HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-05-04REGULA.~, MEETIi~G OF THE .CITY 0F SOU%H SAN FiiAI{CISCO HELD MONDAt ,I, IAY. 1925. The regular meeting of the Board o£ irustees of the City o£ South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, Liay 4th,1925. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by Trustee H.F.Mcllellis, President of the board. ROLL CALL. Roll call ~ound all trustees p~esent,to-wit;- Trustees,C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Esche[ H.NcCaffrey, H.F.McHe!lis. The minutes of the peevious meeting ;ere read and approved. A communication was received from the South San Francisco Water Com-any, in reply to the city's request fo~ three new double hydrants, The water company stated the hydrants would be ins~ at once. Fraternal Hall Association made request for the refund of the sum of ~1.5~, paid to the for the alleged clearing of weeds in front o£ the hall. On motion rei~ularly carried the re[und w~ granted. Applic~.tion ~as made by ~he South San Francis&o Fire Department for permission to hold in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, May 2~rd,next, the ~ame to continue until two A.~. Permit granted. Pete ~irantes made application flor a building permit to con~truct a one story, four room dwelling on lotT3, block97, for A J.Schoenbron. Permit granted. A communication was received from the secretary of the S~ate of California State Compens~ Insurance Fund, stating that arrangements can be made whereby injured Volunteer Firemen ~ay draw sum of $20.83 per week instead of ~,.17 per week as is now paid. The cost to be $8.00 additional per man. In case of death $5000 would be paid a widow or minor children. Heferred to the city attorney for investigation and advice. A written request was made by the local school board to have the city ~ay for th~: weed ~utting in front of ~chool property for the yea_s 1923 and 192~. Epon advice off the City Enginee~ the b~oard decided ~he clain just and instructed the clerk to so notify the ~chool Board. A written protest was received from four garage men protesting against the proposed sale second hand automobile~ at the circus, May fi£th to ninth. President L~cNellis stated Secretary had no ~nowledge of this intention off the circus owners, but would warn them not to start. Chief Belloni wa~ instructed to look into the matter. The garage men also stated they wished an ordina~ passed licensing and restricting the automobile industry to authorized buildings within the busi~ zone district. City:attorney naris was instructed to dza~ up an ordinance licensing all busines~ concerns. A contmunicaticn was received fires the Adjutant 0eneral's 0ffffice at £acramento o~fering ti city a share of the captured war devices and trophies, the allotment to be sage in accordance wi1 the number of men participating in the World tar £rom the various ~omm. unities. A committee of trustees was ~ppointed to wait upon the Amenican Legion Thur~day evening lor the purpose of se~e( desired trophies from the submitted list. President ilcNellis stated that complaints had been received fron residents o£ Peck's to the effect that branches from the trees on the Crocker Estate were in danger of breaking off falling upon houses on the north side o£ [landolph Avenue. The clerk was instructed to ~rite the Crocker Estate and request that steps be taken to remove the branches. The monthly reports o£ the Cit~ Marshal ~. Cit~ Recorder and City Clerk for the men1 e~.ding April gOth were ne::~ read. The Hecorder~'s office showed coltection~ for the month of ~175, while the report of the City Clerk showed the following balances in the w. rious £unds;- General $22,615.81, Library Fund, i:1594.66,191g Sewer fund, ~3392.75, "1919 Bonds" ~6755..50~ "1923 Sewer $23,502.94, Str. Imp.Fund, ~33.00, Revolving Fund,ii'lO0.00, Street Assessment Funds,~2151.21, ~otal balance in,all funds,iT60,145.87. Upon motion by Trustee Lschelbach seconded by Trustee McCaffre y and regularly carried the reports ~;ere accepted as read. ORDiNAnCE ~136. Ordinance #136, entitled ""AN 0EDli{A~CE E~ABLI~HIhG ~IRE' LIMITS, HEG~LATI~'~ £TEUCTION, ALT~TIOE AND REPAIH OF BUiLDIi~GS, THE DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH AND THE STORAGE 0F G~SOLiE AND OTHER PROD~CTE OF PETEOLE~d iE THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAI~ FFu~NCiS60 AnD Pi~LSCRiBII~G THE PEI~ALTY FOR THE VIOLATiUi~ OF SAID 0LDINANCE, AnD i~PLALING 0ADiEAi~CE ~ll2~ had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, by the following ~ote;- Ayes,Trustee$C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey,H.F.McNellis. Noes,TrusSees, None. Absent,Trustees,, None Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk ORDINANCE ~137. Ordinance #137, entitled "AN 0RDiNAi4CE ESTABLISiili;G ~i~DOSTRIAL, BUSI.~Eo~ Ai~D RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 0R Z01~ES Ii~ T~ CITY 0F i~0UTH SAN FRAi{6!S60 AND EXiRE,~LY ~-.EPs~,ALiL~ 0i~DiN~.~CE ~117 OF T~ CITY OF S0~TH PP~NCISC0" had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an.' ordinance of the City off South San Francisco by the following vote;- ~yes, Trustees,C.Bla~, F.A.Cu~ingham,A.J.Eschelbach, H.McCaffrey. H.F.McNe!lis,. Noes, Trustees, Bone, Absent,Trustees, None Attest Daniel McSwe eney 0ity Clerk Action on proposed ordinance #138 pertaining to building inspection defers'ed until a later date. A resolution adopting plans ann specifications relative to paving the alleys betwee] and Baden Aves,etc,'was'.intrOdU~ed by.true'tee Cunningham~and.adopted by the following vote;Ayes,Trust, .Bn,..unningh ,i.~Es~he~bach,~,M~Ca~frey_~.F.McNe~is iioe~ 2*rustees.Non~,ibs~nt,Trustees,i~on~ ~an~e~ ~,~coweeney,~y ~±erK. ~ecorae~ ~n ~ook 6~ resolutionS,vet'S, at Da~e 4b. RESOLUTI0~ 0~ IN 5~Aresolution of intention to pave ti~e alley~ in blocks 85,~4,115,,108,1~6~,1~7,129,~' ~ " ' 136,1~5,133, and Accacia AVenu8 between Baden & Grand Avenues, Locust Avenue between Grand & Mill Avenues, and the alleys in block I and 7 in High School Park was introduced by Trustee McOa£fre~ and was p~ssedland adopted by the following vote; Ayes,Trustees, O'.Blank, F.A.Cunningham,A.J.kschelb~ch,H.McCaf£rey,H.F.McNellis. Noes,Trustees, None, Absent, Trustees, none. Attest, Daniel McSweeney, ~ ..... ~_~ City Clerk H.NcCaf£rey, H.F.McNellts. The minutes oY the ~eevious meotlng v,ere read and approved. A communication was received from the South San Francisco Water Company, in reply to the city's request £o~ three new double hydrants, The water company stated the hydrants would be ins at once. Fraternal Hall Association made request for the refund o£ the sum of ~l.~4, paid to ~he for the alleged clearing of weeds in £ront of ~he hall. On motion re~ularly carried the refund w granted. Applic~tion ~as made by ~he Sou~h San FrancisCo Fire Department for permission to hold in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, May 2~'d,next, the ~ame to continue until two A.M. Permit granted. Pete ~irantes made application ~or a building permit to construct a one story, four room dwelling on lotTZ, block97, ~or A J.Schoenbron. Permit granted. A communication was received from the secretary of the S~ate of California State Compens~ Insurance Fund, stating that arrangements can be made whereby injured Volunteer Firemen may draw sum of $20.8Z per week instead of ~.17 per week as is now paid. The ~ost to be ~8.00 additional per man. In case of death ~000 would be paid a widow or minor children. Referred to the city a~torney for investigation and advice. A written request was made by the local school board to ha~e the city ~ay for th~ weed cutting in front o~ ~chool property for .the yea_s 19£Z and i92~. Upon advia~e of ~he City Enginee~ the b~oard decided the c~aim just and in~,tructed the clerk to so notify the ~chool Board. A written protcst was receivea from £our garage men protesting against the proposed sale secon~ ~and automobi~e~ at the circus, ~ay fi~th to ninth. President ~dcNellis stated Secret~ry ~ had no ~nowledge o£ this intention o£ the circus owners, but would warn them not to start. Chief Belloni wa,~ instructed to look into the mat~er. The garage men also stated they wished an ordina~ passed licensing and restricting the automobile industry to authorized buildings within the busi~ zone district, bity~at~orney Davis was instructed to draw up an ordinance licensing ail business concerns. A communicatien was received ~rom the Adjutant Oeneral's O£~ice at £acramento o~fering t~ city a share of the captured war devices and trophies, the allotment to be maae in accordance wit the number of men participating in the World Lar £rom the various ~omr_,unities. A committee of fi trust~es was ~ppointed ~o wait upon the Amenican Legion Thur~day evening ~or the purpose of se~ec d~sired trophies from the submitted list. President ~dcNellis stated that complaints had been received ~rom residents o£ Peck's Lots to the effect that branches from the trees on the Crocker Estate were in danger of breaking off a failing upon houses on the north side o£ Zandolph Avenue. The clerk was ~nstructed to ~rite the Crocker Estate and request that steps be taken to remove the branches. The monthly reports of the City Marshal ~. , Oit~ Recorder and City Clerk £or the mont e~ding April ~0th were n~x~ read. The ~ecorder~'s office showed ~ollection~ for the month of ~l?~. while the report o~ the City Clerk showed the following balances in the wrious £unds;- General $22,615.81, Library Fund, ~:1594.66,191& Sewer £und~ ~3392.75, "1919 Bonds" ~6'755..50, "192Z Sewer $23,502.94, Str. Imp.Fund, ~'33.00, Revolving £und,(i'100.00, Street Assessment Funds,~2151.ll, Total balance in,all £unds,~60,145.87. ~pon motion by Trustee Lschelbach seconded by Trustee McCaffre y and regularly carried the reports ~ere accepted as read. 0RDIBAECE ~136. Ordinance ~lS6, entitled ""AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHIEG FIRE'LI~ITS, REGOLATI~G THE C0R f;TRUCTION, ALT~ATI0~ AND REPAIR OF BJiLDI~GS, THE DISPOSAL OF ~UBBISH AND THE STORAGE 0F G~SOLi~ A~D OTHER P~0DOCTE OF PETEOLEU~ ii~ THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAI~ FFu~NCiSCO AND Pi~LSCRiBII~G THE PEi~ALTY FOR THE ¥10LATi~N OF SAID 0LDIN~CE, Ai~D i~P~LING 0RDi~Ai~CE ~ll2~ had its second readir~ and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, by the following ~ote;- Ayes,Tru~tee$C.Blank,F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbach,H.McCaffrey,H.F.McNellis. Noes,Trustees, None. Absent,Trustees,, None Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk O[tDINAi~CJ~; ~137. Ordinance #137, entitled "AN 0RDiNAI4CE ESTABLISiiii;G ~iJDJSTRIAL, BUSt~;ESS Ai~D Rt~SIDEI~TiAL DiST~:ICT$ OR Z01~ES I~4 T~.i~ CITY OF ['0UTii [;AN FRANCISCO A~D ~D[PRESSLY LEPLALilIG 0RDii~ANCE #ll? OF THE CITY 0£ SOOTH SAil FP~ANCISC0" had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an,' ordinance of the City of South San Francisco by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees,C.Blank, F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbs, ch, H.McCaf£rey, H.F.McNellis,, Noes, Trustees, None, Absent,T-~ustees, None Attest Daniel McSwe eney City Clerk Action on proposed ordinance #138 pertaining to building inspection defers'ed until ~ a later date. A resolution adopting plans an~ specifications relative to paving the alleys between ~ and Baden Aves,etc,'was intrOdUsed by.tru~.t~e Cunningham~and.adopted. by the following vote ;Ayes Trustee ~. B~an~.~ .A. ~unnin~ham. A. J. Es~he~bach. n.~¥~ a£irev.N.F. ~c~e~lis.ii oe$, ~rus ~ee s.Nos~ ,Absent, Trustees, i~ one .. A ~an~e~ ~,ic~weeney,Ci~y Clerk. !~ecorded ~n Bo,~,k~5~ resolutions,ye± ~, a~ ~e .o. ~ · RE~0LUTIOE~ 0~ IN 5~Aresolution of intention t~'pave ti~e alleys in blocks 85,~4,115, 1~8,1£6~,127,129, 136,1~5,1o3, and Accacis Avenu8 between Baden & Grand Avenues, Locust Avenue between Grand & ~iiller Avenues, and the alleys in block 1 and ? in High School Park was introduced by Trustee McOaffrey and was passed]and adopted by the following vote; Ayes.Trustees, t'.Blank, F.A.Cunningham,A.J.kschelb~ch,H.McCaffrey,H.F.McNellis. Noes,Trustees, None, Absent, Trustees, None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney~ Recorded in Book of Rosolutionz, Volume Bo.2, at page 46-. City Clerk The following claims ~gainst the city were ne::t presented for payment;-  45.00 4.50 Labor on Orange Ave., ~ " on streets ~-' '~ 1~.50 $ 14.6~ ,, Painting zones '~. 11.25 " " $ 11.25 Circulating Orange Ave.petition~ 25.00 " " " " 25. O0 Hoyle printing company, advertising Orange Ave. day,ete G.James Montagani Pats Xavanaugh Tony Phillips George Lemmer A.Johnson Mrs. L.De Artenay Mrs. ~has Elder Nick Re removing garbage ~nd dead dogs ~,,arch & April ~ 3.00 L.Be!]o~i gas,oil,feed & tran~portationof prisoners ~ 24.70 V.Bianchini use of auto A,'ril ~ 30.00 Pac. Gas & Electric Co lights & Power ~,~ar ~ to Ap 2 ~474.67 Oakland Cal Towel Co wash city hall March $. 3.25 John Castro, killing ana removing dogs ~ar.& April ~ 16.00 Lind's Market rofreshnents Orange ave.Day ~'~ £0.5£ F.J,Lautze gasoline $ 3.00 L.L.White 'Dental Co school dental supplies ~ 2.~0 P.Rusticci Cleaning Fountain Mar & April ~' 2 00 Pac.Gas & Elec Co police light ~i~r 4 to Apr.2, John F.Davis Expenses connected with i,lailroad Commission Estate Jas. ~armody supplies Chas. B. ollazzi ~ ~" Star Grocery eggs Z.Barbera ~ Co., Supplies L,t~.Braun 'amps " " " Traffi~ White Fraternal Hall Association refund A/C weed charge J.T Idurphy ~abor on streets Total 1.00 6.85 2.55 2.15 60 . 1.80 6.54 23.40 1.34 13.50 762.42 Lhe claims having been audited by the fin~ nce committee Trustee Cunningham mover they be paid. The motion was ~econded ~y Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. There being no further business bm£ore the board Trustee Cunningham moved ~o adjourn until the next regular meeting, Monday evening May 18th,1925, at 7;~0 o'clock p.m. The motion was Seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and regularly carried. Time o£ adjournment 9;55 o'clock p.m. Approved .....-w~, Z ~' /~ -'/// -~,--' Pre~idenl of the Boa~d of Trustees Respectfully submitted,,~_~ y