was rendering inefficient service, and that a new ~oundmaster should be appointed. Trustee Eschelbach suggested that he be called before the board at the next meeting and be given a hearing, Accordingly the clerk was instructed to notify both the Poundmaster and deputy Poundmaster to bo present at the next meeting. The laid over application of the ~lerchants Association for the appointment of one of their members a deputy City Marshal next came up. The Merchants Association agreed to endorse Peter Mariani for the uosition. Peter Mariani being present, was instructed to make application for the position, stating th[t the Merchants Association would stand responsible for the acts of its endorsed' Deputy, and that no remuneration for servi cee was expected. Also that the ilerchants Association should furnish the necessary bonds. The clerk wes instructed to comnunicate with ;~[agnus snd Company and order the 59 street stencil signs for marking the names of the streets on the curbs at the corners, agreed upon at the previous meeting. Complaint was made that the poles of the D~arket Street~Railway Company were interfering with the pro?arty, lot £5, block 96, Map of South San Francisco, owned by .John Costa. The clerk was instructed to write the company requesting them to remove the poles in question. B.J.Rodondi appeared before the board in behalf of A.I~arani, requesting permission to build an addition to the L~e, rani store, 2S8 Californi~ Avenue, 'The matter w~s referred to the building~ Inspector and the City Attorney. Request was mede for a light at the corner of California Avenue and Division Street. The clerk wa.s insiructe~ t9 ~ite the Pacific Gas & Electric Cor?~n.v and order o~np placed as requested. 'l'ne repor~ the C~ty Treasurer for the month ~f August,1924, ~.nowing a balance of $~4,~8~.05, was received, read and accepted. An application for a soft drink license w~s received from Joe.Dacomber,J?9 Grand Ave. Referred to the City Marshal. RESOLUTION ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS ON STREET CLEANilIG. The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Cun.ningham:- Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of South Sawn Francisco that the hereto attached specifications relating to street sweeping in the City of South San Francisco, be and the same same ~are hereby adopted. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution w~s regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 15th day of September, 19S4, by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, ~.Blsnk, FaA.C~mningham, A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey,H,F.McNelli,' Noes, Trustees, None; Absent, -rustees, Nome. Attest~ Daniel McSweeney ~ City Clerk ~ at page 21. Recorded in Book of' Resolutions, ,,r2, alley in block 126 as now established, before acceptance by the city. City Engineer Kneese being present, wss asked his opinion in the matter. The engineer stated that in fairness to the other property owners in the block the grede was established to reduce damage to a minnim~nu to all parties concerned. Complaints were received from Mfs.Bridget Hyland and Mrs.R.Eert stating that 'the contractors paving the alleys had more or less damaged the fences on their property, and asked the hoard to take some action toward compelling the contractors remedy same. Trustee D~cCaffrey stated the contractor would be required to repair any damage done, to,the satisfaction of the board befor~ acceptance. Letters were received from Lloyd W.Thayer, General Manager of the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, stating that he hud been in conference with Colonel Black of the L~arket street railway, requesting better s~reet car service for South San Franci~'co. He stated that there appears no chance thatthe Railway ~ompany will make an i~provement in the service at the present time. He stated that as regards the rumor that the negro quarter might possibly be moved into the residential district of the city his company kno¥~s nothing of it. The clerk was instructed to answer the com:nunications thanking Mr. Thayer for his efforts in the city's welfare. An application was received from the Bear Club of South San Francisco requesting permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, Octobe ll,19S~, the same to continue until 2 a.m.. Permission granted. Letters were received fron the League of Oalifornia L~unicip~lities, the City o£ ~onterel and the State Board of Health, urging this city to send as many delegates to the League's Conventiom at Monterey as can afford the time to attend. President ~cNelli~ appointed the members of the Board of Trustees, the engineer,clerk, marshal, fire chief, attorney and health officer, some of whom agreed to attend. A communication was received from F.J.Irwin, National Co~mander of ~he Disabled Amenica~ Veterans of the World War asking for the appointment of a committee of promineyt citizens to sell forget-me-nots on "Forget-~e-Not Day", ~aturday, November 8th,~9~. Accordingly the President of the Board appointd Mrs. E.C.Peck, Chairman, A.C.Kleemeyer, Secretary, and Ira H.Potter, Treasurer. The Bank of South San Francisco was designated as the depoaitory for the receipt of the moneys collected. A written opinion was received from CitF Attorney John F.Davis relative to a franchise for the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. He advised that it would be for the best interests of the city to have them take out a franchise at once, and to accept their pro~osition to pay without waiting the five year condition, thus assuring receipts this fiscal year, In connectio~ with the Gas and Electric Company's interests it was agreed that the company be requested,when replacing poles, to install ornaments], or stone poles, and to place the same in the alleys wherever practicable. The clerk was instructed to notify the company to this ef£ect. Complain~ was made to the Board that the poundmaster was rendering inefficient service, and that a new ~oundmaster should be appointed. Trustee Eschelbach suggested tLat he be called before the board at the next meeting and be given a hearing, Accordingly the clerk was instructed to notify both the Poundmaster and deputy Poundmaster to bo present at the next meeting. The laid over application of the ~erchants Association for the appointment of one of their members a deputy City Marshal next came up. The ~erchants Association agreed to endorse Peter Mariani for the yosition. Peter Mariani being present, was instructed to make application for the position, stating theft the Merchants Association would stand responsible for the acts of its endorsed' Deputy, and that no remuneration for servi cea was expected. Also that the ~erchants Association shoul furnish the necessary bonds. The clerk was instructed to com~unicate with Eagnus and Company and order the Z9 street stencil signs for marking the names o£ the streets on the curbs at the corners, agreed upon at the previous meeting. Complaint was made that the poles of the Earket Street Railway Company were interfering with the pro~erty, lot £~, block 96, Map of South San Francisco, owned by John Costa. The clerk was instructed to write the company requesting them to remove the poles in question. B.J.Rodondi appemred before the board in behalf of A.L~arani, requesting permission to build an addition to the ~d~,rani store, 2Z8 California Avenue, ~The matter w~s referred to the building, Inspector and the City Attorney. ReGuest was made for a light at the corner of California Avenue and Division Street. The clerk was ins~yucte~ t~ ~i~ethe Pacific Gas & Electric Com~n~ and order one placed as requested. ·ne repor~ C~ity Treasurer for the month ~f ~ugust,19£~, showing a balan6e of $~,~8~.0~ wa~ received, read and accepted. An application for a soft drink license w~s received from Joe.Dacomber,Z?9 Grand Ave. Referred to the City ~arshal. RESOLUTION ADOPTING SPECIFICATIOI~S 0~ STREET CLEANING. The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham:- Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of South San Francisco that the hereto attached specifications relating to street sweeping in the City of South San Francisco, be and the same same.are hereby adopted. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution w~s regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 1Bth day of September, by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, ~.Blsnk, FaA.C~mningham, A.J.Eschelbsch,H.~cCaf£rey,H.F.~cNelli Noes, Trustees, None~ Absent, krustees, Nome. Attest Daniel McSweeney '~ Qity Clerk Recorded in Book of~nesolutions, ~ ~ ~-2, at page 21. ~.~ '\ .RESOLUTION ORDERING INVITATION FOR BIDS. 0N ST;~EE~ SW~E.I~G The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Blank: Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that bids be received for street sweeping in the City of South San Francisco, as per specifications this day adopted; and that the clerk is hereby authorized to advertise ' the time as required by law. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and .regularly passed this 15th. day of September, 1924, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees: C.Blank, E.m~,~_..u~ing~_am,: A.J.Eschelbach; H.McCaffrey; H.F.~CNellis. Noes, Trustees: None Absent Trustees: None Attest: Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 2, at page 21. Daniel McSweene2 City Clerk A RE~0LUTION FIXING TAX RATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 192A - 192~, at~$1.A0 ~nd $1.50 respe wasLintrodueed by Trmstee McCaffrey. Z~herebY 6er~ify that~the.f0regoing.r~solution ~gs duly and regularly passed this 15th. day of September, 192~, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees: C.Blank, F.A.Cunningha~, A.J.Eschelbach~ H.McCaffrey~ H.F.McNellis Noes, Trustees: None Absent Trustees: None. Attest: Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol.2, at Page ~2. Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 125 AN ORDIN~CE REGULATING VEHICLES ON THE STREETS, LANES, ALLEYS OH COJHTS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SA~ FRANCISCO, WAS INTRODUCED BY TRUSTEE ESCHELBACH, HAD ITS FIneST READING AND WAS LAID OVER TO C0~[E UP UNDER THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AT THE N~.T REGULAR MEETING OF THE B0~RD OF TRUSTEES. 0RDIiiANCE NO. 126 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR IN AND FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, TO REGULATE AND DEFINE THE DUTIES OF SUC~ OFFICE AI~D TO ESTABLISi£ RULES AND REGULATIONS CONCE~ING THE INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND ~v~.II.ITENANCE OF ELECTRICAL WIRING AND APPAHATJS, TO FIX PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION 0F ITS PROVISIONS AND REPEALING ALL LAWS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH, WAS INTRODUCED BY TRUSTEE McCAFFPiEY, HAD ITS FIRST READIIlG AND WAS LAID OVER TO COLIE UP UNDER THE REGULAR ORDER 0F BUSI!!ESS AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF T.RUSTEES. The following claims against the c~ty were next presented for payment;- Ernest Galli, Joe Bernado, John Castro, Pac.Tel & Tel Co., Pac.Tel & Tel Co, Attending fire $ 2.50 " " ~ 2.50 " " $ 2.50 Changin~ Poundm~n's Phons 1.50 City Phone~~ ~ugUst ~ 28.78 Wm. Ely, One tel relay The Gameweli Co Electrolyte Mary Wa].] ace Pat. Kavana ugh B. Ps s ¢i ual e Dudley Perkins Nicola Re Clerical Labor Street Labor Police Cap Devices -,epair Motor cycle Rem Garbage & Dogs June July August Feldman's Auto Lietal Works Radiator Burrough's Add Machine Co Maintain Adder ~rO.~.F.Water CO Water July August So.S.F Chamber of Commerce Illumination, 30.00 7.09 8.43 1Z · 50 lo.o6 6.85 $ ~5.50 sl,~ns Cppress Lawn Tanfora June, July,Aug. " " " " ~ Cost installing signs Pac Gas & El. Co Light & Power Au~ust Rustici & Figoni 2lean Hsll Uind'ows C.Smith v,'recking platform Reliance ~' ~.rage (;as Fire Dept,to Aug 29, B.Farrell Clerical work Morrazini Estate Duplicate check of 652 Frank Nolan Labor on sewsrs Total ~ 60.00 ~491.00 6.50 11.00 40.50 .8.00 13.50 $1268.~1 ~[he claims having been audited by the finance committee Trustee Cunningham moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. There being no £urther~business before the board trustee Eschelbach ~oved to adjour: until the next regular meeting. The motion was eeconded by Trustee Cunningham and regularly csrried Time of adjournment, 10 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitte~e~d,/ Noes, Trustees: None Absent Trustees: None Attest: Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 2, at page 2t. Daniel McSweeney City Clerk f A RESOLUTION FIXING TAX RATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1924 - 1925, at:S1.40 and $1.50 respe( wasLintroduced by Trustee McCaffrey. Z~,herebY 6erRify that the. f0regoing,r6solu$ion mgm duly and regularly passed this 15th. day of September, 1924, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees: C.Blank, F.A.Cunningham, Z.J.Eschelbach: H.McCaffrey; H.F.McNellis, Noes, Trustees: None Absent Trustees: None. Attest: Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol.2, at Page ~2. Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. 0RDINAi~CE NO. 12~ AN ORDINANCE REGULATING VEHICLES ON THE STREETS, LAI~ES, ALLEYS OR COJRTS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRf~JCISCO, WAS INTRODUCED BY TRUSTEE ESCHELBACH, HAD ITS FIi~ST ~EADING AND WAS LAID OVER TO COME UP UNDE~ THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE B0~RD OF TRUSTEES. ORDIilANCE NO. 126 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR IN AND FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, TO REGULATE AND DEFINE THE DUTIES OF SUC~ OFFICE AI~D TO ESTABLISH RULES AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND ~[AINTEiIA~CE 0P ELECTRICAL WIRING J~D APPAPJ[T~S, TO FIX PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS AND REPEALING ALL LAWS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH, WAS INTRODUCED BY TRUSTEE McCAFFREY, HAD ITS FIRST READII~G AND WAS LAID OVER TO C0~IE UP UNDER THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSI~mIESS AT THE NEXT REGUZAR MEETING OF T,qE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The following claims ~gainst the city were neet presented for payment;- Ernest Galli, Joe Bernado, John Castro, Pac.Tel & Tel Co., Pac.Tel & Tel Co, W~.Ely, Attending fire $ 2.50 ~ 2.50 " "~¢~ 2.50 Changin~ Poundm~n's PhonS 1.50 City Phone~: [ugUst $ 28.78 One tel relay I~Is ry Wall ace Pat. Kavan~ugh B. Ps s q ual e Dudley Perkins Nicola Re The Gameweti Co Electrolyte Clerical Labor Street Labor Police Cap Devices ~epair Motor cycle Rem Garbage & Dogs June July August Fe!dman's Auto i~ietal Works Radiator Burrough's Add Machine Co Maintain Adder ~o.S.F.Water Co Water July August So.S.F Chamber of Commerce Illumination, 30.00 7.09 8.43 13.50 lo.o6 6.85 5.50 14. 12. signs Cppress Lawn Tanfora June,July,Aug. " "" " ~ Cost installing signs Pac Gas & El. Co Light & Power August Rustici & Figoni ~lean Hall ~Tind'ows C.Smith wrecking platform Reliance ~(~rage Gas Fire Dept,to Aug 29, B.Farrell Clerical work Morrazimi Estate Duplicate check of 65~ Frank Nolan ~abor on sewers Total ~ 60.00 491.00 $483.09 z. co ~il 11. O0 ~' 40.50 8.00 ~ 13 50 $1268 .Z1 Presidont of the Board of Trustees. The claims having been audited by the finance committee Trustee Cunningham moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. There being no £urther~business before the board trustee Eschelbach moved to adjourn , until the next regular meeting. The motion was eeconded by Trustee Cunningham and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 10 o'clock p.m. Respectfully subs~it t