HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-01-05REGUI~R MEETING 0G THE BOARD 0F TRUSTEES
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco was held in
the City Hall Monday evening, January 5th.1925.
The meeting was called to order by Trustee H.F.McNellis at ?~Z0 o'clock p.m.
Roll call found the following trustees present,to-wit,
Trustees; , F.A.Cunningham,N.J.Eschelbach.H.HcCaffrey,H.F.McNellis.
Absent,Trustee,C.Blank ~
Trustee Blank appeared after roll call.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and there being no errors or omissions were
approved as read.
An application for a building permit was received from Martin Ferko, to construct a garage
with three rooms overhead in the rear of his lot ~52~ Grand Avenue. Granted.
An application for a building permit to e~tend his store and build two rooms upstairs on th
premises ~AA2 Baden Avenue,was received from Marie Cagnacci. Action deferred for further investigal
W.F.VarguS, Secretary of Western Pipe & Steel Company Employees' Mutual Aid Association mad
application for a permi~ to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, January,17th,19£5.Grs
Lee Murray, secretary of the Avalon Club, asked the board's permission to continue Sunday
afternnon dancing in Fraternal Hall until the beginning of Lent. Granted.
Roberto Ferrario of the Circolo Regina made application for a permit to hold a dance in Frs
Hall, Saturday evening February ~8th,1925, Granted.
An application was received from the South City Social Club, asking the board for permis~i¢
to hold a dance in Fraternal Hell, Saturday evening, February 1, th,1925. Granted.
Pete M.Petroff and Pete E Demetroff petitioned the board for permission to establish an up
date sanitary camp ground at the south west corner of San Bruno Road and Linden .A~enue, the same t¢
be modern in every respect. Action defe=red until a future meeting.~
A communication was received from the State of California State Compensation Insurance Fun~
enclosing check for $Z2.08 rebate due the city as earned premium. Accepte~.
The Pacific Gas and Electric Company petitioned the board for permission to set poles on Bs
Avenue to supply new customers. Permission granted and the clerk instructed to write the company t¢
A~eommunication was received from ~he Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company asking permis
to lay appromimately A69 feet of underg~ound conduit, build two manholes and erect three poles in ~
block bounded by Linden and Grand Avenues and San Bruno Road and ~ ~.~iiler Avenue, in connection m
the opening of Zhe new Central Office. As a deposit of 50 cents per square feet is required ~o gua~
the first class replacing of concrete, etc in, this kind of work, the clerk was instructed to secure
deposit of $500 from the company before beginning the work, and permission was granted.
The Human Fly appeared before the board and asked permission to clim~ the front of the Cit~
Hall. Permission granted on condition that he sign a release absolving ~he city from any liability
case of injury or accident.
Representatives of ~he Nestern Pipe & Steel ~orks and the Edwards ~ire Works appeared befo~
the board and requested that repairs be made to Butler Roard as the same is reported in bad condit~
Referred to the street committee for investigation.
Fire Marshal Truax reported the approaches to C~apman and Handolph Avenues also in bad con~
~eferred to the street committee.
City Marshall Belloni reported a red light was required at the new police booth,on top,
two. inside, as well as a phone. He was instructed to order them installed.
The fol2owing applications for soft drink~licenses were granted,~Peter Pala,John O'Connor,
Jas. J.Jennings,T.C.Connolly,Mattle and Stokes,J.~.Barada~,Richard Harder,Viet~e & Thatcher,Stanle~
Nickerson,Emilio GiorgetteAntonio 0resti, Hichard E.Setter,Angelo *enovesio,Ernest Galli, Felice B~
G.Venturi,A.FerrariA.Bertulucci,Henry & Dan Bertoldi, Colombo & Tapella, ~.Blandini Louis G.Cavall~
Lo,is Bergamacchi,°Emanuel Ghilardi, Jesse Garcis, ~.Marani,
The following pool room licenses were granted~- T.C.Connolly,Jesse Garcia, Angelo Genovesi
Ernest Galli,Colombo & TaDella,Mattle & Sto~es, and Stanley & Nickerson.
The reports of the City Marshal, Fire Chief, City Recorder, Health Officer and City Clerk
for the month ending December ~lst,were next re~d.
The report of the City Recorder showed collections of $5~5 f~r the month, while the repor~
the City Clerk showed the following balances in the various funds;- ~eneral Fund,$21,766.68,Librar~
Fund,$179S.12, "191~" Sewer f,~nd,$ZESZ.1Z, "1919" bonds,$7163.79,"192~' Sewer fund,$36,544.8Z,
~ "A" to "J" $3158.23. Total ~
Street Imp.Fund$33, Re~olving f~nd,~100.00, Street Assessment Funds,
in all finds,$7Z,812.78. On motion by Trustee Blank seconded by Trustee WcCaffrey the reports were
accepted as re~.d.
Ira H.PotLer.Rresident of the Bank of South San Francisco appeared before the board and req
the use of the Council Chambers on the afternoon of Thursday, J~nuary £2nd for the California~ Ba~
Association, Group #Z. Request granted. ~ .~
The clerk was instructed to order two light placed in the alley of Block ~lO1 a petition i
the same having been submitted to the board at the previous meeting.
Complaint was made that the approaches to the city dumping ground were in very bad conditi¢
and impa~sable for vehicles. A committee consisting of Trustees McCaffrey,Eschelb~ch, and 6unninghs
and City Marshal Bellomi was appointed to look into the matter with a view to repairing the roadwa~
City Attorney Davis reported to the board that he ~as in receipt of a communication from t~
South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company submitting prices for the three proposea park.sites
selected by the Bozrd of Trustees. The following were the prices quoted:- Site #l,! 4.69, acres, ~
Martin School on propossd Paradise Valley Highway,S2500 per acre, Site $2, ~.~23 acres near Coff~
home on Miller Avenue, $3000 per acre, Site ~ ~, 20 acres in the Willows on the route of the pro;
Orange Avenue extension, Free gift. Total for the sites $22,000. Stipulation was made that $2000 w¢
be acceptable as a deposit, and $2000 annually, with interest at 5% until paid. President ~cNellis
stated that the citizens of the city should be given a chance to hear the ~erms and conditions of t
offer before deciding on a definite answer, and accordingly set Thursday eEening January 8th for t~
general committee and the citizens in general to meet in the city hall for an open discussion of th
The matter of calling for bids for street $weeping work was again brought to the attention
Board. It was decided to use the same specification as of last year and to advertise a call for bid
~for Monday evening, January 19th,192e, between the hours~ of ?:SO and 8:30 p.m. The clerk was so
instructed. RESOLUTION:
A resolution was introduced by Trustee Eschelb~ch calling for a meeting for the purpose of
re-zoning the city and.~setting ~ionday, January, 19th,1925, at 7:00 o'01ock p.m. in ~Lhe City Hall as
the time and place £or~t~ meeting' Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page #26.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and there being no errors or omissions were
approved as read.
An application for a building permit was received from Martin Ferko, to construct a garage
with three rooms ovorhesd in the rear of his lot ~5£A Grand Avenue. Granted.
An applicetion for a building permit to extend his store and build two rooms upstairs on the
premises ~*A2 Baden Avenue,was received from Marie Cagnacci. Action deferred for further investigatJ
W.F.VarguS, Secretary of Western Pipe & Steel Company Employees' Mutual Aid Association mad~
application for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, January,17th,1925.Gra~
Lee ~urray, secretary of the Avalon Club, asked the board's permission to continue Sunday
afternnon dancing in Fraternal Hall until the beginning of Lent. Granted.
Roberto Ferrario of the Circolo Regina made application for a permit to hold a dance in Fra~
Hall, Saturday evening February 28th,192~, Granted.
An application was received from the South City Social Club, asking the board for permis~'ioz
to hold a dance in Fraternal Hell, Saturday evening, February 1, th,192~. Granted.
Pete M.Petroff and Pete E Demetroff petitioned the board for permission to establish an up
date sanitary camp ground at the south west corner of San Bruno Road and Linden .A~enue, the same to
be modern in every respect. Action dele=red until a future meeting.
A communication was received from the State of California State Compensation Insurance Fund,
enclosing check for $~2.08 rebate due the city as earned premium. Accepte~.
The Pacific Gas and Electric Company petitioned the board for permission to set poles on Bad
Avenue to supply new customers. Permission granted and the clerk instructed to write the company to
A~communication was received from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company asking permiss
to lay appromimately 469 feet of underg~ound conduit, build two manholes and erect three poles in th
block bounded by Linden and Grand Avenues and San Bruno Road and ~ ~iiiler Avenue, in connection wi
the opening of the new Central Office. As a deposit of 80 cents per square feet is required ~o guars
the first class replacing of concrete, etc ink.this kind of work, the clerk was instructed to secure
deposit of $~00 from the company before beginning the work, and permission was granted.
The Human Fly appeared before the board and asked permission to clim~ the front of the City
Hall. Permission granted on condition that he sign a release absolving the city from any liability i
case of injury or accident.
Representatives of the Nestern Pipe & Steel ~orks and the Edwards ~ire Works appeared before
the board and requested that repairs be made to Butler Roard as the same is reported in bad condi~io
Referred to the street committee for investigation.
Fire Marshal Truax reported the approaches to C~apman and Handolph Avenues also in bad condi
~eferred to the street committee.
City Marshall Belloni reported a .red light was required at the new police booth,on top,
two inside, as well as a phone. He was instructed to order them installed.
The folFowing applications for soft drink~'licenses were granted,;Peter Pale,John O'Connor,
Jas. J.Jennings,T.C.Connolly,Mattle and Stokes,J.H.Barada~,Richard Harder,VietLe & Thatcher,Stanley
Nickerson,Emilio GiorgetteAntonio 0resti, Hichard E.Setter,Angelo Genovesio,Ernest Galli, Felice Bro
G.Venturi,A.FerrariA.Bertulucci,Henry & Dan Be~toldi, Colombo & Tapella, ~.Blandini Louis G.Cavalli,
Lo,is Bergamacchi, 'Emanuel Ghilardi, Jesse Garcis, i.Marani,
The following pool room licenses were granted;- T.C.Connolly,Jesse Garcia, Angelo Genovesio
Ernest Galli,Colombo & Ta~ella,Mattle & Stokes, and Stanley & Nickerson.
The reports of the City Marshal, Fire Chief, City Recorder, Health 0f£icer and City Clerk
for the month ending December 31st,were next rez~d.
The report of the City Recorder showe~ collections of $~8 for the month, while the report ~
the City Clerk showed the following balances in the v~rious funds;- ~eneral Fund,$21,?66.68,Library
Fund,$179S.12, "191~" Sewer fund,~2§~.lZ, "1919" bonds,$716~.?9,"192~'~~ Sewer fund,$~6,§44.8~,
Street Imp.FundSZ3, Re~olving fund,S100.00, Street Assessment Funds, "A" to "J" $~1§8.2S. Total bal
in all finds,$TS,812.78. On motion by Trustee Blank seconded by Trustee ~cCaffrey the reports were
accepted as re~d.
Ira H.PotLer.Rresident of the Bank of South San Francisco appeared before the board and requ,
the use of the Counci~ Chambers on the afternoon of Thursday, J~nuary 22nd for the California~ Bank,
Association, Group #Z. Request granted.
The clerk was instructed to order two light placed in the alley of Block ~101 a petition fe~
the same having been submitted to the board at the previous meeting.
Complaint was made that the approaches to the city dumping ground were in very bad condition
and impassable for vehicles. A committee consisting of Trustees McCaffrey,Eschelb~ch, and ~unningham
and City Marshal Bellomi was appointed to look into the matter with a view to repairing the roadway.
City Attorney Davis reported to the board that he ~as in receipt of a communication from the
South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company submitting prices for the three proposeG park sites
selected by the Bo~rd of Trustees. The following were the prices quoted;- Site ~l,~ 4.694 acres, ne~
Martin School on proposed Paradise Valley HighwaY,S2500 per acre, Site ~2, 3.~23 acres near Coffin1
home on Miller Avenue, $3000 per acre, Site ~ 3, 20 acres in the Willows on the route of the propo~
Orange Avenue extension, Free gift. Total for Lhe sites $22,000. Stipulation was made that $2000 woul
be acceptable as a deposit, and $2000 annually, with interest at ~% until paid. President ~cNellis
stated that the citizens of the city should be given a chance to hear ~he ~erms and conditions of th~
offer before deciding on a definite answer, and accordingly set Thursday eEening January 8th for the
general co~ittee and the citizens in general to meet in the city hall for an open discussion of the
The matter of calling for bids for street sweeping work was again brought to the attention
Board. It was decided to use the same specification as of last year and to advertise a call for bids
for Monday evening, January 19th,192,, between the hours~ of 7;~ and 8;30 p.m. The clerk was so
instructed. RESOLUTION;
A resolution was introduced by Trustee Eschelb~ch calling for a meeting for the purpose of
re-zoning the city and setting ~onday, January, 19th,1925, at 7;00 o'clock p.m. in ~he City Hall as
the time and place for'~h meeting, Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page #26.
PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO", had its second reading and was duly and regUlarly
passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San ~rancisco, by the following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, H.McCaffrey, H.F.MCNellis.
Noes, Trustees, N~ne,
Absent, Tr~stees, None.
Attest Daniel ~cSweeney
~ CitY Clerk.
CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO" was imtroduced by trustee Cunningham, had its first reading,
and was ~aid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of
the board.
t ~"~
Trustee McCaffrey, had its first reading, and was laid over to come up
under the regular order of ~usiness at the meHt regular meeting of the
McCaffrey, had its first reading ~md was laid over to come up under
the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of the board.
The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;-
Pacific Gas & Electric Co., gas , fire house, Oct, & Nov. 1924, ~ 2.6~
E.E.Brawn ~dison Lamps, ~ 7.20
So.City Lumber & Supply Company, cement
Dudly Perkins, Motor Cycle, (New)
Pat. Kavanaugh Labor on streets
0.Bianchini use machine police dep't
Western Sand & Rock ~o., ~aterial
John Castro ~emov~ng dead dogs
Tony Phillips Labor on streets,
Louis Be~loni gas,oil,feed of & transportation of prisoners
Harry Havi~and, Labor on streets
Pete Mairani Attending fires
HoMle Printing Co, printing Christmas edition
So.S.F.Auto Supply Co., oil
· E.E.Brawn, Lead, etc.
W.L.Eickey~ cleaning swwers
A.Carlisle and ~o., supplies Marshal's & Recorder's office
So.S.F.Window Cleaning Co. cleaning fountain Sept.0ct.Nov. Dec.
Standard 0il Co., Fuel oil
· Total
8 .90
$ 54.00
S 30.00
S 10.00
S 13.50
$ 42.40
S 9.00
$ 5.50
8 20.95
$ 4.00
$ 45.12
On motion by Trustee Cunningham, seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried
the claims were ordered paid, having been audited by the finance committee.
There being no further business before the board Trustee Eschelbach moved to adjourn until
the next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Cunningham and regularly carried.
Time adjournment, 9;50 o'clock p.m.
President of the~ Trustees
Re spe c.t ful ly~_ubmiffid ,.