HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-04-06158 REGUlaR ~.~ETING 0F THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 0F THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FEAN~iSC0 HELD,MONDAY, APRIL 6TH, 1925. The regular meeting o£ the Board of Trustees of the City of £outh San Francisco was held in the City Hall I~onday evening, April 6th,1925. The meeting was called to order at 7;Z0 o'clock p.m. by Trustee H.F.AicNellie, Zresident of the bOard. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all trustees present, to-wit;- Trustees, ~.Blank, F.A.Cunningham, . . A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey, H.F.~'~cNellis. A communication ~'as received from t~;e Railroad Commission ~tating that the date for the hearing of the application of the City of South San Francisc for a grade crossing at Orange Avenue and Third Street had been ~e-set fro=~ April ~1,1925, to i~,iay 4th,1925, at 10;JO a.m. in the City Hall · in South ~an Francisco. Communication filed. An application for permission to hold a street parade and ~ance Sunday Afternoon iday 10th ne:~t was received from Frank Joseph, President of the Eortuguese Society of South San Francisco. The dance to be held in Fraternal iiall 2ro~ Z until 7 p.m., the celebration to be ~he same ~s usual, and the city officials invited to attend. Permission granted. An application was received £rom James L.~"~cDonald, Chairman o£ the Eagles Committe on dance, requesting permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Sat~rday evening l~'fay 2nd,1925, the same to :' continue until two a.m. Permit granted. An application for a dance permit for '~he same date was received from the Avalon Club. The clerk was instructed to reply stating the local Aerie of Eagles had been granted a permit for the date mentioned. A communication was receive5 £rom Harold Honore of San Bruno asking for permission to run WedneSday night and Sunday afternoon dances in Fraternal Hall, South San Francisco. Permit Denied. George ~..Knees, City Engineer, submitted ~ statement to the board showing that the contract of Eaton & Smith for building a section of the Factory Sewer was completed January 24 and recommended that the board accept the work and the final payment made. On motion by trustee C~uingham seconded by trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried by the unanimous vote of the board the work was accepted and final payment or~?ered paid. The Hoyle Printin~ Company submitted a statement showing theft the South San .Francisco Journal was declared a. legal newspaper by'~a decision of Superior Judge Buck on i.~larch 16th last, and asking for a share o£ the city's business. City attorney stated .that an appeal:h~d been taken rom the aecision of Judge Buck, and advise5 that pending the ~'esult of the appeal the city legal work be given the present legal newspaper, The ~terprise. So ordered. A communication wa~'~from Mrs. J.~,i.Baradat,~205 Grand Avenue,asking for a permit to hold a dinner dance at the Poodle Dog Cafe every Saturday night until 2 a.m. of the following morning, during the next six months. Laid over until the next meeting. A petition was received £rom ten property owners on the alley between Baden Avenue & Com~-~ercza Avenue and betwean Spruce & L. laple Avenues, asking for the installation of ele~t~'icity to accom~odate the dwellers in new buildings, l;.eferred to the street committee. A petition was received zrom seven property owners and residents in t~e vicinity o£ ~iaple California Avenues, asking for a light placed at the intersection of California ~ ~,Iaple Avenues. Referred to the street committee. A report was receive~ ;rom the CITY PARX~ C01~ITLEL of the South San F~ancisco Chamber of Commerce on the matter of the beautification of the Civic Center, representing the South Sa~:~ Francisco Chamberoi' Conmuerce. The committee r.-~ported in detail and favored th~ l~cRorie & McLaren plan as desimned, l~o.Ved by trustee Cunnin~ham seconded by trustee L~cCaffrey that the report be acce ted, Carried. _[~ At future me~tings of she bSard the plans will-be studied arid co~'~idere~. Th~°~6~ts of the Fire Chief,Electrical Inspector, Cit:z l~'larshal,City lqecorder,City Treasurer, and City ~lerk weYe ne:c~ read. T'he City Recor~er's ~eport shov,'ec collections of $185 for the month while the report of the ~ity ~lerk showed the i'ol]owing b~lances in the vario~s f~nds, General fund,. , 15,711 97,Library fund,G1095.96, 1913 Sewer £und $23~4.67, 1919 Bonds $4659.~5, "1923 Sewer Bonds, 29,888[07, Street Improvement fund,SS3.00, Revolving fund,G100.00, Street Assessment f~mds, $1.706.27, ,run, tee l~icOa£frey the Total balance in all f~mds,~55,539.29. On motion by Trustee Blank secon~ied by ~'~ report~: were accepted as read. Building permits ~e~e ordered issued to John Dillas, 5~9 Grand Avenue,Sterling Foster for lot 4, block R.Peck's Sub, lots 14 and 15 in block 126~, lot 12,block 6, H.,.~.P, and lot 21,block llS. City attorney l~iavis addressed the board in reSerence to the South San Francisco Harbor Bill, ~10?, He stated it had passed both the Assembly and Senate at Sacramento, and suggested a committee should be sent to confer with the jovernor and advocate his signing of the bill. President McNellis, in concurrence with the board appointed the city attorney, Ambrose ~[cSweeney, John W.Coleberd~ George Eneese,City Engineer.,on the com~:aittee. Chairman ~.schelbach of the Orange Avenue Day comr~Aittee reported progress in t~e matter of arrangements, and stated that the Women's Club volunteered their services at the barbecue to make sandwiches for the workers. A city phone was asked for by policeman l~iiller through the City Idarshal. Trustee Blank · moved ~ that officer Bildhauer be furnished with a city phone as wedl as o£i'icer l~iller. Trustee Eschelbach seconded the motion w~ich carried unanimously. The city clerk w~.s instructed to order the phones installed. The subjec~ o2 weed cutting was next brought ct the attention of the board, it was decided to begin operations next month, and the City Attorney was in~'tructed to prepare and have a resolution ' ready at the next ,, eeting of ~he Board oi' Trustees. A report was received that dirt and '~::oil was accu~ulating at Linden & Armour aves, on account of t:~e r~insr in i'ron~ of the Land ~o'.~ prope~'ty.k~he clerk w~s instructed to request the comp. any to remove the ~-ame. ~rustee McCafl'rey reported h~vin~ ,~ecured the ~oan of rollers and o~her equipmen~ zrom ~upervi~.or ~ho~.~as Hicke~ with which.to:.m~:repairs to ~he road at intersections at Peck s Lots. ~ire thief Truax reported many bad holes in the pavement on San Bruno Road from Grand Avenue to Armour, over the Spring Valley pipe lines. The~ clerk was instructed to write to the :~pring Valley Company and .request that repairs be made at the earliest opportunity. City 3:ecorder i~olan reported 'the urgent need of a truant officer, as the city po.~ice ~re too occupieu with other duties to handle the truant cases. The clerk was instructed by the board to , write to the School Board ~f Trustees, stating the city's position in the matter and suggesting the appoint~ent ~of a truant officer. Trustee Cunningham reports6 many doors and so~e glass boy, la mis~ing 2rom the e~ectroliers. The clerk was instructed to communicate with 'the city electrical inspector and ascertain how ~any of each are ~.'equired, and write to the H.O.Read Company ordering their replacement. Attorney J.W.Coleberd presented the board with two resolutions accepting conveyance ~of th Perk Site between Orange Avenue and the Town of ~aden. Liany conditions were imposed in the~resol Section one ?roviding that the park shall never be used for other that perk purpose was objected by Trustees McCaffrey and Blank. No unanimous agreement being reached ~ consideration will be the resolutions a~ the next meeting of the board. This being the date set for receiving bids for gas and electric light franchises, Truste Cunningham moved that the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regu carried. For the gas £ranchise, privilege and right but one bid was received, that of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. The company bid the sum of One Hundred Dollars (~'lO0.O0) Trustee ~unni introduced a resolution striking off, selling ~nd awarding to Pacific Gas and ElecZric Company, successors and assigns,the right, privilege and franchise of using for the purpose~ of conductin to be sold for heat and power purposes any and ail mains, pipes and conduits in the public hignw streets and alleys of the city of South Ban Francisco maintained or use~ by the grantee for supp said city and its inhabitants with gas light as specified and ~et £orth in a resolution which wa adopted by the Board oi Trustees of the City o£ South San Franc acc on the 2nd day of February,1 On ro~l call all ~embers o£ the board voted for the resolution. Resolution recorded in of Resolutions, Volume ~, at page 0RDI~ANCE N0.134. An ordinance entitled "AN 0RDINAi~CE G~-J~NTIE~ TO PA~FI~ G~S AND ~CTRiC CO~aNY,ACALIF~ CORPORATION, IST SU~;CCESSORS AND ASSIGNS,Ti~E RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND F~J~NCHISE OF ~SING FOR THE PUR OF TP~qNSMITTING, CONDUCTING A~D DISTRIBUTING GAS TO BE SOLD AND DISTRIBUTED FOR HEAT A~D POWER P OR Ai~Y THEREOF,ANY AND ALL ~IES, PIPES AND CONDUiTS IN THE P[IBLIC HIGHWAYS, STREETS AND .. ALL. IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAL~ FRANCISCO, IN THE C0dNTY OF SAi~ [,AATE0, STATE 0F CALIFORNIA, ~IN~A±L~ED USED BY THE GRANTEE,ITS SdCCE~~ ~un,~ 0R A£SIGNS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPLYIi~G SAID CITY AND ITS ITANTS WITH GAS LIGHT" was introduced by Trustee McCaffrey, hsd its fiz-st reading and was laid o to come up under the regular order of business of the Board of Trustees at the next regular meet said board. A bond in the penal s~m of one thousand dollars ($1000,00) accompanied the bid £or the g franchise. The Board o£ Trusto.es approved the bond~esolution , unanimously. Eesolution recorded ~ook of Resolutions, volume #£, at page Z4. For the franchise, privilege and right to sell electricity but one bid was received,that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. The company bid the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. Eschelbsch introduced a resolution stri~ing off, selling and awarding to Pacific Sas & Electric its successors and assi~Tns, the right, privilege and franchise of using for the ~urpose of condu electricity to be sold for heat and power purposes any and all electric transmission lines, tend appliances and apparatus in the public highways, ~:treets and alleys of the ~ity of South ~an Fra maintained or used by the grantee for supplying ~ai~: city an~ its inhabitants wita electric ligh specified and set £orth in a re~olution which was adopted by the Board of Trustees o£ the City o San Francisco on the second day of February, 1925. On roll call all members of the board voted;.f, Resolution. Resolution recorded in Book of Resolutions Volume ~, at page ~5. ORDINANCE $1~. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE GP~NTiNG TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY,A CALL CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS,THE RIGHT, ~RiViLEGE ~D F~32~CHISE OF USING FOE THE PURP, TRAi~SMITTING,CONDUCTiNG AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY TO BE SOLD AND DISTRIBUTED F0~ MEAT Ad~D POWi PURPOBES, OR ANY THEREOF, ANY AND ALL ELECTRIC TRANS~ISSION LINES ~ND OTHER ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS, APPLIANCES AND APPARATUS, IN THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS,STREETS AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAJ IN THE C0~TY OF SAI~ ~TE0, S~ATE OF CALIFORNIA, MAINTAINED 0~ USED BY THE GP~NTEE,ITS SUCCESSORi ASSIGNE, FOR THE P~POSE 0F ° · ~"~ ~UPPLYING SAiD CITY AND ITS INHABITANTS WITH EI~EC~IC LIGHT" was int~ by Trustee Blank, had its first reading ~nd ~as laid over to come up under the regular order of business st the ne~t regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. A)~bond in the pena] sum of One Thousand ~lO00.00) Dollars accompanied the bid for the Electric franchise. A resolution was introduced by Trustee McCaf£rey approving the bond, and all members of the board voted aye on same. Resolution recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~£ at pa~ 0RDINANC~ NO 1ZZ. An ordinance entitled "~ 0RD1NAiQCE A~NDI~G SECTION Z 0F ORDINANCE ~0. 1£7 OF THE CiTY SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0,~entitled, "A~ ORDINANCE REGULATING THE B~SiNESS OF AND THE CONSTRUCTION AND ] ANCE OF BILL BOARDS,SIGNS,F~CES, OR OTHER STRUCTURES EROETED OR JSED FOR ADYEi~TI~ING PURPOSES Ii CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRA~CISC0" had its second reading and was passe~ and adopted as an ordinance o: City of South San Francisco by the following vote, Ayes, C,Blank,F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach, H.McOaffreN, H.F.McNe~lis. Noes, None. Absent, Eerie. Attest, Daniel McSwemney, City Clerk. The following claims against the city were next presented for pa~ent;- Louis Belloni, Gas, 0il transportation and feed of prisoners $ P.Rusticci Cleaning'bity Hall ~indows ~ Fred J Lautze distilled'water So.S.F.Auto~ Co Gasoline 0ak!and Cal. Towel Co Service, February Hoyle Printing Co Carmody Estate So.S.F.Water Co P.~ai~ani Pac.Tel & Tel Co C~as. Bellozzi Treasurer's Bond Book ~rowels & Globes Hall & Fountain Water ~arch Attendin fires City ohones Mops Pac.Gas & Electric Co Lights & Power, ~arch A.Johnson, Cleaning & Painting settees P.Kavavaugh Labor on arrears Tony Phillips " " " Louie Verna ~aton & Smith Repairing Streets Fina~ payment on factory sewer contract Total 44;55 10.00 .75 4.40 3.10 38.50 4.85 3.40 5.00 28.25 3.60 479.33 1.00 4.50 22,50 3zo.eo ~8690.89 ~9655.5£ the ne~:t regular.~ meeting,. ...~on~ay, April 20thl92· 5 regularly carried~ Ti~me of adjournment 10.05 'o ippro~ved ~ ~/ ' President ~of the~Boa~d of ~rustees ~ The motion was seconded by trustee cunnin~ham an 'clock p.m. // Aespectfully ~ubnitte~ 3/ The claims having been audited by the finance committee Trustee Cunningham 'moved they b~ paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Trustee Eschelbach moved to adjourn un' wz~-n"Em, ~xI~n~' a~ ~0fZled an~[ se~ forth in a resolution which adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of-South San Francisco on ~he 2nd day of Februar~ 0n roll call all members of the board voted for the resolution, iQesolution recorded of Resolutions, Vol~e ~E, at page Z4. 0RDIi~M~CE N0.1~4. An ordinance entitled "~ 0RDIN~CE G2~TIEG T0 PAo~FI~ G~S AND E~OTAiC CORPORATION, IST ~U_CCE~S0n~ AND ASSIGNS,T~ RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND F~CHISE 0F ~SING FOR 0F TP~SMITTING, CONDUCTING A~D DISTRIBUTING GAS T0 BE SOLD AND DISTRIBUTED FOR ~T Ai,~D POWEB 0R A~Y THEREOF,~Y AND ALL i~iES, PIPES ~D COND~iTS IN THE P~LIC HIGH~AYS, STREETS ~D ~ A IN THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAiJ F~CISC0, IN THE 00~m~TY 0F S~ ~TE0, STATE 0F CALIFORNIA, USED BY THE G~TEE,ITS SoCCE~0R~ 0t~ A2SIGNS FOR THE PjRPOSE 0F S~PPLYIi~G SAID CITY ~D ITANTS WITH GAS LIGHT" was introduced by Trustee McCaffrey, hsd its fi>st reading and was laid to come up ~der the regular order of busine~s of the Board of Trustees at the next regular me said board. A bond in the penal s~m of one thousand dollars (~1000,00) accompanied the bid i~or the franchise. The Board of Trustc-es approved the bond~mesolution , ~animously. iqesolution record ~ook of iiesolutions, vol~e ~, at page For the franchise, privilege and right to sell electricity but one bid was received,th the Pacific G~s & Electric Company. The company bid ~he sum of One H~dred ~$100.00) Dollars. Eschelb~ch introduced a resolution stri~ing off, selling and awarding to Pacific Sas & Electr its successors and assi~ns, the right, privilege and franchise of using for the ~?~urpose of con electricity to be sold for heat and power purposes any and all electric transmission lines, co~ appliances and apparatus in the public highways, ~treets and alleys of the ~ity of South ~an maintained or used by the grantee for supplying sai~ city an~ its inhabitants with electric li~ specified and set l'orth in a re~olution which was adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City San Francisco on the second day of February, 19E5. 0n roll call all members of the board v0ted[ Resolution. Resolution recor~in Book of i~esolutions Volume ~2, at page ~5. 0RDINANGE $155. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE GP~NTING TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY,A CA] CORPORATION, ITS S~CCESSORS AND ASSIGNS,THE RIGHT, $~iViLEGE AND F~32~CHISE OF ~SING FOE THE P~ TRANSMITTING,CONDUCTiNG AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY TO BE SOLD AND DISTRIBUTED FOR B~AT AND P~ PURPOBES, OR ANY THEREOF, ABY AND ALL ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES ~J~D OTHER ELECTRIC CONDUCTOR~ APPZIANCES AND APPARATUS, IN THE P~B~IC HIGHWAYS,STREETS AND A~LEYS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FP IN THE C0~TY OF SAi; N~TE0, S~ATE OF CALIFORNIA, MAINTAINED 0~ USED BY THE GP~NTEE,ITS SUCCESS£ ASSIGNE, FOR THE P~RPOSE OF SUPPLYING SAID CITY AND ITS INHABITANTS WITH EI~CTRIC LIGHT" was in by Trustee Blank, had its first reading and was laid over to come up under the regular order o~ business et the nezt regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. ALbond in the penal sum of One Thousand I~lO00.00) Dollars accompanied the bid for the Electric franchise. A resolution was introduced by Trustee McOaf~rey approving the bond, and al members of the board voted aye on same. Resolution recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~£ at p 0RDI~'ANCE NO 1ZZ. An ordinance entitled "~ ORDi~Ai~CE Ai~NDI1QG SECTi0~ 5 0F 0RDIN~CE ~0. 127 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0,.entitled, "A~ ORDINANCE REGULATING THE B~Si~ESS OF AND THE COi~STRUCTION AND ANCE OF BILL BOARDS,SIGNS.F~CES, OR OTHER STR~CT~RES ERCETED OR JSED FOR AD¥~RTI~ING PURPOSES CItY 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO" had its second reading and was passe~ and adopted as an ordinance City of South San Francisco by the following vote, Ayes, C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach H.McCaffreN, H.F.EcNellis. Noes, ~one. Absent, None. Attest, Daniel McSwemney, City Clerk. The followingclaims against the city were next presented for pa~ent:- Louis Belloni, Gas, 0il transportation and feed of prisoners ~ P.Ru~ticci ~le'aning City Hall ~indows Hoyle Printing Co Carmody hstate So,S.F.Water Co P.Mai~ani Pac.Tel & Tel Co C~as. Bellozzi Fred J Lautze distilled water So.S.~.AutoL~L Co Gasoline 0ak~and Cal. Towel Co Service, February Treasurer's Bond Book ~rowels & Globes Hall ~ Fountain ~ater ~arch Attendin fires City ohones ~ops Pac.Gas & Electric Co Lights & Power, ~arch A.Johnson, P.Xavavsugh Tony Phil2ips Louie Verna ~aton & Smith Cleaning & Painting settees Labor on streets Repairing Streets Fina~ payment on factory sewer contract Total 44;55 10,00 ~ Z.10  38.50 4.85 3.~0 5.00 '~ 28.25 3.60 479.33 1.00 ~, 4.50 .... ~'S.5'0 310.90 ;8690.89 ;9655.52 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Trustee Cunningham moved they b paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Trustee Eschelbach moved to adjourn un The motion as seconded by trustee cunni~/~s-m ar 'clock p.m. w~ ./~.espectfully ~ubnitt~l~ J/ the next regular meeting, .2on,ay, April 20tk1925 regularly carried~ Time of adjo~[rnment 10.05 'o · ' xre~i~'ent '"of the Boa~d of Trustees