HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-07-06 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco was held
in the City Hall ~donday evening.: July 6th,19gS.
'ihe meeting was called to order by Trustee ii.F.McNellis, President of the board, at ?:bO
o'clock p.m.
Roll call found the following trustees present,to-wit,Trustees, 'lank,i.,icCaffrey and
McNellis. Absent Trustees, Cunningham ~nd E~chelbach. ..
The minutes of %he previous meeting were read'j~ ama %mere being no errors or osier'ions
were approved as read.
· one %~llC:
A,0.g ~.L Fairbanks, Inc applied for a vermi~ ~o c~ ~ ~ spur traoX, warehouse
machine shop, sheds and fences on acreage, adjoining %he ~nion Oil Co's holding on the San Br~o
Road Near Tanforan Ave. ~ranted, subject to the board's ~pprov~l of %he plato~, to be ~ubmi%%ed at
the next meeting.
Ziss B.E.Michels sen% in her resignation ~s school nurse, to take e~'eot $'uly ls%.lgg~.
Le~ignation accepted.
The Liarket Stree% ~a~l~,oy ~o replied %o %he city's letter requesting %men %o mend %he
roadway between their traok~ in %he vicinity of Orand Ave extension and old 12i~sion road, stating
the matter would be given early attention.
The South ~'an Francisco Fire Depart%men% asked permission %o u~e %he 6ouncil Chamber for
~ gathering of %he bot~ty Pirenen onJuly l?%h, Oranted..
Communications were received from ]dies Julia Ouad~gini and ldi~s 3ernice Holbrook, asking
for positions as %erpmrary cl~rks in %he ~lerz's office during the busy season. It wes decided %he
clerX ~hould call in extra held v:hen %he busy season begins, ~s the.assessment roll is incomplete.
A petition was receiveo~ I'rom .~ property owners and interested par%les asking %hat
elec%rolier lights or improved l~gn%ing be~inst~ll~d in Ziller Avenue, ~'rom Division Street wes%wara
as f~r as the board should deternine. Referred to ~ne City Engineer for consideration.
o~o Zan B~uno
The following applications ~.ere received for sci% drink licenses, V.Oberti,
icad, ~ohn 0'Conifer, l~ani'or~m,A.Ferrario ~O0 Urand ~ve, and ~enry Scampini, ~O~ 3ran~ 'ye. App]ica%io~
gran%e d.
This bain6 %ne date ge% for %he ~ecep%ion of bias %o ~ave ~er%ain alley~ and sZreeta the
following bid~' were received and openoa:-
Bid of Federal faring Company;-
60 per cubi~ y~rd,
item A- Grading in all cla~e~ oi' work~.
" B- 5" concrete pavement, complete
" C- 4" b~se D~vement v, itn l?' a~u~haltic concrete ~op{.21 " " "
" D- Z~?' cemenb concrete ~ide~alk,co::mle~e o 15 ~ " "
" E- Combined cement concre%e curb and gu%~er ~.75 per lineal foot.
Bid of ~has J.Lindgren;-
Item A- Grading in all cl~ses of ~.or~ ~1.00 per ~ubic yd, ~6500.00
" B-5" concrete pavement,complete ~/,~ .20 per ~-quare I'oot G29,aO0.O0
" C-4"~,~ concrete ba~'e pavement wit~i l?Asphaitic top ~ .27" ,," ". ~a455.00.
" D-o,i," cement concrete sido;~,~lk,cot,plete ~ .18" ~1008.00
" E-Combinea cement conorete curb and gutter ~jl.00 per lineal foot ~1200.00
Bid of 0.~.(Jushihg;-
item A-Grading in all clas~'e~- of v, or~, (;.60 per oubic yar'd,
" B-5" concrete pav~L.ent, complete, :[~.19 per square foot
" C-4" .concrete ba~:e pavement v;ilh l?'asphaltic~, top ~t.24 " " "
" D-52C cement concrete siaew~.~lk,complete i}.16 " " "
" E-Combined cement concrete curb and gutter .'.85 per lineal foot
~1020..O.To o '}
G.i';.Cu~hin~T appearing the lov~'ea't responsible bidder 7rustc, e Blank intro~ucea a re~ o~ution
awarding the contract to ~].' .Cu,chi~~. The resolution was cdopted by the following vote,~ye':',~'rustecs,-°
Blank, McCaffrey, 21cNellis, No s,Trustees',, l~on$, at~sent,Tru~,tees Cunniniam ,~nd Zschelbach.
Attest, Daniel :cSweene~, City Clerk.
Kecorded in Book of lesolution~ , Vol.,~:2, at paces 54 an~ 55.
Presiuent EcNelli~ called upon City llngin,.,er ilne,.~'~e redarding the hatter of a propose~;
drainage district a.t the ~illows. The e~gineer [tared he Rad drawn up a map ~"howing dimen~i~.ns, .
etc. of an a~ma ~uitable to ta~e charge of surplua water, in accordance with the proposed drainage
system Trustee I,~cCafi'rey introduued a resolution a-,proving~ the described district and taking the
initiati.ve by petitioning the Board of fupervisors of San i ateo County for that purpog'e. The resol-
ution was adopted unanimously by the trustees present...ecordea in ~ook o~' :[esolutions, Vol ~,at
page 56.
in reply to the city's request the £outh £an Francisco ~and an~ Improvement co, presentem
the city a grant of easement for a public highv~ay over the ~utter rood eastward £rom the Fouthe_n
Pacific right-of-way. {:'ne conveyance contains 2.259 acres. Trustee .Blank. introduceu a resolution
acCepting:the grant. The resolution was adopte¢i by the votes of all tP.e members of the board present.
Recorded in Book of Scsolutions, vol 2, at page 57.
City attorney Davis reported that ~['100 would ~'nortly be deposited with the city by
;ir. Mcbribbons for the breaking of an electrolier, which occurs'ed in 192,_. [he city attorney also
reported that the cm,m~ittee on the development of the [range Ave. e:.:tension district was conferring
and making progress, in the mat,er of a rehearin~ asthma for -by the Onite~ Street Railroad zrom the
?.ailroed Corm~ission the city attorney a~tate~ ho had written 'the Railroad Comnis~ion protesting
against the grant of a re'hearing.
idanual A.Borba, street sweeping ~:ontractor reported having cloard 18 manhole~, during
extra hours, not include, in his contract. 0n motion by trustee iicOafirey, seconded by tru'~toe P, lank
the sum of(~25 was a]lov~'ed for the '~lervice.
Fire Chief Truax reported that quantitie'.? of brush and limbs were lying clo~e to the
city line a~ reck's Lots,near the bull.dings and would be a ~.enace to t~e ~tructure~ in case om' ±'ire.
The clerk was in~. tructed to ';;rite the ['.rocker ]l~ tare and as~ that a couple of lien be sent out to b~rn
the rubbish. Chief'Truax ~:tate~ he woula assist in the Cleanull.
The following c .... :~ a~.rain~t ti~e city were rie::t pre~ented for pay~ient--
~.j~.biinch, in full payment on contra~t co~struct sewer b]oc~
.... "tare Adt~t-~en 1'or ~'rei~n~ on troy,hy ~;
.,.~.Mittelsteadt, ~.
Eac.Oas ,( Llectric Co
2ac, ~a,s ~c.Llectric Co
Hacker c,~ [(atto
The ~21nterprise
Hoyle Printing Co
F. J. Laut z e
So.2.~'.Water to
2ic~ i~e
Arthur ~ohnson
Oakland Cai Tov,:el Co
Tony Phillips
F. l.~ob ins on
Appliance Eervi~e Co.,
~s.c. Tel /,: Tel Co
Garbini : l,~ieri
State ins. Fund
Li.A. Borba
The Gamewell Co
B. H. Truax
]i~;hts, city streets
?olice li~ ~o'~
iici] lighti: ~:
in?. on fire truck
~r~ting ta:: ii[~t
" ord. !57 extra~ co~:ies
" " 138
Gasoline J~me 19
Hall d: Fountain water J~e
2~emov garbage and aced ~oys~
For bedaing d stroyed
'.abor o~ L~ees etc
Sire e::tin~uishers
City phones
Insurance city employee~
Extra ,wor~ cleaning manhole~?.
Guard glasses
Upkeep og ~.~uto
South City Grading Company on a~count, of weed cutting
The 2e~rave Co Im F. 3~
V.Bignchini Use ,o£ auto Jmae
W.Emerick Sot destruction oI' bedding
3as, oil,feed i transportation oz' pri~'oner~,
246. O0
59 50
57 25
The c].~im~' having been audited bY the £insnce committee trust~)e 31an/, moved they be paid.
T~:e motion was seconded by Trustee Wc0ai'i'rey and regularly carried.
There bein~ no ffurth~r business beZore the boara trustee ilc0al'ffrey morea to adjourn. Ti~e
motion was seconde6 by trustee Blank and regularly carried.
Time of adjo~rnme~t 9,;50 o'clock p.,m.
ilespectfully ~ted