HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1924-10-20REGUI~R ~EETING OF THE B0~.RD OF TRUSTEE~ OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WAS HELD 'IN THE~ ~CITY HAL,MONDAY, 0CT.20TH,1924, The regular m~eting of the Board of Trustees of the City~of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, 0etober~20th,1924. The meeting was called to order at ?;~0 o'clock p,m, by Trustee H.F.McNet~is, President of the Board.Roil'call found all trustee present,to-wit,g,Blank,F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbach,H.~, H.F.McNellighe minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A number of property ~0wners ~ having previously requested that lights be placed in the a~lys of block 126 and 1Z4,.the clerk was instructed to write the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and request the lights be placed as ordered. A petition was recoived £rom the local order of Redmen, Tribe $111 asking for a permit t hold a dance in Fraternal, Saturday emening, ~ovember lst,1924, Permission granted. A request was received from the Three Cities Chamber of Co~mterce, San Mateo, asking the B of Trustees of this city to appoint a delegate to the Committee on Study of San Francisco-San Mat~ Counties .Consolidation. President McNellis appointed Trustee Cunningham to act. Trustee Cunningh~ said he would not guarantee to act gavorably upon the subject, but was willing to give the matter fair consideration. A communication was received from Lloyd W.Thayer, ~eneral ~anager of the So~th San Franci. Land & Improvement Company, in answer ~o~the city's letter accepting the invitationto meet with 'the Real Estate Board of San Francisco, the Merchants Association of South San Francisco and the Manufacturers' Association of South San Francisco, stating that he would advise the board later o date to be settled.upon. permAs6°mmunicati°n~s were received from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company asking the city's ion to set poles (threel in the alley between Baden and commercial, West of SPruce' and on. on California Avenue, opPosite Division Street. Referred to the street committee, after which the · street committee instructed the clerk to write the gas & electric company stating that their requ was granted. This being'the date set for the opeming of bids'for the Sweeping of streets Truste~~ that bids~ be opened.The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. The clerk was accordingly instructed to open the bids, which showed the following results; M.A.Borba, the sum of ~Z,?500 per month. No bond accompanied the bid. Chas.Menconi " " "$~75.00 " " " Regular bond " " " N.Medeghini " " "$450/00 " " Bond accompanied the bid. '0wing to certain confusion in submitting bonds to accompany the bids the awarding of the contract was laid over. W.J.Toben, sewer contractor appeared before the board in reference to the payment of the last estimate due him for sewer construction in the.west end of the city. City Engineer stated considerable work on the sewer' had been left undone. After discussion the city decided to DaY $10 on account, the balance to be paid when the work. is finished to the satisfaction of the city. Tapella & Colombo~made a~plication for a pool room license for the location ~08 Grand. Li. granted' by the following vote, ayes,Trustee,C.Blank. F.A,Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey and H.F.MoNel~is. Noes, Trustce~~, None. Absent, Trustees, None. John Welsh made application for the position of Puundmaster, and was appointed by the unAn 'vote of the board. FireChief Truax submitted h~S report of fires for the month of October. The report showed but little damage done for the period. In the matter of a franchise agreement with the Pacific Gas ~ Electric Company no definite action was takem un'til a~] interest parties shall have carefully studied the document. The matter of an outlet sewer under the new eastside highway was next brought up by City ~Engineer )~eese. He was'instructed to procure data and information on the subject and have same a hand at the next regular meeting. Eastern John Riordan appeared before the board and requested permission on beha~fof Ruth Chapter, t hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Friday evening, ctober ~lst. 19£*. Request granted. President McNellis reported that requests were ~'~ade to have the lights turned on earlier ~he evening. The clerk was instructed to look into the matter, and ascertain ~'hat hour the light were turned off in the mornings, etc. blue prints City Engineer ~neese submitted thr'ee selected proposed park sites'for the consideration of committee on park sites. One on the proposed extension of Orange Avenue,-the 20 acre site, is the willows, which section is to opened up for settlement. One is at Acacia and Eucalyptus and o~ Linden and Armour AvenueS, .of~ the San Bruno Road. City Attorney Davie was empowered by the Boar ascertain what price the land company places Npon the property. ORDINANCE $126. Ordinance $126, An Ordinance to establish the office tf Electrical Inspector in and for City of South San Francisco, to regulate and define the duties of such office and to establish rU and re OhS concerning the install&tion, operation and maintenance of electrical wiring and a' to fix .ties for the violation of its provisions and repealing all laws in conflict herewith, had its sec thi~ 20th,dal Ayes, Noes, A~ g and was passe~ and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San ~ranci October, 19~4, by the following vote;- trustees, C.Blank,F.A.Ounningham,A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey, H.F.McNellis. rustees, None. Trustees, None. Attest;- Daniel McSweeney, Oity Clerk. The following claims against the cit~ were next presented for payme~$;- W.J.Tobin~ second estimate, (~2) onsewer construction work ~1000.00 Wm,.,Ely, Material & Wiring $ 34.20 Mary Wallac~ Clerical Work ~ 15.75 W.R.Emer~~o ,Burning grass $ 2.50 Clyde Eme~ n Att.fire ~ 2.50 ~ B,Farrell. Cl~rical work $ 51.75~ F.J.Lautze gas & Truck Aug.& Sept E 21.15. The Enterprise Notice of Sweeping streets contract 4.50 " " Printing ~125 etc $ 28.50~ Chas, Bollazzi Acid pitcher ~ .50' W.L.Hickey Cleaning swerrs ~i 28.00 Total 1189.~5 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Trustee Eschelbac~ moved they be paid. ~he wss seconded bY Trustee McCaffrey and regularly carried.. There being no further business before board Trustee Cunningham m~ved to adjourn until the next regular neeting. The motion was seconded b Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried, Time of adjournment 9.0~~ o'clock p.m. ............ ~'pe%[~ion was received from the local order of Redmen, Tribe ~111 asking for a ps: hold a dance in Fraternal, Saturday exening, i~ovember lst,1924, permission granted. A request was received from the Three Cities Chamber of Coserce, San Mateo. asking of Trustees of this city to appoint a delegate to the Committee on Study of San Francisco-S~ Counties Consolidation. President McNellis appointed Trustee Cunningham to act. Trustee Cumm said he would not guarantee to act gavorably upon the subject, but was willing to give the fair consideration. A communication was received from Lloyd W.Thayer., Jeneral Hanager of the So~th San Land & Improvement Company, in answer So.the city's letter accepting the invitation to meet 'the Real Estate Board of San Francisco~ the Merchants Association of South San Francisco and Manufacturers' Association of South San Francisco, 'stating that he would ad~ise the board la date to be settled.upon. A Communication were received from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company asking.the city permission to set poles (threel in the alley between Baden and commercial, West of SPruce, on California Avenue, opPosite Division Street. Referred to the'street committee, after whicl stree~ committee instructed the clerk to write the gas & electric company stating that their was granted. .This being'the date set for the opeming of bids 'for the Sweeping of streets Truste~ that bids' be opened. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. The clerk was accordingly instructed to open the bids, which showed the following res~ M.A.Borba, the 'sum of ~,?§00 per mo~th. No bond accompanied the bid. Chas.Menconi " " "$~8.00 " . " Regular bond " " " N.Medeghini " " "SA~0/00 " " Bond accompanied the hid. 'Owing to certain confusion in submitting bonds to accompany the bids the awarding of contract was laid over. W.J.Toben, sewer contractor appeared before the board, in reference to the payment of t: last estimate due him for sewer construction in the.west end of the city. CitY Engineer state~ considerable work on the sewer' had been left undone. After discussion the city decided to pay on account, the balance to be paid when the work. is finished to the satisfaction of the city. Tapella & Colombo'made a~plication for a pool room license for the location #~08 Grand, granted'by the following vote, ayes,Trustee,C.Blank. F.A;Cunnlngham,A.J.Eschelb~ch,H.~cCaffrey H.F.McNel~is. Noes, Trustce~~, None. Absent, Trustees, None. John Welsh made application for the position of Poundmaster, and was appointed by the vote of the board. Fire .Chief Truax submitted h~e report of fires for the month of October. The report sho but little damage done for the period. In the matter of a franchise agreement with the PAcific Gas ~'- Electric Company no defin action was takem untila~ interest parties shall have carefully studied the document. ~ t The matter of ~ outlet sewer under the new eastside highway was next brought up by ~.Engineer ~neese. He was'instructed to procure data and information on the subject and have sam~ hand at the nezt regular meeting.~ East~ John Riordan appeared before the board and requested permission on beha~fof Huth Chapte~ hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Friday evening, :ctober 3lst. 19~. Request granted. President McNellis reported that requests were ~':ade to have the lights turned on earli( ~he evening. The clerk was instructed to look into the mat~er, and ascertain what hour the li~ were turned off in the mornings, etc. blue prints City Engineer ~neese submitted three selected proposed park sites'for the consideration committee on park sites. One on the proposed extension of Orange Avenue, 'the 20 acre site, is c the willows, which section is to opened up for settlement. One is at Acacia and Eucalyptus and Linden and Armour AvenueS, .cfi' the £an Bruno Road. City Attorney Davie was empowered by the Bo ascertain what price the land company places Fpon the property. ORDINANCE #126. Ordinance $126, An Ordinance to establish the office 6f Electrical Inspector in and f, City of South San Francisco, to regulate and define the duties of such office and to establish ~ and re one concerning the installation, operation and maintenance of electrical wiring and to fix ties for the violation of its provisions and repealing all laws in conflict herewitl had its this E0th, Ayes, Noes, Absent and was passeA ~d adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San ~ran¢ October, 19EA, by the following vote;- ~rustees, C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey, H.F.McNellis. rustees, None. Trustees, None. Attest;- Daniel NcSweeney, Oity Clerk. The following claims against the cit~ were next presented for payme~$:- W.J.Tobin~ ~' second eStimate, (~) on sewer construction work ~1000.00 Wm.,~Ely, Material & Wiring $ ~A.20 Mary Wall~ Clerical Work $ I~.?B ~ .~urning grass $ ~.~0 W'R'Emeri~on Att.fire 2~0 Clyde Eme~ B.Farrell. F.J.Lautze The Enterprise Chas. Bollazzi W.L.Hickey Cl~rical work gas & Truck Aug.& Sept Notice of Sweeping streets contract Printing ~12~ etc Acid pitcher ~ Cleaning swerrs Total 51.75 4.~0 z8. o 88 O0 ~,118~ The claims having been audited by the finance committee Trustee Eschelbac~ moved they be paid. ~he was seconded by Trustee McOaffrey and regularly carried. There being no further business before board Trustee Cunningham mGved to adjourn until the next regular neeting. The motion was seconded b~ Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried, Time of adjournment 9.0~ o'clock p.m. Approved_ ~ ,~ , Fresident of t~e ~oard-of Trustees 188 ~GULAR ~EETiNG OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TEE $i~y OF ~0UTH SAN FRANCISCO, The regular meeting of the b~aa~dof Trustees ,of the City of South San Fran~sao w~s held in the CitynHall Monday'eneni~g., Novenber ~r~,1924 The meeting~mas ~lled ~.~ order at ?;30 p.m. by trustee H.F.McNellis, President of the board. Roll call found aIl~ustees present- ~he minutes of the previous meeting were eead and approve~ A communocatiom was r~ceived Miss Julie Bannerma~'protesting againSt,~ce=aain weed e~m~rges. Communic~tion ordered filed. A communication wa~ received from thhe Mwrchan~sAssociation favoring an ordinance regulating the construction of buildings forabusinwss purposes in the city limits. Referred to the city attorney' for advice. The application of L,G Cavelli for a soft drini~ license £or the ~apitol Hotel was granted .~ by'the following vote;-.Ayes, C.BLank.F.A.Cunningham, AJ::Eschelbach, H,~cCaf~e~;:;H,F.McNellis. Noes.,None, Absent, None. The reports of the city'~officers were received and ordereed placed on file. The '~llSWing : claims against th city were next presented;- ' ~L,Hlckey'Cleaning sewv~ers ~162.50 ~rs. Ida Bissett~ rent for water wagon 15.00 Tony Phillips Burning grass 2.59 Nick Re Rem garbage 4.00 Heyle Printing ~o. printing ordinances etc'63.00 So.City Lbr & Supply Co L~ber etc St.Pm~l's Method ~piscopal Church Bal. due on lot The Enterprise Printing notices, etc John Castro rem dog~ West disenficting ~o material 0.Bianchini. Feed of ho~se L.Belloni gas & transportation A.Carlisle & CO ~uides fire gept V.Bianchin~ use of A~o October Pac, Tel & Tel Co phone N.Mede~hine SWeeping Streets October, " " "& rem dogs " E~ton & Smith Patch work P~ Kavavough Labor on ~treets 28.95. 3651.00 68.99 17.00 64.75 24.00 ~5.45 30.00 5.95. 200.00 104.00 202.00 27.00 Total $448~.'6~. ~ ~ ~el presented, Om motion by trusttee ~cCaffrey,seconded by truste_,~_~ bills were allowed as .~d ordered paid. The Fraternal Hall Association for the refund of ~4 on account of weed~ not cut, and charged, On motion regularly carried the amount was orderea returned. A resolution was introducedby trustee McCaffrey relative to through st~reet ca~ service t San Francisso and adopted by the by a unanimous vote and recorded in Book of resolutions Vol 2, in page 24, 'D~f There being no further business the board adj$$rned to meet again at the next regula~ meeting. Monday, November, 17th.1924. Time of adjournment, 9.10 p.m. Approve d ~resident of the Board of Trustees. Respectfully submit, ted,