HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-11-16REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF tRUSTEES OF THE C1TY OF SOUTH SAIl FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY NOVE~CBER 16,1925 ,r- The reffular meeting of the Board of. Trustees of the City of South San ~'rancisco was he in the C~y Hall ~,,.~ond~y evening, November 16,1~5. The meeting was ca~ied to order at 7'50 o'clock p.m. by trustee H.F.~,~cNellis, Proside~ of the Board. ROLL CA~L Roll call found a!.] trustees present, to-wit;- Trus tees B l a~k, Cunningham, Escl~e Ibach, ~¥~cC affrey, l~cNe !lis. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omissions were approved as read. A communication was received from the South San Francisco L~erchants' Association Base- ball Team, ~sking permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Thursday evening December 31st,19~- New Year~s Eve, the same to be a L~as. uera~e and to continue until t A.M. Permission granted. A petition was received from residents on Baden Avenue between ~,,ap!e and Spruce, mrot~ against the installation of aga. so!ine station in front of I,~ario Cagnacci's grocery store. Permissi for the construction efa gasoline station st this a~dress had been given the previous meeting. The City Attorney was instructed to look into the matter and advise the board. The Sacred Heart Society of South San Francisco made application for permission to he an Automobile Parade Sunday Afternoon November 22~d and a dance in Fraternal Hall Sunday evening oi same date. Permission granted. A petition was received fro~ seven resident in the block !0~ asking the board to ordez alley paved, in that block. The signers were advised that if the signatures of the balance of the property owners could be secured the work could be done ~?uch faster and before the rainey season set in, an5 also much cheaper. ~red Lautze agree~] to e~ dearer to secure the additional property ow~ required. The report el' the City Treasurer for the month ending October Ztst,1925 was received and accepted. RESOLUTION. A resolution requesting the incl. usion of the ter~-itory of the City off South San Francis in a local Hea~th District to be created under the laws of the State of California, CheLator 571 of Statutes of 1917 was introduced by Trustee Blank and was adopted by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, Blank,C~ningham,Eschelb~ch,~IcCaffrey,McNellis. Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. Attest,Daniel McSweaney,City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vo!.~Sm ~.~e~'~'~2~,~,- ......... A recall petition ask'~ the Board. o~ Trustees ~ the City o~ South 8an Francisco to se a date ~,or a~ eleotio~ to reca~ll ~-~s-~ees' Bla~k, ~cCa~rey~ ~nd~ ~JcNellis on stated specific was received and read to tho boa~d. As required by ~ the ~ity ~lerk's Certificate certifying a~ the sufficiency i~ the number or'names, and in form, was [u~itted, and is as follows;- I,Daniel McSweeney,City C~erk of the City~?f South San Francisco do hereby certify that I have made an examination of the Recall Petitio~ filed in my office as ~ the 4th day of Eovember,]925, and find said petition has a sufficient n~m%~er of qualified electra or voters as signers of said petition, as required by law, and that ~-aid p~ion is ~,uzficiS}~t in form as require~i by law. Dated November 16th,~925,' Daniel McSweeney City Clerk City of South San Francisco Attorney Coleberd asked that the City Tru:~teos set ~ date for an election. Trustee McCaffr stated the trustees affected should be allowed some' time to co,]sider the matter ss evidences of irregularities or~ fraud had been discovered by the handwriting expert emvloye~, and moved to lay t matter over The motion was seconded by trustees Blank, smd on roll call zru~ te es, Blank ,C~ningham, MC -C a ffrey, McNe llis carried by the following vote, Ayes, ~ ~ . Noes, Trustees none. I;$~ voting, Trustee Eschelbach. AtSest, Daniel ~°w= ...... ~t.~ Clerk Assistant Eqgineer Bob Clausen appeare~ before the board in regard to the p~ro?osed wi~ag and crossings at Orange Aven~e and Third Street, Baden. A resolution was adopted by the board aut ing the Market Sir. ~%Li]~ay %~d Southern Pacii~'ic Railway Co to install crossings over their respect tracks at ~7~O~each ap-orox,& ~he Southern Pacific Co to install a joint wig~ay on bQth rights of wa cos~ approx ~iE~u e t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ th ~i v o* ~o~th ~ ~ra~ci~o to b~r the ao~Z. ea. in Book of n~S ~oZ ~A ~oa~e 7 . The City ~mrshal was instructed to see the pole and no~m~y the company as to its condition. A bad h in the street at ~iller & ~lap~e wa~ re~orted ~heCmty ~arshal was in~tructed to notify the water c to have the same repaired. The matter of removing sand from the city streets wa~ brought to the sttention.o~ the boar by President McNel~is. On motion by Trustee McCaffroy seconded by trust,e Blank and regularly carri the removal of sand or other material from the city streets without a permit from the Board of Trus was prohibited. , On motion by Trustee Eschelb~ch ~econded by Trusvee B~ank smd regularly carried a scsffol~ at the south wea~t corner of Linden & California Avenues w~s ordered moved, smd the City Marshal was instructed to notiffy the owners. The matter of appointing a City Attorney to succeed JoS~ F.Davis, whose resignation takes effect January first, was ne~ct t~en up. On motion by Trustee L~cCafi'rey seconded by Trustees Blank and carried by the unanimous vote of all the trustees Angelo Scam~ini was cheapen for the v~osition. Er. ~Scampini was Present and ~cceptod the a~0pointment, ~o~ take effect January lst,]926. 199 Tt~e following claims against the city were ne::t presented for pa2~aent;- M.A. Borba Julius Bianchi Fred Brown Tony Phillips Chas E.Storek B.M.Holbrook G.A.Welte D.McSweeney Standard 0il Co Eclipse M'F'G Co Pac.Tel & Tel Co Fred J Lautze Pac.Gas & El.Co Edna Young Ralph Fontaine, uniforms for officers Purissina & Storek L.J.Borck. " " " Bianchini & Menzie So.City Lbr. & Supply Co Supplies ~xtra labor painting safetyb xones Labor on streets Police caps and materials Clerical labor 2 trips to redwood exam recsll petiti,~n fuel oil traffic paint city phones gasoline Dodge esr gas fire house stenoMra~hic v~'ork city attorney Service Gara~e & l,~achine Shop gasoline '~[oise -Klinckner Co Badges & Handcuffs ~red J.Lautze in£,tal]in~ siren police car So.g.F.Hospital Trestment diphtheria cases Southern Pacific Company lease audits 14458,14457 ~4455 Highway transport Co Hauling freight Jennings Pharms. cy materials Total 1~0.00 V135.00 15.oo 29.25 54.00 42.?5 11.40 49.50 45. O0 6.00 4~.66 98.00 37.55 ]5.50 1.88 5.00 11.80 53.67 ~,27 O0 .oo .~0 .,~83 .51 Approved ~/~_ ._ /~ ///~z ~/~~ President of the [Board of Trustees. The claims having been approveA by the finance committee trustee McCaffrey moved they be paid. The motion wss seconded by trustee Blank and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board trustee Blank moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by trustee McOaffrey and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9,40 o'clock p.m. [(espectfully submitt~o~, ~