HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1924-10-13188
~i{U,.~.~ 0P iitL CiTY 0P ~0~.i{ SAN
fi:J,i,;C I SO 0, HELD L. Oi~D~Y,
OO~OBEH !~H,1924.
A re~ra]arly ~d,~ourned meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cit~ of South San Prancisco
was held in the Cit,v ti[:12 i2<',nday evening,October 1Zth,1924.
r2 I ~'
The meeting was called to order t~t 7;,~0 o clock p.m. by Trustee n.F.McNellis, President of
the board.
i~o/1 ~e]]. found all trustees pre~-ent,to'-wit-:
Zrustees, C 31'~
. < ..... ,F.f. Cunnin~ham, A. J .E~che]bach, H.[lcCaffrey, n. F.Lc~.e] ] is.
The minutes of the previous meetin~ were re~d, and there bein~ no error~'~ or omissions were
approved as read.
A communication was received from L.J.Yobin, sewer contractor, asking for the balance of
the amount dt~e him for sewer construction in the west end aZ the city. The city en~i,,eer kavin~
been advised that the communication w~:s at hand reported throu;~h the clerk that some small details
remained uncomp]eted, and after ss~.e were remedied acceptance of the work would follow.
Bernard McCeffrey ~ost 285,American Le~ion, made ~pp]ication for space in the ~ity Hall for
the Post's fla~,, colors and other ~raphernalia,~ su~e~:ting,~o._, that the store room would ~,~
_ _. ' .ru~,l.~e ~schelbach seuonded L2 ~''
~!ace for a ~ocker. 0n motion by ~'~ ,' ~ .r~ tee BlaNk the request
An app!ic~tion for a dance per,mit wa-s received from the Yi!gr~m Social Club, San Prancisco,
for the dates November ~2nd and. ~c
~th next. ~p~!icat'o
~. m denied.
ihe laid over a])p!icstion of Ambrose T~pel].a for a ~ool room license was again la. id over
until the next regular meeting.
Al.! city officers v:ho attended the League of u~lifornia Mnnicipalities Convention at
s=lo,~, ~'.e~r Monterey, reported to the board o'n the activitie~ of ~,h, di~ ..... ant branbhes of
r:':u~iciFal ~overnr, ent as uitnessed ~t the convention. Uhe attendance was ~epo~.tea smaller than
nsu[!,owi~'~g to the hasty chan~e. ~T~ mectin~ places.
This dat~ bsln~ ~'le~el hoDlda[ the Board of Trustees could take no action on the application
of the Pacific OaS ~ El-,ctric Company for a franchise %o dispanse fuel ~as and electric power.
.Durin~ discussion of 1,}'3e purposed fra'nchise Trustee L2c~bffrey pointed o{tt that the 0~'1r i~' nov/
[~erved wit]'i only altern~,ting current while direct c~rrent is cpeaper [nd %~ould tend to aid man]~fac-
turing. He suggested that copies of the purpo,~
,.e~ fra~cki~;e be forwarded to the Manufacturer's
~sociation for perusal and pqs~ibLy re. cohmendttions to offer. SuFf'est~on adomted and copies
ordered d.i~'tribu~ed to tloe conmittee o~' '~ ~
The, fei.levying c!sirs [~a~mst the city were next ~,resen'td for
Pacific Te~ ~' ~ Co c'
~eptember o 19 10
~19! O0
W.L. Hickey C]eanJn~t sewer~ gr~.a Ave~ ~ .
Paes to L:ay !%,25
39 brass stencils,
Ex~,enses to Convention
..c~:v,,.bacher -Prey 2ts Co
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Lea~]~e Cal Nnnicl
A. E. Kau ffmann
H.C.Nafynus ~.~ Co
B. H.
L. Be]] omi
D.Mc Swe eney
John F.. Davis
Tony' Phillips
Schwabacher-Frey Co.
Hoc~;ald Chemic, at Co.
So. City L~mJ~_r & Sup'ply Co.
Su~r,~li es ':'2. ] 0
3 ~al!ets .: 1O.[',0
t, ~' 58.80
I,i~hte & Power Sep ember v4
.Jas fire dep't
~.: 40.00
' 2.a7
~' 35.00
~ 55.00
o 55.00
c- 45.00
$ 40. aa
w 30.00
Water'in~ trees etc. ~ 76.50
1 Qt. Ink & t Wire Tray.;$ ~.Z8
Wo.~k-!ite ]owder & brushs~ Zl. V1
idope $ 3.75
TOTAL ~1~55.98
Thec~a~,.,s'~ '-* havin~ been audited by the finance comr.:z~,tee~-'~ , Trustee McCaffrey moved they
be paid. The n'" ~
m. ~on was seconded by trustee Ounnin~rhar:': and regul~ rly oa.:"ried.
~ne~,~ fore tl-te board, trustee Cunninghara :~,oved t'~ adjourn
There bain6 no further h, us~ ,~o be
until the next regular meeting'. 'Z'he r-,otion was Feconded by Trustee McCaffrey and re;ru]ar!y
'~'ir.,e of adjournment, 8:SO o'clock p.m.
President of the B'oard/of Trustees.
Re s re c t, f. tl~.~ y s ubr(~} ~ Ed.//