HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-03-02RLGULARMEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OD SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ~ HELD MONDA~,~N~CH 2nd,1925. The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the .City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, March 2nd, 1925. The meeting was called to order by Trustee H.F.McNellis, President of the board,at 7;60 o'clock p.m. ~ ROLL CALL. Roll call found all trustees present, to-wit;- Trustees, C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaf£rey, H.F.McNellis. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omissions were approved as read· A communication was recei?ed from Roveta Giobata asking for the refund oi' $4.36 stated to h been paid to the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company for the clearing of weeds in front lot ~15, block 4, High Scho,ol Park. On advice of the City Engineer the claim was not a_!lo~ed. Fraternal Order of Eagles #1475 of South San Francisco petitioned the bosrd for permission to hold a circus in the city from May 12th to 16th,inc., in conjunction with Foley & Bur~e dompan~ Laid over until the next meeting. The ~j~ague of Oalifornia Municipalities extended an invitation to the City Council to atte a special meeting oi' the League at Sacramento, California to discuss pending legislation of intere to municipalities. President McNellis asked if there were any members w~o could afford the time to attend· There being none the communication was ordered filed. An application was made by Ernest Galli for permission to remove his soft drink and pool ro license to #21Z Grand Avenue, i Grante~l. ~' His request for pe~mi.'~sion to remodel the premise same address, on the inside, by making repairs, tinting, etc, was referred to the building inspect the board agreeing to grant permission. A protest was received from R.C.Storrie ~,. Co, contractors, against the loaction of the pres city d~nnping ground, stating that rats abound in the vicinity of their warehouse and the dwelling their caretaker. After much discussion a committee consisting of Trustees McCaffrey EsChelbach an Cunningham was appointed to investigate the matter. A reply v,~as received fron the Market Street Railway ComPany to the city's request that a po ,belonging to the company in front of the residence of John M.Costa be removed to another point. Th company stated their position in the matter iz~ the same as the reply given to the city's first ~ec the removal of the pole, which is that the owner of the lot should deposit the sum of $75 with the company to defray the expense of moving the pole· Referred to the City-Attorney for investigation amd advice· A petition was received from the Pacific Gas & ~lectriC Company asking permission to set po on B Street, Baden, to supply new consumers with service· keferred to the street committee· Street committee instructe~ the clerk to acknowledge receipt and state the city's permission is granted. A petition was received signed by a numb,~,r of residents on Miller Avenue and vicinity prote~ ing against granting a building permit to Louis ~ermano, for lot 21, block 102, South East Corner Lliller and Magnolia Avenues, on the gro~md that the proposed building is intended to cover gro~ud close to the sidewalk lines· [ieferred to the City AtZorney for investigation and advice. An application for a building permit was received from l~ario *agnacci, ~22 Baden Avenue, as] permission to build:!a store at 440 Baden, next to his present location, the same to be constructed fireproof tyle, and to be six feet back i'rom thee ~idewalk line. Permission granted under the supervision of the building inspector, provided the building set~ back ten feet and the old store vacated as s store· R.C.Stickle made application for permits to construct a ~'17,500 garage on lots 8 and 9, blo, and a duplex house to cost ~5000 on lot 20, block 96. Permits granted· Representatives of Foster & Klieser appeared before the board and requested that the sign ordinance be amended reducing the rate per square foot. It was decided to charge a flat rate of $21 license fee per year and a charge of $1.00 for building inspection fee, and the city attorney inet: to amend the ordinance to conform. Sterling Foster appeared the bo~:~r5 and ~equeste~ permission to construct a small sewer in Avenue at C~lifornia Avenue to serve a new building in course of construction· On advice of City ~eorge Kneese permission was granted. President McNe]lis next brought up the subject of a Fourth of July celebration in South San isco. Afte~~ ~disaus~'ion~ the following committee was appointed to interview the citizens and repor' the sentiment of the Public at the next meeting, ;- Trustees Blank, ~vlcCaffrey, E. chelbach, Cunning] and citizens Buehler and Coleberd. '~ ,~ City Engineer Kneese~addressed the board concerning the extension of the San Bruno Road Sew( he stated the sewer can be extended 600'to ?00? beyond which drainage can be had only by concrete culvert. He was instructed to prepare plans for the extension of the sewer between 600 and 700 re( The Health Officer and City Attorney wer, e instructed to confer with the Southern Pacific Company a~ request that they drain the water i'rom the land along the railroad tracks in the vicinity of the p~operty. Fire Mar,~hal Truax appeared before the board ~nd requested that Chapman Avenue at San Bruno be put in repair. Referred to the street committee. The reports of the Fire Chief, City Marshal and City Clerk for the month ending February 281 were next read. The report of the City Clerk showed the following balances in the various lunge:- General Fund, $18,954·15, Library Fund, $1306.40, 191~ Sewer Fund, $2301.45,"1919 B~$S, $7260.43, ~ '~ (~ · , 9 19~3 Sewer ~und,$29.?.3 00, Street ~mprovement Fund, $33.00 Hevo!ving ~und $100.00, Street Fund~ $2080.86. Total balance in all fun~s $61,831.29. On motion by Trustee McOaffrey seconded by Truste~ and regularly carried the re?orts were accepted as read. The following claims against the city were th. en presented for payment;- 25, ~299.00 W.R.Emerick Rep fire truck $ 60.70 M.A.Borba, Swe~eping streets, Feb.' ~ax Lents labor on streets $ 18.00 ~.°ui~ Belloni.~as, 0il ,Etc,'~' ~ 19.70 Nick ~e,Rem. Gar.dogsNov DEC ~N~.FEB ~ 6.50 Pats Xavanaugh" " " The Enterprise Print 0rds 131&lo2 ~ 68.75 Wesrern Sand & Roack Co Rock 8i~ 45.00 So.City ~rading Co Rep~Butler iload ~189~2~ D.McSweeney Stamps MarshalCIe~97~50~'~'~ 16 00 V.Bianchini use of mac~iine ~eb. ~ 30.00 E.Eserine Repain work ~ 20!75 John Castro killing dogs an.~eb. 2 8.00 Western Sand'&,Rock Co Rock $ 74 75 P.ThomDson,Eetainer.Evidence Mkt.Ry case~166.65 0ek-~al. Towel Co sercice ~an w~ 3 04 So.S.F.Auto Supply Co gasoline $ 2.40 Pac ~as & E1 Co Lights & Pow~$474.67 to F Fred J.Lautze gasoline Feb 9th $ 2.80 Holle Print Co.Pr Com. ChestADS 3.00 ?~.~ KeI~ ~l: .~:~ Total $'_606.46. Th s having been approved by the ~: 'finance committee Trustee Cunningham moved they be Daid. The motion w seconded by Trustee Eschelbach ~nd regularly carried. There being no further business before the. boa f~r Trustees, C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey. H.F.~cNellis. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omissions v,~er approved as read. .A communication was recei,:ed from Rovers Giobata asking for ~he refund o±~ $4.36 stated t been paid to the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company for the clearing of weeds in fr lot ~15, block 4, High Schoql 2ark. On advice of the City Engineer the claim was not a!~o~ed. Fraternal Order of Eagles #147Z of South San Francisco petitioned the board for permis~i to hold a circus i~ the city from i~ay 12th to 16~h,inc., in conjunction wit~ Foley & Burke domp~ Laid over until the next meeting. The ~eague of California ~,~unicipalities extended an invitation to the City Council to a' a special meeting of the League at Sacramento, California to discuss pending legislation of int~ to municipalities. President ~cNellis asked if there were any members w~o could afford the time attend. There being none the communication was ordered filed. An application was made by Ernest Galli for pernission to remove his soft drink and pool license to ~215 Grand Avenue, Gran.te~.'1 His request for pei~:~i~sion to remodel the prem~ same address, on the inside, by making repairs, tin~ing, etc, was referred to the building ink, ps the board agreeing to gran~ permission. A protest w~s received from R.C.Storrie ~ Co, contractors, against the loaction of the pr city dlunping ground, s~ating that rats abound in ~he vicinity of their warehouse and the dwellin their caretaker. After much discussinn a committee consisting of Trustees McCaffrey EsChelbach Cunningham was appointed to investigate the matter. A reply ~,as received from the Market Street Railway Company to the city's request that ~ ~belonging to the company in front of the residence of John M.Costa be removed to another point, i company stated their position in the matter i~, the same zs the reply given to the city's first ~ the removal of the pole, which is bhat the owner of the ~ot should deposit the sum of $75 with bl company to defray the expense of moving the pole. Referred to the Ci~y.~ttorney for investigati~ amd advice. A petition was received from the Pacific Gas & ~lectric Company asking permission to set ~ on B Street, Baden, to supply new consumers with service, keferred to the street committee. Stre~ committee instructe~ the clerk to acknowledge receipt and state the city's permission is granted. A petition was received signed by a numb,'~r of residents on Miller Avenue and vicinity prol lng against granting a building permit to Louis Germano, for lot 21, block 102, ~outh East Corns ~iller and Magnolia Avenues, on the groand tha~ the proposed building is intended to cover gro~md close to the sidewalk lines. Referred to the City Attorney for investigation and advice. An apPlication for a building permit was received from ~ario ~agnacci, ,22 Baden Avenue, a permission to build~a store at 440 Baden, next to his present location, the same to be constructs fireproof ~yle, and to be six feet back from the sidewalk line. Permission granted under the supervision of the building inspector, provided the building sets back ten feet and the old sto~'e vacated ~s s store. R.C.Stickle made application for permits to construct a ~17,500 garage on lots 8 and 9, bl, and a duplex house to cost ~5000 on lot 20, block 96. Permits granted. Representatives of Foster & Klieser appezred before the board and requested that the sign 1 ordinance be amended reducing the ra~ per square foot. It w~s decided to charge a flat rste of $~ license fee per year and a charge of $1.00 for building inspeo%ion fee, and the city attorney ins1 to amend the ordinance to conform. Sterling Foster appeared the bo~rd and zequested permission to construct a sm~ll sewer in ~ Avenue st C~lifornis Avenue to serve a new building in course of construction. On advice of City ~ ~eorge Kneese permission was granted. President McNe~lis next brought up the subject of a Fourth of July celebration in South San isco. Afte~~ -.disdus~'io~ the following ¢onmit%ee w~s appointed to inter~iew the citizens and repot the sentiment of the public at the next meeting,;- Trustees Blank, ~cCaffrey, Eschelbach, Cunning and citizens Buehler and Coleberd..~ City Engineer Knee~e'addressed the board concerning the extension of the San Bruno Road Sew, he stated the sewer can be extended 600'to 700~ beyond which drainage can be had only by concrete culvert. He was instructed to prepare plans for the extension of the sewer between 600 and 700 fe~ The Health Officer ~nd City Attorney were instructed to confer with the Southern Pacific Company ~ request that they drain the water from the land along the railroad tracks in the vicinity of the F~ p~operty. Fire Marshal Truax appeared before the board ~nd requested that Chapman Avenue at San Bruno be put in repair. Referred to the street committee. The reports of the Fire Chief, City ~arshal and City C~erk for the month ending February 28t were next res. d. The report of the City Clerk showed the following balances in the various fun~e:- General Fund, $18,954.15, Library Fund, $1~06.40~ 191~ Sewer F~und, $2301.&5,"1919 B~N$S, $7260.43, "19~3 Sewer Fund,$29,793.00, Street ~mprovement ~und, $33.00, ~evolving ~und, $100,00, Street Funds $2080.86. Total balance in all funds $61,831.29. On motion by Trustee ~IcCaffrey seconded by Trustee and regularly carried the re?orts were accepted, as read. The following claims against t~e city were then presented for payment;- M.A.Borba, Sweeping streets, Feb.'25, $299.00 $ i9.70 ~ 6.~0 Zavanaugh " 68.75 ~.ouis Belloni.Gas, 0il ,Etc,~ Nick Re,Rem. Gar.dogsNov DEC ~EAN FEB The Enterprise Print 0rds 15l&lJ2 So.City ~rading Co Rep~utler ~oad ~189~25 V.Bianchini use of mac~ine Feb. $ 30.00 John Castro killing dogs Jan.Feb~ ~ 8.00 P.Thompson,Eetainer.Evidence Nkt.Ry case~166.65 So.S.F.Auto Supply Co gasoline $ 2.40 Fred J.Lautze ~asoline Feb 9th $ 2.80 W.R.Emerick Rep fire truck $ 60.70 ~ax Lentm labor on streets $ 18.00 Pats " " $ 45.00 ~e~rern Sand & noack Co Rock i~ 97 D.McSweeney Stamps ~arsha~ie~16~O0 E.Eserine Repain work~" 20.7~ ~ester¢~ Sand & Hock Co Rock $ 7~.75 0sk-~al. Towel Co sercice ~an~ J.04 Pac ~as & E1 Co Lights & Powe$474.67 to Holle Print Co.Pr Com. ChestADS 3.00 Total $~606.46. The s having been approved by the ~ ~inance committee Trust~_%e Cunningham moved they be paid. The motion wa~ seconded by Trustee Eschelbach ~nd regularly carried. There being no further busine,~s before the. boar( Trustee McCaffrey moved~to adjourn until Tuesday evening ..'}~arch '~ 10th,1925, at 7;~0 o'clock p.m. The motion was secon~de~_Trustee Blank and regularly carrie~. Time o±' adjour~ent 9;55 ~'clo~ p.s. _ ~..~ ~. '~~ /~.~ Respectfully submitted ~~~~ Approved, ~~ ~'~ ~//~ //~ -~ ~ .... ~esident of th~'B~rd of trustees. · REGULARLY ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE B,~ARD OF ~:~:~,'.r.-~.,~ 0F THE blTY 0F SOUTH SAN TUES~Y }&RCH 10TH[; 1925 A regUlarly adjourned meet$2ff Q$' the Board of Trustees of the City:~of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall TueSdsy evening ~arch 10th, 1925: The meeting was called to order at ?;30 O'clock p. m. by Trustee H.F.McNetlis, ~resident of the Board. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following trustees peesent, to wit-; Trustees, C.Blank, F.A.cunningham, H.McCaffrey,and H.F.McNellis. Absent. Trustees, A.J.Eschelbach. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omissions were approved as read. A communication was received from SOCIE~A LOMBARDA asking for permission to'.~hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, May ~th,1925, the dance ~o continue until 2 A.M., Granted. A communication was received from Paul Purissina indicating he had place~ his,resignation as deputy City ~arshal in the hands of City ~arshal Belloni. ~,Chie~r Bellon~ Stated he~:hado~eceived and accepted the resignation of Deputy City MaRshal Puaissina. Joaquin Garcia ~ade application for permission to construct a $2500 cottage on lot#8,Block l, High School Park, South San F~anCisco. Granted. City Attorney Davis reported that Health 0ffi~er Dace and he had inspected the premises of the Enot~ property on San Bruno Road and found the same partially under water and tnat they would interview the Southern Pacific ~ompany and ask that the water be drained, from the property. J.Conziani made verbal application for pernission to construct a family garage on his property in High School Park. Granted. Attorney J.W.Coleberd for the South San Francisco ~and & Improvement Company asked for the introduction og a resolution referring a Map of Valley Park,Subdivision #l South San ~'rancisco, San ~ateo County, ~al. to the City Engineer. The resolution was introduced by Trustee McCaffrey. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~S. at page J~. The city 'Engineer made a fa~er~ble report on the same and Trustee Cunningham introduced a resolution approving the ~ap of ¥'elley Park, Subdivision # l, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, Cal. Recorded in Book of ~esolutions, Volumne #2, at page #32. The mattersof re-zoning he city and other ordinances were postponed until the next meeti The following claims against the city were next presented for payment,' Feb Total Pacific Tel & Tel Company. city phones Pj}Rusticci Cleaning Fountain Ja, & Feb. TonymPhillips Labor on Trees So.S.F.Water Co Water Hall & Fountain Haaker & Ratto Poundman's Bond Dr. T.C.Doak, Examining Insanity Suspect J.J. Jennings. 2iaterials 33.70 2.00 9.00 2.05 5.00 5.00 7.00 ].85 65.55 Approvedpreszdent of the Bo~rd of Trustees. Ti.e claims having been approved by the finance committee Trustee Cunningham moved they be paid. Trustee idcCaffrey seconded the motion which w s regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Trustee McCaffrey moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting. The motion was ~econded by Trustee Blank and Regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9.40 p.,m. /~ "espectfully submittedl