HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1924-10-06 _ '.~avo~-~.~ OF THE
CITY OF S"~UTH'~' ~<'~.~,, F~ANC~SCO, HE~D
MOl?AY, OCTOBER 6TH,].!~2&.
The reguRar meeting of the Board oY Trustees of the City cf ~outh San Francisco u'as held
in 'the City Hell, t.,ionday evening, October 6th,~924.
The meeting w~s called to order at ?;z0 o'clock p.~;., by Trustee H.F.L~c~le!]is, ?resident
the board.
~oll cal.] found the fo!]owing tru[tees present,to-~it;
Trustees C~r2. Blank,H.~cCaffrey and H.F.[Ic.Noilis.
Absent, Truste~ F.A.Cunningham and A J.Esche!bsch
Trustees C~n}_n~9~a.~ and Eschelbach appeared sfter roll call.
The minutes off the previous meeting ~ve~'e and approved.
A communication was received ffrom Liisse~ J. and E. Bannerma~n, owners of lot 20, block
102 ~ap off South San Francisco protesting against reffuse dirt being lefft on their lot by the
contractor paving the a].]eys. The date set flor the hearing off all pr~te~:t~, against the acceptance
of the paving v;ork under i%esolutio~ off Intention ~ be-lng October 20th ne:~t ~il objections will be
considered on that date.
A comm~mication was received f~'om the Market Street 2ai!~ay Comps:ny, in an~;:wer to the
city's letter requesting them to move a pole ffrom in front off ~ot ~,5,block 96, ~,~a~- off South San
Francisco. ['he Company stated that their franchise permits 'hem to keep the polo in it~:" present
location, but iff the ~roperty, . o~;ner desires entrance to a garage or 8rivev;~y s~r:':e ~:ay be .'-ecured
by depositing the s~:-i of ~]75, to cover cost off moving.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Com~;,any r::ade dermnd ~pon tho city flor the retur~ of a check
of ~500, deposited in 1~14 for guarantee of g::,od workmanship in repairing street,s'torn up by them.
As city ordinamce /]~78, ,-~- ' ' _ ~
c~er~r~g e::ca~:ation and the tea. rime uv el' streets requires that a
5e~osit of ',~500 may be placed by cbmpanie~ doin;:- work n'ithin the city instead of individual deposits,
the board decided to retain the gas company's amo~t until further advice by the city attorney.
City Engineer Geo.A.Kne se submitted Estimste ~1 oF the progress oi' Eaton & Smith's se~er
contract showing the amount due after 25~ retaine6,to be .,~3605.85. Trustee Cunningha~ moved~ the
estim~:te be accepted and the amount paid to. Eaton & Smith. The motion was seconded b~7 Trustee Esche!bach
and re~u2srly carried.
A co~:~munic~tion was received from Lloyd W.~hayer, ~enera! Lianager of the ~outh San Francisco
Lone & Improvement Company, inviting the Board off Trv. stees to meet with the Chamber of Commerce, the
Manufacturers Association and the Real Estate Board ct' San Francisco, for the purpose of inspectin:f
the Ilew East 2ide Highway, the plant~ of Eouth San Francisco and this community in general. The invi-
tation was accepted and President l,icile]lis appointed on th.e committee to attend, Trustees F.A.C~ningha~
H.i~icCsf~rey, A.J.Eschelbach,C.B!ank, Fire Mart~hat Truax,Ira H.Potter,J.W.Co!eberd,City Attorney Davis,
~arry J.Uor.ba.
~ W.H.Denning off the South City Lumber & Supply Company petitioned tho board ~or permission
to c~t the curb on Baden Avenueto make another entrance to the lumber 7a. rd ~or automobiles. Permission
grante d.
The South San Francisco 'Later Company applied to the board for the upe of the city's wc. ter
wagon for the period of one week while msking foundations for three new reserviors. Request granted,
Clyde ti. Emerson, Po~ndmaster, submitted his resignation to the board, stating his ~,'ork
required so much of his time he is unable to further altend properly to the duties of Poundmaster.
The resignation was accepted. ~eputy Poundmaster De bastro was instructed to continue the duties of
tLe offfice until further notice.
Complaint was m~.ae that sa~:~d s interfering with traffic at the curve of Mission ~load and
Grand Avenue Extension. iue~erred to the szreet cov~mittee for action.
Fire Marshal ~ua:c requested the board to have some unpaved streets in _acer s Lots cleaned
off r.ubbish before the construction of a number off new buildings planned. ~eferred to the street
The ~ire Marshal also requested the board to procure a set off blue prints of the Pacific
Gas & Electric Company's mains showing the ~'hut offs, also a wrench ~or use on the same. He stated
diffi'ic~lty was e::perienced at recent ffires in locating the shut off!' vslves. The City Clerk was inst.
ructed to wrize the g~::s company for the blue print and wrench, ~s requested. City Engineer Kneese
was in~:tructed to brin~ the city block book up to date showing the sewer and water systems.
Trustee McCaffrey bro,sght the board's attention to Zhe matter'
o~fconstruction in Maple
Avenue, between Pine Terrace and the liarti~ school dis.trier, stating the sane could be paid for from
the 192~ sewer bond issue. City Engineer Kneese advised that two sections be installed, commencing from
the height on Maple Avenue, one section r~ning Forth and::o~ South.
City Attorney ia~is announced that he had applied to the Railroad Comnissi~ flor a rehesring
on the petition of the city for the e~:~ension of Orange Avenue, but that no date had been set. He also
stated that the Manufacturers Association had pledged themselves to aid the city in the fight for better
better car service
An application for a pool room license was received from Ambror'e Tape2la for the location
~08 Grand Avenue. Laid over till a f~ture meeting and referred to the City Marshal.
An application for a soft drink license w~..s received from ,Joe Dacomber,Z77 Grand Avenue
and refused by the unanimous vote of the board.
The reports off the City Treasurer, City idarshal, 2decorder, Health 0fficer,Fire Marshal
and City.Clerk for the month ending September 50th,]92a, were ne:ct read. ,he report of the
· lecorder showed collections for tho month of ~615, while the report of the City Clerk showed the
following balances in the various funds;-G.neral Fund,$7,77zi.57, Library Fund,~:.Z16.21,191Z Sewer
Fund,~'179 77, "1919" Bonds,~?lO17.08, 192Z Sewer Fund, ~55 089 76, e
· . . ~treet improvement Fund,~35.,
~{evolving Fund ~;t00., Street Imp.Bond ~'unds,~ZZ9.61. 2otal balance in all funds,~:64,750.00.
0n motion by Trustee C~ni:~gham aeconded by Trustee Eschelbach the reports were accepted
as road.
Trustee Cunningham introd~ced a resolution approving a diagram sub nitted by Superintendent
of £treet~, Fniee~e, of the ?roperty affected and benefitted by grading, paving, eta, of the alleys
and streets l.alder iiesolution, of Intention ji5Z, and the same was adopted by the following vote;- ~
Ayes, Trustees,C.Blank,E.A.Cunninhgam,A.J.~.schelbL.ch, H.McCa£frey and h.F.]dcl~el!is.
Noes, Trustees, None. ~
Absent, Trustees, None Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk,
Recorded in Book of [ie,~olution~, Vol -~2 at page 23.
An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance .'~egulating Vehicles on the Streets,Lanes, alleys and
them to move a pole from in front of lot 25,b!ock 96, Ma:, of South San
. r., .... ~.e,~l to keep the po~e in it',~' !~re~ent~-
Francisco ,ne Company stated that their franchise per~,its '"~ ,~
location, but if the p~'operty owner desires entrance to a g~rage or 5rivew~y s~me :~ay be ~'ecured
by depositin~ the s,~n of ~75, to cover cost of moving.
The Pacific Go~, & Llectric C
or:d.ar, y r::ade de~:~:;~d ~on tho city for the retur~ o~ a check
o~ ;:j;500, deposited in ]_~14 flor ?uarantee cZ good v/orkr-mnship in repairing streets 'torn up by them.
~::78 coverJr~g e::ca~:ation and the temrinT up el' streets requires that ~
As city ordinamce ?,,- .
5e~o~it o~ '~'~)~: may be placed by cdmmanie' doth:? v~ork v,.ithin the city instead off individual depo~its
the board decided to retain the g~,s company's amo~t until ffurther advice by the city ~ttorney.
City Engineer Geo.A.Kne se subr~itted Estimste ~1 off the progress el' Eaton & ~m_~th s sewer
contz'act, showing the amount due after 25~ retained,to be :~605 .... 85. Trustee Cunnin~,h~m moved the
estimate be accepted and the amount paid to Eaton & Smith. The motion was seconded b~, Trustee Esche_bacn
and re~ulsrly carried.
A co~:munic~tion was received from Lloyd W.Thayer, General [ianager off the ~outh San Francisco
La~n(~ & Improvement Company,. inviting the Board off Trustees to meet with the Chamber o~ Co~merce, the
Manuffacturers Association ~:..nd tb.e Real Estate Board o~Y San Francisco, flor the purpose o~ inspectinff
the I~ew East Side Highway, the plants off South San Francisco and this community in general. The invi-
tation was accepted and 2~e~mdent ~,lci.~ellis appointed on th.e con';mittee to attend trustees F.A.O~ningham
H.McCaff~rey, A.J.Eschelbach,C.Blank, Fire Marshal Trua:¢,ir~ H.Potter,J.W.Oo!eberd,City Attorney ~avis,
~arry J.Bo~Dennin~ o~ the South ~ity Lumber & Supply Company petitioned tho board ~or permission
to c~t the curb on Baden Avenueto make another entrance to the lumber yard flor automobiles. 2ermission
~rante d.
The South San Francisco '~ater Come, any applied to the board flor the u?e off the city's water
wagon flor the period off one week while msking ~oundatioms flor three new reserviors. Request granted,
Clyde h. Emerson, 2oundmaster, submitted his r~signation to the board, ~tating his work
required so much of his time he is unable to ~urther ~2~tend properly to the duties o~ 2oundmaster.
The resignation was accepted. ~eputy Poundmaster De castro ;~'as instructed to continue the duties
the office until ffurther notice.
Complaint was made that sand's interfering with traffics at the curve off Mission ~load and
Grand Avenue Extension. kefferred to the street cor~mittee Zor action.
~ire Marshal ~mua:¢ requested the board to have some unpaved streets in Pack's Lots cleaned
off r.ubbish before the construction of a number off new buildings planned. 'Referred to the street com~,itte
The ~ire Marshal also requested the board to procure a set off blue prints of tho
Gas & Electric Company's mains showin~ the shut o~s, ¢~lso a wrench flor use on the same. He stated
diffficulty w¢,s e::perienced at recent ffires ~n l, ocating the shut o~ff vslves. The City Clerk was inst.
rusted to wrize the g~::s company for the blue print and wrench, ts requested. City Engineer Knee~e
was in~tructed to brin~ the city block book up to date showing the sewer and water systems.
Trustee LlcOafffrey bro,oght the board's attention to ~he matterloffconstruction in Maple
Avenue, between Sine Terrace and the l, lartir, school distr~ct, stating the same could be paid ~or from
the !925 sewer bond issue. City Engineer Kneese advi6ed that two sections be installed, commencing from
the height on Maple Avenue, one section r~ning Forth and:o~b South.
Cit.v Attorney Y~a,~is announced that he had applied to tho Railroad Comraissi~ I'or a rehesring
on the petition off the city for the e~:~ension off Oran;~e Avenue, but that no date had been set. He also
stated that the Manuffacturers Association had pledged themselves to aid the city in the ~ight for better
better car service.
An applmcation ~or a pool room license was received from Ambrose Tapella flor the location
~308 Grand Avenue. Laid over till s ~uture meeting and refferred to the City Marshal.
An application flor a sofft drink licen?e w~.s received ffrom Joe Dacomber,~77 Grand Avenue
and reffusod by the unsnimous vote off the board.
The reports off the City Treasurer, Oity iSa, rsha. 1, idecorder, Health 0f~icer,Fire i¥~arshal
and City.Clerk for the month ending September ~Oth,]92a, were next read. ~he report o~ the City
,~ecorder showed collections ~or tho month o~ ~615, while the report off the City Clerk showed the
ffollowing balances in the various funds;- General ~'und,~7,77~.d7, Library Fund,~316.2!,191~ Sewer
Fund,~!79.77, "1919" Bonds,~]flO17.08, 1925 Sewer F~d, ~55.089.76, Street improvement
;~evolving Fund ~100., Street Imp.Bond Funds,~339.61. ~,otal balance in all ~unds,~:64,750.00.
0n motion by Trustee O~ningham seconded by ~ru,.t~e Eschelbach the reports v~ere accepted'
as read
Trustee Cunningham introduced a resolution approving a diagram sub witted by Superintendent
of Streets, if~ee~e, of the property affected and benefitted by grading, paving, etc, of t]~e alleys
and streets ~mder ~esolution~ of Intention ~-dZ, and the same was adopted by the following vote;- ~
Ayes, Trustees,C.Blank,E.A.Cunninhgam,A.J.;.schelb~ch, H.~,icCaffrey and H.F.~,ic~e~!is.
Noes, Trustees, None. ~
Absent, Trustees, None Attest; Daniel ~cSweeney, City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol ~2 at page 23.
An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance ~;egulatin~ Vehicles on the Streets,Lanes, alleys and
courts of the Cit~ of South San Francisco", had its second reading and was adopted as an ordinance
of the City of South Ssn'Franc.~sco by the following vote;- ~
Ayes, Trustees, C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham,~.J.Eschelbach,H.~cCaffrey,H.F.McNellis.
Noes, Trustees, 2one.
Absent, Trustees, None.
Attest; ],aniel McSweeney, City Cle:'k.
The £ol]owing claims against the city were ne::t presented for payment;-
John Castro
N .Medeghini
J. Sianchi
Pat Kavanaugh
Mary Wall ace
maintenance of machine September, ~ Z0.00
Killing dogs " v 17.00
Sweeping street~' Eitra Work " ~100.00
" " Regular" " ~200.00
Gas,Oil,~'eed & Transportation of Pris. $ 20.05
Pr~.nting Parking way ................... ~ ~0.25
Clerical Labor ~! 67 50
5treat Labor ........................... ~,36.80
Clerical Labor ~" 21 34
0lento Bianchini Labor and team ....................... ~ 8~.00
Frank Kelly Labor .............................. ..~ ~6.00
A. Johnson ~treet Labor.~Paimtimg) ................ ~ 22.50
C.E.Stahl ~arpenter Work ........................ $ 8.00
Peninsula Parcel Del. Hauling ............. ............ ~ !.00
H.L.Hickey ~leaning sewer~ally bet. Grand,~il~er ~ 56.00
Linden & ~ypres~,
F.W.Hobinson ~'umigator, etc ........... ; ............ ~ 2.00
Eaton & Smith ~ue Estimate ~ Factory Dist ......... $~605.85
Jenning's Pharmacy crepe Faper. .....................
H.D.Dye Co. Stamo ................................
F.A.ounningham, W;~'Gold~mit, asigned claim ..........
~'.A.Hoblnson Rat exterminator otc ................
Americgn Hy Express Co..~Frei~htl ....................
So.D.~'.~ater ~o. ~ater (Sept) .....................
Pioneer ~ibson Express ~o. Hauling Ckemicals .........
Hoyle Printing ~o. Printing Tax Books ........... · .....
Pac. Tel & Tel ~o. Arty Davis' Phones ...............
Geo. H. Knee,e, House N~nbers .....................
Cal State Auto Ass'n 3 signs ........................
The claims having been sudited by
The motion was seconded by Trustee
There being no further business
!~th,!924,at ?;gO o'clock p.m.
TOTAL ~4646.44
tho finance committee Trustee C',mningkam moved they be
Eschelbsch and regularly carried.
before the board Trustee McCaffrey moved to adjourn until
','he motion was seconded by Trustee Blank snd regularly
Time of adjournment, 9;55 o'clock p.~.
~ es~dent 0% ~ e rustees.
Respectfully submitted,