HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-01-19REGULAR MEET1NG 0F THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF
HELD MONDAY, JAN. 19TH, 192 5.
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco was held in
the City Hall, Monday evening, January 19th,19£5.
The meeting was called to order at 7:Z0 o'clock p. m. by Trustee H.F.EcNellis, President of
the board.
Roll call found all trustees present,to-wit;-
Trustees, C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey, H.F.McNellis.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, anG,there being no errors or omissions were
approved as read.
A communication was received from Mrs. J.~.Baradat, ~sking the board's permission to allow
dancing in the $oodle Dog Saturday evenings until 2 a.m. the following morning. Moved by trustee
Mc~affrey seconded by trustee Cunningham that a permit be allowed for a period of three months, Carri
A communication was received from Ti~pecanoe Tribe lll, L.0.R.M., asking permission to hold
an 'Indian ~Pageant, Indoor Circus and Joyland in Fraternal Hall on the 10th llth and 12th of February,
Moved by Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee Eschelbach that permission be granted. Carried.
An application was received from the same Tribe asking for a permit to hold a dance in Frate
Hall Saturday evening, January Zlst,192~, the same to continue until two a.m. Granted.
A communication was received by City Attorney Davis from Freak L.Eskward stating he had intz
~ bill in the State Assembly cecing the tide lands to South San Francisco, and the same was referred
the committee on Commerce and Navigation. Notice will be given when the measure will be taken up b~
the committee.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Land and improvement Company, se~t
forth the terms and conditions relative to the acquisition by the city of the three selected Park S~
A proposal was made to accept ~J2000 cash deposit and $2000 per annum for ten years at five per cent
interest on deferred peyments. After discussion it wa~ decided to ask the Land Co.,if payments coul
begin in the gall with the same conditions and terms.
An application for permission to store gasoline in quantities over ~0 gallons was received
the South San Francisco Auto Supply Co.,ll6 Grand Avenue. Granted.
Carl Welte, £ecretsry of the Red Rose Harmony Club, made application on behalf of his club
permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, February 7th,192h, the same to last
two A.M. Granted.
A communication was received from G.Pasini, living on the West side of Ashton Avenue, North
Grand Avenue, asking for house numbers for his property. Referred to City Engineer Eneese.
Residents of Chestnut Avenue in the vicinity of Aspen Avenue, if extended, sent word to the'
board through B.J.Rodondi and the clerk that lights were needed in that section of the city. Referr.
the street committee for investigation.
An application for a building permit was received from A.J.Pacheco to construct a five room
Bungalow on Lu~ Avenue to cost approximately $~000.Plans.and. specifications were submitted. Permit gr
A.Marani $2~8 Californi~ Avenue, submitted plans for hi~ proposed new building,~ corner Lin~
and California Avenues. Permission to build had been previously granted. The plans submitted were ac.
table to the board.
Applications for soft drink licenses were received from henry Scampini,~301 Grand Avenue and
Henry Cher, Tanforan Hotel. Granted.
Two applications were received for appointment to the position of City ~ecorder, one from Wil
Rehberg and one from Edward D.Nolan. On motion by True'tee McCaf£rey, seconded by Trustee Cunningham
and regularly carried by the unaniN~ous vote of the board Edward D.Nolan was appointed City Recorder
succeed the late Judge E.E.Cunningham.
Messrs Pietroff & Dimetroff, owners of the Southwest corner of San Bruno Head & Linden Avenue
appeared before the board with reference to their application for a permit to construct a sanitary A
Camp upon their property. They were advised no action would be taken pending the passage of the pro
new zoning ~ordinance.
Marie Cagnacci appeared before the board with reference to his application £or,~p~rmission to
extend his. grocery store to within six feet of the sidewalk line at,A2 Baden Avenue, and to constru
two rooms overhead. 0nmotion by Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee Blank, and regularly carried
permission was granted to extend the store building to within ten feet of the sidewalk.
A report was received by the board that the sewer in ~he vicinity of the residence of John Hi.
was stopped up and in bad condition..ReYerred to the street committee.
Antonio Baroni and contractors appeared before the board and asked Dormission to reconstruct
the Baroni dwelling by replacing the roof and building a series of outer wails. Referred to the Fire
Marshal and Health Officer for investigation.
This being the date set for receiving bids ~or street sweeping for the ensuing year, Trustee
Cunningham moved the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly car~
The following bids were then read;-
M.A.Borba, Two Hundred Einety-ni~e ($299.00) Dollars per month,
Robert and Joe Ferrario Three Hundred ~entym($320) Dollars per month,
Chas. i~enconi Three Hundred Twenty-four ($324.75)
Seventy-five cents Dollars per month,
J.Eikerenkotter Three Hundred Forty ($340.00)Dollars per month
N.Medeghini Three Hundred Seventy-five($J?~.00)Dollars per month~
Manual A.Borba appearing the lowest respon~ible bidder Trustee Eschelbach introduced a_resolu
of award of contract, all members of the board voting aye. Hesolution recorded in Book of Eesolut
Volume #2, at page 26.
The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;-
~ 6.60
Chas.G~ldi, decorating cloth, ~
Frank Joseph
Tom Galli
Toney Phillips
A.jOhnson ,, ,,
A.Sani " "
John Castro " "
Warren Lmerick " "
Tony Phillips Labor on road
Western Sand & Rock Co, Rock
Pemu. Drug Co ~aterials
labor decorating city hall
attending fire,etc
,! ,, ,!
$ 5.00
S 5.00
S 5.00
$ 2.50
$ 2.50
$. 2.50
$ 2.5O
Native's Sons Florist Floral Piece.Mrs.Maran~ 10 00
0.A.0rth Bal for building Police Booth $ 26~00
Pao.Gas & Electric Co.,lights & Power Dec $476.40
dancing in the ~oodle Dog Saturday evenings until 2 a.m. the following morning. Moved by trustee
Mc0affrey seconded by trustee Cunningham that a permit be allowed for a period of three months, Carr]
A communication was received from Ti~pecanoe Tribe lll, L.0.R.M., asking permission to hold
an .Indian ,Pageant, Indoor Circus and Joyland in Fraternal Hall on the 10th llth and 12th of February,
. ~ Moved by Trustee Cunningham seconded by Trustee Eschelbach that permission be granted. Carried.
~ An application was received from the same Tribe asking for a permit to hold a dance in Frate
'~_~ Hall Saturday evening, January Zlst,1925, the same to continue until two a.m. Granted.
A communication was received by City Attorney Davis from Fr~k L.Eskward stating he had intr
~ bill in the State Assembly ceCing the tide lands to South San Francisco, and the same was referred
the committee on Commerce and Navigat%on. Notice will be given when the measure will be taken up b~
the committee.
A communication was received from the Sou~h San Francisco Land and improvement Company, se~t
forth the terms and conditions relative to the acquisition by the city of the three selected Park Sit
A proposal was made to accept j~2000 cash deposit and $2000 per annum for ten years at five per cent
interest on deferred peyments. After discussion it was decided to ask the Land Co.,if payments coul,
begin in the Fall with the same conditions and terms.
An application for permission to store gasoline in quantities over ~10 Eallons was received
the South San Francisco Auto Supply Co.,116 Grand Avenue. Granted.
Carl Welte, ~ecret~ry of the Red Rose Harmony Club, made application on behalf of his club '
permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening~, ~ebruary 7th,192b, the sa~e to last
two A.M. Granted.
A comm~mication was received from G.Pasini, living on the West side of Ashton Avenue, North (
Grand Avenue, asking for house numbers for his property. Referred to City Engineer Kneese.
Residents of Chestnut Avenue in the vicinity of Aspen Avenue, if extended, sent word to the
board through B.J.Rodondi and the clerk that lights were needed in that section of the city. Eeferre
'the street committee for investigation.
An application for a building permit was received from A.J.Pacheco to construct a five room
Bungalow on Lux Avenue to cost approximately $5000.Plans.and. specifications were submitted.Permit gr~
A.Marani ~238 California Avenue, submitted plans for his proposed new building,- corner Lind
and California Avenues. Permission to build had been previously granted. The plans submitted were acc
table to the board.
Applications for soft drink licenses were received from henry Scampini,~301 Grand Avenue and
Henry Cher, Tanforan Hotel. Granted.
Two applications were received for appointment to the position of City ~ecorder, one from Will
Rehber$ and one from Edward D.Nolan. On motion by True'tee McCaffrey, seconded by Trustee Cunningham
and regularly carried by the unanimous vote of the board Edward D.Nolan was appointed City Recorder t
succeed the late Judge E.E.Cunningham.
~essrs Pletroff & Dimetroff, owners of the Southwest corner of San Bruno Road & Linden Avenue,
appeared before the board with reference to their application for a permit to construct a sanitary Au
Camp upon their property. They were advised no action would be taken pending the passage of the prop
new zoning ordinance.
Marie Cagnacci appeared before the board with reference to his application ~or,~psrmission to
extend his grocery store to within six feet of the sidewalk line at&42 Baden Avenue, and to construe
two rooms overhead. 0nmotion by Trustee 9unningham seconded by Trustee Blank, and regularly carried
permission was granted to extend the store building to within ten feet of the sidewalk.
A report was received by the board that the sewer in ~he vicinity of the residence of John hicl
was stopped up and in bad condition...,Referred to the street committee.
Antonio Baroni and contractors appeared before the board and asked permission to reconstruct
the Baroni dwelling by replacing the roof and building a series of outer w&lls. Referred to the Fire
~arshal and Health Officer for investigation.
This being the date set for receiving bids for street sweeping for the ensuing year, Trustee
Cun~ingham moveO the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carr]
The following bids were then read;-
M.A.Borba, Two Hundred Ninety-nine ($299.00) Dollars per month,
Robert and Joe Ferrario Three Hundred i~entym($320) Dollars per month,
~-~ Chas. Menconi Three Hundred Twenty-four ($Z24.75)
Seventy-five cents Dollars per month,
J.Eikerenkotter Three Hundred Forty ($340.00)Dollars per month,
N.Medeghini ihree Hundred Seventy-five($375.00)Dollars per month.
Manual A.Borba appearing the lowest responsible bidder Trustee Eschelbach introduced a resolu~i
of award of contract, all members of the board voting aye. Resolution recorded in Book of Eesolutic
Volume #2, at page 26.
The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;-
Chas.Guidi, decorating cloth, $ 6.60
Frank Joseph
Tom Galli
Toney Phillips
A. JOhns on " "
A. Sani " "
John Castro " "
Warren Emerick " "
Tony Phillips Labor on road
Western Sand & Rock Co, Rock
Pemu. Drug Co Materials
labor decorating city hall
attending fire,etc
S 5.00
S 5.00
$ 2.50
s 2.50
8. 2.50
8 2.50
Native's, Sons Florist Floral Piece.Mrs.Maran~ 10.00
0.A.0rth Bal.for building Police Booth $ 26.00
Pat.Gas & Electric Co..lights & Power Dec $476.40
South City Lbr.& Supply Co Material Booth 70.32
A.T.Arndt Drapery $ 6.~6
S~erior steam laundry wash fire house Dec $ 1.~5
148 '
L~uis Belloni assigns claims of E.Dean & Dan Ya~lanauva, $ 2.00
pac.Tel & Tel Co city phones Dec $ 32.35
Hockwald Chemical Co., ~aterial $ 9.20
The Enterprise, Printing legal notices zoning & str.sweep~ W 4.50
Jas. J.Jennings ~,iaterial, clerk's & attorney's offices~ 16.85
So.S.F.Water Co., Hall & Pountain Water Dec, 2.00
Eaton & Smith 4th estimate sewer contrsct $2260.13
Geo.A.Kneese Part paynent A/C s~rveying etc,Fact Sewers~lS00.00
Pat.Gas & El. Co.Bal due Dee account ~o 12.00
Total $4484.00
The bills'having been audited by the finance committee Trustee cunningham moveG they be
paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee Blank and regularly carried.
Whereas, there has departed from our midst one of our oldest and most respected citizens,
whose service to our city has at all times been freely and efficiently given both in public and in
private life; and whereas ~s the official body of the City of South San Francisco we feel that this
has been a great loss to us all, and that the memory of Judge E.E.Cunningham should be written
into the minutes of our proceedings;
Now, therefore be it resolved that this resolution be enscribed in our minutes and that
we at this time adjourn until Tuesday evening, January 27th,1925, at 7;~0 o'clock p.m, out of
respect to the memory of Judge E.E.Cunningham.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly and duly passeG and adopted~
this 19th day of January, 1925, by the following vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, C.Blank, F,A.Cunningham,A.J.EschelOach,H.McCaffrey,H.F.McNellls.
Noes, Trustees, None,
Absent, Trustees, None.
Recorded in~R~f~ Re~oltutions Vol.#2, at page 26.
Approved ~~ ~~ ~~
P~-e~iden~ cT th~ Board of ~rustees
Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
Time of Adjournment 9 o'clock I~.K.
2~espec Zfully~submi~ed~